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The γ and ε subunits of F(0)F(1)-ATP synthase from photosynthetic organisms display unique properties not found in other organisms. Although the γ subunit of both chloroplast and cyanobacterial F(0)F(1) contains an extra amino acid segment whose deletion results in a high ATP hydrolysis activity (Sunamura, E., Konno, H., Imashimizu-Kobayashi, M., Sugano, Y., and Hisabori, T. (2010) Plant Cell Physiol. 51, 855-865), its ε subunit strongly inhibits ATP hydrolysis activity. To understand the physiological significance of these phenomena, we studied mutant strains with (i) a C-terminally truncated ε (ε(ΔC)), (ii) γ lacking the inserted sequence (γ(Δ198-222)), and (iii) a double mutation of (i) and (ii) in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Although thylakoid membranes from the ε(ΔC) strain showed higher ATP hydrolysis and lower ATP synthesis activities than those of the wild type, no significant difference was observed in growth rate and in intracellular ATP level both under light conditions and during light-dark cycles. However, both the ε(ΔC) and γ(Δ198-222) and the double mutant strains showed a lower intracellular ATP level and lower cell viability under prolonged dark incubation compared with the wild type. These data suggest that internal inhibition of ATP hydrolysis activity is very important for cyanobacteria that are exposed to prolonged dark adaptation and, in general, for the survival of photosynthetic organisms in an ever-changing environment.  相似文献   

S D Dunn  R G Tozer  V D Zadorozny 《Biochemistry》1990,29(18):4335-4340
The stimulation of the ATPase activity of Escherichia coli F1-ATPase by the detergent lauryldimethylamine oxide (LDAO) and the relationship of this activation to removal of the inhibitory epsilon subunit were studied. The detergent caused a dramatic decrease in the affinity of epsilon-depleted enzyme for epsilon subunit, suggesting that release of epsilon is involved in LDAO activation. However, even in the absence of any epsilon subunit, the detergent caused a 140% increase in activity, indicating activation by effects independent of epsilon. In contrast, the addition of 30% ethylene glycol to the reaction buffer caused a modest inhibition of the ATPase activity of epsilon-depleted F1-ATPase but rendered the enzyme insensitive to inhibition by epsilon subunit. This solvent prevented the cross-linking of epsilon to beta by a water-soluble carbodiimide, although epsilon remained linkable to both beta and gamma by dithiobis(succinimidyl propionate). Thus, epsilon was not dissociated from F1-ATPase, but its intimate interaction with the beta subunit was altered. These results suggest that the inhibitory action of epsilon is expressed through its interaction with beta. Kinetic analysis revealed that LDAO activated hydrolysis at both the high- and low-affinity promotional sites, with little change in Km values. Ethylene glycol caused a substantial increase in Km at the low-affinity promotional site and made the enzyme resistant to inhibition by aurovertin D.  相似文献   

The zero-length cross-link between the inhibitory epsilon subunit and one of three catalytic beta subunits of Escherichia coli F1-ATPase (alpha 3 beta 3 gamma delta epsilon), induced by a water-soluble carbodiimide, 1-ethyl-3-[(3-dimethylamino) propyl]-carbodiimide (EDC), has been determined at the amino acid level. Lability of cross-linked beta-epsilon to base suggested an ester cross-link rather than the expected amide. A 10-kDa cross-linked CNBr fragment derived from beta-epsilon was identified by electrophoresis on high percentage polyacrylamide gels. Sequence analysis of this peptide revealed the constituent peptides to be Asp-380 to Met-431 of beta and Glu-96 to Met-138 of epsilon. Glu-381 of beta was absent from cycle 2 indicating that it was one of the cross-linked residues, but no potential cross-linked residue in epsilon was identified in this analysis. A form of epsilon containing a methionine residue in place of Val-112 (epsilon V112M) was produced by site-directed mutagenesis. epsilon V112M was incorporated into F1-ATPase which was then cross-linked with EDC. An 8-kDa cross-linked CNBr fragment of beta-epsilon V112M was shown to contain the peptide of epsilon between residues Glu-96 and Met-112 and the peptide of beta between residues Asp-380 and Met-431. Again residue Glu-381 of beta was notably reduced and no missing residue from the epsilon peptide could be identified, but the peptide sequence limited the possible choices to Ser-106, Ser-107, or Ser-108. Furthermore, an epsilon mutant in which Ser-108 was replaced by cysteine could no longer be cross-linked to a beta subunit in F1-ATPase by EDC. Both mutant forms of epsilon supported growth of an uncC-deficient E. coli strain and inhibited F1-ATPase. These results indicate that the EDC-induced cross-link between the beta and epsilon subunits of F1-ATPase is an ester linkage between beta-Glu-381 and, likely, epsilon-Ser-108. As these residues must be located immediately adjacent to one another in F1-ATPase, our results define a site of subunit-subunit contact between beta and epsilon.  相似文献   

