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The vertical stratification of lepidopteran and coleopteran communities in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in Japan was examined to evaluate the hypothesis of an expected uniform distribution of mobile flying insects between the canopy and understory of temperate forests. Lepidopteran and coleopteran insects were trapped using light traps at three sites in each of the canopy and understory for three consecutive nights each month from April to October 2001. For Lepidoptera, species richness, abundance, and family richness were significantly higher in the understory than in the canopy. For Coleoptera, only abundance was larger in the canopy relative to the understory; species and family richness did not differ between the strata. The beta diversity of the lepidopteran community was larger between the strata than among sites, but the coleopteran community showed an inverse pattern. These results imply the presence of vertical stratification within the lepidopteran community, but not within the coleopteran community, in the temperate forest. The understory contributes more than the canopy to lepidopteran diversity in the temperate forest, although this stratification may be relatively weak because, in contrast to the situation in tropical forests, the canopy and understory assemblages share many species.  相似文献   

Wang X  Comita LS  Hao Z  Davies SJ  Ye J  Lin F  Yuan Z 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e29469
Tree survival plays a central role in forest ecosystems. Although many factors such as tree size, abiotic and biotic neighborhoods have been proposed as being important in explaining patterns of tree survival, their contributions are still subject to debate. We used generalized linear mixed models to examine the relative importance of tree size, local abiotic conditions and the density and identity of neighbors on tree survival in an old-growth temperate forest in northeastern China at three levels (community, guild and species). Tree size and both abiotic and biotic neighborhood variables influenced tree survival under current forest conditions, but their relative importance varied dramatically within and among the community, guild and species levels. Of the variables tested, tree size was typically the most important predictor of tree survival, followed by biotic and then abiotic variables. The effect of tree size on survival varied from strongly positive for small trees (1-20 cm dbh) and medium trees (20-40 cm dbh), to slightly negative for large trees (>40 cm dbh). Among the biotic factors, we found strong evidence for negative density and frequency dependence in this temperate forest, as indicated by negative effects of both total basal area of neighbors and the frequency of conspecific neighbors. Among the abiotic factors tested, soil nutrients tended to be more important in affecting tree survival than topographic variables. Abiotic factors generally influenced survival for species with relatively high abundance, for individuals in smaller size classes and for shade-tolerant species. Our study demonstrates that the relative importance of variables driving patterns of tree survival differs greatly among size classes, species guilds and abundance classes in temperate forest, which can further understanding of forest dynamics and offer important insights into forest management.  相似文献   

Relationships between microhabitat variables; understory light conditions in summer and winter, altitude, slope inclination and topographic categories (valley, ridge, and slope) and the distribution of Aucuba japonica Thunb. (Cornaceae), a common understory shrub species in Japan were examined using non-contagious 66, 20 × 20 m2 quadrats. The Morishita’s I δ suggested that A. japonica distributions were strongly heterogeneous among the quadrats. Therefore positive spatial autocorrelation of A. japonica at a within-quadrat level (≤20 m) was obvious. Moran’s I statistics showed a significant positive spatial autocorrelation in A. japonica abundance within the distance shorter than 60 m. But the partial Mantel tests suggested that the mass effect from neighboring quadrats would little explain A. japonica abundance in a quadrat. The partial Mantel tests also clearly showed that A. japonica distributions were strongly structured by topography and understory light conditions. Using Monte Carlo randomization tests, we found that A. japonica was aggregately distributed in quadrats in valley which were covered by deciduous canopies. Better understory light conditions in winter together with valley edaphic conditions may increase the abundance of A. japonica there. It is concluded that habitat niche specialization is important in structuring distribution of A. japonica in this forest community.  相似文献   

