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Beclin-1, originally identified as a Bcl-2 binding protein, is an evolutionarily conserved protein required for autophagy. The direct interaction between Beclin-1 and Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL provides a potential convergence point for apoptosis and autophagy, two programmed cell death processes. Given the functional significance of the interaction between Beclin-1 and Bcl-2/Bcl-xL, we performed detailed biochemical and structural characterizations of this interaction. We demonstrated that the Bcl-xL-binding domain of Beclin-1 contains a BH3 domain. Therefore, Beclin-1 is a new member of the BH3-only family proteins. The structure of Bcl-xL in complex with the Beclin-1 BH3 domain was determined at high resolution by NMR spectroscopy. Although similar to other known BH3 domains, the Beclin-1 BH3 domain displays its own distinct features in the complex with Bcl-xL. Systematic analysis of all known Bcl-xL/BH3 domain complexes helped us to identify the molecular basis underlying the capacity of Bcl-xL to recognize diverse target sequences.  相似文献   

Efficient formation of specific intermolecular interactions is essential for self-assembly of biological structures. The foldon domain is an evolutionarily optimized trimerization module required for assembly of the large, trimeric structural protein fibritin from phage T4. Monomers consisting of the 27 amino acids comprising a single foldon domain subunit spontaneously form a natively folded trimer. During assembly of the foldon domain, a monomeric intermediate is formed on the submillisecond time scale, which provides the basis for two consecutive very fast association reactions. Mutation of an intermolecular salt bridge leads to a monomeric protein that resembles the kinetic intermediate in its spectroscopic properties. NMR spectroscopy revealed essentially native topology of the monomeric intermediate with defined hydrogen bonds and side-chain interactions but largely reduced stability compared to the native trimer. This structural preorganization leads to an asymmetric charge distribution on the surface that can direct rapid subunit recognition. The low stability of the intermediate allows a large free-energy gain upon trimerization, which serves as driving force for rapid assembly. These results indicate different free-energy landscapes for folding of small oligomeric proteins compared to monomeric proteins, which typically avoid the transient population of intermediates.  相似文献   

CHD7 is a member of the chromodomain helicase DNA binding domain (CHD) family of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling enzymes. It is mutated in CHARGE syndrome, a multiple congenital anomaly condition. CHD7 is one of a subset of CHD proteins, unique to metazoans that contain the BRK domain, a protein module also found in the Brahma/BRG1 family of helicases. We describe here the NMR solution structure of the two BRK domains of CHD7. Each domain has a compact betabetaalphabeta fold. The second domain has a C-terminal extension consisting of two additional helices. The structure differs from those of other domains present in chromatin-associated proteins.  相似文献   

The intrinsically disordered amino-proximal domain of hamster prion protein (PrP) contains four copies of a highly conserved octapeptide sequence, PHGGGWGQ, that is flanked by two polycationic residue clusters. This N-terminal domain mediates the binding of sulfated glycans, which can profoundly influence the conversion of PrP to pathological forms and the progression of prion disease. To investigate the structural consequences of sulfated glycan binding, we performed multidimensional heteronuclear (1H, 13C, 15N) NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), circular dichroism (CD), and fluorescence studies on hamster PrP residues 23-106 (PrP 23-106) and fragments thereof when bound to pentosan polysulfate (PPS). While the majority of PrP 23-106 remain disordered upon PPS binding, the octarepeat region adopts a repeating loop-turn structure that we have determined by NMR. The β-like turns within the repeats are corroborated by CD data demonstrating that these turns are also present, although less pronounced, without PPS. Binding to PPS exposes a hydrophobic surface composed of aligned tryptophan side chains, the spacing and orientation of which are consistent with a self-association or ligand binding site. The unique tryptophan motif was probed by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, which displayed enhanced fluorescence of PrP 23-106 when bound to PPS, consistent with the alignment of tryptophan side chains. Chemical-shift mapping identified binding sites on PrP 23-106 for PPS, which include the octarepeat histidine and an N-terminal basic cluster previously linked to sulfated glycan binding. These data may in part explain how sulfated glycans modulate PrP conformational conversions and oligomerizations.  相似文献   

