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目的对人凝血酶原复合物在制备工艺中凝血因子效价进行检测和分析。方法对PCC制备过程中的血浆、S/D病毒灭活、冻干工艺、干热病毒灭活前和后分别取样,检测分析凝血因子Ⅱ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ和Ⅹ效价,分别分析S/D病毒灭活、冻干工艺、干热病毒灭活前和后凝血因子效价的变化情况。分析PCC干热病毒灭活后的样品中四种凝血因子的效价比例。结果三批血浆中凝血因子Ⅱ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ和Ⅹ的活性在0.8~1.2 IU/m L之间。S/D病毒灭活前后PCC冻干工艺前后PCC中四种凝血因子活性无明显变化,而干热病毒灭活后PCC中四种凝血因子活性均有明显下降。三批PCC中四种凝血因子的比例基本一致,但是凝血因子Ⅶ效价较低,凝血因子Ⅱ效价偏高。结论通过PCC制备工艺中凝血因子效价的检测和分析可实现良好的质量控制。  相似文献   

含肝素的凝血酶原复合物(PCC)用适量的硫酸鱼精蛋白中和后,作1:10和1:100稀稀测定激活凝血因子。肝素影响激活凝血因子测定,不同活性单位的PCC对某些厂家生产的PCC激活凝血因子测定无影响,但对有厂家生产的PCC激活凝血因子测定有影响。对国内5家血制品生产单位生产的15批PCC进行激活疑血因子测定,凝血酶活性通过者激活凝血因子也能通过。  相似文献   

人凝血酶原复合物(Human prothrombin complex concentrate,PCC)是由健康人混合血浆中分离制备的一种血浆蛋白制剂,主要含有依赖于维生素K的凝血酶原(FⅡ)、凝血酶原转化因子(FⅦ)、抗乙型血友病因子(FⅨ)和自身凝血酶原(FX)。在临床上,PCC主要用于治疗乙型血友病和因维生素K缺乏或患肝病而引起的出血症状。近年来,随着PCC分离技术的发展和安全性的提高,PCC的使用量正在逐年增加。本文综述了PCC的制备工艺研究现状、临床使用和安全性。  相似文献   

人凝血酶原复合物(PCC)为人血浆中微量蛋白组份,其浓缩制剂由凝血因子II、VII、IX、X组成,在临床上具有治疗乙型血友病等疾病的确切疗效。本文综述了近来PCC及FIX浓缩制剂分离纯化工艺的研究进展及结合蛋白新型分离纯化技术的发展情况,讨论了该产品制备新工艺的开发方向。  相似文献   

目的优化人凝血酶原复合物的离子交换吸附工艺,提高PCC回收率。方法采用单因素试验的方法 ,以人凝血酶原复合物中凝血因子Ⅱ、Ⅶ、Ⅸ和Ⅹ吸附率为考察指标,初步优选吸附温度、吸附时间、凝胶用量和血浆pH四个工艺参数。结果优化试验结果为血浆温度20℃、吸附时间60 min、凝胶用量1.5 g/L、血浆pH7.4。结论确定了人凝血酶原复合物提取工艺的条件。  相似文献   

采用若干种人工合成的大孔阴离子交换树脂,对人血浆中凝血酶原复合物(PCC)的分离纯化性能进行了研究.同时.将DEAE-Sephadex A50时PCC的分离纯化性能与该类人工合成分离纯化材料进行了对比.研究结果表明,在各种人工合成大孔阴离子交换树脂中,CG-6对PCC具有较优的分离纯化性能;并系统研究了CG-6树脂对PCC分离纯化性能.  相似文献   

血友病B是一种性连锁隐性遗传病,其发病机制是位于X染色体上的人凝血因子IX(hFIX)基因发生了突变,导致血浆中hFIX含量或活性大幅下降,从而使得内源性凝血途径受到阻碍,无法进行正常的凝血。文章综述了hFIX基因及其编码蛋白质的结构和功能,并分类详细论述了血友病B中发现的几种主要突变类型。其中包括奠基者效应造成的突变、调控区的突变、编码区的突变、内含子剪切位点的突变及另外两种较为特殊的突变,同时介绍了这些突变所造成的生物学效应。最后还简要介绍了一种能提高hFIX蛋白凝血活性的突变类型(第338位Arg→Ala),并对其应用作了展望。  相似文献   

