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Chromosomal localization of the telomeric sequence (TTAGGG)(n) in eight New World Primates (Platyrrhini) (Alouatta caraya, Alouatta palliata, Alouatta guariba clamitans, Aotus azarae, Ateles chamek, Cebus nigritus, Cebus paraguayanus, and Saimiri boliviensis) using Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) with a peptide nucleic acid (PNA) pantelomeric probe and their possible relationship with the C-banding pattern were analyzed. FISH showed telomeric signals only at the terminal regions of chromosomes from all the species analyzed. Although all of them showed centromeric C+ bands and different size and location of extracentromeric C+ bands, none, except Aotus azarae exhibited (peri)centromeric interstitial telomere-like sequences (ITS). The presence of ITS in Aotus azarae was limited to one pair of submetacentric chromosomes and very likely represents telomeric sequences remaining after a fusion event of ancestral chromosomes during karyotype evolution. Therefore, our data indicate that the distribution of heterochromatin blocks do not correlate with the presence of ITS. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that simple ITS arrays with a few copies of the (TTAGGG)(n) sequence, not detectable by conventional FISH, might play a role in the karyotypic evolution of Ceboidea. Further FISH and molecular studies will be needed to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

An increase in the length of telomeres in human sperm compared to somatic cells has long been noted and considered within a popular hypothesis involving telomere shortening and cell aging. In the present study we determined telomere length in two species with long terminal TTAGGG arrays—bovine and porcine. Using several independent methods we demonstrate that the telomeres in the sperm of human, porcine and bovine are elongated by 69%, 24%, and 14%, respectively, in comparison with somatic tissues. Therefore, increased sperm telomere length is a feature preserved throughout mammalian evolution. The biological role of this phenomenon is discussed in the context of telomere functions in meiosis and fertilization. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 51:98–104, 1998.© 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reddy KS  Murphy T 《Human genetics》2000,107(3):268-275
A newborn was found to have an isochromosome for the short arm of chromosome 9, i(9p) and a jumping translocation of the whole long arm. In 94.4% metaphases, 9q was fused to the telomere of chromosome 19p and, in 5.6% of metaphases, 9q was fused to the telomere of chromosome 8p. The net result was trisomy for the short arm of chromosome 9. With the pan telomere probe, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) investigations found an interstitial telomere on the der(19) and der(8). The 9 beta and classical satellite probes gave a signal only on the long arm of chromosome 9 involved in the jumping translocation. The 9 alpha satellite probe hybridized to i(9p) and not to the other derivative chromosomes. A combination of chromosome 9 (red) and chromosome 19 (green) paint probes used to rapidly screen metaphases for the jumping translocation found 88 metaphases had a der(19)t(9;19) and 4metaphases had a der(8)t(8;9). For the first time, the junction of a jumping translocation has been shown to involve the telomere sequence (TTAGGG)n and beta-satellite sequences by FISH. In this paper, we also review the simultaneous occurrence of an isochromosome for the short arm and translocation of the whole long arm and constitutional jumping translocations.  相似文献   

The intrachromosomal distribution of non-telomeric sites of the (TTAGGG)n telomeric repeat was determined for 100 vertebrate species. The most common non-telomeric location of this sequence was in the pericentric regions of chromosomes. A variety of species showed relatively large amounts of this sequence present within regions of constitutive heterochromatin. We discuss possible relationships between the non-telomeric distribution of the (TTAGGG)n sequence and the process of karyotype evolution, during which these sites may provide potential new telomeres.  相似文献   

We present a strategy for the cloning of DNA sequences adjacent to the tandemly repeated DNA sequence (TTAGGG)n. Sequence analysis of 14 independently isolated clones revealed the presence of non-repetitive sequences immediately adjacent to or flanked by blocks of the simple repeat (TTAGGG)n. In addition, we provide sequence information on two previously undescribed tandemly repeated sequences, including a 9 bp repeat and a modification of the (TTAGGG)n repeat. Using different mapping approaches six sub-clones, free of the TTAGGG repeat, were assigned to a single human chromosome. Moreover, in situ hybridization mapped one of these subclones, G2 - 1H, definitively to the telomeric band on chromosome 4q. However, Bal 31 insensitivity suggests a location in a more subterminal region. All the (TTAGGG)n-adjacent unique sequences tested are highly conserved among primates but are not present in other mammalian species. Identification and mapping of TTAGGG-adjacent sequences will provide a refined insight into the genomic organization of the (TTAGGG)n repeat. The isolation of chromosome specific TTAGGG-adjacent sequences from subtelomeric regions of all human chromosomes will serve as important end points for the genetic maps and will be useful for the molecular characterization of chromosomal rearrangements involving telomeres.  相似文献   

