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Ribosomes from the K-12 strain of Escherichia coli were analyzed with good sensitivity and high mass accuracy using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Fifty-five of the 56 subunit proteins were observable. Mass spectral peak locations were consistent with previously reported post-translational modifications involving N-terminal methionine loss, methylation, thiomethylation, and acetylation for all but one case. The speed and accuracy of mass spectrometry make it a good candidate for phylogenetic studies of ribosomes and the observation of posttranslational modifications in other organisms.  相似文献   

With the increased attention to quality by design (QbD) for biopharmaceutical products, there is a demand for accurate and precise quantification methods to monitor critical quality attributes (CQAs). To address this need we have developed a mass spectrometry (MS) based method to quantify a wide range of posttranslational modifications (PTMs) in recombinant proteins using stable isotope-labeled internal standard (SILIS). The SILIS was produced through metabolic labeling where 15N was uniformly introduced at every nitrogen atom in the studied proteins. To enhance the accuracy of the method, the levels of PTMs in SILIS were quantified using orthogonal analytical techniques. Digestion of an unknown sample mixed with SILIS generates a labeled and a nonlabeled version of each peptide. The nonlabeled and labeled counterparts coelute during RP-HPLC separation but exhibit a sufficient mass difference to be distinguished by MS detection. With the application of SILIS, numerous PTMs can be quantified in a single analysis based on the measured MS signal ratios of 15N-labeled versus the nonlabeled pairs. Several examples using microbial and mammalian-expressed recombinant proteins demonstrated the principle and utility of this method. The results indicate that SILIS is a valuable methodology in addressing CQAs for the QbD paradigm.  相似文献   

Most naturally occurring mammalian cancers and immortalized tissue culture cell lines share a common characteristic, the overexpression of full-length HMGA1 (high mobility group A1) proteins. The HMGA1 protooncogene codes for two closely related isoform proteins, HMGA1a and HMGA1b, and causes cancerous cellular transformation when overexpressed in either transgenic mice or "normal" cultured cell lines. Previous work has suggested that the in vivo types and patterns of the HMGA1 post-translational modifications (PTMs) differ between normal and malignant cells. The present study focuses on the important question of whether HMGA1a and HMGA1b proteins isolated from the same cell type have identical or different PTM patterns and also whether these isoform patterns differ between non-malignant and malignant cells. Two independent mass spectrometry methods were used to identify the types of PTMs found on specific amino acid residues on the endogenous HMGA1a and HMGA1b proteins isolated from a non-metastatic human mammary epithelial cell line, MCF-7, and a malignant metastatic cell line derived from MCF-7 cells that overexpressed the transgenic HMGA1a protein. Although some of the PTMs were the same on both the HMGA1a and HMGA1b proteins isolated from a given cell type, many other modifications were present on one but not the other isoform. Furthermore, we demonstrate that both HMGA1 isoforms are di-methylated on arginine and lysine residues. Most importantly, however, the PTM patterns on the endogenous HMGA1a and HMGA1b proteins isolated from non-metastatic and metastatic cells were consistently different, suggesting that the isoforms likely exhibit differences in their biological functions/activities in these cell types.  相似文献   

In this report, we examine the performance of a mass spectrometry (MS)-based method for quantification of protein posttranslational modifications (PTMs) using stable isotope labeled internal standards. Uniform labeling of proteins and highly similar behavior of the labeled vs nonlabeled analyte pairs during chromatographic separation and electrospray ionization (ESI) provide the means to directly quantify a wide range of PTMs. In the companion report (Jiang et al., Anal. Biochem., 421 (2012) 506-516.), we provided principles and example applications of the method. Here we show satisfactory accuracy and precision for quantifying protein modifications by using the SILIS method when the analyses were performed on different types of mass spectrometers, such as ion-trap, time-of-flight (TOF), and quadrupole instruments. Additionally, the stable isotope labeled internal standard (SILIS) method demonstrated an extended linear range of quantification expressed in accurate quantification up to at least a 4 log concentration range on three different types of mass spectrometers. We also demonstrate that lengthy chromatographic separation is no longer required to obtain quality results, offering an opportunity to significantly shorten the method run time. The results indicate the potential of this methodology for rapid and large-scale assessment of multiple quality attributes of a therapeutic protein in a single analysis.  相似文献   

Oligosaccharyltransferase (OST) catalyzes the en bloc transfer of dolichylpyrophosphate oligosaccharides to an asparagine residue found in the sequon Asn-Xaa-Thr/Ser of newly synthesized proteins. Currently the method most commonly used to monitor this reaction, involving multiple solvent extractions and HPLC, is extremely time consuming and tedious. Herein, we present the use of a biotinylated peptide as the acceptor substrate and dolichylpyrophosphate [3H]chitobiose as the donor substrate for the OST-catalyzed reaction. This allows for separation (avidin-agarose beads) and quantitative analysis (scintillation counting) of only the biotinylated glycopeptide product of the OST-catalyzed reaction. This new assay yields highly reproducible results in a rapid manner.  相似文献   

