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We have carried out fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements on four-way DNA junctions in order to analyze the global structure and its dependence on the concentration of several types of ions. A knowledge of the structure and its sensitivity to the solution environment is important for a full understanding of recombination events in DNA. The stereochemical arrangement of the four DNA helices that make up the four-way junction was established by a global comparison of the efficiency of FRET between donor and acceptor molecules attached pairwise in all possible permutations to the 5' termini of the duplex arms of the four-way structure. The conclusions are based upon a comparison between a series of many identical DNA molecules which have been labeled on different positions, rather than a determination of a few absolute distances. Details of the FRET analysis are presented; features of the analysis with particular relevance to DNA structures are emphasized. Three methods were employed to determine the efficiency of FRET: (1) enhancement of the acceptor fluorescence, (2) decrease of the donor quantum yield, and (3) shortening of the donor fluorescence lifetime. The FRET results indicate that the arms of the four-way junction are arranged in an antiparallel stacked X-structure when salt is added to the solution. The ion-related conformational change upon addition of salt to a solution originally at low ionic strength progresses in a continuous noncooperative manner as the ionic strength of the solution increases. The mode of ion interaction at the strand exchange site of the junction is discussed.  相似文献   

Immobile four-way junctions (4WJs) are core structural motifs employed in the design of programmed DNA assemblies. Understanding the impact of sequence on their equilibrium structure and flexibility is important to informing the design of complex DNA architectures. While core junction sequence is known to impact the preferences for the two possible isomeric states that junctions reside in, previous investigations have not quantified these preferences based on molecular-level interactions. Here, we use all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to investigate base-pair level structure and dynamics of four-way junctions, using the canonical Seeman J1 junction as a reference. Comparison of J1 with equivalent single-crossover topologies and isolated nicked duplexes reveal conformational impact of the double-crossover motif. We additionally contrast J1 with a second junction core sequence termed J24, with equal thermodynamic preference for each isomeric configuration. Analyses of the base-pair degrees of freedom for each system, free energy calculations, and reduced-coordinate sampling of the 4WJ isomers reveal the significant impact base sequence has on local structure, isomer bias, and global junction dynamics.  相似文献   

We have investigated the thermodynamic properties of two homologous DNA four-way junctions, J4 and J4M, based on 46-mer linear DNA molecules. J4 and J4M have the same base sequence with the only difference that the latter contains an uncharged methylene-acetal linkage, -O3'-CH2-O5', instead of the phosphodiester linkage, -O3'-PO2-O5'-, between the residues T18 and C19. The comparison of the thermal unfolding of the J4 junction and J4M junction serves to investigate the effect of the uncharged methylene-acetal linkage on the stability of the junction. Our analysis is based on CD, UV absorbance spectroscopy, DSC, and chemical footprinting. The aim is to characterize in detail the structure and stability of the junctions. As demonstrated before by NMR, in the presence of 5 mM MgCl2 +/- 50 mM NaCl, both J4 and J4M form a complete four-way junction. This is now evidenced by protection from OsO4 cleavage (chemical footprinting). We can assume that full base pairing occurs throughout the arms even at the center of the junction. CD spectra suggest that the helices within the junctions adopt the regular B-DNA conformation. Almost identical melting temperatures and unfolding enthalpies are obtained for J4 and J4M both by UV and DSC. Furthermore, the Van't Hoff enthalpy (DeltaHVH) derived from UV melting equals the calorimetric enthalpy (DeltaHcal), which means that the melting process of the structures proceeds in a two-state manner. All results taken together support the conclusion that there are no major conformational and energetic differences between J4 and J4M. The inclusion of the uncharged methylene-acetal group into the junction has no effect on its stability.  相似文献   

The accessibility of phosphodiester bonds in the DNA of four-way helical junctions has been probed with the nuclease DNase I. Regions of protection were observed on all four strands of the junctions, that tended to be longer on the strands that are exchanged between the coaxially stacked pairs of helices. The protected regions on the continuous strands of the stacked helices were not located exactly at the junction, but were displaced towards the 3' side of the strand. This is the region of backbone that becomes located in the major groove of the opposed helix in the non-crossed, right-handed structure for the junction, and might therefore be predicted to be protected against cleavage by an enzyme. However, the major grooves of the structure remain accessible to the much smaller probe dimethyl sulphate.  相似文献   

