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为探讨旧大陆食果和食蜜蝙蝠的食性类型不同是否造成其取食器官舌长度及结构的差异,本研究以2种食果蝙蝠犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)和棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaultii)以及1种食蜜蝙蝠长舌果蝠(Eonycteris spelaea)为研究对象,比较了这3个物种间舌的差异。犬蝠、棕果蝠和长舌果蝠伸入直径为2 cm试管的最大舌长度L1(包括伸入试管的吻部和吻部以外的舌长),分别为(29.19?0.52)mm、(35.05?0.82)mm、(49.34?1.64)mm;伸出吻端外部的舌长L3分别为(16.25?0.53)mm、(19.25?0.79)mm、(31.88?1.56)mm;与体重转换后的最大舌长度,即转换L1分别为(8.57?0.17)mm/3√g、(7.90?0.27)mm/3√g、(12.41?0.40)mm/3√g;与体重转换后的伸出吻端外部的舌长,即转换L3分别为(4.77?0.16)mm/3√g、(4.34?0.22)mm/3√g、(8.01?0.38)mm/3√g;与体重转换后的解剖舌长分别为(5.56?0.16)mm/3√g、(5.35?0.14)mm/3√g、(6.65?0.38)mm/3√g。此5个参数种间比较均差异显著,食蜜类的长舌果蝠的5个参数均显著长于食果类犬蝠和棕果蝠的。通过比较3种蝙蝠的舌结构发现,长舌果蝠的舌尖尖细且具有毛刷状丝状乳头结构,舌面及两侧凹槽较多;犬蝠和棕果蝠的舌尖钝圆,舌面乳头和凹槽较少而平缓。本文结果表明,旧大陆食蜜蝙蝠与食果蝙蝠在舌长度和舌结构上存在明显差异,可能与捕食行为上的差异有关。  相似文献   

咬合力与动物咀嚼系统的形态特征以及食物硬度有关,是评价动物取食行为的重要指标之一。本文于2012年4月在云南西双版纳对食果、食蜜和食虫3种食性的12种蝙蝠咬合力进行研究,使用咬合力探测仪测量蝙蝠手持状态下的咬合力,分析不同食性蝙蝠咬合力的差异,并与其体型(体重、前臂长、头长)进行相关分析。结果表明,3种食性蝙蝠的咬合力存在显著差异,食果蝙蝠咬合力最大,其次为食蜜蝙蝠,食虫蝙蝠咬合力最小;但是去除体重因素的影响之后,不同食性蝙蝠的咬合力则差异不显著。蝙蝠咬合力与体重、前臂长、头长均呈显著正相关。本文研究结果表明,体重是影响蝙蝠咬合力的主要因素,食性在一定程度上也对咬合力产生影响,食蜜蝙蝠吻部延长,头长上的特化导致其咬合力的减弱。  相似文献   

舌头通常具有味觉、消化和免疫等重要功能。由于不同的食物含有不同的营养成分,我们推测舌头中和食性相关的基因在不同食性的动物中可能具有表达差异。为了检验此假说,本研究选取三种蝙蝠(大长舌果蝠(Eonycteris spelaea)、中华菊头蝠(Rhinolophus sinicus)和大足鼠耳蝠(Myotis ricketii))为研究对象,利用RNA高通量测序技术获得了三种蝙蝠舌头的转录组数据。比较转录组分析显示,在三种蝙蝠舌头中,表达量普遍最高的基因主要具有免疫功能,说明这些基因对于维持舌头正常的功能起到不可或缺的作用;另一方面,相对于食虫的中华菊头蝠和大足鼠耳蝠,与糖类代谢相关的基因在食蜜的大长舌果蝠中显著高表达,提示这些基因在这三种蝙蝠的舌头中具有表达差异。我们的研究不仅丰富了蝙蝠的转录组资源,还证实了舌头中参与糖类代谢的基因表达差异可能和蝙蝠食性分化紧密相关。  相似文献   

