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We investigated the response selectivities of single auditory neurons in the torus semicircularis of Batrachyla antartandica (a leptodactylid from southern Chile) to synthetic stimuli having diverse temporal structures. The advertisement call for this species is characterized by a long sequence of brief sound pulses having a dominant frequency of about 2000 Hz. We constructed five different series of synthetic stimuli in which the following acoustic parameters were systematically modified, one at a time: pulse rate, pulse duration, pulse rise time, pulse fall time, and train duration. The carrier frequency of these stimuli was fixed at the characteristic frequency of the units under study (n=44). Response patterns of TS units to these synthetic call variants revealed different degrees of selectivity for each of the temporal variables. A substantial number of neurons showed preference for pulse rates below 2 pulses s(-1), approximating the values found in natural advertisement calls. Tonic neurons generally showed preferences for long pulse durations, long rise and fall times, and long train durations. In contrast, phasic and phasic-burst neurons preferred stimuli with short duration, short rise and fall times and short train durations.  相似文献   

In the lesser spear-nosed bat, Phyllostomus discolor, maternal directive calls are characterized by an individual type of sinusoidal frequency modulation (= SFM) pattern. Beside modulation frequency, modulation depth, carrier frequency, and number of modulation cycles per call contribute to the mother's vocal signature. Since juvenile P. discolor learn to adapt their isolation calls to the corresponding call characteristics of the own mother or even to playback of a computer-stored directive call, if hand-reared in the absence of conspecifics, the bats' auditory system ought to be able to resolve interindividual differences in communication call structure. However, quantitative psychoacoustic data on the discrimination of SFM signals in this species are not available. Thus, in the present study, lesser spear-nosed bats were trained in a two-alternative forced-choice procedure to discriminate between two alternatingly presented SFM sound signals differing in modulation frequency. Other characteristics of acoustic stimuli were identical and designed to mimick the fundamental of species-specific calls. By gradually reducing the difference in modulation frequency between both stimuli within the behavioural relevant range until the animals' performance dropped below the 75%-correct level, a considerable auditory spectro-temporal resolution has been revealed. Particularly in comparison to the overall interindividual variation of this call parameter (minimal modulation frequency = 49 Hz, maximum = 100 Hz), the determined average difference limen for modulation frequency of 2.42 ± 0.29 Hz seems substantial and sufficient for labelling individuals. Accepted: 30 November 1996  相似文献   

Responses of 117 single- or multi-units in the auditory cortex (AC) of bats (Myotis lucifugus) to tone bursts of different stimulus durations (1– 400 ms) were studied over a wide range of stimulus intensities to determine how stimulus duration is represented in the AC. 36% of AC neurons responded more strongly to short stimulus durations showing short-pass duration response functions, 31% responded equally to all pulse durations (i.e., all-pass), 18% responded preferentially to stimuli having longer durations (i.e., long-pass), and 15% responded to a narrow range of stimulus durations (i.e., band-pass). Neurons showing long-pass and short-pass duration response functions were narrowly distributed within two horizontal slabs of the cortex, over the rostrocaudal extent of the AC. The effects of stimulus level on duration selectivity were evaluated for 17 AC neurons. For 65% of these units, an increase in stimulus intensity resulted in a progressive decrease in the best duration. In light of the unusual intensity-dependent duration responses of AC neurons, we hypothesized that the response selectivities of AC neurons is different from that in the brainstem. This hypothesis was validated by results of study of the duration response characteristics of single neurons in the inferior colliculus. Accepted: 8 November 1996  相似文献   

