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Abstract: The community structure of complex anaerobic microbial communities has been difficult to elucidate because of an inability to cultivate most of the contributing populations. In this study, the distribution of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in anaerobic sediments was determined using oligonucleotide probes complementary to the 16S ribosomal RNAs of major phylogenetic groups. Sediment cores were collected from Santa Rosa Sound in northwest Florida, and sectioned by depth into 1 to 2 cm fractions. Nucleic acids were extracted from each fraction and hybridized with the SRB-specific ribosomal RNA probes. SRB ribosomal RNAs accounted for almost 5% of the microbial community ribosomal RNA pool in the 3–4 cm depth fraction and were dominated by Desulfovibrionaceae ribosomal RNA. The SRB ribosomal RNA peak coincided with mercury methylation, an activity attributed to SRB. Profiles of the ribosomal RNAs indicate that SRB populations in sediments are stratified by depth.  相似文献   

Microscopy of organic-rich, sulfidic sediment samples of marine and freshwater origin revealed filamentous, multicellular microorganisms with gliding motility. Many of these neither contained sulfur droplets such as the Beggiatoa species nor exhibited the autofluorescence of the chlorophyll-containing cyanobacteria. A frequently observed morphological type of filamentous microorganism was enriched under anoxic conditions in the dark with isobutyrate plus sulfate. Two strains of filamentous, gliding sulfate-reducing bacteria, Tokyo 01 and Jade 02, were isolated in pure cultures. Both isolates oxidized acetate and other aliphatic acids. Enzyme assays indicated that the terminal oxidation occurs via the anaerobic C1 pathway (carbon monoxide dehydrogenase pathway). The 16S rRNA genes of the new isolates and of the two formerly described filamentous species of sulfate-reducing bacteria, Desulfonema limicola and Desulfonema magnum, were analyzed. All four strains were closely related to each other and affiliated with the δ-subclass of Proteobacteria. Another close relative was the unicellular Desulfococcus multivorans. Based on phylogenetic relationships and physiological properties, Strains Tokyo 01 and Jade 02 are assigned to a new species, Desulfonema ishimotoi. A new, fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probe targeted against 16S rRNA was designed so that that it hybridized specifically with whole cells of Desulfonema species. Filamentous bacteria that hybridized with the same probe were detected in sediment samples and in association with the filamentous sulfur-oxidizing bacterium Thioploca in its natural habitat. We conclude that Desulfonema species constitute an ecologically significant fraction of the sulfate-reducing bacteria in organic-rich sediments and microbial mats. Received: 30 December 1998 / Accepted: 19 July 1999  相似文献   

Natural relationships, improvement of anaerobic growth on hydrocarbons, and properties that may provide clues to an understanding of oxygen-independent alkane metabolism were studied with two mesophilic sulfate-reducing bacteria, strains Hxd3 and Pnd3. Strain Hxd3 had been formerly isolated from an oil tank; strain Pnd3 was isolated from marine sediment. Strains Hxd3 and Pnd3 grew under strictly anoxic conditions on n-alkanes in the range of C12–C20 and C14–C17, respectively, reducing sulfate to sulfide. Both strains shared 90% 16 S rRNA sequence similarity and clustered with classified species of completely oxidizing, sulfate-reducing bacteria within the δ-subclass of Proteobacteria. Anaerobic growth on alkanes was stimulated by α-cyclodextrin, which served as a non-degradable carrier for the hydrophobic substrate. Cells of strain Hxd3 grown on hydrocarbons and α-cyclodextrin were used to study the composition of cellular fatty acids and in vivo activities. When strain Hxd3 was grown on hexadecane (C16H34), cellular fatty acids with C-odd chains were dominant. Vice versa, cultures grown on heptadecane (C17H36) contained mainly fatty acids with C-even chains. In contrast, during growth on 1-alkenes or fatty acids, a C-even substrate yielded C-even fatty acids, and a C-odd substrate yielded C-odd fatty acids. These results suggest that anaerobic degradation of alkanes by strain Hxd3 does not occur via a desaturation to the corresponding 1-alkenes, a hypothetical reaction formerly discussed in the literature. Rather an alteration of the carbon chain by a C-odd carbon unit is likely to occur during activation; one hypothetical reaction is a terminal addition of a C1 unit. In contrast, fatty acid analyses of strain Pnd3 after growth on alkanes did not indicate an alteration of the carbon chain by a C-odd carbon unit, suggesting that the initial reaction differed from that in strain Hxd3. When hexadecane-grown cells of strain Hxd3 were resuspended in medium with 1-hexadecene, an adaptation period of 2 days was observed. Also this result is not in favor of an anaerobic alkane degradation via the corresponding 1-alkene. Received: 25 June 1998 / Accepted: 29 July 1998  相似文献   

