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Recent spacecraft and lander missions to Mars have reinforced previous interpretations that Mars was a wet and warm planet in the geological past. The role of liquid water in shaping many of the surface features on Mars has long been recognized. Since the presence of liquid water is essential for survival of life, conditions on early Mars might have been more favourable for the emergence and evolution of life. Until a sample return mission to Mars, one of the ways of studying the past environmental conditions on Mars is through chemical and isotopic studies of Martian meteorites. Over 35 individual meteorite samples, believed to have originated on Mars, are now available for lab-based studies. Fe is a key element that is present in both primary and secondary minerals in the Martian meteorites. Fe-isotope ratios can be fractionated by low-temperature processes which includes biological activity. Experimental investigations of Fe reduction and oxidation by bacteria have produced large fractionation in Fe-isotope ratios. Hence, it is considered likely that if there is/were any form of life present on Mars then it might be possible to detect its signature by Fe-isotope studies of Martian meteorites. In the present study, we have analysed a number of Martian meteorites for their bulk-Fe-isotope composition. In addition, a set of terrestrial analogue material has also been analysed to compare the results and draw inferences. So far, our studies have not found any measurable Fe-isotopic fractionation in bulk Martian meteorites that can be ascribed to any low-temperature process operative on Mars.  相似文献   

The Martian meteorite collection suggests that intact outcrops or boulder-scale fragments of the 4.5 Ga Martian crust exist within tens of meters of the present day surface of Mars. Mars may be the only planet where such primordial crust samples, representing the first 100 Ma of a planet’s environment, are available. The primordial crust has been destroyed on Earth by plate tectonics and other geological phenomena and is buried on the Moon under hundreds or thousands of meters of megaregoltih. Early Mars appears to have been remarkably similar to early Earth, and samples of rock from the first few Ma or first 100 Ma may reveal “missing link” proto-biological forms that could shed light on the transition from abiotic organic chemistry to living cells. Such organic snapshots of nascent life are unlikely to be found on Earth. Presented at: National Workshop on Astrobiology: Search for Life in the Solar System, Capri, Italy, 26 to 28 October, 2005.  相似文献   

Methanogenic archaea from Siberian permafrost complementary to the already well-studied methanogens from non-permafrost habitats were exposed to simulated Martian conditions. After 22 days of exposure to thermo-physical conditions at Martian low- and mid-latitudes up to 90% of methanogenic archaea from Siberian permafrost survived in pure cultures as well as in environmental samples. In contrast, only 0.3%–5.8% of reference organisms from non-permafrost habitats survived at these conditions. This suggests that methanogens from terrestrial permafrost seem to be remarkably resistant to Martian conditions. Our data also suggest that in scenario of subsurface lithoautotrophic life on Mars, methanogenic archaea from Siberian permafrost could be used as appropriate candidates for the microbial life on Mars.  相似文献   

Deep-sea hydrothermal systems provide ideal conditions for prebiotic reactions and ancient metabolic pathways and, therefore, might have played a pivotal role in the emergence of life. To understand this role better, it is paramount to examine fundamental interactions between hydrothermal processes, non-living matter, and microbial life in deep time. However, the distribution and diversity of microbial communities in ancient deep-sea hydrothermal systems are still poorly constrained, so evolutionary, and ecological relationships remain unclear. One important reason is an insufficient understanding of the formation of diagnostic microbial biosignatures in such settings and their preservation through geological time. This contribution centers around microbial biosignatures in Precambrian deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide deposits. Intending to provide a valuable resource for scientists from across the natural sciences whose research is concerned with the origins of life, we first introduce different types of biosignatures that can be preserved over geological timescales (rock fabrics and textures, microfossils, mineral precipitates, carbonaceous matter, trace metal, and isotope geochemical signatures). We then review selected reports of biosignatures from Precambrian deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide deposits and discuss their geobiological significance. Our survey highlights that Precambrian hydrothermal sulfide deposits potentially encode valuable information on environmental conditions, the presence and nature of microbial life, and the complex interactions between fluids, micro-organisms, and minerals. It further emphasizes that the geobiological interpretation of these records is challenging and requires the concerted application of analytical and experimental methods from various fields, including geology, mineralogy, geochemistry, and microbiology. Well-orchestrated multidisciplinary studies allow us to understand the formation and preservation of microbial biosignatures in deep-sea hydrothermal sulfide systems and thus help unravel the fundamental geobiology of ancient settings. This, in turn, is critical for reconstructing life's emergence and early evolution on Earth and the search for life elsewhere in the universe.  相似文献   

