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The beta-trefoil protein human fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF-1) is made up of a six-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel closed off on one end by three beta-hairpins, thus exhibiting a 3-fold axis of structural symmetry. The N and C terminus beta-strands hydrogen bond to each other and their interaction is postulated from both NMR and X-ray structure data to be important in folding and stability. Specific mutations within the adjacent N and C terminus beta-strands of FGF-1 are shown to provide a substantial increase in stability. This increase is largely correlated with an increased folding rate constant, and with a smaller but significant decrease in the unfolding rate constant. A series of stabilizing mutations are subsequently combined and result in a doubling of the DeltaG value of unfolding. When taken in the context of previous studies of stabilizing mutations, the results indicate that although FGF-1 is known for generally poor thermal stability, the beta-trefoil architecture appears capable of substantial thermal stability. Targeting stabilizing mutations within the N and C terminus beta-strand interactions of a beta-barrel architecture may be a generally useful approach to increase protein stability. Such stabilized mutations of FGF-1 are shown to exhibit significant increases in effective mitogenic potency, and may prove useful as "second generation" forms of FGF-1 for application in angiogenic therapy.  相似文献   

Protein biopharmaceuticals are an important and growing area of human therapeutics; however, the intrinsic property of proteins to adopt alternative conformations (such as during protein unfolding and aggregation) presents numerous challenges, limiting their effective application as biopharmaceuticals. Using fibroblast growth factor-1 as model system, we describe a cooperative interaction between the intrinsic property of thermostability and the reactivity of buried free-cysteine residues that can substantially modulate protein functional half-life. A mutational strategy that combines elimination of buried free cysteines and secondary mutations that enhance thermostability to achieve a substantial gain in functional half-life is described. Furthermore, the implementation of this design strategy utilizing stabilizing mutations within the core region resulted in a mutant protein that is essentially indistinguishable from wild type as regard protein surface and solvent structure, thus minimizing the immunogenic potential of the mutations. This design strategy should be generally applicable to soluble globular proteins containing buried free-cysteine residues.  相似文献   

Archaeal A-ATP synthases catalyze the formation of the energy currency ATP. The chemical mechanisms of ATP synthesis in A-ATP synthases are unknown. We have determined the crystal structure of a transition-like state of the vanadate-bound form of catalytic subunit A (AVi) of the A-ATP synthase from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3. Two orthovanadate molecules were observed in the AVi structure, one of which interacts with the phosphate binding loop through residue S238. The second vanadate is positioned in the transient binding site, implicating for the first time the pathway for phosphate entry to the catalytic site. Moreover, since residues K240 and T241 are proposed to be essential for catalysis, the mutant structures of K240A and T241A were also determined. The results demonstrate the importance of these two residues for transition-state stabilization. The structures presented shed light on the diversity of catalytic mechanisms used by the biological motors A- and F-ATP synthases and eukaryotic V-ATPases.  相似文献   

Cofilin is a key actin-binding protein that is critical for controlling the assembly of actin within the cell. Here, we present the results of molecular docking and dynamics studies using a muscle actin filament and human cofilin I. Guided by extensive mutagenesis results and other biophysical and structural studies, we arrive at a model for cofilin bound to the actin filament. This predicted structure agrees very well with electron microscopy results for cofilin-decorated filaments, provides molecular insight into how the known F- and G-actin sites on cofilin interact with the filament, and also suggests new interaction sites that may play a role in cofilin binding. The resulting atomic-scale model also helps us understand the molecular function and regulation of cofilin and provides testable data for future experimental and simulation work.  相似文献   