The mormyrid fish Pollimyrus adspersus has auditory specializations for sound pressure detection and uses acoustic displays in its natural social behavior. In this paper it is shown that auditory neurons in the mesencephalon (torus semicircularis) are activated selectively by temporal features of complex sounds. Single neurons were recorded while presenting sounds to fish underwater. The stimuli were acoustic click trains, 400 ms in duration, and were synthesized with differing inter-click-intervals (ICIs). The natural sounds of this species are composed similarly and the range of ICIs synthesized overlapped with the natural range (5–40 ms). One-third of the neurons studied were strongly selective for a narrow range of ICIs, increasing spike rate by ten fold or more at the best ICI compared to the minimum response observed. The best ICI for interval selective neurons remained stable when the sound pressure of the stimulus was changed. Neurons that were selective gave phasic responses to tone bursts, and most had non-monotonic rate level functions. The origin of interval selectivity is discussed and a time-based computational mechanism is proposed. Accepted: 20 December 1996  相似文献   

We studied the directionality of spike rate responses of auditory nerve fibers of the grassfrog, Rana temporaria, to pure tone stimuli. All auditory fibers showed spike rate directionality. The strongest directionality was seen at low frequencies (200 – 400 Hz), where the spike rate could change by up to nearly 200␣spikes s−1. with sound direction. At higher frequencies the directional spike rate changes were mostly below 100 spikes s−1. In equivalent dB SPL terms (calculated using the fibers' rate-intensity curves) the maximum directionalities were up to 15 dB at low frequencies and below 10 dB at higher frequencies. Two types of directional patterns were observed. At frequencies below 500 Hz relatively strong responses were evoked by stimuli from the ipsilateral (+90o) and contralateral (−90o) directions while the weakest responses were evoked by stimuli from frontal (0o or +30o) or posterior (−135o) directions. At frequencies above 800 Hz the strongest responses were evoked by stimuli from the ipsilateral direction while gradually weaker responses were seen as the sound direction shifted towards the contralateral side. At frequencies between 500 and 800 Hz both directional patterns were seen. The directionality was highly intensity dependent. No special adaptations for localization of conspecific calls were found. Accepted: 23 November 1996  相似文献   

Naturally produced plant volatiles, eliciting responses of single olfactory receptor neurons in the pine weevil, have been identified by gas chromatography linked with mass spectrometry. The receptor neurons (n = 72) were classified in 30 types, according to the compound which elicited the strongest response in each neuron, 20 of which compounds were identified. Most potent for 14 types of neurons (n = 50) were monoterpenes, including bicyclic (e.g. α-pinene, camphor and myrtenal) for 8 types (n = 32), monocyclic (limonene, carvone, α-terpinene) for 3 types (n = 12) and acyclic (e.g. β-myrcene and linalool) for 3 types (n = 6). Other compounds eliciting strongest responses of a neuron were five sesquiterpenes, including α-copaene and a farnesene-isomer, and an anethole type which has no biosynthetic relationship with terpenes. Within one type, receptor neurons with quite selective responses to the most potent compound as well as neurons with additional responses to several, structurally similar compounds were found, indicating that the neurons may have the same functional types of membrane receptors, but different sensitivities. Response spectra of neurons within the bicyclic-, mono-cyclic and acyclic types showed more overlapping than across the neuron types. Minimal overlapping response spectra was found between monoterpene and sesquiterpene neurons. The results suggest that this structure-activity relationship is significant for encoding plant odour information in the pipe weevil. Accepted: 6 January 1997  相似文献   

The surface-feeding fish Aplocheilus lineatus uses its cephalic lateral line to detect water surface waves caused by prey insects. The ability of Aplocheilus to discriminate between surface waves with aid of the lateral line system was tested by go/no-go conditioning. Our results show that Aplocheilus can distinguish between single-frequency surface wave stimuli with equal velocity or equal acceleration amplitudes which differ only in frequency. Frequency difference limens were about 15%, i.e. fish distinguished a 20-Hz wave stimulus from a 23-Hz stimulus in 100% of the trials. Aplocheilus can also discriminate between pure sine-wave stimuli and sine waves which show abrupt frequency changes. In contrast, fish were unable to distinguish amplitude-modulated wave stimuli (carrier frequency 20, 40 and 60 Hz, modulation frequency 10 and 20 Hz) from pure sine waves of the same frequency, even if amplitude modulation depth was 80%. Accepted: 27 December 1996  相似文献   

