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Effects of low light intensity on growth and accumulation of secondary metabolites of a medicinal plant Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. were investigated. Hydroponic-cultivated one year-old rhizome seedlings were grown under three low irradiances, 200, 100, and 50 μmol m−2 s−1 for 135 days. Control plants were cultured under natural light conditions. Low light intensity stress decreased leaf thickness, photosynthesis and biomass, but increased leaf area and chlorophyll concentrations. Low light intensity also significantly increased accumulation of glycyrrhizic acid and liquiritin in the root, while the maximum values of both secondary metabolites were obtained under an irradiance of 100 μmol m−2 s−1. Concentrations of both secondary metabolites were negatively correlated with root biomass. The results suggested that G. uralensis could endure an environment with low light intensity and suitable light control might increase the secondary metabolite contents within agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

Carotenoid composition in leaves of normal, lycopenic and ζ-carotenic mutants of Zea mays were investigated. In lycopenic leaves, in addition to lycopene, phytoene, phytofluene, δ- and γ-carotene, trace amounts of α- and β-carotene and antheraxanthin were identified. Low light promoted accumulation of α- and β-carotene; high light brought about an increase in antheraxanthin content. In the leaves of the ζ-carotenic mutant, phytoene, phytofluene and ζ-carotene were synthesized. Illumination of low intensity stimulated carotenoid synthesis to a slight extent. Relative amounts of carotenoid components were essentially the same as in etiolated material, except for a small increase in cis-ζ-carotene. Under high intensity illumination, carotenoids were rapidly destroyed.  相似文献   

Clusia hilariana Schltdl. is described in literature as an obligate Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) species. In the present study we assessed the effect of irradiance with low light (LL, 200 μmol m−2 s−1) and high light (HL, 650–740 μmol m−2 s−1), on the interdependency of citrate and malate diurnal fluctuations. In plants grown at HL CAM-type oscillations of concentration of citrate and malate were obvious. However, at LL daily courses of both acids do not seem to indicate efficient utilization of these compounds as CO2 and NADPH sources. One week after transferring plants from LL to HL decarboxylation of malate was accelerated. Thus, in the CAM plant C. hilariana two independent rhythms of accumulation and decarboxylation of malate and citrate take place, which appear to be related to photosynthesis and respiration, respectively. Non photochemical quenching (NPQ) of photosystem II, especially well expressed during the evening hours was enhanced. Exposure to HL for 7 d activated oxidative stress protection mechanisms such as the interconversion of violaxanthin (V), antheraxanthin (A) and zeaxanthin (Z) (epoxydation/de-epoxydation) measured as epoxydation state (EPS). This was accompanied by a slight increase in the total amount of these pigments. However, all these changes were not observed in plants exposed to HL for only 2 d. Besides violaxanthin cycle components also lutein, which shows a small, but not significant increase, may be involved in dissipating excess light energy in C. hilariana.  相似文献   

对光环境的灵敏响应使得森林中常见的光照异质性成为影响植物自我更新的关键因素,然而植物地下根系结构对光照的响应较为难测而缺乏深入研究。为探究不同光强下木麻黄根系响应策略,以一年生木麻黄(Casuarina equisetifolia)幼苗为试验材料,模拟森林幼苗生长的林外(CK)、林缘(L1)、林窗(L2)和林下光环境(L3)设置4种光照强度,测定及分析木麻黄幼苗的生长、根系形态、细根解剖结构及碳氮含量等指标。结果表明:(1) L1下,幼苗采取维持高度,降低横向生长的方式,保证正常累积生物量,随光照强度的下降,株高、地径、叶片生物量及地上部分生物量逐渐下降。(2)在根系表型上,幼苗随光限制的加重呈现抑制纵伸但促进根系的横向生长,其中总根长、根平均直径及根体积达到显著差异。在径级结构上,细根发育程度随光照减弱而下降;而适当的遮光(L1)促进粗根生长但L3时除根尖数较CK上升外,根长度、根表面积、根体积均显著下降。(3)1-3级细根解剖变化较大,相较CK,1级细根皮层细胞面积显著增加,但根半径、维管柱结构、表皮厚度等指标则显著下降,2级细根根半径、皮层细胞面积、表皮厚度明显减少,但维管柱结构仅在L2、L3时显著下降;3级细根根半径、皮层细胞面积和维管柱面积均较CK显著增大,L1时维管柱结构下降,但随光照减弱加重,维管柱面积和中柱占比均明显增加。(4)在碳氮含量上,CK与L1无显著差异,TC在L2时显著下降,TN则在L2时显著上升,TC、TN均在L3达到最大,而C∶N随光强降低逐渐下降。综上所述,光限制时,木麻黄生物量及碳分配稳定根茎部分生长,采取“弱化吸收,强化储存”收缩型生长策略;当限制加重时,光合和呼吸作用失衡导致植物对细根投入养分的浪费,并最终造成林木死亡。研究结果为林下植被的更新提供理论参考。  相似文献   

