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Hepatitis C virus-positive serum (HCVser, genotypes 1a to 3a) or HCV cell culture (JFH1/HCVcc) infection of primary normal human hepatocytes was assessed by measuring intracellular HCV RNA strands. Anti-CD81 antibodies and siRNA-CD81 silencing markedly inhibited (>90%) HCVser infection irrespective of HCV genotype, viral load, or liver donor, while hCD81-large intracellular loop (LEL) had no effect. However, JFH1/HCVcc infection of hepatocytes was modestly inhibited (40 to 60%) by both hCD81-LEL and anti-CD81 antibodies. In conclusion, CD81 is involved in HCVser infection of human hepatocytes, and comparative studies of HCVser versus JFH1/HCVcc infection of human hepatocytes and Huh-7.5 cells revealed that the cell-virion combination is determinant of the entry process.  相似文献   

The Asian tree shrew, Tupaia belangeri, has been proposed as a novel animal model for studying hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Here, we describe a protocol for efficient and reproducible infection of primary tupaia hepatocytes with HBV. We report that human serum interferes with HBV binding to the hepatocytes, thus limiting the maximum multiplicity of infection. Purification of HBV virions by gradient sedimentation greatly enhances virus binding and infectivity. Covalently closed circular DNA was clearly detectable by Southern blot analysis and newly synthesized single-stranded HBV DNA was visible 2 weeks postinoculation. Primary tupaia hepatocytes are also susceptible to infection with the recently discovered woolly monkey hepatitis B virus (WMHBV) but not to woodchuck hepatitis virus infection. Compared to HBV, WMHBV replicated at a higher rate with single-stranded DNA detectable within the first week postinoculation. Primary tupaia hepatocytes should represent a useful system for studying early steps of HBV and WMHBV infection.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis C is a common cause of liver disease, the complications of which include cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Treatment of chronic hepatitis C is based on the use of alpha interferon (IFN-alpha). Recently, indirect evidence based on mathematical modeling of hepatitis C virus (HCV) dynamics during human IFN-alpha therapy suggested that the major initial effect of IFN-alpha is to block HCV virion production or release. Here, we used primary cultures of healthy, uninfected human hepatocytes to show that: (i) healthy human hepatocytes can be infected in vitro and support HCV genome replication, (ii) hepatocyte treatment with IFN-alpha results in expression of IFN-alpha-induced genes, and (iii) IFN-alpha inhibits HCV replication in infected human hepatocytes. These results show that IFN-alpha acts primarily through its nonspecific antiviral effects and suggest that primary cultures of human hepatocytes may provide a good model to study intrinsic HCV resistance to IFN-alpha.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of chronic hepatitis worldwide. The study of early steps during HCV infection has been hampered by the lack of suitable in vitro or in vivo models. Primary Tupaia hepatocytes (PTH) have been shown to be susceptible to HCV infection in vitro and in vivo. Human scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) represents an HCV receptor candidate mediating the cellular binding of E2 glycoprotein to HepG2 hepatoma cells. However, the function of SR-BI for viral infection of hepatocytes is unknown. In this study, we used PTH to assess the functional role of SR-BI as a putative HCV receptor. Sequence analysis of cloned tupaia SR-BI revealed a high homology between tupaia and human SR-BI. Transfection of CHO cells with human or tupaia SR-BI but not mouse SR-BI cDNA resulted in cellular E2 binding, suggesting that E2-binding domains between human and tupaia SR-BI are highly conserved. Preincubation of PTH with anti-SR-BI antibodies resulted in marked inhibition of E2 or HCV-like particle binding. However, anti-SR-BI antibodies were not able to block HCV infection of PTH. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that SR-BI represents an important cell surface molecule for the binding of the HCV envelope to hepatocytes and suggest that other or additional cell surface molecules are required for the initiation of HCV infection. Furthermore, the structural and functional similarities between human and tupaia SR-BI indicate that PTH represent a useful model system to characterize the molecular interaction of the HCV envelope and SR-BI on primary hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The virological and cellular consequences of persistent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection have been elusive due to the absence of the requisite experimental systems. Here, we report the establishment and the characteristics of persistent in vitro infection of human hepatoma-derived cells by a recently described HCV genotype 2a infectious molecular clone. Persistent in vitro infection was characterized by the selection of viral variants that displayed accelerated expansion kinetics, higher peak titers, and increased buoyant densities. Sequencing analysis revealed the selection of a single adaptive mutation in the HCV E2 envelope protein that was largely responsible for the variant phenotype. In parallel, as the virus became more aggressive, cells that were resistant to infection emerged, displaying escape mechanisms operative at the level of viral entry, HCV RNA replication, or both. Collectively, these results reveal the existence of coevolutionary events during persistent HCV infection that favor survival of both virus and host.  相似文献   

