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The SR (arginine-serine rich) protein ASF/SF2 (also called human alternative splicing factor), an essential splicing factor, contains two functional modules consisting of tandem RNA recognition motifs (RRMs; RRM1-RRM2) and a C-terminal arginine-serine repeat region (RS domain, a domain rich in arginine-serine repeats). The SR-specific protein kinase (SRPK) 1 phosphorylates the RS domain at multiple serines using a directional (C-terminal-to-N-terminal) and processive mechanism—a process that directs the SR protein to the nucleus and influences protein-protein interactions associated with splicing function. To investigate how SRPK1 accomplishes this feat, the enzyme-substrate complex was analyzed using single-turnover and multiturnover kinetic methods. Deletion studies revealed that while recognition of the RS domain by a docking groove on SRPK1 is sufficient to initiate the processive and directional mechanism, continued processive phosphorylation in the presence of building repulsive charge relies on the fine-tuning of contacts with the RRM1-RRM2 module. An electropositive pocket in SRPK1 that stabilizes newly phosphorylated serines enhanced processive phosphorylation of later serines. These data indicate that SRPK1 uses stable, yet highly flexible protein-protein interactions to facilitate both early and late phases of the processive phosphorylation of SR proteins.  相似文献   

The human alternative splicing factor ASF/SF2, an SR (serine-arginine-rich) protein involved in mRNA splicing control, is activated by the multisite phosphorylation of its C-terminal RS domain, a segment containing numerous arginine-serine dipeptide repeats. The protein kinase responsible for this modification, SR-specific protein kinase 1 (SRPK1), catalyzes the selective phosphorylation of approximately a dozen serines in only the N-terminal portion of the RS domain (RS1). To gain insights into the nature of selective phosphate incorporation in ASF/SF2, region-specific phosphorylation in the RS domain was monitored as a function of reaction progress. Arg-to-Lys mutations were made at several positions to produce unique protease cleavage sites that separate the RS domain into identifiable N- and C-terminal phosphopeptides upon treatment with lysyl endoproteinase. These studies reveal that SRPK1 docks near the C-terminus of the RS1 segment and then moves in an N-terminal direction along the RS domain. Multiple quadruple Ser-to-Ala and deletion mutations did not disrupt the phosphorylation of other sites regardless of position, suggesting that the active site of SRPK1 docks in a flexible manner at the center of the RS domain. Taken together, these data suggest that SRPK1 uses a unique ‘grab-and-pull’ mechanism to control the regiospecific phosphorylation of its protein substrate.  相似文献   

SR proteins are essential splicing factors whose function is controlled by multi-site phosphorylation of a C-terminal domain rich in arginine-serine repeats (RS domain). The protein kinase SRPK1 has been shown to polyphosphorylate the N-terminal portion of the RS domain (RS1) of the SR protein ASF/SF2, a modification that promotes nuclear entry of this splicing factor and engagement in splicing function. Later, dephosphorylation is required for maturation of the spliceosome and other RNA processing steps. While phosphates are attached to RS1 in a sequential manner by SRPK1, little is known about how they are removed. To investigate factors that control dephosphorylation, we monitored region-specific mapping of phosphorylation sites in ASF/SF2 as a function of the protein phosphatase PP1. We showed that 10 phosphates added to the RS1 segment by SRPK1 are removed in a preferred N-to-C manner, directly opposing the C-to-N phosphorylation by SRPK1. Two N-terminal RNA recognition motifs in ASF/SF2 control access to the RS domain and guide the directional mechanism. Binding of RNA to the RNA recognition motifs protects against dephosphorylation, suggesting that engagement of the SR protein with exonic splicing enhancers can regulate phosphoryl content in the RS domain. In addition to regulation by N-terminal domains, phosphorylation of the C-terminal portion of the RS domain (RS2) by the nuclear protein kinase Clk/Sty inhibits RS1 dephosphorylation and disrupts the directional mechanism. The data indicate that both RNA-protein interactions and phosphorylation in flanking sequences induce conformations of ASF/SF2 that increase the lifetime of phosphates in the RS domain.  相似文献   