The requirement for Watson-Crick base pairing surrounding a nick in duplex DNA to be sealed by DNA ligase is the basis for oligonucleotide ligation assays that distinguish single base mutations in DNA targets. Experiments in a model system demonstrate that the minimum length of oligonucleotide that can be joined differs for different ligases. Thermus thermophilus (Tth) DNA ligase is unable to join any oligonucleotide of length six or less, while T4 DNA ligase and T7 DNA ligase are both able to join hexamers. The rate of oligonucleotide ligation by Tth DNA ligase increases between heptamer and nonamer. Mismatches which cause the duplex to be shortened by fraying, at the end distal to the join, slow the ligation reaction. In the case of Tth DNA ligase, mismatches at the seventh and eighth position 5'to the nick completely inhibit the ligation of octamers. The results are relevant to mechanisms of ligation.  相似文献   

Base mismatches--non Watson-Crick pairing between bases--can arise in duplex DNA as a consequence of mutational events or by recombination. In a duplex, the sequence of the two bases involved, and those flanking the site of mismatch, determines the local structure and extent of destabilization of the helix. Base mismatches can arise also in recombination of nonhomologous strands, and their occurrence in Holliday recombination intermediates can influence the outcome of general or specialized recombination events. We have previously reported that the branch site in a DNA junction can interact selectively with a variety of ligands. Here we describe the thermodynamics of junctions containing T-T mismatches flanking the branch and show that these structures bind methidium and other intercalators with higher affinity than junctions lacking mismatches.  相似文献   

Gel electrophoretic analysis of the geometry of a DNA four-way junction   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Branched DNA molecules (Holliday structures) are believed to be key intermediates in the process of homologous genetic recombination. However, despite the importance of such structures, their transient nature makes it difficult to analyze their physical properties. In an effort to evaluate several models for the geometry of such branched molecules, a stable, synthetic DNA four-way junction has been constructed. The geometry of the synthetic junction has been probed by gel electrophoresis, utilizing the fact that bent DNA molecules demonstrate reduced mobilities on polyacrylamide gels to an extent that varies with the degree of the bend angle. From the synthetic four-way junction, we have produced a set of molecules in which all combinations of two junction arms have been extended by 105 base-pairs. The electrophoretic mobilities of the extended junctions differ in a manner which indicates that the junction is not a completely flexible structure; nor is it tetrahedral or planar-tetragonal. Instead, the four strands that comprise the DNA four-way junction are structurally non-equivalent. The significance of these observations with regard to previous models for four-way junction geometry is discussed.  相似文献   

The physical properties of a triple-helical DNA four-way junction J(T2T4) have been characterized by means of UV spectroscopy, CD spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). J(T2T4) is another four-way junction that was designed in addition to J(T1T3) (N. Makube and H. H. Klump (2000) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 377, 31-42) to study the effects of third strands on the stability of the four-way junction with triple-helical arms. The pH titration curves illustrate the sequential folding of single strands to double-helical four-way junctions and finally the binding of third strands to their respective W-C duplexes. CD measurements confirm triplex formation under appropriate pH and ionic strength conditions. The CD spectra also suggest different melting patterns for the triple-helical arms of J(T2T4). The melting temperature as a function of pH or ionic strength characterizes the effect of the third strands on the structural stability. Increased sodium concentration and low pH conditions enhances and stabilizes the overall structure of the junction. The results also indicate that all triplexes in J(T2T4) are formed in the absence of salt and at low pH; however, the junction may, under these conditions, assume a conformation different from the one assumed in the presence of salt. Through the deconvolution of DSC data, the calorimetric enthalpies associated with melting of arms of the junctions were determined. The loops are designed to have the same enthalpic effect on the different arms. The stabilizing effect of the loops is more pronounced when those loops are shifted from arms 1 and 3 in J(T1T3) to arms 2 and 4 in J(T2T4) without changing any of the sequences. Overall, J(T2T4) is slightly more stable than J(T1T3). The differences can be attributed to sequence effects rather than structural effects. All the results illustrate that binding of the third strand in either of the two orientations 5'5'3' (J(T2T4)) or 5'3'3' (J(T1T3)) stabilizes the underlying double-helical four-way junction and its triple-helical arms.  相似文献   

