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The Cantabrian capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus cantabricus) occupies the southwestern edge of the grouse family distribution range in Eurasia. It is endemic to the Cantabrian Mountains in northwestern Spain and is geographically isolated and separated from the neighboring population in the Pyrenees by a distance of 300 km. Over the last decades, the population has undergone a dramatic decline and is now threatened with extinction. This study presents the genetic analysis of the Cantabrian capercaillie population using non-invasive samples. We performed genotyping of 45 individuals using 20 microsatellites and a sex marker. The data highlight the need for using a large number of markers when considering fragmented small populations. Genetic diversity (HE = 0.50) and average number of alleles (3.40) in the population were low. The population is fragmented into 2 clusters (FST = 0.113) that fit with areas on both sides of the transportation ways that divide its range. Both clusters exhibited additional heterozygote deficits. Geographical distance was negatively correlated with genetic relatedness (r = −0.44, P ≤ 0.001). The data show a recent decline in effective population size that can be related to an ongoing process of population reduction and fragmentation. Conservation actions should focus on the protection of local demes by maintaining a dense network of suitable patches to maximize reproductive output and the number of potential dispersers to reconnect the 2 subpopulations. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

DNA extracted from hair or faeces shows increasing promise for censusing populations whose individuals are difficult to locate. To date, the main problem with this approach has been that genotyping errors are common. If these errors are not identified, counting genotypes is likely to overestimate the number of individuals in a population. Here, we describe an algorithm that uses maximum likelihood estimates of genotyping error rates to calculate the evidence that samples came from the same individual. We test this algorithm with a hypothetical model of genotyping error and show that this algorithm works well with substantial rates of genotyping error and reasonable amounts of data. Additional work is necessary to develop statistical models of error in empirical data.  相似文献   

Noninvasive genetic sampling of faecal pellets can be a valuable method for monitoring rare and cryptic wildlife populations, like the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis). To investigate this method's efficiency for pygmy rabbit monitoring, we evaluated the effect of sample age on DNA degradation in faecal pellets under summer field conditions. We placed 275 samples from known individuals in natural field conditions for 1–60 days and assessed DNA quality by amplifying a 294‐base‐pair (bp) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) locus and five nuclear DNA (nDNA) microsatellite loci (111–221 bp). DNA degradation was influenced by sample age, DNA type, locus length and rabbit sex. Both mtDNA and nDNA exhibited high PCR success rates (94.4%) in samples <1 day old. Success rates for microsatellite loci declined rapidly from 80.0% to 42.7% between days 5 and 7, likely due to increased environmental temperature. Success rates for mtDNA amplification remained higher than nDNA over time, with moderate success (66.7%) at 21 days. Allelic dropout rates were relatively high (17.6% at <1 day) and increased to 100% at 60 days. False allele rates ranged from 0 to 30.0% and increased gradually over time. We recommend collecting samples as fresh as possible for individual identification during summer field conditions. Our study suggests that this method can be useful for future monitoring efforts, including occupancy surveys, individual identification, population estimation, parentage analysis and monitoring of genetic diversity both of a re‐introduced population in central Washington and across their range.  相似文献   

