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Recent studies of glutamine PRPP amidotransferase have provided a new understanding of the function and mechanism of this rather complicated enzyme that may be a paradigm for other complex enzymes. New insights have been gained into the mechanisms of catalysis in the active sites of the two half-reactions, catalytic coupling, allosteric control by feedback inhibitors and the channeling of reaction and metabolic intermediates.  相似文献   

Uracil phosphoribosyltransferase catalyzes the conversion of 5-phosphoribosyl-α-1-diphosphate (PRPP) and uracil to uridine monophosphate (UMP) and diphosphate (PPi). The tetrameric enzyme from Sulfolobus solfataricus has a unique type of allosteric regulation by cytidine triphosphate (CTP) and guanosine triphosphate (GTP). Here we report two structures of the activated state in complex with GTP. One structure (refined at 2.8-Å resolution) contains PRPP in all active sites, while the other structure (refined at 2.9-Å resolution) has PRPP in two sites and the hydrolysis products, ribose-5-phosphate and PPi, in the other sites. Combined with three existing structures of uracil phosphoribosyltransferase in complex with UMP and the allosteric inhibitor cytidine triphosphate (CTP), these structures provide valuable insight into the mechanism of allosteric transition from inhibited to active enzyme. The regulatory triphosphates bind at a site in the center of the tetramer in a different manner and change the quaternary arrangement. Both effectors contact Pro94 at the beginning of a long β-strand in the dimer interface, which extends into a flexible loop over the active site. In the GTP-bound state, two flexible loop residues, Tyr123 and Lys125, bind the PPi moiety of PRPP in the neighboring subunit and contribute to catalysis, while in the inhibited state, they contribute to the configuration of the active site for UMP rather than PRPP binding. The C-terminal Gly216 participates in a hydrogen-bond network in the dimer interface that stabilizes the inhibited, but not the activated, state. Tagging the C-terminus with additional amino acids generates an endogenously activated enzyme that binds GTP without effects on activity.  相似文献   

The methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway of Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum) has become an attractive target for anti-malarial drug discovery. This study describes a kinetic model of this pathway, its use in validating 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase (DXR) as drug target from the systemic perspective, and additional target identification, using metabolic control analysis and in silico inhibition studies. In addition to DXR, 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase (DXS) can be targeted because it is the first enzyme of the pathway and has the highest flux control coefficient followed by that of DXR. In silico inhibition of both enzymes caused large decrement in the pathway flux. An added advantage of targeting DXS is its influence on vitamin B1 and B6 biosynthesis. Two more potential targets, 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase and 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(E)-butenyl 4-diphosphate synthase, were also identified. Their inhibition caused large accumulation of their substrates causing instability of the system.  相似文献   

The glutamine/amino acid transporter was solubilized from rat renal apical plasma membrane (brush-border membrane) with C12E8 and reconstituted into liposomes by removing the detergent from mixed micelles by hydrophobic chromatography on Amberlite XAD-4. The reconstitution was optimised with respect to the protein concentration, the detergent/phospholipid ratio and the number of passages through a single Amberlite column. The reconstituted glutamine/amino acid transporter catalysed a first-order antiport reaction stimulated by external, not internal, Na+. Optimal activity was found at pH 7.0. The sulfhydryl reagents HgCl2, mersalyl and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and the amino acids alanine, serine, threonine, cysteine, asparagine, methionine and valine strongly inhibited the transport, whereas the amino acid analogue methylaminoisobutyrate had no effect. Glutamine, alanine, serine, asparagine, threonine were efficiently translocated from outside to inside and from inside to outside the proteoliposomes as well. Cysteine and valine were translocated preferentially from outside to inside. The Km for glutamine on the external and internal side of the transporter was 0.47 and 11 mM, respectively; the values were not influenced by the type of the counter substrate. The transporter is functionally asymmetrical and it is unidirectionally inserted into the proteoliposomal membrane with an orientation corresponding to that of the native membrane. By a bisubstrate kinetic analysis of the glutamine antiport, a random simultaneous mechanism was found. The glutamine antiport was strongly stimulated by internal nucleoside triphosphates and, to a lower extent, by pyrophoshate. The reconstituted glutamine/amino acid transporter functionally corresponds to the ASCT2 protein.  相似文献   

