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For several groups, like nemerteans, morphology-based identification is a hard discipline, but DNA barcoding may help non-experts in the identification process. In this study, DNA barcoding is used to reveal the cryptic invasion of Pacific Cephalothrix cf. simula into Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Although DNA barcoding is a promising method for the identification of Nemertea, only 6 % of the known number of nemertean species is currently associated with a correct DNA barcode. Therefore, additional morphological and molecular studies are necessary to advance the utility of DNA barcoding in the characterisation of possible nemertean alien invasions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to assess the fish species composition in Xixuan Island coastal waters and confirm the applicability of DNA barcoding in fish identification. Fish samples were caught with a gill net in December 2016 and in January, February, April, May and June 2017, and the fish species in these samples were analyzed and identified via both traditional morphological methods and DNA barcoding (mitochondrial 12S rRNA). The sample contained 1,357 individuals, the majority of which were Tridentiger barbatus (829 individuals). A total of 154 individuals were selected for DNA barcode analysis, and 147 sequences were obtained. A total of 35 species, which belonged to six orders and 16 families, were accurately identified. One species was identified to the genus level (Repomucenus), and only one was identified to the family level (Moridae). Most of the species belonged to Gobiidae (12 species). With the exception of those in Moridae, the identified species were commonly detected on the Zhejiang coast. The average Kimura two-parameter (K2P) distances within species, genera, families, and order and between orders were 0.15%, 4.44%, 14.96%, 20.37%, and 26.20%, respectively. The intraspecific K2P distance was markedly greater than the interspecific distance. The A + T content (55.41%) was higher than the G + C content (44.58%). Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that individuals belonging to the same species were clustered together and could be clearly distinguished. Mitochondrial 12S rRNA can be effectively used for juvenile and adult fish identification and has good application prospects in fish species identification. The investigation and species identification of small fish collected monthly from Xixuan Island coastal waters are conducive to understanding the distribution characteristics and species composition of fish in the Zhoushan coastal area.  相似文献   



DNA barcoding has been advanced as a promising tool to aid species identification and discovery through the use of short, standardized gene targets. Despite extensive taxonomic studies, for a variety of reasons the identification of fishes can be problematic, even for experts. DNA barcoding is proving to be a useful tool in this context. However, its broad application is impeded by the need to construct a comprehensive reference sequence library for all fish species. Here, we make a regional contribution to this grand challenge by calibrating the species discrimination efficiency of barcoding among 125 Argentine fish species, representing nearly one third of the known fauna, and examine the utility of these data to address several key taxonomic uncertainties pertaining to species in this region.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Specimens were collected and morphologically identified during crusies conducted between 2005 and 2008. The standard BARCODE fragment of COI was amplified and bi-directionally sequenced from 577 specimens (mean of 5 specimens/species), and all specimens and sequence data were archived and interrogated using analytical tools available on the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD; www.barcodinglife.org). Nearly all species exhibited discrete clusters of closely related haplogroups which permitted the discrimination of 95% of the species (i.e. 119/125) examined while cases of shared haplotypes were detected among just three species-pairs. Notably, barcoding aided the identification of a new species of skate, Dipturus argentinensis, permitted the recognition of Genypterus brasiliensis as a valid species and questions the generic assignment of Paralichthys isosceles.


This study constitutes a significant contribution to the global barcode reference sequence library for fishes and demonstrates the utility of barcoding for regional species identification. As an independent assessment of alpha taxonomy, barcodes provide robust support for most morphologically based taxon concepts and also highlight key areas of taxonomic uncertainty worthy of reappraisal.  相似文献   