With recent advances in molecular biology, it is now possible to use the trace amounts of DNA in faeces to non-invasively sample endangered species for genetic studies. A highly vulnerable population of approximately 100 great bustards (Otis tarda) exists in Morocco necessitating the use of non-invasive protocols to study their genetic structure. Here we report a reliable silica-based method to extract DNA from great bustard faeces. We found that successful extraction and amplification correlated strongly with faeces freshness and composition. We could not extract amplifiable DNA from 30% of our samples as they were dry or contained insect material. However 100% of our fresh faecal samples containing no obvious insect material worked, allowing us to assess the levels of genetic variation among 25 individuals using a 542 bp control region sequence. We were able to extract DNA from four out of five other avian species, demonstrating that faeces represents a suitable source of DNA for population genetics studies in a broad range of species. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The use of noninvasive genetic sampling (NGS) for surveying wild populations is increasing rapidly. Currently, only a limited number of studies have evaluated potential biases associated with NGS. This paper evaluates the potential errors associated with analysing mixed samples drawn from multiple animals. Most NGS studies assume that mixed samples will be identified and removed during the genotyping process. We evaluated this assumption by creating 128 mixed samples of extracted DNA from brown bear (Ursus arctos) hair samples. These mixed samples were genotyped and screened for errors at six microsatellite loci according to protocols consistent with those used in other NGS studies. Five mixed samples produced acceptable genotypes after the first screening. However, all mixed samples produced multiple alleles at one or more loci, amplified as only one of the source samples, or yielded inconsistent electropherograms by the final stage of the error-checking process. These processes could potentially reduce the number of individuals observed in NGS studies, but errors should be conservative within demographic estimates. Researchers should be aware of the potential for mixed samples and carefully design gel analysis criteria and error checking protocols to detect mixed samples.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of the number of faecal samples, ofextracts per sample and of PCRs per extract on the reliability ofgenotypes for a microsatellite locus in free-living orang-utans.For each individual 36 PCRs were performed using DNA extractionsfrom up to four faecal samples. We found a very largeinter-individual variation in positive PCRs (P+) (36/36 for oneindividual and 0/36 for another). As many as 30% of the cases ledto erroneous genotypes when only one P+ was obtained. It ispreferable to use at least 4 P+ per extract to reduce thisproportion to less than 1%. With 3 P+ results, erroneousgenotypes were still observed in 26% of the cases together. Theseresults indicate that it is necessary to do a minimum of 4 PCRsper extract. In order to have a chance to observe 4 P+, threeextracts should be ideally analysed for each sample. We alsorecommend that when possible two or more samples should becollected in the field to increase the chance of having extractscontaining DNA and to provide independent replicates. While werecognise the difficulty of working with faecal samples, weadvocate the use of faecal material for genetic studies ofcertain wild animal populations where the advantages of avoidingdisturbance, stress and injury are deemed of critical importance.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of wild animal populations are often hindered by difficulties in obtaining blood samples. Recent advances in molecular biology have allowed the use of noninvasive samples as sources of DNA (e.g., hair or feces), but such samples may provide low-quality DNA and prevent the determination of true genotypes in subsequent DNA analysis. We present a preliminary study aimed at assessing the reliability of using fecal samples for genotyping in Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus). The test was performed on samples of blood and feces from 11 captive animals, using three dinucleotide microsatellites. The CTAB DNA extraction method was found to be the most relevant for Barbary macaque feces, yielding successful amplification at all loci for 70% of PCRs. All the fecal samples tested gave correct genotypes at least once for each locus when referenced against blood-derived genotypes. An average of 18.3% of PCRs displayed spurious genotypes (false homozygous or false allele). The minimum theoretical probability required to obtain a 100% accurate genotype is 0.74, based on the criterion that a correct genotype is assessed only if it was observed at least twice. The observed probability of obtaining a correct genotype from three PCRs, based on our genotyping results, was greater (0.81 on average) than the minimum threshold. In conclusion, our comparison of blood and fecal samples showed that fecal sampling is a reliable tool for the further study of wild Barbary macaque populations.  相似文献   