The Na+-coupled betaine symporter BetP regulates transport activity in response to hyperosmotic stress only in its trimeric state, suggesting a regulatory crosstalk between individual protomers. BetP shares the overall fold of two inverted structurally related five-transmembrane (TM) helix repeats with the sequence-unrelated Na+-coupled symporters LeuT, vSGLT, and Mhp1, which are neither trimeric nor regulated in transport activity. Conformational changes characteristic for this transporter fold involve the two first helices of each repeat, which form a four-TM-helix bundle. Here, we identify two ionic networks in BetP located on both sides of the membrane that might be responsible for BetP's unique regulatory behavior by restricting the conformational flexibility of the four-TM-helix bundle. The cytoplasmic ionic interaction network links both first helices of each repeat in one protomer to the osmosensing C-terminal domain of the adjacent protomer. Moreover, the periplasmic ionic interaction network conformationally locks the four-TM-helix bundle between the same neighbor protomers. By a combination of site-directed mutagenesis, cross-linking, and betaine uptake measurements, we demonstrate how conformational changes in individual bundle helices are transduced to the entire bundle by specific inter-helical interactions. We suggest that one purpose of bundle networking is to assist crosstalk between protomers during transport regulation by specifically modulating the transition from outward-facing to inward-facing state.  相似文献   

S100A3, a member of the EF-hand-type Ca2+-binding S100 protein family, is unique in its exceptionally high cysteine content and Zn2+ affinity. We produced human S100A3 protein and its mutants in insect cells using a baculovirus expression system. The purified wild-type S100A3 and the pseudo-citrullinated form (R51A) were crystallized with ammonium sulfate in N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)glycine buffer and, specifically for postrefolding treatment, with Ca2+/Zn2+ supplementation. We identified two previously undocumented disulfide bridges in the crystal structure of properly folded S100A3: one disulfide bridge is between Cys30 in the N-terminal pseudo-EF-hand and Cys68 in the C-terminal EF-hand (SS1), and another disulfide bridge attaches Cys99 in the C-terminal coil structure to Cys81 in helix IV (SS2). Mutational disruption of SS1 (C30A + C68A) abolished the Ca2+ binding property of S100A3 and retarded the citrullination of Arg51 by peptidylarginine deiminase type III (PAD3), while SS2 disruption inversely increased both Ca2+ affinity and PAD3 reactivity in vitro. Similar backbone structures of wild type, R51A, and C30A + C68A indicated that neither Arg51 conversion by PAD3 nor SS1 alters the overall dimer conformation. Comparative inspection of atomic coordinates refined to 2.15−1.40 Å resolution shows that SS1 renders the C-terminal classical Ca2+-binding loop flexible, which are essential for its Ca2+ binding properties, whereas SS2 structurally shelters Arg51 in the metal-free form. We propose a model of the tetrahedral coordination of a Zn2+ by (Cys)3His residues that is compatible with SS2 formation in S100A3.  相似文献   

Preorganization of enzyme active sites for substrate recognition typically comes at a cost to the stability of the folded form of the protein; consequently, enzymes can be dramatically stabilized by substitutions that attenuate the size and preorganization “strain” of the active site. How this stability-activity tradeoff constrains enzyme evolution has remained less certain, and it is unclear whether one should expect major stability insults as enzymes mutate towards new activities or how these new activities manifest structurally. These questions are both germane and easy to study in β-lactamases, which are evolving on the timescale of years to confer resistance to an ever-broader spectrum of β-lactam antibiotics. To explore whether stability is a substantial constraint on this antibiotic resistance evolution, we investigated extended-spectrum mutants of class C β-lactamases, which had evolved new activity versus third-generation cephalosporins. Five mutant enzymes had between 100-fold and 200-fold increased activity against the antibiotic cefotaxime in enzyme assays, and the mutant enzymes all lost thermodynamic stability (from 1.7 kcal mol 1 to 4.1 kcal mol 1), consistent with the stability-function hypothesis. Intriguingly, several of the substitutions were 10-20 Å from the catalytic serine; the question of how they conferred extended-spectrum activity arose. Eight structures, including complexes with inhibitors and extended-spectrum antibiotics, were determined by X-ray crystallography. Distinct mechanisms of action, including changes in the flexibility and ground-state structures of the enzyme, are revealed for each mutant. These results explain the structural bases for the antibiotic resistance conferred by these substitutions and their corresponding decrease in protein stability, which will constrain the evolution of new antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

