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Adhesion of leukocytes and platelets to solid substrates of different surface tensions and hence different wettability is studied from a thermodynamic point of view. A simple thermodynamic model predicts that a cellular adhesion should increase with increasing surface tension of the solid substrate if the surface tension of the medium in which the cells are suspended is lower than the surface tension of the cells. If the surface tension of the suspending medium is higher than that of the cells, the opposite behavior is predicted. These predictions are borne out completely by neutrophil adhesion tests, where the surface tension of the aqueous suspending medium is varied by addition of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Platelet adhesion experiments also confirm these predictions, the only difference being that surface tensions of the suspending medium above that of the platelets cannot be realized, owing to exudation of surface active solutes from the platelets. Utilization of the thermodynamic prediction that cellular adhesion should become independent of the surface tension of the substrate when the surface tensions of the cells and that of the suspending medium are equal leads to a value of the surface tension of neutrophils of 69.0 erg/cm(2), in excellent agreement with the value obtained from contact angles measured on layers of cells.  相似文献   

Surface thermodynamics of normal and pathological human granulocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Surface tensions of normal and pathological granulocytes were determined by (1) adhesion to solid substrates of different surface tensions while suspended in liquid media of different surface tensions, and by (2) measurement of cell-liquid-vapor contact angles obtained with sessile drops of saline water on cell monolayers. The results obtained by the two different methods were in close conformation with one another. With the cell adhesion emthod some residual leukocyte adhesion still persists even under conditions where there no longer is a van der Waals attraction between cells and solid substrate. At low ionic strength and by the abolishment of all multivalent cations through the admixture of EDTA, that residual cell adhesion virtually disappears (with normal as well as with pathological granulocytes), indicating that the earlier residual cell adhesion did indeed arise from electrostatic interactions mediated by multivalent cations (probably Ca2+). Comparison of the capacities for engulfment and the surface thermodynamics data of normal and pathological granulocytes obtained in this study leads to the novel observation that the phagocytic episode from half to complete engulfment of bacterial particles by granulocytes appears to be the crucial step from the thermodynamic point of view.  相似文献   

Cell damage has been observed in suspension cell cultures with air sparging, especially in the absence of any protective additives. This damage is associated with cells adhering to bubbles, and it has been shown that if this adhesion is prevented, cell damage is prevented. This article presents a thermodynamic approach for predicting cell adhesion at the air-medium interface. With this relationship it can be shown that cell-gas adhesion can be prevented by lowering the surface tension of the liquid growth medium through the addition of surface-active protective additives. The thermodynamic relationship describes the change in free energy as a function of the interfacial tensions between the (i) gas and liquid phases, (ii) gas and cell phases, and (iii) liquid and cell phases. Experimental data, along with theoretical and empirical equations, are used to quantify the changes in free energy that predict the process of cell-gas adhesion. The thermodynamic model is nonspecific in nature and, consequently, results are equally valid for all types of cells. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   


Bradykinin-related peptides (kinins) are well known to contribute to leukocyte recruitment to inflammatory foci; however, a role of these universal pro-inflammatory mediators in the first step of this process, i.e. the leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, is not well understood. In this work we found that bradykinin and des-Arg10-kallidin enhance the adhesion of polymorphonuclear bloods cells (PMN) to fibrinogen and fibronectin. Also, the PMN adherence to endothelial cells of HMEC-1 line strongly increased after stimulation by kinins, particularly des-Arg10-kallidin, or when PMN were co-stimulated with bradykinin and interleukin-1β. These effects were attenuated after PMN treatment with a specific inhibitor of carboxypeptidases, which convert kinins to their des-Arg metabolites. The kinin peptides were also able to change the Mac-1 integrin expression on the PMN surface. These results suggest a regulatory effect of kinins on leukocyte adhesion to endothelial wall, providing new aspects of the leukocyte infiltration into inflamed tissues.  相似文献   