In 1964 Holliday postulated the formation of cruciform structures (four-way junctions) in duplex DNA as intermediate in genetic recombination. Since then, many biochemical and biophysical investigations were directed at solving questions concerning structural details of stable four-way junctions. Thus far, NMR spectroscopy played a minor part in these investigations on account of the minimum size of the molecule (expressed as the number of nucleotide residues) that was thought necessary to produce a stable cruciform structure. Indeed, the smallest four-way junction studied thus far by NMR methods was built from four separate DNA strands, each containing 16 nucleotides, a total of 64. Obviously, with such a large structure one runs into assignment problems. We considered the possibility of constructing a stable four-way junction from a single strand of DNA. The underlying idea was to make use of our detailed knowledge of the building principles of stable minihairpin loops. These loops, containing only two nucleotides to bridge the gap between antiparallel strands, are maximally stable in DNA sequences like 5-d(-C-TT-G-), where C and G form a normal Watson-Crick base pair and the two T residues cross the minor groove to form the minihairpin loop. Three of such miniloops could in principle cap three arms of the cruciform. The fourth arm would have an open end. The problem to be solved is to find the minimum length that is required to insure stability of the three closed arms and of the fourth open arm. We were successful with a structure that has three short stems (four base pairs each) and an open-end stem consisting of eight base pairs, a total of 46 residues. NMR experiments, carried out on this molecule in the presence of Mg2+, showed details of folding which have never been observed before.  相似文献   

We have used gel retardation analysis to show that human DNA topoisomerase IIbeta can bind a 40 bp linear duplex containing a single DNA topoisomerase IIbeta cleavage site. Furthermore, we demonstrate for the first time that human DNA topoisomerase IIbeta binds to four-way junction DNA. This supports previous suggestions that topoisomerase II may be targeted to supercoiled DNA through the recognition of DNA cruciforms, helix-helix crossovers and hairpins. DNA topoisomerase IIbeta had a 4-fold higher affinity for the four-way junction than for the linear duplex, as demonstrated by protein titration and competition analysis. Furthermore, the DNA topoisomerase IIbeta:four-way junction complex was significantly more salt stable than the complex with linear DNA. The four-way junction contained potential topoisomerase IIbeta cleavage sites straddling the points of strand exchange, and indeed, topoisomerase IIbeta was able to cleave three of these four predicted sites. This indicates that topoiso-merase IIbeta can bind to the centre of the junction. Topoisomerase II has to bind both the transported and the gated DNA helices prior to strand passage, and it is possible that both helices are provided by the four-way junction in this case. The stable complex of DNA topoisomerase IIbeta with four-way junction DNA may provide an ideal substrate for further studies into the mechanism of substrate recognition and binding by DNA topoisomerase II.  相似文献   

Resolving enzymes bind highly selectively to four-way DNA junctions, but the mechanism of this structural specificity is poorly understood. In this study, we have explored the role of interactions between the dimeric enzyme and the helical arms of the junction, using junctions with either shortened arms, or circular permutation of arms. We find that DNA-protein contacts in the arms containing the 5' ends of the continuous strands are very important, conferring a significant level of sequence discrimination upon both the choice of conformer and the order of strand cleavage. We have exploited these properties to obtain hydroxyl radical footprinting data on endonuclease I-junction complexes that are not complicated by the presence of alternative conformers, with results that are in good agreement with the arm permutation and shortening experiments. Substitution of phosphate groups at the center of the junction reveals the importance of electrostatic interactions at the point of strand exchange in the complex. Our data show that the form of the complex between endonuclease I and a DNA junction depends on the core of the junction and on interactions with the first six base-pairs of the arms containing the 5' ends of the continuous strands.  相似文献   