The yeast DEAD-box protein Mss116p functions as a general RNA chaperone in splicing mitochondrial group I and group II introns. For most of its functions, Mss116p is thought to use ATP-dependent RNA unwinding to facilitate RNA structural transitions, but it has been suggested to assist in the folding of one group II intron (aI5γ) primarily by stabilizing a folding intermediate. Here we compare three aI5γ constructs: one with long exons, one with short exons, and a ribozyme construct lacking exons. The long exons result in slower splicing, suggesting that they misfold and/or stabilize nonnative intronic structures. Nevertheless, Mss116p acceleration of all three constructs depends on ATP and is inhibited by mutations that compromise RNA unwinding, suggesting similar mechanisms. Results of splicing assays and a new two-stage assay that separates ribozyme folding and catalysis indicate that maximal folding of all three constructs by Mss116p requires ATP-dependent RNA unwinding. ATP-independent activation is appreciable for only a subpopulation of the minimal ribozyme construct and not for constructs containing exons. As expected for a general RNA chaperone, Mss116p can also disrupt the native ribozyme, which can refold after Mss116p removal. Finally, using yeast strains with mitochondrial DNA containing only the single intron aI5γ,? we show that Mss116p mutants promote splicing in vivo to degrees that correlate with their residual ATP-dependent RNA-unwinding activities. Together, our results indicate that, although DEAD-box proteins play multiple roles in RNA folding, the physiological function of Mss116p in aI5γ splicing includes a requirement for ATP-dependent local unfolding, allowing the conversion of nonfunctional RNA structure into functional RNA structure.  相似文献   

Collagen receptor integrins alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1 can selectively recognize different collagen subtypes. Here we show that their alpha I domains can discriminate between laminin isoforms as well: alpha 1I and alpha 2I recognized laminin-111, -211 and -511, whereas their binding to laminin-411 was negligible. Residue Arg-218 in alpha1 was found to be instrumental in high-avidity binding. The gain-of-function mutation E318W makes the alpha 2I domain to adopt the "open" high-affinity conformation, while the wild-type alpha 2I domain favors the "closed" low-affinity conformation. The E318W mutation markedly increased alpha 2I domain binding to the laminins (-111, -211 and -511), leading us to propose that the activation state of the alpha 2 beta 1 integrin defines its role as a laminin receptor. However, neither wild-type nor alpha 2IE318W domain could bind to laminin-411. alpha 2IE318W also bound tighter to all collagens than alpha 2I wild-type, but it showed reduced ability to discriminate between collagens I, IV and IX. The corresponding mutation, E317A, in the alpha 1I domain transformed the domain into a high-avidity binder of collagens I and IV. Thus, our results indicate that conformational activation of integrin alpha 1I and alpha 2I domains leads to high-avidity binding to otherwise disfavored collagen subtypes.  相似文献   

Members of the multiple antibiotic resistance regulator (MarR) family control gene expression in a variety of metabolic processes in bacteria and archaea. Hypothetical uricase regulator (HucR), which belongs to the ligand-responsive branch of the MarR family, regulates uricase expression in Deinococcus radiodurans by binding a shared promoter region between uricase and HucR genes. We show here that HucR responds only to urate and, to a lesser extent, to xanthine by attenuated DNA binding, compared to other intermediates of purine degradation. Using molecular-dynamics-guided mutational analysis, we identified the ligand-binding site in HucR. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays and intrinsic Trp fluorescence have identified W20 from the N-terminal helix and R80 from helix 3, which serves as a scaffold for the DNA recognition helix, as being essential for ligand binding. Using structural data combined with in silico and in vitro analyses, we propose a mechanism for the attenuation of DNA binding in which a conformational change initiated by charge repulsion due to a bound ligand propagates to DNA recognition helices. This mechanism may apply generally to MarR homologs that bind anionic phenolic ligands.  相似文献   

