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1) There are a variety of foraging and dietary patterns among primates; different species have generally obligate food habits. 2) There are a number of convergent dietary patterns among primates that are not taxonomically dependent; closely related species may have very different food habits, while the diets of unrelated forms may be quite similar. 3) At least at a general level, relationships exist between dietary patterns and alimentary tract adaptations. Further comparative studies of the histology of the gut tract of primates in conjunction with detailed and quantitative studies of the food habits of natural populations are needed to determine if more precise dietary/digestive tract relationships exist. Studies of this type should lead to a better understanding of digestive physiology. However, whether we can ever determine the "natural diet" of man by such comparisons, of course, still remains an unanswered question.  相似文献   

Weaning is a critical phase in intensive piglet production marked by the frequent occurrence of digestive disorders posing health and economic burden. To stave off such weaning-related problems, antibiotics and supplements containing high levels of ZnO are often used. In this study, we investigated whether natural fibres obtained from two plants known for their dietary fibre profile and antioxidant properties: flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), can serve as a health-promoting diet supplement. The study was conducted on a total of 191 Polish Large White piglets from 18 L, from their birth to 56 days of age. Piglets were divided by litters into six groups: W1.5, F1.5, H1.5, W2.0, F2.0, and H2.0. Groups W1.5, F1.5, and H1.5 received feed supplemented with 1.5% fibre from wood cellulose (W), flax (F), and hemp (H), respectively, while groups W2.0, F2.0, and H2.0 received feed with a higher 2.0% content of the same fibres. Flax and hemp fibres were characterised by a complex composition, antioxidant properties due to the presence of phenolic acids, and low risk of mycotoxin contamination. Flax fibre resulted in best weight gains and feed conversion ratio (P ≤ 0.05) of piglets, while hemp fibre had higher positive effect on antioxidant status (P ≤ 0.05) compared to the other two fibre additives. Neither flax nor hemp fibres had any adverse effect on the haematological and biochemical blood parameters. Piglets receiving a diet with 1.5% added fibre showed better growth performance, while diet supplementation with 2% fibre had a beneficial effect on the content of butyric acid in the small intestinal chyme (P ≤ 0.05). The results suggested that both flax and hemp fibres can be innovative feed additives for weaned piglets. However, further studies should be conducted in commercial farms, as the effects of dietary fibre could vary in more challenging environmental conditions.  相似文献   

张晓建  桑力轩 《微生物学通报》2022,49(10):4438-4447
大量研究表明,肠道菌群与神经退行性疾病和代谢性疾病等多种疾病的发生和发展息息相关,菌群的种类和数量会受到遗传、饮食习惯、运动等因素的影响。在代谢相关脂肪性肝病中,肠道菌群的部分代谢物通过增加肝脏脂肪变性、改变肠道黏膜通透性等方式对疾病的发展起到促进作用,菌群的种类和数量变化与病情进展的关系也被广泛研究,但是两者发生的先后顺序仍不十分明确。运动可以增加肠道有益菌群的种类和数量,同时改善高脂饮食导致的肠道菌群紊乱,并有效缓解代谢相关脂肪性肝病的病情,肠道菌群也能对机体的运动能力产生影响,但运动是如何通过肠道菌群来改善代谢相关脂肪性肝病的机制尚不十分明确。本文通过综述三者的相互关系来阐述肠道菌群和运动在代谢相关脂肪性肝病中发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

