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(1) We estimated the standard metabolic rate (SMR) of wild-caught Plethodon cinereus across a range of body masses and ecologically relevant temperatures.  相似文献   

The bed bug, Cimex lectularius, aggregates under filter paper disks previously stained by adults. A multiple-choice assay was used to determine differences in aggregation behavior among two strains, multiple lifestages, and levels of starvation. There were no differences in level of aggregation between established and recently derived strains, or among adults and nymphs of different instars. Propensity to aggregate decreased with time since feeding, but preference for stained disks remained high. We also examined which sensory structures mediate aggregation, and whether antennectomy affected movement, orientation, and arrestment under stained disks. Bed bugs that were left intact, blinded, or surgically altered by the removal of probosci or the distal antennal segments exhibited high levels of aggregation under stained disks. However, the removal of the pedicel significantly reduced aggregation compared to intact bugs. Video recordings of movement and orientation by bugs with intact, partial and complete antennectomies demonstrated that neither partial nor complete antennectomies affected walking speed, path straightness, direction of movement or frequency of encounters with either stained or clean disks. However, complete removal of both antennae significantly reduced the percentage of encounters with stained disks that resulted in arrestment. These findings suggest aggregation by bed bugs is a result of arrestment mediated by direct, close-range contact between sensilla on the pedicel and stained disks.  相似文献   

The effects of body mass and temperature on metabolic rate (MR) are among the most widely examined physiological relationships. Recently, these relationships have been incorporated into the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) that links the ecology of populations, communities and ecosystems to the MR of individual organisms. The fundamental equation of MTE derives the relation between mass and MR using first principles and predicts the temperature dependence of MR based on biochemical kinetics. It is a deliberately simple, zeroth-order approximation that represents a baseline against which variation in real biological systems can be examined. In the present study, we evaluate the fundamental equation of MTE against other more parameter-rich models for MR using an information-theoretic approach to penalize the inclusion of additional parameters. Using a comparative database of MR measurements for 1359 species, from 11 groups ranging from prokaryotes to mammals, and spanning 16 orders of magnitude in mass and a 59°C range in body temperature, we show that differences between taxa in the mass and temperature dependence of MR are sufficiently large as to be retained in the best model for MR despite the requirement for estimation of 22 more parameters than the fundamental equation of MTE.  相似文献   

Bed bugs must avoid detection when finding hosts and returning to hidden harborages. Their stealthy habits include foraging when hosts are asleep. Characteristics of spontaneous locomotor activity rhythm of bed bugs with different feeding histories were studied. In the absence of host stimuli, adults and nymphs were much more active in the dark than in the light. The onset of activity in the scotophase commenced soon after lights-off. The free-running period (τ) for all stages was longer in continuous darkness (DD) than in continuous light (LL). The lengthening of τ in DD is an exception for the circadian rule that predicts the opposite in nocturnal animals. Activity in all stages was entrained to reverse L:D regimes within four cycles. Short-term starved adults moved more frequently than recently fed adults. While bed bugs can survive for a year or more without a blood meal, we observed a reduction in activity in insects held for five weeks without food. We suggest that bed bugs make a transition to host-stimulus dependent searching when host presence is not predictable. Such a strategy would enable bed bugs to maximize reproduction when resources are abundant and save energy when resources are scarce.  相似文献   

The influence of desiccation and temperature on the respiratory metabolism of P. viridis have been investigated. There was a significant (p < 0.05) downfall in the respiratory rates as the period of desiccation increased, but for after 18 hours where it was enhanced significantly. The respiration augmented significantly (p < 0.03) when the temperature of the medium increased. Q10 was significantly high at 32–28°C and was low between 35 and 32°C and 20–10°C Functional significance of these changes to the leeches in combating environmental hazards is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Metabolic responses of sand fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, populations in northwest Florida are greatly influenced by seasonal temperature fluctuations. Crabs acclimated at 20 °C and immediately transferred to either 14 or 26 °C produced an acute metabolic response with respective temperature quotient (Q10) values of 3.46 and 3.91. Crabs acclimated at 10 and 20 °C exhibited a Q10 of 2.62 indicating a partial compensation response. A brumation (reverse) response (Q10 value of 20.11) was observed for acclimated crabs between 5 and 10 °C. Brumation is advantageous during winter when food supplies are scarce and crabs must survive extensive periods of inactivity.  相似文献   