c-fos induction was investigated as a potential component in the avian photic entrainment pathway and as a possible means of locating the central pacemaker in birds. In both quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) and starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) exposure to 1 h of light induced Fos-lir in the visual suprachiasmatic nucleus but not in the medial suprachiasmatic nucleus. However, the degree of c-fos induction in the visual suprachiasmatic nucleus was similar at different circadian times despite the fact that the light pulses caused differential phase shifts in the locomotor rhythm. For golden hamsters the same experiment resulted in significantly different levels of Fos-lir in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, as well as different phase shifts. Starlings and hamsters were also entrained to T-cycles that caused a large daily phase shift (T = 21.5 h in starlings, T = 22.67 hours in hamsters), or no daily phase shift (T = free running period). No difference in the induced levels of Fos-lir in the visual suprachiasmatic nucleus region was observed between the two groups of starlings, but in hamsters there were significantly different levels of Fos-lir in the suprachiasmatic nucleus between the two groups. Accepted: 15 November 1996  相似文献   

Short-latency vestibular-evoked potentials to pulsed linear acceleration were characterized in the quail. Responses occurred within 8 ms following the onset of stimuli and were composed of a series of positive and negative peaks. The latencies and amplitudes of the first four peaks were quantitatively characterized. Mean latencies at 1.0 g ms−1 ranged from 1265 ± 208 μs (P1, N = 18) to 4802 ± 441 μs (N4, N = 13). Amplitudes ranged from 3.72 ± 1.51 μV (P1/N1, N = 18) to 1.49 ± 0.77 μV (P3/N3, N = 16). Latency-intensity (LI) slopes ranged from −38.7 ± 7.3 μs dB−1 (P1, N = 18) to −71.6 ± 21.9 μs dB−1 (N3, N = 15) and amplitude-intensity (AI) slopes ranged from 0.20 ± 0.08 μV dB−1 (P1/N1, N = 18) to 0.07 ± 0.04 μV dB−1 (P3/N3, N = 11). The mean response threshold across all animals was −21.83 ± 3.34 dB re: 1.0 g ms−1 (N = 18). Responses remained after cochlear extirpation showing that they could not depend critically on cochlear activity. Responses were eliminated by destruction of the vestibular end organs, thus showing that responses depended critically and specifically on the vestibular system. The results demonstrate that the responses are vestibular and the findings provide a scientific basis for using vestibular responses to evaluate vestibular function through ontogeny and senescence in the quail. Accepted: 18 January 1997  相似文献   

In captive adult Zambian mole-rats 14 different sounds (13 true vocalizations) have been recorded during different behavioural contexts. The sound analysis revealed that all sounds occurred in a low and middle frequency range with main energy below 10 kHz. The majority of calls contained components of 1.6–2 kHz, 0.63–0.8 kHz, and/or 5–6.3 kHz. The vocalization range thus matched well the hearing range as established in other studies. The frequency content of courtship calls in two species of Zambian Cryptomys was compared with that in naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber) and blind mole-rats (Spalax ehrenbergi) as described in the literature. The frequency range of maximum sound energy is negatively correlated with the body weight and coincides with the frequencies of best hearing in the respective species. In general, the vocalization range in subterranean mammals is shifted towards low frequencies which are best propagated in underground burrows. Accepted: 16 September 1996  相似文献   

Spiders can use air particle movements to localize moving prey. We studied the responses of 32 wind-sensitive interneurones in the hunting spider Cupiennius salei to prey stimuli. Stimulation with a tethered flying fly or with artificial air pulses activated plurisegmental interneurones that responded to changes in air movement velocity and were thus well suited to represent the highly fluctuating air stream typical of prey stimuli. In most interneurones (n = 18) the responses to the stimulation of different legs were not significantly different from each other. Different interneurones had different response characteristics and their latencies largely overlapped suggesting that there is parallel processing of the signals by populations of interneurones with different response characteristics. In two interneurones the number of spikes and the spiking pattern elicited by stimulation of each of the eight legs markedly differed depending on the leg stimulated. These neurones may play an important role in directional information processing. Stimulation of the adjacent legs from front to back or from back to front revealed two interneurones sensitive to the direction of successive stimulation of the legs. These neurones may be able to detect the motion of an air movement source in a preferred direction and thus act as nearfield motion detectors to localize a moving prey item. Accepted: 28 September 1996  相似文献   