Cell–cell and cell–matrix adhesions are fundamental to numerous physiological processes, including angiogenesis, tumourigenesis, metastatic spreading and wound healing. We use cellular potts model to computationally predict the organisation of cells within a 3D matrix. The energy potentials regulating cell–cell (JCC) and cell–matrix (JMC) adhesive interactions are systematically varied to represent different, biologically relevant adhesive conditions. Chemotactically induced cell migration is also addressed. Starting from a cluster of cells, variations in relative cell adhesion alone lead to different cellular patterns such as spreading of metastatic tumours and angiogenesis. The combination of low cell–cell adhesion (high JCC) and high heterotypic adhesion (low JMC) favours the fragmentation of the original cluster into multiple, smaller cell clusters (metastasis). Conversely, cellular systems exhibiting high-homotypic affinity (low JCC) preserve their original configuration, avoiding fragmentation (organogenesis). For intermediate values of JCC and JMC (i.e. JCC/JMC ~ 1), tubular and corrugated structures form. Fully developed vascular trees are assembled only in systems in which contact-inhibited chemotaxis is activated upon cell contact. Also, the rate of secretion, diffusion and sequestration of chemotactic factors, cell deformability and motility do not significantly affect these trends. Further developments of this computational model will predict the efficacy of therapeutic interventions to modulate the diseased microenvironment by directly altering cell cohesion.  相似文献   

We have examined as a function of temperature the effect of changes in the composition of the fatty acid chains of membrane phospholipids on the rate of cell to cell adhesion in the neuronal cell line B103. The rate of cell to cell adhesion in this cell line is highly temperature dependent but is not influenced by changes in the fatty acid composition of the plasma membrane generated by growing the cells either in the presence of oleic acid or elaidic acid. In contrast the temperature dependence of the rate of cell to cell adhesion, measured in a monolayer adhesion assay, is highly dependent on the shear force used during the assay. A two-step model of cell to cell adhesion involving multiple adhesion ligands is presented which can be used to explain these observations.  相似文献   

Vainrub A  Pettitt BM 《Biopolymers》2003,68(2):265-270
We present a theoretical thermodynamic framework for the design of more efficient oligonucleotide microarrays. A general thermodynamic relation is derived to describe the electrostatic surface effects on the binding of the assayed biomolecule to a surface-tethered molecular probe. The relation is applied to analyze how the nucleic acid target, the oligonuleotide probe, and their DNA duplex electrostatic interactions with the surface affect the hybridization on DNA arrays. Taking advantage of a closed form exact solution of the linear Poisson-Boltzmann equation for a charged ion-penetrable sphere in electrolyte solution interacting with a plane wall, we study the effects of the surface and solution conditions. Binding free energy is found as a function of the surface material, dielectric or metal, the surface charge density, linker molecule length, temperature, and added salt content. The charge or electric potential of the dielectric or metal surface, respectively, is shown to dominate the hybridization, especially at low added salt or short linker length. We predict that substantial enhancement of sensitivity, selectivity, and reliability of microarrays can be achieved by control of the surface conditions. As examples, we discuss how to overcome two limitations of current technologies: nonequal sensitivity of the probes with different GC and AT bases content, and poor match/mismatch discrimination. In addition, we suggest the design of microarray conditions where the tested nucleic acid is unfolded, thus making possible the screening of a larger sequence with single nucleotide resolution. These promising findings are discussed and further experimental tests suggested.  相似文献   

Fibronectin is a large, adhesive glycoprotein which is found in a number of locations, most notably on cell surfaces, in extracellular matrixes, and in blood. Fibronectin has been detected in all vertebrates tested and in many invertebrates. Its presence in sponges is significant because this suggests that fibronectin may have appeared very early in evolution, possibly with the most primitive multicellular organisms. Cellular and plasma fibronectins have many striking similarities. However, the locations of the polypcptide chain differences between these two proteins indicate that plasma fibronectin cannot be derived from cellular fibronectin by means of simple post-translational proteolysis. Instead, these different types of fibronectin may be products of different genes or of differentially spliced messenger RNA molecules. Amniotic fluid fibronectin is possibly a third form of the protein. Cellular and plasma fibronectins are composed of at least six protcaseresistant domains which contain specific binding sites for actin, gelatin, heparin, Staphylococcus aureus, transglutarninase, fibrin, DNA, and a cell surface receptor. The relative locations of these domains have been mapped in the primary structure of fibronectin. The cell surface receptor for fibronectin has not been positively identified, but may be a glycoprotein, a glycolipid, or a complex of the two. Although cell-substratum adhesion is mediated by fibronectin, the locations of the areas of closest approach of the cell to the substratum (the adhesion plaques) and fibronectin are not coincident under conditions of active cell growth. Under conditions of cell growth arrest in low scrum concentrations, some fibronectin may become localized at the adhesion plaques. Models describing the domain structure of fibronectin and the molecular organization of the adhesion plaque area are presented.  相似文献   