A 1591-bp cDNA of a serine-rich protein kinase (SRPK)-Iike protein has been identified in Physarum polycephalum (GenBank accession No. DQ140379). The cDNA contains two repeat sequences at bp 1-153 and bp 395-547. The encoding sequence is 56% homologous to human SRPK1 and is named Physarum SRPK (PSRPK). Consistent with other SRPKs, the consensus motifs of PSRPK are within the two conserved domains (CDs). However, divergent motifs between the N-terminal and CDs are much shorter than the corresponding sequences of other SRPKs. To study the structure and function of this protein, we performed co-expression experiment in Escherichia coli and in vitro phosphorylation assay to investigate the phosphorylation effect of recombinant PSRPK on the human SR protein, ASF/SF2. Western blot analysis showed that PSRPK could phosphorylate ASF/SF2 in E. coil cells. Autoradiographic examination showed that both recombinant PSRPK and a truncated form of PSRPK with a 28-aa deletion at the N-terminus could phosphorylate ASF/SF2 and a truncated form of ASF/SF2 that contains the RS domain. However, these two forms of PSRPK could not phosphorylate a truncated form ASF/SF2 that lacks the RS domain. A truncated form of PSRPK that lacks either of CDs does not have any phosphorylation activity. These results indicated that, like other SRPKs, the phosphorylation site in PSRPK is located within the RS domain of the SR protein and that its phosphorylation activity is closely associated with the two CDs. This study on the structure and function of PSRPK demonstrates that it is a new member of the SRPK family.  相似文献   

The application of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in plant breeding involves the analysis of a large number of samples, and therefore requires rapid, inexpensive and highly automated multiplex methods to genotype the sequence variants. We have optimized a high-throughput multiplexed SNP assay for eight polymorphisms which explain two agronomic and three grain quality traits in rice. Gene fragments coding for the agronomic traits plant height (semi-dwarf, sd-1 ) and blast disease resistance ( Pi-ta ) and the quality traits amylose content ( waxy ), gelatinization temperature ( alk ) and fragrance ( fgr ) were amplified in a multiplex polymerase chain reaction. A single base extension reaction carried out at the polymorphism responsible for each of these phenotypes within these genes generated extension products which were quantified by a matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight system. The assay detects both SNPs and indels and is co-dominant, simultaneously detecting both homozygous and heterozygous samples in a multiplex system. This assay analyses eight functional polymorphisms in one 5 µL reaction, demonstrating the high-throughput and cost-effective capability of this system. At this conservative level of multiplexing, 3072 assays can be performed in a single 384-well microtitre plate, allowing the rapid production of valuable information for selection in rice breeding.  相似文献   

孙伟  许杰  张薇  罗倩  台萃 《微生物学报》2023,63(12):4800-4813
【目的】糖丝菌属(Saccharothrix)是一类丝状稀有放线菌,在生物医药、工业酶制剂和环境修复等领域展现出应用价值。本研究尝试建立以核糖体蛋白质为标志物,利用基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry,MALDI-TOF MS)技术鉴定糖丝菌属放线菌的方法。【方法】检索基因组数据库,提取糖丝菌属测序菌株15种核糖体蛋白质的序列并计算理论分子量;通过分子量比对分析糖丝菌属不同菌种之间及其模式菌株与邻近属菌种模式菌株之间15种核糖体蛋白质的匹配度,提出鉴定至菌种及属的核糖体蛋白质匹配数标准;选取目标属和非目标属菌种进行MALDI-TOF MS测试和分析并修正鉴定标准。【结果】将待测菌株的MALDI-TOF质谱峰与糖丝菌属各菌种模式菌株的15种核糖体蛋白质分别匹配,通过最大匹配数、质谱峰强度模式及特征质谱峰鉴定至属或种。【结论】本研究建立了基于15种核糖体蛋白质标志物及MALDI-TOF MS技术鉴定糖丝菌属放线菌的方法,可用于定向筛选和快速鉴...  相似文献   

Influenza virus matrix protein 1 (M1) has been shown to play a crucial role in the virus replication, assembly and budding. We identified heat shock cognate protein 70 (Hsc70) as a M1 binding protein by immunoprecipitation and MALDI-TOF MS. The C terminal domain of M1 interacts with Hsc70. We found that Hsc70 does not correlate with the transport of M1 to the nucleus, however, it does inhibit the nuclear export of M1 and NP, thus resulting in the inhibition of viral production. This is the first demonstration that Hsc70 is directly associated with M1 and therefore is required for viral production.  相似文献   

