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Isolation of nuclei from Euglena gracilis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A method for the isolation of nuclei from the lower eukaryote, Euglena gracilis, utilizing MES buffer at pH 5.5 and sodium meta bisulfite is presented. The method takes advantage of the finding that sodium meta bisulfite reversibly alters the density of the nuclei allowing them to be separated from cytoplasmic fragments and unbroken whole cells. Nuclei are obtained in a yield of 25–37 %, appear intact ultrastructurally, and contain acid-soluble proteins in an amount relatively the same as found in higher cell nuclei.  相似文献   

Current methods of nuclear isolation from liver disrupt the plasmalemmae via homogenization and separation of the nuclei by high centrifugal force (HCF) through gradients of sucrose or other substances for up to 80 min. The use of HCF for such a long time increases the potential for nuclear damage and degradation by endogenous proteases. We compared four combinations of alterations to classical nuclear isolation methods as follows. Mouse liver was gently crushed through a fine mesh with and without in vivo perfusion with collagenase. The cell suspension was centrifuged at 600g to remove gross debris and then at moderate centrifugal force (MCF, 16,000g) or high centrifugal force (HCF, 70,000g) through sucrose gradients for 30 min. The purity of the isolated nuclei was assessed biologically and morphologically, including analyses of representative marker proteins for nuclei and cytoplasm. The results indicate that MCF and no collagenase provided the highest nuclear integrity and purity, whereas MCF with collagenase is a viable option if priority is given to yield. The method is especially suited for small samples and so should facilitate studies with human liver biopsies and livers from mice, the most widely used species for gene targeting.  相似文献   

Summary A method is given for isolating nuclei from Euglena gracilis. The method yields 29% of the total DNA in the original culture in the final nuclear pellet. The protein: DNA mass ratio of the final pellet is 2.38.  相似文献   

High levels of RNAase present in rat kidney have prevented isolation of intact polyribosomes from this tissue. This problem has been circumvented by a thorough in situ arterial perfusion of rat kidney, coupled with homogenization of the perfused rat kidney in heparin and detergents-fortified high-speed supernatant prepared from rat liver. This procedure reduced RNAase activity in the homogenate by as much as 70%. Sedimentation of the polyribosomes from this homogenate through a layer of 2.0 M sucrose resulted in a 78--80% yield of polyribosomes from the rat kidney. The resulting polyribosomal pellet contained less than 8% of the RNAase activity present in polyribosomes from non-perfused rat kidney. The remaining RNAase activity was separated from the larger polyribomes by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The majority of the polyribosomes were larger than tetramers. This procedure also incrased both the yield and size of polyribosomes from rat and mouse liver.  相似文献   

S Swaminathan  R M Bock 《Biochemistry》1977,16(7):1355-1360
Three ribonucleosides responsible for cytokinin activity in Euglena gracilis var Bacillaris tRNA have been isolated and identified as 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-beta-D-ribofuranosylpurine, 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-cis-2-butenylamino)-9-beta-D-ribofuranosylpurine, and 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-beta-D-ribofuranosylpurine. The structures of these compounds were assigned on the basis of their chromatographic properties and ultraviolet and mass spectra which were identical with those of the corresponding synthetic compounds. The elution profiles of cytokinin bioassay activity and of 35S radioactivity suggest the presence of a trace amount of 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-beta-D-ribofuranosylpurine.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for isolating nuclei from either the conidial or germinated conidial growth phase of Neurospora crassa. A frozen conidial suspension was lysed by passage through a French pressure cell, and the nuclei were freed from the broken cells by repeated homogenization in an Omni-Mixer. Pure nuclei were obtained from the crude nuclear fraction by density banding in a Ludox gradient. The final nuclear yield was 20 to 30%. The nuclei had a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA):ribonucleic acid (RNA):protein ratio of 1:3.5:7 and were active in RNA synthesis. The nuclei, stained with the DNA stain 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, appeared under fluorescence microscopy as bright blue spheres, 1 micron in diameter, essentially free from cytoplasmic attachments. Chromatin extracted from the nuclei in a 70 to 75% yield by dissociation with 2 M sodium chloride and 5 M urea had a DNA:RNA:protein ratio of 1:1.05:1.7. Chromatin reconstituted from this preparation exhibited a level of RNA polymerase template activity lower than that of pure Neurospora DNA, but the maximum level of reconstitution obtained was only 10%. Fractionation of Neurospora chromatin on hydroxylapatite separated the histones from the chromatin acidic proteins. The normal complement of histone proteins was present in both the reconstituted and dissociated chromatin preparations. The acidic protein fraction exhibited a variety of bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis ranging in molecular weight from 15,000 to 70,000. The gel pattern was much more complex for total dissociated chromatin than for reconstituted chromatin.  相似文献   

A method has been developed to isolate pure preparations of nuclei in high yield from commercially available viable rice embryos (germ), employing extraction with buffer solution containing glycerol (without detergent) and polyamine, followed by centrifugation on a 30% Percoll cushion. The intactness of the isolated nuclei was confirmed by light microscopy as well as electron microscopy. The protein profiles of both whole nuclei and nuclear extracts obtained by SDS-PAGE, organellar marker enzyme activities, DNA and RNA analyses, and in vitro RNA synthesis, all indicate that the highly purified nuclei are isolated from rice embryos.  相似文献   

