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The results of several experimental studies have shown that ascorbic acid inhibits tumor growth and metastasis. Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant that acts as a scavenger for a wide range of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Both tumour metastasis and cell migration have been correlated with the intracellular ROS level, so it was postulated that the inhibitory effect of ascorbic acid derivatives on cell motility may be caused by scavenging of ROS. Time-lapse analyses of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma cell migration showed that both the speed of movement and the cell displacement were inhibited by ascorbic acid applied in concentrations ranging from 10 to 250 μM. This effect correlated with a reduction in the intracellular ROS level in WC 256 cells, suggesting that ROS scavenging may be a mechanism responsible for the inhibition of WC 256 cell migration. However, another potent antioxidant, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, also efficiently decreased the intracellular ROS level in WC 256 cells, but did not affect the migration of the investigated cells. These results demonstrate that intact, unmodified ascorbic acid applied in physiologically relevant and nontoxicconcentrations exerts an inhibitory effect on the migration of WC 256 carcinosarcoma cells, and that this may be one of the factors responsible for the anti-metastatic activity of vitamin C. However, our data does not support the hypothesis that the scavenging of intracellular ROS is the main mechanism in the inhibition of cancer cell migration by ascorbic acid. Paper authored by participants of the international conference: XXXIV Winter School of the Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology of Jagiellonian University, Zakopane, March 7–11, 2007, “The Cell and Its Environment”. Publication costs were covered by the organisers of this meeting.  相似文献   

The growth pattern of the Walker 256 solid tumor has been studied in rats with different doses of the mutant vasopressin gene. In contrast to the vasopressin gene of normal WAG rats, that of mutant Brattleboro rats has a deletion in the coding region that blocks expression at the translation level. The mutation is inherited as a recessive character and is expressed in homozygous Brattleboro rats as diabetes insipidus with an increased water consumption because of the absence of vasopressin in the blood. (WAG × Brattleboro) F1 hybrids have the same normal phenotype as WAG rats, including a low water consumption. Walker 256 carcinosarcoma, which is not strain-specific, intensely grows only in WAG and (WAG × Brattleboro) F1 rats. In these groups, the growth of the tumor leads to the animal death within approximately 30 days after the inoculation of tumor cells. In Brattleboro rats, the carcinosarcoma grows less intensely: the tumor node somewhat increases only within the first two weeks, after which the tumor began to decrease and eventually disappears altogether. Both characters exhibit a 100% concordance at the individual level.  相似文献   

A radiation exposure of 1500 R to the Walker 256 rat tumor was found to sensitize this tumor to the effect of a sublethal dose of endotoxin (Sarratia marcescens lipopolysaccharide) given 2 days later so that complete or almost complete destruction of the tumor resulted. Histological. study showed rapidly developing massive necrosis of tumor tissue. Tracer experiments with 131I-labeled antibody to rat fibrin indicated an absence of blood circulation in the treated tumor. These results suggest that the lesion may be secondary to blood coagulation occurring in the vascular bed of the tumor. Apparently identical lesions were also produced by epinephrine and ellagic acid, alone or in combination. It is known that even untreated tumors are often the site of fibrin deposition. Presumably radiation, by injury to tumor cells, enhances the release of coagulation-producing substances into the vascular bed. It is postulated that the effect of subsequent treatment with the drugs listed above is produced by circulatory stasis induced in the tumor. This may be associated with Hageman factor activation or release of platelet factor 3.  相似文献   

Rat Walker 256 carcinosarcoma cells spontaneously develop front-tail polarity and migrate in the absence of added stimuli. Constitutive activation of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI 3-kinase), Rac, Rho and Rho kinase are essential for these processes. Ezrin and moesin are putative targets of these signaling pathways leading to spontaneous migration. To test this hypothesis, we used specific siRNA probes that resulted in a downregulation of ezrin and moesin by about 70% and in a similar reduction in the fraction of migrating cells. Spontaneous polarization however was not affected, indicating a more subtle role of ezrin and moesin in migration. We provide furthermore evidence that endogenous ezrin and moesin colocalize with F-actin at the contracted tail of polarized cells, similar to ectopically expressed green fluorescent protein-tagged ezrin. Our results suggest that myosin light chain and ezrin are markers of front and tail, respectively, even in the absence of morphological polarization. We further show that endogenous ezrin and moesin are phosphorylated and that activities of PI-3 kinase, Rho and Rac, but not of Rho-kinase, are required for this C-terminal phosphorylation. Activation of protein kinase C in contrast suppressed phosphorylation of ezrin and moesin. Inhibition of ezrin phosphorylation prevented its membrane association.  相似文献   