The problems of how warm and wet Mars once was and when climate transitions may have occurred are not well understood. Mars may have had an early environment similar to Earth's that was conductive to the ermergence of life. In addition, increasing geologic evidence indicates that water, upon which terrestrial life depends, has been present on Mars throughout its history. This evidence suggests that life could have developed not only on early Mars but also over longer periods of time in longer lasting, more clement local environments. Indications of past or present life most likely would be found in areas where liquid water existed in sufficient quantities to provide for the needs of biological systems. We suggest that paleolakes may have provided such environments. Unlike the case on Earth, this record of the origin and evolution of life has probably not been erased by extensive deformation of the Martian surface. Our work has identified eleven prospective areas where large lacustrine basins may once have existed. These areas are important for future biological, geological, and climatological investigations.Presented at the International Symposium on The Biological Exploration of Mars, October 26–27, 1990, Tallahassee, FL, U.S.A.  相似文献   

McKay et al. detected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Martian meteorite ALH 84001 by two-step laser mass spectrometry. From the presence of PAHs, together with other results, they concluded that there were past life of Mars. On the other hands, no organisms nor organic compounds were detected in Martian regolith in Viking experiments in 1976. In order to obtain solid evidence for organisms or bioorganic compounds compounds on Mars, further analyses of Martian samples are required. There may be four classes of organic compounds on Mars, which are (i) organic compounds abiotically formed from primitive Mars atmosphere, (ii) Organic compounds delivered out of Mars, (iii) Organic compounds biotically formed by Mars organisms, and (iv) Organic compounds abiotically formed from the present Mars atmosphere. Possible organic compounds on Mars and analytical methods for them are discussed.  相似文献   

One of the goals of the present Martian exploration is to search for evidence of extinct (or even extant) life. This could be redefined as a search for carbon. The carbon cycle (or, more properly, cycles) on Earth is a complex interaction among three reservoirs: the atmosphere; the hydrosphere; and the lithosphere. Superimposed on this is the biosphere, and its presence influences the fixing and release of carbon in these reservoirs over different time-scales. The overall carbon balance is kept at equilibrium on the surface by a combination of tectonic processes (which bury carbon), volcanism (which releases it) and biology (which mediates it). In contrast to Earth, Mars presently has no active tectonic system; neither does it possess a significant biosphere. However, these observations might not necessarily have held in the past. By looking at how Earth's carbon cycles have changed with time, as both the Earth's tectonic structure and a more sophisticated biology have evolved, and also by constructing a carbon cycle for Mars based on the carbon chemistry of Martian meteorites, we investigate whether or not there is evidence for a Martian biosphere.  相似文献   

Five conditions for life to arise are discussed with referring to early Martian environment. The key to determine whether any life form appeared on Mars is found to be the early Martian carbon dioxide atmospheric pressure and then the temperature. The importance to determine the heat flow is indicated. The items to be measured for future Martian exploration are listed. The surface materials, which has been poorly understood, are emphasized for further exploration. Two strategies for search for life on Mars, "step by step" strategy and quick strategy, are suggested.  相似文献   

The Martian Environment Simulator (SAM “Simulatore di Ambiente Marziano”) is a interdisciplinary project of Astrobiology done at University of Padua. The research is aimed to the study of the survival of the microorganisms exposed to the “extreme” planetary environment. The facility has been designed in order to simulate Mars’ environmental conditions in terms of atmospheric pressure, temperature cycles and UV radiation dose. The bacterial cells, contained into dedicated capsules, will be exposed to thermal cycles simulating diurnal and seasonal Martian cycles. The metabolism of the different biological samples will be analysed at different phases of the experiment, to study their survival and eventual activity of protein synthesis (mortality, mutations and capability of DNA reparing). We describe the experimental facility and provide the perspectives of the biological experiments we will perform in order to provide hints on the possibility of life on Mars either autochthonous or imported from Earth. Presented at: National Workshop on Astrobiology: Search for Life in the Solar System, Capri, Italy, 26 to 28 October, 2005.  相似文献   

