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The immunomorphological characteristics of interstitial macrophages with PAS-positive granules were studied in experimentalEscherichia coli pyelonephritis in rats, using an anti-E. coli antibody. Immunohistochemical, immunoelectron microscopical, as well as light- and electron microscopical findings were compared at twelve time points between 2 days and 13 weeks after infection. Macrophages with PAS-positive granules were present in the inflammatory infiltrates from the 7th day. The granules were phagolysosomes, filled pre-dominantly with myelin figures. The myelin figures originated mainly from the constituents of the bacterial wall and reacted with the anti-E. coli antibody even 13 weeks after infection. The storage of bacterial residues with preserved antigenic structures for several weeks after infection indicates disturbed phagolysosomal elimination of the bacterial substances in the PAS-positive macrophages. In the formation of macrophages with PAS-positive granules, lysosomal overloading with large amounts of bacteria and cell debris is assumed, leading to consumption of the lysosomal enzymes, consequent incomplete breakdown and retention of the bacterial residues. Presented in part at the 73rd Congress of the German Pathological Society, Mainz, October 1989  相似文献   

The immunomorphological characteristics of interstitial macrophages with PAS-positive granules were studied in experimental Escherichia coli pyelonephritis in rats, using an anti-E. coli antibody. Immunohistochemical, immunoelectron microscopical, as well as light- and electron microscopical findings were compared at twelve time points between 2 days and 13 weeks after infection. Macrophages with PAS-positive granules were present in the inflammatory infiltrates from the 7th day. The granules were phagolysosomes, filled predominantly with myelin figures. The myelin figures originated mainly from the constituents of the bacterial wall and reacted with the anti-E. coli antibody even 13 weeks after infection. The storage of bacterial residues with preserved antigenic structures for several weeks after infection indicates disturbed phagolysosomal elimination of the bacterial substances in the PAS-positive macrophages. In the formation of macrophages with PAS-positive granules, lysosomal overloading with large amounts of bacteria and cell debris is assumed, leading to consumption of the lysosomal enzymes, consequent incomplete breakdown and retention of the bacterial residues.  相似文献   

L-NAME (Nw-Nitro-L-arginine methylester) and L-NMMA (NG- Monomethyl-L-arginine, monoacetate) are used widely as nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitors. Because of their functional groups (alcohols, amines and carboxylates), it appeared that they could interact with iron in a variety of systems. Using three in vitro models we observed these two compounds had inhibitory effects on cytochrome C reduction by ferrous iron, by ferrous iron accelerated by an unsaturated fatty acid or by epinephrine. This suggests that L-NAME and L-NMMA could have effects in iron containing systems found intracellularly apart from their inhibition of (NO) synthesis.  相似文献   

Demonstration of an antigenic protein specific for Salmonella typhi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Current studies were undertaken to determine the presence of a specific antigenic protein on the outer membrane of Salmonella typhi. Immunoblot analysis using sera from patients with fevers revealed that the 50 kD band was specifically recognized only by typhoid sera. The 50 kD band located on the outer membrane is protein by nature and is not a Vi (capsular), dH (flagellar), or O9 (somatic) antigen of S. typhi. These results indicate the usefulness of the specific antigen in the development of a serodiagnostic test for typhoid fever since antibodies of both the IgM and IgG class responses were obtained.  相似文献   

Wang L  Miller A  Rusch SL  Kendall DA 《Biochemistry》2004,43(41):13185-13192
Protein translocation in Escherichia coli is initiated by the interaction of a preprotein with the membrane translocase composed of a motor protein, SecA ATPase, and a membrane-embedded channel, the SecYEG complex. The extent to which the signal peptide region of the preprotein plays a role in SecYEG interactions is unclear, in part because studies in this area typically employ the entire preprotein. Using a synthetic signal peptide harboring a photoaffinity label in its hydrophobic core, we examined this interaction with SecYEG in a detergent micellar environment. The signal peptide was found to specifically bind SecY in a saturable manner and at levels comparable to those that stimulate SecA ATPase activity. Chemical and proteolytic cleavage of cross-linked SecY and analysis of the signal peptide adducts indicate that the binding was primarily to regions of the protein containing transmembrane domains seven and two. The signal peptide-SecY interaction was affected by the presence of SecA and nucleotides in a manner consistent with the transfer of signal peptide to SecY upon nucleotide hydrolysis at SecA.  相似文献   

Abstract We have examined heat-stable opsonins to 4 species of gamma-irradiated mycobacteria ( M. tuberculosis (H37Rv), M. avium (28A), M. scrofulaceum and M. leprae (cd 103)) in complement-depleted sera collected from Indonesian subjects with tuberculosis (106 patients), leprosy (24 patients) and controls (40 hospital workers and 41 factory workers) indirectly by microtitre plate chemiluminescence (CL) assay and compared the results with antibody levels. The results indicate that there is a wide range of opsonic capacity for mycobacteria in complement-depleted sera. There was a poor correlation between the opsonic capacity as measured by CL and the anti-mycobacterial antibody content of sera measured by ELISA, suggesting that anti-mycobacterial antibody has little influence on the uptake of mycobacteria. However, a non-specific heat-stable opsonin appears to be present in some sera. Conversely, some sera from tuberculosis or leprosy patients suppress the production of reactive oxygen species from normal phagocytes in vitro when stimulated with M. tuberculosis . The relevance of this inhibition and the presence of heat-stable opsonins to the pathogenesis of tuberculosis have yet to be determined, but it is possible that the presence of opsonins may inhibit dissemination of tubercle bacilli to other organs.  相似文献   