The growth features of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma in rats of different genotypes were investigated. The experiments has been carried out on rats of the inbred Brattleboro and WAG lines, as well as on their hybrids segregated during congenic translocation of the normal vasopressin gene to the genotype of the Brattleboro rats. Brattleboro rats do not express the vasopressin gene. It has been found that there are only two types of tumor growth dynamics. In rats of the inbred Brattleboro line and in homozygotes di/di, that were segregated by backcrossings of heterozygous offsprings from the original crossbreeding between (WAG × Brattleboro) F1 × Brattleboro and the individuals with parental Brattleboro genotype, having grown to some extent the tumor regresses and disappears. In hybrid heterozygous siblings of di/+ genotype tumor grows linearly with time and always leads to fatal outcome. It has been found that, in the congenic procedure, the tumor regression trait is stably maintained and persistently inherited in lineage concordantly with the di/di genotype and, in rats with at least one allele of a normally expressed vasopressin gene, continuous and lethal tumor growth is always observed.  相似文献   

Nucleoside transport in Walker 256 cells was reexamined using formycin B, a nonmetabolized analog of inosine. In the presence of dipyridamole to inhibit the equilibrative (facilitated diffusion) transporter previously described in these cells, the initial rate of uptake of 1 microM formycin B was 10-fold greater in Na(+)-containing medium than in Na(+)-free medium. In the presence of Na+ and dipyridamole the intracellular concentration of formycin B exceeded that in the medium within one min and was 6-fold greater than that of the medium by 5 min. Na(+)-dependent transport of formycin B was inhibited by low concentrations of inosine, but not thymidine. Furthermore, Na(+)-dependent transport of uridine, but not thymidine, was apparent in the presence of dipyridamole. These data indicate that Walker 256 cells have, in addition to the previously described equilibrative transporter, a concentrative nucleoside transporter. The specificity of this transporter appears to correspond to one of the two Na(+)-dependent transporters previously described in mouse intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The subcutaneous injection of Walker 256 carcinosarcoma cells into a rat was followed by a pronounced increase in plasma ceruloplasmin activity. This lasted only about 3 weeks even though the tumors were still enlarging rapidly. Based upon studies with67Cu, the increase in plasma ceruloplasmin seemed to reflect increased production of the enzyme by the livers of rats bearing the tumors. Injections of turpentine also raised plasma ceruloplasmin, but to a significantly lesser extent and normal values were reached within 2 weeks.  相似文献   

We have succeeded in selecting two variant strains of the Walker 256 carcinosarcoma which display markedly different adhesive properties. Both the high (W256A) and the low (W256S) adhesive variants respond chemotactically towards 10(-8) M f-met-leu-phe (FMLP) although there is a significant difference in their locomotory ability. Nevertheless, the fact that the essentially non-adherent W256S cells can migrate in vitro argues against any simple relationship between adhesion and locomotion. We suggest that traction is important in locomotion but that it need not arise only from direct adhesive interaction. We have also tested the invasive behaviour of the W256 variants using an in vitro model system in which disruption of a cellular barrier by the invasive cells can be recorded electrophysiologically. Although leucocytes can penetrate such a barrier they do so only under chemotactic stimulation, whereas W256 tumour cells of either variant strain will do so spontaneously. The tumour variants induce cell retraction within the barrier and this may lead ultimately to cell detachment and death. The holes which arise may then be colonized by tumour cells, and in this way the invasive process could be promoted. The molecular mechanisms by which tumour cells achieve destruction of the cellular barrier are not clear, but it is likely that a number of enzymes are involved.  相似文献   

The hypercalcemic Walker carcinosarcoma 256 of the rat is an animal model for humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. Previous in vivo studies suggested the production of a parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) by the Walker tumor. Therefore, we have measured immunoreactive PTHrP in serum-free conditioned medium from cells derived from this tumor using an antibody raised against human PTHrP(1-34). Walker tumor cell conditioned medium (WCM) displaced 125I-hPTHrP(1-34) from the antibody in a dose dependent manner, whereas control medium contained no immunoreactive PTHrP. In contrast, we detected no secretion of immunoreactive rat parathyroid hormone (rat PTH) by the Walker tumor cells using a midregional radioimmunoassay for rat PTH. WCM stimulated adenylate cyclase in osteoblast like cells, the dose-response curve paralleling that of hPTHrP(1-34). This effect could be inhibited by the PTH antagonist (8Nle, 18Nle, 34Tyr)bPTH(3-34) and by the addition of anti-hPTHrP(1-34) antibody. Bone resorbing activity of WCM in organ culture (calvaria of fetal rats) was not inhibited by indomethacin and glucocorticoids, suggesting a prostaglandin independent mechanism of osteoclast activation in this model.  相似文献   

