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三棱栎种子萌发特性初探   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
三棱栎是国家二级保护植物,主要分布在云南省的孟连、澜沧、沧源、西盟和勐腊等地。通过对三棱栎种子萌发特性的研究表明,三棱栎种子的萌发温度在20℃-35℃范围内。种子在土壤中埋藏越深,其萌发越慢,萌发率越低。在相同的温度条件下,光照组(12h/d)的萌发率略高于黑暗组。说明光照有利于种子的萌发。  相似文献   

报道了濒危植物三棱栎 4个居群的染色体数目和核型 ,4个居群的核型公式均为 2n =14 =10m 2sm 2st 2bs,核型类型均为 2A。间期核为复杂染色中心型 (complexchromocentertype) ,细胞有丝分裂前期染色体为中间型 (interstitialtype)。 4个居群在前期染色体中 ,可观察到2个B染色体 ,但在中期染色体中较少发现。根据核型分析结果 ,4个居群间核型变异不明显  相似文献   

三棱栎(Trigonobalanusdoichangensis)是三棱栎属中唯一分布到中国的种类,而且问世较晚,1981年才由徐永椿教授等人在云南澜沧发现其在中国的踪迹。1984年,鉴于其分布范围狭窄,在系统演化研究上有一定的科学意义及经济价值较高等原因,即被国务院环境保护委员会列为国家二级保护植物。1999年8月,在国务院批准公布的《国家重点保护野生植物名录(第一批)》中,三棱栎亦榜上有名,保护级别为二级。在壳斗科中,三棱栎属建立较晚,是1962年才由福曼(Forman)在栎属中分出的一个小属,只有三个种:分布于我国云南南部…  相似文献   

濒危植物三棱栎遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
用随机扩增多态DNA (RAPD)标记对 5个三棱栎 (Trigonobalanusdoichangensis)居群共 99个个体进行遗传多样性和居群遗传结构分析。 16个引物共检测到 15 7个位点 ,其中多态位点 83个 ,占 5 2 87%。物种水平Shannon多样性指数I =0 2 4 31,Nei基因多样度h =0 15 95 ,种内总遗传变异量Ht=0 16 0 0 ,居群内遗传变异量Hs =0 0 74 9,居群间变异量大于居群内变异量 ,表明三棱栎的遗传变异主要存在于居群之间。与同科植物相比 ,三棱栎遗传多样性较低 ,遗传分化系数Gst =0 5 32 0 ,说明居群间的遗传变异占 5 3 2 0 % ,居群间已出现强烈的遗传分化。当地人的强烈活动造成的生境破碎化和居群隔离 ,以及三棱栎演化过程中的地史变化对其种群发展的影响等 ,可能是造成其居群间强烈的遗传分化和较低遗传多样性的原因。基于本研究结果 ,提出了三棱栎遗传多样性的保护策略。  相似文献   

三棱栎属分类的孢粉学证据   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
壳斗科三棱栎属Trigonobalanus Forman含3种,即:三棱栎T.doichangensis,南美三棱栎T.excelsa,轮叶三棱栎T.verticillata。通过用光学显徽镜、扫描电子显微镜、激光共聚焦显微系统及透射电子显微镜对3个种的花粉进行观察并比较分析,确认它们分别属于显然不同的3个类型:(A)花粉粒为扁球形,赤道面观宽椭圆形,极面观钝三角形;孔在角上,内孔具明显的孔室,孔缘加厚;外壁覆盖层无穿孔,孔区外壁-2(从化学分层)特厚;表面具疣波状纹饰。三棱栎为此类型。(B)花粉粒为长球形,赤道面观长椭圆形,极面观近三角形或三瓣形;萌发孔多为3拟孔沟(-3沟),位于三角形的边上;外壁覆盖层具穿孔,表面具粗瘤(疣)状纹饰。南美三棱栎为此类型。(C)花粉粒近球形、赤道面观近圆形,极面观3裂圆形,3孔沟在边上;覆盖层具穿孔;表面具小瘤和蠕虫状短条纹饰。轮叶三棱栎为此类型。以上3个种的花粉粒形状、萌发孔、外壁结构、表面纹饰等特征,特别是萌发孔特征、类型及位置,在壳斗科的花粉形态中表现出较大差异,越出了种间的区别,故笔者认为K.C. Nixon和W.L. Crepet将3个种分立为3个单型属是自然合理的,即:Formanodendren(F.doichangensis(Camus)Nixon et Crepet), Colombobalanus(C. excelsa(G.Lozano,J.Hdz-C.et J.Henao)Nixon et Crepet),Trigonobalanus(T.verticillata Forman)。  相似文献   

