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The HNH motif is a small nucleic acid binding and cleavage module, widespread in metal finger endonucleases in all life kingdoms. Here we studied a non-specific endonuclease, the nuclease domain of ColE7 (N-ColE7), to decipher the role of the conserved asparagine and histidine residues in the HNH motif. We found, using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assays, that the DNA hydrolysis activity of H545 N-ColE7 mutants was completely abolished while activities of N560 and H573 mutants varied from 6.9% to 83.2% of the wild-type activity. The crystal structures of three N-ColE7 mutants in complex with the inhibitor Im7, N560A-Im7, N560D-Im7 and H573A-Im7, were determined at a resolution of 1.9 A to 2.2 A. H573 is responsible for metal ion binding in the wild-type protein, as the zinc ion is still partially associated in the structure of H573A, suggesting that H573 plays a supportive role in metal binding. Both N560A and N560D contain a disordered loop in the HNH motif due to the disruption of the hydrogen bond network surrounding the side-chain of residue 560, and as a result, the imidazole ring of the general base residue H545 is tilted slightly and the scissile phosphate is shifted, leading to the large reductions in hydrolysis activities. These results suggest that the highly conserved asparagine in the HNH motif, in general, plays a structural role in constraining the loop in the metal finger structure and keeping the general base histidine and scissile phosphate in the correct position for DNA hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Non-coding RNAs of complex tertiary structure are involved in numerous aspects of the replication and processing of genetic information in many organisms; however, an understanding of the complex relationship between their structural dynamics and function is only slowly emerging. The Neurospora Varkud Satellite (VS) ribozyme provides a model system to address this relationship. First, it adopts a tertiary structure assembled from common elements, a kissing loop and two three-way junctions. Second, catalytic activity of the ribozyme is essential for replication of VS RNA in vivo and can be readily assayed in vitro. Here we exploit single molecule FRET to show that the VS ribozyme exhibits previously unobserved dynamic and heterogeneous hierarchical folding into an active structure. Readily reversible kissing loop formation combined with slow cleavage of the upstream substrate helix suggests a model whereby the structural dynamics of the VS ribozyme favor cleavage of the substrate downstream of the ribozyme core instead. This preference is expected to facilitate processing of the multimeric RNA replication intermediate into circular VS RNA, which is the predominant form observed in vivo.  相似文献   

Chemoreceptors of the bacterium Escherichia coli are thought to form trimers of homodimers that undergo conformational changes upon ligand binding and thereby signal a cytoplasmic kinase. We monitored the physical responses of trimers in living cells lacking other chemotaxis proteins by fluorescently tagging receptors and measuring changes in fluorescence anisotropy. These changes were traced to changes in energy transfer between fluorophores on different dimers of a trimer: attractants move these fluorophores farther apart, and repellents move them closer together. These measurements allowed us to define the responses of bare receptor oligomers to ligand binding and compare them to the corresponding response in kinase activity. Receptor responses could be fit by a simple two-state model in which receptor dimers are in either active or inactive conformations, from which energy bias and dissociation constants could be estimated. Comparison with responses in kinase-activity indicated that higher-order interactions are dominant in receptor clusters.  相似文献   

In extension to previously applied techniques like yeast two-hybrid and GST pull-down assays, we successfully established a FACS-based FRET analysis to investigate the interaction of the Mint3 adaptor protein and the small Rab GTPase Rab6A in living mammalian cells. A Mint3 mutant containing only the PTB domain (Mint3Δ6) is able to interact with the constitutively active form of Rab6A. Mint3Δ4, a mutant lacking part of the PTB domain was unable to interact with Rab6A in GST pull-down analysis and did not produce FRET signals, when co-expressed with active Rab6A.We demonstrate that this FACS-based FRET analysis is a suitable method for interaction studies between two proteins in living cells.  相似文献   