The 60S ribosomal proteins were isolated from ribosomes of human placenta and separated by reversed phase HPLC. The fractions obtained were subjected to trypsin and Glu-C digestion and analyzed by mass fingerprinting (MALDI-TOF), MS/MS (ESI), and Edman sequencing. Forty-six large subunit proteins were found, 22 of which showed masses in accordance with the SwissProt database (June 2002) masses (proteins L6, L7, L9, L13, L15, L17, L18, L21, L22, L24, L26, L27, L30, L32, L34, L35, L36, L37, L37A, L38, L39, L41). Eleven (proteins L7, L10A, L11, L12, L13A, L23, L23A, L27A, L28, L29, and P0) resulted in mass changes that are consistent with N-terminal loss of methionine, acetylation, internal methylation, or hydroxylation. A loss of methionine without acetylation was found for protein L8 and L17. For nine proteins (L3, L4, L5, L7A, L10, L14, L19, L31, and L40), the molecular masses could not be determined. Proteins P1 and protein L3-like were not identified by the methods applied.  相似文献   

Considerable effort is focused presently on the detection and comprehensive assignment of post-translational modifications of proteins. Obviously attention must be paid to the possibility of chemical modifications that may occur to protein samples during sample handling and manipulation prior to analysis by tandem mass spectrometry. This is of particular concern when a modification is isobaric with the mass differential in common with a known post-translational analog. Here we provide evidence that silver staining protocols that use formaldehyde can result in epsilon-formylation of lysine residues. This modification is in fact isobaric with the important product of methyltransferases, epsilon,epsilon-dimethyllysine. Without exercising proper caution the analysis of silver-stained protein samples by mass spectrometry looking for dimethylation of lysine will yield a significant number of misassigned sites of modification. High accuracy measurements of the mass of the precursor ions and their fragments are required to eliminate this uncertainty. The occurrence of dimethylation of the epsilon-amino function of lysine residues has been reported often in histones. For histone samples excised from silver-stained gels, we found that most sites initially assigned to be dimethylated by automatic search engines under standard search parameters (100 ppm error tolerance) are actually in fact formylated. Caution must be exercised when data obtained from instruments unable to perform high accuracy mass measurements (better than 5 ppm) are to be interpreted.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death is characterized by posttranslational modifications of a limited and specific set of nuclear proteins. We demonstrate that during apoptosis of different types of tumor cells there is a monomethylation of the nuclear protein HMGA1a that is associated to its previously described hyperphosphorylation/dephosphorylation process. HMGA1a methylation is strictly related to the execution of programmed cell death and is a massive event that involves large amounts of the protein. In some tumor cells, HMGA1a protein is already methylated to an extent that depends on cell type. The degree of methylation in any case definitely increases during apoptosis. In the studied cell systems (human leukaemia, human prostate tumor, and rat thyroid transformed cells) among the low-molecular-mass HMG proteins, only HMGA1a was found to be methylated. A tryptic digestion map of HPLC-purified HMGA1a protein showed that methylation occurs at arginine 25 in the consensus G(24)R(25)G(26) that belongs to one of the DNA-binding AT-hooks of the protein. An increase of HMGA1a methylation could be related to heterochromatin and chromatin remodeling of apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Methods for the simultaneous identification of interacting proteins and post-translational modifications of the focal adhesion adapter protein, paxillin, are presented. The strategy includes (1) lower-level, transient transfection of FLAG-GFP-Paxillin into HEK293 cells, (2) incubation of cells with phosphatase inhibitors prior to lysis, (3) purification of paxillin by anti-FLAG immunoprecipitation, (4) analysis of peptides generated from on-beads digestion using LTQ-FT or LTQ-ETD mass spectrometry, and (5) enrichment of phosphopeptide methyl esters with IMAC. Using the above strategies, we identify 29 phosphorylation sites (19 novel and 10 previously reported) and a novel glycosylation site on Ser 74. Furthermore, with this method, we simultaneously detect 10 co-purifying proteins which are present in focal adhesion complexes. Extension of these methods to other substrates should facilitate generation of global phosphorylation maps and protein-protein interactions for any protein of interest.  相似文献   