荆条叶性状对野外不同光环境的表型可塑性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杜宁  张秀茹  王炜  陈华  谭向峰  王仁卿  郭卫华 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6049-6059
光照是影响植物生长和分布的重要环境因子。对生长在野外5种不同光环境下(林外、阔叶林林缘、阔叶林林下、针叶林林窗和针叶林林下)的荆条的叶片进行取样研究,通过对光合作用光响应曲线、叶绿素荧光、叶绿素含量、叶片氮磷含量以及叶片形态的测量,来反映荆条对不同光环境的表型可塑性。研究结果表明,荆条叶片对于野外不同的光环境具有很好的适应机制,叶片功能性状受到结构性状的调节。低光下通过高的比叶面积(SLA)、单位质量叶绿素含量、光系统II最大量子产量,低的暗呼吸速率、光饱和点、光补偿点、叶绿素a,b的比值来提高对光能的利用效率,维持生长;高光下则通过与SLA有关的叶片结构的变化对光合作用进行调节。大多数的叶性状只受到日光照总量的影响,SLA的大小与日最高光强有关,可以对不同日变化模式的光照做出迅速的响应,是适应不同光照的敏感指标。尽管光照是不同光环境下影响荆条叶性状的主要环境因子,土壤养分含量同样会对叶性状产生影响,高土壤养分下的高叶长与叶柄长的比值体现了植物对资源获取和支撑结构之间分配的权衡。  相似文献   

Yu Q  Zhang Y  Liu Y  Shi P 《Annals of botany》2004,93(4):435-441
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The stomata are a key channel of the water cycle in ecosystems, and are constrained by both physiological and environmental elements. The aim of this study was to parameterize stomatal conductance by extending a previous empirical model and a revised Ball-Berry model. METHODS: Light and CO(2) responses of stomatal conductance and photosynthesis of winter wheat in the North China Plain were investigated under ambient and free-air CO(2) enrichment conditions. The photosynthetic photon flux density and CO(2) concentration ranged from 0 to 2000 micro mol m(-2) s(-1) and from 0 to 1400 micro mol mol(-1), respectively. The model was validated with data from a light, temperature and CO(2) response experiment. RESULTS: By using previously published hyperbolic equations of photosynthetic responses to light and CO(2), the number of parameters in the model was reduced. These response curves were observed diurnally with large variations of temperature and vapour pressure deficit. The model interpreted stomatal response under wide variations in environmental factors. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the model parameters, such as initial photon efficiency and maximum photosynthetic rate (P(max)), have physiological meanings. The model can be expanded to include influences of other physiological elements, such as leaf ageing and nutrient conditions, especially leaf nitrogen content.  相似文献   

Shinkarev VP  Wraight CA 《FEBS letters》2007,581(8):1535-1541
The cytochrome bc(1) complex (commonly called Complex III) is the central enzyme of respiratory and photosynthetic electron transfer chains. X-ray structures have revealed the bc(1) complex to be a dimer, and show that the distance between low potential (b(L)) and high potential (b(H)) hemes, is similar to the distance between low potential hemes in different monomers. This suggests that electron transfer between monomers should occur at the level of the b(L) hemes. Here, we show that although the rate constant for b(L)-->b(L) electron transfer is substantial, it is slow compared to the forward rate from b(L) to b(H), and the intermonomer transfer only occurs after equilibration within the first monomer. The effective rate of intermonomer transfer is about 2-orders of magnitude slower than the direct intermonomer electron transfer.  相似文献   

Optical manipulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells with high density green photons conferred protection against the deleterious effects of UV radiation. Combining chemical screening with UV irradiation of yeast cells, it was noted that the high density green photons relied on the presence of intact unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway to exert their protective effect and that the low Ca2+ conditions boosted the effect. UPR chemical inducers tunicamycin, dithiotreitol and calcium chelators augmented the green light effect in a synergic action against UV-induced damage. Photo-manipulation of cells was a critical factor since the maximum protection was achieved only when cells were pre-exposed to green light.  相似文献   