The insect tracheal system is a unique respiratory system, designed for maximum oxygen delivery at high metabolic demands, e.g. during activity and at high ambient temperatures. Therefore, large safety margins are required for tracheal and spiracular conductance. Spiracles are the entry to the tracheal system and play an important role in controlling discontinuous gas exchange (DGC) between tracheal system and atmosphere in moth pupae. We investigated the effect of modulated metabolic rate (by changing ambient temperature) and modulated spiracular conductance (by blocking all except one spiracles) on gas exchange patterns in Samia pupae. Both, spiracle blocking and metabolic rates, affected respiratory behavior in Samia cynthia pupae. While animals showed discontinuous gas exchange cycles at lower temperatures with unblocked spiracles, the respiratory patterns were cyclic at higher temperatures, with partly blocked spiracles or a combination of these two factors. The threshold for the transition from a discontinuous (DGC) to a cyclic gas exchange (cycGE) was significantly higher in animals with unblocked spiracles (18.7 nmol g−1 min−1 vs. 7.9 nmol g−1 min−1). These findings indicate an important influence of spiracle conductance on the DGC, which may occur mostly in insects showing high spiracular conductances and low metabolic rates.  相似文献   

The standard metabolic rate (SMR) of the caridean shrimp Palaemon peringueyi to changes in temperature (15-30 °C), salinity (0-45‰) and a combination thereof was investigated. The rate of oxygen consumption of the shrimp was determined using a YSI oxygen meter. At a constant salinity of 35‰ the respiration rate of P. peringueyi increased with an increase in temperature and ranged between 0.260 and 0.982 μl O2 mg wwt− 1 h− 1. The Q10 value over the temperature range 15-25 °C was estimated at 3.13. At a constant temperature of 15 °C the respiration rate of P. peringueyi also increased with an increase in salinity and ranged between 0.231 and 0.860 μl O2 mg wwt− 1 h− 1. For combination experiments the absence of any significant difference in the respiration rate of P. peringueyi at the four temperatures over the salinity range 15-35‰ suggests that the shrimp is well adapted to inhabiting environments characterised by variations in salinity and temperature such as those encountered within the middle and lower reaches of permanently open estuaries with substantial freshwater inflow. On the other hand, the total mortality of the shrimp recorded at salinities < 5‰ at all four temperatures suggests that the upper distribution of the shrimp may reflect physiological constraints. Similarly, the increase in the respiration rate of the shrimp at the four temperatures at salinities > 35‰ suggests that the shrimp may experience osmotic stress in freshwater deprived permanently open and intermittently open estuaries where hypersaline conditions may develop.  相似文献   