We used the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (coI) gene DNA to barcode 117 endemic Gulf and cosmopolitan Indo–West Pacific fish species belonging to 54 families and 13 orders. Novel DNA barcodes were provided for 18 fish species (Trachinocephalus sp., Nematalosa sp., Herklotsichthys lossei, Upeneus doriae, Trachurus indicus, Apogonichthyoides taeniatus, Verulux cypselurus, Favonigobius sp., Suezichthus gracilis, Sillago sp., Brachirus orientalis, Pegusa sp., Lepidotrigla bispinosa, Lepidotrigla sp., Grammoplites suppositus, Hippichthys sp., Paramonacanthus sp. and Triacanthus sp.). The species delimitation analysis, conducted with Poisson tree processes– Bayesian PTP (PTP–bPTP) and nucleotide-divergence-threshold (NDT) models), found 137 and 119 entities respectively. Overall, NDT method, neighbour-joining species tree and the prior taxonomic assessment provided similar results. Among the 54 families considered, only 10 (Ariommatidae, Ephippidae, Leiognathidae, Nemipteridae, Plotosidae, Pomacanthidae, Pomacentridae, Priacanthidae and Rachycentridae) showed the occurrence of molecular diagnostic pure characters. The DNA barcoding database developed during this study will help ichthyologists to identify and resolve the taxonomic ambiguities they may encounter with the fishes occurring in The Gulf and throughout the region.  相似文献   

Accurate identification of fish eggs to species level is a challenging task as many species have similar egg sizes and morphology. The results of egg determination of three economically important fish species are presented by using DNA barcoding in comparison to the classical morphological determination. About 500 fish eggs from the Celtic Sea were collected, morphologically identified and used for DNA analysis. In total, DNA barcodes were successfully obtained from 98% of the investigated eggs, including 167 DNA barcodes from 169 morphologically identified fish eggs of Merluccius merluccius (98.8%), 257 of 262 Scomber scombrus (98.1%), and 47 from 50 Trachurus trachurus (94%). Overall, species identification with DNA barcodes showed a congruence of 96.2% to identification by morphology, whereas 3.8% (= 18) of the analyzed eggs were morphologically assigned to the wrong species. The highest number of incorrect identified eggs was for S. scombrus (= 15). Our study highlights the usefulness of DNA barcoding for valid fish egg identification but also indicates the robustness of the classical morphology‐based approach.  相似文献   

The philosophical basis and utility of DNA barcoding have been a subject of numerous debates. While most literature embraces it, some studies continue to question its use in dipterans, butterflies and marine gastropods. Here, we explore the utility of DNA barcoding in identifying spider species that vary in taxonomic affiliation, morphological diagnosibility and geographic distribution. Our first test searched for a ‘barcoding gap’ by comparing intra‐ and interspecific means, medians and overlap in more than 75 000 computed Kimura 2‐parameter (K2P) genetic distances in three families. Our second test compared K2P distances of congeneric species with high vs. low morphological distinctness in 20 genera of 11 families. Our third test explored the effect of enlarging geographical sampling area at a continental scale on genetic variability in DNA barcodes within 20 species of nine families. Our results generally point towards a high utility of DNA barcodes in identifying spider species. However, the size of the barcoding gap strongly depends on taxonomic groups and practices. It is becoming critical to define the barcoding gap statistically more consistently and to document its variation over taxonomic scales. Our results support models of independent patterns of morphological and molecular evolution by showing that DNA barcodes are effective in species identification regardless of their morphological diagnosibility. We also show that DNA barcodes represent an effective tool for identifying spider species over geographic scales, yet their variation contains useful biogeographic information.  相似文献   

Efficient tools for consistent species identification are important in wildlife conservation as it can provide information on the levels of species exploitation and assist in solving forensic-related problems. In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcode in species identification of Tanzanian antelope species. A 470 base-pair region of the COI gene was examined in 95 specimens representing 20 species of antelopes, buffalo and domestic Bovidae. All the Tanzanian species showed unique clades, and sequence divergence within species was <1%, whereas divergence between species ranged from 6.3% to 22%. Lowest interspecific divergence was noted within the Tragelaphus genus. Neighbour-joining phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the examined COI region provided correct and highly supported species clustering using short fragments down to 100 base-pair lengths. This study demonstrates that even short COI fragments can efficiently identify antelope species, thus demonstrating its high potential for use in wildlife conservation activities.  相似文献   