The Ure2 protein from baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) has prion properties. In vitro, at neutral pH, soluble Ure2p forms long, twisted fibrils. Two models have been proposed to account for Ure2p polymerization. The first postulates that a segment of 70 amino acid residues in the flexible N-terminal domain from different Ure2p molecules forms a parallel superpleated beta-structure running along the fibrils. The second hypothesizes that assembly of full-length Ure2p is driven by limited conformational rearrangements and non-native inter- and intramolecular interactions. The knowledge of the three-dimensional structure of the fibrillar form of Ure2p is critical for understanding the molecular events leading to the polymerization of soluble Ure2p into fibrils and hence for the design of inhibitors that might have therapeutic potential as yeast prions possessing domains rich in N and Q residues, similar to huntingtin. Solvent-accessibility studies using hydrogen/deuterium exchange monitored by mass spectrometry (HXMS) can provide insights into the structure of the fibrillar form of Ure2p and characterize at the molecular level the conformational rearrangements that occur upon assembly, in particular through the identification of protected regions and their localization in the overall structure of the protein. We have analyzed the changes in Ure2p structure associated with its assembly into fibrils using HXMS. The deuterium incorporation profile along the sequence allows the identification of the regions that exhibit the most important conformational change. Our data reveal that Ure2p undergoes minor structural changes upon assembly. While polypeptides [82-92] and [13-37] exhibit significant increased and decreased exposure to the solvent, respectively, no marked change was observed for the rest of the protein upon assembly. Our results afford new insights into the conformational rearrangements that lead to the assembly of Ure2p into fibrils and the propagation of the [URE3] element in yeast.  相似文献   

Most cyanobacteria take up nitrate or nitrite through a multisubunit ABC transporter (ATP-binding cassette) located in the cytoplasmic membrane. Nitrate and nitrite transport activity is instantaneously blocked by the presence of ammonium in the medium. Previous biochemical studies reported the existence of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events of the nitrate transporter (NRT) related to the presence of ammonium-sensitive kinase/phosphatase activities in plasma membranes of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 6301. In this work, we have analyzed the biochemical properties of the periplasmic nitrate/nitrite-binding subunit (NrtA) of NRT from the thermophilic nondiazotrophic cyanobacterium Phormidium laminosum. Our results show that cyanobacterial NrtA is phosphorylated in vivo. However, substrate binding activity in vitro is not affected by the phosphorylation state of the protein, ruling out the possibility that phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of NrtA is involved in the regulation of the nitrate/nitrite uptake by NRT transporter. Moreover, NrtA is present as multiple isoforms showing the same molecular mass but different isoelectric points ranging from pI 5 to 6. Mass spectrometric characterization of NrtA isoforms shows that the protein is phosphorylated at residue Tyr203, and contains several methionine sulphoxide residues which account for the observed isoforms. Both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated forms of NrtA are active in vitro, showing comparable binding affinity for nitrate and nitrite. Both substrates behave as pure competitive inhibitors with a binding stoichiometry of one molecule of anion per NrtA monomer.  相似文献   

孙伟  许杰  周万平  罗倩  张薇 《微生物学报》2023,63(1):430-445
【目的】伦茨菌属(Lentzea)放线菌(Actinobacteria)代谢产物具有广泛的生物活性,在医药领域展现出潜在的应用价值。本研究尝试建立以核糖体蛋白质为标志物,利用基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight masss pectrometry,MALDI-TOF MS)技术鉴定伦茨菌属放线菌的方法。【方法】检索基因组数据库,提取伦茨菌属菌种模式菌株15种核糖体蛋白质的序列并计算理论分子量;通过分子量比对分析伦茨菌属菌种模式菌株之间及其与邻近属菌种模式菌株之间15种核糖体蛋白质的匹配度,提出鉴定至菌种及属的核糖体蛋白质匹配数标准;选取目标属和非目标属菌种进行MALDI-TOFMS测试和分析并修正鉴定标准。【结果】将待测菌株的MALDI-TOF质谱峰与伦茨菌属各菌种模式菌株的15种核糖体蛋白质分别匹配,通过最大匹配数及质谱峰强度模式可鉴定至属或种。【结论】本研究建立了基于15种核糖体蛋白质标志物及MALDI-TOF MS技术鉴定伦茨菌属放线菌的方法,可为放线菌纲其他类群的快...  相似文献   