In this work we characterized the immune response of the insect Rhodnius prolixus to a direct injection into the hemocoel of the non-entomopathogenic fungus Aspergillus niger, and evaluated its consequences on host oogenesis. These animals were able to respond by mounting effective cellular and humoral responses to this fungus; these responses were shown, however, to have reproductive fitness costs, as the number of eggs laid per female was significantly reduced. The disturbance of egg formation during infectious process correlated with an elevation in the titer of hemolymph prostaglandin E2 48 h post-challenge. Administration of Zymosan A as an immunogenic non-infectious challenge produced similar effects on phenoloxidase and prophenoloxidase activities, oocyte development and prostaglandin E2 titer, precluding the hypothesis of an effect mediated by fungal metabolites in animals challenged with fungus. Ovaries at 48 h post-challenge showed absence of vitellogenic ovarian follicles, and the in vivo administration of prostaglandin E2 or its receptor agonist misoprostol, partially reproduced this phenotype. Together these data led us to hypothesize that immune-derived prostaglandin E2 raised from the insect response to the fungal challenge is involved in disturbing follicle development, contributing to a reduction in host reproductive output and acting as a host-derived adaptive effector to infection.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Wolbachia are a group of Rickettsia-like, maternally-inherited bacteria (gram negative), which cause various reproductive alterations in their arthropod and nematode hosts including cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), male-killing, parthenogenesis and feminization. They can be divided into supergroups such as A and B based on phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences. In this study, we examined the relative infection densities of Wolbachia strains among life cycle stages in the mosquito, Aedes albopictus in terms of crowding effect and temperature effect. A. albopictus is known to be superinfected with both A- and B-supergroup Wolbachia which cause CI. The relative Wolbachia densities within each individual mosquito were determined and quantified by using real-time quantitative PCR assay based on the wsp gene. We found that B-supergroup Wolbachia strain densities in this host species were consistently and significantly higher than in the A-supergroup. Larval crowding also reduced adult size of mosquitoes. Our results show clearly that the higher densities of mosquito larvae cause lower densities of Wolbachia strains. Examination of the effect of temperature on Wolbachia density in each stage of the mosquito clearly revealed a significant decrease in bacterial density following exposure to elevated temperature (37 °C) in both males and females.  相似文献   

Leishmania infantum is the causative agent of zoonotic visceral leishmaniasis in the Mediterranean Basin. The promastigote and amastigote stages alternate in the life cycle of the parasite, developing inside the sand-fly gut and inside mammalian phagocytic cells, respectively. High-throughput genomic and proteomic analyses have not focused their attention on promastigote development, although partial approaches have been made in Leishmania major and Leishmania braziliensis. For this reason we have studied the expression modulation of an etiological agent of visceral leishmaniasis throughout the life cycle, which has been performed by means of complete genomic microarrays. In the context of constitutive genome expression in Leishmania spp. described elsewhere and confirmed here (5.7%), we found a down-regulation rate of 68% in the amastigote stage, which has been contrasted by binomial tests and includes the down-regulation of genes involved in translation and ribosome biogenesis. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis of pre-adaptation of the parasite to intracellular survival at this stage.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and oxygen saturation on the respiration rate of two cold stenothermal chironomids, Diamesa insignipes and Pseudodiamesa branickii were investigated. Fourth instar larvae were collected in winter in a glacio-rhithral stream (1300 m a.s.l., Alps, NE-Italy) and their respiration rate was measured with a Clark's electrode in the range 0-14 °C. The respiration rate was significantly higher in D. insignipes than in P. branickii at low temperatures (≤4 °C), higher in P. branickii between 8 and 12 °C and comparable at 14 °C. Higher values of R (regulation value), R25% (respiration rate at 25% oxygen saturation) and b1/b2 (slope ratio in piecewise linear regression), and lower values of Pc (critical pressure) and I (initial decrease) were recorded in P. branickii than in D. insignipes. These values are compatible with oxy-regulatory behaviour in P. branickii, whereas D. insignipes appeared to be almost an oxy-conformer. On the basis of this autoecological information, new implications regarding survival of species from cold, high altitude habitats under changing climatic conditions are made.  相似文献   

This study of the bed bug, Cimex lectularius, examines tolerance of adult females to extremes in temperature and loss of body water. Although the supercooling point (SCP) of the bed bugs was approximately −20°C, all were killed by a direct 1 h exposure to −16°C. Thus, this species cannot tolerate freezing and is killed at temperatures well above its SCP. Neither cold acclimation at 4°C for 2 weeks nor dehydration (15% loss of water content) enhanced cold tolerance. However, bed bugs have the capacity for rapid cold hardening, i.e. a 1‐h exposure to 0°C improved their subsequent tolerance of −14 and −16°C. In response to heat stress, fewer than 20% of the bugs survived a 1‐h exposure to 46°C, and nearly all were killed at 48°C. Dehydration, heat acclimation at 30°C for 2 weeks and rapid heat hardening at 37°C for 1 h all failed to improve heat tolerance. Expression of the mRNAs encoding two heat shock proteins (Hsps), Hsp70 and Hsp90, was elevated in response to heat stress, cold stress and during dehydration and rehydration. The response of Hsp90 was more pronounced than that of Hsp70 during dehydration and rehydration. Our results define the tolerance limits for bed bugs to these commonly encountered stresses of temperature and low humidity and indicate a role for Hsps in responding to these stresses.  相似文献   