The failure of cystic fibrosis patients to limit chronic infection due to mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa might be due to ineffective opsonins produced against this bacterium. Nonopsonizing antibody to the bacterial capsule, mucoid exopolysaccharide (MEP), appears at elevated titers during chronic colonization of cystic fibrosis patients, as do opsonins not specific for MEP. Nonopsonic antibodies to MEP occur naturally in most adults and can be induced in animals by immunization. A limited number of humans produce MEP-specific opsonic antibodies after immunization. The purpose of this study was to compare the activation and deposition of C components onto the bacterial surface in the presence of these different antibodies. Opsonic killing uses the classical C pathway. MEP-specific opsonic and nonopsonic antibodies bound to whole bacteria and activated C to a comparable degree, but opsonic antibody deposited 3 to 40 times more C3 onto bacteria, mostly as C3bi, compared to nonopsonic antibody. In addition, two to three times as much nonopsonic mAb as opsonic mAb (both IgG2b) bound to the bacteria at comparable input concentrations, indicating the difference in C deposition was not due to differences in antibody binding. Non-MEP-specific opsonins also bound C3 to the bacteria, but only a mean of 27 +/- 14% was ester linked, compared with 81 +/- 11% of C3 deposited by MEP-specific opsonins. Immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that two-thirds of the C3 bound in the presence of MEP-specific opsonins was linked to MEP, whereas non-MEP-specific opsonins obtained from infected patients deposited the C3 onto LPS and other unidentified Ag. These data show that MEP-specific opsonins function by depositing C3 onto the outer bacterial surface that differentiates them from non-MEP-specific opsonins produced in response to chronic infection.  相似文献   

Porins and specific channels of bacterial outer membranes   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Porins and specific channels both produce water-filled pores that allow the transmembrane diffusion of small solutes, but the latter contain specific ligand-binding sites within the channels. Recent structural studies show that many or most of these proteins exist as beta-barrels with the beta-strands traversing the thickness of the outer membrane. The channels often have diameters in the range of 1 nm, and thus the penetration rates of solutes through porin channels are likely to be affected strongly by what appear to be minor differences in the size, shape, hydrophobicity or charge of the solute molecule. With the specific channels, the presence of binding sites can accelerate very significantly the diffusion of some ligands when they are present at low concentrations. Thus these simple channels can sometimes achieve a surprising degree of real or apparent specificity. Recent data tend to favour the idea that these proteins are first exported into the periplasm, and then inserted into the outer membrane. Although lipopolysaccharides seem to play a significant role in the final assembly of the trimeric porins, the details of the targeting process still remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from twenty three patients with non specific mental retardation and fourteen age matched normal samples was subjected for qualitative analysis of protein profiles by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and the proteins were visualised by ultra sensitive silver staining. Two proteins designated as mental retardation associated proteins (MRAP-I and MRAP-II) were identified in six male patients out of twenty three patients CSF samples. MRAP-I had an isoelectric point of 7.4 with a relative molecular weight 16.5 kDa, while MRAP-II had an iso-electric point of 7.2 with a relative molecular weight 16.8 kDa. The two proteins are presumed to be originated from brain, as they could not be traced in the serum of patients, nor due to proteolytic degradation. Despite unknown origin and identity, their presence in the CSF of a specific group of mentally retarded male patients suggest their possible clinical utility and to define protein alterations in mental retardation.  相似文献   

Existence of secretory granules and exocytosis during secretion of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in human placenta has been a point of controversy. Using two methods, the highly sensitive avidin-biotin complex (ABC) method and the protein A-gold technique, for immunochemical identification of beta-hCG on electron microscopic sections, we have examined placentas at 8-10 weeks gestation and at term for the presence of secretory granules. First-trimester placentas demonstrated plentiful syncytiotrophoblast cytoplasmic granules, some undergoing exocytosis, when stained using specific beta-hCG antiserum in the ABC and protein A-gold methods. Term placentas did not show positive reaction product. The data demonstrate that the classic secretory granule-exocytosis pathway mediates placental hCG secretion. However, clear morphological differences exist between placenta granules and hormone secretory granules observed in pituitary, consistent with known functional differences between these organs. This methodology will be useful for further studies of the secretory pathways for placental peptides.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Salmon calcitonin binding by isolated gill cells from rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri has been investigated.
  • 2.2. The calcitonin receptor interaction is time- and temperature-dependent.
  • 3.3. 50% of inhibition of the 125I labeled calcitonin binding is observed in presence of 1.5 ng/ml unlabeled salmon calcitonin.
  • 4.4. Two types of receptors are described: a high affinity-low capacity site and a low affinity-large capacity site.
  • 5.5. These studies strongly support the role of calcitonin as a hormone regulating the gill function in physiological conditions.

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