Biomonitoring approaches and investigations of many ecological questions require assessments of the biodiversity of a given habitat. Small organisms, ranging from protozoans to metazoans, are of great ecological importance and comprise a major share of the planet's biodiversity but they are extremely difficult to identify, due to their minute body sizes and indistinct structures. Thus, most biodiversity studies that include small organisms draw on several methods for species delimitation, ranging from traditional microscopy to molecular techniques. In this study, we compared the efficiency of these methods by analyzing a community of nematodes. Specifically, we evaluated the performances of traditional morphological identification, single‐specimen barcoding (Sanger sequencing), and metabarcoding in the identification of 1500 nematodes from sediment samples. The molecular approaches were based on the analysis of the 28S ribosomal large and 18S small subunits (LSU and SSU). The morphological analysis resulted in the determination of 22 nematode species. Barcoding identified a comparable number of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) based on 28S rDNA (n = 20) and fewer OTUs based on 18S rDNA (n = 12). Metabarcoding identified a higher OTU number but fewer amplicon sequence variants (AVSs) (n = 48 OTUs, n = 17 ASVs for 28S rDNA, and n = 31 OTUs, n = 6 ASVs for 18S rDNA). Between the three approaches (morphology, barcoding, and metabarcoding), only three species (13.6%) were shared. This lack of taxonomic resolution hinders reliable community identifications to the species level. Further database curation will ensure the effective use of molecular species identification.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of biodiversity are required for research in a broad array of biological subdisciplines including ecology, evolution, systematics, conservation and biodiversity science. The use of statistical models and genetic data, particularly DNA barcoding, has been suggested as an important tool for remedying the large gaps in our current understanding of biodiversity. However, the reliability of biodiversity estimates obtained using these approaches depends on how well the statistical models that are used describe the evolutionary process underlying the genetic data. In this study, we utilize data from the Barcode of Life Database and posterior predictive simulations to assess the performance of DNA barcoding under commonly used substitution models. We demonstrate that the success of DNA barcoding varies widely across DNA substitution models and that model choice has a substantial impact on the number of operational taxonomic units identified (changing results by ~4–31%). Additionally, we demonstrate that the widely followed practice of a priori assuming the Kimura 2‐parameter model for DNA barcoding is statistically unjustified and should be avoided. Using both data‐based and inference‐based test statistics, we detect variation in model performance across taxonomic groups, clustering algorithms, genetic divergence thresholds and substitution models. Taken together, these results illustrate the importance of considering both model selection and model adequacy in studies quantifying biodiversity.  相似文献   

Coleoids are part of the Cephalopoda class, which occupy an important position in most oceans both at an ecological level and at a commercial level. Nevertheless, some coleoid species are difficult to distinguish with traditional morphological identification in cases when specimens are heavily damaged during collection or when closely related taxa are existent. As a useful tool for rapid species assignment, DNA barcoding may offer significant potential for coleoid identification. Here, we used two mitochondrial fragments, cytochrome c oxidase I and the large ribosomal subunit (16S rRNA), to assess whether 34 coleoids accounting for about one-third of the Chinese coleoid fauna could be identified by DNA barcoding technique. The pairwise intra- and interspecific distances were assessed, and relationships among species were estimated by NJ and bayesian analyses. High levels of genetic differentiation within Loliolus beka led to an overlap between intra- and interspecific distances. All remaining species forming well-differentiated clades in the NJ and bayesian trees were identical for both fragments. Loliolus beka possessed two mitochondrial lineages with high levels of intraspecific distances, suggesting the occurrence of cryptic species. This study confirms the efficacy of DNA barcoding for identifying species as well as discovering cryptic diversity of Chinese coleoids. It also lays a foundation for other ecological and biological studies of Coleoidea.  相似文献   