暖温带森林生态系统林下灌木生物量相对生长模型   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
灌木层作为暖温带森林生态系统的重要组成部分,其生物量估算的精确性及便捷性,成为森林生态系统能量流动、物质循环研究的重要环节。目前可用于暖温带森林生态系统灌木层生物量估算的相对生长模型较少。以河北雾灵山国家级自然保护区暖温带森林生态系统为研究对象,建立了该区域15种常见灌木的相对生长模型。研究发现:15种灌木全株和单一器官的最优相对生长方程均以D2H为自变量,分别以幂函数W=a(D2H)b或二项式函数W=a+b D2H+c(D2H)2为最优化回归方程。统计分析结果显示:判断系数R2值介于0.7331—0.9992之间,显著性检验各参数P0.01,满足回归模型的适用性要求。对研究区域常见灌木全株生物量(WTU)的普适性研究发现:以D2H为自变量的二项式函数回归模型WTU=0.0362+297.03D2H-127.1(D2H)2,R2=0.9434,P0.01,普遍适用于除去六道木(Zabelia biflora)和照山白(Rhododendron micranthum)之外的13种灌木植物的生物量估算。此模型对以上2种植物不适用的原因有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

The hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA), Adelges tsugae Annand (Hemiptera: Adelgidae), has spread rapidly across the eastern USA since its introduction from Japan 60 years ago, causing widespread mortality of both eastern hemlock [Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carrière] and Carolina hemlock [Tsuga caroliniana Engelm. (Pinaceae)]. Although HWA spread patterns have been repeatedly analyzed at regional scales, comparatively little is known about its dispersal potential within and between hemlock stands. As the small size and clonal nature of HWA make it nearly impossible to identify the source populations of dispersing individuals, we simulated intra‐stand HWA movement in the field by monitoring the movement of clumps of fluorescent powder that are slightly larger than HWA, but much easier to detect in the forest understory. Using three hemlock trees with three colors of fluorescent powder as source populations, we detected dispersal events at the farthest distances within our trapping array (400 m). However, more than 90% of dispersal events were <25 m. Dispersal patterns were similar from all three source trees and the distribution of dispersal distances in all cases could be described by lognormal probability density functions with mean dispersal distance of 12–14 m, suggesting that dispersal was relatively independent of location of source trees. In general, we documented tens of thousands of passive dispersal events in the forest understory despite the presence of a dense forest canopy. Thus, even under relatively light‐wind conditions, particles of similar dimensions to HWA are capable of intra‐stand movement, suggesting that a large population of HWA could rapidly infest other trees within several hundred meter radius, or beyond.  相似文献   

  • Functional traits respond to environmental drivers, hence evaluating trait‐environment relationships across spatial environmental gradients can help to understand how multiple drivers influence plant communities. Global‐change drivers such as changes in atmospheric nitrogen deposition occur worldwide, but affect community trait distributions at the local scale, where resources (e.g. light availability) and conditions (e.g. soil pH) also influence plant communities.
  • We investigate how multiple environmental drivers affect community trait responses related to resource acquisition (plant height, specific leaf area (SLA), woodiness, and mycorrhizal status) and regeneration (seed mass, lateral spread) of European temperate deciduous forest understoreys. We sampled understorey communities and derived trait responses across spatial gradients of global‐change drivers (temperature, precipitation, nitrogen deposition, and past land use), while integrating in‐situ plot measurements on resources and conditions (soil type, Olsen phosphorus (P), Ellenberg soil moisture, light, litter mass, and litter quality).
  • Among the global‐change drivers, mean annual temperature strongly influenced traits related to resource acquisition. Higher temperatures were associated with taller understoreys producing leaves with lower SLA, and a higher proportional cover of woody and obligate mycorrhizal (OM) species. Communities in plots with higher Ellenberg soil moisture content had smaller seeds and lower proportional cover of woody and OM species. Finally, plots with thicker litter layers hosted taller understoreys with larger seeds and a higher proportional cover of OM species.
  • Our findings suggest potential community shifts in temperate forest understoreys with global warming, and highlight the importance of local resources and conditions as well as global‐change drivers for community trait variation.