Nuclei isolated from the lower eukaryote, Euglena gracilis, incorporate labelled amino acids into hot-TCA-insoluble material under conditions of incubation similar to those used for higher eukaryotes. Optimal temperature for amino acid incorporation by Euglena nucleic is 25° to 30°C. Optimal pH is 5.0. ATP stimulates incorporation only to a small extent. Evidence is presented that the product synthesized is protein.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts observed, by electron microscopy, to be intact and uncontaminated, with high rates of light-dependent protein synthesis and CO2 fixation were isolated from cells grown on low-vitamin-B12 medium in the light or from cells grown in the same medium in the dark and then exposed to light for 36 h. Both types of chloroplasts were active but less variability was encountered with developing chloroplasts from 36-h cells. The 36-h chloroplasts showed good light-dependent incorporation of 5-amino-levulinic acid (ALA) or l-glutamic acid into chlorophyll (Chl) a which was linear for approx. 1 h. The specific activity of the Chl a remained the same after conversion to pheophytin a, methylpheophorbide a or pyromethylpheophorbide a and rechromatography, indicating that the label was in the tetrapyrrole. Incorporation of ALA was inhibited by levulinic acid, and by chloramphenicol and other inhibitors of translation of 70S-type chloroplast ribosomes at concentrations which did not appreciably inhibit photosynthesis but which blocked plastid protein synthesis nearly completely. Cycloheximide, an inhibitor of translation on 87S cytoplasmic ribosomes of Euglena, was without effect. The 70S inhibitors did not block uptake of labeled ALA. Although labeled glycine was taken up by the plastids, no incorporation into Chl a was observed. Thus the developing chloroplasts appear to contain all of the enzymatic machinery necessary to convert glutamic acid to Chl via the C5 pathway of ALA formation but the Shemin pathway from succinyl coenzyme A and glycine to ALA appears to be absent. The requirement for plastid protein synthesis concomitant with Chl synthesis indicates a regulatory interaction and also indicates that at least one protein influencing Chl synthesis is synthesized on 70S-type plastid ribosomes and is subject to metabolic turnover.Abbreviations ALA 5-aminolevulinic acid - Chl chlorophyll  相似文献   

Chloroplasts were separated from Euglena gracilis by zonal centrifugation at low speed in density gradients of Ficoll or dextran. The chloroplasts were intact by the criteria of ultrastructure and their content of ribulose diphosphate carboxylase and soluble protein. The chloroplasts also contained ribosomes and ribosomal RNA uncontaminated by the corresponding cytoplasmic particles.  相似文献   

Large volumes of eyespot granules were isolated from homogenates of Euglena gracilis Klebs var. bacillaris Pringsheim by flotation centrifugation in a Beckman Ti-15 zonal rotor, and were further purified by centrifugation in a swinging bucket rotor. Examination with the electron microscope showed the eyespot granules to be free from other cellular material. Freezing had no apparent effect on the structure or on the absorption properties of the eyespots. Absorption spectra of pure fractions of eyespot granules free of chloroplast contamination showed the previously reported curves in the range of 360 to 520 nanometers, as well as a peak at 660 to 675 nanometers. The procedure for the large scale isolation of eyespot granules from Euglena gracilis is compared with other methods which have employed conventional centrifugation, and the significance of the use of zonal rotors for isolating large quantities of pure eyespot granules is discussed.  相似文献   

Nuclei from mature neutrophil granulocytes were prepared from peritonal exudates of goats. Fluorescein mercuric acetate was required to stabilize the nuclei and fix nucleoproteins. Following differential centrifugation and detergent treatment, electron microscopy showed the interlobar region to be free of cytoplasmic tabs. All of the DNA of the cell was recovered in the nucleus and 71% of the RNA. The DNA : RNA was 6 : 1 in the intact cells, and 9 : 1 in the isolated nuclei. Protein:DNA was 11 : 1 and 4 : 1 for cells and nuclei, respectively. Representative fractions of histones and tryptophan-rich acidic proteins were prepared with (asp + glu) : (lys + arg + hist) values averaging 0.7 and 1.4 respectively. Histones accounted for 30% of the nuclear proteins while the residual proteins contained the bulk of the cystinyl residues. Granulocytes were characterized by high glycine titers, from 8 to 18% of the nuclear proteins, and 70% of the total free amino acids of the cell.  相似文献   

Intact nuclei were isolated from the protoplasts of the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. The large amounts of protoplasts required for such nuclear preparations were produced from young mycelia grown in liquid culture. For final purification of the crude nuclear fraction, a Nycodenz density-gradient centrifugation was applied. The resulting nuclei were of good purity and morphological state, as demonstrated by fluorescence microscopy and electronmicroscopy. The weight ratio of DNA:RNA:protein was 1:3.0:10.8 in the nuclear fraction.  相似文献   

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