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The host-pathogen interaction: new themes from dendritic cell biology   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Rescigno M  Borrow P 《Cell》2001,106(3):267-270

The cholesterol-dependent cytolysins are pore-forming toxins. Pneumolysin is the cytolysin produced by Streptococcus pneumoniae and is a key virulence factor. The protein contains 471 amino acids and four structural domains. Binding to cholesterol is followed by oligomerization and membrane pore formation. Pneumolysin also activates the classical pathway of complement. Mutational analysis of the toxin and knowledge of sequence variation in outbreak strains suggests that additional activities of biologic importance exist. Pneumolysin activates a large number of genes, some by epigenetic modification, in eukaryotic cells and multiple signal transduction pathways. Cytolytic effects contribute to lung injury and neuronal damage while pro-inflammatory effects compound tissue damage. Nevertheless pneumolysin is a focal point of the immune response to pneumococci. Toll-like receptor 4-mediated recognition, osmosensing and T-cell responses to pneumolysin have been identified. In some animal models mutants that lack pneumolysin are associated with impaired bacterial clearance. Pneumolysin, which itself may induce apoptosis in neurones and other cells can activate host-mediated apoptosis in macrophages enhancing clearance. Disease pathogenesis, which has traditionally focused on the harmful effects of the toxin, increasingly recognises that a precarious balance between limited host responses to pneumolysin and either excessive immune responses or toxin-mediated subversion of host immunity exists.  相似文献   

As with other lipid modifications of proteins, prenylation now appears to be critically important in the regulation of protein function. Recent research has led to an explosion of information concerning prenylation signals, prenyl transferase enzymes and the role of prenylation in protein-membrane interactions. Experiments have examined the role of prenylation in protein function and the results suggest that protein prenylation may be involved in facilitating proper subcellular localization, promoting protein-protein and protein-membrane interactions and regulating protein function.  相似文献   

The protein prenylation is one of the essential post-translational protein modifications, which extensively exists in the eukaryocyte. It includes protein farnesylation and geranylgeranylation, using farnesyl pyrophosphate(FPP) or geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate(GGPP) as the substrate, respectively. The prenylation occurs by covalent addition of these two types of isoprenoids to cysteine residues at or near the carboxyl terminus of the proteins that possess Caa X motif, such as Ras small GTPase family. The attachment of hydrophobic prenyl groups can anchor the proteins to intracellular membranes and trigger downstream cell signaling pathway. Geranylgeranyl biphosphate synthase(GGPPS) catalyzes the synthesis of 20-carbon GGPP from 15-carbon FPP. The abnormal expression of this enzyme will affect the relative content of FPP and GGPP, and thus disrupts the balance between protein farnesylation and geranylgeranylation, which participates into various aspects of cellular physiology and pathology. In this paper, we mainly review the property of this important protein post-translational modification and research progress in its regulation of cigarette smoke induced pulmonary disease, adipocyte insulin sensitivity, the inflammation response of Sertoli cells, the hepatic lipogenesis and the cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

S. pombe is shown to be a powerful system for studies concerning attachment of polyisoprenoid moieties to proteins, due to its ability to take up exogenous mevalonic acid efficiently. The fission yeast can take up about 5% of the exogenously added mevalonic acid and incorporate approximately 10% of this into protein. By contrast, the uptake obtained with the budding yeast S. cerevisiae is less than 0.5%. HPLC analysis of total S. pombe protein-bound isoprenoids revealed that approximately 55% of the counts co-migrated with the geranylgeraniol standard, while approximately 45% of the counts co-migrated with farnesol. We could not detect any effects of mevinolin or other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors in S. pombe.  相似文献   