目的:调查高血压患者饮食习惯以及传统制剂服用现状,并分析饮食习惯与高血压患病的关系以及传统制剂服用的影响因素。方法:按照简单随机抽样法,采用自制调查问卷对呼和浩特市3个镇共8个行政村成年常住农村村民进行问卷调查,调查内容包括人口学特征、饮食习惯等内容,并采用多因素logistic回归分析饮食习惯与高血压患病的关系以及高血压患者传统制剂服用的影响因素。结果:呼和浩特市高血压患病率为22.68%。多因素logistic回归结果显示,较高的BMI、高血压家族史、饮酒史、泡菜咸菜、油炸食品、红肉(猪/牛/羊肉)/动物内脏、海产品是高血压独立危险因素(OR=1.257、1.451、1.358、1.317、1.108、1.146、1.373,P<0.05),奶制品、豆制品、新鲜果蔬是高血压保护因素(OR=0.797、0.868、0.903,P<0.05)。高血压患者传统制剂服用率为16.90%。多因素logistic回归结果显示,年龄≥60岁、文化程度高中以下、不了解高血压知识是高血压患者传统制剂服用的危险因素(OR=1.342、1.545、1.142,P<0.05)。结论:呼和浩特市农村成年村民高血压患病率较高,不良饮食习惯(饮食偏咸、油腻等)是高血压独立危险因素,高龄、文化程度低、不了解高血压知识的高血压患者传统制剂服用率较高,应加强农村居民合理膳食、保持均衡饮食习惯的宣传教育以及农村高血压患者用药规范。  相似文献   

Cancers of the alimentary tract are, collectively, amongst the major causes of morbidity and deaths from cancer across the world today. Of the 10 million new cases of cancer diagnosed in 2000, about 2.3 million were cancers of the pharynx, oesophagus, stomach or colorectum. Nevertheless, epidemiological studies indicate that cancers of the digestive organs are also amongst the most susceptible to modification by dietary factors. International variations in incidence suggest that round three quarters of all sporadic colorectal cancers are attributable to diet. Even within the relatively uniform environment of the European Union, there are variations in the incidence of colorectal and oesophageal cancers of about two- and six-fold, respectively. Carcinomas of the alimentary tract arise from epithelial cells via distinct sequences of neoplastic change, which require a large fraction of an individual's lifespan. The best characterised of these is the adenoma-carcinoma sequence of colorectal carcinogenesis, in which progressive loss of differentiation and normal morphology in a growing lesion is associated with the acquisition of somatic mutations, and of aberrant methylation of CpG-islands, leading to gene silencing. These molecular events are accompanied by functional changes, including increased mitosis and evasion of apoptosis. There is little evidence that diet exerts its effects primarily through food-borne carcinogens that can be identified and eliminated from the food-chain. It is far more probable that the adverse effects of diet are caused largely by over-consumption of energy, coupled with inadequate intakes of protective substances, including micronutrients, dietary fibre and a variety of phytochemicals. The latter are biologically active secondary plant metabolites, many of which modify cell proliferation and induce apoptosis in vitro. There is growing evidence that such effects also occur in vivo, and that they can suppress the progress of neoplasia. Carcinomas of the oesophagus, stomach and colon all appear to be partially preventable by diets rich in fruits and vegetables. Plant foods contain a variety of components including micronutrients, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and secondary metabolites such as glucosinolates and flavonoids, many of which can inhibit cell proliferation and induce apoptosis, and which may well act synergistically when combined in the human diet. The future challenge is to fully characterise and evaluate these effects at the cellular and molecular level, so at to exploit their full potential as protective mechanisms for the population as a whole.  相似文献   

Common chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD), diabetes, cancer, hypertension and obesity are significantly influenced by dietary and other behavioural habits. There is increasing scientific evidence that genetic factors (SNPs), conferring either protection or risk, also contribute importantly to the incidence of these diseases. SNPs are of particular interest because they influence disease in a complex but largely unknown manner by interacting with environmental and lifestyle factors. Because genetic factors also affect a person's response to dietary habits, SNPs likely will be useful in helping to determine and understand why individuals differ in their response to diets. Therefore, the discovery of SNPs will likely revolutionize not only the diagnosis of disease but also the practice of preventative medicine. Other developments, like new biomarkers and noninvasive imaging techniques, might turn out to be highly sensitive and specific in order to identify patients at risk, especially in cases with asymptomatic coronary heart disease. Thus, further knowledge of such new risk factors and their interaction with nutrition, has the potential to provide a more precise and personalized approach to prevent and treat chronic diseases like coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction and stroke.  相似文献   

