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We report here the effects of growth conditions and myogenic differentiation on rat myoblast hexose transport activities. We have previously shown that in undifferentiated myoblasts the preferred substrates for the high (HAHT)- and low (LAHT)-affinity hexose transport systems are 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose (3-OMG), respectively. The present study shows that at cell density higher than 4.4 x 10(4) cells/cm2, the activities of both transport processes decrease with increasing cell densities of the undifferentiated myoblasts. Since the transport affinities are not altered, the observed decrease is compatible with the notion that the number of functional hexose transporters may be decreased in the plasma membrane. Myogenic differentiation is found to alter the 2-DG, but not the 3-OMG, transport affinity. The Km values of 2-DG uptake are elevated upon the onset of fusion and are directly proportional to the extent of fusion. This relationship between myogenesis and hexose transport is further explored by using cultures impaired in myogenesis. Treatment of cells with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine abolishes not only myogenesis but also the myogenesis-induced change in 2-DG transport affinity. Similarly, alteration in 2-DG transport affinity cannot be observed in a myogenesis-defective mutant, D1. However, under myogenesis-permissive condition, the myogenesis of this mutant is also accompanied by changes in its 2-DG transport affinity. The myotube 2-DG transport system also differs from its myoblast counterpart in its response to sulfhydryl reagents and in its turnover rate. It may be surmised from the above observations that myogenesis results in the alteration of the turnover rate or in the modification of the 2-DG transport system. Although glucose starvation has no effect on myogenesis, it is found to alter the substrate specificity and transport capacity of HAHT. In conclusion, the present study shows that hexose transport in rat myoblasts is very sensitive to the growth conditions and the stages of differentiation of the cultures. This may explain why different hexose transport properties have been observed with myoblasts grown under different conditions.  相似文献   

Proton-coupled hexose transport in Chlorella vulgaris   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
E Komor 《FEBS letters》1973,38(1):16-18

Nobel Prize in Medicine (2001) awarded to Leland H. Hartwell, R. Timothy Hunt, Sir Paul M. Nurse  相似文献   

Structural information about proteins involved in bacterial hexose transport mediated by the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system is rapidly accumulating. Within the past year, two crystal structures and two solution NMR structures of the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein have been reported, adding structural details to previous NMR and crystallographic work on this protein and on enzyme IIA. The crystal structure of the regulatory complex between the glucose enzyme IIA and glycerol kinase has been determined, and the association of the histidine-containing phosphocarrier protein and either the glucose enzyme IIA or the mannitol enzyme IIA have been studied by NMR. Proposals concerning the mechanism of phosphoryl transfer and the protein-protein interactions involved may now be tested more rigorously using these data.  相似文献   

We and others previously showed that p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is indispensable for myogenic differentiation. However, it is less clear which of the four p38 isoforms in the mouse genome participates in this process. Using C2C12 myogenic cells as a model, we showed here that p38alpha, beta, and gamma are expressed with distinct expression patterns during differentiation. Knockdown of any of them by small interfering RNA inhibits myogenic differentiation, which suggests that the functions of the three p38 isoforms are not completely redundant. To further elucidate the unique role of each p38 isoform in myogenic differentiation, we individually knocked down one p38 isoform at a time in C2C12 cells, and we compared the whole-genome gene expression profiles by microarrays. We found that some genes are coregulated by all three p38 isoforms, whereas others are uniquely regulated by one particular p38 isoform. Furthermore, several novel p38 target genes (i.e., E2F2, cyclin D3, and WISP1) are found to be required for myogenin expression, which provides a molecular basis to explain why different p38 isoforms are required for myogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Myoblasts from 12-day chick embryos in cell culture transport the nonmetabolizable amino acid alpha-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) two to three-fold more rapidly than multinucleated myotubes which form from them. This decrease in transport is due to a relative decrease in the number of transport sites per unit area of cell surface suggesting a compositional change in the plasma membrane during myogenesis. In studies reported here, AIB transport was monitored throughout myogenesis and correlated with other aspects of differentiation. During myogenesis the number of amino acid transport sites remains constant per myotube nucleus. As myogenesis proceeds, there is a marked increase in cellular protein and cell surface without a commensurate increase in amino acid transport sites. The net consequence of the surface area change is fewer amino acid transport sites per unit area of myotube membrane surface. The decrease in membrane transport sites for AIB per unit area of membrane is not a result of length of time in culture per se, medium depletion, or cell density, but is a result of differentiation, since blocking myoblast fusion by deprivation of calcium delays the decrease in AIB transport sites per unit cell surface area while reversal of the calcium deprivation block is accompanied by a rapid decrease in the number of AIB transport sites per unit cell surface area. Thus, the decrease in AIB transport sites is an aspect of differentiation which accompanies the marked elaboration of surface membrane during myogenesis.  相似文献   

Previously we described a two-transporter model (T1, T2) for galactose uptake by platelets (Horne, M.K. and Hart, J.S. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 856, 448-456). In the current work we have sought corroborative evidence for this model by studying the effects of cytochalasins on this transport system. Of the various cytochalasins tested, cytochalasin B was the most potent inhibitor (I) of galactose transport, whereas cytochalasin A was less inhibitory and dihydrocytochalasin B and cytochalasin E had no inhibitory effect. The same order of potency was observed for the inhibition of L-glucose diffusion into platelets. The mechanism of cytochalasin B inhibition was investigated in detail. Inhibition of T1 was competitive and required a higher concentration of cytochalasin B (Ki1 approximately 1.7 microM) than inhibition of T2, which was of a mixed type (Ki2 approximately 0.8 microM). The effect of cytochalasin B on T2 could be accounted for by a membrane alteration which enhanced the affinity of the transporter for galactose while simultaneously preventing passage of the TSI complex into the cell. Since a similar effect on membrane permeability would also explain cytochalasin B inhibition of L-glucose diffusion, it is hypothesized that cytochalasin B binds to a membrane structure shared by T2 and the passage for L-glucose. The differences in cytochalasin B sensitivity and mechanism of inhibition manifested by T1 and T2 support our original hypothesis that galactose is indeed transported by kinetically distinct agencies and suggest that these may be physically distinct as well.  相似文献   