人凝血因子Ⅸ突变型研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
血友病B是一种性连锁隐性遗传病,其发病机制是位于X染色体上的人凝血因子Ⅸ(hFIX)基因发生了突变,导致血浆中hFIX含量或活性大幅下降,从而使得内源性凝血途径受到阻碍,无法进行正常的凝血.文章综述了hFIX基因及其编码蛋白质的结构和功能,并分类详细论述了血友病B中发现的几种主要突变类型.其中包括奠基者效应造成的突变、调控区的突变、编码区的突变、内含子剪切位点的突变及另外两种较为特殊的突变,同时介绍了这些突变所造成的生物学效应.最后还简要介绍了一种能提高hFIX蛋白凝血活性的突变类型(第338位Arg→Ala),并对其应用作了展望.  相似文献   

人凝血因子IX突变型研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
颜景斌 《遗传》2005,27(5):833-838
血友病B是一种性连锁隐性遗传病,其发病机制是位于X染色体上的人凝血因子IX(hFIX)基因发生了突变,导致血浆中hFIX含量或活性大幅下降,从而使得内源性凝血途径受到阻碍,无法进行正常的凝血。本文综述了hFIX基因及其编码蛋白质的结构和功能,并分类详细论述了血友病B中发现的几种主要突变类型。其中包括奠基者效应造成的突变、调控区的突变、编码区的突变、内含子剪切位点的突变及另外两种较为特殊的突变,同时介绍了这些突变所造成的生物学效应。最后还简要介绍了一种能提高hFIX蛋白凝血活性的突变类型(第338位Arg→Ala),并对其应用作了展望。  相似文献   

凝血酶原复合物中肝素含量的测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
凝血酶原复合物按标示量加蒸馏水溶解成10PE/ml。通过加入适量的硫酸鱼精蛋白中和凝血酶原复合物样品中肝素。取中和后的样品加入缺血小板血浆、脑磷脂和氯化钙,记录凝固时间,挑选凝固时间最短的样品管计算肝素含量。该方法误差20%。以5家血制品生产单位生产的24批PCC肝素含量的测定,按PCC效价标示量小于等于130%计算,不合格6批占25%。  相似文献   

Functional hemostatic pathways are critical for the survival of all vertebrates and have been evolving for more than 400 million years. The overwhelming majority of studies of hemostasis in vertebrates have focused on mammals with very sparse attention paid to reptiles. There have been virtually no studies of the coagulation pathway in sea turtles whose ancestors date back to the Jurassic period. Sea turtles are often exposed to rapidly altered environmental conditions during diving periods. This may reduce their blood pH during prolonged hypoxic dives. This report demonstrates that five species of turtles possess only one branch of the mammalian coagulation pathway, the extrinsic pathway. Mixing studies of turtle plasmas with human factor-deficient plasmas indicate that the intrinsic pathway factors VIII and IX are present in turtle plasma. These two factors may play a significant role in supporting the extrinsic pathway by feedback loops. The intrinsic factors, XI and XII are not detected which would account for the inability of reagents to induce coagulation via the intrinsic pathway in vitro. The analysis of two turtle factors, factor II (prothrombin) and factor X, demonstrates that they are antigenically/functionally similar to the corresponding human factors. The turtle coagulation pathway responds differentially to both pH and temperature relative to each turtle species and relative to human samples. The coagulation time (prothrombin time) increases as the temperature decreases between 37 and 15 °C. The increased time follows a linear relationship, with similar slopes for loggerhead, Kemps ridley and hawksbill turtles as well as for human samples. Leatherback turtle samples show a dramatic nonlinear increased time below 23 °C, and green turtle sample responses were similar but less dramatic. All samples also showed increased prothrombin times as the pH decreased from 7.8 to 6.4, except for three turtle species. The prothrombin times decreased, to varying extents, in a linear fashion relative to reduced pH with the rate of change greatest in leatherbacks>greenloggerhead turtles. All studies were conducted with reagents developed for human samples which would impact on the quantitative results with the turtle samples, but are not likely to alter the qualitative results. These comparative studies of the coagulation pathway in sea turtles and humans could enhance our knowledge of structure/function relationships and evolution of coagulation factors.  相似文献   

