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The water potential at turgor loss point (Ψtlp) has been suggested as a key functional trait for determining plant drought tolerance, because of its close relationship with stomatal closure. Ψtlp may indicate drought tolerance as plants, which maintain gas exchange at lower midday water potentials as soil water availability declines also have lower Ψtlp. We evaluated 17 species from seasonally dry habitats, representing a range of life‐forms, under well‐watered and drought conditions, to determine how Ψtlp relates to stomatal sensitivity (pre‐dawn water potential at stomatal closure: Ψgs0) and drought strategy (degree of isohydry or anisohydry; ΔΨMD between well‐watered conditions and stomatal closure). Although Ψgs0 was related to Ψtlp, Ψgs0 was better related to drought strategy (ΔΨMD). Drought avoiders (isohydric) closed stomata at water potentials higher than their Ψtlp; whereas, drought tolerant (anisohydric) species maintained stomatal conductance at lower water potentials than their Ψtlp and were more dehydration tolerant. There was no significant relationship between Ψtlp and ΔΨMD. While Ψtlp has been related to biome water availability, we found that Ψtlp did not relate strongly to stomatal closure or drought strategy, for either drought avoiders or tolerators. We therefore suggest caution in using Ψtlp to predict vulnerability to drought.  相似文献   

The growth rate hypothesis states that in many organisms or tissues, the specific growth rate μ correlates with RNA concentrations. Since RNA often accounts for much of the phosphorus content of cells, μ may also correlate positively with P concentrations and negatively with C:P and N:P ratios. We tested this hypothesis with broth cultures of five aquatic hyphomycete species. Samples were harvested on eight occasions after 3–56 d of incubation. Accumulation of biomass was fitted to a rectangular hyperbola, whose parameters were used to estimate μ. There were no consistent trends related to culture age or μ for C, N, P or ergosterol concentrations. RNA and DNA concentrations and RNA:DNA ratios were significantly and negatively correlated with culture age. Only RNA concentrations were positively and linearly correlated with μ. While RNA or DNA concentrations are unsuitable as indicators for total biomass, levels of fungal RNA combined with markers for fungal biomass may allow estimates of the extent to which the mycelia are metabolically active.  相似文献   

7-day soil drought followed by 7-day rehydration was applied to potted German chamomile (Chamomilla recutita) plants at the beginning of their generative stage. Plants of a wild type (WT), plus two diploid (2n) and two tetraploid (4n) genotypes were studied, in order to examine the alterations in chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoids (Car) contents, and chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) parameters during water shortage and rehydration. The fresh mass of the anthodia after the recovery was also studied.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that submerged aquatic plants can influence the nutritional quality of the periphyton which grows on their surfaces, making it more nutritious for grazing invertebrates, particularly snails. In return, these grazers might preferentially feed on the periphyton and clear the plants of a potential competitor, with the plants and grazers both gaining from this mutualistic relationship. A highly replicated experiment was conducted, in which the nature of the plant (isoetid and elodeid types compared with similar-shaped inert substrata), the nutrient loading, and the influence of periphyton grazers (the bladder snail, Physa fontinalis) of similar size and history were controlled. Plant growth and survival significantly increased in the presence of the periphyton grazer. Whilst the presence of the grazers had the largest influence on periphyton abundance, nutrient availability and plant type also had effects. Plant type had little influence on the nutritional quality of the periphyton measured as carbohydrate, protein and C:N. Effects of treatment on snail growth, and the timing and extent of snail reproduction disappeared when they were compared with the quantity of periphyton available. There was no evidence of enhanced grazer success in the presence of the live plants compared with inert substrata. Although submerged plants affect the growth and reproduction of the grazers which feed on their surfaces, through differences in the amount of periphyton which grows there, we found no evidence that they manipulate the periphyton to encourage such grazers. Received: 1 September 1998 / Accepted: 12 May 1999  相似文献   

The northward and upward movement of the tree line and gradual replacement of lichens with vascular plants associated with increasing temperatures and nutrient availability may change the reindeer pastures in Northern Fennoscandia. The productivity of reindeer forage will most probably increase, but their protein (nitrogen) concentrations may decrease because of higher temperatures and CO2 concentration. In the long term, the nutritive value of forage will depend on the mineralization rate and nutrient uptake from the soil. Enhanced UV-B is likely to increase the concentration of phenolics, decreasing forage quality and choice, but reindeer may adapt to increased phenolics. Increased winter precipitation, the occurrence of ice layers, deeper snow cover, and the appearance of molds beneath the snow cover may reduce the availability and/or quality of reindeer forage, but prolongation of snowless periods might have the opposite effect. The net balance of negative and positive effects will vary regionally depending on the climate, bedrock, vegetation, reindeer herding systems and socio-political factors. Multidisciplinary research is needed most importantly on the effects of the changing winter climate on reindeer forage, and the effect of modified forage quality on reindeer physiology.
Minna TurunenEmail:

BACKGROUND: Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is a potent mitogen and may be of value for the treatment of conditions such as short bowel syndrome and chemotherapy-induced mucositis. However the most efficacious route and method of administration is unclear. METHODS: Rats maintained by total parenteral nutrition (TPN) were given KGF (1 mg/kg/rat/day, i.v.) infused continuously or as a once-daily injection. The same dose was also given s.c. to chow-fed rats. Changes in gut growth were assessed by measurement of wet weight, proliferation (vincristine induced metaphase arrest) and crypt branching index. Changes in gut hormone profile were also determined to examine if any trophic effects were mediated via this mechanism. RESULTS: KGF caused a 70-100% increase in wet weight of the stomach, small and large intestine of TPN-fed rats (P < 0.01) with no significant differences seen between the two methods of administration. The increase in metaphase counts was greatest in the stomach (about seven-fold P < 0.01), but was less pronounced in the distal small intestine and colon (about 50% increase). The trophic effect of KGF was much less prominent in orally-fed rats. Crypt branching index was significantly reduced by KGF in the proximal small intestine of TPN, but not orally-fed rats. Plasma gastrin, PYY, total glucagon, enteroglucagon and GLP-1 all increased by two-three-fold (all P < 0.01) in response to KGF whereas insulin levels fell by about 25% in the TPN group. CONCLUSIONS: The mitogenic action of KGF occurred predominantly in the stomach and proximal small intestine. Its efficacy was less pronounced in orally-fed animals, suggesting KGF may be of greatest benefit in conditions associated with lowered intestinal proliferation. Clinical trials of KGF can probably use single daily i.v. injections without reduction in efficacy.  相似文献   

As atmospheric CO2 concentrations continue to increase, so too will the emphasis placed on understanding the belowground response of plants to edaphic and climatic change. Controlled-exposure studies that address the significance of an increased supply of carbon to roots and soil biota, and the consequences of this to nutrient cycling will play a prominent role in this process. Models will also contribute to understanding the response of plants and ecosystems to changes in the earth's climate by incorporating experimental results into conceptual or quantitative frameworks from which potential feedbacks within the plant-soil system can be identified. Here we present five examples of how models can be used in this analysis and how they can contribute to the development of new hypotheses in the areas of root biology, soil biota, and ecosystem processes. Two examples illustrate the role of coarse and fine roots in nitrogen and phosphorus uptake from soils, the respiratory costs associated with this acquisition of nutrients, and the significance of root architecture in these relationships. Another example focuses on a conceptual model that has helped raise new ideas about the effects of elevated CO2 on root and microbial biomass, and on nutrient dynamics in the rhizosphere. Difficulties associated with modeling the contribution of mycorrhizal fungi to whole-plant growth are also discussed. Finally, several broad-scale models are used to illustrate the importance of root turnover, litter decomposition, and nitrogen mineralization in determining an ecosystem's response to atmospheric CO2 enrichment. We conclude that models are appropriate tools for use both in guiding existing studies and in identifying new hypotheses for future research. Development of models that address the complexities of belowground processes and their role in determining plant and ecosystem function within the context of rising CO2 concentrations and associated climate change should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Global temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations are expected to both increase, but their combined effect on plant communities has been far less investigated than the single factors of global change. Moreover, drought events are expected to become more frequent and intense in the near future what might alter plant responses to the changing climate.In this study synthesised grassland communities in a current or future climate were subjected to several drought levels (0, 15, 22 and 35 days of drought). The grassland communities were grown in six sunlit, climate-controlled chambers. Three of the chambers were exposed to ambient temperature and CO2 (current climate), while the other three were continuously warmed 3 °C above ambient temperature at 620 ppm of CO2 (future climate).The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of drought on the response of grassland communities to a future climate. Therefore, the response to future climate was observed (1) in the absence of drought and (2) in the occurrence of an extreme drought event, both early and late in the growing season.
  • (1)In the absence of drought, plant productivity was positively affected by future climate early in the growing season. Later in the growing season this effect tended to turn negative, resulting in a disappearance of the overall effect of climate at the end of the growing season.
  • (2)During drought there was a stronger decrease in net CO2 assimilation rate (Asat) in future than in current climate due to stronger stomatal closure. Consistently, the beneficial biomass response to future climate stagnated during drought. At the end of the season, after a period of recovery, there was no effect of climate on plant productivity. As in the absence of drought, plant productivity was not affected by climate at the end of the growing season. Hence, the occurrence of an extreme drought event during the growing season did not alter the overall response of plant productivity to a future climate.

