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The solid phase phospite triester synthesis of oligodeoxynucleotides containing cytosine arabinoside (araC) is described. A protected araC phosphoramadite was prepared for the introduction of araC residues at 5'termini and internucleotide positions in DNA oligomers. These oligomers were utilized to demonstrate the formation of correct 3'-5' linkages, to test for alkaline lability at the araC site, and to study the stability of duplexes containing araC-G base pairs. For the introduction of araC residues at 3' terminal positions, a protected derivative of araC was coupled to functionalized silica. This material was used to prepare a test oligomer which was characterized enzymatically.  相似文献   

Holliday junctions are critical intermediates for homologous, site-specific recombination, DNA repair, and replication. A wealth of structural information is available for immobile four-way junctions, but the controversy on the mechanism of branch migration of Holliday junctions remains unsolved. Two models for the mechanism of branch migration were suggested. According to the early model of Alberts-Meselson-Sigal (Sigal, N., and Alberts, B. (1972) J. Mol. Biol. 71, 789-793 and Meselson, M. (1972) J. Mol. Biol. 71, 795-798), exchanging DNA strands around the junction remain parallel during branch migration. Kinetic studies of branch migration (Panyutin, I. G., and Hsieh, P. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 91, 2021-2025) suggest an alternative model in which the junction adopts an extended conformation. We tested these models using a Holliday junction undergoing branch migration and time-lapse atomic force microscopy, an imaging technique capable of imaging DNA dynamics. The single molecule atomic force microscopy experiments performed in the presence and in the absence of divalent cations show that mobile Holliday junctions adopt an unfolded conformation during branch migration that is retained despite a broad range of motion in the arms of the junction. This conformation of the junction remains unchanged until strand separation. The data obtained support the model for branch migration having the extended conformation of the Holliday junction.  相似文献   

Initiation of DNA replication in higher eukaryotes is still a matter of controversy. Some evidence suggests it occurs at specific sites. Data obtained using two-dimensional (2D) agarose gel electrophoresis, however, led to the notion that it may occur at random in broad zones. This hypothesis is primarily based on the observation that several contiguous DNA fragments generate a mixture of the so-called 'bubble' and 'simple Y' patterns in Neutral/neutral 2D gels. The interpretation that this mixture of hybridisation patterns is indicative for random initiation of DNA synthesis relies on the assumption that replicative intermediates (RIs) containing an internal bubble where initiation occurred at different relative positions, generate comigrating signals. The latter, however, is still to be proven. We investigated this problem by analysing together, in the same 2D gel, populations of pBR322 RIs that were digested with different restriction endonucleases that cut the monomer only once at different locations. DNA synthesis begins at a specific site in pBR322 and progresses in a uni-directional manner. Thus, the main difference between these sets of RIs was the relative position of the origin. The results obtained clearly showed that populations of RIs containing an internal bubble where initiation occurred at different relative positions do not generate signals that co-migrate all-the-way in 2D gels. Despite this observation, however, our results support the notion that random initiation is indeed responsible for the peculiar 'bubble' signal observed in the case of several metazoan eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Relationship between curved DNA conformations and slow gel migration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We propose some specific DNA conformations that explain, in terms of molecular conformations, the anomalous gel electrophoretic behavior of the sequences (VA4T4X), and (V2A3T3X2)i where V and X are either G or C. Previously (J. Biomole. Struct. Dyn. 4, 41, 1986) we considered hydrophobic interactions among aliphatic hydrocarbon groups in A/T sequences. In the sequences (T)n.(A)n, the T's are slightly bent to yield structures with tightly stacked methyl groups along one side of the major groove. By folding together the two pairs of stacked methyls on the opposite sides of the major groove. TTAA might yield a relatively sharp bend. On this basis, we show below that the sequences (VT4A4X)i might form a very tightly coiled super-helix whereas the sequences (VA4T4X)i form a broad super-helix of radius approximately 120 A for i = 25. The sequence (V2A3T3X2)i forms a slightly smaller radius super-helix. The time of passage through the gel has been taken to be inversely proportional to the smallest dimension of the molecule. Specifically we are taking the ratio of the apparent molecular weight to the actual molecular weight to be related to the moment of inertia I1 about the smallest principal axis of the molecular conformation. We find a good fit to the experimental gel mobility data of Hagerman (2) if we assume this ratio to be proportional to (I1)1/5.  相似文献   