Regulation of muscle contraction via the myosin filaments occurs in vertebrate smooth and many invertebrate striated muscles. Studies of unphosphorylated vertebrate smooth muscle myosin suggest that activity is switched off through an intramolecular interaction between the actin-binding region of one head and the converter and essential light chains of the other, inhibiting ATPase activity and actin interaction. The same interaction (and additional interaction with the tail) is seen in three-dimensional reconstructions of relaxed, native myosin filaments from tarantula striated muscle, suggesting that such interactions are likely to underlie the off-state of myosin across a wide spectrum of the animal kingdom. We have tested this hypothesis by carrying out cryo-electron microscopy and three-dimensional image reconstruction of myosin filaments from horseshoe crab (Limulus) muscle. The same head-head and head-tail interactions seen in tarantula are also seen in Limulus, supporting the hypothesis. Other data suggest that this motif may underlie the relaxed state of myosin II in all species (including myosin II in nonmuscle cells), with the possible exception of insect flight muscle.The molecular organization of the myosin tails in the backbone of muscle thick filaments is unknown and may differ between species. X-ray diffraction data support a general model for crustaceans in which tails associate together to form 4-nm-diameter subfilaments, with these subfilaments assembling together to form the backbone. This model is supported by direct observation of 4-nm-diameter elongated strands in the tarantula reconstruction, suggesting that it might be a general structure across the arthropods. We observe a similar backbone organization in the Limulus reconstruction, supporting the general existence of such subfilaments.  相似文献   

The phosphate binding loop (GXXXXGKT(S)) is conserved in several mononucleotide-binding proteins with similar three-dimensional structures. Although variations in other amino acids have been noted, the first glycine and glycine-lysine residues are highly conserved in all enzymes, whose role is yet to be understood. Alanine substitutions for critically positioned glycines—G234, G237, and G239—were generated for the catalytic A-subunit of A-ATP synthase from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3, and their crystal structures were determined. They showed altered conformation for the phosphate binding loop, with G234A and G237A becoming flat and with G239A taking an intermediate conformation, resulting in the active-site region being closed to nucleotide entry. Furthermore, the essential amino acids S238 and K240, which normally interact with the nucleotide, become inaccessible. These mutant structures demonstrate the role of the strictly conserved glycine residues in guarding the active-site region for nucleotide entrance in archaea-type ATP synthases.  相似文献   

The filamentous phage fd uses its gene 3 protein (G3P) to target Escherichia coli cells in a two-step process. First, the N2 domain of G3P attaches to an F pilus, and then the N1 domain binds to TolA-C. N1 and N2 are tightly associated, rendering the phage robust but noninfectious because the binding site for TolA-C is buried at the domain interface. Binding of N2 to the F pilus initiates partial unfolding, domain disassembly, and prolyl cis-to-trans isomerization in the hinge between N1 and N2. This activates the phage, and trans-Pro213 maintains this state long enough for N1 to reach TolA-C. Phage IF1 targets I pili, and its G3P contains also an N1 domain and an N2 domain. The pilus-binding N2 domains of the phages IF1 and fd are unrelated, and the N1 domains share a 31% sequence identity. We show that N2 of phage IF1 mediates binding to the I pilus, and that N1 targets TolA. Crystallographic and NMR analyses of the complex between N1 and TolA-C indicate that phage IF1 interacts with the same site on TolA-C as phage fd. In IF1-G3P, N1 and N2 are independently folding units, however, and the TolA binding site on N1 is permanently accessible. Activation by unfolding and prolyl isomerization, as in the case of phage fd, is not observed. In IF1-G3P, the absence of stabilizing domain interactions is compensated for by a strong increase in the stabilities of the individual domains. Apparently, these closely related filamentous phages evolved different mechanisms to reconcile robustness with high infectivity.  相似文献   

Calcyphosine is an EF-hand protein involved in both Ca2 +-phosphatidylinositol and cyclic AMP signal cascades, as well as in other cellular functions. The crystal structure of Ca2 +-loaded calcyphosine was determined up to 2.65 Å resolution and reveals a protein containing two pairs of Ca2 +-binding EF-hand motifs. Calcyphosine shares a highly similar overall topology with calmodulin. However, there are striking differences between EF-hand 4, both N-terminal and C-terminal regions, and interdomain linkers. The C-terminal domain of calcyphosine possesses a large hydrophobic pocket in the presence of calcium ions that might be implicated in ligand binding, while its N-terminal hydrophobic pocket is almost shielded by an additional terminal helix. Calcyphosine is largely monomeric, regardless of the presence of Ca2 +. Differences in structure, oligomeric state in the presence and in the absence of Ca2 +, a highly conserved sequence with low similarity to other proteins, and phylogeny define a new EF-hand-containing family of calcyphosine proteins that extends from arthropods to humans.  相似文献   

