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The ability of cells to divide asymmetrically is essential for generating diverse cell types during development. The past 10 years have seen tremendous progress in our understanding of this important biological process. We have learned that localized phosphorylation events are responsible for the asymmetric segregation of cell fate determinants in mitosis and that centrosomes and microtubules play important parts in this process. The relevance of asymmetric cell division for stem cell biology has added a new dimension to the field, and exciting connections between asymmetric cell division and tumorigenesis have begun to emerge.  相似文献   

The review surveys the studies of molecular genetic mechanisms of the cell cycle control on various eukaryotic models. The major cell cycle phenomena are considered: (1) checkpoints and their role in preserving DNA integrity and fidelity of mitosis, (2) the cell oscillator model, and (3) the role of cyclins in timing of cell division and coordination of mitotic events. The main classes of regulatory proteins involved in the cell cycle are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

In contrast to their mammalian hosts, protozoan parasites do not synthesize purines de novo, but depend on preformed nucleotides that they purportedly obtain by salvage pathways. Nucleoside hydrolases may play a crucial role in that salvage process. By screening Leishmania donovani libraries with polyclonal antibodies against promastigote soluble exo-antigens, we have identified a cDNA encoding a protein with significant homology to nonspecific and uridine–inosine-preferring nucleoside hydrolases. Sequence comparison demonstrated that all the residues involved in Ca2+-binding and substrate recognition in the active site are conserved among the characterized protozoan nucleoside hydrolases. Genomic analysis suggests that it is a single copy gene in L. donovani, and its homologues are present in members representing other Leishmania species complexes. Both Northern blot and immunoblot analyses indicate that it is constitutively expressed in L. donovani promastigotes. The recombinant enzyme overexpressed in and purified from bacteria showed significant activity with all naturally occurring purine and pyrimidine nucleosides, and efficient utilization of p-nitrophenyl-β- -ribofuranoside as a substrate. Altogether, the sequence comparison and substrate specificity data identify this L. donovani nucleoside hydrolase as a nonspecific nucleoside hydrolase. Further, the nucleoside hydrolase was localized to specific foci in L. donovani promastigotes by immunofluorescent assays. Although the conservation of the nucleoside hydrolases among protozoan parasites offers promise for the design of broad-spectrum anti-parasitic drugs, the existence of multiple and distinct nucleoside hydrolases in a single species demands special consideration.  相似文献   

Leishmania pathogenesis is primarily studied using the disease-inducing promastigote stage of Leishmania major. Despite many efforts, all attempts so far have failed to culture the disease-relevant multiplying amastigote stage of L. major. Here, we established a stably growing axenic L. major amastigote culture system that was characterized genetically, morphologically, and by stage-specific DsRed protein expression. We found parasite stage-specific disease development in resistant C57BL/6 mice. Human neutrophils, as first host cells for promastigotes, do not take up amastigotes. In human macrophages, we observed an amastigote-specific complement receptor 3-mediated, endocytotic entry mechanism, whereas promastigotes are taken up by complement receptor 1-mediated phagocytosis. Promastigote infection of macrophages induced the inflammatory mediators TNF, CCL3, and CCL4, whereas amastigote infection was silent and resulted in significantly increased parasite numbers: from 7.1 ± 1.4 (after 3 h) to 20.1 ± 7.9 parasites/cell (after 96 h). Our study identifies Leishmania stage-specific disease development, host cell preference, entry mechanism, and immune evasion. Since the amastigote stage is the disease-propagating form found in the infected mammalian host, the newly developed L. major axenic cultures will serve as an important tool in better understanding the amastigote-driven immune response in leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