七种鼠科啮齿动物消化道长度和重量的比较   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
测定浙江省金华地区7种鼠科啮齿动物的总消化道及各消化器官的长度和重量,与其食性和生境作比较,旨在检测近缘种之间消化道长度和重量的差异,家栖种类与野栖种类消化道形态的差异,野外捕获动物带回实验室处死,解剖分离消化道为胃,小肠,盲肠和大肠,精密直尺测定各器官的平展长度,纵剖肠道,生理盐水冲净内容物,65℃恒温干燥后称得干重,研究结果表明,消化道长度的种间差异明显大于消化道重量的种间差异;盲肠和大肠长度的种间差异明显大于小肠长度的种间差异,植食性野栖种类的胃,盲肠和大肠大于杂食性家栖种类,而两类动物小肠长度的差异不明显。  相似文献   

同一山洞中五种蝙蝠的回声定位比较及生态位的分化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对同一山洞中5种蝙蝠的回声定位叫声和外部形态作了比较分析,根据蝙蝠回声定位叫声,形态特征与捕食策略之间的联系,并结合部分的野外观察研究,推断其捕食生境及捕食策略,并对洞中5种共栖蝙蝠的生态位分化进行了分析;研究结果如下:(1)南蝠(Ia io)在地面或树冠中间的开阔空间捕食个体较大的昆虫;(2)大鼠耳蝠(Myotis myotis)主要以掠食性方式(gleaning) 捕食森林或草地地表面的昆虫;(3)黄大蹄幅(Hipposideros pratti)主要在树冠周围或树冠上方进行捕蝇器式(Fly-catching)(即倒挂于一固定枝条或地点,探索周围飞行或接近的昆虫,探索到后捕捉回原倒挂地点再进食)或飞行捕食,它主要捕食个体较大的甲虫;(4)角菊头蝠(Rhinolophus cornutus)主要在较密集树木中(枝叶间),农田及树木周围捕食型较小的翼拍动昆虫;(5)三叶蹄幅(Aselliscus wheeleri)是在树木,灌丛或在其周围空间内捕食较小的翼拍动昆虫,但其食性可能菊头蝠不同,根据以上研究结果,认为这5种蝙蝠的取食生态位存在着明显的分化。  相似文献   

秦利鸿  付新华 《昆虫知识》2009,46(1):125-128
对短角窗萤Diaphanes sp.和胸窗萤Pyrocoelia pectoralis Olivier幼虫的捕食行为进行观察。发现短角窗萤捕食蚯蚓而胸窗萤则捕食蜗牛。利用扫描电镜对短角窗萤和胸窗萤幼虫的头部及口器进行观察比较。发现2种幼虫均具有1对侧单眼,1对发达的、左右对称的3节触角。2种幼虫口器非常发达,具1对锋利的、中空的镰刀状上颚,1对下颚须,1对下唇须,1对内颚叶。2种萤火虫口器最具特别的结构在于:短角窗萤上颚的2/3处内侧着生1个球形结构,上面着生1层齿状结构,而胸窗萤则在上颚基部内侧弯曲成齿状突起。  相似文献   

五种蝌蚪口器及舌鳃骨的结构比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏坤  吴民耀  周凤  王宏元 《四川动物》2012,31(4):593-597
采用体视显微镜和骨骼双染色法对5种不同栖息环境的无尾两栖动物蝌蚪的口器和舌鳃骨的形态结构特征进行了观察。5种蝌蚪口器由唇齿行、唇乳突和角质颌等组成。舌鳃骨是由关联骨Ⅰ、关联骨Ⅱ、角舌骨、舌鳃骨盘和角鳃骨等骨骼组成。蝌蚪的梅氏软骨若较发达,其摄食方式可能为刮食;蝌蚪的舌鳃骨发达,其摄食方式则可能为滤食。角质颌、唇齿以及角鳃骨上鳃耙的出现显著增强了蝌蚪主动摄食能力和对食物与非食物的主动选择性。  相似文献   

