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The gene for the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) is located in the large single-copy region of the plastid genome of the chlorophyll c-containing alga Cryptomonas . The coding sequence is 417 base pairs long, encoding a protein of 139 amino acids, considerably longer than most other small subunit proteins. It is found 83 base pairs downstream from the gene for the large subunit and is cotranscribed with it. An 18 base pair perfect inverted repeat is located 8 base pairs beyond the termination codon. Sequence analysis shows the gene to be more closely related to cyanobacterial and cyanelle small-subunit genes than to those of green algae or land plants. This is the first reported sequence of a Rubisco small-subunit gene which is plastid-encoded and it exhibits a number of unique features. The derived amino acid sequence shows extensive similarity to a partial amino acid sequence from a brown alga, indicating that this gene will be of major interest as a probe for the small subunit genes in other algae and for determining possible evolutionary ancestors of algal plastids.  相似文献   

The phylum Streptophyta comprises all land plants and six monophyletic groups of charophycean green algae (Mesostigmatales, Chlorokybales, Klebsormidiales, Zygnematales, Coleochaetales, and Charales). Phylogenetic analyses of four genes encoded in three cellular compartments suggest that the Charales are sister to land plants and that charophycean green algae evolved progressively toward an increasing cellular complexity. To validate this phylogenetic hypothesis and to understand how and when the highly conservative pattern displayed by land plant chloroplast DNAs (cpDNAs) originated in the Streptophyta, we have determined the complete chloroplast genome sequence (184,933 bp) of a representative of the Charales, Chara vulgaris, and compared this genome to those of Mesostigma (Mesostigmatales), Chlorokybus (Chlorokybales), Staurastrum and Zygnema (Zygnematales), Chaetosphaeridium (Coleochaetales), and selected land plants. The phylogenies we inferred from 76 cpDNA-encoded proteins and genes using various methods favor the hypothesis that the Charales diverged before the Coleochaetales and Zygnematales. The Zygnematales were identified as sister to land plants in the best tree topology (T1), whereas Chaetosphaeridium (T2) or a clade uniting the Zygnematales and Chaetosphaeridium (T3) occupied this position in alternative topologies. Chara remained at the same basal position in trees including more land plant taxa and inferred from 56 proteins/genes. Phylogenetic inference from gene order data yielded two most parsimonious trees displaying the T1 and T3 topologies. Analyses of additional structural cpDNA features (gene order, gene content, intron content, and indels in coding regions) provided better support for T1 than for the topology of the above-mentioned four-gene tree. Our structural analyses also revealed that many of the features conserved in land plant cpDNAs were inherited from their green algal ancestors. The intron content data predicted that at least 15 of the 21 land plant group II introns were gained early during the evolution of streptophytes and that a single intron was acquired during the transition from charophycean green algae to land plants. Analyses of genome rearrangements based on inversions predicted no alteration in gene order during the transition from charophycean green algae to land plants.  相似文献   

Endosymbiosis has spread photosynthesis to many branches of the eukaryotic tree; however, the history of photosynthetic organelle (plastid) gain and loss remains controversial. Fortuitously, endosymbiosis may leave a genomic footprint through the transfer of endosymbiont genes to the "host" nucleus (endosymbiotic gene transfer, EGT). EGT can be detected through comparison of host genomes to uncover the history of past plastid acquisitions. Here we focus on a lineage of chlorophyll c-containing algae and protists ("chromalveolates") that are postulated to share a common red algal secondary endosymbiont. This plastid is originally of cyanobacterial origin through primary endosymbiosis and is closely related among the Plantae (i.e., red, green, and glaucophyte algae). To test these ideas, an automated phylogenomics pipeline was used with a novel unigene data set of 5,081 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the haptophyte alga Emiliania huxleyi and genome or EST data from other chromalveolates, red algae, plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria. We focused on nuclear-encoded proteins that are targeted to the plastid to express their function because this group of genes is expected to have phylogenies that are relatively easy to interpret. A total of 708 genes were identified in E. huxleyi that had a significant Blast hit to at least one other taxon in our data set. Forty-six of the alignments that were derived from the 708 genes contained at least one other chromalveolate (i.e., besides E. huxleyi), red and/or green algae (or land plants), and one or more cyanobacteria, whereas 15 alignments contained E. huxleyi, one or more other chromalveolates, and only cyanobacteria. Detailed phylogenetic analyses of these data sets turned up 19 cases of EGT that did not contain significant paralogy and had strong bootstrap support at the internal nodes, allowing us to confidently identify the source of the plastid-targeted gene in E. huxleyi. A total of 17 genes originated from the red algal lineage, whereas 2 genes were of green algal origin. Our data demonstrate the existence of multiple red algal genes that are shared among different chromalveolates, suggesting that at least a subset of this group may share a common origin.  相似文献   