Voltage-sensor domains (VSDs) are specialized transmembrane segments that confer voltage sensitivity to many proteins such as ion channels and enzymes. The activities of these domains are highly dependent on both the chemical properties and the physical properties of the surrounding membrane environment. To learn about VSD-lipid interactions, we used nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the structure and phospholipid interface of the VSD from the voltage-dependent K+ channel KvAP (prokaryotic Kv from Aeropyrum pernix). The solution structure of the KvAP VSD solubilized within phospholipid micelles is similar to a previously determined crystal structure solubilized by a nonionic detergent and complexed with an antibody fragment. The differences observed include a previously unidentified short amphipathic α-helix that precedes the first transmembrane helix and a subtle rigid-body repositioning of the S3-S4 voltage-sensor paddle. Using 15N relaxation experiments, we show that much of the VSD, including the pronounced kink in S3 and the S3-S4 paddle, is relatively rigid on the picosecond-to-nanosecond timescale. In contrast, the kink in S3 is mobile on the microsecond-to-millisecond timescale and may act as a hinge in the movement of the paddle during channel gating. We characterized the VSD-phospholipid micelle interactions using nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy and showed that the micelle uniformly coats the KvAP VSD and approximates the chemical environment of a phospholipid bilayer. Using paramagnetically labeled phospholipids, we show that bilayer-forming lipids interact with the S3 and S4 helices more strongly than with S1 and S2.  相似文献   

Growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases of the ErbB family play a significant role in vital cellular processes and various cancers. During signal transduction across plasma membrane, ErbB receptors are involved in lateral homodimerization and heterodimerization with proper assembly of their extracellular single-span transmembrane (TM) and cytoplasmic domains. The ErbB1/ErbB2 heterodimer appears to be the strongest and most potent inducer of cellular transformation and mitogenic signaling compared to other ErbB homodimers and heterodimers. Spatial structure of the heterodimeric complex formed by TM domains of ErbB1 and ErbB2 receptors embedded into lipid bicelles was obtained by solution NMR. The ErbB1 and ErbB2 TM domains associate in a right-handed α-helical bundle through their N-terminal double GG4-like motif T648G649X2G652A653 and glycine zipper motif T652X3S656X3G660, respectively. The described heterodimer conformation is believed to support the juxtamembrane and kinase domain configuration corresponding to the receptor active state. The capability for multiple polar interactions, along with hydrogen bonding between TM segments, correlates with the observed highest affinity of the ErbB1/ErbB2 heterodimer, implying an important contribution of the TM helix-helix interaction to signal transduction.  相似文献   

The Bombyx mori pheromone-binding protein (BmorPBP) undergoes a pH-dependent conformational transition from a form at basic pH, which contains an open cavity suitable for ligand binding (BmorPBPB), to a form at pH 4.5, where this cavity is occupied by an additional helix (BmorPBPA). This helix α7 is formed by the C-terminal dodecapeptide 131-142, which is flexibly disordered on the protein surface in BmorPBPB and in its complex with the pheromone bombykol. Previous work showed that the ligand-binding cavity cannot accommodate both bombykol and helix α7. Here we further investigated mechanistic aspects of the physiologically crucial ejection of the ligand at lower pH values by solution NMR studies of the variant protein BmorPBP(1-128), where the C-terminal helix-forming tetradecapeptide is removed. The NMR structure of the truncated protein at pH 6.5 corresponds closely to BmorPBPB. At pH 4.5, BmorPBP(1-128) maintains a B-type structure that is in a slow equilibrium, on the NMR chemical shift timescale, with a low-pH conformation for which a discrete set of 15N-1H correlation peaks is NMR unobservable. The full NMR spectrum was recovered upon readjusting the pH of the protein solution to 6.5. These data reveal dual roles for the C-terminal tetradecapeptide of BmorPBP in the mechanism of reversible pheromone binding and transport, where it governs dynamic equilibria between two locally different protein conformations at acidic pH and competes with the ligand for binding to the interior cavity.  相似文献   

