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The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vif protein has an important role in the regulation of virus infectivity. This function of Vif is cell type specific, and virions produced in the absence of Vif in restrictive cells have greatly reduced infectivity. We show here that the intracellular localization of Vif is dependent on the presence of the intermediate filament vimentin. Fractionation of acutely infected T cells or transiently transfected HeLa cells demonstrates the existence of a soluble and a cytoskeletal form and to a lesser extent the presence of a detergent-extractable form of Vif. Confocal microscopy suggests that in HeLa cells, Vif is predominantly present in the cytoplasm and closely colocalizes with the intermediate filament vimentin. Treatment of cells with drugs affecting the structure of vimentin filaments affect the localization of Vif accordingly, indicating a close association of Vif with this cytoskeletal component. The association of Vif with vimentin can cause the collapse of the intermediate filament network into a perinuclear aggregate. In contrast, analysis of Vif in vimentin-negative cells reveals significant staining of the nucleus and the nuclear membrane in addition to diffuse cytoplasmic staining. In addition to the association of Vif with intermediate filaments, analyses of virion preparations demonstrate that Vif is incorporated into virus particles. In sucrose density gradients, Vif cosediments with capsid proteins even after detergent treatment of virus preparations, suggesting that Vif is associated with the inner core of HIV particles. We propose a model in which Vif has a crucial function as a virion component either by regulating virus maturation or following virus entry into a host cell possibly involving an interaction with the cellular cytoskeletal network.  相似文献   

The viral protein Nef contributes to the optimal infectivity of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses. The requirement for Nef during viral biogenesis particles suggests that Nef might play a role in this process. Alternatively, because Nef is incorporated into viruses, it might play a role when progeny virions reach target cells. We challenged these hypotheses by manipulating the amounts of Nef incorporated in viruses while keeping its expression level constant in producer cells. This was achieved by forcing the incorporation of Nef into viral particles by fusing a Vpr sequence to the C-terminal end of Nef. A cleavage site for the viral protease was introduced between Nef and Vpr to allow the release of Nef fragments from the fusion protein during virus maturation. We show that the resulting Nef-CS-Vpr fusion partially retains the ability of Nef to downregulate cell surface CD4 and that high amounts of Nef-CS-Vpr are incorporated into viral particles compared with what is seen for wild-type Nef. The fusion protein is processed during virion maturation and releases Nef fragments similar to those found in viruses produced in the presence of wild-type Nef. Unlike viruses produced in the presence of wild-type Nef, viruses produced in the presence of Nef-CS-Vpr do not have an increase in infectivity and are as poorly infectious as viruses produced in the absence of Nef. These findings demonstrate that the presence of Nef in viral particles is not sufficient to increase human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infectivity and suggest that Nef plays a role during the biogenesis of viral particles.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag polyprotein is sufficient for assembly and release of virion-like particles from the plasma membrane. To promote assembly, the Gag polyprotein must polymerize to form a shell that lines the inner membrane of nascent virions. Several techniques have been used to functionally map the domain required for Gag polymerization (the I domain). Among these methods, isopycnic centrifugation has been used under the assumption that changes in virion density reflect impairment in Gag-Gag interaction. If virion density is determined by efficient Gag-Gag interaction, then mutation of basic residues in the nucleocapsid (NC) domain should disrupt virion density, since these residues constitute the I domain. However, we have previously shown that simultaneous disruption of up to 10 HIV-1 NC basic residues has no obvious effect on virion density. To rule out the possibility that HIV-1 NC basic residues other than those previously mutated might be important for virion density, mutations were introduced at the remaining sites and the ability of these mutations to affect Gag-Gag interaction and virion density was analyzed. Included in our analysis is a mutant in which all NC basic residues are replaced with alanine. Our results show that disruption of HIV-1 NC basic residues has an enormous effect on Gag-Gag interaction but only a minimal effect on the density of those virions that are still produced. Therefore, the determinants of the I domain and of virion density are genetically distinguishable.  相似文献   