By synthesizing data from individual gene phylogenies, large concatenated gene trees, and other kinds of molecular, morphological, and biochemical markers, we begin to see the broad outlines of a global phylogenetic tree of eukaryotes. This tree is apparently composed of five large assemblages, or "supergroups." Plants and algae, or more generally eukaryotes with plastids (the photosynthetic organelle of plants and algae and their nonphotosynthetic derivatives) are scattered among four of the five supergroups. This is because plastids have had a complex evolutionary history involving several endosymbiotic events that have led to their transmission from one group to another. Here, the history of the plastid and of its various hosts is reviewed with particular attention to the number and nature of the endosymbiotic events that led to the current distribution of plastids. There is accumulating evidence to support a single primary origin of plastids from a cyanobacterium (with one intriguing possible exception in the little-studied amoeba Paulinella), followed by the diversification of glaucophytes, red and green algae, with plants evolving from green algae. Following this, some of these algae were themselves involved in secondary endosymbiotic events. The best current evidence indicates that two independent secondary endosymbioses involving green algae gave rise to euglenids and chlorarachniophytes, whereas a single endosymbiosis with a red algae gave rise to the chromalveolates, a diverse group including cryptomonads, haptophytes, heterokonts, and alveolates. Dinoflagellates (alveolates) have since taken up other algae in serial secondary and tertiary endosymbioses, raising a number of controversies over the origin of their plastids, and by extension, the recently discovered cryptic plastid of the closely related apicomplexan parasites.  相似文献   

We constructed a complete physical map and a partial gene map of the chloroplast genome of Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing clone 1020-1a (Bacillariophyceae). The 128-kb circular molecule contains a 17-kb inverted repeat, which divides the genome into single copy regions of65 kb and 29 kb. This is the largest genome and inverted repeat found in any diatom examined to date. In addition to the 16S and 23S ribosomal RNA genes, the inverted repeat contains both the ndhD gene (as yet unexamined in other diatoms) and the psbA gene (located similarly in one of two other examined diatoms). The Cyclotella chloroplast genome exists as two equimolar populations of inversion isomers that differ in the relative orientation of their single copy sequences. This inversion heterogeneity presumably results from intramolecular recombination within the inverted repeat. For the first time, we map the ndhD, psaC, rpofi, rpoCl, and rpoC2 genes to the chloroplast genome of a chlorophyll c-containing alga. While the Cyclotella chloroplast genome retains some prokaryotic and land plant gene clusters and operons, it contains a highly rearranged gene order in the large and small single copy regions compared to all other examined diatom, algal, and land plant chloroplast genomes.  相似文献   

