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Buss (1988a), using an evolutionary perspective, tested hypotheses about intrasexual competition within the context of behavior to attract mates. He found sex differences in intrasexual competition predicted by the goal of mate attraction. We used Buss's methodology while asking subjects about the acts they performed to compete with members of the same sex, rather than about acts for attracting potential mates. Competitive acts were nominated and placed into 26 tactics in Study 1. Study 2 obtained self-reports of male and female act performance frequency. Study 3 replicated Study 2 using observer-reports. Study 4 obtained act effectiveness judgments for men and women. We largely replicated Buss's results despite the focus on intrasexual competition instead of mate attraction. Thus, we provide strong evidence for the importance of mate attraction in intrasexual competition.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that human second-to-fourth digit ratio (or 2D:4D) is related to facial features involved in attractiveness, mediated by in utero hormonal effects. The present study extends the investigation to other phenotypic, hormone-related determinants of human attractiveness: voice and body odour. Pictures of faces with a neutral expression, recordings of voices pronouncing vowels and axillary odour samples captured on cotton pads worn for 24 h were provided by 49 adult male donors. These stimuli were rated on attractiveness and masculinity scales by two groups of 49 and 35 females, approximately half of these in each sample using hormonal contraception. Multivariate regression analyses showed that males' lower (more masculine) right 2D:4D and lower right-minus-left 2D:4D (Dr-l) were associated with a more attractive (and in some cases more symmetrical), but not more masculine, face. However, 2D:4D and Dr-l did not predict voice and body odour masculinity or attractiveness. The results were interpreted in terms of differential effects of prenatal and circulating testosterone, male facial shape being supposedly more dependent on foetal levels (reflected by 2D:4D ratio), whereas body odour and vocal characteristics could be more dependent on variation in adult circulating testosterone levels.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that the scent of developmentalstability (low fluctuating asymmetry, FA) is attractive to womenwho are fertile (at high-conception risk points in their menstrualcycles), but not to other women or men. Prior research alsoindicates that the scent of dissimilarity in major histocompatibilitycomplex (MHC) genes may play a role in human mate choice. Westudied the scent attractiveness to the opposite sex of t-shirtsworn for 2 nights' sleep. Our results indicate that the twoolfactory systems are independent. We repeated previous resultsfrom studies of the scent of symmetry. We repeated previousresults from MHC research in part; men, but not women, showeda preference for t-shirts with the scent of MHC dissimilarity.Women's scent ratings of t-shirts were uncorrelated with thewearer's MHC dissimilarity and allele frequency, but positivelycorrelated with the wearer's MHC heterozygosity. Fertile womendid not exhibit any MHC trait preferences. Women's preferencefor the scent of men who were heterozygous for MHC alleles maybe stronger in women who are at infertile cycle points. Menpreferred the scent of common MHC alleles, which may functionto avoid mates with rare alleles that exhibit gestational drive.Men also preferred the scent of women at fertile cycle points.The scent of facially attractive women, but not men, was preferred.Neither FA nor facial attractiveness in either sex correlatedwith MHC dissimilarity to others, MHC heterozygosity, or MHCallelic rarity.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that glucose flux wasdirectly related to relative exercise intensity both beforeand after a 12-wk cycle ergometer training program [5days/wk, 1-h duration, 75% peakO2 consumption(O2 peak)] inhealthy female subjects (n = 17; age23.8 ± 2.0 yr). Two pretraining trials (45 and 65% of O2 peak)and two posttraining trials [same absolute workload (65% of oldO2 peak)and same relative workload (65% of new O2 peak)] wereperformed on nine subjects by using a primed-continuous infusion of[1-13C]- and[6,6-2H]glucose.Eight additional subjects were studied by using[6,6-2H]glucose.Subjects were studied postabsorption for 90 min of rest and 1 h ofcycling exercise. After training, subjects increased O2 peak by 25.2 ± 2.4%. Pretraining, the intensity effect on glucose kinetics wasevident between 45 and 65% ofO2 peak with rates ofappearance (Ra: 4.52 ± 0.25 vs. 5.53 ± 0.33 mg · kg1 · min1),disappearance (Rd: 4.46 ± 0.25 vs. 5.54 ± 0.33 mg · kg1 · min1),and oxidation (Rox: 2.45 ± 0.16 vs. 4.35 ± 0.26 mg · kg1 · min1)of glucose being significantly greater(P  0.05) in the 65% thanin the 45% trial. Training reducedRa (4.7 ± 0.30 mg · kg1 · min1),Rd (4.69 ± 0.20 mg · kg1 · min1),and Rox (3.54 ± 0.50 mg · kg1 · min1)at the same absolute workload (P  0.05). When subjects were tested at the same relative workload,Ra,Rd, andRox were not significantlydifferent after training. However, at both workloads after training,there was a significant decrease in total carbohydrate oxidation asdetermined by the respiratory exchange ratio. These results show thefollowing in young women: 1)glucose use is directly related to exercise intensity;2) training decreasesglucose flux for a given power output;3) when expressed asrelative exercise intensity, training does not affect the magnitude ofblood glucose flux during exercise; but4) training does reduce totalcarbohydrate oxidation.