1. Laser vibrometry and acoustic measurements were used to study the biophysics of directional hearing in males and females of a cicada, in which most of the male tympanum is covered by thick, water filled tissue “pads”. 2. In females, the tympanal vibrations are very dependent on the direction of sound incidence in the entire frequency range 1–20 kHz, and especially at the main frequencies of the calling song (3–7 kHz). At frequencies up to 10 kHz, the directionality disappears if the contralateral tympanum, metathoracic spiracle, and folded membrane are blocked with Vaseline. This suggests some pressure-difference receiver properties in the ear. 3. In males, the tympanal vibrations depend on the direction of sound incidence only within narrow frequency bands (around 1.8 kHz and at 6–7 kHz). At frequencies above 10–12 kHz, the directionality appears to be determined by diffraction, and the ear seems to work as a pressure receiver. The peak in directionality at 6–7 kHz disappears when the contralateral timbal, but not the tympanum, is covered. Covering the thin ventral abdominal wall causes the peak around 1.8 kHz to disappear. 4. Most observed tympanal directionalities, except around 1.8 kHz in males, are well predicted from measured transmissions of sound through the body and measured values of sound amplitude and phase at the ears at various directions of sound incidence. Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

Young Xenopus tadpoles were used to test whether the pattern of discharge in specific sensory neurons can determine the motor response of a whole animal. Young Xenopus tadpoles show two main rhythmic behaviours: swimming and struggling. Touch-sensitive skin sensory neurons in the spinal cord of immobilised tadpoles were penetrated singly or in pairs using microelectrodes to allow precise control of their firing patterns. A single impulse in one Rohon-Beard neuron (= light touch) could sometimes trigger “fictive” swimming. Two to six impulses at 30–50 Hz (= a light stroke) reliably triggered fictive swimming. Neither stimulus evoked fictive struggling. Twenty-five or more impulses at 30–50 Hz (= pressure) could evoke a pattern of rhythmic bursts, distinct from swimming and suitable to drive slower, stronger movements. This pattern showed some or all the characteristics of “fictive” struggling. These results demonstrate clearly that sensory neurons can determine the pattern of motor output simply by their pattern of discharge. This provides a simple form of behavioural selection according to stimulus. Accepted: 28 November 1996  相似文献   

 Five water monitor lizards, Varanus salvator salvator, and four clouded monitor lizards, Varanus bengalensis nebulosus, were caught on Tioman island in Malaysia. A radio-thermistor transmitter was implanted into the buccal cavity of each animal, and they were released into an enclosure measuring 5.5 × 6.5 metres. The lizards were observed for 9 and 8 days, respectively, before and after the parietal eye was covered with aluminium foil. With uncovered parietal eye, both species showed a clear diurnal rhythm, being active only during day time. After covering the parietal eye, the mean locomotor activity of five V. s. salvator decreased from 791 to 107 min · day–1 but remained unchanged around 850 min · day–1 for V. b. nebulosus. The mean duration of locomotor activity decreased in V. s. salvator and V. b. nebulosus after the parietal eye was covered, but V. b. nebulosus maintained its locomotor activity by increasing the number of locomotor bouts. The water monitor spent very little time on thermoregulation. Its body temperature ranged between 26.3 and 28.4 °C, which decreased after the parietal eye was covered. The clouded monitor thermoregulated around 28.8–36.0 °C, which remained unchanged after the parietal eye was covered. In both species, there was a strong correlation between body temperature and ambient temperature. Behavioural abnormalities were recorded among V. s. salvator with covered parietal eye. They were often observed to be active by night and often slept outside a burrow. The circadian rhythm of V. b. nebulosus appeared unaffected by shielding of its parietal eye. Captivity combined with shielded parietal eye induced agonistic behaviour in both species. Accepted: 11 September 1996  相似文献   