Plastocyanin partial amino acid sequences (40 residues) of five members of the Ranunculaceae were used, together with many other flowering plant plastocyanin sequences already published, to construct dendrograms. On this basis the Ranunculaceae appear more closely related to the Rosaceae and Fabaceae than to the other families investigated. Dendograms constructed from amino acid sequence data and serological data of five members of the Ranunculaceae were similar.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅旱獭是青藏高原的优势种,数量多、分布广,全面了解其遗传背景对该地区旱獭资源的保护与合理利用具有重要的意义。本研究以青藏高原云南、西藏和青海三省区共13个地理种群计258只旱獭为研究对象,PCR扩增获得线粒体DNA控制区基因部分序列(887 bp),并运用种群遗传学方法进行遗传多样性分析。结果显示:258份样品共发现了84个变异位点(9.40%),定义了68种单倍型,其单倍型多样性(h)平均值为0.968±0.003、核苷酸多样性(π)平均值为0.017 25±0.016 37,种群总体遗传多样性较高。AMOVA方差分析显示13个地理种群间存在着明显的遗传分化(Fst=0.620 67,P<0.001),种群间基因交流多数较低(Nm<1)。基于单倍型构建的系统发育树中13个地理种群的喜马拉雅旱獭聚为两支,其中来自青藏高原西南地区(西藏安多、青海格尔木、青海囊谦、云南迪庆)的18个单倍型聚成一个大的分支(A支),其余50个单倍型聚为一个大的分支(B支),在NETWORK网络图中也可见到相似网络拓扑结构。研究结果显示青藏高原喜马拉雅旱獭种群以唐古拉山脉为界分为两个大的种群,说明地理隔离是影响喜马拉雅旱獭种群动态变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

夏凯  梁新乐  李余动 《遗传》2015,37(12):1242-1250
CRISPR (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)是近几年发现的一种广泛存在于细菌和古菌中,能够应对外源DNA干扰(噬菌体、病毒、质粒等),并提供免疫机制的重复序列结构。CRISPR系统通常由同向重复序列、前导序列、间隔序列和CRISPR相关蛋白组成。本研究以醋酸发酵中常见3个属醋杆菌属(Acetobacter)、葡糖醋杆菌属(Gluconacetobacter)和葡糖杆菌属(Gluconobacter)的48个菌株为研究对象,通过其基因组上CRISPR相关基因序列的生物信息学分析,探索CRISPR位点在醋酸菌中的多态性及其进化模式。结果表明48株醋酸菌中有32株存在CRISPR结构,大部分CRISPR-Cas结构属于type I-E和type I-C类型。除了葡糖杆菌属外,葡糖醋杆菌属和醋杆菌属中的部分菌株含有II类的CRISPR-Cas系统结构(CRISPR-Cas9)。来自不同属菌株的CRISPR结构中重复序列具有较强的保守性,而且部分菌株CRISPR结构中的前导序列具有保守的motif (与基因的转录调控有关)及启动子序列。进化树分析表明cas1适合用于醋酸菌株的分类,而不同菌株间cas1基因的进化与重复序列的保守性相关,预示它们可能受相似的功能选择压力。此外,间隔序列的数量与噬菌体数量及插入序列(Insertion sequence, IS)数量有正相关的趋势,说明醋酸菌在进化过程中可能正不断受新的外源DNA入侵。醋酸菌中CRISPR结构位点的分析,为进一步研究不同醋酸菌株对醋酸胁迫耐受性差异及其基因组稳定性的分子机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Twelve species, including three Hystrix species, five Leymus species, Hordeum bogdanii, Pseudoroegneria spicata, Psathyrostachys huashanica, and Roegneria ciliaris, were used for expressed sequence tag-polymerase chain reaction (EST-PCR) assay. A total of 125 products were amplified by 72 sets of EST-PCR markers developed in barley, among which 106 (84.8%) products were found to be polymorphic. Each EST-PCR marker produced 0–6 polymorphic bands, with an average of 1.47. The relationship between H. duthiei s...  相似文献   