Metal ions fold DNA junctions into a compact conformation that confers protection of all thymine bases to modification by osmium tetroxide. In the absence of the cation the arms of the junction are fully extended in an approximately square-planar configuration. Group IIa cations are effective in achieving a folded conformation of the junction at 80-100 microM, and there is an excellent agreement between the ionic concentrations that fold the junctions as deduced from gel electrophoretic experiments, and those that prevent osmium tetroxide reaction at the junction. Hexamminecobalt(III) achieves full folding at 2 microM, while spermine and spermidine are effective at 25 microM. Some transition metal ions such as Ni(II) may replace the group IIA cations. Monovalent ions of group IA are only partially effective in folding the junctions. Very much higher concentrations are necessary, gel electrophoretic mobilities suggest that a less symmetrical conformation is adopted and thymine bases at the junction remain reactive to osmium tetroxide. Charge-charge interactions at the centre of the junction are structurally extremely important. Substitution of junction phosphate groups by uncharged methyl phosphonates severely perturbs the structure of the junction. If just two phosphates are substituted, diametrically facing across the junction, the structure always folds in order to place the electrically neutral phosphate on the exchanging strands. We suggest that folding of the junction into the stacked X-structure generates electronegative clefts that can selectively bind metal ions, depending on the chemistry, size and charge of the ion. Moreover, occupation of these cavities is essential for junction folding, in order to reduce electrostatic repulsion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The four-way DNA (Holliday) junction is an important postulated intermediate in the process of genetic recombination. Earlier studies have suggested that the junction exists in two alternative conformations, depending upon the salt concentration present. At high salt concentrations the junction folds into a stacked X structure, while at low salt concentrations the data indicate an extended unstacked conformation. The stereochemical conformation of the four-way DNA junction at low salt (low alkali ion concentration and no alkaline earth ions) was established by comparing the efficiency of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between donor and acceptor molecules attached pairwise in three permutations to the 5' termini of the duplex arms. A new variation of FRET was implemented based upon a systematic variation of the fraction of donor labeled single strands. The FRET results indicate that the structure of the four-way DNA junction at low salt exists as an unstacked, extended, square arrangement of the four duplex arms. The donor titration measurements made in the presence of magnesium ions clearly show the folding of the junction into the X stacked structure. In addition, the FRET efficiency can be measured. The fluorescence anisotropy of the acceptor in the presence of Mg2+ during donor titrations was also measured; the FRET efficiency can be calculated from the anisotropy data and the results are consistent with the folded, stacked X structure.  相似文献   

The stereochemistry of a four-way DNA junction: a theoretical study.   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
The stereochemical conformation of the four-way helical junction in DNA (the Holliday junction; the postulated central intermediate of genetic recombination) has been analysed, using molecular mechanical computer modelling. A version of the AMBER program package was employed, that had been modified to include the influence of counterions and a global optimisation procedure. Starting from an extended planar structure, the conformation was varied in order to minimise the energy, and we discuss three structures obtained by this procedure. One structure is closely related to a square-planar cross, in which there is no stacking interaction between the four double helical stems. This structure is probably closely similar to that observed experimentally in the absence of cations. The remaining two structures are based on related, yet distinct, conformations, in which there is pairwise coaxial stacking of neighbouring stems. In these structures, the four DNA stems adopt the form of two quasi-continuous helices, in which base stacking is very similar to that found in standard B-DNA geometry. The two stacked helices so formed are not aligned parallel to each other, but subtend an angle of approximately 60 degrees. The strands that exchange between one stacked helix and the other are disposed about the smaller angle of the cross (i.e. 60 degrees rather than 120 degrees), generating an approximately antiparallel alignment of DNA sequences. This structure is precisely the stacked X-structure proposed on the basis of experimental data. The calculations indicate distortions from standard B-DNA conformation that are required to adopt the stacked X-structure; a widening of the minor groove at the junction, and reorientation of the central phosphate groups of the exchanging strands. An important feature of the stacked X-structure is that it presents two structurally distinct sides. These may be recognised differently by enzymes, providing a rationalisation for the points of cleavage by Holliday resolvases.  相似文献   