简要综述了FRET方法在活细胞生理条件下研究蛋白质-蛋白质间相互作用方面的最新进展.蛋白质-蛋白质间相互作用在整个细胞生命过程中占有重要地位,由于细胞内各种组分极其复杂,因此一些传统研究蛋白质-蛋白质间相互作用的方法,例如酵母双杂交、免疫沉淀等可能会丢失某些重要的信息,无法正确地反映在当时活细胞生理条件下蛋白质-蛋白质间相互作用的动态变化过程.荧光共振能量转移(fluorescence resonance energy transfer, FRET)是近来发展的一项新技术,此项技术的应用,为在活细胞生理条件下对蛋白质-蛋白质间相互作用进行实时的动态研究,提供一个非常便利的条件.  相似文献   

A1R-A2AR heterodimers regulate striatal glutamatergic neurotransmission. However, few researches about kinetics have been reported. Here, we combined Iem-spFRET and E-FRET to investigate the kinetics of A1R and A2AR interaction. Iem-spFRET obtains the energy transfer efficiency of the whole cell. E-FRET gets energy transfer efficiency with high spatial resolution, whereas, it was prone to biases because background was easily selected due to manual operation. To study the interaction with high spatio-temporal resolution, Iem-spFRET was used to correct the deviation of E-FRET. In this paper, A1R and A2AR interaction was monitored, and the changes of FRET efficiency of the whole or/and partial cell membrane were described. The results showed that activation of A1R or A2AR leads to rapid aggregation, inhibition of A1R or A2AR leads to slow segregation, and the interaction is reversible. These results demonstrated that combination of Iem-spFRET and E-FRET could measure A1R and A2AR interaction with high spatio-temporal resolution.  相似文献   

Quinoline derivative, i.e. quinilone yellow with the scientific name [sodium 2-(2,3-dihydro-1,3-dioxo-1H-inden-2-yl)quinoline-6,8-disulphonate] (SQDS) is analysed for fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Fluorescence quenching mechanism is studied by employing steady state and transient state spectroscopic measurements. Cobalt chloride is used as quencher in the present study. Linearity was observed in Stern–Volmer plots for transient state as well as steady state. This was further attributed to a mechanism of collisional quenching. Efficiency in fluorescence quenching is observed as there is a correlation between quenching constants of both transient and steady state. A significant energy transfer is reported between metal ions and SQDS molecule, according to FRET theory. Characterization results are studied and analysed. Application in the field of non-linear optics are predicted for SQDS. With Kurtz and Perry powder technique, SHG (second harmonic generation) efficiency was measured using Q-switched mode locked Nd:YAG laser emitting 1064 nm the first time with this compound.  相似文献   

荧光共振能量转移(fluorescenceresonanceenergytransfer,FRET),是指能量从一种受激发的荧光基团(fluorophore)以非辐射的方式转移到另一种荧光基团的物理现象.FRET的能量转移效率是两个荧光基团间距离的函数,并对此距离十分敏感,它的有效响应距离一般在1~10nm之间,因而可被用于测定原子间及分子间的距离.这一特点使FRET技术在大分子构象变化、大分子之间相互作用、细胞信号通路等研究中发挥重要作用,成为生物医学研究中的重要方法.但细胞内的生物学过程常常涉及多于两个的大分子间相互作用,二色荧光基团的FRET技术不能满足这种生物学研究的需求.最近,两个研究小组在这方面取得突破,建立了分别基于共聚焦显微镜和流式细胞仪的三色荧光级联FRET技术.这一技术的出现将会极大地促进生物学及相关研究领域的发展.  相似文献   

The kink turn (K-turn) is a common motif in RNA structure, found in many RNA species important in translation, RNA modification and splicing, and the control of gene expression. In general the K-turn comprises a three nucleotide bulge followed by trans sugar-Hoogsteen G·A pairs. The RNA adopts a tightly kinked conformation, and is a common target for binding proteins, exemplified by the L7Ae family. We have measured the rates of association and dissociation for the binding of L7Ae to the Kt-7 kink turn, from which we calculate an affinity of KD = 10 pM. This high affinity is consistent with the role of this binding as the first stage in the assembly of key functional nucleoproteins such as box C/D snoRNP. Kink-turn RNA undergoes a two-state transition between the kinked conformation, and a more extended structure, and folding into the kinked form is induced by divalent metal ions, or by binding of proteins of the L7Ae class. The K-turn provides an excellent, simple model for RNA folding, which can be dissected at the atomic level. We have analyzed the contributions of the hydrogen bonds that form the G·A pairs to the ion- and protein-induced folding of the K-turn. We find that all four hydrogen bonds are important to the stability of the kinked form of the RNA, and we can now define all the important hydrogen bonding interactions that stabilize the K-turn. The high affinity of L7Ae binding is coupled to the induced folding of the K-turn, allowing some sub-optimal variants to adopt the kinked geometry. However, in all such cases the affinity is lowered, and the results underline the importance of both G·A pairs to the stability of the K-turn.  相似文献   