Coevolutionary outcomes between interacting species are predicted to vary across landscapes, as environmental conditions, gene flow, and the strength of selection vary among populations. Using a combination of molecular, experimental, and field approaches, we describe how broad-scale patterns of environmental heterogeneity, genetic divergence, and regional adaptation have the potential to influence coevolutionary processes in the Linum marginale-Melampsora lini plant-pathogen interaction. We show that two genetically and geographically divergent pathogen lineages dominate interactions with the host across Australia, and demonstrate a hybrid origin for one of the lineages. We further demonstrate that the geographic divergence of the two lineages of M. lini in Australia is related to variation among lineages in virulence, life-history characteristics, and response to environmental conditions. When correlated with data describing regional patterns of variation in host resistance diversity and mating system these observations highlight the potential for gene flow and geographic selection mosaics to generate and maintain coevolutionary diversification in long-standing host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Candida albicans biofilm development, modeling a host-pathogen interaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Medical device-associated infections involve the attachment of cells to a surface, production of an extracellular matrix and development of a mature biofilm. Many Candida albicans disease states involve biofilm growth. These infections have great impact on public health because organisms in biofilms exhibit dramatically reduced susceptibility to antifungal therapy. Progression to a mature biofilm is dependent on cell adhesion, extracellular matrix production and the yeast-to-hyphae transition. Numerous in vitro biofilm model systems have been successfully used to examine biofilm architecture, development, cell phenotypes and drug resistance. Although these studies have included a number of experimental variables to mimic infections in patients, it is difficult to accurately account for the multitude of host and infection-site variables that are probably important in humans. Recent studies have begun to explore C. albicans biofilms using animal biofilm infection models in order to more completely reflect the complexity of this host-fungal interaction.  相似文献   

Hartlova A  Krocova Z  Cerveny L  Stulik J 《Proteomics》2011,11(15):3212-3220
The host-pathogen interaction represents a complex and dynamic biological system. The outcome of this interaction is dependent on the microbial pathogen properties to establish infection and the ability of the host to control infection. Although bacterial pathogens have evolved a variety of strategies to subvert host defense functions, several general mechanisms have been shown to be shared among these pathogens. As a result, host effectors that are critical for pathogen entry, survival and replication inside the host cells have become a new paradigm for antimicrobial targeting. This review focuses on the potential utility of a proteomics approach in defining the host-pathogen interaction from the host's perspective.  相似文献   

Pathogens can pose challenges to plant growth and development at various stages of their life cycle. Two interconnected defense strategies prevent the growth of pathogens in plants, i.e., molecular patterns triggered immunity (PTI) and pathogenic effector-triggered immunity (ETI) that often provides resistance when PTI no longer functions as a result of pathogenic effectors. Plants may trigger an ETI defense response by directly or indirectly detecting pathogen effectors via their resistance proteins. A typical resistance protein is a nucleotide-binding receptor with leucine-rich sequences (NLRs) that undergo structural changes as they recognize their effectors and form associations with other NLRs. As a result of dimerization or oligomerization, downstream components activate “helper” NLRs, resulting in a response to ETI. It was thought that ETI is highly dependent on PTI. However, recent studies have found that ETI and PTI have symbiotic crosstalk, and both work together to create a robust system of plant defense. In this article, we have summarized the recent advances in understanding the plant's early immune response, its components, and how they cooperate in innate defense mechanisms. Moreover, we have provided the current perspective on engineering strategies for crop protection based on up-to-date knowledge.  相似文献   

Molecular basis of host-pathogen interaction in septic shock   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Specific mechanisms of recognition of microbial products have been developed by host cells. Among these mechanisms, recognition of lipopolysaccharide of Gram-negative bacteria by CD14, a glycoprotein expressed at the surface of myelomonocytic cells, plays a major role. There is increasing evidence that CD14 also serves as a receptor for other microbial products including peptidoglycan of Gram-positive bacteria. A common theme is that CD14 represents a key molecule in innate immunity. Recognition of microbial products by host cells leads to cell activation and production of a large array of mediators that are necessary for the development of controlled inflammatory processes. When the activation process is out of control, such as in septic shock, these mediators can be detrimental to the host.  相似文献   