Does biochar influence soil physical properties and soil water availability?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  


This study aims to (i) determine the effects of incorporating 47 Mg ha?1 acacia green waste biochar on soil physical properties and water relations, and (ii) to explore the different mechanisms by which biochar influences soil porosity.


The pore size distribution of the biochar was determined by scanning electron microscope and mercury porosimetry. Soil physical properties and water relations were determined by in situ tension infiltrometers, desorption and evaporative flux on intact cores, pressure chamber analysis at ?1,500 kPa, and wet aggregate sieving.


Thirty months after incorporation, biochar application had no significant effect on soil moisture content, drainable porosity between –1.0 and ?10 kPa, field capacity, plant available water capacity, the van Genuchten soil water retention parameters, aggregate stability, nor the permanent wilting point. However, the biochar-amended soil had significantly higher near-saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil water content at ?0.1 kPa, and significantly lower bulk density than the unamended control. Differences were attributed to the formation of large macropores (>1,200 μm) resulting from greater earthworm burrowing in the biochar-amended soil.


We found no evidence to suggest application of biochar influenced soil porosity by either direct pore contribution, creation of accommodation pores, or improved aggregate stability.  相似文献   

We measured resting and peak metabolic rates (RMR and PMR, respectively) during development of chicks of seven species of shorebirds: least sandpiper (Calidris minutilla; adult mass 20-22 g), dunlin (Calidris alpina; 56-62 g), lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes; 88-92 g), short-billed dowitcher (Limnodromus griseus; 85-112 g), lesser golden plover (Pluvialis dominicana; 150-156 g), Hudsonian godwit (Limosa haemastica; 205-274 g), and whimbrel (Numenius phaeopus; 380 g). We tested two opposing hypotheses: the growth rate-maturity hypothesis, which posits that growth rate in chicks is inversely related to functional maturity of tissues, and the fast growth rate-high metabolism hypothesis, which suggests that rapid growth is possible only with a concomitant increase in either RMR or PMR. We have found no evidence that chicks of shorebirds with fast growth rates have lower RMRs or lower PMRs, as would be predicted by the growth rate-maturity hypothesis, but our data suggested that faster-growing chest muscles resulted in increased thermogenic capacity, consistent with the fast growth-high metabolism hypothesis. The development of homeothermy in smaller species is a consequence primarily of greater metabolic intensities of heat-generating tissues. The maximum temperature gradient between a chick's body and environment that can be maintained in the absence of a net radiative load increased rapidly with body mass during development and was highest in least sandpipers and lowest among godwits. Chicks of smaller species could maintain a greater temperature gradient at a particular body mass because of their higher mass-specific maximum metabolic rates.  相似文献   

In Squamate reptiles, vitellogenesis in females is marked by an increase in the number and size of follicles, leading to an increase in aerobic metabolism to support the rising energy demand during reproductive activity. Male gametes are smaller than female gametes, and spermiogenesis requires less energy than vitellogenesis. This investigation compares the relationship between aerobic metabolism and reproductive effort in male and female viviparous Tomodon dorsatus snakes. We evaluated the influence of the males' and females' reproductive stages, along with the masses of follicles and testicles, on their aerobic metabolic rate. Our findings show that females have higher maintenance cost of pregnancy than metabolic costs of vitellogenesis. In males, we found no evidence of the reproductive effort influencing aerobic metabolic rates. In T. dorsatus, females have a long period of development and high fecundity. Therefore, the metabolic costs of vitellogenesis represent a critical component in the reproductive effort. On the other hand, males of T. dorsatus maintain a similar mass of gonads throughout the year with constant energy demand. These results reflect the difference in reproductive efforts between females and males of T. dorsatus.  相似文献   

