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建立了一种亲和层析纯化肌质网Ca ̄(2+)-ATP酶的方法.用非离子型去污剂C_(12)E_8溶解肌质网,再通过反应红-120琼脂糖亲和层析柱使肌质网Ca ̄(2+)-ATP酶纯度从粗品中的65%提高到99%,并具有较高ATP水解活性.经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测,为电泳纯.  相似文献   

用单细胞阳离子测定系统研究了SeO2-3对巨噬细胞内游离Ca2+和Mg2+的影响.实验结果表明:SeO2-3高于10-4mol/L时,有显著的细胞毒性.SeO2-3对细胞的毒性作用使细胞内游离Ca2+和Mg2+的浓度升高但Ca2+浓度的升高速率比Mg2+快.还有,高于10-4mol/L的SeO2-3对红细胞膜上的Ca2+-ATP酶活性有明显抑制作用.  相似文献   

以猪脑为材料,经匀浆、差速离心、蔗糖密度梯度离心分离突触体. 低渗破膜得到突触体膜. Triton X-100增溶后,经钙调蛋白亲和层析可得去脂的质膜Ca2+-ATPase. 用大体积亲和柱和大体积低Ca2+淋洗液淋洗,可得产率、纯度和活性均较高的质膜Ca2+-ATPase. 与大豆磷脂保温后,去脂的Ca2+-ATPase的水解活力可恢复达3.32 μmol/(mg·min).SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳银染显示单一蛋白质带,分子质量约为140 ku,纯度在90%以上. 不同Ca2+浓度明显影响酶的活力.  相似文献   

川楝素是我国学者从驱蛔中药中分离、鉴定的一个三萜化合物,已证明具选择地影响神经递质释放,有效地对抗肉毒中毒,促进细胞分化、凋亡,抑制肿瘤增殖,抑制昆虫发育和取食,影响K+、Ca2+通道活动等多种生物效应. 综述了证明川楝素抑制多种K+通道,选择地易化L型Ca2+通道和进而升高胞内Ca+浓度的研究资料,并对川楝素产生这些生物效应的机制进行了讨论.  相似文献   

采用正交实验研究了外加Ca2+和La3+对酿酒酵母生长的影响。结果表明:外加Ca2+和La3+对酿酒酵母的生长均有显著的影响,都呈现出低浓度时正效应和高浓度时负效应,当Ca2+浓度为1mmol/L及La3+浓度为15μmol/L时酿酒酵母生长最好。  相似文献   

以细胞壁崩溃酶-Driselflse短时间处理水霉(Saprozegma ferax)菌丝,pH5.0时可使原生质从菌丝亚顶端喷出,pH6.0~8.0时则不导致该现象发生;适当浓度EGTA的存在,可提高pH5.0时酶解引起的原生质喷出频率、使pH6.0~8.0时生长菌丝的顶端原生质也喷出、并且喷出多发生在菌丝最顶端;外加CaCl2.不抑制菌丝顶端原生质的喷出,排除了Ca2+抑制酶活性的可能。随后的跟踪观察显示,长时间以缺Ca2+培养介质培养菌丝,同样能够导致菌丝顶端原生质喷出。上述研究结果表明,培养介质中Ca2+和H+对菌丝完整性的维持起调节作用,细胞壁上的Ca2+可能参与了水霉菌丝细胞壁物理特性的修饰。  相似文献   

研究了胞外Ca2+对粟酒裂殖酵母Schizosaccharomyces pombe)细胞增殖的影响。实验结果首次证明胞外Ca2+能明显促进粟酒裂殖酵母的增殖,其作用方式主要是缩短了粟酒裂殖酵母的生长延滞期。当起始的接种细胞密度升高至使粟酒裂殖酵母的生长延滞期消失时,外加Ca2+的作用也消失。EGTA可抑制粟酒裂殖酵母的细胞增殖,而外加Ca2+能够有效消除EGTA的抑制作用,进一步说明胞外Ca2+是粟酒裂殖酵母增殖所必需的。此外,外加EGTA除了可延长细胞增殖的延滞期外,还能显著降低指数期细胞分裂的速率以及达到稳定期时培养液中的细胞总数,提示缺Ca2+还影响粟酒裂殖酵母细胞的分裂。  相似文献   