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal communities can influence the species composition of plant communities. This influence may result from effects of AM on seedling recruitment, although the existing evidence is limited to experimental systems. We addressed the impact of AM fungi on the plant community composition and seedling recruitment of two species – Oxalis acetosella and Prunella vulgaris – in a temperate forest understory. We established a field experiment over two years in which soil fertility (using fertilizer to enhance and sucrose to decrease fertility) and the activity of AM fungi (using fungicide) was manipulated in a factorial design. Species richness, diversity and community composition of understory plants were not influenced by soil fertility or AM fungal activity treatments. However, plant community composition was marginally significantly affected by the interaction of these treatments as the effect of AM fungal activity became evident under enhanced soil fertility. Suppression of AM fungal activity combined with decreased soil fertility increased the number of shoots of herbaceous plants. Unchanged activity of AM fungi enhanced the growth of O. acetosella seedlings under decreased soil fertility, but did not influence the growth of P. vulgaris seedlings. We conclude that the role of AM fungi in structuring plant communities depends on soil fertility. AM fungi can have a strong influence on seedling recruitment, especially for those plants that are characteristic of the habitat.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships between the overstory dominance of Prunus serotina, and the functional diversity of the understory plant communities, in a managed European forest. Vegetation, habitat characteristics and disturbance history were surveyed in 32 invaded stands vs. 32 paired uninvaded stands, after a random stratification. Community specialization and functional diversity indices were compared and a RLQ analysis was run to link species traits to environmental variables. The herb layer of invaded stands exhibited significantly more specialist species and a lower trait diversity compared to uninvaded stands, with respect of species richness and vegetation cover. Light arrival to the forest floor and soil properties explained most of the variation in the RLQ analysis, but 20% of the variation strongly correlated with P. serotina dominance and associated disturbances. Traits characterizing shade-tolerant, short-living ruderals and shade-avoiders (vernal geophytes) were significantly associated to invaded stands, while those associated to light-demanding graminoids characterized uninvaded stands. The establishment of functionally close species (seedlings and saplings of native woody species) tended to be lower in invaded stands. We concluded that the invader was becoming the new ecosystem engineer, first by inducing trait convergence and community specialization, thus promoting traits that enable species to capture resources in the new environment it was creating, and second by reducing the grain of local heterogeneities.  相似文献   

Spring leaf phenology in temperate climates is intricately related to numerous aspects of the lower atmosphere [e.g., surface energy balance, carbon flux, humidity, the diurnal temperature range (DTR)]. To further develop and improve the accuracy of ecosystem and climate models, additional investigations of the specific nature of the relationships between spring leaf phenology and various ecosystem and climate processes are required in different environments. This study used visual observations of maple leaf phenology, below-canopy light intensities, and micrometeorological data collected during the spring seasons of 2008, 2009, and 2010 to examine the potential influence of leaf phenology on a seasonal transition in the trend of the DTR. The timing of a reversal in the DTR trend occurred near the time when the leaves were unfolding and expanding. The results suggest that the spring decline in the DTR can be attributed primarily to the effect of canopy closure on daily maximum temperature. These findings improve our understanding of the relationship between leaf phenology and the diurnal temperature range in temperate maple forests during the spring. They also demonstrate the necessity of incorporating accurate phenological data into ecosystem and climate models and warrant a careful examination of the extent to which canopy phenology is currently incorporated into existing models.  相似文献   

Seedling survival plays an important role in the maintenance of species diversity and forest dynamics. Although substantial gains have been made in understanding the factors driving patterns of seedling survival in forests, few studies have considered the simultaneous contribution of understory light availability and the local biotic neighborhood to seedling survival in temperate forests at different successional stages. Here, we used generalized linear mixed models to assess the relative importance of understory light availability and biotic neighborhood variables on seedling survival in secondary and old-growth temperate forest in north eastern China at two levels (community and guild). At the community level, biotic neighborhood effects on seedling survival were more important than understory light availability in both forests. In both the old-growth and secondary forests, conspecific basal area had a negative effect on seedling survival, consistent with negative conspecific density dependence. At guild levels, the relative importance of light and biotic neighborhood on seedling survival showed considerable variation among guilds in both forests. Available understory light tended to have positive effects on seedling survival for shrub and light-demanding species in the old-growth forest, but negative effects on survival of shade-tolerant seedlings in the secondary forest. For tree species and shade-tolerant species, the best fit models included neighborhood variables, but that was not the case for shrubs, light-demanding, or mid shade-tolerant species. Overall, our results demonstrate that the relative importance of understory light availability and biotic factors on seedling survival vary with species life-history strategy and forest successional stage.  相似文献   