A phosphate-hydrolyzing activity from Glycine max embryo axes was purified by a series of chromatographic steps and electroelution from activity gels, and demonstrated to be an inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase by partial internal amino acid sequence. This enzyme hydrolyzed ATP, sodium pyrophosphate (NaPPi), inositol hexakisphosphate, and inositol 1-monophosphate, but not p-nitrophenyl phosphate, ADP, AMP or glucose 6-P. Using NaPPi as substrate, the highly purified protein hydrolyzed up to 0.4 mmol phosphate min− 1 mg− 1 protein and had a Kmavg of 235 μM for NaPPi. Since NaPPi is relatively inexpensive and readily available, we used this as substrate for the subsequent characterization. We observed the following: (a) specific inhibition by Li and NaF but not by butanedione monoxime, or orthovanadate; (b) activation by Cu2+ and Mg2+; (c) optimum activity at pH 7.4; and (d) temperature stability after 1-h incubations at 37–80 °C, with maximum activity at 37 °C. The partially purified protein was detected by in-gel activity assays and the band was electroeluted to yield a highly purified protein. Analysis by SDS-PAGE and native IEF-PAGE yielded a single major polypeptide of 29 kDa and pI ∼ 5.9, respectively. In addition, in-gel activity from embryo axes and whole hypocotyls at early germination times revealed one high and one intermediate molecular weight isoform, but only the intermediate one corresponded to IMPase. Throughout the post-imbibition period, the activity of the high molecular weight isoform disappeared and IMPase increased, indicating an increasing expression of the enzyme as germination and growth proceeded. These data indicate that the inositol-1 (or 4)-monophosphatase present in the embryo axis of G. max has a wide phosphate substrate specificity, and may play an important role in phosphate metabolism during the germination process.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome is caused by the expansion of an unstable CGG repeat in the 5′UTR of FMR1 gene. The occurrence of mosaicism is not uncommon, especially in male patients, whereas in females it is not so often reported. Here we report a female foetus that was subject to prenatal diagnosis, because of her mother being a premutation carrier. The foetus was identified as being a mosaic for an intermediate allele and a full mutation of FMR1 gene, in the presence of a normal allele. The mosaic status was confirmed in three different tissues of the foetus – amniotic fluid, skin biopsy and blood – the last two obtained after pregnancy termination. Karyotype analysis and X-chromosome STR markers analysis do not support the mosaicism as inheritance of both maternal alleles. Oligonucleotide array-CGH excluded an imbalance that could contain the primer binding site with a different repeat size. The obtained results give compelling evidence for a postzygotic expansion mechanism where the foetus mosaic pattern originated from expansion of the mother's premutation into a full mutation and consequent regression to an intermediate allele in a proportion of cells. These events occurred in early embryogenesis before the commitment of cells into the different tissues, as the three tested tissues of the foetus have the same mosaic pattern. The couple has a son with Fragile X mental retardation syndrome and choose to terminate this pregnancy after genetic counselling.  相似文献   

PhzE from Pseudomonas aeruginosa catalyzes the first step in the biosynthesis of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid, pyocyanin, and other phenazines, which are virulence factors for Pseudomonas species. The reaction catalyzed converts chorismate into aminodeoxyisochorismate using ammonia supplied by a glutamine amidotransferase domain. It has structural and sequence homology to other chorismate-utilizing enzymes such as anthranilate synthase, isochorismate synthase, aminodeoxychorismate synthase, and salicylate synthase. Like these enzymes, it is Mg2 + dependent and catalyzes a similar SN2" nucleophilic substitution reaction. PhzE catalyzes the addition of ammonia to C2 of chorismate, as does anthranilate synthase, yet unlike anthranilate synthase it does not catalyze elimination of pyruvate from enzyme-bound aminodeoxyisochorismate. Herein, the cloning of the phzE gene, high level expression of active enzyme in E. coli, purification, and kinetic characterization of the enzyme is presented, including temperature and pH dependence. Steady-state kinetics give Kchorismate = 20 ± 4 μM, KMg2 + = 294 ± 22 μM, KL-gln = 11 ± 1 mM, and kcat = 2.2 ± 0.2 s− 1 for a random kinetic mechanism. PhzE can use NH4+ as an alternative nucleophile, while Co2 + and Mn2 + are alternative divalent metals.  相似文献   