The rice stem borer, Chilo suppressalis, is divided into at least two ecotypes in Japan, the Shonai ecotype (SN) which is distributed in the northern part of Japan, and the Saigoku ecotype (SG) which is distributed in the southwestern region. Cold hardiness is positively correlated with the level of glycerol in both ecotypes. To investigate whether ecological distribution affects glycerol accumulation and cold hardiness development in these two ecotypes, overwintering larvae of the SN and SG ecotypes were concurrently exposed to the Shonai district. Obvious differences in the progress of glycerol accumulation and cold hardiness development in SN and SG larvae were found in early winter in the Shonai district. The levels of glycerol content and cold hardiness were low in October and high in January in both ecotypes, but those levels were different within this period (November and December) between ecotypes; the levels in SN larvae quickly reached their maximum, whereas, in SG larvae levels increased slowly. Under controlled conditions, the effect of the period of acclimation at 10 degrees C and subsequent low-temperature (5 degrees C) exposure on glycerol accumulation was investigated. These results indicated that glycerol accumulation in SN was stimulated by the progression of diapause termination, whereas a higher cumulative effect on glycerol production in SG was found when diapause was in a deep state.  相似文献   

Britta Förster 《BBA》2005,1709(1):45-57
Investigations into high light and oxidative stress in photosynthetic organisms have focussed primarily on genetic impairment of different photoprotective functions. There are few reports of “gain-of-function” mutations that provide enhanced resistance to high light and/or oxidative stress without reduced productivity. We have isolated at least four such very high light resistant (VHLR) mutations in the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, that permit near maximal growth rates at light intensities lethal to wild type. This resistance is not due to an alteration in electron transport rate or quantity and functionality of the two photosystems that could have enhanced photochemical quenching. Nor is it due to reduced excitation pressure by downregulation of the light harvesting antennae or increased nonphotochemical quenching. In fact, photosynthetic activity is unaffected in more than 30 VHLR isolates. Instead, the basis of the VHLR phenotype is a combination of traits, which appears to be dominated by enhanced capacity to tolerate reactive oxygen species generated by excess light, methylviologen, rose bengal or hydrogen peroxide. This is further evidenced in lower levels of ROS after exposure to very high light in the VHLR-S9 mutant. Additionally, the VHLR phenotype is associated with increased zeaxanthin accumulation, maintenance of fast synthesis and degradation rates of the D1 protein, and sustained balanced electron flow into and out of PSI under very high light. We conclude that the VHLR mutations arose from a selection pressure that favors changes to the regulatory system(s) that coordinates several photoprotective processes amongst which repair of PSII and enhanced detoxification of reactive oxygen species play seminal roles.  相似文献   

Transferrin uptake by Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes occurs mainly through the cytostome/cytopharynx. Here, we present evidences for the association of sterol-rich membrane domains with the transferrin endocytic site. Assays using pharmacological treatments to disrupt clathrin-coated pits and hinder caveolae formation showed no association between transferrin uptake and clathrin-dependent endocytosis, but indicated that cholesterol stability in membrane domains is essential for the endocytosis of transferrin. Furthermore, it was observed a connection between the integrity of cytoskeleton elements at the cytopharynx and the function of the cytostome. Our data show that T. cruzi epimastigotes depend on a specialized pathway for transferrin uptake, which is cholesterol-dependent, clathrin-independent, and closely associated with the structural stability of the cytostome/cytopharynx cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

The importance of predation by fish in altering abundances of juvenile King George whiting (Sillaginodes punctata) was examined at multiple locations in Port Phillip Bay, Australia, by manipulating the numbers of piscivorous fish in unvegetated sand and seagrass habitats using cages. Additional information regarding the local abundances of, and habitat use by, the most common piscivorous fish, Western Australian salmon (Arripidae: Arripis truttacea, Cuvier), was gathered using netting surveys and underwater video. Regardless of habitat, abundances of S. punctata were similar in partial cages and uncaged areas. In unvegetated sand, S. punctata were more abundant inside cages than partial cages or uncaged areas. In seagrass, there was no difference in the numbers of S. punctata between caging treatments. Patterns in abundances of S. punctata between cage treatments in each habitat were consistent between sites, but the relative difference in the abundances of S. punctata between habitats was site specific. Abundances of A. truttacea varied significantly between sites, and they consumed a variety of epibenthic fishes including atherinids, clupeids, gobiids, syngnathids and pleuronectids. At one site in Port Phillip Bay (Blairgowrie), A. truttacea occurred more commonly in patches of unvegetated sand than seagrass. Over unvegetated sand, abundances of A. truttacea varied little between partial cages and uncaged areas. The numbers of S. punctata varied between caging treatments and habitats in a manner that was consistent with a model whereby seagrass interferes with foraging by predatory fish and provides juvenile fish with a refuge from predation. The almost total absence of A. truttacea in seagrass habitats and the lack of S. punctata in their diets implies, however, that patterns in S. punctata in seagrass/unvegetated sand mosaics are driven by processes other than direct predation.  相似文献   

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