Negative interactions between non-indigenous and native species has been an important research topic of invasion biology. However, interactions between two or more invasive species may be as important in understanding biological invasions, but they have rarely been studied. In this paper, we describe three field experiments that investigated interactions between two non-indigenous plant species invasive in the eastern United States, Lonicera japonica (a perennial vine) and Microstegium vimineum (an annual grass). A press removal experiment conducted within a deciduous forest understory community indicated that M. vimineum was a superior competitor to L. japonica. We tested the hypothesis that the competitive success of M. vimineum was because it overgrew, and reduced light available to, L. japonica, by conducting a separate light gradient experiment within the same community. Shade cloth that simulated the M. vimineum canopy reduced the performance of L. japonica. In a third complementary experiment, we added experimental support hosts to test the hypothesis that the competitive ability of L. japonica is limited by support hosts, onto which L. japonica climbs to access light. We found that the abundance of climbing branches increased with the number of support hosts. Results of this experiment indicate that these two invasive species compete asymmetrically for resources, particularly light.  相似文献   

Although broadleaf tree species of the boreal biome have a lower flammability compared to conifers, there is a period following snow melt and prior to leaf flush (i.e., greenup), termed the “spring window” by fire managers, when these forests are relatively conducive to wildfire ignition and spread. The goal of this study was to characterize the duration, timing, and fire proneness of the spring window across boreal Canada and assess the link between these phenological variables and the incidence of springtime wildfires. We used remotely sensed snow cover and greenup data to identify the annual spring window for five boreal ecozones from 2001 to 2021 and then compared seasonality of wildfire starts (by cause) and fire-conducive weather in relation to this window, averaged over the 21-year period. We conducted a path analysis to concomitantly evaluate the influence of the spring window's duration, the timing of greenup, and fire-conducive weather on the annual number and the seasonality of spring wildfires. Results show that the characteristics of spring windows vary substantially from year to year and among geographic zones, with the interior west of Canada having the longest and most fire-conducive spread window and, accordingly, the greatest springtime wildfire activity. We also provide support for the belief that springtime weather generally promotes wind-driven, rather than drought-driven wildfires. The path analyses show idiosyncratic behavior among ecozones, but, in general, the seasonality of the wildfire season is mainly driven by the timing of the greenup, whereas the number of spring wildfires mostly responds to the duration of the spring window and the frequency of fire-conducive weather. The results of this study allows us to better understand and anticipate the biome-wide changes projected for the northern forests of North America.  相似文献   

We have assessed the effects of habitat fragmentation on understory tree communities in mesic temperate forests of the Tokachi plain of northern Japan. Tree community composition was analyzed across 13 forest fragments of various sizes ranging from 0.30 to 8.51 ha. The community composition varied along the edge-to-interior gradient: there was a lower abundance of shade-tolerant shrubs in forest edges than in forest interiors, while saplings of dominant canopy trees and pioneer trees were more abundant near the edges. The edge influence extended approximately 56 m into the forest interiors. Even the interior area of small fragments were likely to be affected not only by the nearest edge but also by more distant edges. Consequently, most areas in fragments smaller than 2 ha were covered by these “edge-type” communities. These results indicate that it is of primary importance to conserve and restore forests with an area at least larger than several hectares to sustain forest-interior tree communities.  相似文献   

Fine root mass in relation to soil N supply in a cool temperate forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil inorganic nitrogen supply and fine root mass in the top layers of mineral soil (0–5 and 5–10cm) were investigated at upper and lower sites of a cool temperate forest where Fagus crenata and Quercus crispula dominate. At both sites, soil inorganic nitrogen supply was greatest in the 0–5cm layer. The predominant forms of soil inorganic nitrogen supply were NH4+-N at the upper site and NO3-N at the lower site. Fine roots were concentrated in the 0–5cm layer at the upper site, but not at the lower site. The form of supplied soil inorganic nitrogen supply can be important in determining the vertical distribution of fine roots.  相似文献   