The clearance rates (CR in l g−1 h−1) and net absorption efficiencies (AE) of three co-occurring mytilid species were estimated to determine the effects of variation in ambient seston quantity (total particulate matter, TPM, mg l−1) and quality (particulate organic matter, POM, mg l−1; percent organic matter, PCOM=POM/TPM) on these physiological functions. CRS estimates were significantly different among the species (Mytilus galloprovincialis>Perna canaliculus=Aulacomya maoriana), but were not correlated with differences in species-dependent mean body size (P. canaliculus>M. galloprovincialis>A. maoriana). AE estimates were independent of mean body weight, and did not differ among the species. For all three species, CR responded in a simple linear manner to seston organic content, either in terms of POM (for A. maoriana and M. galloprovincialis), or PCOM (for P. canaliculus). The AE response, although also of a simple linear type, was species-dependent and involved interactions of two or three seston components: TPM, POM and PCOM for A. maoriana; POM and PCOM for M. galloprovincialis; and TPM and PCOM for P. canaliculus. For all three species, seston variation explained 15-20% of the variation in CR and 52-59% of the variation in AE. Comparisons among the species indicated that two very different responses to variation in seston quantity and quality exist. First, significant differences in CR result from species-dependent differences in the magnitude of the response to seston variation. Second, species-dependent responses to variation in seston variation resulted in the similarity of the AE responses. Thus, the three species appear to have evolved different strategies for dealing with seston variation, but with the end result that their AE responses do not differ. Finally, no evidence was found of a negative association between CR and AE for any of the three species, suggesting that under the seston conditions experienced in this work, these species do not have the physiological compensatory capacity to reduce CR in order to increase AE. The importance of a comparative (i.e., multi-species) approach utilising ambient seston is emphasised by the findings of this research if we are to understand better the feeding and digestive physiologies of suspension-feeding organisms such as mussels.  相似文献   

高寒矮嵩草草甸冬季CO2释放特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴琴  胡启武  曹广民  李东 《生态学报》2011,31(18):5107-5112
冬季碳排放在高寒草地年内碳平衡中占有重要位置。为探讨高寒草地冬季碳排放特征及温度敏感性,于2003-2005年在中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统研究站,利用密闭箱-气相色谱法连续观测了高寒矮嵩草草甸2个冬季的生态系统、土壤呼吸通量特征。结果表明:1)高寒矮嵩草草甸冬季生态系统呼吸、土壤呼吸均具有明显的日变化和季节变化规律,温度是其主要的控制因子,能够解释44%以上的呼吸速率变异。2)冬季生态系统呼吸与土壤呼吸速率在统计上没有显著差异,土壤呼吸占生态系统呼吸的比例高达85%以上。3)2003-2004年冬季生态系统呼吸、土壤呼吸的Q10值分别为1.53,1.38;2004-2005年冬季生态系统呼吸与土壤呼吸的Q10值为1.86,1.68,2个冬季生态系统呼吸的Q10值均高于土壤呼吸。4)未发现高寒矮嵩草草甸冷冬年份的Q10值高于暖冬年份以及冬季的Q10值高于生长季。  相似文献   

Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) are associated with strictly entomochoric and mutualistic fungi. We studied the mycobiota associated with Scolytodes unipunctatus, ambrosia beetles that infest Cecropia trees in Central America. Isolates were characterized using morphology and rDNA sequences (ITS region, LSU, and SSU rDNA). Four species are described here: Raffaelea scolytodis sp. nov. (Ophiostomatales), Gondwanamyces scolytodis sp. nov., Custingophora cecropiae sp. nov., and Graphium sp. (Microascales). The genus Custingophora is emended to include Knoxdaviesia anamorphs of Gondwanamyces based on uniformity of DNA sequences and phenotype.  相似文献   

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