Abstract The extent of short-term adhesion of various suspension-cultured plant cell species to polymer substrates exhibiting a wide range of surface tensions was examined. Adhesion of cells with a relatively low surface tension, suspended in distilled water, to the polymers fluorinated ethylenepropylene (FEP), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), and sulphonated polystyrene (SPS) increased with decreasing substrate surface tension following the sequence SPS < PET < PS < FEP. These results are in agreement with the predictions of a thermodynamic model of particle adhesion which considers the role of the substrate, suspending-liquid, and cellular surface tensions. In contrast, little adhesion of relatively high surface tension cells to any of the polymer substrates was observed. Electrostatic repulsive forces between these cells and the polymer surface prevent adhesion because the magnitude of the attractive van der Waals force is small. A correlation was observed between the general adhesiveness of the various cultured plant cell species, especially to the low surface tension substrates, and the cellular surface tension determined by measuring the water contact angle on smooth layers of the cells. The cellular surface tensions ranged from approximately 42 mJ/m2 for Digitalis purpurea cells to approximately 70mJ/m2 for Papaver somniferum cells. Adhesion of cells to the polymer substrates increased with decreasing cellular surface tension under otherwise identical conditions. These results are also consistent with thermodynamic model predictions.  相似文献   

In vivo cell migration and location are orchestrally guided by soluble and bound chemical gradients. Here, gradients of extracellular matrix molecules are formed synthetically by the combination of a surface nanopatterning technique called block copolymer nanolithography (BCN) and a biofunctionalisation technique. A modified substrate dip-coating process of BCN allows for the formation of precise molecular gradients of cyclic RGDfK peptide patches at interfaces, which are presented to cells for testing cell adhesion and polarisation. Surfaces formed by BCN consist of hexagonally ordered gold dot patterns with a gradient in particle spacing. Each dot serves as a chemical anchor for the binding of cyclic RGDfK peptides, which are specifically recognised by alpha(v)beta(3) integrins. Due to steric hindrance only up to one integrin binds to one functionalised gold dot which forms a peptide patch spacing. We demonstrate how cell morphology, adhesion area, actin and vinculin distribution as well as cell body polarisation are influenced by the peptide patch spacing gradient. As a consequence, these gradients of adhesive ligands induce cell orientation towards smaller particle spacing when the gradient strength is 15nm/mm at least. This implicates that an adherent cell's sensitivity to differentiate between ligand patch spacing is approximately 1nm across the cell body.  相似文献   