The Indian gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) is not found in saltwater, but the geographical distribution of fossil relatives suggests a derivation from ancestors that lived in, or were at least able to withstand, saline conditions. Here, we describe a new Oligocene gharial, Aktiogavialis puertoricensis, from deltaic-coastal deposits of northern Puerto Rico. It is related to a clade of Neogene gharials otherwise restricted to South America. Its geological and geographical settings, along with its phylogenetic relationships, are consistent with two scenarios: (i) that a single trans-Atlantic dispersal event during the Tertiary explains the South American Neogene gharial assemblage and (ii) that stem gharials were coastal animals and their current restriction to freshwater settings is a comparatively recent environmental shift for the group. This discovery highlights the importance of including fossil information in a phylogenetic context when assessing the ecological history of modern organisms.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2014,13(8):737-746
The spatial relationships of the Early Oldowan toolmakers with their environment have been so far addressed through raw material procurement analyses and the characterization of hominid habitat. This paper proposes to integrate these two approaches into a broader spatial analysis encompassing archaeological and environmental data (palaeontological, geological and isotopic data) from Member F and lower Member G of the Shungura Formation (Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia). Heterogeneity in data resolution induces a multiscale approach with three levels of analysis. The level of occurrence complex allows focusing on the characterization of archaeological occurrences and on their environmental settings. The level of “study area” allows working on hominid habitats and on their raw material procurement behaviours. Finally, at the Shungura Formation scale, we can address temporal issues related to the evolution of spatial behaviours between Member F and the lower part of Member G, ca. 2.3 to 2 million years (Ma).  相似文献   

It has long been suggested that mineral surfaces played a crucial role in the abiotic polymerization of amino acids that preceded the origin of life. Nevertheless, it remains unclear where the prebiotic process took place on the primitive Earth, because the amino acid–mineral interaction and its dependence on environmental conditions have yet to be understood adequately. Here we examined experimentally the adsorption of L-lysine (Lys) and its dimer (LysLys) on amorphous silica over a wide range of pH, ionic strength, adsorbate concentration, and the solid/water ratio, and determined the reaction stoichiometries and the equilibrium constants based on the extended triple-layer model (ETLM). The retrieved ETLM parameters were then used, in combination with the equilibrium constant for the peptide bond formation in bulk water, to calculate the Lys–LysLys equilibrium in the presence of amorphous silica under various aqueous conditions. Results showed that the silica surface favors Lys dimerization, and the influence varies greatly with changing environmental parameters. At slightly alkaline pH (pH 9) in the presence of a dilute NaCl (1 mM), the thermodynamically attainable LysLys from 0.1 mM Lys reached a concentration around 50 times larger than that calculated without silica. Because of the versatility of the ETLM, which has been applied to describe a wide variety of biomolecule–mineral interactions, future experiments with the reported methodology are expected to provide a significant constraint on the plausible geological settings for the condensation of monomers to polymers, and the subsequent chemical evolution of life.  相似文献   