真核生物染色质的基本结构组成单元是核小体,基因组DNA被压缩在染色质中,核小体的存在通常会抑制转录、复制、修复和重组等发生在DNA模板上的生物学过程。组蛋白变体H2A.Z可以调控染色质结构进而影响基因的转录过程,但其详细的调控机制仍未研究清楚。为了比较含有组蛋白变体H2A.Z的核小体和常规核小体在盐离子作用下的稳定性差异,本文采用Förster共振能量转移的方法检测氯化钠、氯化钾、氯化锰、氯化钙、氯化镁等离子对核小体的解聚影响。实验对Widom 601 DNA序列进行双荧光Cy3和Cy5标记,通过荧光信号值的变化来反映核小体的解聚变化。Förster共振能量转移检测结果显示:在氯化钠、氯化钾、氯化锰、氯化钙和氯化镁作用下,含有组蛋白变体H2A.Z的核小体解聚速度相比于常规核小体要慢,且氯化钙、氯化锰和氯化镁的影响更明显。电泳分析结果表明,在75℃条件下含有组蛋白变体H2A.Z的核小体的解聚速率明显低于常规核小体。采用荧光热漂移检测(fluorescence thermal shift analysis , FTS)进一步分析含有组蛋白变体H2A.Z核小体的稳定性,发现两类核小体的荧光信号均呈现2个明显的增长期,含有组蛋白变体H2A.Z核小体的第1个荧光信号增速期所对应的温度明显高于常规核小体,表明核小体中H2A.Z/H2B二聚体的解聚变性温度要高于常规的H2A/H2B二聚体,含有组蛋白变体H2A.Z核小体的热稳定性高。研究结果均表明,含有组蛋白变体H2A.Z的核小体的结构比常规核小体的结构稳定。  相似文献   

Proteins have evolved to fold and function within a cellular environment that is characterized by high macromolecular content. The earliest step of protein folding represents intrachain contact formation of amino acid residues within an unfolded polypeptide chain. It has been proposed that macromolecular crowding can have significant effects on rates and equilibria of biomolecular processes. However, the kinetic consequences on intrachain diffusion of polypeptides have not been tested experimentally, yet. Here, we demonstrate that selective fluorescence quenching of the oxazine fluorophore MR121 by the amino acid tryptophan (Trp) in combination with fast fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) can be used to monitor end-to-end contact formation rates of unfolded polypeptide chains. MR121 and Trp were incorporated at the terminal ends of polypeptides consisting of repetitive units of glycine (G) and serine (S) residues. End-to-end contact formation and dissociation result in "off" and "on" switching of MR121 fluorescence and underlying kinetics can be revealed in FCS experiments with nanosecond time resolution. We revisit previous experimental studies concerning the dependence of end-to-end contact formation rates on polypeptide chain length, showing that kinetics can be described by Gaussian chain theory. We further investigate effects of solvent viscosity and temperature on contact formation rates demonstrating that intrachain diffusion represents a purely diffusive, entropy-controlled process. Finally, we study the influence of macromolecular crowding on polypeptide chain dynamics. The data presented demonstrate that intrachain diffusion is fast in spite of hindered diffusion caused by repulsive interactions with macromolecules. Findings can be explained by effects of excluded volume reducing chain entropy and therefore accelerating the loop search process. Our results suggest that within a cellular environment the early formation of structural elements in unfolded proteins can still proceed quite efficiently in spite of hindered diffusion caused by high macromolecular content.  相似文献   