为测定不同脱水程度金丝李(Garcinia paucinervis)种子的萌发情况及其复水后的吸水率、脱水过程中抗性生理指标的变化以及不同贮藏方式下种子的萌发情况,该文研究了金丝李种子的脱水敏感性和储藏特性。结果表明:(1)金丝李种子初始含水量为45.29%,室内通风处放置35 d失水率即达45%。(2)种子失水率低于18%时,萌发率和复水后的吸水率变化不显著;失水率超过18%时,萌发率和复水后吸水率均显著下降,失水率为42%时萌发率为0。其种子的临界含水量为27.29%,半致死含水量为12.72%。(3)随着种子脱水程度的加深,相对电导率、可溶性糖及脯氨酸含量逐步上升;丙二醛含量在失水率低于24%时变化不大,高于24%时显著提高; SOD和POD的活性均呈波动性变化,失水率为18%时活性均最高。(4)室温干藏1个月和-1、-20℃下湿藏1个月的种子均不能萌发;水浸贮藏1个月的种子萌发率显著降低; 4℃湿藏1、3和6个月均显著延缓种子萌发,但对萌发率无显著影响。表明金丝李种子在失水率低于18%时,种子可通过抗性调节维持细胞的正常代谢,能忍受一定程度的脱水和低温;当失水率超过18%时,种子代谢失衡发生劣变直至死亡,属于低度的顽拗性种子。4℃湿沙藏(含水量7.5%)是短期贮藏其种子的较好方法。  相似文献   

三棱栎群落的区系成分初步研究   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
根据三棱区栎群落的野外调查结果,分析了该落的区系成分。热带及亚热带区系成分占很大的比重(占总种数90.25%),其中印度-马来西亚成分占有绝对优势(占41.46%),滇、顷、老、泰、越周边地区的区系成分次之(共占29.27%),与热带非洲有微弱联系,但与热带大洋洲与美洲并无联系。这就在该群落区系成分分析的基础上有力地支持Kevin C.Nixon和William L.Crepet的论点:三棱栎的独  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物珙桐不同采收期的种子特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首次比较研究了国家一级保护濒危植物珙桐不同采收时期的种子特性。结果显示:不同采收期每50粒珙桐果实的出种量最高为101粒,最低为53粒,平均80.78粒,变异系数19.43%;果实出种量不随采收时间的推迟而增长,这表明在相似生境条件下珙桐植株间的有性生殖是非同步的。各采收期珙桐果实的出籽率都非常低,最高仅为1.63%,由于种子包装格局与果皮包装格局资源损耗的相对独立性,提示果实表型特征与种子发育程度不存在相关性。测定分析不同采收期珙桐种子电导率,11月5日所采集的种子在9份样品中种子质量最高。而种子形态数据与百粒重却显示11月5日所采集的种子在这两方面最小,长19.85cm、宽4.94cm、厚2.95cm,百粒重18.82g,这表明珙桐种子形态大小不能反映种子质量的高低。用0.5%TTC溶液测定珙桐种子活力,实验结果显示不同采收期珙桐种子活力均达90%以上。  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物金花茶种子繁殖和生物学特性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对金花茶进行种子繁殖和生物学特性研究。结果表明:以含水6%湿沙贮藏,采用粒径大的种子(2.05cm×1.51cm×1.92cm)于3月进行播种繁殖,其发芽率最高,且幼苗长势健壮。金花茶从北热带季雨林中引种到中亚热带桂林雁山的自然环境条件下,植株能正常生长及开花结实。物候期比原产地推迟40d左右。成龄植株通常每年只有一次秋梢,于9月下旬开始展叶抽梢,10月中旬新梢停止生长。6月下旬至7月上旬开始现蕾,1月上旬至2月上旬为开花始期,2月下旬至3月中旬为开花盛期,3月下旬至4月上旬为开花末期。果实于11月下旬至12月成熟,生长期约9~10个月。17年生实生苗平均高(313.60±15.92)cm,基径(4.51±0.71)cm,平均冠幅(东西×南北)277.6cm×219.2cm。金花茶主要病害有赤叶枯病、炭疽病、白绢病等,4~6月高温湿热季节容易发病。虫害主要有蚜虫、卷叶蛾、天牛和木囊蛾等。  相似文献   

三棱栎的花粉形态及其分类位置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文就壳斗科三棱栎属Trigonobalanus Forman在我国的新分布——三棱栎T.doicha- ngensis 的花粉作了光学显微镜、扫描电镜及透射电镜观察。从花粉的形状、萌发孔类型及外壁结构看,三棱栎与本科其余各属均不同,在壳斗科中确属一个独特类型。  相似文献   