温带森林展叶物候学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜彦君 《生物多样性》2013,21(1):111-116
物候学是研究自然事件的周期性变化的科学,是一门古老的传统学科.在全球温带地区,春季开始时问已经显著提前.随着气候变化日益得到关注,物候学也重新引起了人们的重视.植物在春季的展叶对温度特别敏感,展叶时间决定着许多基本的生态系统过程,因此,近年来生态学家们对展叶物候学表现出极大兴趣.本文综述了最新文献,介绍了展叶物候的不同研究方法、温带木本植物展叶的控制因子,以及气候变化对展叶物候的影响.除了传统的地面监测方法之外,一些使用遥感和专用相机的新方法已经被用来在更大尺度上监测春季开始时间.未来的研究工作应聚焦于植物的展叶物候如何应对气候变化,及其对不同营养级物种问相互作用的影响.  相似文献   

马转转  张全智  王传宽 《生态学报》2023,43(17):7307-7316
阐明凋落物动态及其环境控制机制,可以为森林生态系统生产力及碳汇功能的维持提供重要的数据支持和理论依据。以长白山系余脉张广才岭西坡林龄相近但立地条件不同的4种天然次生林(即硬阔叶林、杨桦林、杂木林和蒙古栎林)和2种人工林(落叶松人工林和红松人工林)为研究对象,对其地上凋落物产量及其组分以及相关环境因子进行了14年(2008-2021年)的连续测定,旨在揭示森林凋落物量及其组分的时空变化(林型间和年际变异)及其环境驱动机制。结果表明:6种森林类型的凋落总量(TL)无显著差异,波动范围为500.5-556.1 g m-2 a-1;但其叶凋落量(LL)、繁殖组织凋落量(RT)和其他组织凋落量(OT)均存在显著差异,波动范围依次分别为333.9-391.8 g m-2 a-1、8.43-69.93 g m-2 a-1和93.4-185.9 g m-2 a-1。6种森林类型的TL均存在显著的年际变化;其中LL和OT年际变化的显著性因森林类型而不同,而RT的年际变化不显著。除落叶松人工林外,其余5种森林类型的LL与生长季平均气温、日最低气温均值、土壤10 cm深度处的平均温度、最低温度(Tsmin)和土壤5 cm含水量(Ms)均呈显著正相关。杂木林、硬阔叶林和红松人工林的RT与Ms呈显著负相关;杂木林、杨桦林和硬阔叶林的OT与Tsmin呈显著负相关。样地水平的LL与土壤10 cm处含水量存在显著的正相关关系,而RT和OT则与其呈现显著负相关关系。这些结果表明林龄相似的温带森林地上凋落物总量有趋同趋势,但其通过改变组分分配格局来适应立地条件的变化;土壤湿度和温度变化会引起凋落物量的年际变化,但不同森林类型的凋落物量对环境波动的敏感性不同。  相似文献   

The specialization of herbivores among tree species is poorly understood despite its fundamental importance as a factor regulating diversity. To examine the effect of tree species on larval community structure, the larval communities in 10 temperate deciduous tree species that differed in leaf emergence pattern (flush- vs. intermediate-type) were seasonally surveyed. The newly developed soft, nitrogen-rich leaves of all species became tough and nitrogen-poor as the season progressed. Following the changes in leaf quality, two distinct seasonal lepidopteran larval communities emerged, with a marked turnover in early July. The beta diversity, or dissimilarity, of species composition in the larval communities among tree species was higher in summer than in spring. These results imply that the lepidopteran larval communities as a whole were supported by alpha diversity in spring and by beta diversity in summer, demonstrating that the plant diversity of this forest could support a caterpillar community. We examined the importance of spatio-temporal variations in leaf quality within and among tree species in promoting herbivore diversity, although other factors, such as tree species phylogeny and predators, may also have a large effect on lepidopteran larval communities.  相似文献   

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