The location of the endogenous inhibitor protein ( IF1) in the rotor/stator architecture of the bovine mitochondrial ATP synthase was studied by reversible cross-linking with dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate) in soluble F1I and intact F1F0I complexes of submitochondrial particles. Reducing two-dimensional electrophoresis, Western blotting, and fluorescent cysteine labeling showed formation of –IF1, IF1–IF1, –IF1, and –IF1 cross-linkages in soluble F1I and in native F1F0I complexes. Cross-linking blocked the release of IF1 from its inhibitory site and therefore the activation of F1I and F1F0I complexes in a dithiothreitol-sensitive process. These results show that the endogenous IF1 is at a distance 12 Å,to and subunits of the central rotor of the native mitochondrial ATP synthase. This finding strongly suggests that, without excluding the classical assumption that IF1 inhibits conformational changes of the catalytic subunits, the inhibitory mechanism of IF1 may involve the interference with rotation of the central stalk.  相似文献   

The P fimbrial gene clusters encoding the serologically different F7(1), F7(2), F9, and F11 fimbriae were compared functionally. The results show that these gene clusters are closely related.  相似文献   

The ILS1 gene encoding for cytoplasmic isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was subcloned from a 5.4-kb insert of the shuttle vector YEp13 to M13mp8 and M13mp9. Nucleotide sequence analysis of a 4.3-kb BamHI-HpaI fragment revealed a single open reading frame from which we deduced the amino-acid sequence of the enzyme. Independently obtained amino-acid sequence information from ten tryptic peptides of the purified enzyme confirmed the gene-derived structure. The enzyme is comprised of 1073 amino-acids consistent with earlier determinations of its molecular mass. The codon usage of ILS1 is typical of abundant yeast proteins. A significant homology to E. coli isoleucyl- and valyl-tRNA synthetases as well as to yeast valyl-tRNA synthetase was detected. The characteristic amino-acid residues of the aminoacyl-adenylate site and of the potential binding site of the 3'-end of tRNA found in other synthetases are present in the structure.  相似文献   