Techniques for application of faecal DNA methods to field studies of Ursids   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
We describe methods for the preservation, extraction and amplification of DNA from faeces that facilitate field applications of faecal DNA technology. Mitochondrial, protein encoding and microsatellite nuclear DNA extracted and amplified from faeces of Malayan sun bears and North American black bears is shown to be identical to that extracted and amplified from the same individual's tissue or blood. A simple drying agent, silica beads, is shown to be a particularly effective preservative, allowing easy and safe transport of samples from the field. Methods are also developed to eliminate the risk of faecal DNA contamination from hair present in faeces.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of sampling location within a faeces on DNA quality by sampling from both the outside and inside of 25 brown bear (Ursus arctos) scats and the side and the tip of 30 grey wolf (Canis lupus) scats. The outside of the bear scat and side of the wolf scat had significantly lower nuclear DNA microsatellite allelic dropout error rates (U. arctos: P = 0.017; C. lupus: P = 0.025) and significantly higher finalized genotyping success rates (U. arctos: P = 0.017; C. lupus: P = 0.012) than the tip and inside of the scat. A review of the faecal DNA literature indicated that <45% of studies report the sampling location within a faeces indicating that this methodological consideration is currently underappreciated. Based on our results, we recommend sampling from the side of canid scats and the outside portion of ursid scats to obtain higher quality DNA samples. The sampling location within a faeces should be carefully considered and reported as it can directly influence laboratory costs and efficiency, as well as the ability to obtain reliable genotypes.  相似文献   

The use of non-invasive genetic sampling to estimate population size in elusive or rare species is increasing. The data generated from this sampling differ from traditional mark-recapture data in that individuals may be captured multiple times within a session or there may only be a single sampling event. To accommodate this type of data, we develop a method, named capwire, based on a simple urn model containing individuals of two capture probabilities. The method is evaluated using simulations of an urn and of a more biologically realistic system where individuals occupy space, and display heterogeneous movement and DNA deposition patterns. We also analyse a small number of real data sets. The results indicate that when the data contain capture heterogeneity the method provides estimates with small bias and good coverage, along with high accuracy and precision. Performance is not as consistent when capture rates are homogeneous and when dealing with populations substantially larger than 100. For the few real data sets where N is approximately known, capwire's estimates are very good. We compare capwire's performance to commonly used rarefaction methods and to two heterogeneity estimators in program capture: Mh-Chao and Mh-jackknife. No method works best in all situations. While less precise, the Chao estimator is very robust. We also examine how large samples should be to achieve a given level of accuracy using capwire. We conclude that capwire provides an improved way to estimate N for some DNA-based data sets.  相似文献   

Noninvasive genetic sampling, or noninvasive DNA sampling (NDS), can be an effective monitoring approach for elusive, wide‐ranging species at low densities. However, few studies have attempted to maximize sampling efficiency. We present a model for combining sample accumulation and DNA degradation to identify the most efficient (i.e. minimal cost per successful sample) NDS temporal design for capture–recapture analyses. We use scat accumulation and faecal DNA degradation rates for two sympatric carnivores, kit fox (Vulpes macrotis) and coyote (Canis latrans) across two seasons (summer and winter) in Utah, USA, to demonstrate implementation of this approach. We estimated scat accumulation rates by clearing and surveying transects for scats. We evaluated mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear (nDNA) DNA amplification success for faecal DNA samples under natural field conditions for 20 fresh scats/species/season from <1–112 days. Mean accumulation rates were nearly three times greater for coyotes (0.076 scats/km/day) than foxes (0.029 scats/km/day) across seasons. Across species and seasons, mtDNA amplification success was ≥95% through day 21. Fox nDNA amplification success was ≥70% through day 21 across seasons. Coyote nDNA success was ≥70% through day 21 in winter, but declined to <50% by day 7 in summer. We identified a common temporal sampling frame of approximately 14 days that allowed species to be monitored simultaneously, further reducing time, survey effort and costs. Our results suggest that when conducting repeated surveys for capture–recapture analyses, overall cost‐efficiency for NDS may be improved with a temporal design that balances field and laboratory costs along with deposition and degradation rates.  相似文献   