A new crystal structure of the dimeric cysteine synthase CysM from Mycobacterium tuberculosis reveals an open and a closed conformation of the enzyme. In the closed conformation the five carboxy-terminal amino acid residues are inserted into the active site cleft. Removal of this segment results in a decreased lifetime of the α-aminoacrylate reaction intermediate, an increased sensitivity to oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide, and loss of substrate selectivity with respect to the sulfur carrier thiocarboxylated CysO. These results highlight features of CysM that might be of particular importance for cysteine biosynthesis under oxidative stress in M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Germinated, unpolished rice was found to contain a substantial amount of D-serine, with the ratio of the D-enantiomer to the L-enantiomer being higher for serine than for other amino acids. The relative amount of D-serine (D/(D + L)%) reached approximately 10% six days after germination. A putative serine racemase gene (serr, clone No. 001-110-B03) was found in chromosome 4 of the genomic DNA of Oryza sativa L. ssp. Japonica cv. Nipponbare. This was expressed as serr in Escherichia coli and its gene product (SerR) was purified to apparent homogeneity. SerR is a homodimer with a subunit molecular mass of 34.5 kDa, and is highly specific for serine. In addition to a serine racemase reaction, SerR catalyzes D- and L-serine dehydratase reactions, for which the specific activities were determined to be 2.73 and 1.42 nkatal/mg, respectively. The optimum temperature and pH were respectively determined for the racemase reaction (35 °C and pH 9.0) and for the dehydratase reaction (35 °C and pH 9.5). SerR was inhibited by PLP-enzyme inhibitors. ATP decreased the serine racemase activity of SerR but increased the serine dehydratase activity. Kinetic analysis showed that Mg2+ increases the catalytic efficiency of the serine racemase activity of SerR and decreases that of the serine dehydratase activity. Fluorescence-quenching analysis of the tryptophan residues in SerR indicated that the structure of SerR is distorted by the addition of Mg2+, and this structural change probably regulates the two enzymatic activities.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interactions between the antimicrobial peptide Novicidin (Nc) and vesicles containing the phospholipid DOPC, with various amounts of DOPG and cholesterol using circular dichroism spectroscopy, calcein release, equilibrium dialysis and isothermal titration calorimetry. Nc adopts a random coil structure in the absence of lipids and in the presence of vesicles containing 100% DOPC. Lipids with 25–40% DOPG induce the highest level of helicity in Nc; higher DOPG levels lead to lower helicity levels and an altered tertiary arrangement of the peptide. However, the ability of Nc to permeabilize vesicles correlates not with helicity but rather with its overall membrane affinity, which is enthalpically favorable but opposed by entropy. Permeabilization declines with increasing mole percentage PG. Changes in helicity correlate with changes in enthalpy, reflecting the enthalpy of helix formation, but not with affinity. There is also a large favorable enthalpic interaction between Nc and lipids in the absence of negative charge and structural changes. Cholesterol slightly reduces membrane permeabilization but has little effect on Nc affinity and secondary structure, and probably protects the membrane by inducing the liquid ordered state. We conclude that helicity is not a prerequisite for activity, and charge–charge interactions are not the only major driving force for AMP interactions with membranes. Our data are compatible with a model in which a superficial binding mode with a large membrane surface binding area per peptide is more efficient than a more intimate embedding within the membrane environment.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of a Salmonella enterica hypothetical protein YihS is significantly similar to that of N-acyl-d-glucosamine 2-epimerase (AGE) with respect to a common scaffold, an α66-barrel, although the function of YihS remains to be clarified. To identify the function of YihS, Escherichia coli and S. enterica YihS proteins were overexpressed in E. coli, purified, and characterized. Both proteins were found to show no AGE activity but showed cofactor-independent aldose-ketose isomerase activity involved in the interconversion of monosaccharides, mannose, fructose, and glucose, or lyxose and xylulose. In order to clarify the structure/function relationship of YihS, we determined the crystal structure of S. enterica YihS mutant (H248A) in complex with a substrate (d-mannose) at 1.6 Å resolution. This enzyme-substrate complex structure is the first demonstration in the AGE structural family, and it enables us to identify active-site residues and postulate a reaction mechanism for YihS. The substrate, β-d-mannose, fits well in the active site and is specifically recognized by the enzyme. The substrate-binding site of YihS for the mannose C1 and O5 atoms is architecturally similar to those of mutarotases, suggesting that YihS adopts the pyranose ring-opening process by His383 and acidifies the C2 position, forming an aldehyde at the C1 position. In the isomerization step, His248 functions as a base catalyst responsible for transferring the proton from the C2 to C1 positions through a cis-enediol intermediate. On the other hand, in AGE, His248 is thought to abstract and re-adduct the proton at the C2 position of the substrate. These findings provide not only molecular insights into the YihS reaction mechanism but also useful information for the molecular design of novel carbohydrate-active enzymes with the common scaffold, α66-barrel.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are able to translocate problematic therapeutic cargoes across cellular membranes. The exact mechanisms of translocation are still under investigation. However, evidence for endocytic uptake is increasing. We investigated the interactions of CPPs with phospholipid bilayers as first step of translocation. To this purpose, we employed four independent techniques, comprising (i) liposome buffer equilibrium dialysis, (ii) Trp fluorescence quenching, (iii) fluorescence polarization, and (iv) determination of ζ-potentials. Using unilamellar vesicles (LUVs) of different phospholipid composition, we compared weakly cationic human calcitonin (hCT)-derived peptides with the oligocationic CPPs pVEC and penetratin (pAntp). Apparent partition coefficients of hCT-derived peptides in neutral POPC LUVs were dependent on amino acid composition and secondary structure; partitioning in negatively charged POPC/POPG (80:20) LUVs was increased and mainly governed by electrostatic interactions. For hCT(9-32) and its derivatives, D values raised from about 100-200 in POPC to about 1000 to 1500 when negatively charged lipids were present. Localization profiles of CPPs obtained by Trp fluorescence quenching were dependent on the charge density of LUVs. In POPC/POPG, hCT-derived CPPs were located on the bilayer surface, whereas pVEC and pAntp resided deeper in the membrane. In POPG LUVs, an increase of fluorescence polarization was observed for pVEC and pAntp but not for hCT-derived peptides. Generally, we found strong peptide-phospholipid interactions, especially when negatively charged lipids were present.  相似文献   