Crude lipid and fatty acid composition from liver, intestine, roe, milt and flesh of spawning and non-spawning Pacific herring (Clupea harengus pallasi) were examined to determine the relative effects of spawning on the nutritional value of herring. Depletion of lipid due to spawning condition was significant (P < 0.01) in all organ tissues and flesh of spawning herring. The lipid content ranged from an average of 1.9 to 3.4% (wet weight basis) in different organ tissues of spawning herring, to 10.5 to 16% in non-spawning fish. The fatty acid profile exhibited many differences in the relative distribution of individual fatty acids among organ tissues and between the two fish groups. Oleic acid (C18:1n-9), a major monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) found in all tissue lipids, decreased significantly (P < 0.01) in spawning fish. The two monoenes, C20:1n-9 and C22:1n-11, occurred at high concentrations in the flesh but at only minor proportion in the digestive organs and gonads. Spawning herring also had significantly (P < 0.01) higher polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) content in the organ tissues, particularly in the milt and ovary, with docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3, DHA) having the greatest proportion. Among the n-6 fatty acids, only C18:2n-6 and C20:4n-6 occurred at notable amounts and were present in higher proportions in spawning fish. We concluded that although relatively higher n-3 fatty acid content was found in the organ lipids of spawning herring, they are not an energy-dense prey food source due to the fact that both flesh and gonads contain a very low amount of lipid.  相似文献   

Abstract: Concentrations of two phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) specific for methane-oxidizing bacteria (16:1 ω8 and 18:1 ω8), were used to estimate the biomass and cell numbers of this group of bacteria in two Sphagnum-dominated boreal peatlands. Concentration ranges of 16:1 ω8 and 18:1 ω8 were 0.0–73 and 1.0–486 pmol g−1 of wet peat, respectively. Concentrations in the peat of each fatty acid were positively correlated with the potential methane oxidation activity ( V max), which was used as an independent estimate of methanotrophic biomass. This correlation suggests that the two PLFAs are good biomarkers for the population of methanotrophic bacteria in peatlands. Concentrations of the two PLFAs were transformed to cell numbers using conversion factors for the cell content of PLFAs, average cell volume and percentage of cellular dry matter. The total cell number of methanotrophic bacteria in peat samples from a range of sites and depths ranged between 0.3 and 51 × 106 cells g−1 of wet peat, with similar proportions of type I and type II methanotrophic bacteria in most samples. Within particular peat profiles, numbers of methanotrophic bacteria were highest around the level of the water table, implying that the supplies of methane and oxygen largely determine the biomass distribution of methanotrophic bacteria in this type of peatlands.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship of the thecate PSP-toxin producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamiyavanichii Balech to other species of Alexandrium was studied based on nucleotide sequences of the ITS1, ITS2, 5.8S, 18S and 28S subunits of the ribosomal RNA gene. These are the first such sequences available for A. tamiyavanichii, which is one of the producers of paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins in tropical waters. Based on the nucleotide sequences of the 28S, 18S and 5.8S subunits of the rRNA gene, A. tamiyavanichii grouped together with A. tamarense, A. catenella and A. fundyense. More interestingly, A. tamiyavanichii was most closely affiliated to A. tamarense isolates from Thailand. This result reaffirmed conclusions from previous studies that, for the A. tamarense/fundyense/catenella species complex, geographical origin rather than morphology seems to determine genetic relatedness. Results of this study also suggest that A. tamiyavanichii most probably belongs to the same species complex. Ribosomal RNA gene sequences do not separate the PSP toxin producing from the non-producing species of Alexandrium.  相似文献   

Abstract Twelve species, including three Hystrix species, five Leymus species, Hordeum bogdanii, Pseudoroegneria spicata, Psathyrostachys huashanica, and Roegneria ciliaris, were used for expressed sequence tag‐polymerase chain reaction (EST‐PCR) assay. A total of 125 products were amplified by 72 sets of EST‐PCR markers developed in barley, among which 106 (84.8%) products were found to be polymorphic. Each EST‐PCR marker produced 0–6 polymorphic bands, with an average of 1.47. The relationship between H. duthiei ssp. duthiei and H. duthiei ssp. longearistata is close, but they are remote to H. patula. Hystrix duthiei ssp. duthiei and H. duthiei ssp. longearistata were clustered with Leymus species and Psathyrostachys huashanica, which suggested that they have close genetic relationships. The results of EST‐PCR analysis are basically comparable with those obtained from studies on cytology, which indicated that EST‐PCR can be used to assess the genetic relationships among the perennial species in Triticeae.  相似文献   

In order to study the phylogenetic relationships within the stramenopiles, and particularly among the heterokont algae, we have determined complete or nearly complete large-subunit ribosomal RNA sequences for different species of raphidophytes, phaeophytes, xanthophytes, chrysophytes, synurophytes and pinguiophytes. With the small- and large-subunit ribosomal RNA sequences of representatives for nearly all known groups of heterokont algae, phylogenetic trees were constructed from a concatenated alignment of both ribosomal RNAs, including more than 5,000 positions. By using different tree construction methods, inferred phylogenies showed phaeophytes and xanthophytes as sister taxa, as well as the pelagophytes and dictyochophytes, and the chrysophytes/synurophytes and eustigmatophytes. All these relationships are highly supported by bootstrap analysis. However, apart from these sister group relationships, very few other internodes are well resolved and most groups of heterokont algae seem to have diverged within a relatively short time frame.  相似文献   