Primitive terrestrial life – defined as a chemical system able to transfer its molecular information via self-replication and to evolve – probably originated from the evolution of reduced organic molecules in liquid water. Several sources have been proposed for the prebiotic organic molecules: terrestrial primitive atmosphere (methane or carbon dioxide), deep-sea hydrothermal systems, and extraterrestrial meteoritic and cometary dust grains. The study of carbonaceous chondrites, which contain up to 5% by weight of organic matter, has allowed close examination of the delivery of extraterrestrial organic material. Eight proteinaceous amino acids have been identified in the Murchison meteorite among more than 70 amino acids. Engel reported that l-alanine was surprisingly more abundant than d-alanine in the Murchison meteorite. Cronin also found excesses of l-enantiomers for nonprotein amino acids. A large collection of micrometeorites has been recently extracted from Antarctic old blue ice. In the 50- to 100-μm size range, carbonaceous micrometeorites represent 80% of the samples and contain 2% of carbon, on average. They might have brought more carbon than that involved in the present surficial biomass. The early histories of Mars and Earth clearly show similarities. Liquid water was once stable on the surface of Mars, attesting the presence of an atmosphere capable of deccelerating C-rich micrometeorites. Therefore, primitive life may have developed on Mars as well and fossilized microorganisms may still be present in the near subsurface. The Viking missions to Mars in 1976 did not find evidence of either contemporary or past life, but the mass spectrometer on the lander aeroshell determined the atmospheric composition, which has allowed a family of meteorites to be identified as Martian. Although these samples are essentially volcanic in origin, it has been recognized that some of them contain carbonate inclusions and even veins that have a carbon isotopic composition indicative of an origin from Martian atmospheric carbon dioxide. The oxygen isotopic composition of these carbonate deposits allows calculation of the temperature regime existing during formation from a fluid that dissolved the carbon dioxide. As the composition of the fluid is unknown, only a temperature range can be estimated, but this falls between 0° and 90°C, which would seem entirely appropriate for life processes. It was such carbonate veins that were found to host putative microfossils. Irrespective of the existence of features that could be considered to be fossils, carbonate-rich portions of Martian meteorites tend to have material, at more than 1000 ppm, that combusts at a low temperature; i.e., it is an organic form of carbon. Unfortunately, this organic matter does not have a diagnostic isotopic signature so it cannot be unambiguously said to be indigenous to the samples. However, many circumstantial arguments can be made to the effect that it is cogenetic with the carbonate and hence Martian. If it could be proved that the organic matter was preterrestrial, then the isotopic fractionation between it and the carbon is in the right sense for a biological origin. Received: January 22, 1998 / Accepted: February 16, 1998  相似文献   

In this review, I would like to introduce how we can detect the possible life on Mars. Even though the quantitative estimation of the possibility of biogenesis on Mars is difficult, Dr. McKay and his colleagues work has thrown a tiny light for this possibility. Considering Mars environmental conditions, the possible life is microorganisms. The detection of microorganisms in natural environments is not easy even on Earth due to the premature detection technique. We have developed a method based on the fluorescence microscopic technique. This method proved to be successful for the detection of terrestrial microorganisms. Even some pre-biotic cells can be detected. We are developing a miniature detection apparatus which meet the required standard for installing on the Mars landers. We also propose the ground based experiments using Martian meteorites or pseudo-Martian rocks.  相似文献   

D. João de Castro Bank (DJC) is a shallow seamount with hydrothermal activity located between the islands of Terceira and São Miguel, Azores (Portugal). A survey of the molluscan fauna was conducted in this peculiar habitat. We found a smaller number of molluscan taxa and a different community structure compared to shore environments on the Azores. This coincides with impoverished environmental settings at this location. Possible reasons such as the degree of isolation (inshore vs. offshore locations), geological age, and special ecological conditions related to seamounts and hydrothermal vents are discussed.  相似文献   

F-type plasmids are diverse and of great clinical significance, often carrying genes conferring antimicrobial resistance (AMR) such as extended-spectrum β-lactamases, particularly in Enterobacterales. Organising this plasmid diversity is challenging, and current knowledge is largely based on plasmids from clinical settings. Here, we present a network community analysis of a large survey of F-type plasmids from environmental (influent, effluent and upstream/downstream waterways surrounding wastewater treatment works) and livestock settings. We use a tractable and scalable methodology to examine the relationship between plasmid metadata and network communities. This reveals how niche (sampling compartment and host genera) partition and shape plasmid diversity. We also perform pangenome-style analyses on network communities. We show that such communities define unique combinations of core genes, with limited overlap. Building plasmid phylogenies based on alignments of these core genes, we demonstrate that plasmid accessory function is closely linked to core gene content. Taken together, our results suggest that stable F-type plasmid backbone structures can persist in environmental settings while allowing dramatic variation in accessory gene content that may be linked to niche adaptation. The association of F-type plasmids with AMR may reflect their suitability for rapid niche adaptation.Subject terms: Environmental microbiology, Genomics  相似文献   