Seed banking following internationally agreed standards is an important way for preserving collections of wild plant species ex situ; but this method is not suitable for desiccation sensitive species. Lauraceae comprehends some of the dominant species in the evergreen broadleaved forest in the south of China and contains many species both of ecological and economical importance. However, study on seed biology such as germination and desiccation tolerance of this family is scarce. Seeds of 9 species from 5 genera of this family were collected and their dormancy status and germination requirement were studied; also their desiccation tolerance were determined using a modified 100 seed test. The results showed that seeds of Cinnamomum camphora probably have intermediate physiological dormancy; seeds of Actinodaphne forrestii, Actinodaphne obovata, Cinnamomum migao, Lindera metcalfiana var. dictyophylla, Lindera communis and Neolitsea polycarpa are non deep physiological dormant; Seeds of Cinnamomum burmannii and Phoebe glaucophylla may have no or negligible dormancy. All 9 species lost seed viability after desiccated to 286%-716% moisture content while still retained considerable viability with moisture content ranged from 1732% to 4487% after moist storage; thus seeds of the 9 species are all desiccation sensitive and can not be stored at the conventional seed bank conditions.  相似文献   

棕榈种子萌发特性及其贮藏行为的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对3个不同种源地的棕榈(Trachycarpus fortunei)种子进行了不同时间的脱水处理和两种不同温度(4℃和-20℃)下贮藏(120d),对其萌发特性和贮藏行为进行了比较分析,结果表明棕榈种子脱水耐性低和对低温较敏感,且含水量较低的种子也受低温伤害。经不同含水量与温度的组合试验后发现,已实验的棕榈种子极可能是一种中间性种子,且其特性受其自然生境的深刻作用,尤其是海拔高度的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper, we measured the embryo morphology and size of Magnolia wilsonii seeds. And the effects of temperature, stratification, KNO3 and soaking on seed dormancy and germination were studied. Seeds were desiccated to different moisture content, and then stored at 4℃ and -20℃ for 100 d. The effects of desiccation and storage temperature on seed viability of M. wilsonii were analyzed. The results showed that the underdeveloped embryos of Mwilsonii seeds needed cold stratification to achieve physiological afterripening. The favorable temperature for germination of Mwilsonii seeds was 25/20℃. Cold stratification and GA3 could effectively overcome dormancy of Mwilsonii seeds. Therefore, Mwilsonii seeds have morphophysiological dormancy. About 5350% of seeds could survive in the moisture content of 539%. After 100 d storage at -20℃, all seeds in different moisture contents died. However, after 100 d storage at 4℃, 76% of seeds survived. Thus, Mwilsonii seeds exhibited intermediate seed storage behavior. The optimum storage environments was dry or moist storage at 4℃.  相似文献   

文章对竹柏(Podocarpus nagi)种子的脱水耐性和贮藏特性进行了研究,结果表明:竹柏种子成熟时初始含水量约为(35±0.7)%,种子对脱水敏感,其最低安全含水量约为(16.86±0.73)%,具有顽拗性种子的典型特征;湿藏和半干藏都可以作为短期保存竹柏种子的方法,且以4℃保存优于15℃保存,但不管种子含水量如何,零下低温保存对竹柏种子都是致命的;半干藏法保存实验中,未进行脱水处理的种子(对照)在4℃贮藏6个月,种子萌发率没有发生明显下降,但贮藏期延长到9个月时,临界含水量的种子萌发力保存最高;不管贮藏介质的含水量高低,也无论贮藏在4℃还是15℃,湿藏种子在9个月的贮藏期内萌发率均没有明显的降低,但当贮藏到12个月时,15℃湿藏种子的萌发率显著高于4℃贮藏的种子,但15℃湿藏的种子在贮藏到3个月时即发现种子在贮藏期间萌发,且随着贮藏介质含水量的升高和贮藏期的延长,萌发的种子增多;竹柏的离体胚经过2 h硅胶快速脱水至含水量7%后再冷冻即可获得90%以上的融后存活率,且超低温保存1年的离体胚解冻后,与只保存1周的存活率没有明显差异,表明超低温长期保存竹柏种子是可行的。本研究可以为进一步探究顽拗性种子的短期贮藏和长期保存提供理论基础和基础资料。  相似文献   