Proteins selectively upregulated in infective parasitic forms could be critical for disease pathogenesis. A mammalian prohibitin orthologue is upregulated in infective metacyclic promastigotes of Leishmania donovani, a parasite that causes visceral leishmaniasis. Leishmania donovani prohibitin shares 41% similarity with mammalian prohibitin and 95–100% within the genus. Prohibitin is concentrated at the surface of the flagellar and the aflagellar pole, the aflagellar pole being a region through which host–parasite interactions occur. Prohibitin is attached to the membrane through a GPI anchor. Overexpression of wild‐type prohibitin increases protein surface density resulting in parasites with higher infectivity. However, parasites overexpressing a mutant prohibitin with an amino acid substitution at the GPI anchor site to prevent surface expression through GPI‐link show lesser surface expression and lower infective abilities. Furthermore, the presence of anti‐prohibitin antibodies during macrophage–Leishmania interaction in vitro reduces infection. The cognate binding partner for Leishmania prohibitin on the host cell appears to be macrophage surface HSP70, siRNA mediated downregulation of which abrogates the capability of the macrophage to bind to parasites. Leishmania prohibitin is able to generate a strong humoral response in visceral leishmaniasis patients. The above observations suggest that prohibitin plays an important role in events leading to Leishmania–host interaction.  相似文献   

By definition, parasites harm their hosts, but in many infections much of the pathology is driven by the host immune response rather than through direct damage inflicted by parasites. While these immunopathological effects are often well studied and understood mechanistically in individual disease interactions, there remains relatively little understanding of their broader impact on the evolution of parasites and their hosts. Here, we theoretically investigate the implications of immunopathology, broadly defined as additional mortality associated with the host's immune response, on parasite evolution. In particular, we examine how immunopathology acting on different epidemiological traits (namely transmission, virulence and recovery) affects the evolution of disease severity. When immunopathology is costly to parasites, such that it reduces their fitness, for example by decreasing transmission, there is always selection for increased disease severity. However, we highlight a number of host-parasite interactions where the parasite may benefit from immunopathology, and highlight scenarios that may lead to the evolution of slower growing parasites and potentially reduced disease severity. Importantly, we find that conclusions on disease severity are highly dependent on how severity is measured. Finally, we discuss the effect of treatments used to combat disease symptoms caused by immunopathology.  相似文献   

Accessibility of human oocytes for research poses a serious ethical challenge to society. This fact categorically holds true when pursuing some of the most promising areas of research, such as somatic cell nuclear transfer and embryonic stem cell studies. One approach to overcoming this limitation is to use an oocyte from one species and a somatic cell from another. Recently, several attempts to capture the promises of this approach have met with varying success, ranging from establishing human embryonic stem cells to obtaining live offspring in animals. This review focuses on the challenges and opportunities presented by the formidable task of overcoming biological differences among species.  相似文献   

During vegetative growth, rod-shaped bacterial cells such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis divide precisely at midcell. It is the Z ring that defines the position of the division site. We previously demonstrated that the early stages of chromosome replication are linked to midcell Z ring assembly in B. subtilis and proposed a direct role for the centrally located replication factory in masking and subsequently unmasking the midcell site for Z ring assembly. We now show that the replication factory is significantly more scattered about the cell centre than the Z ring in both vegetative cells and outgrown spores of B. subtilis. This finding is inconsistent with the midcell replication factory acting as a direct physical block to Z ring assembly. Time-lapse experiments demonstrated that the lower precision of replication factory positioning results from its high mobility around the cell centre. Various aspects of this mobility are presented and the results are discussed in the light of current views on the determinants of positional information required for accurate chromosome segregation and cell division.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a key mechanism for cell survival under conditions of nutrient limitation. On the organismal level, autophagy is essential for survival of lower eukaryotes during extended periods of starvation, and it is induced in mammals during short-term starvation. As a consequence of the induction of autophagy during short periods of fasting, animals experience diurnal rhythms of autophagy in concert with their circadian cycle. Autophagy has also been identified as a component of the metabolic cycle of yeast, an ultradian rhythm that bears many similarities to the circadian rhythm of plants, flies and mammals. The circadian clock, which is present in almost all mammalian cell types studied to date, temporally regulates expression of multiple genes, gating cell processes such as nutrient uptake, glycolysis, and proliferation, to particular times of day. Whether the circadian clock directly regulates autophagy in mammalian cells, or whether autophagy may play a role in the cycling of mammalian cell clocks is not yet clear. Nevertheless, the relationship between circadian cycles and autophagy is an intriguing area for future study and has implications for multiple human diseases, including aging, neurodegeneration and cancer.  相似文献   