刘昭曦  王禄山  陈敏 《微生物学报》2021,61(7):1816-1828
宿主与肠道共生菌之间存在一种互利共生的关系.肠道共生菌可以代谢宿主自身不能消化的多糖.进入肠道内的多糖是影响肠道共生菌生理状态和组成的重要因素,这些多糖主要来自饮食和宿主的粘膜分泌物.人类饮食中含有几十种不同的膳食多糖,其中大多数不能被人类基因组中编码的酶降解,并进入大肠,供肠道共生菌利用.肠道共生菌将这些不易消化的多...  相似文献   

The prevalence of obesity has grown to an alarming level of at least 300 million people worldwide. Additionally, a diabetes epidemic is underway, with an estimate of 217 million people with diabetes worldwide. There are many links between excessive body weight and type 2 diabetes, and one common and fundamental cause of both epidemics is an unhealthy diet. Research to identify and promote diets that protect individuals from obesity and type 2 diabetes is urgently needed. The Mediterranean diet, a concept developed in the 1950s, refers to dietary habits of individuals from the Mediterranean basin. The Mediterranean diet is an eating pattern that successfully combines pleasant taste and positive health effects. The Mediterranean diet does not stand for a homogenous and exclusive model among the Mediterranean basin population but rather represents a set of healthy dietary habits, including high consumption of vegetables and fresh fruits and the use of olive oil as the main source of fat. Evidence from epidemiological studies supports a protective effect of this dietary pattern on weight gain and the development of type 2 diabetes. Several mechanistic explanations link characteristic components of the Mediterranean diet with obesity and type 2 diabetes. This review will discuss potential mechanisms by which the Mediterranean diet protects individuals from both diseases.  相似文献   

Digestive capabilities, such as the rates nutrient hydrolysis and absorption, may affect energy intake and ultimately feeding behavior. In birds, a high diversity in gut biochemical capabilities seems to support the existence of a correlation between the morphology and physiology of the intestinal tract and chemical features of the natural diet. However, studies correlating the activity of digestive enzymes and the feeding habits at an evolutionary scale are scarce. We investigated the effect of dietary habits on the digestive physiological characteristics of eight species of passerine birds from Central Chile. The Order Passeriformes is a speciose group with a broad dietary spectrum that includes omnivorous, granivorous and insectivorous species. We measured the activity of three enzymes: maltase, sucrase and aminopeptidase-N. Using an autocorrelation analysis to remove the phylogenetic effect, we found that dietary habits had no effect on enzymatic activity. However, we found that granivorous and omnivorous species had higher levels of disaccharidase activities and insectivores had the lowest. The major difference in enzymatic activity found at the inter-specific level, compared to the reported lower magnitude of enzyme modulation owing to dietary acclimation, suggests that these differences to some extent have a genetic basis. However, the lack of a clear association between diet categories and gut physiology suggested us that dietary categorizations do not always reflect the chemical composition of the ingested food.  相似文献   

Captive reptiles often show higher growth rates than in the wild, possibly due to higher feeding intensity. Although health problems are usually linked to inappropriate diets, fast growth itself, such as triggered by appropriate diets fed in high amounts, has traditionally also been considered unfavorable for tortoises. We document growth rates (based on age and mass) from private Testudo hermanni and T. graeca breeders, which are generally higher than those reported for free‐ranging specimens, but show enormous variation. Tortoise patients presented to an exotics clinic also covered the whole growth rate spectrum. To test whether fast growth was associated with diseases, the age–body mass relationship of these patients was tested, in a retrospective evaluation, for additional influence factors, such as dietary history and occurrence of certain diet and growth‐related diseases. No indication was found that animals particularly heavy for their age were more prone to diet/growth‐related disorders. In general, tortoises fed diets with meat/grain were heavier for their age than tortoises fed more appropriate diets; dietary history was not related to a particular disease. The results suggest the age–body mass relationship may not be suitable for testing effects of fast growth; an age–body length relationship would be more appropriate. Animals presented for a diet/growth‐related disorder were younger than animals presented for other reasons; there was a significant negative correlation between the severity of pyramiding and age, suggesting that growth‐related disorders may well limit the life expectancy of tortoises. Controlled clinical studies are required to fully test this hypothesis. Zoo Biol. 31:705‐717, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