The accessibility of the hydrophilic loop between putative transmembrane segments XIII and XIV of the Na+/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) was studied in Xenopus oocytes, using the substituted cysteine accessibility method (SCAM) and fluorescent labelling. Fifteen cysteine mutants between positions 565 and 664 yielded cotransport currents of similar amplitude than the wild-type SGLT1 (wtSGLT1). Extracellular, membrane-impermeant MTSES(−) and MTSET(+) had no effect on either cotransport or Na+ leak currents of wtSGLT1 but 9 mutants were affected by MTSES and/or MTSET. We also performed fluorescent labelling on SGLT1 mutants, using tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide and showed that positions 586, 588 and 624 were accessible. As amino acids 604 to 610 in SGLT1 have been proposed to form part of a phlorizin (Pz) binding site, we measured the KiPz and KmαMG for wtSGLT1 and for cysteine mutants at positions 588, 605-608 and 625. Although mutants A605C, Y606C and D607C had slightly higher KiPz values than wtSGLT1 with minimal changes in KmαMG, the effects were modest and do not support the original hypothesis. We conclude that the large, hydrophilic loop near the carboxyl terminus of SGLT1 is thus accessible to the external solution but does not appear to play a major part in the binding of phlorizin.  相似文献   

The essential biosynthetic pathway to l-Lysine in bacteria and plants is an attractive target for the development of new antibiotics or herbicides because it is absent in humans, who must acquire this amino acid in their diet. Plants use a shortcut of a bacterial pathway to l-Lysine in which the pyridoxal-5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme ll-diaminopimelate aminotransferase (LL-DAP-AT) transforms l-tetrahydrodipicolinic acid (L-THDP) directly to LL-DAP. In addition, LL-DAP-AT was recently found in Chlamydia sp., suggesting that inhibitors of this enzyme may also be effective against such organisms. In order to understand the mechanism of this enzyme and to assist in the design of inhibitors, the three-dimensional crystal structure of LL-DAP-AT was determined at 1.95 A resolution. The cDNA sequence of LL-DAP-AT from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtDAP-AT) was optimized for expression in bacteria and cloned in Escherichia coli without its leader sequence but with a C-terminal hexahistidine affinity tag to aid protein purification. The structure of AtDAP-AT was determined using the multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) method with a seleno-methionine derivative. AtDAP-AT is active as a homodimer with each subunit having PLP in the active site. It belongs to the family of type I fold PLP-dependent enzymes. Comparison of the active site residues of AtDAP-AT and aspartate aminotransferases revealed that the PLP binding residues in AtDAP-AT are well conserved in both enzymes. However, Glu97* and Asn309* in the active site of AtDAP-AT are not found at similar positions in aspartate aminotransferases, suggesting that specific substrate recognition may require these residues from the other monomer. A malate-bound structure of AtDAP-AT allowed LL-DAP and L-glutamate to be modelled into the active site. These initial three-dimensional structures of LL-DAP-AT provide insight into its substrate specificity and catalytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Limited uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation is known to be beneficial in various laboratory models of diseases. The search for cationic uncouplers is promising as their protonophorous effect is self-limiting because these uncouplers lower membrane potential which is the driving force for their accumulation in mitochondria. In this work, the penetrating cation Rhodamine 19 butyl ester (C4R1) was found to decrease membrane potential and to stimulate respiration of mitochondria, appearing to be a stronger uncoupler than its more hydrophobic analog Rhodamine 19 dodecyl ester (C12R1). Surprisingly, C12R1 increased H+ conductance of artificial bilayer lipid membranes or induced mitochondria swelling in potassium acetate with valinomycin at concentrations lower than C4R1. This paradox might be explained by involvement of mitochondrial proteins in the uncoupling