Land plants possess some of the most unusual mitochondrial genomes among eukaryotes. However, in early land plants these genomes resemble those of green and red algae or early eukaryotes. The question of when during land plant evolution the dramatic change in mtDNAs occurred remains unanswered. Here we report the first completely sequenced mitochondrial genome of the hornwort, Megaceros aenigmaticus, a member of the sister group of vascular plants. It is a circular molecule of 184,908 base pairs, with 32 protein genes, 3 rRNA genes, 17 tRNA genes, and 30 group II introns. The genome contains many genes arranged in the same order as in those of a liverwort, a moss, several green and red algae, and Reclinomonas americana, an early-branching eukaryote with the most ancestral form of mtDNA. In particular, the gene order between mtDNAs of the hornwort and Physcomitrella patens (moss) differs by only 8 inversions and translocations. However, the hornwort mtDNA possesses 4 derived features relative to green alga mtDNAs—increased genome size, RNA editing, intron gains, and gene losses—which were all likely acquired during the origin and early evolution of land plants. Overall, this genome and those of other 2 bryophytes show that mitochondrial genomes in early land plants, unlike their seed plant counterparts, exhibit a mixed mode of conservative yet dynamic evolution. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Libo Li and Bin Wang contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The 22 published chloroplast genomes of green algae, representing sparse taxonomic sampling of diverse lineages that span over one billion years of evolution, each possess a unique gene arrangement. In contrast, many of the >190 published embryophyte (land plant) chloroplast genomes have relatively conserved architectures. To determine the phylogenetic depth at which chloroplast gene rearrangements occur in green algae, a 1.5-4 kb segment of the chloroplast genome was compared across nine species in three closely related genera of Trebouxiophyceae (Chlorophyta). In total, four distinct gene arrangements were obtained for the three genera Elliptochloris, Hemichloris, and Coccomyxa. In Elliptochloris, three distinct chloroplast gene arrangements were detected, one of which is shared with members of its sister genus Hemichloris. Both species of Coccomyxa examined share the fourth arrangement of this genome region, one characterized by very long spacers. Next, the order of genes found in this segment of the chloroplast genome was compared across green algae and land plants. As taxonomic ranks are not equivalent among different groups of organisms, the maximum molecular divergence among taxa sharing a common gene arrangement in this genome segment was compared. Well-supported clades possessing a single gene order had similar phylogenetic depth in green algae and embryophytes. When the dominant gene order of this chloroplast segment in embryophytes was assumed to be ancestral for land plants, the maximum molecular divergence was found to be over two times greater in embryophytes than in trebouxiophyte green algae. This study greatly expands information about chloroplast genome variation in green algae, is the first to demonstrate such variation among congeneric green algae, and further illustrates the fluidity of green algal chloroplast genome architecture in comparison to that of many embryophytes.  相似文献   



The Streptophyta comprise all land plants and six monophyletic groups of charophycean green algae. Phylogenetic analyses of four genes from three cellular compartments support the following branching order for these algal lineages: Mesostigmatales, Chlorokybales, Klebsormidiales, Zygnematales, Coleochaetales and Charales, with the last lineage being sister to land plants. Comparative analyses of the Mesostigma viride (Mesostigmatales) and land plant chloroplast genome sequences revealed that this genome experienced many gene losses, intron insertions and gene rearrangements during the evolution of charophyceans. On the other hand, the chloroplast genome of Chaetosphaeridium globosum (Coleochaetales) is highly similar to its land plant counterparts in terms of gene content, intron composition and gene order, indicating that most of the features characteristic of land plant chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) were acquired from charophycean green algae. To gain further insight into when the highly conservative pattern displayed by land plant cpDNAs originated in the Streptophyta, we have determined the cpDNA sequences of the distantly related zygnematalean algae Staurastrum punctulatum and Zygnema circumcarinatum.  相似文献   

Since the endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts from cyanobacteria 2 billion years ago, the evolution of plastids has been characterized by massive loss of genes. Most plants and algae depend on photosynthesis for energy and have retained ~110 genes in their chloroplast genome that encode components of the gene expression machinery and subunits of the photosystems. However, nonphotosynthetic parasitic plants have retained a reduced plastid genome, showing that plastids have other essential functions besides photosynthesis. We sequenced the complete plastid genome of the underground orchid, Rhizanthella gardneri. This remarkable parasitic subterranean orchid possesses the smallest organelle genome yet described in land plants. With only 20 proteins, 4 rRNAs, and 9 tRNAs encoded in 59,190 bp, it is the least gene-rich plastid genome known to date apart from the fragmented plastid genome of some dinoflagellates. Despite numerous differences, striking similarities with plastid genomes from unrelated parasitic plants identify a minimal set of protein-encoding and tRNA genes required to reside in plant plastids. This prime example of convergent evolution implies shared selective constraints on gene loss or transfer.  相似文献   