文章对竹柏( Podocarpus nagi)种子的脱水耐性和贮藏特性进行了研究,结果表明:竹柏种子成熟时初始含水量约为(35±0?7)%,种子对脱水敏感,其最低安全含水量约为(16?86±0?73)%,具有顽拗性种子的典型特征;湿藏和半干藏都可以作为短期保存竹柏种子的方法,且以4℃保存优于15℃保存,但不管种子含水量如何,零下低温保存对竹柏种子都是致命的;半干藏法保存实验中,未进行脱水处理的种子(对照)在4℃贮藏6个月,种子萌发率没有发生明显下降,但贮藏期延长到9个月时,临界含水量的种子萌发力保存最高;不管贮藏介质的含水量高低,也无论贮藏在4℃还是15℃,湿藏种子在9个月的贮藏期内萌发率均没有明显的降低,但当贮藏到12个月时,15℃湿藏种子的萌发率显著高于4℃贮藏的种子,但15℃湿藏的种子在贮藏到3个月时即发现种子在贮藏期间萌发,且随着贮藏介质含水量的升高和贮藏期的延长,萌发的种子增多;竹柏的离体胚经过2h硅胶快速脱水至含水量7%后再冷冻即可获得90%以上的融后存活率,且超低温保存1年的离体胚解冻后,与只保存1周的存活率没有明显差异,表明超低温长期保存竹柏种子是可行的。本研究可以为进一步探究顽拗性种子的短期贮藏和长期保存提供理论基础和基础资料。  相似文献   

濒危植物银杉种子特性的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文

  • Conopodium majus is a geophyte with pseudomonocotyly, distributed in Atlantic Europe. It is an indicator of two declining European habitats: ancient woodland understories and oligotrophic hay meadows. Attempts to reintroduce it by seed have been hindered by scarce seedling emergence and limited knowledge of its seed biology.
  • Micro‐CT scanning was used to assess pseudomonocotyly. Embryo growth and germination were studied in the laboratory and the field, using dissection and image analysis. The effects of temperature, light, nitrate and GA3 on germination were tested. Seed desiccation tolerance was investigated by storage at different RHs and by drying seeds at different stages of embryo growth.
  • Seeds possess morphological but not physiological dormancy. Embryo growth and germination were promoted by temperatures between 0 and 5 °C, arrested above 10 °C, and indifferent to alternating temperatures, light, nitrate and GA3. Pseudomonocotyly appears to result from cotyledon fusion. While seeds tolerated drying to 15% RH and storage for 1 year at 20 °C, viability was lost when storage was at 60% RH. Seeds imbibed at 5 °C for 84 days had significant internal embryo growth but were still able to tolerate drying to 15% RH.
  • Reproduction by seed in C. majus follows a strategy shared by geophytes adapted to deciduous temperate forests. The evolution of fused cotyledons may enable the radicle and the hypocotyl to reach deeper into the soil where a tuber can develop. The embryo is capable of growth within the seed at low temperatures so that germination is timed for early spring.

研究白木香种子发育进程中种子性状、萌发能力和脱水耐性的变化,以及不同光温条件对种子萌发的影响和种子的贮藏特性。结果表明:白木香种子在花后78d获得最大干重,进入生理成熟期,此时萌发率接近最大值;胚在花后57~85d,脱水耐性逐渐增强,并在花后85d获得最大脱水耐性。种子萌发的适宜温度范围为25℃-35℃,光照对种子萌发有一定的抑制作用。新鲜自木香种子(含水量27.45%)在4℃低温条件下贮藏1个月后萌发率仅为30%左右,而含水量7.38%的干燥种子在4℃低温条件下贮藏120d,萌发率仍有53.33%,因此,4℃低温和适度脱水有利于种子短期贮藏。白木香种子能忍耐一定程度的脱水,但干燥至含水量7.50%以下时种子会发生损伤,因此推测白木香种子是一种中间性种子。  相似文献   

Lasia spinosa seeds were not dormant at maturity in early spring. The most favorable temperatures for germination were between 25 and 30 °C, and final percentage and rate of germination decreased with an increase or decrease in temperature. When L. spinosa seeds were transferred to 25 °C, after 60 days at 10 °C (where none of the seeds germinated), final germination increased from 0% to 78%. Seeds germinated to high percentage both in light and in dark, although dark germination took more than twice as long as in the light. During desiccation of seeds at 15 °C and 45% relatively humidity, moisture loss decreased exponentially from 2.02 to 0.13 g H2O g−1 dry wt within 16 days, and only a few seeds (12%) survived 0.13 g H2O g−1 dry wt moisture content. Seeds stored at 0.58 g H2O g−1 dry wt moisture content at four constant temperatures (4, 10, 15, and −18 °C) for up to 6 months exhibited a well-defined trend of decreasing viability with decreasing temperature. Thus, we concluded that freshly harvested L. spinosa seeds are non-dormant and recalcitrant. Also, the seeds with 0.58 g H2O g−1 dry wt moisture content could be effectively stored for a few months between 10 and 15 °C although the most appropriate temperature for wet storage appears to be 10 °C, as it is close to the minimum temperature for germination and so there will be less pre-sprouting compared to 15 °C.  相似文献   

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