We have developed an in vitro model to study the influence that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) may have on the ability of T cells to respond to antigenic challenge. We have examined consequences of HIV-1 gene expression on T-cell activation in antigen-dependent T cells that have stably integrated copies of replication-defective proviral HIV-1. Virus production by HIV-infected, antigen-dependent T cells was induced in response to antigenic stimulation and then decreased as infected cells returned to a state of quiescence. Contrary to the predictions of models proposing that Nef alters signal transduction pathways in T lymphocytes and thereby alters cellular activation, Nef expression in antigen-dependent T-cell clones did not influence their proliferative responses to low or intermediate concentrations of antigen and did not affect other measures of T-cell activation, such as induction of interleukin 2 receptor alpha-chain expression and cytokine production. In addition, we found no evidence for alteration of T-cell responsiveness to antigen by the gag, pol, vif, tat, or rev gene of HIV-1.  相似文献   

The CD4 receptor is required for the entry of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) into target cells. It has long been known that Nef, Env, and Vpu participate in the removal of the viral receptor from the cell surface. Recently, it has been proposed that the HIV type 1 (HIV-1) Vpr protein may also play a role in the downmodulation of CD4 from the surfaces of infected cells (L. Conti, B. Varano, M. C. Gauzzi, P. Matarrese, M. Federico, W. Malorani, F. Belardelli, and S. Gessani, J. Virol. 74:10207-10211, 2000). To investigate the possible role of Vpr in the downregulation of the viral receptor Vpr alleles from HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus were transiently expressed in transformed T cells and in 293T fibroblasts, and their ability to modulate surface CD4 was evaluated. All Vpr alleles efficiently arrested cells in the G(2) stage of the cell cycle. However, none of the tested Vpr proteins altered the expression of CD4 on the cell surface. In comparison, HIV-1 Nef efficiently downmodulated surface CD4 in all the experimental settings. Transformed T cells and primary lymphocytes were challenged with wild-type, Nef-defective, and Vpr-defective viruses. A significant reduction in the HIV-induced downmodulation of surface CD4 was observed in viruses lacking Nef. However, Vpr-deletion-containing viruses showed no defect in their ability to remove CD4 from the surfaces of infected cells. Our results indicate that Vpr does not play a role in the HIV-induced downmodulation of the CD4 receptor.  相似文献   

Packaging of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vif protein into virus particles is mediated through an interaction with viral genomic RNA and results in the association of Vif with the nucleoprotein complex. Despite the specificity of this process, calculations of the amount of Vif packaged have produced vastly different results. Here, we compared the efficiency of packaging of Vif into virions derived from acutely and chronically infected H9 cells. We found that Vif was efficiently packaged into virions from acutely infected cells (60 to 100 copies per virion), while packaging into virions from chronically infected H9 cells was near the limit of detection (four to six copies of Vif per virion). Superinfection by an exogenous Vif-defective virus did not rescue packaging of endogenous Vif expressed in the chronically infected culture. In contrast, exogenous Vif expressed by superinfection of wild-type virus was readily packaged (30 to 40 copies per virion). Biochemical analyses suggest that the differences in the relative packaging efficiencies were not due to gross differences in the steady-state distribution of Vif in chronically or acutely infected cells but are likely due to differences in the relative rates of de novo synthesis of Vif. Despite its low packaging efficiency, endogenously expressed Vif was sufficient to direct the production of viruses with almost wild-type infectivity. The results from our study provide novel insights into the biochemical properties of Vif and offer an explanation for the reported differences regarding Vif packaging.  相似文献   

The Vif protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 is required for productive replication in peripheral blood lymphocytes. Previous reports suggest that vif-deleted viruses are limited in replication because of a defect in the late steps of the virus life cycle. One of the remaining questions is to determine whether the functional role of Vif involves a specific interaction with virus core proteins. In this study, we demonstrate a direct interaction between Vif and the Pr55Gag precursor in vitro as well as in infected cells. No interaction is observed between Vif and the mature capsid protein. The Pr55Gag-Vif interaction is detected (i) in the glutathione S-transferase system, with in vitro-translated proteins demonstrating a critical role of the NC p7 domain of the Gag precursor; (ii) with proteins expressed in infected cells; and (iii) by coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Deletion of the C-terminal 22 amino acids of Vif abolishes its interaction with the Pr55Gag precursor. Furthermore, point mutations in the C-terminal domain of Vif which have been previously shown to abolish virus infectivity and binding to cell membranes dramatically decrease the Gag-Vif interaction. These results suggest that the interaction between Vif and the pr55Gag precursor is a critical determinant of Vif function.  相似文献   