Whereas the inhibitory innervation of the deep extensor abdominal muscle in crayfish is mediated by a weakly acting common inhibitor, the opener muscle exhibits a stronger inhibition. In the present study the most abundant γ-aminobutyric acid-activated chloride channel on distal fibers of crayfish opener muscle was characterized by measuring the current responses after applying pulses of γ-aminobutyric acid to outside-out patches. The results were compared to those obtained earlier with the chloride channel on the deep extensor abdominal muscle of the same species. The double logarithmic plot of the dose-response relationship had a slope of n H = 2.2 in contrast to n H = 5.3 for the channel on the deep extensor abdominal muscle. The rise time of the current response declined to 1 ms at a γ-aminobutyric acid concentration of 50 mmol · l−1. With lower concentrations the rise time increased to a maximal value of 280 ms. No peak of the rise time at low γ-aminobutyric acid concentrations, as observed for the channel on the deep extensor abdominal muscle, was obvious. The open and closed times were similar to those of the channel of the deep extensor abdominal muscle. Different reaction schemes were discussed to describe the kinetics of the chloride channel of the opener muscle. Accepted: 12 August 1996  相似文献   

Cold tolerance and dehydration in Enchytraeidae from Svalbard   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
When cooled in contact with moisture, eight species of arctic Enchytraeidae from Svalbard were killed by freezing within minutes or hours at −3 and −5 °C; an exception was Enchytraeus kincaidi which survived for up to 2 days. When the temperature approached 0 °C the enchytraeids apparently tried to escape from the moist soil. The supercooling capacity of the enchytraeids was relatively low, with mean supercooling points of −5 to −8 °C. In contrast, specimens of several species were extracted from soil cores that had been frozen in their intact state at −15 °C for up to 71 days. Compared to freezing in a moist environment, higher survival rates were obtained during cooling at freezing temperatures in dry soil. Survival was recorded in species kept at −3 °C for up to 35 days, and in some species kept at −6 °C for up to 17 days. Slow warming greatly increased survival rates at −6 °C . The results strongly suggest that arctic enchytraeids avoid freezing by dehydration at subzero temperatures. In agreement with this, weight losses of up to ca. 42% of fresh weight were recorded in Mesenchytraeus spp. and of up to 55% in Enchytraeus kincaidi at water vapour pressures above ice at −3 to −6 °C. All specimens survived dehydration under these conditions. Accepted: 12 December 1997  相似文献   

In order to examine the influence of differences in food conditions on gut characteristics in Porcellio scaber, pH-manipulated and microbially inoculated leaf litter from three different tree species were offered. Microbial activity was clearly influenced by the pH levels of the leaves. Analyses of the pH levels in the gut indicated the ability of P. scaber to buffer the pH value in the intestinal tract to about 5.5–6.0 in the anterior hindgut, and to about 6.0–6.5 in the posterior hindgut. The pH levels of the gut sections remained in this range, within a range of food pH from 4.0 to 7.5, no matter what kind of leaves the animals were fed. Homeostatic responses to changes in food pH guarantee optimized digestion of leaf litter. However, when the pH level of the litter dropped below 3.5, P. scaber was not able to maintain the pH conditions in the gut. Furthermore, microorganisms colonizing the litter biased the pH level in the anterior hindgut where digestive processes mainly take place. These results indicate a decline of litter quality with regard to the nutrition of terrestrial isopods, caused by acidification and consequently reduced microbial activity. Accepted: 19 July 1997  相似文献   