Physical attractiveness has been associated with mating behavior, but its role in reproductive success of contemporary humans has received surprisingly little attention. In the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study (1244 women, 997 men born between 1937 and 1940), we examined whether attractiveness assessed from photographs taken at age 18 years predicted the number of biological children at age 53–56 years. In women, attractiveness predicted higher reproductive success in a nonlinear fashion, so that attractive (second highest quartile) women had 16% and very attractive (highest quartile) women 6% more children than their less attractive counterparts. In men, there was a threshold effect so that men in the lowest attractiveness quartile had 13% fewer children than others who did not differ from each other in the average number of children. These associations were partly but not completely accounted for by attractive participants' increased marriage probability. A linear regression analysis indicated relatively weak directional selection gradient for attractiveness (β=0.06 in women, β=0.07 in men). These findings indicate that physical attractiveness may be associated with reproductive success in humans living in industrialized settings.  相似文献   

Tolerance, the degree to which plant fitness is affected by herbivory, is associated with invasiveness and biological control of introduced plant species. It is important to know the evolutionary changes in tolerance of invasive species after introduction in order to understand the mechanisms of biological invasions and assess the feasibility of biological control. While many studies have explored the evolutionary changes in resistance of invasive species, little has been done to address tolerance. We hypothesized that compared with plants from native populations, plants from invasive populations may increase growth and decrease tolerance to herbivory in response to enemy release in introduced ranges. To test this hypothesis, we compared the differences in growth and tolerance to simulated herbivory between plants from invasive and native populations of Chromolaena odorata, a noxious invader of the tropics and subtropics, at two nutrient levels. Surprisingly, flower number, total biomass (except at high nutrient), and relative increase in height were not significantly different between ranges. Also, plants from invasive populations did not decrease tolerance to herbivory at both nutrient levels. The invader from both ranges compensated fully in reproduction after 50?% of total leaf area had been damaged, and achieved substantial regrowth after complete shoot damage. This strong tolerance to damage was associated with increased resource allocation to reproductive structures and with mobilization of storage reserves in roots. The innately strong tolerance may facilitate invasion success of C. odorata and decrease the efficacy of leaf-feeding biocontrol agents. Our study highlights the need for further research on biogeographical differences in tolerance and their role in the invasiveness of exotic plants and biological control.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro plaque-forming cell (PFC) responsiveness to sheep erythrocytes (SRBC) was used to assess immunoregulatory function in the autoimmune MRL mouse strain. MRL/Mp-lpr/lpr (MRL/l) mice had good primary and secondary IgM and IgG responses in vivo compared to MRL/Mp-+/+ (MRL/n) mice when young, but with age the MRL/l responses declined markedly. In vitro primary SRBC-specific PFC responses in MRL/l mice declined at the same time as in vivo responses, indicating that the in vivo autoimmune environment could not account for cellular dysfunction. When varied mixtures of T and B cells from MRL/l and MRL/n mice were cultured, abnormalities in MRL/l T-cell function became apparent. T-helper-cell (TH) function declined rapidly with age, beginning by 2 to 212 months of age. T cells from MRL/l mice 2 months of age and older also had increased suppressor activity when cultured with B cells and MRL/n T cells. The degree of suppressor activity increased with age. The correlation of these findings with results of previous studies by others and with autoimmune disease is discussed.  相似文献   

Collagen production by cultured human lung fibroblasts was examined when the cells were made deficient in ascorbate. Cells grown in the absence of ascorbate produced 30% less collagen during a 6-h labeling period than cells incubated with as little as 1 microgram/ml ascorbate during the labeling period. Cells grown without ascorbate produced under-hydroxylated collagen which was subject to increased intracellular degradation from a basal level of 16% to an enhanced level of 49% of all newly synthesized collagen. The likely mechanism for increased intracellular degradation is the inability of under-hydroxylated collagen to assume a triple-helical conformation causing it to be susceptible to intracellular degradation. Measurement of collagen production by enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA) using antibodies directed against triple-helical determinants of collagen showed that both types I and III collagens were affected. In contrast, another connective tissue component, fibronectin, was not affected. Analysis by ELISA showed a greater decrease in collagen production than did analysis by the collagenase method, suggesting that some non-helical collagen chains (detected by collagenase but not by ELISA) were secreted in the absence of ascorbate. These results provide a mechanism to account, in part, for the deficiency of collagen in connective tissues which occurs in a state of ascorbate deficiency.  相似文献   