The neuronal scaffolding protein AIDA-1 is believed to act as a convener of signals arising at postsynaptic densities. Among the readily identifiable domains in AIDA-1, two closely juxtaposed sterile alpha motif (SAM) domains and a phosphotyrosine binding domain are located within the C-terminus of the longest splice variant and exclusively in four shorter splice variants. As a first step towards understanding the possible emergent properties arising from this assembly of ligand binding domains, we have used NMR methods to solve the first structure of a SAM domain tandem. Separated by a 15-aa linker, the two SAM domains are fused in a head-to-tail orientation that has been observed in other hetero- and homotypic SAM domain structures. The basic nuclear import signal for AIDA-1 is buried at the interface between the two SAM domains. An observed disparity between the thermal stabilities of the two SAM domains suggests a mechanism whereby the second SAM domain decouples from the first SAM domain to facilitate translocation of AIDA-1 to the nucleus.  相似文献   

Computational protein design procedures were applied to the redesign of the entire sequence of a 51 amino acid residue protein, Drosophila melanogaster engrailed homeodomain. Various sequence optimization algorithms were compared and two resulting designed sequences were experimentally evaluated. The two sequences differ by 11 mutations and share 22% and 24% sequence identity with the wild-type protein. Both computationally designed proteins were considerably more stable than the naturally occurring protein, with midpoints of thermal denaturation greater than 99 degrees C. The solution structure was determined for one of the two sequences using multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy, and the structure was found to closely match the original design template scaffold.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TyrH) catalyzes the hydroxylation of tyrosine to form 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine in the biosynthesis of the catecholamine neurotransmitters. The activity of the enzyme is regulated by phosphorylation of serine residues in a regulatory domain and by binding of catecholamines to the active site. Available structures of TyrH lack the regulatory domain, limiting the understanding of the effect of regulation on structure. We report the use of NMR spectroscopy to analyze the solution structure of the isolated regulatory domain of rat TyrH. The protein is composed of a largely unstructured N-terminal region (residues 1–71) and a well-folded C-terminal portion (residues 72–159). The structure of a truncated version of the regulatory domain containing residues 65–159 has been determined and establishes that it is an ACT domain. The isolated domain is a homodimer in solution, with the structure of each monomer very similar to that of the core of the regulatory domain of phenylalanine hydroxylase. Two TyrH regulatory domain monomers form an ACT domain dimer composed of a sheet of eight strands with four α-helices on one side of the sheet. Backbone dynamic analyses were carried out to characterize the conformational flexibility of TyrH65–159. The results provide molecular details critical for understanding the regulatory mechanism of TyrH.  相似文献   

Type IV pili are long, thin fibres, which extend from the surface of the bacterial pathogen Neisseria meningitidis; they play a key role in adhesion and colonisation of host cells. PilP is a lipoprotein, suggested to be involved in the assembly and stabilization of an outer membrane protein, PilQ, which is required for pilus formation. Here we describe the expression of a recombinant fragment of PilP, spanning residues 20 to 181, and determination of the solution structure of a folded domain, spanning residues 85 to 163, by NMR. The N-terminal third of the protein, from residues 20 to 84, is apparently unfolded. Protease digestion yielded a 113 residue fragment that contained the folded domain. The domain adopts a simple beta-sandwich type fold, consisting of a three-stranded beta-sheet packed against a four-stranded beta-sheet. There is also a short segment of 3(10) helix at the N-terminal part of the folded domain. We were unable to identify any other proteins that are closely related in structure to the PilP domain, although the fold appears to be distantly related to the lipocalin family. Over 40 homologues of PilP have been identified in Gram-negative bacteria and the majority of conserved residues lie within the folded domain. The fourth beta-strand and adjacent loop regions contain a high proportion of conserved residues, including three glycine residues, which seem to play a role in linking the two beta-sheets. The two beta-sheets pack together to form a crevice, lined with conserved hydrophobic residues: we suggest that this feature could act as a binding site for a small ligand. The results show that PilP and its homologues have a conserved, folded domain at the C-terminal end of the protein that may be involved in mediating binding to hydrophobic ligands.  相似文献   