Vitturi R  Colomba  Gianguzza P  Pirrone AM 《Genetica》2000,108(3):253-257
This paper reports on a successful application of fluorescent in situhybridization (FISH) with three repetitive DNA probes (ribosomal DNA (rDNA), (GATA)nand (TTAGGG)n) in the chromosomes of Fasciolaria lignaria(Mollusca: Prosobranchia: Neogastropoda). rDNA FISH consistently identified four chromosome pairs per spread in the three examined specimens. The telomeric sequence (TTAGGG)nhybridized with termini of all chromosomes. GATA FISH revealed abundant, dispersed minisatellite regions which were not associated to the XY sex-determining mechanism as indicated by the absence of a Y specific pattern of labelling. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic telomeres are specialized DNA-protein structures that are thought to ensure chromosomal stability and complete replication of the chromosome ends. All telomeres which have been studied consist of a tandem array of G-rich repeats which seem to be sufficient for telomere function. Originally, the human telomeric repeat (TTAGGG)n was assumed to be exclusively located at the very end of all human chromosomes. More recent evidence, however, suggests an extension into proterminal regions. Very little is known about the interstitial distribution of telomeric repeats. Here we present evidence for the presence of (TTAGGG)n repeats in internal loci on the long and short arms of different human chromosomes. In addition, we studied the genomic organization of these repeats in more detail and discuss possible functions of interstitial telomeric repeats in the human genome.  相似文献   

The karyotype of Halobatrachus didactylus presents 46 chromosomes, composed of eight metacentric, 18 submetacentric, four subtelocentric, and 16 acrocentric chromosomes. The results of FISH showed that the major ribosomal genes were located in the terminal position of the short arm of a large submetacentric chromosome. They also showed a high variation in the hybridization signals. The products of amplification of 5S rDNA produced bands of about 420 pb. The PCR labeled products showed hybridization signals in the subcentromeric position of the long arm of a submetacentric chromosome of medium size. Double-color FISH indicated that the two ribosomal families are not co-located since they hybridizated in different chromosomal pairs. Telomeres of all the chromosomes hybridized with the (TTAGGG) n probe. The GATA probe displayed a strong signal in the long arm of a submetacentric chromosome of medium size, in the subcentromeric position. The double-color FISH showed that the microsatellite GATA and the 5S rDNA gene are located in different chromosomal pairs. The majority presence of GATA probes in one pair of chromosomes is unusual and considering its distribution through different taxa it could be due to evolutionary mechanisms of heterochromatine accumulation, leading to the formation of differentiated sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

The chromosome set of Patinopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1857) wascharacterized using Giemsa staining, DAPI staining and fluorescencein situ hybridization (FISH) with three repetitive DNA probes[18S–28S rDNA, 5S rDNA and telomeric (TTAGGG)n]. DAPIstaining showed that AT-rich regions were located on the centromereof almost all chromosomes and interstitial banding was not observed.FISH showed that 18S–28S rDNA spread over the short armsof two subtelocentric chromosome pairs and 5S rDNA was locatedon the long arm of one subtelocentric chromosome pair. SequentialFISH demonstrated that 18S–28S and 5S rDNA were locatedon different chromosomes. FISH also showed that the vertebratetelomeric sequence (TTAGGG)n was located on both ends of eachchromosome and no interstitial signals were detected. Sequential18S–28S rDNA and (TTAGGG)n FISH indicated that repeatedunits of the two multicopy families were closely associatedon the same chromosome pair. (Received 4 January 2007; accepted 1 September 2007)  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the chromosome set of the Indian muntjac, Muntiacus muntjak vaginalis (female, 2n = 6; male, 2n = 7), evolved from small acrocentric chromosomes, such as those found in the complement of the Chinese muntjac, M. reevesi (2n = 46), by a series of tandem fusions and other rearrangements. The location of the highly conserved human telomeric sequence (TTAGGG)n in the metaphase chromosomes of M.m. vaginalis and its close relative, M. reevesi, was investigated by non-radioactive in situ hybridization. The (TTAGGG)n repeat was found adjacent to the centromeres in the short arm and at the telomeres in the long arm of M. reevesi acrocentric metaphase chromosomes. Tandem fusions present in the karyotype of M.m. vaginalis chromosomes were not reflected by interstitial signals of the telomere repeat, as these chromosomes displayed hybridization signals only at the ends of the chromatids. Mechanisms that might have played a role in the evolution of the reduced karyotype of the Indian muntjac are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Telomeric DNA sequences are known to adopt unusual DNA structures upon protonation when contained into negatively supercoiled DNA. In this paper, the structural properties of (T(2)AG(3))(n) telomeric sequences of different length is analyzed in detail. Transition to the protonated form is observed at very low pH for (T(2)AG(3))(n<8) sequences. Formation of the protonated form is facilitated by negative supercoiling. The patterns of chemical modification obtained with different chemical reagents indicate that protonation induces denaturation of the (T(2)AG(3))(n) telomeric sequences. Upon denaturation, the "C-rich" strand becomes structured forming, most likely, hairpin-like conformations stabilized by the formation of C(+)·C pairs and, probably, of A(+)·A pairs. The "G-rich" strand of the (T(2)AG(3))(8) sequence shows also signs of becoming structured giving rise to various structural conformers which might include triple- and tetra-stranded conformations. However, in the case of shorter sequences, the "G-rich" strand remains basically single-stranded.  相似文献   