Iron, zinc and copper, among others, are transition metals with multiple biological roles that make them essential elements for life. Beyond the strict requirement of transition metals by the vertebrate immune system for its proper functioning, novel mechanisms involving direct metal intoxication of microorganisms are starting to be unveiled as important components of the immune system, in particular against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In parallel, metal detoxification systems in bacteria have been recently characterized as crucial microbial virulence determinants. Here, we will focus on these exciting advancements implicating copper- and zinc-mediated microbial poisoning as a novel innate immune mechanism against microbial pathogens, shedding light on an emerging field in the metallobiology of host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Comparison of the malaria parasite and mammalian protein prenyltransferases and their cellular substrates is important for establishing this enzyme as a target for developing antimalarial agents. Nineteen heptapeptides differing only in their carboxyl-terminal amino acid were tested as alternative substrates of partially purified Plasmodium falciparum protein farnesyltransferase. Only NRSCAIM and NRSCAIQ serve as substrates, with NRSCAIM being the best. Peptidomimetics, FTI-276 and GGTI-287, inhibit the transferase with IC(50) values of 1 and 32 nm, respectively. Incubation of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes with [(3)H]farnesol labels 50- and 22-28-kDa proteins, whereas [(3)H]geranylgeraniol labels only 22-28-kDa proteins. The 50-kDa protein is shown to be farnesylated, whereas the 22-28-kDa proteins are geranylgeranylated, irrespective of the labeling prenol. Protein labeling is inhibited more than 50% by either 5 microm FTI-277 or GGTI-298. The same concentration of inhibitors also inhibits parasite growth from the ring stage by 50%, decreases expression of prenylated proteins as measured with prenyl-specific antibody, and inhibits parasite differentiation beyond the trophozoite stage. Furthermore, differentiation specific prenylation of P. falciparum proteins is demonstrated. Protein labeling is detected predominantly during the trophozoite to schizont and schizont to ring transitions. These results demonstrate unique properties of protein prenylation in P. falciparum: a limited specificity of the farnesyltransferase for peptide substrates compared with mammalian enzymes, the ability to use farnesol to label both farnesyl and geranylgeranyl moieties on proteins, differentiation specific protein prenylation, and the ability of peptidomimetic prenyltransferase inhibitors to block parasite differentiation.  相似文献   

Recently, the use of invertebrate models of infection has given exciting insights into host-pathogen interaction for a number of bacteria. In particular, this has revealed important factors of the host response with remarkable parallels in higher organisms. Here, we review the advances attained in the elucidation of virulence determinants of a major human pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus, in relation to the invertebrate models thus far applied, the silkworm (Bombyx mori), the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and the roundworm (Caenorhabditis elegans). Also, the major pathways of host defence are covered in light of the response to S. aureus and the similarities and divergences in innate immunity of vertebrates and invertebrates. Consequently, we comparatively consider pathogen recognition receptors, signal transduction pathways (including Toll, Imd and others), and the humoral and cellular antimicrobial effectors. The technically convenient and ethically acceptable invertebrates appear as a valuable first tool to discriminate molecules participating from both sides of the host-S. aureus interaction as well as a high throughput method for antimicrobial screening.  相似文献   

Modrfication of proteins at C-terminal cysteine residue(s) by the isoprenoids farnesyl (C15) and geranylgeranyl (C20) is essential for the biological function of a number of eukaryotic proteins including fungal mating factors and the small, GTP-binding proteins of the Ras superfamily. Three distinct enzymes, conserved between yeast and mammals, have been identified that prenylate proteins: farnesyl protein transferase, geranylgeranyl protein transferase type I and geranylgeranyl protein transferase type II. Each prenyl protein transferase has its own protein substrate specificity. Much has been learned about the biology, genetics and biochemistry of protein prenylation and prenyl protein transferases through studies of eukaryotic microorganisms, particularly Saccharo-myces cerevisiae. The functional Importance of protein prenylation was first demonstrated with fungal mating factors. The initial genetic analysis of prenyl protein transferases was in S. cerewisiae with the isolation and subsequent characterization of mutations in the RAM1, RAM2, CDC43 and BET2 genes, each of which encodes a prenyl protein transferase subunit. We review here these and other studies on protein prenylation in eukaryotic microbes and how they relate to and have contributed to our knowledge about protein prenylation in all eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Insulin secretion from the pancreatic beta-cell is regulated principally by the ambient concentration of glucose. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the stimulus-secretion coupling of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) remain only partially understood. Emerging evidence from multiple laboratories suggests key regulatory roles for GTP-binding proteins (G-proteins) in the cascade of events leading to GSIS. This class of signaling proteins undergo a series of requisite post-translational modifications (e.g., prenylation) at their C-terminal cysteines, which appear to be necessary for their targeting to respective membranous sites for optimal interaction with their respective effector proteins. This communication represents a perspective on potential regulatory roles for protein prenylation steps (i.e., protein farnesylation and protein geranylgeranylation) in GSIS from the islet beta cell. Possible consequences of protein prenylation and potential mechanisms underlying glucose-induced regulation of prenylation, specifically in the context of GSIS are also discussed.  相似文献   

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