The U1A-SL2 RNA complex is a model system for studying interactions between RNA and the RNA recognition motif (RRM), which is one of the most common RNA binding domains. We report here kinetic studies of dissociation of the U1A-SL2 RNA complex, using laser temperature jump and stopped-flow fluorescence methods with U1A proteins labeled with the intrinsic chromophore tryptophan. An analysis of the kinetic data suggests three phases of dissociation with time scales of ∼ 100 μs, ∼ 50 ms, and ∼ 2 s. We propose that the first step of dissociation is a fast rearrangement of the complex to form a loosely bound complex. The intermediate step is assigned to be the dissociation of the U1A-SL2 RNA complex, and the final step is assigned to a reorganization of the U1A protein structure into the conformation of the free protein. These assignments are consistent with previous proposals based on thermodynamic, NMR, and surface plasmon resonance experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. Together, these results begin to build a comprehensive model of the complex dynamic processes involved in the formation and dissociation of an RRM-RNA complex.  相似文献   

Raver2 was identified as a novel member of the hnRNP family based on sequence homology within three RNA recognition motifs and its general domain organization reminiscent of the previously described raver1 protein. Like raver1, raver2 contains two putative nuclear localization signals and a potential nuclear export sequence, and also displays nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling in a heterokaryon assay. In glia cells and neurons, raver2 localizes to the nucleus. Moreover, the protein interacts with polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) suggesting that it may participate in PTB-mediated nuclear functions. In contrast to ubiquitously expressed raver1, raver2 exerts a distinct spatio-temporal expression pattern during embryogenesis and is essentially restricted to brain, lung, and kidney in the adult mouse.  相似文献   

The U1A/U2B″/SNF family of proteins found in the U1 and U2 spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins is highly conserved. In spite of the high degree of sequence and structural conservation, modern members of this protein family have unique RNA binding properties. These differences have necessarily resulted from evolutionary processes, and therefore, we reconstructed the protein phylogeny in order to understand how and when divergence occurred and how protein function has been modulated. Contrary to the conventional understanding of an ancient human U1A/U2B″ gene duplication, we show that the last common ancestor of bilaterians contained a single ancestral protein (URB). The gene for URB was synthesized, the protein was overexpressed and purified, and we assessed RNA binding to modern snRNA sequences. We find that URB binds human and Drosophila U1 snRNA SLII and U2 snRNA SLIV with higher affinity than do modern homologs, suggesting that both Drosophila SNF and human U1A/U2B″ have evolved into weaker binders of one RNA or both RNAs.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic gene expression involves numerous biochemical steps that are dependent on RNA structure and ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex formation. The DEAD-box class of RNA helicases plays fundamental roles in formation of RNA and RNP structure in every aspect of RNA metabolism. In an effort to explore the diversity of biological roles for DEAD-box proteins, our laboratory recently demonstrated that the DEAD-box protein Dbp2 associates with actively transcribing genes and is required for normal gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We now provide evidence that Dbp2 interacts genetically and physically with the mRNA export factor Yra1. In addition, we find that Dbp2 is required for in vivo assembly of mRNA-binding proteins Yra1, Nab2, and Mex67 onto poly(A)+ RNA. Strikingly, we also show that Dbp2 is an efficient RNA helicase in vitro and that Yra1 decreases the efficiency of ATP-dependent duplex unwinding. We provide a model whereby messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) assembly requires Dbp2 unwinding activity and once the mRNP is properly assembled, inhibition by Yra1 prevents further rearrangements. Both Yra1 and Dbp2 are conserved in multicellular eukaryotes, suggesting that this constitutes a broadly conserved mechanism for stepwise assembly of mature mRNPs in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A (eIF4A) is a DEAD-box protein that participates in translation initiation. As an ATP-dependent RNA helicase, it is thought to resolve secondary structure elements from the 5′-untranslated region of mRNAs to enable ribosome scanning. The RNA-stimulated ATPase and ATP-dependent helicase activities of eIF4A are enhanced by auxiliary proteins, but the underlying mechanisms are still largely unknown. Here, we have dissected the effect of eIF4B and eIF4G on eIF4A RNA-dependent ATPase- and RNA helicase activities and on eIF4A conformation. We show for the first time that yeast eIF4B, like its mammalian counterpart, can stimulate RNA unwinding by eIF4A, although it does not affect the eIF4A conformation. The eIF4G middle domain enhances this stimulatory effect and promotes the formation of a closed eIF4A conformation in the presence of ATP and RNA. The closed state of eIF4A has been inferred but has not been observed experimentally before. eIF4B and eIF4G jointly stimulate ATP hydrolysis and RNA unwinding by eIF4A and favor the formation of the closed eIF4A conformer. Our results reveal distinct functions of eIF4B and eIF4G in synergistically stimulating the eIF4A helicase activity in the mRNA scanning process.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria, including Escherichia coli, release outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) that are derived from the bacterial outer membrane. OMVs contribute to bacterial cell–cell communications and host–microbe interactions by delivering components to locations outside the bacterial cell. In order to explore the molecular machinery involved in OMV biogenesis, the role of a major OMV protein was examined in the production of OMVs from E. coli W3110, which is a widely used standard E. coli K-12 strain. In addition to OmpC and OmpA, which are used as marker proteins for OMVs, an analysis of E. coli W3110 OMVs revealed that they also contain abundant levels of FliC, which is also known as flagellin. A membrane-impermeable biotin-labeling reagent did not label FliC in intact OMVs, but labeled FliC in sonically disrupted OMVs, suggesting that FliC is localized in the lumen of OMV. Compared to the parental strain expressing wild-type fliC, an E. coli strain with a fliC-null mutation produced reduced amounts of OMVs based on both protein and phosphate levels. In addition, an E. coli W3110-derived strain with a null-mutation in flgK, which encodes flagellar hook-associated protein that is essential along with FliC for flagella synthesis, also produced fewer OMVs than the parental strain. Taken together, these results indicate that the ability to form flagella, including the synthesis of flagella proteins, affects the production of E. coli W3110 OMVs.  相似文献   