Interstitial hybridization sites for the (TTAGGG)n telomeric repeat sequence were present in all seven species of hylid frogs examined and in a triploid hybrid between two of the species. Intra- and interspecific differences and similarities in hybridization sites agreed with what is known about the systematics of these species. Chromosome fusions, fissions, and inversions do not appear to have played a role in the evolution of the interstitial sites for the telomeric repeat in the species examined.  相似文献   

HeLa cell nuclear proteins that bind to single-stranded d(TTAGGG)n, the human telomeric DNA repeat, were identified and purified by a gel retardation assay. Immunological data and peptide sequencing experiments indicated that the purified proteins were identical or closely related to the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) A1, A2-B1, D, and E and to nucleolin. These proteins bound to RNA oligonucleotides having r(UUAGGG) repeats more tightly than to DNA of the same sequence. The binding was sequence specific, as point mutation of any of the first 4 bases [r(UUAG)] abolished it. The fraction containing D and E hnRNPs was shown to bind specifically to a synthetic oligoribonucleotide having the 3' splice site sequence of the human beta-globin intervening sequence 1, which includes the sequence UUAGG. Proteins in this fraction were further identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis as D01, D02, D1*, and E0; intriguingly, these members of the hnRNP D and E groups are nuclear proteins that are not stably associated with hnRNP complexes. These studies establish the binding specificities of these D and E hnRNPs. Furthermore, they suggest the possibility that these hnRNPs could perhaps bind to chromosome telomeres, in addition to having a role in pre-mRNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Detailed karyological surveys of the ant Myrmecia pilosula species group, which is characterized by the lowest chromosome number in higher organisms (2n=2), were attempted. We revealed that this species has developed highly complicated chromosomal polymorphisms. Their chromosome numbers are in the range 2n=2, 3, and 4, and six polymorphic chromosomes are involved, i.e., two for chromosome 1 (denoted as SM1 and ST1), three for chromosome 2 (A2, A2, and M2), and M(1+2) for the 2n=2 karyotype. We suggested that these chromosomes were induced from a pseudo-acrocentric (A 1 M ) and A2 as follows: (1) A 1 M SM1 or ST1 by two independent pericentric inversions; (2) A2A2M2 by chromosomal gap insertion and centromere shift; and (3) ST1+A2M(1+2) by telomere fusion, where (3) means that the 2n=2 karyotype was derived secondarily from a 2n=4 karyotype. It is a noteworthy finding that active nucleolus organizer (NOR) sites, in terms of silver staining, are tightly linked with the centromere in this species, and that both the centromere and NOR of A2 were inactivated after the telomere fusion.  相似文献   

Secondary structures of the G-rich strand of human telomere DNA fragments G3(TTAG3)n, n = 1–16, have been studied by means of circular dichroism spectroscopy and PAGE, in solutions of physiological potassium cation concentrations. It has been found that folding of these fragments into tetraplexes as well as tetraplex thermostabilities and enthalpy values depend on the number of TTAG3 repeats. The suggested topologies include, e.g. antiparallel and parallel bimolecular tetraplexes, an intramolecular antiparallel tetraplex, a tetraplex consisting of three parallel chains and one antiparallel chain, a poorly stable parallel intramolecular tetraplex, and both parallel and antiparallel tetramolecular tetraplexes. G3(TTAG3)3 folds into a single, stable and very compact intramolecular antiparallel tetraplex. With an increasing repeat number, the fragment tetraplexes surprisingly are ever less thermostable and their migration and enthalpy decrease indicate increasing irregularities or domain splitting in their arrangements. Reduced stability and different topology of lengthy telomeric tails could contribute to the stepwise telomere shortening process.  相似文献   

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