Oshiumi H  Matsumoto M  Seya T 《Uirusu》2011,61(2):153-161
Viral RNA is recognized by RIG-I-like receptors and Toll-like receptors. RIG-I is a cytoplasmic viral RNA sensor. High Mobility Group Box (HMGB) proteins and DExD/H box RNA helicases, such as DDX3 and 60, associate with viral RNA. Those proteins promotes the RIG-I binding to viral RNA. RIG-I triggers the signal via IPS-1 adaptor molecule to induce type I IFN. RIG-I harbors Lys63-linked polyubiquitination by Riplet and TRIM25 ubiquitin ligases. The polyubiquitination is essential for RIG-I-mediated signaling. Toll-like receptors are located in endosome. TLR3 recognizes viral double-stranded RNA, and TLR7 and 8 recognize single-strand RNA. Virus has the ability to suppress these innate immune response. For example, to inhibit RIG-I-mediated signaling, HCV core protein suppresses the function of DDX3. In addition, HCV NS3-4A protein cleaves IPS-1 to inhibit the signal. Molecular mechanism of how viral RNA is recognized by innate immune system will make great progress on our understanding of how virus escapes from host immune system.  相似文献   

Gudima S  He Y  Chai N  Bruss V  Urban S  Mason W  Taylor J 《Journal of virology》2008,82(15):7276-7283
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis delta virus (HDV) share the HBV envelope proteins. When woodchucks chronically infected with woodchuck hepatitis virus (WHV) are superinfected with HDV, they produce HDV with a WHV envelope, wHDV. Several lines of evidence are provided that wHDV infects not only cultured primary woodchuck hepatocytes (PWH) but also primary human hepatocytes (PHH). Surprisingly, HBV-enveloped HDV (hHDV) and wHDV infected PHH with comparable efficiencies; however, hHDV did not infect PWH. The basis for these host range specificities was investigated using as inhibitors peptides bearing species-specific pre-S (where S is the small envelope protein) sequences. It was found that pre-S1 contributed to the ability of wHDV to infect both PHH and PWH. In addition, the inability of hHDV to infect PWH was not overcome using a chimeric form of hHDV containing WHV S protein, again supporting the essential role of pre-S1 in infection of target cells. One interpretation of these data is that host range specificity of HDV is determined entirely by pre-S1 and that the WHV and HBV pre-S1 proteins recognize different receptors on PHH.  相似文献   

We obtained two lines of evidence that monolayer cultures of primary woodchuck hepatocytes support replication of the genome of human hepatitis delta virus (HDV). (i) From a Northern (RNA blot) analysis of the HDV-related RNA in infected cultures, both genomic and antigenomic 1.7-kilobase RNA species were detected at 11 days after infection. The ratio of genomic RNA to antigenomic RNA was 2:1 to 10:1, comparable to that previously reported in studies of experimentally infected chimpanzees and woodchucks. (ii) Replication in culture was also demonstrated by in situ hybridization with a strand-specific probe. Such studies showed that only a small fraction of the cultured cells supported replication and that in such cells the relative and absolute levels of the HDV RNAs were comparable to those in liver cells infected in vivo. Furthermore, as with the in vivo studies, the HDV RNAs were predominantly localized to the nucleus. In summary, we demonstrated that cultured cells supported both the early events of HDV adsorption and penetration and the intermediate events of genome replication.  相似文献   