为研究金属离子诱导下感受态细胞形成的机理及揭示转化发生的机制,分别用Ca~(2+)和Sr~(2+)(0~140mmol/L)制备大肠埃希菌感受态细胞并转化。研究结果表明,不同浓度的Ca~(2+)和Sr~(2+)诱导的感受态细胞的效价不同,两种金属离子对大肠埃希菌细胞内外膜的通透性均有较大影响,但细胞内外膜的改变程度与转化率无直接关系;电镜结果显示,未处理的细胞呈簇聚集发生粘连现象,感受态细胞整体呈分散状态,局部发生聚集,而转化后的细胞独立存在,边缘异常清晰。  相似文献   

KATP通道在细胞的新陈代谢与膜兴奋性的耦联中起重要作用.采用膜片钳的内面向外式记录方法,在成年大鼠海马CA1区锥体细胞上记录到一种被胞浆侧ATP和甲糖宁(tolbutamide,一种KATP通道阻断剂)抑制的Ca2+依赖性钾离子通道.在细胞膜内外的K+浓度均为140 mmol/L时,通道的电导为(204±21) pS,翻转电位为(3.57±1.13) mV,通道无整流性.通道开放概率及ATP对通道的抑制作用均呈现电压依赖性.该KATP通道与以往报道的“经典”KATP通道有显著不同,其活动受膜电位、胞内Ca2+和ATP三重调节,表明这是一种新型的KATP通道.上述结果表明在海马神经元上至少有两种性质不同的KATP通道,提示神经元可能通过不同性质的KATP通道感受细胞内的代谢状态,进而调节细胞膜的兴奋性.  相似文献   

用生化测定法首次证实豚鼠精子质膜Ca2+-ATPase活性在精子获能和顶体反应过程中显著下降.Ca2+-ATPase抑制剂利尿酸(ethacrynic acid)抑制质膜Ca2+-ATPase活性,但钙调素(50μg/mL)的拮抗剂三氟拉嗪(TFP,200~500μmol/L)对该酶活性没有影响,说明钙调素不直接参与精子依赖于ATP的Ca2+的主动泵出.但钙调素与精子的Ca2+内流有关,钙调素拮抗剂TFP显著促进精子顶体反应和精子对Ca2+的摄入.Ca2+-ATPase抑制剂栎皮酮(quercetin)、原钒酸钠(sodiumorthovandate)、利尿磺胺(furosemide)和利尿酸均显著促进豚鼠精子的顶体反应,但却抑制精子对Ca2+的摄入,这无法用它们对质膜Ca2+-ATPase活性的抑制作用解释.推测这可能是由于Ca2+-ATPase抑制剂在抑制质膜Ca2+-ATPase活性的同时也抑制了顶体外膜或线粒体外膜上的该酶的活性,导致Ca2+在细胞质内的积累,进而通过负反馈机制抑制Ca2+进一步内流所致.另外,Ca2+-ATPase抑制剂对糖酵解的抑制作用也可能是Ca2+在细胞质中积累和抑制精子Ca2+摄入的原因.  相似文献   

用微量提取和高效薄板层析方法研究了外源性神经节苷脂GM3掺入兔肌质网膜的动力学过程.将掺入量分别相对于掺入浓度、时间和温度作图,显示掺入曲线均呈抛物线形式.当掺入体系中GM3浓度为8 μmol/L、掺入时间为90 min、掺入温度为35℃时,其掺入量达到最大值,约为掺入体系中GM3量的50%.上述结果表明外源性GM3对肌质网膜的作用不仅仅是一种简单的水相反应,而是一个依赖于掺入浓度、时间和温度,并具有一定的饱和度的掺入到肌质网膜脂双层中的动力学过程.进一步的实验表明外源性GM3的掺入能明显增加肌质网Ca2+-ATP酶的活力.这为从分子水平上研究糖脂对细胞内膜系统的结构与功能的调节作用提供了重要的基础.  相似文献   

Ca2+泵(Ca2+-ATPase)是调节细胞内Ca2+浓度的重要蛋白质之一. Ca2+泵在转运Ca2+的过程中经历一系列构象变化. 其中,E1状态为外向的Ca2+高亲和状态,E2状态则为内向的Ca2+低亲和状态. 目前,骨骼肌内质网Ca2+泵转运Ca2+过程中的几个中间状态,包括E1-2Ca2+,E1-ATP,E1-P-ADP,E2-Pi和E2状态的三维晶体结构已经解析. 介绍这几种状态的晶体结构,并分析Ca2+泵在执行功能过程中结构与功能的关系.  相似文献   

The sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle retains a membrane bound Ca2+-ATPase which is able to interconvert different forms of energy. A part of the chemical energy released during ATP hydrolysis is converted into heat and in the bibliography it is assumed that the amount of heat produced during the hydrolysis of an ATP molecule is always the same, as if the energy released during ATP cleavage were divided in two non-interchangeable parts: one would be converted into heat, and the other used for Ca2+ transport. Data obtained in our laboratory during the past three years indicate that the amount of heat released during the hydrolysis of ATP may vary between 7 and 32 kcal/mol depending on whether or not a transmembrane Ca2+ gradient is formed across the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. Drugs such as heparin and dimethyl sulfoxide are able to modify the fraction of the chemical energy released during ATP hydrolysis which is used for Ca2+ transport and the fraction which is dissipated in the surrounding medium as heat.  相似文献   

应用生物膜的分离与重建技术, 将GM3、大豆磷脂与肌质网Ca2+-ATP酶共同重建在脂质体上, 酶活力明显增加. 经负染、冷冻断裂复型后电镜等形态学方法证实形成的脂酶体囊泡封闭性好,脂酶体上Ca2+-ATP酶蛋白颗粒均匀、直径增大.  相似文献   

Isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles in the presence of Mg(2+) and absence of Ca(2+) retain significant ATP hydrolytic activity that can be attributed to the Ca(2+)-ATPase protein. At neutral pH and the presence of 5 mM Mg(2+), the dependence of the hydrolysis rate on a linear ATP concentration scale can be fitted by a single hyperbolic function. MgATP hydrolysis is inhibited by either free Mg(2+) or free ATP. The rate of ATP hydrolysis is not perturbed by vanadate, whereas the rate of p-nitrophenyl phosphate hydrolysis is not altered by a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog. ATP binding affinity at neutral pH and in a Ca(2+)-free medium is increased by Mg(2+) but decreased by vanadate when Mg(2+) is present. It is suggested that MgATP hydrolysis in the absence of Ca(2+) requires some optimal adjustment of the enzyme cytoplasmic domains. The Ca(2+)-independent activity is operative at basal levels of cytoplasmic Ca(2+) or when the Ca(2+) binding transition is impeded.  相似文献   

The uncoupling of Ca2+ transport from ATP hydrolysis in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase by trypsin digestion was re-investigated by comparing ATPase activity with the ability of the enzyme to occlude Eu3+ (a transport parameter) after various tryptic digests. With this method, re-examination of uncoupling by tryptic digest of the ATPase revealed that TD2 cleavage (Arg-198) had no effect on either occlusion or ATPase activity. Digestion past TD2 in the presence of 5 mM Co2+ and at 25°C resulted in the loss of about 70% of the ATPase activity, but no loss of occlusion. Digestion past TD2 in the presence of 5 mM Ca2+, 3 mM ATP, and at 25°C resulted in a partially uncoupled enzyme complex which retained about 50% of the ATPase activity, but completely lost the ability to occlude Eu3+. Digest past TD2 in the presence of 5 mM Ca2+ and 3 mM AMP-PNP. (a non-hydrolyzable ATP analog) at 25°C resulted in no loss of occlusion, thus revealing the absolute requirement of ATP during the digest to eliminate occlusion. From these findings we conclude that uncoupling of Ca2+ transport from ATPase activity is possible by tryptic digestion of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase. Interestingly, only after phosphorylation of the enzyme do the susceptible bond(s) which lead to the loss of occlusion become exposed to trypsin.  相似文献   

The results obtained by biochemical measurement demonstrated for the first time that significant decrease of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity occurred during capacitation and acrosome reaction of guinea pig sperm. Ethaorynic acid, one kind of Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, inhibited the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity, but calmodulin (50μg/mL) and trifluoperazine (200- 500μmol/L) did not, suggesting that calmodulin is not involved in ATP-driven Ca2+ efflux from sperm. However, calmodulin is involved in the control of Ca2+ influx. TFP, one kind of calmodulin antagonists, accelerated the acrosome reaction and Ca2+ uptake into sperm cells significantly. Ca2+-ATPase antagonists, quercetin, sodium orthovandate, furosemide and ethacrynic acid promoted the acrosome reaction, but inhibited Ca2+ uptake, which cannot be explained by their inhibitory effects on the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase activity. It is speculated that this phenomenon might be caused by simultaneous inhibitions of the activities of Ca2+-ATPase present in the plasma membrane, the outer acrosome membrane and the outer mitochondrion membrane resulting in Ca2+ accumulation in the cytoplasm, which in turn blocks further Ca2+ entry through some negative feedback mechanism(s). The inhibitory effect of Ca2+-ATPase antagonist on glycolytic activity may also be the reason for Ca2+ accumulation in cytoplasm and inhibition of Ca2+ uptake.  相似文献   

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