Freshwater mollusks are highly imperiled, with 70% of the North American species extinct, endangered, or at risk of extinction. Impoundments and other human impacts on the Coosa River of Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee of the southeastern USA alone are believed to have caused 50 mollusk species extinctions, but uncertainty over boundaries among several putatively closely related species makes this number preliminary. Our examination of freshwater mussels collected during an extensive survey of the upper-drainage basin, DNA barcoding and molecular phylogenetic analyses confirm the rediscovery of four morphospecies in the genus Pleurobema (Unionidae) previously thought to be extinct from the upper Coosa basin. A fifth 'extinct' form was found in an adjoining basin. Molecular data show that the Coosa morphologies represent at least three species-level taxa: Pleurobema decisum, P. hanleyianum and P. stabile. Endemism is higher than currently recognized, both at the species level and for multispecies clades. Prompt conservation efforts may preserve some of these taxa and their ecosystem.  相似文献   

Charophytes (Charales) are benthic algae with a complex morphology. They are vulnerable to ecosystem changes, such as eutrophication, and are red‐listed in many countries. Accurate identification of Chara species is critical for understanding their diversity and for documenting changes in species distribution. Species delineation is, however, complicated, because of high phenotypic plasticity. We used barcodes of the ITS2, matK and rbcL regions to test if the distribution of barcode haplotypes among individuals is consistent with species boundaries as they are currently understood. The study included freshly collected and herbarium material of 91 specimens from 10 European countries, Canada and Argentina. Results showed that herbarium specimens are useful as a source of material for genetic analyses for aquatic plants like Chara. rbcL and matK had highest sequence recoverability, but rbcL had a somewhat lower discriminatory power than ITS2 and matK. The tree resulting from the concatenated data matrix grouped the samples into six main groups contrary to a traditional morphological approach that consisted of 14 different taxa. A large unresolved group consisted of C. intermedia, C. hispida, C. horrida, C. baltica, C. polyacantha, C. rudis, C. aculeolata, and C. corfuensis. A second unresolved group consisted of C. virgata and C. strigosa. The taxa within each of the unresolved groups shared identical barcode sequences on the 977 positions of the concatenated data matrix. The morphological differences of taxa within both unresolved groups include the number and length of spine cells, stipulodes, and bract cells. We suggest that these morphological traits have less taxonomic relevance than hitherto assumed.  相似文献   

基于DNA条形码对桃属植物上蚜虫的快速鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桃属(Amygdalus)植物是我国重要的果树,有些种类是常见的城市绿化观赏树种,也是多种蚜虫的寄主。蚜虫的体型小,有复杂的多型现象,传统的形态学特征往往无法实现对物种的准确而快速的鉴定。本研究应用DNA条形码技术,基于COⅠ基因序列分析,对我国桃属植物上的蚜虫进行编码,为桃属植物上蚜虫的物种快速、准确鉴定提供有力的支持。本研究共编码桃属植物上蚜虫12种,其中蚜亚科Aphidinae 6属10种,毛管蚜亚科Greenideinae 1属1种,毛蚜亚科Chaitophorinae 1属1种。共获得COⅠ基因序列96条,种内平均差异为0.76%,种间为5.7%15.5%。基于COⅠ序列构建了NJ树,绝大多数物种的样品有效地聚为一支,且支持率达到了95%以上。结合遗传距离和系统发育树分析表明,基于COⅠ序列的DNA条形码能有效区分99%的桃属植物上的蚜虫物种。  相似文献   

The genus Oxystele, a member of the highly diverse marine gastropod superfamily Trochoidea, is endemic to southern Africa. Members of the genus include some of the most abundant molluscs on southern African shores and are important components of littoral biodiversity in rocky intertidal habitats. Species delimitation within the genus is still controversial, especially regarding the complex O. impervia / O. variegata. Here, we assessed species boundaries within the genus using DNA barcoding and phylogenetic tree reconstruction. We analysed 56 specimens using the mitochondrial gene COI. Our analysis delimits five molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs), and distinguishes O. impervia from O. variegata. However, we reveal important discrepancies between MOTUs and morphology-based species identification and discuss alternative hypotheses that can account for this. Finally, we indicate the need for future study that includes additional genes, and the combination of both morphology and genetic techniques (e.g. AFLP or microsatellites) to get deeper insight into species delimitation within the genus.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is currently gaining popularity due to its simplicity and high accuracy as compared to the complexity and subjective biases associated with morphology-based identification of taxa. The standard chloroplast DNA barcode for land plants recommended by the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL) plant working group needs to be evaluated for a wide range of plant species. We therefore tested the potential of the rbcL marker for the identification of wild plants belonging to diverse families of arid regions. Maximum likelihood tree analysis was performed to evaluate the discriminatory power of the rbcL gene. Our findings showed that using rbcL gene sequences enabled identification of the majority of the samples (92%) to genus level and only 17% to species level.  相似文献   