Romero RM  Mitas M  Haworth IS 《Biochemistry》1999,38(12):3641-3648
Nitrogen mustards such as mechlorethamine have previously been shown to covalently cross-link DNA through the N7 position of the two guanine bases of a d[GXC].d[GYC] duplex sequence, a so-called 1,3 G-G-cross-link, when X-Y = C-G or T-A. Here, we report the formation of a new mechlorethamine cross-link with the d[GXC].d[GYC] fragment when X-Y is a C-C mismatch pair. Mechlorethamine cross-links this fragment preferentially between the two mismatched cytosine bases, rather than between the guanine bases. The cross-link also forms when one or both of the guanine bases of the d[GCC].d[GCC] fragment are replaced by N7-deazaguanine, and, more generally, forms with any C-C mismatch, regardless of the flanking base pairs. Piperidine cleavage of the cross-link species containing the d[GCC].d[GCC] sequence gives DNA fragments consistent with alkylation at the mismatched cytosine bases. We also provide evidence that the cross-link reaction occurs between the N3 atoms of the two cytosine bases by showing that the formation of the C-C cross-link is pH dependent for both mechlorethamine and chlorambucil. Dimethyl sulfate (DMS) probing of the cross-linked d[GCC].d[GCC] fragment showed that the major groove of the guanine adjacent to the C-C mismatch is still accessible to DMS. In contrast, the known minor groove binder Hoechst 33258 inhibits the cross-link formation with a C-C mismatch pair flanked by A-T base pairs. These results suggest that the C-C mismatch is cross-linked by mechlorethamine in the minor groove. Since C-C pairs may be involved in unusual secondary structures formed by the trinucleotide repeat sequence d[CCG]n, and associated with triplet repeat expansion diseases, mechlorethamine may serve as a useful probe for these structures.  相似文献   

Sha R  Liu F  Seeman NC 《Biochemistry》2000,39(37):11514-11522
The Holliday junction is a central intermediate in genetic recombination. It contains four strands of DNA that are paired into four double helical arms flanking a branch point. In naturally occurring Holliday junctions, the sequence flanking the branch point contains 2-fold (homologous) symmetry. As a consequence of this symmetry, the junction can undergo a conformational isomerization known as branch migration, which relocates the site of branching. In the absence of proteins and in the presence of Mg(2+), the four arms are known to stack in pairs, forming two helical domains whose orientations are antiparallel. Nevertheless, the mechanistic models proposed for branch migration are all predicated on a parallel alignment of helical domains. Here, we have used antiparallel DNA double crossover molecules to demonstrate that branch migration can occur in antiparallel Holliday junctions. We have constructed a DNA double crossover molecule with three crossover points. Two adjacent branch points in this molecule are flanked by symmetric sequences. The symmetric crossover points are held immobile by the third crossover point, which is flanked by asymmetric sequences. Restriction of the helices that connect the immobile junction to the symmetric junctions releases this constraint. The restricted molecule undergoes branch migration, even though it is constrained to an antiparallel conformation.  相似文献   

Non-paired nucleotides stabilize the formation of three-way helical DNA junctions. Two or more unpaired nucleotides located in the junction region enable oligomers ten to fifteen nucleotides long to assemble, forming conformationally homogeneous junctions, as judged by native gel electrophoresis. The unpaired bases can be present on the same strand or on two different strands. Up to five extra bases on one strand have been tested and found to produce stable junctions. The formation of stable structures is favored by the presence of a divalent cation such as magnesium and by high monovalent salt concentration. The order-disorder transition of representative three-way junctions was monitored optically in the ultraviolet and analyzed to quantify thermodynamically the stabilization provided by unpaired bases in the junction region. We report the first measurements of the thermodynamics of adding an unpaired nucleotide to a nucleic acid three-way junction. We find that delta delta G degrees (37 degrees C) = +0.5 kcal/mol for increasing the number of unpaired adenosines from two to three. Three-way junctions having reporter arms 40 base-pairs long were also prepared. Each of the three reporter arms contained a unique restriction site 15 base-pairs from the junction. Asymmetric complexes produced by selectively cleaving each arm were analyzed on native gels. Cleavage of the double helical arm opposite the strand having the two extra adenosines resulted in a complex that migrated more slowly than complexes produced by cleavage at either of the other two arms. It is likely that the strand containing the unpaired adenosines is kinked at an acute angle, forming a Y-shaped, rather than a T-shaped junction.  相似文献   