目的观察蛋白激酶PRKX对人肝癌细胞SMMC-7721粘附和迁移能力的影响。方法采用脂质体转染的方法,将PRKX表达质粒转染到SMMC-7721细胞中,蛋白印迹方法鉴定转染前后PRKX蛋白的表达。细胞-基质粘附实验测定对照组和PRKX转染组SMMC-7721细胞的粘附能力。细胞迁移实验测定对照组和PRKX转染组SMMC-7721细胞的迁移能力。结果 SMMC-7721细胞转染组PRKX蛋白的表达增加,SMMC-7721细胞转染组的粘附能力和迁移能力均较对照组增加。结论 PRKX可增加人肝癌细胞SMMC-7721的粘附和迁移能力。  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity, mortality, and health care costs in the USA, and around the world. Among the various risk factors of cardiovascular disease, environmental and dietary exposures to methyl mercury, a highly toxic metal traditionally labeled as a neurotoxin, have been epidemiologically linked to human cardiovascular disease development. However, its role in development and promotion of atherosclerosis, an initial step in more immediately life-threatening cardiovascular diseases, remains unclear. This study was conducted to examine the role that methyl mercury plays in the adhesion of monocytes to human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1), and the underlying mechanisms. Methyl mercury treatment significantly induced the adhesion of monocyte to HMEC-1 endothelial cells, a critical step in atherosclerosis, while also upregulating the expression of proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6, interleukin-8. Further, methyl mercury treatment also upregulated the chemotactic cytokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1. These molecules are imperative for the firm adhesion of leukocytes to endothelial cells. Additionally, our results further demonstrated that methyl mercury stimulated a significant increase in NF-κB activation. These findings suggest that NF-κB signaling pathway activation by methyl mercury is an important factor in the binding of monocytes to endothelial cells. Finally, by using flow cytometric analysis, methyl mercury treatment caused a significant increase in necrotic cell death only at higher concentrations without initiating apoptosis. This study provides new insights into the molecular actions of methyl mercury that can lead to endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, and subsequent atherosclerotic development.  相似文献   

目的:探讨创伤后多器官功能衰竭(MOF)患者白细胞流变性和细胞粘附分子(CAMs)水平的变化。方法:采用DXC-300A型核孔膜红细胞变形能力测定仪、JYJ-Ⅲ型体外血栓血小板粘附两用仪、酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA),分别检测了36例创伤后MOF患者、31例创伤患者和35例健康人外周血液白细胞变形能力(LD)、白细胞粘附功能(LAF)、白细胞CD18表达、血浆可溶性细胞间粘附分子-1(sICAM-1)和可溶性血管细胞间粘附分子-1(sVCAM—1)的变化。结果:MOF患者白细胞滤过指数(LFI)、白细胞粘附率(LAR)、白细胞CD180表达、sICAM—1,sVCAM—1均明显增高,与对照组和创伤组比较差异有极显著性(F=68.45-116.20,q=12.161—21、374,P〈0.001),MOF组死亡者各指标变化较存活者更明显(t=6.920—11.665,P〈0,001)。MOF患者LFI和LAR与sICAM—1,sVCAM—1和白细胞CD18表达呈正相关(r=0.691~0.844,P〈0.001),LFI与LAR呈正相关(r=0.771,P〈0.001)。结论:白细胞流变性和CAMs水平异常参与了MOF的发生,且与病情严重程度有密切关系。  相似文献   

Platelets are cells which develop adhesive properties following stimulation. Since fibronectin (fn) mediates adhesive properties of several cells, we sought evidence for platelet associated fn. Lysates of suspensions of washed human platelets containing ≤50 ng soluble fn/109 cells contained 2.85 μg fn antigen per 109 cells. The platelet fn antigen competition curve showed a similar slope to the curve for purified plasma fn suggesting antigenic identity. Immunofluorescent staining for fn was minimal in intact cells suggesting that the majority of fn antigen is intracellular. In permeable platelets, fluorescent staining for fn was seen in a punctate distribution suggesting a granule localization. Stimulation of platelet secretion by thrombin released platelet fn antigen. Suramin, a drug which inhibits platelet secretion, inhibited fn release. The apparent secretion of platelet fn, taken with the immunofluorescent data, support the localization of a portion of platelet fn antigen in a storage granule.  相似文献   