Phosphotyrosine hydrolysis by protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) involves substrate binding by the PTP loop and closure over the active site by the WPD loop. The E loop, located immediately adjacent to the PTP and WPD loops, is conserved among human PTPs in both sequence and structure, yet the role of this loop in substrate binding and catalysis is comparatively unexplored. Hematopoietic PTP (HePTP) is a member of the kinase interaction motif (KIM) PTP family. Compared to other PTPs, KIM-PTPs have E loops that are unique in both sequence and structure. In order to understand the role of the E loop in the transition between the closed state and the open state of HePTP, we identified a novel crystal form of HePTP that allowed the closed-state-to-open-state transition to be observed within a single crystal form. These structures, which include the first structure of the HePTP open state, show that the WPD loop adopts an ‘atypically open’ conformation and, importantly, that ligands can be exchanged at the active site, which is critical for HePTP inhibitor development. These structures also show that tetrahedral oxyanions bind at a novel secondary site and function to coordinate the PTP, WPD, and E loops. Finally, using both structural and kinetic data, we reveal a novel role for E-loop residue Lys182 in enhancing HePTP catalytic activity through its interaction with Asp236 of the WPD loop, providing the first evidence for the coordinated dynamics of the WPD and E loops in the catalytic cycle, which, as we show, is relevant to multiple PTP families.  相似文献   

Human pseudouridine (Ψ) synthase Pus1 (hPus1) modifies specific uridine residues in several non-coding RNAs: tRNA, U2 spliceosomal RNA, and steroid receptor activator RNA. We report three structures of the catalytic core domain of hPus1 from two crystal forms, at 1.8 Å resolution. The structures are the first of a mammalian Ψ synthase from the set of five Ψ synthase families common to all kingdoms of life. hPus1 adopts a fold similar to bacterial Ψ synthases, with a central antiparallel β-sheet flanked by helices and loops. A flexible hinge at the base of the sheet allows the enzyme to open and close around an electropositive active-site cleft. In one crystal form, a molecule of Mes [2-(N-morpholino)ethane sulfonic acid] mimics the target uridine of an RNA substrate. A positively charged electrostatic surface extends from the active site towards the N-terminus of the catalytic domain, suggesting an extensive binding site specific for target RNAs. Two α-helices C-terminal to the core domain, but unique to hPus1, extend along the back and top of the central β-sheet and form the walls of the RNA binding surface. Docking of tRNA to hPus1 in a productive orientation requires only minor conformational changes to enzyme and tRNA. The docked tRNA is bound by the electropositive surface of the protein employing a completely different binding mode than that seen for the tRNA complex of the Escherichia coli homologue TruA.  相似文献   

Proteins bind one another in aqua's solution to form tight and specific complexes. Previously we have shown that this is achieved through the modular architecture of the interaction network formed by the interface residues, where tight cooperative interactions are found within modules but not between them. Here we extend this study to cover the entire interface of TEM1 beta-lactamase and its protein inhibitor BLIP using an improved method for deriving interaction maps based on REDUCE to add hydrogen atoms and then by evaluating the interactions using modifications of the programs PROBE, NCI and PARE. An extensive mutagenesis study of the interface residues indeed showed that each module is energetically independent on other modules, and that cooperativity is found only within a module. By solving the X-ray structure of two interface mutations affecting two different modules, we demonstrated that protein-protein binding occur via the structural reorganization of the binding modules, either by a "lock and key" or an induced fit mechanism. To explain the cooperativity within a module, we performed multiple-mutant cycle analysis of cluster 2 resulting in a high-resolution energy map of this module. Mutant studies are usually done in reference to alanine, which can be regarded as a deletion of a side-chain. However, from a biological perspective, there is a major interest to understand non-Ala substitutions, as they are most common. Using X-ray crystallography and multiple-mutant cycle analysis we demonstrated the added complexity in understanding non-Ala mutations. Here, a double mutation replacing the wild-type Glu,Tyr to Tyr,Asn on TEM1 (res id 104,105) caused a major backbone structural rearrangement of BLIP, changing the composition of two modules but not of other modules within the interface. This shows the robustness of the modular approach, yet demonstrates the complexity of in silico protein design.  相似文献   

