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Testosterone-induced development of the rat levator ani muscle 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The perinatal development of the levator ani (LA) muscle in male and female rats was investigated by measuring the total number of muscle units (MU) (i.e., mononucleate cells, clustered or independent myotubes, and muscle fibers) in transverse semithin sections of the entire muscle and the MU cross-sectional area in 22-day-old fetuses (F22), 1-day-old (D1 = day of birth), 3-day-old (D3), and 6-day-old (D6) newborns. Male muscle contained 350 +/- 64 MU on F22, twice that of the female. The number of MU increased markedly in males from F22, but changed little in females; the number of MU in males was 760% that of females on D6. The MU cross-sectional area was greater in males on F22 (120.8 micron(s)2 +/- 7.5) and D1 (155.2 micron(s)2 +/- 64.8) than in females (F22: 89.2 micron(s) +/- 14.2, D1: 64.1 micron(s)2 +/- 19.7) and dropped to about 30 X micron(s)2 in both sexes on D6. Female rats given a single injection of testosterone propionate (TP) before D7 showed a significant increase in the number of fibers, but no increase in cross-sectional area. TP given after D7 had no effect on the fiber number, but increased the average cross-sectional area. The increase in fiber number induced by postnatal TP treatment was a permanent effect, still quantifiable in 15-month-old females. We conclude that the sexual dimorphism of the rat LA muscle is principally due to a dramatic increase in the MU number in male muscles during the perinatal period, rather than to involution of the fibers in female muscles as it is widely accepted. This increase seems to be, at least partly, under the control of testosterone. 相似文献
R Vejsada P Hník L Dittertová-Vlasáková K Smetana P Haninec M Grim F Vyskocil 《Physiologia Bohemoslovaca》1981,30(6):515-524
The present report deals with the functional properties (contraction parameters and neuromuscular transmission) of muscle grafts and transposed muscles substituted for the levator ani muscle in the rat. The experiments were divided into four main groups. Group I - the levator ani [LA] was excised and replaced in its own bed. Group II - the extensor digitorum longus, a fast muscle (with or without predenervation), and Group III - the soleus, a slow twitch muscle, were substituted for the LA. In group IV, the gracilis anterior muscle was either freely grafted in place of the LA or transposed a) with intact innervation, b) with its vascular supply intact or c) with preserved neuro-vascular supply. The optimum results of twitch and tetanic tension, and the amplitude of stimulation EMG responses was found in the case of LA resutured into its own bed and in the case transposition of the gracilis anterior muscle had been performed with its neuro-vascular supply intact in place of the LA. On the basis of these functional findings and morphological and anatomical observations (Grim et al. 1982), a surgical procedure is suggested for patients with anal incontinence (Grim et al. 1981, Dittertová-Vlasáková et al. 1982). 相似文献
Effect of denervation on the androgen-induced expression of actin and CPK mRNAs in the levator ani muscle of the rat 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In the adult male rat, the castration-induced atrophy of the levator ani (LA) muscle was found to be associated with a decrease in the relative levels of both actin and creatine phosphokinase (CPK) mRNAs. The typical recovery of these two sequences following 5 days of testosterone propionate (TP) replacement therapy was not impaired by the bilateral denervation of the LA. This indicated that TP was the sole trophic factor regulating the plasticity of these two mRNAs and challenged the hypothesis that androgen action might be neuronally mediated. The observation that denervation led to a severe repression of both actin and CPK messages only in the absence of TP replacement therapy suggested that the nerve impulse could play an accessory role in the control of their expression. 相似文献
The development of the cytosolic androgen receptor was studied after degeneration and regeneration of the rat levator ani muscle after a crush lesion. Muscle regeneration appears to recapitulate myogenesis in many respects. It therefore provides a model tissue in sufficiently in large quantity for investigating the ontogenesis of the androgen receptor. The receptor in the cytosol of the normal levator ani muscle has binding characteristics similar to those of the cytosolic receptor in other androgen-sensitive tissues. By day 3 after a crush lesion of the levator ani muscle, androgen binding decreased to 25% of control values. This decrease was followed by a 4-5 fold increase in hormone binding, which attained control values by day 7 after crush. Androgen binding remained stable at the control value up to day 60 after crushing. These results were correlated with the morphological development of the regenerating muscle after crushing. It is concluded that there is little, if any, androgen receptor present in the early myoblastic stages of regeneration; rather, synthesis of the receptor may occur after the fusion of myoblasts and during the differentiation of myotubes into cross-striated muscle fibres. 相似文献