Three F1 preparations, the beef heart (MF1) and thermophilic bacterium (TF1) holoenzymes, and the alpha 3 beta 3 "core" complex of TF1 reconstituted from individually expressed alpha and beta subunits, were compared as to their kinetic and binding stoichiometric responses to covalent photoaffinity labeling with BzATP and BzADP (+/- Mg2+). Each enzyme displayed an enhanced pseudo-first order rate of photoinhibition and one-third of the sites covalent binding to a catalytic site for full inhibition, plus, but not minus Mg2+. Titration of near stoichiometric [MgBzADP]/[F1] ratios during photolysis disclosed two sequential covalent binding patterns for each enzyme; a high affinity binding corresponding to unistoichiometric covalent association concomitant with enzyme inhibition, followed by a low affinity multisite-saturating covalent association. Thus, in the absence of the structural asymmetry inducing gamma delta epsilon subunits of the holoenzyme, the sequential binding of nucleotide at putative catalytic sites on the alpha 3 beta 3 complex of any F1 appears sufficient to effect binding affinity changes. With MF1, final covalent saturation of BzADP-accessible sites was achieved with 2 mol of BzADP/mol of enzyme, but with TF1 or its alpha 3 beta 3 complex, saturation required 3 mol of BzADP/mol of enzyme. Such differential final labeling stoichiometries could arise because of the endogenous presence of 1 nucleotide already bound to one of the 3 potential catalytic sites on normally prepared MF1, whereas TF1, possessing no endogenous nucleotide, has 3 vacant BzADP-accessible sites. Kinetics measurements revealed that regardless of the incremental extent of inhibition of the TF1 holoenzyme by BzADP during photolysis, the two higher apparent Km values (approximately 1.5 x 10(-4) and approximately 10(-3) M, respectively) of the progressively inactivated incubation are unchanged relative to fully unmodified enzyme. As reported for BzATP (or BzADP) and MF1 (Ackerman, S.H., Grubmeyer, C., and Coleman, P.S. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 13765-13772), this supports the fact that the photocovalent inhibition of F1 is a one-hit one-kill phenomenon. Isoelectric focusing gels revealed that [3H]BzADP covalently modifies both TF1 and MF1 exclusively on the beta subunit, whether or not Mg2+ is present. A single 19-residue [3H]BzADP-labeled peptide was resolved from a tryptic digest of MF1, and this peptide corresponded with the one believed to contain at least a portion of the beta subunit catalytic site domain (i.e. beta Ala-338----beta Arg-356).  相似文献   

The modeling of the rotatory mechanism performed by the F(1)-ATPase complex during ATP synthesis shows that the beta, but not the alpha subunit, undergoes large conformational changes that depend on the occupancy of the catalytic site. Here we determined by fluorescence spectroscopy the changes in tertiary structure and hydrophobic exposed area of the isolated alpha and beta subunits of the F(1)-ATPase complex from Escherichia coli upon adenine nucleotide binding. The results show that in the absence of intersubunit contacts, the two subunits exhibit markedly similar conformational movements.  相似文献   

Using site-directed mutagenesis, Glu-190 or Glu-201 of the beta subunit of the F1-ATPase from the thermophilic bacterium PS3 were replaced with glutamine. It was possible to reconstitute complexes of the mutated beta subunits with alpha and gamma subunits, but the complexes did not have ATPase activity. It is concluded that carboxylic acid side chains of Glu-190 and Glu-201 of the beta subunit are essential for catalytic activity of F1-ATPase.  相似文献   

Interactions between oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (OSCP) and subunits of beef heart mitochondrial F1-ATPase have been explored by cross-linking at an OSCP/F1 molar ratio close to 1 to ensure specific high-affinity binding of OSCP to F1 [see Dupuis et al. [Dupuis, A., Issartel, J.-P., Lunardi, J., Satre, M., & Vignais, P.V. (1985) Biochemistry (preceding paper in this issue)]]. Cross-links between F1 subunits and OSCP were established by means of two zero length cross-linkers, 1-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-3-ethylcarbodiimide and N-(ethoxycarbonyl)-2-ethoxydihydroquinoline. The cross-linked products were separated by sodium dodecyl suflate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Coomassie blue staining revealed two cross-linked products of Mr 75 000 and 80 000 which could result from the binding of OSCP to the alpha and beta subunits of F1. Definite identification of the cross-linked products was achieved by chemical labeling with specific radiolabeled reagents and by blotting on nitrocellulose filters followed by immunocharacterization with anti-alpha, anti-beta, and anti-OSCP antibodies. OSCP was found to cross-link with the alpha and beta subunits of F1.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that the epsilon subunit of bacterial and chloroplast F(1)F(0) ATPases is a component of the central stalk that links the F(1) and F(0) parts. This subunit interacts with alpha, beta and gamma subunits of F(1) and the c subunit ring of F(0). Along with the gamma subunit, epsilon is a part of the rotor that couples events at the three catalytic sites sequentially with proton translocation through the F(0) part. Structural data on the epsilon subunit when separated from the complex and in situ are reviewed, and the functioning of this polypeptide in coupling within the ATP synthase is considered.  相似文献   