The N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of the ionotropic glutamate receptors is the primary mediator of calcium-permeable excitatory neurotransmission in the central nervous system. Subunit composition and binding of allosteric modulators to the amino-terminal domain determine the open probability of the channel. By using luminescence resonance energy transfer with functional receptors expressed in CHO cells, we show that the cleft of the amino-terminal domain of the GluN2B subunit, which has a lower channel open probability, is on average more closed than the GluN2A subunit, which has a higher open probability. Furthermore, the GluN1 amino-terminal domain adopts a more open conformation when coassembled with GluN2A than with GluN2B. Binding of spermine, an allosteric potentiator, opens the amino-terminal domain cleft of both the GluN2B subunit and the adjacent GluN1 subunit. These studies provide direct structural evidence that the inherent conformations of the amino-terminal domains vary based on the subunit and match the reported open probabilities for the receptor.  相似文献   

荧光共振能量转移可用于对生物大分子之间的距离进行定性、定量检测。应用荧光共振能量转移技术对高通量低能量激光诱导肺腺癌细胞凋亡过程中caspase-3的激活过程进行实时动态监测。实验结果表明:高通量低能量激光可以诱导肺腺癌细胞(human lung adenocarcinoma cell,ASTC-a-1)凋亡。同时荧光共振能量转移技术是一个有效的监测caspase-3在凋亡过程中活性动态变化的方法。  相似文献   

Initial polypeptide chain collapse plays a major role in the development of subsequent structure during protein folding, but it has been difficult to elucidate the coupling between its cooperativity and specificity. To better understand this important aspect of protein folding, nine different intramolecular distances in the protein have been measured by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) in the product(s) of the initial, sub-millisecond collapse reaction during the folding of barstar, under different folding conditions. All nine distances contract in these initial folding products, when the denaturant concentration is reduced. Two of these distances were also measured in peptides corresponding to sequence segments 38-55 and 51-69 of the protein. Surprisingly, both distances do not contract in the peptides which remain fully unfolded when the denaturant concentration is reduced. This suggests that the contraction of at least some segments of the polypeptide chain may be facilitated only by contraction of other segments. In the case of the initial product of folding of the protein, the dependence on denaturant concentration of the relative change in each distance suggests that there are two components to the initial folding reaction. One is a nonspecific component, which appears to be driven by the change in denaturant concentration that is used to initiate refolding. This component corresponds to the collapse of completely unfolded protein (U) to unfolded protein in refolding conditions (U(C)). The extent of nonspecific collapse can be predicted by the response of completely unfolded protein to a change in denaturant concentration. All distances undergo such solvent-induced contraction, but each distance contracts to a different extent. There is also a specific component to initial sub-millisecond folding, in which some distances (but not all) contract more than that predicted by solvent-induced contraction. The observation that only some of the distances undergo contraction over and above solvent-induced contraction, suggest that this specific component is associated with the formation of a specific intermediate (I(E)). FRET efficiency and distance change differently for the different donor-acceptor pairs, with a change in denaturant concentration, indicating that the formation or dissolution of structure in U(C) and I(E) does not happen in a synchronized manner across different regions of the protein molecule. Also, all nine FRET efficiencies and intramolecular distances in the product(s) of sub-ms folding, change continuously with a change in denaturant concentration. Hence, it appears that the transitions from U to U(C) and to I(E) are gradual transformations, and not all-or-none structural transitions. Nevertheless, the product of these gradual transitions, I(E), possesses specific structure.  相似文献   