The production of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) by fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cells was evaluated after exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or purified recombinant HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (rgp120). To exclude the role of contaminating endotoxin in this study, all media were subjected to ultrafiltration and reagents contained less than 25 pg of endotoxin per ml by Limulus assay. Under endotoxin-free conditions, no increases in IL-1 beta, IL-6, or TNF-alpha mRNA or protein were detectable in cell cultures exposed to HIV-1, HIV-2, or rgp120 (0.1 to 10 micrograms/ml), as compared with cytokine levels in mock-exposed cultures. However, concentrations of endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) as low as 0.5 ng/ml induced significant production of mRNA and protein for these three cytokines. Preincubation of mononuclear cells with "shake" HIV-1 preparations and also mock-infected shake preparations prior to lipopolysaccharide stimulation resulted in a two- to threefold increase in IL-1 beta and TNF-alpha production. This priming effect was not observed with rgp120 (0.1 to 10 micrograms/ml) or standard HIV-1 or mock-infected supernatants, suggesting the presence of biologically active material independent of virus in the shake preparations. Our studies indicate that, in the absence of endotoxin, HIV-1, HIV-2, and HIV gp120 do not induce production of IL-1 beta, IL-6, or TNF-alpha by peripheral blood mononuclear cells.  相似文献   

The Vif protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and other lentiviruses is required for efficient replication in primary cells and certain immortalized cell lines in vitro and, in all likelihood, for the establishment of pathogenic infections in vivo. Current hypotheses concerning Vif's mechanism of action posit that it operates in virus-expressing cells during virion assembly, budding, or maturation such that released virions are modified in a manner that enables them to undergo productive infection in subsequent viral challenges. To gain further insight into the mechanism of action of lentivirus Vif proteins, we have performed a variety of in situ localization and biochemical fractionation studies using cells in which Vif is essential for efficient replication. Double-label immunofluorescence analyses of cells productively infected with HIV-1 or feline immunodeficiency virus revealed dramatic patterns of colocalization between Vif and the virally encoded Gag proteins. Subcellular fractionations of human T cells expressing HIV-1 Vif performed in the absence of any detergent demonstrated that greater than 90% of Vif is associated with cellular membranes. Additional purification using a continuous density gradient indicated that the majority of the membrane-bound Vif copurifies with the plasma membrane. Taken together, these observations suggest that lentivirus Vif and Gag proteins colocalize at the plasma membrane as virion assembly and budding take place. As a result, Vif is able to exert its modulatory effect(s) on these late steps of the virus life cycle.  相似文献   