In 20 runners the intra-arterial blood pressure changes determined by a long-distance run and by a maximal bicycle ergometric test were recorded by means of the portable Oxford system. A peculiar pattern of the phasic waves was observed throughout the run: continuous rhythmic pulse pressure oscillations ranging in frequency between 4 and 28/min and unrelated to respiration were detected. The shape of these oscillations prompted us to investigate whether they were due to a "beat" phenomenon, that is, to the combined effect of two waves with a nearly equal frequency. To test this hypothesis, during the run 10 athletes carried a fluid-filled container around the chest. The pressure waves recorded in the container were added by computer to those recorded intra-arterially during bicycle ergometry. The resultant harmonic showed a pattern similar to that recorded in the athlete's radial artery during running. Conversely, by subtracting the pressure waves recorded in the container from those simultaneously recorded at the radial artery during running, nearly flat tracings were obtained. The source of the beat phenomenon has therefore been identified in the wave, which generates inside the aorta and the great vessels at each foot-strike shock.  相似文献   

The effects of the thromboxane synthase inhibitor CGS13080 on the in vivo synthesis of thromboxane and prostacyclin were determined in six healthy volunteers. Two different doses (0.08 and 0.25 mg/kg x h) were infused for six hours under strictly controlled conditions and 2,3-dinor-TxB2 and 2,3-dinor-6-keto-PGF1 alpha were measured in urine using gaschromatography--mass spectrometry. The in vivo synthesis of thromboxane was inhibited by 80-75% while there was no effect on the in vivo prostacyclin synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Fluorescein-labeled polypeptide hormones, hormone analogons and fragments were selectively bound by the midbody, which bound neither con-A, nor the fluorescent stain in itself. This experimental observation suggests an accumulation in the midbody region of non-glycosilated hormone receptors, apparently to present a receptor pool for the separating daughter cells.  相似文献   

Genetic defects of the zygote, such as chromosome aberrations, are the most frequent causes of abnormal embryonic development and spontaneous abortion. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Chromosome aberrations likely cause changes in placental morphology and function (such as size, shape, vascularity, and the presence of trophoblastic inclusion). We postulated that chromosome aberrations may affect rates of cell proliferation or programmed cell death (apoptosis) during the differentiation of chorionic villi. To address these questions, we evaluated cell proliferation using a monoclonal antibody to Ki-67 (a cell-cycle marker) and apoptosis using the in situ end-labeling method (TUNEL) on paraffin-embedded placental tissues. Tissues were obtained from spontaneous abortions in early gestational periods with normal (11 cases) and abnormal karyotypes (15 cases), as well as eight normal control placentas from elective abortions. Apoptotic cells were found in the stroma of all cases, but were significantly higher in number in the stroma of chromosomally abnormal versus chromosomally normal spontaneous abortions. The apoptotic index of the trophoblasts was not significantly different between groups. Cell proliferation was higher in muscularized blood vessels in chromosomally normal placentas (both elective and spontaneous abortions) versus chromosomally abnormal spontaneous abortions. Cell proliferation was different in the trophoblast and stroma between the groups but to a lesser degree than in blood vessels. The morphological and biological data presented here suggest that: (1) chromosomally abnormal spontaneous abortions may occur because of different mechanisms than chromosomally normal spontaneous abortions, (2) apoptosis of the stromal cells and cell proliferation in blood vessels and stroma play an important role in the differentiation and functioning of villi, and (3) these changes could explain the etiology of spontaneous abortion and growth retardation of chromosomally abnormal embryos.  相似文献   

Yohimbine (30 mg) produced significant increases in subjective anxiety, autonomic symptoms, blood pressure, and plasma 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenylethyleneglycol (MHPG) in ten healthy subjects. The effects of pretreatment with diazepam (10 mg) or clonidine (5 micrograms/kg) on these yohimbine induced changes was examined. Both diazepam and clonidine significantly antagonized yohimbine-induced anxiety, but only clonidine significantly attenuated the yohimbine induced increases in plasma MHPG, blood pressure, and autonomic symptoms. When given alone, clonidine significantly decreased plasma MHPG and blood pressure, whereas diazepam did not. These findings indicate that: (1) noradrenergic hyperactivity may be a factor in the production of some anxiety states; (2) the anti-anxiety effects of clonidine appear to result from its actions on receptors which decrease noradrenergic activity; (3) diazepam reverses yohimbine-induced anxiety without effects on several physiological or biochemical indicators of noradrenergic activity in humans.  相似文献   

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