Clonal plants spreading horizontally and forming a network structure of ramets exhibit complex growth patterns to maximize resource uptake from the environment. They respond to spatial heterogeneity by changing their internode length or branching frequency. Ramets definitively root in the soil but stay interconnected for a varying period of time thus allowing an exchange of spatial and temporal information. We quantified the foraging response of clonal plants depending on the local soil quality sampled by the rooting ramet (i.e. the present information) and the resource variability sampled by the older ramets (i.e. the past information). We demonstrated that two related species, Potentilla reptans and P. anserina, responded similarly to the local quality of their environment by decreasing their internode length in response to nutrient-rich soil. Only P. reptans responded to resource variability by decreasing its internode length. In both species, the experience acquired by older ramets influenced the plastic response of new rooted ramets: the internode length between ramets depended not only on the soil quality locally sampled but also on the soil quality previously sampled by older ramets. We quantified the effect of the information perceived at different time and space on the foraging behavior of clonal plants by showing a non-linear response of the ramet rooting in the soil of a given quality. These data suggest that the decision to grow a stolon or to root a ramet at a given distance from the older ramet results from the integration of the past and present information about the richness and the variability of the environment.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to examine the effects of long-term fertilization and acute Zn toxicity on the size, nitrification activity and community structure of autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing populations of the β-subgroup of the class Proteobacteria in arable soils. Plots under different long-term fertilization regimes were sampled, and then different concentrations of ZnCl2 were spiked into soil samples for 8 weeks. It was found that long-term fertilization significantly increased nitrification rates and population size, and there was a positive correlation between them. A shift in the composition of AOB was also detected in samples fertilized with mineral N fertilizer (NPK) and organic matter (OM) as compared to unfertilized sample. EC50 values suggested that there was no significant difference in Zn toxicity to nitrification rates among the three fertilization treatments. Long-term fertilization did not improve the resilience of AOB activity to Zn toxicity.  相似文献   

Mahale KN  Kempraj V  Dasgupta D 《Gene》2012,497(1):83-89
The formation and breaking of hydrogen bonds between nucleic acid bases are dependent on temperature. The high G+C content of organisms was surmised to be an adaptation for high temperature survival because of the thermal stability of G:C pairs. However, a survey of genomic GC% and optimum growth temperature (OGT) of several prokaryotes revoked any direct relation between them. Significantly high purine (R=A or G) content in mRNAs is also seen as a selective response for survival among thermophiles. Nevertheless, the biological relevance of thermophiles loading their unstable mRNAs with excess purines (purine-loading or R-loading) is not persuasive. Here, we analysed the mRNA sequences from the genomes of 168 prokaryotes (as obtained from NCBI Genome database) with their OGTs ranging from -5 °C to 100 °C to verify the relation between R-loading and OGT. Our analysis fails to demonstrate any correlation between R-loading of the mRNA pool and OGT of a prokaryote. The percentage of purine-loaded mRNAs in prokaryotes is found to be in a rough negative correlation with the genomic GC% (r(2)=0.655, slope=-1.478, P<000.1). We conclude that genomic GC% and bias against certain combinations of nucleotides drive the mRNA-synonymous (sense) strands of DNA towards variations in R-loading.  相似文献   

Ecological stoichiometry seeks to understand the ecological consequences of elemental imbalances between consumers and their resources. Therein, the well-accepted growth rate hypothesis (GRH) states that organisms exhibiting rapid growth have higher phosphorus (P) demand – and thus lower C:P and N:P ratios – than slow growing ones, due to a higher allocation to P-rich rRNA. However, GRH has rarely been extended to other biological traits than growth, especially at the community level. In this study, we investigated whether macroinvertebrate stoichiometric traits (e.g. C:P and N:P ratios) can be linked to their development traits, and whether these stoichiometric traits are related to macroinvertebrate community assemblage under different nutrient conditions. We allocated more than 400 European taxa to different groups, defined using available information about three development-related traits: ‘life span', ‘voltinism' and ‘number of reproductive cycles per individual'. We sampled 18 invertebrate taxa in six streams exhibiting different levels of nutrient concentration and measured their stoichiometric traits. Further, we quantified invertebrate taxon abundances in these streams during an annual survey. Based on these data, we tested whether community composition regarding the developmental groups differs, depending on nutrient concentration. We found significant differences in the proportions of the developmental groups along a gradient of water N:P, in relation to their stoichiometric traits. Taxa with low C:P and N:P ratios were generally associated with faster development groups, and these taxa tended to occur at higher proportions in streams exhibiting low dissolved N:P ratios. In contrast, communities from P-poor, high dissolved N:P streams, were dominated by slowly developing taxa with high N:P ratios. Our results highlight that extending the GRH to species development rate might give some insights about the mechanisms by which nutrient concentrations in ecosystems influence consumers' community composition.  相似文献   

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