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Chromatin structure organization is crucial for regulating many fundamental cellular processes. However, the molecular mechanism that regulates the assembly of higher-order chromatin structure remains poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that Brd4 (bromodomain-containing protein 4) protein participates in the maintenance of the higher-order chromatin structure. Brd4, a member of the BET family of proteins, has been shown to play important roles in cellular growth control, cell cycle progression, and cancer development. We apply in situ single cell chromatin imaging and micrococcal nuclease (MNase) assay to show that Brd4 depletion leads to a large scale chromatin unfolding. A dominant-negative inhibitor encoding the double bromodomains (BDI/II) of Brd4 can competitively dissociate endogenous Brd4 from chromatin to trigger severely fragmented chromatin morphology. Mechanistic studies using Brd4 truncation mutants reveal that the Brd4 C-terminal domain is crucial for maintaining normal chromatin structure. Using bimolecular fluorescence complementation technology, we demonstrate that Brd4 molecules interact intermolecularly on chromatin and that replacing Brd4 molecules by BDI/II causes abnormal nucleosome aggregation and chromatin fragmentation. These studies establish a novel structural role of Brd4 in supporting the higher chromatin architecture.  相似文献   

Nishiyama A  Dey A  Tamura T  Ko M  Ozato K 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e34719
Some anti-cancer drugs, including those that alter microtubule dynamics target mitotic cells and induce apoptosis in some cell types. However, such drugs elicit protective responses in other cell types allowing cells to escape from drug-induced mitotic inhibition. Cells with a faulty protective mechanism undergo defective mitosis, leading to genome instability. Brd4 is a double bromodomain protein that remains on chromosomes during mitosis. However, Brd4 is released from mitotic chromosomes when cells are exposed to anti-mitotic drugs including nocodazole. Neither the mechanisms, nor the biological significance of drug-induced Brd4 release has been fully understood. We found that deletion of the internal C-terminal region abolished nocodazole induced Brd4 release from mouse P19 cells. Furthermore, cells expressing truncated Brd4, unable to dissociate from chromosomes were blocked from mitotic progression and failed to complete cell division. We also found that pharmacological and peptide inhibitors of the c-jun-N-terminal kinases (JNK) pathway, but not inhibitors of other MAP kinases, prevented release of Brd4 from chromosomes. The JNK inhibitor that blocked Brd4 release also blocked mitotic progression. Further supporting the role of JNK in Brd4 release, JNK2-/- embryonic fibroblasts were defective in Brd4 release and sustained greater inhibition of cell growth after nocodazole treatment. In sum, activation of JNK pathway triggers release of Brd4 from chromosomes upon nocodazole treatment, which mediates a protective response designed to minimize drug-induced mitotic stress.  相似文献   

We have determined that the previously identified dual-specificity protein kinase TTK is the human orthologue of the yeast MPS1 kinase. Yeast MPS1 (monopolar spindle) is required for spindle pole duplication and the spindle checkpoint. Consistent with the recently identified vertebrate MPS1 homologues, we found that hMPS1 is localized to centrosomes and kinetochores. In addition, hMPS1 is part of a growing list of kinetochore proteins that are localized to nuclear pores. hMPS1 is required by cells to arrest in mitosis in response to spindle defects and kinetochore defects resulting from the loss of the kinesin-like protein, CENP-E. The pattern of kinetochore localization of hMPS1 in CENP-E defective cells suggests that their interaction with the kinetochore is sensitive to microtubule occupancy rather than kinetochore tension. hMPS1 is required for MAD1, MAD2 but not hBUB1, hBUBR1 and hROD to bind to kinetochores. We localized the kinetochore targeting domain in hMPS1 and found that it can abrogate the mitotic checkpoint in a dominant negative manner. Last, hMPS1 was found to associate with the anaphase promoting complex, thus raising the possibility that its checkpoint functions extend beyond the kinetochore.  相似文献   