We used small-angle X-ray solution scattering (SAXS) technique to investigate the nucleotide-mediated conformational changes of the head domains [subfragment 1 (S1)] of myosin V and VI processive motors that govern their directional preference for motility on actin. Recombinant myosin V-S1 with two IQ motifs (MV-S1IQ2) and myosin VI-S1 (MVI-S1) were engineered from Sf9 cells using a baculovirus expression system. The radii of gyration (Rg) of nucleotide-free MV-S1IQ2 and MVI-S1 were 48.6 and 48.8 Å, respectively. In the presence of ATP, the Rg value of MV-S1IQ2 decreased to 46.7 Å, while that of MVI-S1 increased to 51.7 Å, and the maximum chord length of the molecule decreased by ca 9% for MV-S1IQ2 and increased by ca 6% for MVI-S1. These opposite directional changes were consistent with those occurring in S1s with ADP and Vi or AlF4− 2 bound (i.e., in states mimicking the ADP/Pi-bound state of ATP hydrolysis). Binding of AMPPNP induced Rg changes of both constructs similar to those in the presence of ATP, suggesting that the timing of the structural changes for their motion on actin is upon binding of ATP (the pre-hydrolysis state) during the ATPase cycle. Binding of ADP to MV-S1IQ2 and MVI-S1 caused their Rg values to drop below those in the nucleotide-free state. Thus, upon the release of Pi, the reverse conformational change could occur, coupling to drive the directional motion on actin. The amount of Rg change upon the release of Pi was ca 6.4 times greater in MVI-S1 than in MV-S1IQ2, relating to the production of the large stroke of the MVI motor during its translocation on actin. Atomic structural models for these S1s based upon the ab initio shape reconstruction from X-ray scattering data were constructed, showing that MVI-S1 has the light-chain-binding domain positioned in the opposite direction to MV-S1IQ2 in both the pre- and post-powerstroke transition. The angular change between the light chain-binding domains of MV-S1IQ2 in the pre- to post-powerstroke transition was ∼ 50°, comparable to that of MII-S1. On the other hand, that of MVI-S1 was ∼ 100° or ∼ 130° much less than the currently postulated changes to allow the maximal stroke size of myosin VI-S1 but still significantly larger than those of other myosins reported so far. The results suggest that some additional alterations or elements are required for MVI-S1 to take maximal working strokes along the actin filament.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 (formerly “casein kinase 2”) is composed of a central dimer of noncatalytic subunits (CK2β) binding two catalytic subunits. In humans, there are two isoforms of the catalytic subunit (and an additional splicing variant), one of which (CK2α) is well characterized. To supplement the limited biochemical knowledge about the second paralog (CK2α′), we developed a well-soluble catalytically active full-length mutant of human CK2α′, characterized it by Michaelis-Menten kinetics and isothermal titration calorimetry, and determined its crystal structure to a resolution of 2 Å. The affinity of CK2α′ for CK2β is about 12 times lower than that of CK2α and is less driven by enthalpy. This result fits the observation that the β4/β5 loop, a key element of the CK2α/CK2β interface, adopts an open conformation in CK2α′, while in CK2α, it opens only after assembly with CK2β. The open β4/β5 loop in CK2α′ is stabilized by two elements that are absent in CK2α: (1) the extension of the N-terminal β-sheet by an additional β-strand, and (2) the filling of a conserved hydrophobic cavity between the β4/β5 loop and helix αC by a tryptophan residue. Moreover, the interdomain hinge region of CK2α′ adopts a fully functional conformation, while unbound CK2α is often found with a nonproductive hinge conformation that is overcome only by CK2β binding. Taken together, CK2α′ exhibits a significantly lower affinity for CK2β than CK2α; moreover, in functionally critical regions, it is less dependent on CK2β to obtain a fully functional conformation.  相似文献   

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