Nonphotosynthetic plants possess strongly reconfigured plastomes attributable to convergent losses of photosynthesis and housekeeping genes, making them excellent systems for studying genome evolution under relaxed selective pressures. We report the complete plastomes of 10 photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic parasites plus their nonparasitic sister from the broomrape family (Orobanchaceae). By reconstructing the history of gene losses and genome reconfigurations, we find that the establishment of obligate parasitism triggers the relaxation of selective constraints. Partly because of independent losses of one inverted repeat region, Orobanchaceae plastomes vary 3.5-fold in size, with 45 kb in American squawroot (Conopholis americana) representing the smallest plastome reported from land plants. Of the 42 to 74 retained unique genes, only 16 protein genes, 15 tRNAs, and four rRNAs are commonly found. Several holoparasites retain ATP synthase genes with intact open reading frames, suggesting a prolonged function in these plants. The loss of photosynthesis alters the chromosomal architecture in that recombinogenic factors accumulate, fostering large-scale chromosomal rearrangements as functional reduction proceeds. The retention of DNA fragments is strongly influenced by both their proximity to genes under selection and the co-occurrence with those in operons, indicating complex constraints beyond gene function that determine the evolutionary survival time of plastid regions in nonphotosynthetic plants.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate algae are important primary producers and of significant ecological and economic impact because of their ability to form "red tides". They are also models for evolutionary research because of an unparalleled ability to capture photosynthetic organelles (plastids) through endosymbiosis. The nature and extent of the plastid genome in the dominant perdinin-containing dinoflagellates remain, however, two of the most intriguing issues in plastid evolution. The plastid genome in these taxa is reduced to single-gene minicircles encoding an incomplete (until now 15) set of plastid proteins. The location of the remaining photosynthetic genes is unknown. We generated a data set of 6,480 unique expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense (for details, see the Experimental Procedures in the Supplemental Data) to find the missing plastid genes and to understand the impact of endosymbiosis on genome evolution. Here we identify 48 of the non-minicircle-encoded photosynthetic genes in the nuclear genome of A. tamarense, accounting for the majority of the photosystem. Fifteen genes that are always found on the plastid genome of other algae and plants have been transferred to the nucleus in A. tamarense. The plastid-targeted genes have red and green algal origins. These results highlight the unique position of dinoflagellates as the champions of plastid gene transfer to the nucleus among photosynthetic eukaryotes.  相似文献   



Species in Thismiaceae can no longer photosynthesize and instead obtain carbon from soil fungi. Here we infer Thismiaceae phylogeny using plastid genome data and characterize the molecular evolution of this genome.


We assembled five Thismiaceae plastid genomes from genome skimming data, adding to previously published data for phylogenomic inference. We investigated plastid-genome structural changes, considering locally colinear blocks (LCBs). We also characterized possible shifts in selection pressure in retained genes by considering changes in the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous changes (ω).


Thismiaceae experienced two major pulses of gene loss around the early diversification of the family, with subsequent scattered gene losses across descendent lineages. In addition to massive size reduction, Thismiaceae plastid genomes experienced occasional inversions, and there were likely two independent losses of the plastid inverted repeat (IR) region. Retained plastid genes remain under generally strong purifying selection (ω << 1), with significant and sporadic weakening or strengthening in several instances. The bifunctional trnE-UUC gene of Thismia huangii may retain a secondary role in heme biosynthesis, despite a probable loss of functionality in protein translation. Several cis-spliced group IIA introns have been retained, despite the loss of the plastid intron maturase, matK.


We infer that most gene losses in Thismiaceae occurred early and rapidly, following the initial loss of photosynthesis in its stem lineage. As a species-rich, fully mycoheterotrophic lineage, Thismiaceae provide a model system for uncovering the unique and divergent ways in which plastid genomes evolve in heterotrophic plants.  相似文献   

The endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts from cyanobacteria has long been suspected and has been confirmed in recent years by many lines of evidence. Debate now is centered on whether plastids are derived from a single endosymbiotic event or from multiple events involving several photosynthetic prokaryotes and/or eukaryotes. Phylogenetic analysis was undertaken using the inferred amino acid sequences from the genes psbA, rbcL, rbcS, tufA and atpB and a published analysis (Douglas and Turner, 1991) of nucleotide sequences of small subunit (SSU) rRNA to examine the relationships among purple bacteria, cyanobacteria and the plastids of non-green algae (including rhodophytes, chromophytes, a cryptophyte and a glaucophyte), green algae, euglenoids and land plants. Relationships within and among groups are generally consistent among all the trees; for example, prochlorophytes cluster with cyanobacteria (and not with green plastids) in each of the trees and rhodophytes are ancestral to or the sister group of the chromophyte algae. One notable exception is that Euglenophytes are associated with the green plastid lineage in psbA, rbcL, rbcS and tufA trees and with the non-green plastid lineage in SSU rRNA trees. Analysis of psbA, tufA, atpB and SSU rRNA sequences suggests that only a single bacterial endosympbiotic event occurred leading to plastids in the various algal and plant lineages. In contrast, analysis of rbcL and rbcS sequences strongly suggests that plastids are polyphyletic in origin, with plastids being derived independently from both purple bacteria and cyanobacteria. A hypothesis consistent with these discordant trees is that a single bacterial endosymbiotic event occurred leading to all plastids, followed by the lateral transfer of the rbcLS operon from a purple bacterium to a rhodophyte.  相似文献   