There is convincing epidemiological and clinical evidence that, independent of aging, lifestyle and, notably, nutrition are associated with development or progression of major human cancers, including breast, prostate, colorectal tumors, and an increasingly large collection of diet-related cancers. Mechanisms underlying this association are mostly related to the distinct epigenetic effects of different dietary patterns. In this context, Mediterranean diet has been reported to significantly reduce mortality rates for various chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Although many observational studies have supported this evidence, dietary intervention studies using a Mediterranean dietary pattern or its selected food components are still limited and affected by a rather large variability in characteristics of study subjects, type and length of intervention, selected end-points and statistical analysis. Here we review data of two of our intervention studies, the MeDiet study and the DiMeSa project, aimed at assessing the effects of traditional Mediterranean diet and/or its component(s) on a large panel of both plasma and urine biomarkers. Both published and unpublished results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The adsorption of mutagens by some dietary fibres has been suggested as one mechanism by which dietary fibres protect against colorectal cancer. It is thought that these dietary fibres carry the mutagen out of the digestive tract, decreasing the effective mutagen concentration to which epithelial cells are exposed. The ability of gastrointestinal mucin to alter the extent to which the hydrophobic mutagen 1,8-dinitropyrene (DNP) adsorbs in vitro onto the insoluble dietary fibre alpha-cellulose, was investigated. It was found that crude and purified human ileal mucins themselves adsorbed DNP and decreased the adsorption of DNP onto alpha-cellulose. Purified mucin which had been treated with trypsin also adsorbed DNP. These studies suggest that in the digestive tract there would be competition for the adsorption of DNP between mucin and insoluble dietary fibres, such as alpha-cellulose. This factor must be considered in predictions about the distribution of hydrophobic, mutagenic carcinogens in the digestive tract and their role in the etiology of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Folate being an important vitamin of B Complex group in our diet plays an important role not only in the synthesis of DNA but also in the maintenance of methylation reactions in the cells. Folate metabolism is influenced by several processes especially its dietary intake and the polymorphisms of the associated genes involved. Aberrant folate metabolism, therefore, affects both methylation as well as the DNA synthesis processes, both of which have been implicated in the development of various diseases. This paper reviews the current knowledge of the processes involved in folate metabolism and consequences of deviant folate metabolism, particular emphasis is given to the polymorphic genes which have been implicated in the development of various diseases in humans, like vascular diseases, Down's syndrome, neural tube defects, psychiatric disorders and cancers.  相似文献   

To prevent "life style-related diseases", it is necessary to evaluate not only the factors directly related to sleep but also the relationship between sleep and other life style-related factors (such as smoking, alcohol drinking, food habits, and exercise routines). There have been no extensive studies conducted on these relationships. A survey was conducted on 2,000 employees of a large plant over a 6-year period to provide data that would allow one to analyze correlation between hours of sleep and other life style factors, such as smoking, alcohol drinking, dietary habit, and exercise. It focused on a serial evaluation, with special reference to the correlation between sleep and smoking and drinking habits, exercise, and food habits. In relation to smoking or an alcohol drinking habit, no significant correlation was found between those who did not get enough sleep and those who got adequate sleep. For the dietary habits, the group with insufficient hours of sleep was related to a less than satisfactory frequency of meal taking, irregularity of eating, snacking habits, excessive seasoning of food, and consumption of insufficient quantities of vegetables. Conversely, it was recognized that those who have satisfactory food habits are more likely to enjoy an appropriate amount of sleep. Those who fail to get sufficient sleep engage in food habits that are more likely to cause life style-related diseases.  相似文献   