Influences of the salt concentration on the fatty acid composition of Ectothiorhodospira species and other phototrophic purple bacteria have been analysed. Major fatty acids in bacteria of the genera Rhodobacter, Rhodopseudomonas, Chromatium, and Ectothiorhodospira were straight chain saturated and monounsaturated C-16 and C-18 fatty acids. Salt-dependent responses of all investigated bacteria revealed relations to their salt optima. Minimum values of C-16 and saturated fatty acids and maximum values of C-18 and unsaturated fatty acids were found at or close to the salt optima. Responses of Ectothiorhodospira mobilis upon changes in salinity were nearly identical, whether cells were grown in batch culture or in continuous culture with identical dilution rates at all salt concentrations. With increasing temperature, the fatty acid composition of Ectothiorhodospira mobilis and Ectothiorhodospira halophila strains showed decreasing portions of C-18 and of unsaturated fatty acids, while the contents of C-16 and saturated fatty acids increased. The results are discussed with respect to bilayer stabilisation and membrane fluidity.Abbreviations PC phosphatidylcholine - PG phosphatidylglycerol - CL cardiolipin - PE phosphatidylethanolamine  相似文献   

A set of broad-host-range single-replicon shuttle vectors for cloning nucleotide sequences in gram-positive bacteria (lactobacilli, enterococci, lactococci, bacilli, etc.) was created. The vectors are based on the cryptic plasmid pLF 1311 fromLactobacillus fermentum VKM 1311, belonging to the family of the σ-type pE194-like plasmids. The vectors can replicate in gram-positive bacteria andEscherichia coli. They are stable in many gram-positive bacteria, have small sizes, and allow the selection of recombinants on media with X-Gal. The vectors that contain the region of initiation of the conjugal transfer of plasmid RP4 belonging to the incompatibility group IncPα can be mobilized in a great number of bacteria using a helper plasmid fromE. coli but not from gram-positive bacteria  相似文献   

This study combined complete 18S with partial 28S ribosomal RNA gene sequences ( approximately 2,000 nt in total) to investigate the relations of basal hexapods. Ten species of Protura, 12 of Diplura, and 10 of Collembola (representing all subgroups of these three clades) were sequenced, along with 5 true insects and 8 other arthropods, which served as out-groups. Trees were constructed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, Bayesian analysis, and minimum-evolution analysis of LogDet-transformed distances. All methods yielded strong support for a clade of Protura plus Diplura, here named Nonoculata, and for monophyly of the Diplura. Parametric-bootstrapping analysis showed our data to be inconsistent with previous hypotheses (P < 0.01) that joined Protura with Collembola (Ellipura), that said Diplura are sister to true insects or are diphyletic, and that said Collembola are not hexapods. That is, our data are consistent with hexapod monophyly and Collembola grouped weakly with "Protura + Diplura" under most analytical conditions. As a caveat to the above conclusions, the sequences showed nonstationarity of nucleotide frequencies across taxa, so the CG-rich sequences of the diplurans and proturans may have grouped together artifactually; however, the fact that the LogDet method supported this group lessens this possibility. Within the basal hexapod groups, where nucleotide frequencies were stationary, traditional taxonomic subgroups generally were recovered: i.e., within Protura, the Eosentomata and Acerentomata (but Sinentomata was not monophyletic); within Collembola, the Arthropleona, Poduromorpha, and Entomobryomorpha (but Symphypleona was polyphyletic); and in Diplura, the most complete data set (> 2,100 nt) showed monophyly of Campodeoidea and of Japygoidea, and most methods united Projapygoidea with Japygoidea.  相似文献   