We have investigated mechanisms that recruit the translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerase Polkappa to stalled replication forks. The DNA polymerase processivity factor PCNA is monoubiquitinated and interacts with Polkappa in cells treated with the bulky adduct-forming genotoxin benzo[a]pyrene dihydrodiol epoxide (BPDE). A monoubiquitination-defective mutant form of PCNA fails to interact with Polkappa. Small interfering RNA-mediated downregulation of the E3 ligase Rad18 inhibits BPDE-induced PCNA ubiquitination and association between PCNA and Polkappa. Conversely, overexpressed Rad18 induces PCNA ubiquitination and association between PCNA and Polkappa in a DNA damage-independent manner. Therefore, association of Polkappa with PCNA is regulated by Rad18-mediated PCNA ubiquitination. Cells from Rad18(-/-) transgenic mice show defective recovery from BPDE-induced S-phase checkpoints. In Rad18(-/-) cells, BPDE induces elevated and persistent activation of checkpoint kinases, indicating persistently stalled forks due to defective TLS. Rad18-deficient cells show reduced viability after BPDE challenge compared with wild-type cells (but survival after hydroxyurea or ionizing radiation treatment is unaffected by Rad18 deficiency). Inhibition of RPA/ATR/Chk1-mediated S-phase checkpoint signaling partially inhibited BPDE-induced PCNA ubiquitination and prevented interactions between PCNA and Polkappa. Taken together, our results indicate that ATR/Chk1 signaling is required for Rad18-mediated PCNA monoubiquitination. Recruitment of Polkappa to ubiquitinated PCNA enables lesion bypass and eliminates stalled forks, thereby attenuating the S-phase checkpoint.  相似文献   

A number of studies have implicated the yeast INO80 chromatin remodeling complex in DNA replication, but the function of the human INO80 complex during S phase remains poorly understood. Here, we have systematically investigated the involvement of the catalytic subunit of the human INO80 complex during unchallenged replication and under replication stress by following the effects of its depletion on cell survival, S-phase checkpoint activation, the fate of individual replication forks, and the consequences of fork collapse. We report that INO80 was specifically needed for efficient replication elongation, while it was not required for initiation of replication. In the absence of the Ino80 protein, cells became hypersensitive to hydroxyurea and displayed hyperactive ATR-Chk1 signaling. Using bulk and fiber labeling of DNA, we found that cells deficient for Ino80 and Arp8 had impaired replication restart after treatment with replication inhibitors and accumulated double-strand breaks as evidenced by the formation of γ-H2AX and Rad51 foci. These data indicate that under conditions of replication stress mammalian INO80 protects stalled forks from collapsing and allows their subsequent restart.  相似文献   

SUMO conjugation is a reversible posttranslational modification that regulates protein function. SENP1 is one of the six SUMO-specific proteases present in vertebrate cells and its altered expression is observed in several carcinomas. To characterize SENP1 role in genome integrity, we generated Senp1 knockout chicken DT40 cells. SENP1−/− cells show normal proliferation, but are sensitive to spindle poisons. This hypersensitivity correlates with increased sister chromatid separation, mitotic slippage, and apoptosis. To test whether the cohesion defect had a causal relationship with the observed mitotic events, we restored the cohesive status of sister chromatids by introducing the TOP2α+/− mutation, which leads to increased catenation, or by inhibiting Plk1 and Aurora B kinases that promote cohesin release from chromosomes during prolonged mitotic arrest. Although TOP2α is SUMOylated during mitosis, the TOP2α+/− mutation had no obvious effect. By contrast, inhibition of Plk1 or Aurora B rescued the hypersensitivity of SENP1−/− cells to colcemid. In conclusion, we identify SENP1 as a novel factor required for mitotic arrest and cohesion maintenance during prolonged mitotic arrest induced by spindle poisons.  相似文献   

Besides the well‐understood DNA damage response via establishment of G2 checkpoint arrest, novel studies focus on the recovery from arrest by checkpoint override to monitor cell cycle re‐entry. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of Chk1 in the recovery from G2 checkpoint arrest in HCT116 (human colorectal cancer) wt, p53–/– and p21–/– cell lines following H2O2 treatment. Firstly, DNA damage caused G2 checkpoint activation via Chk1. Secondly, overriding G2 checkpoint led to (i) mitotic slippage, cell cycle re‐entry in G1 and subsequent G1 arrest associated with senescence or (ii) premature mitotic entry in the absence of p53/p21WAF1 causing mitotic catastrophe. We revealed subtle differences in the initial Chk1‐involved G2 arrest with respect to p53/p21WAF1: absence of either protein led to late G2 arrest instead of the classic G2 arrest during checkpoint initiation, and this impacted the release back into the cell cycle. Thus, G2 arrest correlated with downstream senescence, but late G2 arrest led to mitotic catastrophe, although both cell cycle re‐entries were linked to upstream Chk1 signalling. Chk1 knockdown deciphered that Chk1 defines long‐term DNA damage responses causing cell cycle re‐entry. We propose that recovery from oxidative DNA damage‐induced G2 arrest requires Chk1. It works as cutting edge and navigates cells to senescence or mitotic catastrophe. The decision, however, seems to depend on p53/p21WAF1. The general relevance of Chk1 as an important determinant of recovery from G2 checkpoint arrest was verified in HT29 colorectal cancer cells.  相似文献   

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