Interaction of a four-way junction in DNA with T4 endonuclease VII   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
The binding of a synthetic four-way junction in DNA by T4 endonuclease VII has been studied using gel retardation and footprint analysis. Two specific protein-DNA complexes have been observed, but only one is stable in the presence of moderate concentrations of salt. The footprint of T4 endonuclease VII in the salt-resistant complex has been probed using hydroxyl radicals generated by the reaction of iron(II)/EDTA with hydrogen peroxide. The hydroxyl radical cleavage pattern indicates protection of approximately 5 residues in two strands that are diametrically opposed across the junction point.  相似文献   

The junction-resolving enzyme endonuclease I is selective for the structure of the DNA four-way (Holliday) junction. The enzyme binds to a four-way junction in two possible orientations, with a 4:1 ratio, opening the DNA structure at the centre and changing the global structure into a 90 degrees cross of approximately coaxial helices. The nuclease cleaves the continuous strands of the junction in each orientation. Binding leads to pronounced regions of protection of the DNA against hydroxyl radical attack. Using all this information together with the known structure of the enzyme and the structure of the BglI-DNA complex, we have constructed a model of the complex of endonuclease I and a DNA junction. This shows how the enzyme is selective for the structure of a four-way junction, such that both continuous strands can be accommodated into the two active sites so that a productive resolution event is possible.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel hybridization detection system using a universal probe based on the formation of a four-way junction (4WJ) structure. This methodology employs a combination of two sequence-specific probes and a universal quenching probe, and the same universal probe can be used for any target gene, allowing cost-effective assays. This 4WJ detection is ideal for extensive parallel identification of nucleic acids such as in multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) systems. Compared with gel electrophoresis, this detection procedure is not only sensitive and rapid but also free of hazardous chemicals such as ethidium bromide. In addition, the 4WJ hybridization technology is more specific as an identifier than the size of a band on an agarose gel. We used a model multiplex PCR method that detected eight different virulence genes in Escherichia coli isolates, demonstrating that our 4WJ detection system is rapid, sensitive, and specific.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis is a widely used method for studying enzymes and improving their properties. The number of mutants that can be obtained with this method is limited by the number of synthetic 25-30mer oligonucleotides containing the mutation mismatch, becoming impracticably large with increasing size of a mutant library. To make this approach more practical, shorter mismatching oligonucleotides (7-12mer) might be employed. However, the introduction of these oligonucleotides in dsDNA poses the problem of sealing a DNA nick containing 5'-terminal base pair mismatches. In the present work we studied the ability of T4 DNA ligase to catalyze this reaction. It was found that T4 DNA ligase effectively joins short oligonucleotides, yielding dsDNA containing up to five adjacent mismatches. The end-joining rate of mismatching oligonucleotides is limited by the formation of the phosphodiester bond, decreasing with an increase in the number of mismatching base pairs at the 5'-end of the oligonucleotide substrate. However, in the case of a 3 bp mismatch, the rate is higher than that obtained with a 2 bp mismatch. Increasing the matching length with the number of mismatching base pairs fixed, or moving the mismatching motif downstream with respect to the joining site increases the rate of ligation. The ligation rate increases with the molar ratio [oligonucleotide:dsDNA]; however, at high excess of the oligonucleotide, inhibition of joining was observed. In conclusion, 9mer oligonucleotides containing a 3 bp mismatch are found optimal substrates to introduce mutations in dsDNA, opening perspectives for the application of T4 DNA ligase in mutagenesis protocols.  相似文献   

MeCP2, whose methylated DNA-binding domain (MBD) binds preferentially to DNA containing 5Me-CpG relative to linear unmethylated DNA, also binds preferentially, and with similar affinity, to unmethylated four-way DNA junctions through the MBD. The Arg133Cys (R133C) mutation in the MBD, a Rett syndrome mutation that abolishes binding to methylated DNA, leads to only a slight reduction in the affinity of the MBD for four-way junctions, suggesting distinct but partially overlapping modes of binding to junction and methylated DNA. Binding to unmethylated DNA junctions is likely to involve a subset of the interactions that occur with methylated DNA. High-affinity, methylation-independent binding to four-way junctions is consistent with additional roles for MeCP2 in chromatin, beyond recognition of 5Me-CpG.  相似文献   

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