Liu B  Yu X  Luo K  Yu Y  Yu XF 《Journal of virology》2004,78(4):2072-2081
The Vif protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is essential for viral evasion of the host antiviral protein APOBEC3G, also known as CEM15. Vif mutant but not wild-type HIV-1 viruses produced in the presence of APOBEC3G have been shown to undergo hypermutations in newly synthesized viral DNA upon infection of target cells, presumably resulting from C-to-U modification during minus-strand viral DNA synthesis. We now report that HIV-1 Vif could induce rapid degradation of human APOBEC3G that was blocked by the proteasome inhibitor MG132. The efficiency of Vif-induced downregulation of APOBEC3G expression depended on the level of Vif expression. A single amino acid substitution in the conserved SLQXLA motif reduced Vif function. Vif proteins from distantly related primate lentiviruses such as SIVagm were unable to suppress the antiviral activity of human APOBEC3G or the packaging of APOBEC3G into HIV-1 Vif mutant virions, due to a lack of interaction with human APOBEC3G. In the presence of the proteasome inhibitor MG132, virion-associated Vif increased dramatically. However, increased virion packaging of Vif did not prevent virion packaging of APOBEC3G when proteasome function was impaired, and the infectivity of these virions was significantly reduced. These results suggest that Vif function is required during virus assembly to remove APOBEC3G from packaging into released virions. Once packaged, virion-associated Vif could not efficiently block the antiviral activity of APOBEC3G.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin E2 is observed at elevated levels during human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and thus may contribute to the HIV-dependent immunosuppression. The mechanisms responsible for this increase are not understood. Evidence indicates that the viral envelope proteins perturb membrane signaling mediated by the CD4 receptor, suggesting that the free envelope protein and/or the intact virus may be responsible for the increase in prostaglandin E2 levels. In this study, we have used THP-1 human monocytes and THP-1 cells differentiated by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate treatment into macrophages to determine if the HIV envelope protein, gp120, or an anti-CD4 receptor antibody stimulates prostaglandin formation by interacting with the CD4 receptor. Incubation of THP-1 cells with OKT4A antibody greatly stimulated the CD4-p56lck receptor complex as estimated by enhanced p56lck autophosphorylation, while the gp120 gave small but significant responses. Monocytic THP-1 cells poorly metabolized arachidonic acid to prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane B2 as measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis. Western blot (immunoblot) and Northern (RNA) blot analyses revealed that unstimulated monocytes expressed little prostaglandin H synthase 1 and 2 (PGHS-1 and -2). Incubation of the monocytes with lipopolysaccharide, OKT4A, or gp120 did not increase the formation of prostaglandins. The expression of PGHS-1 or PGHS-2 was also not increased. Differentiation of the monocytes to macrophages by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate treatment resulted in increased expression of PGHS-1 and increased formation of prostaglandins compared with that for the monocytes. Lipopolysaccharide stimulation of the macrophages increased the formation of prostaglandins and increased the expression of PGHS-2 in the macrophages. However, OKT4A or gp120 preparation, at concentrations that stimulated p56lck autophosphorylation, did not enhance the formation of prostaglandins or the expression of PGHS-1 or PGHS-2. OKT4A and gp120 also did not stimulate the release of arachidonic acid, indicating that phospholipase A2 was not activated by the CD4 receptor in either the THP-1 monocytes or macrophages. These results indicate that activation of the CD4-p56lck receptor signal transduction pathway by the HIV envelope protein does not increase prostaglandin formation.  相似文献   

The Vif (viral infectivity factor) protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has been shown to dramatically enhance the infectivity of HIV-1 virus particles during virus production. The subcellular localization of Vif was examined to elucidate cellular pathways which may be important for Vif function. Indirect immunofluorescence staining of Vif demonstrated a diffuse cytoplasmic distribution and showed that most Vif was not associated with the Golgi complex, a proposed site of localization (B. Guy, M. Geist, K. Dott, D. Spehner, M.-P. Kieny, and J.-P. Lecocq, J. Virol. 65:1325-1331, 1991). Subcellular fractionation of transfected COS cells and HIV-1-infected Jurkat and CEM cells demonstrated that Vif is a cytoplasmic protein which exists in both a soluble cytosolic form and membrane-associated form. The membrane-associated form of Vif is a peripheral membrane protein which is tightly associated with the cytoplasmic side of cellular membranes. The C terminus of Vif was required for the stable association of Vif with membranes. The C terminus was also essential for Vif function, suggesting that the association of Vif with membranes is likely to be important for its biological activity. The highly conserved regions at residues 103 to 115 and 142 to 150 were important for Vif function but did not affect membrane association, indicating that these regions are likely to be important for other, as-yet-unknown functions.  相似文献   

M Kotler  G Arad    S H Hughes 《Journal of virology》1992,66(11):6781-6783
We have introduced mutations into the region of the genome of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) that encodes the cleavage sites between the viral protease (PR) and the adjacent upstream region of the polyprotein precursor. Segments containing these mutations were introduced into plasmids, and the retroviral proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli. The mutations prevented cleavage between the PR and the adjacent polypeptide; however, other PR cleavage sites in the polyprotein were cleaved normally, showing that the release of free PR is not a prerequisite for the appropriate processing of HIV-1 precursors.  相似文献   