The effects of heparin on prothrombin activation have been examined. Heparin was found to inhibit the rate of prothrombin activation by Factor Xa, calcium and phospholipid. In the absence of phospholipid, heparin had no effect on the rate of prothrombin activation. In contrast, heparin was found to increase the rate of activation of prethrombin-1 and prethrombin-2. Initial velocity studies indicated that heparin blocks lipid stimulation of prothrombin activation. In accord with this, binding studies demonstrated that heparin could displace Factor Xa, and in separate experiments, prothrombin, from phospholipid vesicles.  相似文献   

Human blood coagulation factor X has two N-linked oligosaccharides at Asn39 and Asn49 residues and two O-linked oligosaccharides at Thr17 and Thr29 residues in the region of the factorX activationpeptide (XAP) which is cleaved off during its activation by factor IXa. We determined the structure of oligosaccharides in the XAP region of human factor X. Four glycopeptides each containing a glycosylation site were isolated by digestion of XAP with endoproteinase Asp-N followed by reversed-phase HPLC. N-linked oligosaccharides released from the glycopeptides by glycoamidase A digestion were derivatized with 2-aminopyridine. Pyridylamino(PA)-oligosaccharides were separated by HPLC into neutral and sialyl oligosaccharides using an anion-exchange column. Structures of oligosaccharides and their contents at each glycosylation site were determined by a two-dimensional sugar mapping method. The contents of the neutral oligosaccharides at Asn39 and Asn49 residues were 32.5% and 30.0%, respectively. Six neutral and twelve monosialyl oligosaccharides isolated from both N-linked glycosylation sites showed similar elution profiles composed of bi-, tri-and tetra-antennary complex type oligosaccharides. The predominant component in neutral oligosaccharides was biantennary without a fucose residue. Two major monosialyl oligosaccharides were also biantennary without fucose and with a Neu5Ac-26 residue. In addition, the structures of O-linked oligosaccharides at Thr17 and Thr29 residues were suggested to be disialylated Gal/3GalNAc sequences by their component analyses.Abbreviations Gal d-galactose - GlcNAc N-acetyl-d-glucosamine - Man d-mannose - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - NDV Newcastle disease virus - Neu5Ac 5-N-acetylneuraminic acid - ODS octadecylsilyl - PA pyridylamino - RVV-X Russell's viper venom factor X activator - TBS Tris-buffered saline - XAP factor X activation peptide.  相似文献   

In this study, we used a random approach to determine which amino acid pairs in human coagulation factor IX precursor are more sensitive to its 99 variants. The results show that the randomly unpredictable amino acid pairs are more sensitive to variants.  相似文献   

Cryo-electron microscopy has the power to visualise lipid membranes at the closest to in vivo conditions. The structure of the lipid bilayer can be well resolved and the interactions between lipid-protein and protein-protein molecules followed at the molecular level. We undertook an extended Cryo-electron microscopy study to follow the factor VIII binding to phosphatidylserine containing lipid nanotubes at different lipid composition. Obtaining well ordered tubes is required to define the factor VIII membrane-bound structure. The observed alterations in the arrangement of the protein molecules are indicative for the flexibility of the membrane-bound factor VIII. Understanding the significance of these conformational changes is essential to comprehend the function of factor VIII in coagulation and as a drug for Hemophilia A.  相似文献   

Microarrays are particular biosensors with multiple grafted probes that are generally used for parallel and simultaneous detection of various targets. In this study, we used microarrays with aptamer probes in order to follow up the different biomolecular interactions of a single enzyme, the thrombin protein, involved in the complex coagulation cascade. More precisely, thanks to label-free surface plasmon resonance imaging, we were able to monitor in real time an important step in the firing of the coagulation cascade in situ—the enzymatic transformation of prothrombin into thrombin, catalyzed by factor Xa. We were also able to appraise the influence of other biochemical factors and their corresponding inhibiting or enhancing behaviors on thrombin activation. Our study opens the door for the development of a complete microarray-based platform not only for the whole coagulation cascade analysis but also for novel drug screening assays in pharmacology.  相似文献   

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