Boltz KW  Frasch WD 《Biochemistry》2006,45(37):11190-11199
F(1)-ATPase mutations in Escherichia coli that changed the strength of hydrogen bonds between the alpha and beta subunits in a location that links the catalytic site to the interface between the beta catch loop and the gamma subunit were examined. Loss of the ability to form the hydrogen bonds involving alphaS337, betaD301, and alphaD335 lowered the k(cat) of ATPase and decreased its susceptibility to Mg(2+)-ADP-AlF(n) inhibition, while mutations that maintain or strengthen these bonds increased the susceptibility to Mg(2+)-ADP-AlF(n) inhibition and lowered the k(cat) of ATPase. These data suggest that hydrogen bonds connecting alphaS337 to betaD301 and betaR323 and connecting alphaD335 to alphaS337 are important to transition state stabilization and catalytic function that may result from the proper alignment of catalytic site residues betaR182 and alphaR376 through the VISIT sequence (alpha344-348). Mutations betaD301E, betaR323K, and alphaR282Q changed the rate-limiting step of the reaction as determined by an isokinetic plot. Hydrophobic mutations of betaR323 decreased the susceptibility to Mg(2+)-ADP-AlF(n)() inhibition and lowered the number of interactions required in the rate-limiting step yet did not affect the k(cat) of ATPase, suggesting that betaR323 is important to transition state formation. The decreased rate of ATP synthase-dependent growth and decreased level of lactate-dependent quenching observed with alphaD335, betaD301, and alphaE283 mutations suggest that these residues may be important to the formation of an alternative set of hydrogen bonds at the interface of the alpha and beta subunits that permits the release of intersubunit bonds upon the binding of ATP, allowing gamma rotation in the escapement mechanism.  相似文献   

Removal of the ability to form a salt bridge or hydrogen bonds between the beta subunit catch loop (beta Y297-D305) and the gamma subunit of Escherichia coli F1Fo-ATP synthase significantly altered the ability of the enzyme to hydrolyze ATP and the bacteria to grow via oxidative phosphorylation. Residues beta T304, beta D305, beta D302, gamma Q269, and gamma R268 were found to be very important for ATP hydrolysis catalyzed by soluble F1-ATPase, and the latter four residues were also very important for oxidative phosphorylation. The greatest effects on catalytic activity were observed by the substitution of side chains that contribute to the shortest and/or multiple H-bonds as well as the salt bridge. Residue beta D305 would not tolerate substitution with Val or Ser and had extremely low activity as beta D305E, suggesting that this residue is particularly important for synthesis and hydrolysis activity. These results provide evidence that tight winding of the gamma subunit coiled-coil is important to the rate-limiting step in ATP hydrolysis and are consistent with an escapement mechanism for ATP synthesis in which alpha beta gamma intersubunit interactions provide a means to make substrate binding a prerequisite of proton gradient-driven gamma subunit rotation.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid Type A (GABAA) receptors are the major sites of synaptic inhibition in the central nervous system. These receptors are thought to be pentameric complexes of homologous transmembrane glycoproteins. Molecular cloning has revealed a multiplicity of different GABAA receptor subunits divided into five classes, alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and rho, based on sequence homology. Within the proposed major intracellular domain of these subunits, there are numerous potential consensus sites for protein phosphorylation by a variety of protein kinases. We have used purified fusion proteins of the major intracellular domain of GABAA receptor subunits produced in Escherichia coli to examine the phosphorylation of these subunits by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC). The purified fusion protein of the intracellular domain of the beta 1 subunit was an excellent substrate for both PKA and PKC. PKA and PKC phosphorylated the beta 1 subunit fusion protein on serine residues on a single tryptic phosphopeptide. Site-directed mutagenesis of serine 409 in the intracellular domain of the beta 1 subunit to an alanine residue eliminated the phosphorylation of the beta 1 subunit fusion protein by both protein kinases. The purified fusion proteins of the major intracellular domain of the gamma 2S and gamma 2L subunits of the GABAA receptor were rapidly and stoichiometrically phosphorylated by PKC but not by PKA. The phosphorylation of the gamma 2S subunit occurred on serine residues on a single tryptic phosphopeptide. Site-directed mutagenesis of serine 327 of the gamma 2S subunit fusion protein to an alanine residue eliminated the phosphorylation of the gamma 2S fusion protein by PKC. The gamma 2L subunit is an alternatively spliced form of the gamma 2S subunit that differs by the insertion of 8 amino acids (LLRMFSFK) within the major intracellular domain of the gamma 2S subunit. The PKC phosphorylation of the gamma 2L subunit occurred on serine residues on two tryptic phosphopeptides. Site-specific mutagenesis of serine 343 within the 8-amino acid insert to an alanine residue eliminated the PKC phosphorylation of the novel site in the gamma 2L subunit. No phosphorylation of a purified fusion protein of the major intracellular loop of the alpha 1 subunit was observed with either PKA or PKC. These results identify the specific amino acid residues within GABAA receptor subunits that are phosphorylated by PKA and PKC and suggest that protein phosphorylation of these sites may be important in regulating GABAA receptor function.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Aggressive behavior is the most frequently encountered behavioral problem in dogs. Abnormalities in brain serotonin metabolism have been described in aggressive dogs. We studied canine serotonergic genes to investigate genetic factors underlying canine aggression. Here, we describe the characterization of three genes of the canine serotonergic system: the serotonin receptor 1A and 2A gene (htr1A and htr2A) and the serotonin transporter gene (slc6A4). We isolated canine bacterial artificial chromosome clones containing these genes and designed oligonucleotides for genomic sequencing of coding regions and intron-exon boundaries. Golden retrievers were analyzed for DNA sequence variations. We found two nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the coding sequence of htr1A; one SNP close to a splice site in htr2A; and two SNPs in slc6A4, one in the coding sequence and one close to a splice site. In addition, we identified a polymorphic microsatellite marker for each gene. Htr1A is a strong candidate for involvement in the domestication of the dog. We genotyped the htr1A SNPs in 41 dogs of seven breeds with diverse behavioral characteristics. At least three SNP haplotypes were found. Our results do not support involvement of the gene in domestication.  相似文献   