Survival of Bacillus subtilis var. globigii in a simulated Martian environment was demonstrated. Previous contact with the simulated Martian soil or atmosphere reduced germination or outgrowth of unheated spores, or both. Inoculation into simulated Martian soil and then flushing with a simulated Martian atmosphere were lethal to both vegetative cells and spores. After one diurnal temperature cycle (26 to -60 C), the majority of of cells present were spores. No further effect of the diurnal cycle on survival was noted in any of the experimental samples.  相似文献   

Summary Various chemical, physical and geological observations indicate that smectite clays are probably the major components of the Martian soil. Satisfactory ground-based chemical simulation of the Viking biology experimental results was obtained with the smectite clays nontronite and montmorillonite when they contained iron and hydrogen as adsorbed ions. Radioactive gas was released from the medium solution used in the Viking Labeled Release (LR) experiment when interacted with the clays, at rates and quantities similar to those measured by Viking on Mars. Heating of the active clay (mixed with soluble salts) to 160°C in CO2 atmosphere reduced the decomposition activity considerably, again, as was observed on Mars. The decomposition reaction in LR experiment is postulated to be iron-catalyzed formate decomposition on the clay surface. The main features of the Viking Pyrolytic Release (PR) experiment were also simulated recently (Hubbard, 1979) which the iron clays, including a relatively low 1st peak and significant 2nd peak.The accumulated observations on various Martian soil properties and the results of simulation experiments, thus indicate that smectite clays are major and active components of the Martian soil. It now appears that many of the results of the Viking biology experiments can be explained on the basis of their surface activity in catalysis and adsorption.  相似文献   

Spacecraft-associated spores and four non-spore-forming bacterial isolates were prepared in Atacama Desert soil suspensions and tested both in solution and in a desiccated state to elucidate the shadowing effect of soil particulates on bacterial survival under simulated Martian atmospheric and UV irradiation conditions. All non-spore-forming cells that were prepared in nutrient-depleted, 0.2-μm-filtered desert soil (DSE) microcosms and desiccated for 75 days on aluminum died, whereas cells prepared similarly in 60-μm-filtered desert soil (DS) microcosms survived such conditions. Among the bacterial cells tested, Microbacterium schleiferi and Arthrobacter sp. exhibited elevated resistance to 254-nm UV irradiation (low-pressure Hg lamp), and their survival indices were comparable to those of DS- and DSE-associated Bacillus pumilus spores. Desiccated DSE-associated spores survived exposure to full Martian UV irradiation (200 to 400 nm) for 5 min and were only slightly affected by Martian atmospheric conditions in the absence of UV irradiation. Although prolonged UV irradiation (5 min to 12 h) killed substantial portions of the spores in DSE microcosms (~5- to 6-log reduction with Martian UV irradiation), dramatic survival of spores was apparent in DS-spore microcosms. The survival of soil-associated wild-type spores under Martian conditions could have repercussions for forward contamination of extraterrestrial environments, especially Mars.  相似文献   

Life on Mars     

There is evidence that at one time Mars had liquid water habitats on its surface. Studies of microbial communities in cold and dry environments on the Earth provide a basis for discussion of the possible nature of any life that may have existed on Mars during that time. Of particular relevance are the cyanobacterial communities found in hypolithic and endolithic habitats in deserts. Microbial mats found under ice-covered lakes provide an additional possible Martian system. Results obtained from these field studies can be used to guide the search for fossil evidence of life on Mars. It is possible that in the future life will be reintroduced on Mars in an effort to restore that planet to habitable conditions. In this case the organisms under study as exemplars of past life may provide the hardy stock of pioneering Martian organisms. These first organisms must be followed by plants. The feasibility of reviving Mars will depend on the ability of plants to grow in an abundance of CO2 but at extremely low pressures, temperatures, O2, and N2 levels. On Mars, biology was, and is, destiny.  相似文献   

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