Spliceosomes assemble on pre-mRNA splice sites through a series of dynamic ribonucleoprotein complexes, yet the nature of the conformational changes remains unclear. Splicing factor 1 (SF1) and U2 auxiliary factor (U2AF65) cooperatively recognize the 3′ splice site during the initial stages of pre-mRNA splicing. Here, we used small-angle X-ray scattering to compare the molecular dimensions and ab initio shape restorations of SF1 and U2AF65 splicing factors, as well as the SF1/U2AF65 complex in the absence and presence of AdML (adenovirus major late) splice site RNAs. The molecular dimensions of the SF1/U2AF65/RNA complex substantially contracted by 15 Å in the maximum dimension, relative to the SF1/U2AF65 complex in the absence of RNA ligand. In contrast, no detectable changes were observed for the isolated SF1 and U2AF65 splicing factors or their individual complexes with RNA, although slight differences in the shapes of their molecular envelopes were apparent. We propose that the conformational changes that are induced by assembly of the SF1/U2AF65/RNA complex serve to position the pre-mRNA splice site optimally for subsequent stages of splicing.  相似文献   

Raver2 was originally identified as a member of the hnRNP family through database searches revealing three N-terminal RNA recognition motifs (RRMs) bearing highest sequence identity in the RNP sequences to the related hnRNP Raver1. Outside the RRM region, both Raver proteins are quite divergent in sequence except for conserved peptide motifs of the [S/G][I/L]LGxxP consensus sequence. The latter have been implicated in Raver1 binding to the polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB) a regulatory splicing repressor and common ligand of both Raver proteins. In the present study we investigated the association of Raver2 with RNA and PTB in more detail. The isolated RRM domain of Raver2 weakly interacted with ribonucleotides, but the full-length protein failed to directly bind to RNA in vitro. However, trimeric complexes with RNA were formed via binding to PTB. Raver2 harbors two putative PTB binding sequences in the C-terminal half of the protein, whose influence on Raver2-PTB complex formation was analyzed in a mutational approach, replacing critical leucine residues with alanines. While mutation of either sequence motif alone negatively affected Raver2 binding to PTB in vitro, only mutation of the more C-terminally located SLLGEPP motif significantly reduced the recruitment of Raver2 into perinucleolar compartments (PNCs) in HeLa cells. The latter observation was also confirmed for Raver1: out of four sequence motifs matching the PTB binding consensus, mutations in the SLLGEPP motif were the only ones attenuating the recruitment of Raver1 into PNCs. The conserved mode of PTB binding suggests that Raver2, like Raver1, may function as a modulator of PTB activity.  相似文献   

Crovato TE  Egebjerg J 《FEBS letters》2005,579(19):4138-4144
The properties of the glutamate receptor subunits 1-4 (GluR1-4) are influenced by the alternative splicing of two homologous and mutually exclusive exons flip and flop. The flip form is most abundant during early development, while the flop form is dominant in adults. From transfections with a GluR2 mini-gene we show that flip is the preferred splice form in all tested cell lines, but coexpression of the SR-proteins ASF/SF2 and SC35 increases the flop to flip splice ratio. The increased flop incorporation depends on ASF/SF2- and SC35-dependent enhancer elements located in the flop exon, which stimulate the splicing between the flop exon and the preceding exon 13.  相似文献   

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