The integrase protein (Int) from bacteriophage lambda is the archetypal member of the tyrosine recombinase family, a large group of enzymes that rearrange DNA in all domains of life. Int catalyzes the insertion and excision of the viral genome into and out of the Escherichia coli chromosome. Recombination transpires within higher-order nucleoprotein complexes that form when its amino-terminal domain binds to arm-type DNA sequences that are located distal to the site of strand exchange. Arm-site binding by Int is essential for catalysis, as it promotes Int-mediated bridge structures that stabilize the recombination machinery. We have elucidated how Int is able to sequence specifically recognize the arm-type site sequence by determining the solution structure of its amino-terminal domain (IntN, residues Met1 to Leu64) in complex with its P′2 DNA binding site. Previous studies have shown that IntN adopts a rare monomeric DNA binding fold that consists of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet that is packed against a carboxy-terminal alpha helix. A low-resolution crystal structure of the full-length protein also revealed that the sheet is inserted into the major groove of the arm-type site. The solution structure presented here reveals how IntN specifically recognizes the arm-type site sequence. A novel feature of the new solution structure is the use of an 11-residue tail that is located at the amino terminus. DNA binding induces the folding of a 310 helix in the tail that projects the amino terminus of the protein deep into the minor groove for stabilizing DNA contacts. This finding reveals the structural basis for the observation that the “unstructured” amino terminus is required for recombination.  相似文献   

The structure and dynamic properties of an 80-residue fragment of Ste2p, the G-protein-coupled receptor for α-factor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was studied in LPPG micelles with the use of solution NMR spectroscopy. The fragment Ste2p(G31-T110) (TM1-TM2) consisted of 19 residues from the N-terminal domain, the first TM helix (TM1), the first cytoplasmic loop, the second TM helix (TM2), and seven residues from the first extracellular loop. Multidimensional NMR experiments on [15N], [15N, 13C], [15N, 13C, 2H]-labeled TM1-TM2 and on protein fragments selectively labeled at specific amino acid residues or protonated at selected methyl groups resulted in >95% assignment of backbone and side-chain nuclei. The NMR investigation revealed the secondary structure of specific residues of TM1-TM2. TALOS constraints and NOE connectivities were used to calculate a structure for TM1-TM2 that was highlighted by the presence of three α-helices encompassing residues 39-47, 49-72, and 80-103, with higher flexibility around the internal Arg58 site of TM1. RMSD values of individually superimposed helical segments 39-47, 49-72, and 80-103 were 0.25 ± 0.10 Å, 0.40 ± 0.13 Å, and 0.57 ± 0.19 Å, respectively. Several long-range interhelical connectivities supported the folding of TM1-TM2 into a tertiary structure typified by a crossed helix that splays apart toward the extracellular regions and contains considerable flexibility in the G56VRSG60 region. 15N-relaxation and hydrogen-deuterium exchange data support a stable fold for the TM parts of TM1-TM2, whereas the solvent-exposed segments are more flexible. The NMR structure is consistent with the results of biochemical experiments that identified the ligand-binding site within this region of the receptor.  相似文献   

The leech protein Saratin from Hirudo medicinalis prevents thrombocyte aggregation by interfering with the first binding step of the thrombocytes to collagen by binding to collagen. We solved the three-dimensional structure of the leech protein Saratin in solution and identified its collagen binding site by NMR titration experiments. The NMR structure of Saratin consists of one α-helix and a five-stranded β-sheet arranged in the topology ββαβββ. The C-terminal region, of about 20 amino acids in length, adopts no regular structure. NMR titration experiments with collagen peptides show that the collagen interaction of Saratin takes place in a kind of notch that is formed by the end of the α-helix and the β-sheet. NMR data-driven docking experiments to collagen model peptides were used to elucidate the putative binding mode of Saratin and collagen. Mainly, parts of the first and the end of the fifth β-strand, the loop connecting the α-helix and the third β-strand, and a short part of the loop connecting the fourth and fifth β-strand participate in binding.  相似文献   

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