The DNA duplexes shown below, with D indicating deoxyribose aldehyde absic sites and numbering from 5' to 3', have been investigated by NMR. The 31P and 31P-1H correlation data indicate [formula: see text] that the backbones of these duplex DNAs are regular. One- and two-dimensional 1H NMR data indicate that the duplexes are right-handed and B-form. Conformational changes due to the presence of the abasic site extend to the two base pairs adjacent to the lesion site with the local conformation of the DNA being dependent on whether the abasic site is in the alpha or beta configuration. The aromatic base of residue A17 in the position opposite the abasic site is predominantly stacked in the helix as is G17 in the analogous sample. Imino lifetimes of the AT base pairs are much longer in samples with an abasic site than in those containing a Watson-Crick base pair. The conformational and dynamical properties of the duplex DNAs containing the naturally occurring aldehyde abasic site are different from those of duplex DNAs containing a variety of analogues of the abasic site.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity of DNA base lesions are largely determined by the responses of cellular DNA repair proteins, DNA polymerases, and signaling pathways. Elucidation of these processes is thus of high biochemical interest. Such studies increasingly rely on DNA substrates containing specific lesions at defined locations. Although short synthetic DNA oligomers have frequently proved useful, circular plasmid substrates are preferable for much biochemical work, and essential for in vivo studies. However, the complexity of current approaches for preparing such substrates and limitations inherent in the procedures have posed problems. We present here a simple, highly versatile procedure for preparing gapped duplex plasmids, into which oligomers incorporating specific lesions can easily be inserted. Endonuclease N.BstNBI was used to nick twice the same strand of a pUC19-derived plasmid (pUC19HBDa), at two GAGTCNNNN sequences separated by 22 bases. Removal of the 22-nt oligomer and further purification produced a highly pure gapped plasmid. To illustrate application of this procedure, 22-nt oligonucleotides containing a single uracil residue were ligated into the gapped molecules. The pUC19HB(Da) plasmid can be modified to accept almost any DNA-lesion-containing oligomer. Using this new approach to incorporate specific DNA lesions into popular reporter genes will facilitate in vivo study of cellular responses to DNA damage.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations were performed on the potent and slightly mu-receptor selective cyclic dermorphin analog H-Tyr-D-Orn-Phe-Glu-NH2 as well as on analogs containing a conformationally restricted phenylalanine derivative in place of Phe in the 3 position of the peptide sequence. Peptides studied included the potent and highly mu-selective analogs H-Tyr-D-Orn-Aic-Glu-NH2 (Aic = 2-aminoindan-2-carboxylic acid), H-Tyr-D-Orn-Atc-Glu-NH2 (Atc = 2-aminotetralin-2-carboxylic acid) and H-Tyr-D-Orn-D-Atc-Glu-NH2, and the weakly active analog H-Tyr-D-Orn-Tic-Glu-NH2 (Tic = tetrahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid). Four different starting conformations were chosen for each peptide, and after equilibration each simulation was allowed to proceed for 100 picoseconds at 600 degrees K. The 14-membered ring structures in the Phe-, Aic-, L- and D-Atc-containing analogs showed moderate structural flexibility, while the peptide ring in the Tic-containing analog was more rigid. As theoretically predicted, the phi 3 and psi 3 angles of the Aic-, L- and D-Atc-containing analogs were limited to values of either about +50 degrees or -50 degrees during almost the entire period of the simulations. In the Tic-containing analog the phi 3 and psi 3 angles were 0 degrees and 90 degrees, respectively, and did not change for the entire duration of the simulation. The side chains of the constrained amino acids showed limited movement, but transitions between the allowed conformations did occur on the time scale of the simulations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The synthesis of a diaminopurine PNA monomer, N-[N6-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-2,6-diaminopurine-9-yl] acetyl-N-(2-t-butyloxycarbonylaminoethyl)glycine, and the incorporation of this monomer into PNA oligomers are described. Substitution of adenine by diaminopurine in PNA oligomers increased the T m of duplexes formed with complementary DNA, RNA or PNA by 2.5-6.5 degrees C per diaminopurine. Furthermore, discrimination against mismatches facing the diaminopurine in the hybridizing oligomer is improved. Finally, a homopurine decamer PNA containing six diaminopurines is shown to form a (gel shift) stable strand displacement complex with a target in a 246 bp double-stranded DNA fragment.  相似文献   

The four-way DNA (Holliday) junction is an essential intermediate in DNA recombination, and its dynamic characteristics are likely to be important in its cellular processing. In our previous study we observed transitions between two antiparallel stacked conformations using a single-molecule fluorescence approach. The magnesium concentration-dependent rates of transitions between stacking conformers suggested that an unstacked open structure, which is stable in the absence of metal ions, is an intermediate. Here, we sought to detect possible rare species such as open and parallel conformations and further characterized ionic effects. The hypothesized open intermediate cannot be resolved directly due to the limited time resolution and sensitivity, but our study suggests that the open form is achieved very frequently, hundreds of times per second under physiologically relevant conditions. Therefore despite being a minority species, its frequent formation raises the probability that it could become stabilized by protein binding. By contrast, we cannot detect even a transient existence of the junctions in a parallel form, and the probability of such forms with a lifetime greater than 5 ms is less than 0.01%. Stacking conformer transitions are observable in the presence of sodium or hexammine cobalt (III) ions as well as magnesium ions, but the transition rates are higher for lower valence ions at the same concentrations. This further supports the notion that electrostatic stabilization of the stacked structures dictates the interconversion rates between different structural forms.  相似文献   