Long columns of migrating larval sciarid armyworms were discovered in central and northern Japan, specifically Kanagawa, Gunma, Miyagi and Akita prefectures, as well as Hokkaido. This is the first examination of armyworms in East Asia. In Europe, armyworms have been identified as Sciara militaris, belonging to the family Sciaridae (sciarid flies or black fungus gnats), by rearing them to adulthood. In Japan, we were unable to obtain live samples for rearing; therefore, DNA barcodes were obtained from the samples of armyworms collected in the Gunma and Miyagi prefectures. The DNA barcodes were compared with those obtained from the following samples: pupae of S. militaris from UK, adults of Sciara kitakamiensis, Sciara humeralis, Sciara hemerobioides, Sciara thoracica, Sciara helvola and Sciara melanostyla from Japan, and adults of one undescribed Sciara species from Malaysia. Neighbour-joining, maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood analyses revealed that the armyworms discovered in Japan are S. kitakamiensis. Although adults of this species have been recorded in several locations in Japan, this is the first report of migrating larval armyworms. DNA barcodes were effectively used to link different life stages of this species. The average intraspecific and interspecific pairwise genetic distances of the genus Sciara were 0.3% and 12.6%, respectively. The present study illustrates that DNA barcodes are an effective means of identifying sciarid flies in Japan.  相似文献   

The massive destruction and deterioration of the habitat of Oryx leucoryx and illegal hunting have decimated Oryx populations significantly, and now these animals are almost extinct in the wild. Molecular analyses can significantly contribute to captive breeding and reintroduction strategies for the conservation of this endangered animal. A representative 32 identical sequences used for species identification through BOLD and GenBank/NCBI showed maximum homology 96.06% with O. dammah, which is a species of Oryx from Northern Africa, the next closest species 94.33% was O. gazella, the African antelope. DNA barcode sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase (COI) gene were determined for O. leucoryx; identification through BOLD could only recognize the genus correctly, whereas the species could not be identified. This was due to a lack of sequence data for O. leucoryx on BOLD. Similarly, BLAST analysis of the NCBI data base also revealed no COI sequence data for the genus Oryx.  相似文献   

Amanita fuliginea is a lethal poisonous mushroom found in Japan and southern China. The primary toxins are α-amanitin (α-AMA) and β-amanitin (β-AMA). There is a lack of systematic and comprehensive investigations on the traceability of A. fuliginea poisoning due to technological limitations. This study aimed to examine whether A. fuliginea poisoning incidents could be traced using DNA barcoding and ultraperformance liquid chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). We collected A. fuliginea specimens and prepared cooked and cooked plus simulated gastric fluid (SGF)-treated samples. We then performed DNA barcoding of internal transcribed spacer regions for species identification and UPLC-MS/MS for toxin level determination. Our results indicate that under the experimental conditions used herein, DNA barcoding can be used for molecular identification of mushroom samples that are cooked and/or cooked plus SGF-treated for less than 30 min; UPLC-MS/MS can be used for toxin analysis of cooked and SGF-treated (0–1440 min) samples. This is the first time that DNA barcoding and UPLC-MS/MS have been combined for studying the toxicological traceability of A. fuliginea using simulated gastric contents or vomit in northern China. Our data provide support for the treatment of clinical mushroom poisoning cases.  相似文献   

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