Jiang X  Wang Y 《Biochemistry》2006,45(23):7194-7201
In this paper, we examined the posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of high-mobility group A1 (HMGA1) proteins in PC-3 human prostate cancer cells that are either treated or not treated with a histone deacetylase inhibitor, sodium butyrate. We found that, from a reversed-phase C4 column, the HMGA1a protein eluted in two different fractions with distinct forms of PTMs: Ser98, Ser101, and Ser102 were phosphorylated and Arg25 was methylated for both fractions; only the minor fraction, however, is hyperphosphorylated where Ser35, Thr52, and Thr77 were also phosphorylated. In addition, Lys14 was acetylated in the major but not the minor HMGA1a fraction isolated from the PC-3 cells that were not treated with butyrate. Likewise, HMGA1b, which is a splicing variant of HMGA1a, was acetylated on Lys14 and phosphorylated on the corresponding residues, i.e., Thr41, Thr66, Ser87, Ser90, and Ser91. The acetylation and phosphorylation of the HMGA1a and HMGA1b proteins may affect their interactions with other protein factors, which in turn may modulate the binding of HMGA1 proteins to DNA and regulate gene expression. In addition, the specifically posttranslationally modified HMGA1 proteins may serve as molecular biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and prognosis.  相似文献   

Proteomic applications have been increasingly used to study posttranslational modifications of proteins (PTMs). For the purpose of identifying and localizing specific but unknown PTMs on huge proteins, improving their sequence coverage is fundamental. Using liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS), peptide mapping of the native apolipoprotein-B-100 was performed to further document the effects of oxidation. Apolipoprotein-B-100 is the main protein of low-density lipoprotein particles and its oxidation could play a role in atherogenesis. Because it is one of the largest human proteins, the sequence recovery rate of apolipoprotein-B-100 only reached 1% when conventional analysis parameters were used. The different steps of the peptide mapping process—from protein treatment to data analysis—were therefore reappraised and optimized. These optimizations allowed a protein sequence recovery rate of 79%, a rate which has never been achieved previously for such a large human protein. The key points for improving peptide mapping were optimization of the data analysis software; peptide separation by LC; sample preparation; and MS acquisition. The new protocol has allowed us to increase by a factor of 4 the detection of modified peptides in apolipoprotein-B-100. This approach could easily be transferred to any study of PTMs using LC–MS/MS.  相似文献   

Previously, we demonstrated the utility of a gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS) method for the quantitative determination of asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) in biological samples. Here we report the extension of this method to symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) in human urine. SDMA and ADMA were simultaneously quantitated in urine by using their in situ prepared trideuteromethyl esters as internal standards. The GC–MS/MS method was validated for SDMA and ADMA in spot urine samples of 19 healthy adults. In these samples, the creatinine-corrected excretion rate was 3.23 ± 0.63 μmol/mmol for SDMA and 3.14 ± 0.98 μmol/mmol for ADMA.  相似文献   

Protein and peptide mass analysis and amino acid sequencing by mass spectrometry is widely used for identification and annotation of post-translational modifications (PTMs) in proteins. Modification-specific mass increments, neutral losses or diagnostic fragment ions in peptide mass spectra provide direct evidence for the presence of post-translational modifications, such as phosphorylation, acetylation, methylation or glycosylation. However, the commonly used database search engines are not always practical for exhaustive searches for multiple modifications and concomitant missed proteolytic cleavage sites in large-scale proteomic datasets, since the search space is dramatically expanded. We present a formal definition of the problem of searching databases with tandem mass spectra of peptides that are partially (sub-stoichiometrically) modified. In addition, an improved search algorithm and peptide scoring scheme that includes modification specific ion information from MS/MS spectra was implemented and tested using the Virtual Expert Mass Spectrometrist (VEMS) software. A set of 2825 peptide MS/MS spectra were searched with 16 variable modifications and 6 missed cleavages. The scoring scheme returned a large set of post-translationally modified peptides including precise information on modification type and position. The scoring scheme was able to extract and distinguish the near-isobaric modifications of trimethylation and acetylation of lysine residues based on the presence and absence of diagnostic neutral losses and immonium ions. In addition, the VEMS software contains a range of new features for analysis of mass spectrometry data obtained in large-scale proteomic experiments. Windows binaries are available at http://www.yass.sdu.dk/.  相似文献   

Smith AE  Buchmueller KL 《Biochemistry》2011,50(38):8107-8116
The molecular mechanism for the displacement of HMGA1 proteins from DNA is integral to disrupting their cellular function, which is linked to many metastatic cancers. Chemical shift and NOESY NMR experiments provide structural evidence for the displacement of an AT hook peptide (DNA binding motif of HMGA1 proteins) by both monomeric and dimeric distamycin. However, the displaced AT hook alters distamycin binding by weakening the distamycin:DNA complex, while slowing monomeric distamycin dissociation when AT hook is in excess. The central role of the AT hook was evaluated by monitoring full-length HMGA1a protein binding using fluorescence anisotropy. HMGA1a was effectively displaced by distamycin, but the cooperative binding exhibited by distamycin was eliminated by displaced HMGA1a. Additionally, these studies indicate that HMGA1a is displaced from the DNA by 1 equiv of distamycin, suggesting the ability to develop therapeutics that take advantage of the positively cooperative nature of HMGA1a binding.  相似文献   

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