The Holliday junction is a central intermediate in genetic recombination. This four-stranded DNA structure is capable of spontaneous branch migration, and is lost during standard DNA extraction protocols. In order to isolate and characterize recombination intermediates that contain Holliday junctions, we have developed a rapid protocol that restrains branch migration of four-way DNA junctions. The cationic detergent hex-adecyltrimethylammonium bromide is used to lyse cells and precipitate DNA. Manipulations are performed in the presence of the cations hexamine cobalt(III) or magnesium, which stabilize Holliday junctions in a stacked-X configuration that branch migrates very slowly. This protocol was evaluated using a sensitive assay for spontaneous branch migration, and was shown to preserve both artificial Holliday junctions and meiotic recombination intermediates containing four-way junctions.  相似文献   

Dynamics of DNA oligomers   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  

DNA heptamers containing the mutagenic base analogue 2-aminopurine (AP) have been chemically synthesized and physically characterized. We report on the relative stabilities of base pairs between AP and each of the common DNA bases, as determined from heptamer duplex melts at 275 and 330 nm. Base pairs are ranked in order of decreasing stability: AP.T greater than AP.A greater than AP.C greater than AP.G. It is of interest that AP.A is more stable than AP.C even though DNA polymerase strongly favors the formation of AP.C over AP.A base pairs. Comparisons of melting profiles at 330 nm and 275 nm indicate that AP.T, AP.A, and AP.C base pairs are annealed in heptamer duplexes and melt 2-3 degrees prior to surrounding base pairs, whereas AP.G appears not to be annealed.  相似文献   

Chitosan and its highly hydrophilic 1‐deoxy‐lactit‐1‐yl derivative (Chitlac) are polysaccharides with increasing biomedical applications. Aimed to unravel their conformational properties we have performed a series of molecular dynamics simulations of Chitosan/Chitlac decamers, exploring different degrees of substitution (DS) of lactitol side chains. At low DS, two conformational regions with different populations are visited, while for DS ≥ 20% the oligomers remain mostly linear and only one main region of the glycosidic angles is sampled. These conformers are (locally) characterized by extended helical “propensities”. Helical conformations 32 and 21, by far the most abundant, only develop in the main region. The accessible conformational space is clearly enlarged at high ionic strength, evidencing also a new region accessible to the glycosidic angles, with short and frequent interchange between regions. Simulations of neutral decamers share these features, pointing to a central role of electrostatic repulsion between charged moieties. These interactions seem to determine the conformational behavior of the chitosan backbone, with no evident influence of H‐bond interactions. Finally, it is also shown that increasing temperature only slightly enlarges the available conformational space, but certainly without signs of a temperature‐induced conformational transition.  相似文献   

The Holliday junction is a central intermediate in various genetic processes including homologous, site-specific recombination and DNA replication. Recent single molecule FRET experiments led to the model for branch migration as a stepwise stochastic process in which the branch migration hop is terminated by the folding of the junction. In this article, we studied the effect of the sequence on Holliday junction dynamics and branch migration process. We show that a GC pair placed at the border of the homologous region almost prevents the migration into this position. At the same time, insertion of a GC pair into the middle of the AT tract does not show this effect, however when the junction folds at this position, it resides at this position much longer time in comparison to the folding at AT pairs. Two contiguous GC pairs do not block migration as well and generally manifest the same effect as one GC pair—the junction when it folds resides at these positions for a relatively long time. The same elevated residence time was obtained for the design with the homology region that consists of only GC pairs. These data suggest a model for branch migration in which the sequence modulates the overall stochastic process of the junction dynamics and branch migration by the variability of the time that the junction dwells before making a migration hop.  相似文献   

Alkaline and neutral gel electrophoresis of individual mammalian cells allows detection of DNA single- and double-strand breaks, respectively. For both the alkaline and the neutral assays, lysis conditions influence how much DNA migrates, and factors in addition to DNA size play a role in migration. In particular, the tight packing of DNA in individual nuclei appears to reduce the ability to detect double-strand breaks in all of the genome. Tangling of DNA molecules is probably also responsible for the presence of "wings" associated with each nucleus after application of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis; these wings were aligned in the directions of the pulsed field, not along the resultant vector of the fields as was expected. The choice of fluorescent staining methods (propidium iodide, Hoechst 33342, or antibodies against bromodeoxyuridine) did not influence sensitivity for detecting DNA damage.  相似文献   

The inter-residual dihedral angles phi and phip of chitin and chitosan oligomers were determined from experimental 3J(C-H) constants and ROESY cross peaks.  相似文献   

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