Lentivirus Vif proteins are potent regulators of virus infectivity. However, relatively little is known about the functional domains, peptide motifs, or residues of any Vif protein. In this report, we present the first extensive mutagenesis analysis of the 192-amino-acid human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vif protein. A large number of scanning missense (mostly alanine substitution) and deletion mutations were introduced into the HIV-1HXB3 vif gene, and the resulting proteins were evaluated for the induction of virus infectivity as well as subcellular localization. The results show that amino acids dispersed throughout Vif's linear sequence are important for function. However, because many of the inactive proteins also appear to be mislocalized, we suggest that many of them may actually be misfolded rather lacking an intracellular targeting signal. Interestingly, disruptions within an internal region spanning residues 114 to 146 give rise to mutant proteins that either retain function or are inactive but are not substantially mislocalized. We therefore speculate that this region, which harbors two essential cysteine residues and one essential serine residue, may contain aspects of a putative Vif effector domain.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) acquires various cellular membrane proteins in the lipid bilayer of the viral envelope membrane. Although some virion-incorporated cellular membrane proteins are known to potently affect HIV-1 infectivity, the virological functions of most virion-incorporated membrane proteins remain unclear. Among these host proteins, we found that CD63 was eliminated from the plasma membranes of HIV-1-producing T cells after activation, followed by a decrease in the amount of virion-incorporated CD63, and in contrast, an increase in the infectivity of the released virions. On the other hand, we found that CD63 at the cell surface was preferentially embedded on the membrane of released virions in an HIV-1 envelope protein (Env)-independent manner and that virion-incorporated CD63 had the potential to inhibit HIV-1 Env-mediated infection in a strain-specific manner at the postattachment entry step(s). In addition, these behaviors were commonly observed in other tetraspanin proteins, such as CD9, CD81, CD82, and CD231. However, L6 protein, whose topology is similar to that of tetraspanins but which does not belong to the tetraspanin superfamily, did not have the potential to prevent HIV-1 infection, despite its successful incorporation into the released particles. Taken together, these results suggest that tetraspanin proteins have the unique potential to modulate HIV-1 infectivity through incorporation into released HIV-1 particles, and our findings may provide a clue to undiscovered aspects of HIV-1 entry.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Vpr protein is both packaged into virions and efficiently localized to the nucleus. In this report, we show that a significant fraction of Vpr also accumulates in the cytoplasm of virus-producing cells. Although Vpr shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm, studies with an export-deficient Vpr mutant reveal that nuclear export is not required for virion incorporation.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive single-round infection assay using a bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase was developed to analyze an early stage of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication. By a combination of transfection and single-round infection assay, a virus with a vif mutation, depending on host cells from which the virus was derived, was demonstrated to be defective at the early phase of infection cycle. Analysis of viral proteins synthesized in cells indicated that incorporation of the Env surface protein into virions of the vif mutant, again in a cell-dependent way, was greatly restricted. Taken together, it is concluded that the Vif protein acts through modulation of the Env protein in the virions, directly or indirectly, to enhance viral infectivity in a certain cell type.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vif counteracts the antiviral activity of the human cytidine deaminase APOBEC3G (APO3G) by inhibiting its incorporation into virions. This has been attributed to the Vif-induced degradation of APO3G by cytoplasmic proteasomes. We recently demonstrated that although APO3G has a natural tendency to form RNA-dependent homo-multimers, multimerization was not essential for encapsidation into HIV-1 virions or antiviral activity. We now demonstrate that a multimerization-defective APO3G variant (APO3G C97A) is able to assemble into RNase-sensitive high-molecular-mass (HMM) complexes, suggesting that homo-multimerization of APO3G and assembly into HMM complexes are unrelated RNA-dependent processes. Interestingly, APO3G C97A was highly resistant to Vif-induced degradation even though the two proteins were found to interact in coimmunoprecipitation experiments and exhibited partial colocalization in transfected HeLa cells. Surprisingly, encapsidation and antiviral activity of APO3G C97A were both inhibited by Vif despite resistance to degradation. These results demonstrate that targeting of APO3G to proteasome degradation and interference with viral encapsidation are distinct functional properties of Vif.  相似文献   

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