为探讨柳蚕Actias selene Hübner与鳞翅目昆虫的系统发育关系,本研究利用PCR扩增获得了柳蚕核糖体18S rRNA和线粒体16S rRNA基因的部分序列,长度分别为391bp和428bp。并采用邻近距离法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)、类平均聚类法(UPGMA)构建系统进化树。结果表明,柳蚕线粒体16SrRNA基因序列与大蚕蛾科昆虫的16SrRNA基因序列均表现出偏好于碱基AT的倾向。柳蚕与所研究的其它蚕类的遗传距离介于0.016至0.140之间,其中与温带柞蚕Antheraea roylii的遗传距离最小,与野桑蚕Bombyx mandarina的遗传距离最大。而基于鳞翅目昆虫18S rRNA基因部分序列的进化分析显示,柳蚕与柞蚕Antheraea pernyi之间的遗传距离最小(0.010),与蓖麻蚕Samia ricini的遗传距离最大(0.017)。  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-six strains isolated from corn (Zea mays L.), forage paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) silages prepared on dairy farms were screened, of which 110 isolates were considered to be lactic acid bacteria (LAB) according to their Gram-positive and catalase-negative characteristics and, mainly, the lactic acid metabolic products. These isolates were divided into eight groups (A-H) based on the following properties: morphological and biochemical characteristics, γ-aminobutyric acid production capacity, and 16S rRNA gene sequences. They were identified as Weissella cibaria (36.4%), Weissella confusa (9.1%), Leuconostoc citreum (5.3%), Leuconostoc lactis (4.9%), Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (8.0%), Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (4.5%), Lactobacillus paraplantarum (4.5%) and Lactobacillus plantarum (27.3%). W. cibaria and W. confusa were mainly present in corn silages, and L. plantarum was dominant on sorghum and forage paddy rice silages, while L. pseudomesenteroides, L. plantarum and L. paraplantarum were the dominant species in alfalfa silage. The corn, sorghum and forage paddy rice silages were well preserved with lower pH values and ammonia-N concentrations, but had higher lactic acid content, while the alfalfa silage had relatively poor quality with higher pH values and ammonia-N concentrations, and lower lactic acid content. The present study confirmed the diversity of LAB species inhabiting silages. It showed that the differing natural populations of LAB on these silages might influence fermentation quality. These results will enable future research on the relationship between LAB species and silage fermentation quality, and will enhance the screening of appropriate inoculants aimed at improving such quality.  相似文献   

Spring orchid (Cymbidium goeringii) is a popular flowering plant species. There have been few molecular studies of the genetic diversity and conservation genetics on this species. An assessment of the level of genetic diversity in cultivated spring orchid would facilitate development of the future germplasm conservation for cultivar improvement. In the present study, DNA markers of intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) were identified and the ISSR fingerprinting technique was used to evaluate genetic diversity in C. goeringii cultivars. Twenty-five ISSR primers were selected to produce a total of 224 ISSR loci for evaluation of the genetic diversity. A wide genetic variation was found in the 50 tested cultivars with Nei’s gene diversity (H = 0.2241) and 93.75% of polymorphic loci. Fifty cultivars were unequivocally distinguished based on ISSR fingerprinting. Cultivar-specific ISSR markers were identified in seven of 50 tested cultivars. Unweighted pair-group mean analysis (UPGMA) and principal coordinates analysis (PCA) grouped them into two clusters: one composed the cultivars mainly from Japan, and the other contained three major subclusters mainly from China. Two Chinese subclusters were generally consistent with horticultural classification, and the third Chinese subcluster contained cultivars from various horticultural groups. Our results suggest that the ISSR technique provides a powerful tool for cultivar identification and establishment of genetic relationships of cultivars in C. goeringii.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the cryptic plasmid pRS4 (3550 bp) from Pediococcus pentosaceus RS4 was determined. Sequence analysis revealed the presence of three open reading frames (ORFs). The putative protein coded by ORF 1 showed 93% identity with the mobilization protein of Lactobacillus casei plasmid pLC88 and 94% identity with a sequenced fragment of the mobilization protein of P. damnosus plasmid pF8801, suggesting a common origin for these three mobilization proteins. The putative protein coded by ORF 2 showed 92% identity with the replication protein of L. plantarum plasmid pWCFS101, a plasmid that replicates via the rolling circle (RC) mechanism, suggesting a similar replication mechanism for pRS4. Supporting this hypothesis, a putative double strand origin (dso) and a region with palindromic sequences that could function as single strand origin (sso), were detected in pRS4. A function could not be assigned to ORF 3. Since ORF 1 exhibits high identity with L. casei plasmid pLC88 but lower identity (58%) with other Lactobacillus plasmids, and ORF 2 exhibits high identity with the L. plantarum plasmid pWCFS101 but lower identity (55-58%) with other Lactobacillus plasmids (including pLC88), two independent cassettes, from different sources, seem to be involved in the structure of pRS4. Plasmids derived from pRS4 containing the chloramphenicol resistance gene were successfully electrotransformed in L. plantarum, L. casei, P. pentosaceus, and Pediococcus acidilactici, suggesting that pRS4 could be used as a cloning vector for lactic acid bacteria. To our knowledge pRS4 is the first RC-replicating plasmid of P. pentosaceus that has been completely sequenced and used as cloning vector.  相似文献   

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