action of C4R1. In experiments with HeLa cells, C4R1 rapidly and selectively accumulated in mitochondria and stimulated oligomycin-sensitive respiration as a mild uncoupler. C4R1 was effective in preventing oxidative stress induced by brain ischemia and reperfusion in rats: it suppressed stroke-induced brain swelling and prevented the decline in neurological status more effectively than C12R1. Thus, C4R1 seems to be a promising example of a mild uncoupler efficient in treatment of brain pathologies related to oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Aminoacylase 3 (AA3) deacetylates N-acetyl-aromatic amino acids and mercapturic acids including N-acetyl-1,2-dichlorovinyl-L-cysteine (Ac-DCVC), a metabolite of a xenobiotic trichloroethylene. Previous studies did not demonstrate metal-dependence of AA3 despite a high homology with a Zn2+-metalloenzyme aminoacylase 2 (AA2). A 3D model of mouse AA3 was created based on homology with AA2. The model showed a putative metal binding site formed by His21, Glu24 and His116, and Arg63, Asp68, Asn70, Arg71, Glu177 and Tyr287 potentially involved in catalysis/substrate binding. The mutation of each of these residues to alanine inactivated AA3 except Asn70 and Arg71, therefore the corrected 3D model of mouse AA3 was created. Wild type (wt) mouse AA3 expressed in E. coli contained ∼ 0.35 zinc atoms per monomer. Incubation with Co2+ and Ni2+ activated wt-AA3. In the cobalt-activated AA3 zinc was replaced with cobalt. Metal removal completely inactivated wt-AA3, whereas addition of Zn2+, Mn2+ or Fe2+ restored initial activity. Co2+ and to a lesser extent Ni2+ increased activity several times in comparison with intact wt-AA3. Co2+ drastically increased the rate of deacetylation of Ac-DCVC and significantly increased the toxicity of Ac-DCVC in the HEK293T cells expressing wt-AA3. The results indicate that AA3 is a metalloenzyme significantly activated by Co2+ and Ni2+.  相似文献   

Kumar H  Kaul K  Bajpai-Gupta S  Kaul VK  Kumar S 《Gene》2012,492(1):276-284
Stevia [Stevia rebuaidana (Bertoni); family: Asteraceae] is known to yield diterpenoid steviol glycosides (SGs), which are about 300 times sweeter than sugar. The present work analyzed the expression of various genes of the SGs biosynthesis pathway in different organs of the plant in relation to the SGs content. Of the various genes of the pathway, SrDXS, SrDXR, SrCPPS, SrKS, SrKO and three glucosyltransferases namely SrUGT85C2, SrUGT74G1 and SrUGT76G1 were reported from stevia. Here, we report cloning of seven additional full-length cDNA sequences namely, SrMCT, SrCMK, SrMDS, SrHDS, SrHDR, SrIDI and SrGGDPS followed by expression analysis of all the fifteen genes vis-à-vis SGs content analysis. SGs content was highest in the leaf at 3rd node position (node position with reference to the apical leaf as the first leaf) as compared to the leaves at other node positions. Except for SrDXR and SrKO, gene expression was maximum in leaf at 1st node and minimum in leaf at 5th node. The expression of SrKO was highest in leaf at 3rd node while in case of SrDXR expression showed an increase up to 3rd leaf and decrease thereafter. SGs accumulated maximum in leaf tissue followed by stem and root, and similar was the pattern of expression of all the fifteen genes. The genes responded to the modulators of the terpenopids biosynthesis. Gibberellin (GA3) treatment up-regulated the expression of SrMCT, SrCMK, SrMDS and SrUGT74G1, whereas methyl jasmonate and kinetin treatment down-regulated the expression of all the fifteen genes of the pathway.  相似文献   

We purified a fraction that showed NAD+-linked methylglyoxal dehydrogenase activity, directly catalyzing methylglyoxal oxidation to pyruvate, which was significantly increased in glutathione-depleted Candida albicans. It also showed NADH-linked methylglyoxal-reducing activity. The fraction was identified as a NAD+-linked alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH1) through mass spectrometric analyses. In ADH1-disruptants of both the wild type and glutathione-depleted cells, the intracellular methylglyoxal concentration increased significantly; defects in growth, differentiation, and virulence were observed; and G2-phase arrest was induced.  相似文献   

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