Summary Cross-union of the tibial with the pudendal nerve innervating the androgen-sensitive levator ani (LA) muscle of male rats, results in reversal of the histochemical muscle fibre pattern concerning myofibrillar ATPase, succinate dehydrogenase and phosphorylase enzyme activities. The homogeneous muscle fibre pattern of the LA muscle is changed to a mosaic pattern of muscles normally innervated by the tibial nerve. The success of the hetero-reinnervation is shown by practically full recovery of muscle weight and of isometric twitch-contraction properties of the LA muscle. Castration of 2-months duration, i. e. lack of the male sex hormone, leads to marked atrophy but no change in histochemical muscle fibre pattern. Hetero-reinnervation of the LA muscle results in change of histochemical enzyme pattern even if the cross-union of nerves is performed after long periods of castration leading to very marked decrease of muscle fibre size. However, testosterone application alone after castration increases markedly muscle fibre size but does not lead to reversal of muscle fibre pattern. The myotropic hormonal influence on the target (LA) muscle is therefore primarily of myogenic origin and specificity of hormonal action is maintained even with a foreign nerve innervating the muscle. The experiments, thus, provide evidence for the differentiation of specific neural influences affecting muscle fibre pattern and hormonal influences in respect to the myotropic action of the sex hormone on the androgen-sensitive LA muscle. 相似文献
J Gagnon R R Tremblay P A Rogers 《Comparative biochemistry and physiology. B, Comparative biochemistry》1985,80(2):279-286
The rat perineal levator ani (LA) and bulbocavernosus (BC) muscles are homogeneously type 2B fibers as determined by Ca, Mg-ATPase activity. The LA and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles contain similar quantities of creatine kinase and several glycolytic enzymes despite significant differences in fiber composition. The LA muscles synthesizes and accumulates only the fast isoforms of protein C, myosin heavy chain and myosin light chains. 相似文献
Synapse elimination occurs late in the hormone-sensitive levator ani muscle of the rat 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Using tetranitroblue tetrazolium (TNBT) to stain neuromuscular synapses, we compared the development of the adult pattern of innervation in two fast-twitch muscles in the rat: the androgen-sensitive levator ani (LA) and the extensor digitorum longus (EDL), which is not thought to be androgen sensitive. We found that about 18% of adult LA muscle fibers, but only about 2% of adult EDL fibers, are multiply innervated. Moreover, synapse elimination occurs substantially later in the LA compared with the EDL. At 2 weeks after birth, the EDL is already predominantly singly innervated, whereas the LA is still predominantly multiply innervated. The apparent delay in the normal time course of synapse elimination in the LA corresponds to a similar delay in other aspects of neuromuscular development (the time course of appearance of axonal retraction bulbs, the growth of fibers, and the development of adult motor terminal morphology). Finally, motor terminals change during synapse elimination from morphologies resembling growth cones to the adult form of neuromuscular synapses. Because the period of synapse elimination is significantly different for muscles that differ in their androgen sensitivity, hormonal sensitivity may represent an important property of motoneurons or muscle fibers influencing the normal time course of neuromuscular synapse elimination in rats. Thus, androgen might regulate the normal ontogenetic process of synapse elimination. 相似文献
Testosterone control of endplate and non-endplate acetylcholinesterase in the rat levator ani muscle
The time course of effects of castration (5–60 days) and testosterone treatment (15–60 days) of adult male rats were examined on the endplate (+EP) and non-endplate (–EP) acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of the androgen-dependent levator ani (LA) muscle. The thiocholine method was used to determine the enzyme activity. Castration caused LA muscle atrophy within 5 days but reduced the –EP and +EP AChE after 10 and 20 days, respectively. Following 30 days castration –EP and +EP AChE reached respectively 41% and 35% of control activity. Testosterone retrieval restored the control values of both muscle weight and total AChE after 15 and 60 days, respectively. Recovery of the +EP AChE preceded that of –EP AChE by 30 days. The results showed that in the rat LA muscle, +EP and –EP AChE depend on a continuous testosterone regulation that predominates at +EP region spreading thereafter to –EP region. Those data suggest a hormone regulation of AChE exerted indirectly through the synthesis and release of neurotrophic substances. 相似文献