刘庆华  余亮  熊建文 《激光生物学报》2008,17(1):138-142,F0003
概述了现存的主要量子点的构成及其特点,阐述了量子点的性质主要由量子点的成分、结构、包覆和尺寸所决定。并重点讨论量子点在光动力疗法中,量子点直接代替传统光敏剂、量子点的荧光共振能量转移、量子点作为宽禁带半导体材料TiO2的敏化剂等三种不同应用中,对量子点的要求,通过讨论指出由于其特性,量子点将在光动力疗法中得到更广泛的应用,也对在光动力疗法中应用的量子点的毒性及其他可能产生的问题提出了展望。  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette exporters use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to transport substrates across membranes by switching between inward- and outward-facing conformations. Essentially all structural studies of these proteins have been performed with the proteins in detergent micelles, locked in specific conformations and/or at low temperature. Here, we used luminescence resonance energy transfer spectroscopy to study the prototypical ATP-binding cassette exporter MsbA reconstituted in nanodiscs at 37 °C while it performs ATP hydrolysis. We found major differences when comparing MsbA in these native-like conditions with double electron-electron resonance data and the crystal structure of MsbA in the open inward-facing conformation. The most striking differences include a significantly smaller separation between the nucleotide-binding domains and a larger fraction of molecules with associated nucleotide-binding domains in the nucleotide-free apo state. These studies stress the importance of studying membrane proteins in an environment that approaches physiological conditions.  相似文献   

A fluorometric assay was used to study the DNA unwinding kinetics induced by Escherichiacoli RecQ helicase.This assay was based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer and carried out onstopped-flow,in which DNA unwinding was monitored by fluorescence emission enhancement of fluoresceinresulting from helicase-catalyzed DNA unwinding.By this method,we determined the DNA unwinding rateof RecQ at different enzyme concentrations.We also studied the dependences of DNA unwinding magnitudeand rate on magnesium ion concentration.We showed that this method could be used to determine thepolarity of DNA unwinding.This assay should greatly facilitate further study of the mechanism for RecQ-catalyzed DNA unwinding.  相似文献   

Intermediate states play well-established roles in the folding and misfolding reactions of individual RNA and protein molecules. In contrast, the roles of transient structural intermediates in multi-component ribonucleoprotein (RNP) assembly processes and their potential for misassembly are largely unexplored. The SRP19 protein is unstructured but forms a compact core domain and two extended RNA-binding loops upon binding the signal recognition particle (SRP) RNA. The SRP54 protein subsequently binds to the fully assembled SRP19-RNA complex to form an intimate threefold interface with both SRP19 and the RNA and without significantly altering the structure of SRP19. We show, however, that the presence of SRP54 during SRP19-RNA assembly dramatically alters the folding energy landscape to create a non-native folding pathway that leads to an aberrant SRP19-RNA conformation. The misassembled complex arises from the surprising ability of SRP54 to bind rapidly to an SRP19-RNA assembly intermediate and to interfere with subsequent folding of one of the RNA binding loops at the three-way protein-RNA interface. An incorrect temporal order of assembly thus readily yields a non-native three-component ribonucleoprotein particle. We propose there may exist a general requirement to regulate the order of interaction in multi-component RNP assembly reactions by spatial or temporal compartmentalization of individual constituents in the cell.  相似文献   

Many monoclonal antibodies have been developed for therapy over the last 2 decades. In the development of therapeutic antibodies, the preclinical assessment of an antibody's biodistribution is important for the prediction of the antibody's efficacy and safety. For imaging analyses of such biodistributions, radioisotope (RI) labeling and fluorescence labeling methods are typically used, but the resulting data are limited because these methods cannot distinguish breakdown products from intact antibodies. To resolve this problem, we developed a novel method using fluorescent resonance energy transfer (FRET)-type labeling and a spectral unmixing tool. With FRET-type labeling (labeling with 2 species of fluorophore), different fluorescence properties of labeled intact antibodies and their breakdown products (the hydrolyzed/digested type of breakdown products) are made visible. With the spectral unmixing tool, the fluorescence of a solution containing the intact antibody and its breakdown products could be unmixed in proportion to their contents. Moreover, when labeled antibodies that targeted either human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 or epidermal growth factor receptor were injected into nude mice implanted subcutaneously with tumor cells, the accumulation of the injected labeled antibodies and their breakdown products in the tumor could be separately analyzed by both whole-mouse imaging and a tumor homogenate analysis. These results suggest that our method using FRET-type labeling and a spectral unmixing tool could be useful in distinguishing breakdown products from intact antibodies.  相似文献   

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