The means by which leukocytes, including lymphocytes, monocytes, and neutrophils, migrate from the circulation to sites of acute and chronic inflammation is an area of intense research interest. Although a number of soluble mediators of these important cellular interactions have been identified, a major site of great importance to the inflammatory response is the physical interface between the white cell and the endothelium. This critical association is mediated by an array of cell surface adhesion molecules. Previous data have demonstrated that the integrin subfamily of heterotypic adhesion molecules was a major component of these adhesive interactions, although it was clear that other, non-integrin-like molecules of unknown identity also seemed to be involved during the inflammatory process. A number of these other cell-surface glycoproteins which may be involved with inflammation have recently been characterized by molecular cloning. These glycoproteins, including the peripheral lymph node homing receptor (pln HR), the endothelial cell adhesion molecule (ELAM), and PADGEM/gmp140, are all members of a family of proteins which are unified by the inclusion of three characteristic protein motifs: a lectin or carbohydrate recognition domain, an epidermal growth factor (egf) domain, and a variable number of short consensus repeats (scr) which are also found in members of the complement regulatory proteins. The appearance of lectin domains in all of these adhesion molecules is consistent with the possibility that these glycoproteins function by binding to carbohydrates which are expressed in a cell and/or region specific manner, and the members of this adhesion family have been given the generic name LEC-CAM (lectin cell adhesion molecules).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ksp- and LI-cadherin are structurally homologous proteins coexpressed with E-cadherin in renal and intestinal epithelia, respectively. Whereas LI-cadherin has been shown to mediate Ca2+-dependent homotypic cell-cell adhesion independent of stable interactions with the cytoskeleton, little is known about the physiological role of Ksp-cadherin. To analyze its potential adhesive and morphoregulatory functions, we expressed murine Ksp-cadherin in CHO cells. In this report, we show that Ksp-cadherin induces homotypic and Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion that can be specifically blocked with antibodies raised against the cadherin repeats EC1 and EC2. Ksp-cadherin mediates about the same quantitative adhesive effect (aggregation index) as LI- and E-cadherin. However, the cellular phenotype induced by Ksp-cadherin resembles more closely that of LI- than E-cadherin. This could reflect our observation, that Ksp-cadherin, as well as LI-cadherin, does not directly interact with beta-catenin. In conclusion, both cadherins are thus not only structurally but also functionally related and may share other functions within their respective epithelia.  相似文献   

The reflection of picosecond ultrasonic pulses from a cell‐substrate interface is used to probe cell‐biomaterial adhesion with a subcell resolution. We culture monocytes on top of a thin biocompatible Ti metal film, supported by a transparent sapphire substrate. Low‐energy femtosecond pump laser pulses are focused at the bottom of the Ti film to a micron spot. The subsequent ultrafast thermal expansion launches a longitudinal acoustic pulse in Ti, with a broad spectrum extending up to 100 GHz. We measure the acoustic echoes reflected from the Ti‐cell interface through the transient optical reflectance changes. The time‐frequency analysis of the reflected acoustic pulses gives access to a map of the cell acoustic impedance Zc and to a map of the film‐cell interfacial stiffness K simultaneously. Variations in Zc across the cell are attributed to rigidity and density fluctuations within the cell, whereas variations in K are related to interfacial intermolecular forces and to the nano‐architecture of the transmembrane bonds. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Surface free energies of oral streptococci and their adhesion to solids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The adhesion of 3 strains of oral streptococci from a buffered suspension onto 3 different solid substrata was studied. Representative strains of streptococci were selected on the basis of their surface free energy ( γ b), namely Streptococcus mitis L1 ( γ b= 37 mJ·m−2), Streptococcus sanguis CH3 (95 mJ·m−2) and Streptococcus mutans NS (117 mJ·m−2). Solid substrata were also selected on basis of their surface free energy ( γ s), and included polytetrafluorethylene ( γ s= 20 mJ·m−2), polymethylmethacrylate (53 mJ·m−2) and glass (109 mJ·m−2). Bacterial adhesion was measured as the number of bacteria adhering per cm2 at equilibrium. Equilibrium was usually obtained within 20 min. S. sanguis CH3, having an intermediate surface free energy did not show a clear preference for any of the 3 solids. S. mitis L1, however, the lowest surface free energy strain, adhered in highest numbers to the low energy solid PTFE, whereas the highest γ b strain, S. mutans NS, adhered in highest numbers to the highest γ s solid, glass. Calculation of the interfacial free energy of adhesion ( ΔF adh) for each bacterial strain showed that this parameter was predictive of bacterial adhesion to solid substrata.  相似文献   

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