Xinshan Li Jennifer A. Kruger Martyn P. Nash Poul M. F. Nielsen 《Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology》2011,10(4):485-494
Pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic organ prolapse have been associated with damage to the levator ani (LA) muscle, but the
exact mechanisms linking them remain unknown. It has been postulated that factors such as vaginal birth and ageing may contribute
to long-term, irreversible LA muscle damage. To investigate the biomechanical significance of the LA muscle during childbirth,
researchers and clinicians have used finite element models to simulate the second stage of labour. One of the challenges is
to represent the anisotropic mechanical response of the LA muscle. In this study, we investigated the effects of anisotropy
by varying the relative stiffness between the fibre and the matrix components, whilst maintaining the same overall stress–strain
response in the fibre direction. A foetal skull was passed through two pelvic floor models, which incorporated the LA muscle
with different anisotropy ratios. Results showed a substantial decrease in the magnitude of the force required for delivery
as the fibre anisotropy was increased. The anisotropy ratio markedly affected the mechanical response of the LA muscle during
a simulated vaginal delivery. It is apparent that we need to obtain experimental data on muscle mechanics in order to better
approximate the LA muscle mechanical properties for quantitative analysis. These models may advance our understanding of the
injury mechanisms of pelvic floor during childbirth. 相似文献
Young male rats were castrated at 7 days of age, and treated with testosterone propionate daily from 7 to 34 days of age. At 13 months of age, motor axons and terminals innervating the levator ani (LA) muscle were stained with tetranitroblue tetrazolium (TNBT). The number of separate axons innervating individual muscle fibers was counted, and muscle fiber diameter was measured. Previous studies have shown that this androgen treatment increases muscle fiber diameter and delays synapse elimination, measured as (1) a greater percentage of muscle fibers innervated by multiple axons and (2) larger motor units. The present results indicate that the androgenic effect on synapse elimination is permanent, in that high levels of multiple innervation persisted for 12 months after the end of androgen treatment. In contrast, the effect on muscle fiber diameter was not maintained for this period. This dissociation of androgenic effects on the pattern of innervation from androgenic effects on muscle fiber diameter offers further evidence that the androgenic maintenance of multiple innervation is not dependent on muscle fiber size. In addition, circulating testosterone levels were measured at 50 and 60 days of age in animals similarly treated with androgen or oil from 7 to 34 days of age. By 60 days of age, testosterone levels in hormone-treated animals had dropped below detectability, comparable to levels in oil-treated controls. This provides additional evidence that androgen treatment during juvenile development can have permanent effects on the adult pattern of innervation in the LA muscle. 相似文献
Adult male rats were gonadectomized, and small Silastic capsules filled with hormone were sutured to each bulbocavernosus and levator ani muscle complex (BC/LA). In the first experiment, one capsule contained testoster one (T), while the capsule on the contralateral muscles contained the antiandrogen hydroxyflutamide (hFI). The intent of this treatment was to provide a focus of androgenic stimulation to the muscles on the muscles on one side. After 30 days, animals were sacrificed, and the BC / LA muscle pairs were removed, weighed, and compared. BC/LAs receiving T treatment were heavier than those receiving hFl treatment (p <0.0001), with an average weight difference of 12%. Muscle fibers from T-treated BCs were significantly larger in diameter than those from contralateral, hFl-treated BCs. These results indicate that androgen exerts its anabolic effect by acting locally upon a cell population within or near the BC/LA. When hFl and blank capsules were implanted in castrated males, the hFl-treated muscles were significantly heavier (by 9%), demonstrating an anabolic effect of hFl in the absence of androgen, and refuting the idea that hFl may have caused local toxic effects in the first experiment. Gonadectomized animals given T versus blank capsules had T-treated muscles that were 8% heavier than the blank treated side. Muscle weights were also compared in animals receiving bilateral denervation of the BC/LA at the time of T and hFl capsule implantation and gonadectomy; local testosterone treatment failed to affect BC/LA weights in these denervated muscles. 相似文献