Molecular biology of the cell cycle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genes and cDNA clones have been identified in animal cells that are cell cycle-regulated, i.e. they are preferentially expressed in a phase of the cell cycle. Some of these genes, including four oncogenes, are induced when G0 cells are stimulated to proliferate. Four approaches are described to identify the genes that regulate the transition of cells from a resting to a growing stage. The interrelationship among cell cycle-regulated genes, oncogenes, growth factors and receptors for growth factors points the way to a genetic dissection of cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Cancer cell proliferation relies on the ability of cancer cells to grow, transition through the cell cycle, and divide. To identify novel chemical probes for dissecting the mechanisms governing cell cycle progression and cell division, and for developing new anti-cancer therapeutics, we developed and performed a novel cancer cell-based high-throughput chemical screen for cell cycle modulators. This approach identified novel G1, S, G2, and M-phase specific inhibitors with drug-like properties and diverse chemotypes likely targeting a broad array of processes. We further characterized the M-phase inhibitors and highlight the most potent M-phase inhibitor MI-181, which targets tubulin, inhibits tubulin polymerization, activates the spindle assembly checkpoint, arrests cells in mitosis, and triggers a fast apoptotic cell death. Importantly, MI-181 has broad anti-cancer activity, especially against BRAFV600E melanomas.The cell cycle is a set of coordinated events that culminate in the formation of two cells from one mother cell. It''s composed of four major phases; G1 (growth phase 1), S (DNA synthesis phase), G2 (growth phase 2) and M (mitosis), which function to integrate environment sensing signaling pathways with cell growth and proliferation.1 Cancer cells often deregulate the cell cycle and undergo unscheduled cell divisions, therefore inhibition of the cell cycle represents an opportunity for therapeutic intervention in treating proliferative diseases like cancer.2 Most anti-cancer drugs perturb the proliferation cycle of tumor cells by inhibiting/damaging cell cycle events, which activate checkpoints, arrest cells and induce apoptosis.3 For example, inhibitors targeting DNA replication (5-fluorouracil) and cell division (microtubule-stabilizing paclitaxel) have been used successfully for treating a broad array of cancers including breast and colorectal cancers.2 Nevertheless, due to toxicity issues, drugs targeting the cell division machinery like mitotic kinases (AurKA/B and Plk1) and kinesins (Kif11 and CENP-E) have been developed.3 However, these drugs have shown limited efficacy in vivo.4 Thus, there is a critical need to identify novel drug-like molecules that inhibit cancer cell cycle progression, which can be developed into novel cancer therapies.Genome wide studies aimed at depleting the expression of human genes and characterizing their contribution to cell cycle progression have generated a wealth of information regarding the enzymatic machinery required for proliferation.5 These enzymes have become the focus of targeted screening campaigns aimed at finding inhibitors to their activities. For example, an in vitro chemical screen targeting Plk1 identified the small molecule BI2536.6 BI2536 was not only used to define novel roles for Plk1 during cell division, it was further developed into an anti-cancer drug whose efficacy is being evaluated in clinical trials.7 Therefore, beyond their therapeutic potential, inhibitors can be used as molecular probes for dissecting the function of enzymes critical for cell cycle progression in an acute and temporal manner. However, there are no inhibitors to the majority of the cell cycle machinery and the discovery and characterization of such inhibitors would aid our ability to understand the mechanisms regulating cell division.Although molecularly targeted screens have grown in popularity, they rely on the previous identification and validation of specific cancer targets with druggable activities/interactions.8 As an alternative, unbiased high-throughput chemical screens have tried to identify inhibitors to a single cell cycle phase,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 which limited their ability to identify novel anti-proliferative agents to other phases of the cell cycle. Nonetheless, G2-phase, M-phase, and cytokinesis screens successfully identified inhibitors to Kif11, Plk1, RhoA, and microtubules.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 These inhibitors aided the functional characterization of these proteins and were instrumental for developing drugs with therapeutic potential. However, these screens were conducted with a limited number of compounds (100–38 000) or cell extract fractions, with several screens using the same library of 16 320 compounds, thus limiting compound diversity, chemical coverage, and opportunities for novel discoveries. Most screens also lacked chemical analyses to understand the physiochemical properties of bioactive compounds and their cellular targets. In addition, previous screens have not analyzed the four phases of the cell cycle as a biological system. Thus, there is a critical need to develop new screening strategies to discover novel anti-cancer drugs.This, prompted us to establish an integrated high-throughput screening cell-based strategy for identifying small molecule cell cycle modulators, for use in dissecting the mechanisms of cancer cell division, and for developing novel cancer therapies. We report the development of this novel cell-based screening platform, the discovery of cell cycle phase specific inhibitors, the chemical analyses of these inhibitors, the cell culture characterization of cell division inhibitors, and the detailed examination of MI-181, which has potent anti-cancer activity, especially against melanomas.  相似文献   

ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels play a key role in the regulation of insulin secretion by coupling glucose metabolism to the electrical activity of pancreatic beta-cells. To generate an electric signal of suitable magnitude, the plasma membrane of the beta-cell must contain an appropriate number of channels. An inadequate number of channels can lead to congenital hyperinsulinism, whereas an excess of channels can result in the opposite condition, neonatal diabetes. KATP channels are made up of four subunits each of Kir6.2 and the sulphonylurea receptor (SUR1), encoded by the genes KCNJ11 and ABCC8, respectively. Following synthesis, the subunits must assemble into an octameric complex to be able to exit the endoplasmic reticulum and reach the plasma membrane. While this biosynthetic pathway ensures supply of channels to the cell surface, an opposite pathway, involving clathrin-mediated endocytosis, removes channels back into the cell. The balance between these two processes, perhaps in conjunction with endocytic recycling, would dictate the channel density at the cell membrane. In this review, we discuss the molecular signals that contribute to this balance, and how an imbalance could lead to a disease state such as neonatal diabetes.  相似文献   

Yu F  Kuo CT  Jan YN 《Neuron》2006,51(1):13-20
Asymmetric cell division is an evolutionarily conserved mechanism widely used to generate cellular diversity during development. Drosophila neuroblasts have been a useful model system for studying the molecular mechanisms of asymmetric cell division. In this minireview, we focus on recent progress in understanding the role of heterotrimeric G proteins and their regulators in asymmetric spindle geometry, as well as the role of an Inscuteable-independent microtubule pathway in asymmetric localization of proteins in neuroblasts. We also discuss issues of progenitor proliferation and differentiation associated with asymmetric cell division and their broader implications for stem cell biology.  相似文献   

In this report, we have characterized two metacaspases of Leishmania donovani, L. donovani metacaspase-1 (LdMC1) and LdMC2. These two proteins show 98% homology with each other, and both contain a characteristic C-terminal proline-rich domain. Both genes are transcribed in promastigotes and axenic amastigotes of L. donovani; however, LdMC1 shows increased mRNA levels in axenic amastigotes. An anti-LdMC antibody was obtained and showed reactivity with a single approximately 42-kDa protein band in both promastigote and axenic amastigote parasite whole-cell lysates by Western blotting. Pulse-chase experiments suggest that LdMCs are not synthesized as proenzymes, and immunofluorescence studies show that LdMCs are associated with the acidocalcisome compartments of L. donovani. Enzymatic assays of immunoprecipitated LdMCs show that native LdMCs efficiently cleave trypsin substrates and are unable to cleave caspase-specific substrates. Consistently, LdMC activity is insensitive to caspase inhibitors and is efficiently inhibited by trypsin inhibitors, such as leupeptin, antipain, and N(alpha)-tosyl-L-lysine-chloromethyl ketone (TLCK). In addition, our results show that LdMC activity was induced in parasites treated with hydrogen peroxide, a known trigger of programmed cell death (PCD) in Leishmania and that parasites overexpressing metacaspases are more sensitive to hydrogen peroxide-induced PCD. These findings suggest that Leishmania metacaspases are not responsible for the caspase-like activities reported in this organism and suggest a possible role for LdMCs as effector molecules in Leishmania PCD.  相似文献   

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