Photoperiodic time measurement regulating larval diapause in the pitcher-plant mosquito, Wyeomyia smithii, varies in a close relationship with latitude. The critical photoperiod mediating the maintenance and termination of diapause is positively correlated with latitude (r 2 = 0.977) among six populations from southern (30–31° N), intermediate (40° N), and northern (46–49° N) latitudes in North America. The developmental response to unnaturally short and to unnaturally long photoperiods declines with increasing latitude, so that longer critical photoperiods are associated with a downward rather than a lateral shift in the photoperiodic response curve. Exotic light and dark cycles of varying period (T) with a short (10 h) photophase and a scotophase ranging from 14 (T = 24) to 62 (T = 72) h, reveal two geographic patterns: a decline in perturbability of the photoperiodic clock with increasing latitude, and no change with latitude in the 21-h period of rising and falling development with increasing T. These results show (1) that there is a rhythmic component to photoperiodic time measurement in W. smithii, (2) that the period of this rhythm is about 21 h in all populations, and (3) that more northern populations show decreasing responsiveness to photoperiod and increasing stability against perturbation by exotic period lengths (T > 24). Previous studies on W.␣smithii indicate that this single temperate species of a tropical and subtropical genus has evolved from south to north. We therefore conclude that the evolution of increasing critical photoperiod in W. smithii during its adaptive radiation into North America has more likely involved the amplitude and not the period of the underlying circadian pacemaker. Received: 22 July 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a thiamin derivative, thiamin tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide (TTFD), on oxygen uptake (˙VO2), lactate accumulation and cycling performance during exercise to exhaustion. Using a randomized, double-blind, cross-over design with a 10-day washout between trials, 14 subjects ingested either 1 g · day−1 of TTFD or a placebo (PL) for 4 days. On day 3, subjects performed a progressive exercise test to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer for the determination of ˙VO2submax, ˙VO2peak, lactate concentration ([La ]), lactate threshold (ThLa) and heart rate ( f c). On day 4, subjects performed a maximal 2000-m time trial on a cycle ergometer. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures was used to determine significant differences between trials. There were no significant differences detected between trials for serial measures of ˙VO2submax, [La] or f c. Likewise, ˙VO2peak [PL 4.06 (0.19) TTFD 4.12 (0.19) l · min−1, P = 0.83], ThLa [PL 2.47 (0.17), TTFD 2.43 (0.16) l · min−1, P = 0.86] and 2000-m performance time [PL 204.5 (5.5), TTFD 200.9 (4.3) s, P = 0.61] were not significantly different between trials. The results of this study suggest that thiamin derivative supplementation does not influence high-intensity exercise performance. Accepted: 19 December 1996  相似文献   

Unidirectional flux rates of Ca2+ across gastrointestinal tissues from sheep and goats were measured in vitro by applying the Ussing-chamber technique. Except for the sheep duodenum, mucosal to serosal Ca2+ flux rates (J ms) exceeded respective flux rates in the opposite direction (J sm) in both species and in all segments of the intestinal tract. This resulted in net Ca2+ flux rates␣(J net = J ms − J sm) ranging between −2 and 9 nmol · cm−2 · h−1 in sheep and between 10 and 15 nmol cm−2 · h−1 in goats. In sheep, only J net in jejunum, and in goats, J netin duodenum and jejunum were significantly different from zero. Using sheep rumen wall epithelia, significant J net of Ca2+ of around 5 nmol · cm−2 · h−1 could be detected. Since the experiments were carried out in the absence of an electrochemical gradient, significant net Ca2+ absorption clearly indicates the presence of active mechanisms for Ca2+ transport. Dietary Ca depletion caused increased calcitriol plasma concentrations and induced significant stimulations of net Ca2+ absorption in goat rumen. J net of Ca2+ across goat rumen epithelia was significantly reduced by 1 mmol · l −1 verapamil in the mucosal buffer solution. In conclusion, there is clear evidence for the rumen as a main site for active Ca2+ absorption in small ruminants. Stimulation of active Ca2+ absorption by increased plasma calcitriol levels and inhibition by mucosal verapamil suggest mechanistic and regulatory similarities to active Ca2+ transport as described for the upper small intestines of monogastric species. Accepted: 31 July 1996  相似文献   

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