Khegaĭ II  Popova NA  Ivanova LN 《Genetika》2006,42(7):993-995
The growth pattern of the Walker 256 solid tumor has been studied in rats with different doses of the mutant vasopressin gene. In contrast to the vasopressin gene of normal WA rats, that of mutant Brattleboro rats has a deletion in the coding region that blocks expression at the translation level. The mutation is inherited as a recessive character and is expressed in homozygous Brattleboro rats as diabetes insipidus with an increased water consumption because of the absence of vasopressin in the blood. (WAG x Brattleboro) F1 hybrids have the same normal phenotype as WAG rats, including a low water consumption. Walker 256 carcinosarcoma, which is not strain-specific, intensely grows only in WAG and (WAG x Brattleboro) F1 rats. In these groups, the growth of the tumor leads to the animal death within approximately 30 days after the inoculation of tumor cells. In Brattleboro rats, the carcinosarcoma grows less intensely: the tumor node somewhat increases only within the first two weeks, after which the tumor began to decrease and eventually disappears altogether. Both characters exhibit a 100% concordance at the individual level.  相似文献   

Comparison of rat liver and Walker 256 carcinosarcoma tRNAs.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The complete nucleotide sequences of both rat liver and Walker 256 mammary carcinosarcoma tRNAAsn reveal that they are identical except for the nucleotide present in the wobble position of the anticodon loop. The rat liver tRNAAsn contains the Q nucleoside, whereas the tumour tRNAAsn contains an unmodified guanosine. The tRNAs from both tissues also show significant quantitative differences in the chromatographic mobilities for isoaccepting species of tRNAAsp, tRNAAsn, tRNAHis and tRNATyr. In addition, chromatographic shifts upon cyanogen bromide treatment and analyses of the alkaline hydrolysates of these tRNAs demonstrate that those of tumour origin contain significantly less Q and Q nucleoside than their normal rat liver counterparts.  相似文献   

Published data concerning the effects of hypertonicity on cell motility have often been controversial. The interpretation of results often rests on the premise that cell responses result from cell dehydration, i.e. osmotic effects. The results of induced hypertonicity on cell movement of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae and human melanoma HTB-140 cells reported here show that: i) hypertonic solutions of identical osmolarity will either inhibit or stimulate cell movement depending on specific solutes (Na+ or K+, sorbitol or saccharose); ii) inhibition of cell motility by hypertonic solutions containing Na+ ions or carbohydrates can be reversed by the addition of calcium ions; iii) various cell types react differently to the same solutions, and iv) cells can adapt to hypertonic solutions. Various hypertonic solutions are now broadly used in medicine and to study modulation of gene expression. The observations reported suggest the need to examine whether the other responses of cells to hypertonicity can also be based on the solute-dependent cell responses besides cell dehydration due to the osmotic effects.  相似文献   

Changes in blood glucose in response to glucagon and epinephrine administration, in rats bearing Yoshida solid sarcoma and Walker-256 carcinosarcoma have been studied, and in rats carrying Yoshida tumor which had received previously intraperitoneal glucose. The response to glucagon by tumor-bearing rats follows the control pattern but at a lower level of blood glucose. Rats which had received glucose before glucagon administration responded to this hormone as the control animals. These results indicate that glycogen metabolism in the host liver is not diturbed by the presence of the tumor.  相似文献   

The regulation of motile activity in fish chromatophores   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Chromatophores, including melanophores, xanthophores, erythrophores, leucophores and iridophores, are responsible for the revelation of integumentary coloration in fish. Recently, blue chromatophores, also called cyanophores, were added to the list of chromatophores. Many of them are also known to possess cellular motility, by which fish are able to change their integumentary hues and patterns, thus enabling them to execute remarkable or subtle chromatic adaptation to environmental hues and patterns, and to cope with various ethological encounters. Such physiological color changes are indeed crucial for them to survive, either by protecting themselves from predators or by increasing their chances of feeding. Sometimes, they are also useful in courtship and mutual communications among individuals of the same species, leading to an increased rate of species survival. Such strategies are realized by complex mechanisms existing in the endocrine and/or nervous systems. Current studies further indicate that some paracrine factors such as endothelins (ETs) are involved in these processes. In this review, the elaborate mechanisms regulating chromatophores in these lovely aquatic animals are described.  相似文献   

Constant levels of amino acids enhanced the velocity of Bacillus subtilis 60015 cells about 2-fold and stimulated the response in motility assays. The stimulation of velocity did not occur via the receptors for chemotaxis. Cysteine and methionine, general inhibitors of chemotaxis, both completely inhibited the smooth response in a temporal gradient of attractant. After methionine starvation B. subtilis 60015 showed no measurable response in a temporal gradient of attractant, this in contrast to the effect observed with some other bacteria. Addition of methionine to starved cells restored the response toward attractant. Revertants of B. subtilis 60015 for methionine requirement could not be starved and showed a normal behavior toward temporal gradients of attractant.Abbreviation O.D.600 optical density measured at 600 nm  相似文献   

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