The three major subunits (α, β and γ) of the coupling factor, F1 ATPase, of Escherichia coli were separated and purified by hydrophobic column chromatography after the enzyme was dissociated by cold inactivation. The ability to hydrolyze ATP was reconstituted by dialyzing the mixture of subunits against 0.05 M Tris-succinate, pH 6.0, containing 2 mM ATP and 2 mM MgCl2. A mixture containing α, β and γ regained ATP hydrolyzing activity. Individual subunits alone or mixtures of any two subunits did not develop ATPase activity, except for a low but significant activity with α plus β. The reconstituted ATPase had a Km of 0.23 mM for ATP and a molecular weight by sucrose gradient density centrifugation of about 280,000.  相似文献   

The binding of five monoclonal antibodies to mitochondrial F1-ATPase has been studied. Competition experiments between monoclonal antibodies demonstrate that these antibodies recognize four different antigenic sites and provide information on the proximity of these sites. The accessibility of the epitopes has been compared for F1 integrated in the mitochondrial membrane, for purified beta-subunit and for purified F1 maintained in its active form by the presence of nucleotides or inactivated either by dilution in the absence of ATP or by urea treatment. The three anti-beta monoclonal antibodies bound more easily to the beta-subunit than to active F1, and recognized equally active F1 and F1 integrated in the membrane, indicating that their antigenic sites are partly buried similarly in purified or membrane-bound F1 and better exposed in the isolated beta-subunit. In addition, unfolding F1 by urea strongly increased the binding of one anti-beta monoclonal antibody (14 D5) indicating that this domain is at least partly shielded inside the beta-subunit. One anti-alpha monoclonal antibody (20 D6) bound poorly to F1 integrated in the membrane, while the other (7 B3) had a higher affinity for F1 integrated in the membrane than for soluble F1. Therefore, 20 D6 recognizes an epitope of the alpha-subunit buried inside F1 integrated in the membrane, while 7 B3 binds to a domain of the alpha-subunit well exposed at the surface of the inner face of the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

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