Naturally shed hairs are an important source of genetic material for both conservation and forensics but are notoriously poor sources of DNA. DNA degradation in hair roots is caused by apoptosis as part of the cycle of hair growth and by autolysis in decomposing animals. Shed hairs are additionally exposed to degenerative environmental processes. However, genetic studies rarely examine hair root morphologies or refer to root growth phases prior to analysis, and detailed knowledge of the rapidity of DNA degradation amongst shed hairs is lacking. We examined the effects of biological and environmental processes on western lowland gorilla ( Gorilla gorilla gorilla Savage and Wyman) hair roots with respect to morphological characteristics and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) success at eight nuclear loci. Root type frequencies indicate that gorilla body hairs may exhibit a longer telogen phase than human head hairs. All plucked hair root types amplified more efficiently than shed hairs, and only 41% of shed hairs had root types considered suitable for genotyping. Telogen hairs from fresh nests were four-fold more useful for genotyping if the roots were associated with translucent epithelial tissue, and preselection of these root types doubled the overall data-yield to 58%. Nest age correlated with root morphology and PCR success, and PCR success was almost halved after 3 days of exposure. Finally, an association between postmortem interval, root morphology, and PCR success was observed that was consistent with postmortem changes reported in human head hairs.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 281–294.  相似文献   

In noninvasive studies, the intersample variance in DNA quality and quantity is large, and produces multilocus genotypes of highly variable quality. Here we propose a standardized method for testing the reliability of the genotyping procedure when using the multiple‐tube approach. The quality indexes generated will allow reliable comparisons among samples, loci, studies, and field and/or laboratory protocols. These indexes represent a powerful tool for the quality management of noninvasive studies.  相似文献   

Relatively few large-scale faecal DNA studieshave been initiated due to difficulties inamplifying low quality and quantity DNAtemplate. To improve brown bear faecal DNA PCRamplification success rates and to determinepost collection sample longevity, fivepreservation methods were evaluated: 90%ethanol, DETs buffer, silica-dried, oven-driedstored at room temperature, and oven-driedstored at –20 °C. Preservationeffectiveness was evaluated for 50 faecalsamples by PCR amplification of a mitochondrialDNA (mtDNA) locus (146 bp) and a nuclear DNA(nDNA) locus (200 bp) at time points of oneweek, one month, three months and six months. Preservation method and storage timesignificantly impacted mtDNA and nDNAamplification success rates. For mtDNA, allpreservation methods had 75% success atone week, but storage time had a significantimpact on the effectiveness of the silicapreservation method. Ethanol preserved sampleshad the highest success rates for both mtDNA(86.5%) and nDNA (84%). Nuclear DNAamplification success rates ranged from 26–88%, and storage time had a significant impacton all methods but ethanol. Preservationmethod and storage time should be importantconsiderations for researchers planningprojects utilizing faecal DNA. We recommendpreservation of faecal samples in 90% ethanolwhen feasible, although when collecting inremote field conditions or for both DNA andhormone assays a dry collection method may beadvantageous.  相似文献   

In this study, a minimally invasive method for DNA sampling of reptiles and amphibians using cloacal and buccal swabs is described. High molecular weight DNA was isolated from the swabs, which were collected from tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), and stored in 70% ethanol at room temperature for approximately 1 week. Amplification of mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA loci was successful from both cloacal and buccal swabs, and in all cases the genotypes matched those obtained from blood samples. These results show that cloacal and/or buccal swabbing is a useful alternative to blood sampling and toe clipping for genetic studies on reptiles. This method is rapid, inexpensive and easy to implement in field situations.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We examined genetic variation at 21 polymorphic allozyme loci, 15 nuclear DNA loci, and mitochondrial DNA in four spawning populations of sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka ) from Cook Inlet, Alaska, to test for differences in the patterns of divergence among different types of markers. We were specifically interested in testing the suggestion that natural selection at allozyme loci compromises the effectiveness of these markers for describing the amount and patterns of gene flow among populations. We found concordance among markers in the amount of genetic variation within and among populations, with the striking exception of one allozyme locus ( sAH ), which exhibited more than three times the amount of among-population differentiation as other loci. A consideration of reports of discordance between allozymes and other loci indicates that these differences usually result from one or two exceptional loci. We conclude that it is important to examine many loci when estimating genetic differentiation to infer historical amounts of gene flow and patterns of genetic exchange among populations. It is less important whether those loci are allozymes or nuclear DNA markers.  相似文献   

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