Cotinus coggygria Scop. (Anacardiaceae) is an important ornamental tree with beautiful characteristics that is grown in China. In this study, the complete plastid genome of C. coggygria was sequenced and assembled. This genome was 158,843 bp in size and presented a typical tetrad structure, consisting of a large single-copy region (87,121 bp), a pair of inverted repeat regions (26,829 bp), and a small single-copy region (18,064 bp). A total of 134 genes were annotated, including 88 protein-coding genes, 38 tRNA genes, and 8 rRNA genes. We observed a deletion that caused the loss of the rpl32 gene, and a small expansion of IR regions resulted in the trnH gene accessing IR regions; two copies were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis showed that C. coggygria was most closely related to Pistacia, with 100% bootstrap support within Anacardiaceae. In this study, we report the plastid genome of Cotinus species for the first time, which provides insight into the evolution of the plastid genome in Anacardiaceae and promotes the understanding of Cotinus plants.  相似文献   

Chlorarachniophytes are amoeboflagellate cercozoans that acquired a plastid by secondary endosymbiosis. Chlorarachniophytes are the last major group of algae for which there is no completely sequenced plastid genome. Here we describe the 69.2-kbp chloroplast genome of the model chlorarachniophyte Bigelowiella natans. The genome is highly reduced in size compared with plastids of other photosynthetic algae and is closer in size to genomes of several nonphotosynthetic plastids. Unlike nonphotosynthetic plastids, however, the B. natans chloroplast genome has not sustained a massive loss of genes, and it retains nearly all of the functional photosynthesis-related genes represented in the genomes of other green algae. Instead, the genome is highly compacted and gene dense. The genes are organized with a strong strand bias, and several unusual rearrangements and inversions also characterize the genome; notably, an inversion in the small-subunit rRNA gene, a translocation of 3 genes in the major ribosomal protein operon, and the fragmentation of the cluster encoding the large photosystem proteins PsaA and PsaB. The chloroplast endosymbiont is known to be a green alga, but its evolutionary origin and relationship to other primary and secondary green plastids has been much debated. A recent hypothesis proposes that the endosymbionts of chlorarachniophytes and euglenids share a common origin (the Cabozoa hypothesis). We inferred phylogenies using individual and concatenated gene sequences for all genes in the genome. Concatenated gene phylogenies show a relationship between the B. natans plastid and the ulvophyte-trebouxiophyte-chlorophyte clade of green algae to the exclusion of Euglena. The B. natans plastid is thus not closely related to that of Euglena, which suggests that plastids originated independently in these 2 groups and the Cabozoa hypothesis is false.  相似文献   

Summary It is well documented that chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) recombination occurs at a relatively high frequency during sexual reproduction of unicellular green algae from the Chlamydomonas genus. Like the cpDNAs of most land plants, those of Chlamydomonas species are divided into two single-copy regions by a large inverted repeat sequence, part of which encodes the chloroplast rRNA genes. In the present study, we scored the inheritance of polymorphic loci spanning the entire chloroplast genome in hybrids recovered from reciprocal interspecific and F1 crosses between Chlamydomonas eugametes and C. moewusii, and from these data, estimated the density of recombination junctions within each region of recombinant cpDNAs. Our results indicate that recombination junctions occur at highly variable frequencies across the three main domains of the chloroplast genome. The large inverted repeat sequence was found to exhibit at least a five-fold higher density of recombination junctions compared to one of the singlecopy regions, whereas junctions in the latter region were five-fold more abundant relative to those in the other single-copy region. This marked difference in the densities of recombination junctions implies that the extent of genetic linkage between two given chloroplast loci will depend not only on their physical distance, but also on their locations within the genome.  相似文献   

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