The organelles of the exocytic pathway undergo a profound reorganization during the myogenic differentiation. Here, we have investigated the dynamics of the membrane trafficking at various stages of the differentiation process by using the green fluorescent protein-tagged, temperature-sensitive vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (tsG-GFP) as a marker. At the restrictive temperature of 39°C, the tsG-GFP located to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) at each stage of differentiation. Mobile membrane containers moving from the ER to the Golgi elements were seen in myoblasts and myotubes upon shifting the temperature to 20°C. In adult myofibers, in contrast, such containers were not seen although the tsG-GFP rapidly shifted from the ER to the Golgi elements. The mobility of tsG-GFP in the myofiber ER was restricted, suggesting localization in an ER sub-compartment. Contrasting with the ER-to-Golgi trafficking, transport from the Golgi elements to the plasma membrane involved mobile transport containers in all differentiation stages. These findings indicate that ER-to-Golgi trafficking in adult skeletal myofibers does not involve long-distance moving membrane carriers as occurs in other mammalian cell types.  相似文献   

Hexose transport in isolated perifused rat and guinea pig left atria and in isolated intact rat hemidiaphragms was followed by measuring the tissue/medium distribution of the nonmetabolized glucose analog, 3-O-methyl-D-glucose. Stimulation of 3-methylglucose transport by insulin, hyperosmolar medium, K+-free medium, and ouabain was depressed or absent in Ca2+-free medium. Addition of 2 mM Sr2+ to Ca2+-free media restored the response of transport to the stimulatory factors. Sr2+ also increased basal hexose transport. The Ca2+ dependence and the effect of Sr2 was greatest in guinea pig atria and least in rat hemidiaphragms. It is concluded that Sr2+ plays a Ca2+-like role in the regulation of hexose transport.  相似文献   

Specificity and kinetics of hexose transport in Trypanosoma brucei   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Transport of 6-deoxy-D-glucose was studied in Trypanosoma brucei in order to characterise the kinetics of hexose transport in this organism using a nonphosphorylated sugar. Kinetic parameters for efflux and entry, measured using zero-trans and equilibrium exchange protocols, indicate that the transporter is probably kinetically symmetrical. Comparison of the kinetic constants of D-glucose metabolism with those for 6-deoxy-D-glucose transport shows that transport across the plasma membrane is likely to be the rate-limiting step of glucose utilisation. The transport rate is nevertheless very fast and 6-deoxy-D-glucose, at concentrations below Km, enters the cells with a half filling time of less than 2 s at 20 degrees C. Thus the high metabolic capacity of these organisms is matched by a high transport rate. The structural requirements for the trypanosome hexose transporter were explored by measuring inhibition constants (Ki) for a range of D-glucose analogues including fluoro and deoxy sugars as well as epimeric hexoses. The relative affinities shown by these analogues indicated H-bonds from the carrier to the C-3, C-4 and C-5 hydroxyl oxygens and from the C-1 and C-3 hydroxyl hydrogens to the binding site. Hydrophobic interactions are likely at the C-2 and C-6 regions of the glucose molecule. Spatial constraints appear to occur around C-4 indicating that the transport site at this position is not freely open to the external solution as is the case with the mammalian hexose transporter. However, the trypanosome transporter appears to accept D-fructose but the common mammalian (erythrocyte type) hexose transporter does not.  相似文献   

Up-regulation of nuclear PLCbeta1 in myogenic differentiation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phospholipase C beta(1) (PLCbeta(1)) signaling in both cell proliferation and differentiation has been largely investigated, but its role in myoblast differentiation is still unclear. The C2C12 myogenic cell line has been used in this study in order to find out the role of the two subtypes of PLCbeta(1), i.e., a and b in this process. C2C12 myoblast proliferate in response to mitogens and upon mitogen withdrawal differentiates into multinucleated myotubes. We found that differentiation of C2C12 skeletal muscle cells is characterized by a marked increase in the amount of nuclear PLCbeta(1)a and PLCbeta(1)b. Indeed, treatment with insulin induces a dramatic rise of both PLCbeta(1) subtypes expression and activity, as determined by immunochemical and enzymatic assays. Immunofluorescence experiments with anti-PLCbeta(1) specific monoclonal antibody showed a low level of cytoplasmatic and nuclear staining during the initial 12 h of differentiation whilst a massive nuclear staining is appreciable in differentiating cells. The time course of PLCbeta(1) expression versus Troponin T expression clearly indicates that the increase in the amount of PLCbeta(1) takes place 24 h earlier than that of Troponin T. Moreover, the overexpression of the PLCbeta(1)M2b mutant, lacking the nuclear localization signal and entirely located in the cytoplasm, represses the formation of mature multinucleated myotube. Taken together these results suggest that nuclear PLCbeta(1) is a key player in myoblast differentiation, functioning as a positive regulator of this process.  相似文献   

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