Developmental origins that guide the evolution of dental morphology and dental formulae are fundamental subjects in mammalian evolution. In a previous study, a developmental model termed the inhibitory cascade model was established. This model could explain variations in relative molar sizes and loss of the lower third molars, which sometimes reflect diet, in murine rodents and other mammals. Here, I investigated the pattern of relative molar sizes (inhibitory cascade pattern) in canids, a taxon exhibiting a wide range of dietary habits. I found that interspecific variation in canid molars suggests a unique inhibitory cascade pattern that differs from that in murine rodents and other previously reported mammals, and that this variation reflects dietary habits. This unique variability in molars was also observed in individual variation in canid species. According to these observations, canid species have greater variability in the relative sizes of first molars (carnassials), which are functionally important for dietary adaptation in the Carnivora. In conclusion, an inhibitory cascade that differs from that in murine rodents and other mammals may have contributed to diverse dietary patterns and to their parallel evolution in canids.  相似文献   

We characterize the flexibility in digestive performance in degus (Octodon degus) an herbivorous rodent. We tested the hypothesis that dietary and physiological-digestive flexibility are correlated. Degus were fed with artificial diets of different chemical composition from weaning to adulthood and their digestive performance was measured through records of apparent digestibility. The starch content of the acclimation diet was not correlated with protein digestibility nor was it correlated with starch digestibility. In addition, digestive tract morphology was not affected by dietary treatments. Hence, an absence of morphological and physiological flexibility related to digestive traits was observed in degus. The lower flexibility in digestive performance given by our dietary experimental treatments of degus, may be an evolutionary constraint related to their specialized herbivorous food habits.  相似文献   

Crustaceans exhibit great diversity of feeding structures with morphological traits that are useful to infer the general trophic habits of species. In this study, we analyzed the functional morphology of comminuting feeding structures (mandibles, chelipeds, gastric mill) of the freshwater crab Trichodactylus borellianus directly related with the food fragmentation. The heterochely and mechanical advantage (MA) of the chelae were also studied. In both analyses, we considered the relationship between morphology and the natural diet. We expected to find a consistent relation between feeding habits and morphological traits. In general, we found simple structures armed with uniform setal systems and feeding appendages without pronounced teeth or spines. Mandibles have primarily cutting functions, helping with the food anchoring and fragmentation with mandibular palps armed with pappose setae. Chelipeds were covered with spines and simple setae. Adult males exhibited right-handedness with high MA of the major chelae. The ingested, relatively large pieces of food are finally chewed by a gastric mill equipped with sharp cusps characteristic of decapods with low ingestion of crude fiber material. The morphology of the feeding apparatus revealed that it is well adapted to an omnivorous diet, being able to cope with dietary changes.  相似文献   

Linoleic acid is the most prominent polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in the Western diet. It is virtually found in every food we eat and is the predominant PUFA in land-based meats, dairy, vegetables, vegetable oils, cereals, fruits, nuts, legumes, seeds and breads. Because linoleic acid is the metabolic precursor of arachidonic acid and bioactive eicosanoids derived from arachidonic acid, there is concern that dietary linoleic acid could augment tissue arachidonic acid content, eicosanoid formation and subsequently enhance the risk of and/or exacerbate conditions associated with acute and chronic diseases (i.e., cancers, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, neurological disorders, etc.). The following series of papers examines the impact of modifying dietary levels of linoleic acid on health outcomes. The authors were asked to start with current intakes of linoleic acid (adults) and determine if health outcomes would change if linoleic acid intake increased or decreased. The authors addressed changes in tissue arachidonic acid content and eicosanoid formation, cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that the acculturation process may contribute to psychosocial and health problems among immigrants through the mediation of acculturation stress. This study focuses on adolescents with immigrant background permanently settled in the Croatian region of Dalmatia and the influences of the acculturation process on their dietary habits, nutritional behavior and perceived body-image. The survey was conducted on the total sample of 510 adolescents (aged 14-19) including 52 first generation and 248 second generation immigrants. The analysis included dietary habits and questions of restrictive diet as indicators of unhealthy influence on physical health. Psychological factors (stress and self-esteem) have been found to be associated with dietary habits, diet behavior and dissatisfaction with body-image among adolescents with significant differences by immigrant status. Immigrant status is viewed as a risk factor for psychological distress and unhealthy dieting behavior. Research stresses the need to study the interaction between acculturation and health not only from an individual perspective, but also from the broader socio-ecological context of population subgroups.  相似文献   

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