Viral hepatitis caused by hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections poses a significant burden to the public health system. Although HBV and HCV differ in structure and life cycles, they share unique characteristics, such as tropism to infect hepatocytes and association with hepatic and extrahepatic disorders that are of innate immunity nature. In response to HBV and HCV infection, the liver innate immune cells eradicate pathogens by recognizing specific molecules expressed by pathogens via distinct cellular pattern recognition receptors whose triggering activates intracellular signalling pathways inducing cytokines, interferons and anti‐viral response genes that collectively function to clear infections. However, HBV and HCV evolve strategies to inactivate innate signalling factors and as such establish persistent infections without being recognized by the innate immunity. We review recent insights into how HBV and HCV are sensed and how they evade innate immunity to establish chronicity. Understanding the mechanisms of viral hepatitis is mandatory to develop effective and safe therapies for eradication of viral hepatitis.  相似文献   

The addition of ribavirin to alpha interferon therapy significantly increases response rates for patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, but ribavirin's antiviral mechanisms are unknown. Ribavirin has been suggested to have mutagenic potential in vitro that would lead to "error catastrophe," i.e., the generation of nonviable viral quasispecies due to the increment in the number of mutant genomes, which prevents the transmission of meaningful genetic information. We used extensive sequence-based analysis of two independent genomic regions in order to test in vivo the hypothesis that ribavirin administration accelerates the accumulation of mutations in the viral genome and that this acceleration occurs only when HCV replication is profoundly inhibited by coadministered alpha interferon. The rate of variation of the consensus sequence, the frequency of mutation, the error generation rate, and the between-sample genetic distance were measured for patients receiving ribavirin monotherapy, a combination of alpha interferon three times per week plus ribavirin, or a combination of alpha interferon daily plus ribavirin. Ribavirin monotherapy did not increase the rate of variation of the consensus sequence, the mutation frequency, the error generation rate, or the between-sample genetic distance. The accumulation of nucleotide substitutions did not accelerate, relative to the pretreatment period, during combination therapy with ribavirin and alpha interferon, even when viral replication was profoundly inhibited by alpha interferon. This study strongly undermines the hypothesis whereby ribavirin acts as an HCV mutagen in vivo.  相似文献   

Antiviral immunity in mammals involves several levels of surveillance and effector actions by host factors to detect viral pathogens, trigger /β interferon production, and to mediate innate defenses within infected cells. Our studies have focused on understanding how these processes are regulated during infection by hepatitis C virus (HCV) and West Nile virus (WNV). Both viruses are members of the Flaviviridae and are human pathogens, but they each mediate a very different disease and course of infection. Our results demonstrate common and unique innate immune interactions of each virus that govern antiviral immunity and demonstrate the central role of /β interferon immune defenses in controlling the outcome of infection.  相似文献   

Taylor JM  Han Z 《PloS one》2010,5(12):e15784
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis delta virus (HDV) are major sources of acute and chronic hepatitis. HDV requires the envelope proteins of HBV for the processes of assembly and infection of new cells. Both viruses are able to infect hepatocytes though previous studies have failed to determine the mechanism of entry into such cells. This study began with evidence that suramin, a symmetrical hexasulfated napthylurea, could block HDV entry into primary human hepatocytes (PHH) and was then extrapolated to incorporate findings of others that suramin is one of many compounds that can block activation of purinergic receptors. Thus other inhibitors, pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonate (PPADS) and brilliant blue G (BBG), both structurally unrelated to suramin, were tested and found to inhibit HDV and HBV infections of PHH. BBG, unlike suramin and PPADS, is known to be more specific for just one purinergic receptor, P2X7. These studies provide the first evidence that purinergic receptor functionality is necessary for virus entry. Furthermore, since P2X7 activation is known to be a major component of inflammatory responses, it is proposed that HDV and HBV attachment to susceptible cells, might also contribute to inflammation in the liver, that is, hepatitis.  相似文献   

Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is characterized by inflammatory liver damage and a long viral persistence associated with an increased risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma. Both in liver damage and in oncogenesis a disturbance of apoptosis has been implicated, although the underlying mechanisms in these apparently opposite processes are incompletely understood. HCV-triggered liver injury is mediated mainly by host immune mechanisms and eventually by direct cytopathic effects of HCV. Recent data shows that caspase activation, either triggered by death ligands, other cytokines, granzyme B or HCV proteins, is considerably upregulated in HCV-infected liver. Interestingly, caspase activation appears to correlate closely with the inflammatory response. Data about the role of single HCV proteins, either in cultured cells or transgenic animals models, however, are contradictory, as both pro- and anti-apoptotic effects have been observed. Nevertheless, apoptosis induction upon HCV infection may critically contribute to liver damage, while inhibition of apoptosis may result in HCV persistence and development of hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

Infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is still a major public health problem, and the events leading to hepatocyte infection are not yet fully understood. Combining confocal microscopy with biochemical analysis and studies of infection requirements using pharmacological inhibitors and small interfering RNAs, we show here that engagement of CD81 activates the Rho GTPase family members Rac, Rho, and Cdc42 and that the block of these signaling pathways drastically reduces HCV infectivity. Activation of Rho GTPases mediates actin-dependent relocalization of the HCV E2/CD81 complex to cell-cell contact areas where CD81 comes into contact with the tight-junction proteins occludin, ZO-1, and claudin-1, which was recently described as an HCV coreceptor. Finally, we show that CD81 engagement activates the Raf/MEK/ERK signaling cascade and that this pathway affects postentry events of the virus life cycle. In conclusion, we describe a range of cellular events that are manipulated by HCV to coordinate interactions with its multiple coreceptors and to establish productive infections and find that CD81 is a central regulator of these events.  相似文献   

The lack of a suitable in vitro hepatitis B virus (HBV) infectivity model has limited examination of the early stages of the virus-cell interaction. In this study, we used an immortalized cell line derived from human primary hepatocytes, HuS-E/2, to study the mechanism of HBV infection. HBV infection efficiency was markedly increased after dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)-induced differentiation of the cells. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the presence of intact HBV particles in DMSO-treated HBV-infected HuS-E/2 cells, which could be infected with HBV for up to at least 50 passages. The pre-S1 domain of the large HBsAg (LHBsAg) protein specifically interacted with clathrin heavy chain (CHC) and clathrin adaptor protein AP-2. Short hairpin RNA knockdown of CHC or AP-2 in HuS-E/2 cells significantly reduced their susceptibility to HBV, indicating that both are necessary for HBV infection. Furthermore, HBV entry was inhibited by chlorpromazine, an inhibitor of clathrin-mediated endocytosis. LHBsAg also interfered with the clathrin-mediated endocytosis of transferrin by human hepatocytes. This infection system using an immortalized human primary hepatocyte cell line will facilitate investigations into HBV entry and in devising therapeutic strategies for manipulating HBV-associated liver disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate the possible interference with acute hepatitis B virus infection by co-infection with hepatitis C virus. DESIGN--Analysis of stored sera collected for transfusion transmitted viruses study in 1970s. SETTING--Four major medical centres in the United States. PATIENTS--12 recipients of blood infected with hepatitis B virus. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--In 1970s, presence of antibodies in hepatitis B virus and raised serum alanine aminotransferase concentration; detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus with new enzyme linked immunoassays. RESULTS--Five of the 12 patients were coinfected with hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis B surface antigen was first detected at day 59 in patients infected with hepatitis B virus alone and at day 97 in those coinfected with hepatitis C virus (p = 0.01); median durations of antigenaemia were 83 and 21 days respectively (p = 0.05), and the antigen concentration was lower in the coinfected patients. Alanine aminotransferase patterns were uniphasic when hepatitis B virus infection occurred alone (range 479-2465 IU/l) and biphasic in patients with combined acute infection (no value > 380 IU/l; p = 0.0025). Four coinfected recipients developed chronic hepatitis C virus infection. The fifth patient was followed for only four months. CONCLUSIONS--Acute coinfection with hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus inhibits hepatitis B virus infection in humans, and onset of hepatitis B may reduce the severity of hepatitis C virus infection but not frequency of chronicity. Alanine aminotransferase concentration showed a biphasic pattern in dual infection.  相似文献   

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