王亚  付成  胡月  付世建 《水生生物学报》2021,45(5):1154-1163
为了比较早期捕食胁迫经历和当前环境中存在的捕食者对鱼类行为的影响,并考查这些影响是否存在种间差异,研究分别考查了测定环境(有、无捕食者存在)对有、无捕食胁迫经历的鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)、鲫(Carassius auratus)和中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)等4种鲤科鱼类探索性、活跃性和勇敢性的影响。结果发现:早期捕食胁迫经历与当前环境条件对鱼类行为产生截然不同的影响,且存在较大的种间差异。无捕食胁迫经历的鳊、草鱼和中华倒刺鲃均会对陌生的捕食者乌鳢(Channa argus)做出行为响应,提示这3种鱼可能对陌生捕食者具有一定的识别能力,但这种识别与猎物鱼通过捕食胁迫经历获得的识别仍具有一定差距;具有捕食胁迫经历的鳊和中华倒刺鲃在空白环境中未表现出反捕食行为,可能是节约能量的一种策略。总体而言,草鱼对捕食胁迫经历和测定环境处理反应更为敏感,而中华倒刺鲃的反应则相对保守。但当周围环境中存在捕食者时, 4种鲤科鱼类均会通过维持较高运动状态的方式来应对捕食者。维持这种应激状态可能对猎物鱼...  相似文献   

了解植物形态学性状如何影响鸟类传粉者和种子散布者的拜访,有助于阐明植物-鸟类相互关系的进化.本研究选取云南省西双版纳4类不同人类干扰程度的热带森林,比较植物-鸟类在种子散布和传粉基础上所构建的网络系统.结果表明:植物-食果鸟网络系统高度不对称,而植物-鸟类传粉者网络系统未出现类似的不对称现象.两类网络系统的差异主要表现在鸟类丰富度、鸟类活动能力以及适合鸟类拜访的一系列植物性状上.对这两个互利共生系统差异的了解有助于深入理解植物-鸟类互利关系的进化.  相似文献   

白喉红臀鹎Pycnonotus aungaster、白头鹎Pycnonotus saneness和红耳鹎Pycnonotus jocosus 3种鹎科鸟类为玉林市东郊挂榜山区域优势种.2005年1~5月,用网捕法捕获标本共43只,胃检法对这3种鸟类食性进行了初步分析.结果显示:3种鸟类在春季均为杂食性鸟类,以植物性食物为主,植物性食物体积比分别为:58%、75%、76%,食物类群相似指数分别为0.63、0.69、0.72.  相似文献   

人工饲养条件下棕果蝠的摄食行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年8~11月,对北京动物园饲养的棕果蝠(Rousettus leschenaulti)摄食行为进行了研究。每天上午和下午按时喂食,棕果蝠的摄食行为表现出一定的规律性。放置好水果约4min后,1~3只棕果蝠先在食物周围盘旋,然后返回栖息位置;再经约2min开始进食。当果篮中剩余少量水果时,部分棕果蝠到地面取食。上午喂食后,在地面取食的棕果蝠数目出现1个高峰;下午喂食后,地面取食出现4个高峰。下午取食时间显著长于上午(P<0·05)。棕果蝠进食完一块水果后,并不立即再次取食,而是存在一段时间间隔,期间雌雄棕果蝠的行为包括静止、理毛、张望、飞行、抢食、争斗、爬行、排泄、舔生殖区、舔顶棚等。雌雄的行为出现频次存在差异,其中雄性与哺乳期雌性的静止、理毛、飞行、抢食、争斗、舔生殖区行为差异显著(P<0·05);雄性与非哺乳期雌性的静止、理毛、张望、飞行、舔生殖区行为差异显著(P<0·05);哺乳期与非哺乳期雌性的静止、理毛、飞行、抢食行为差异显著(P<0·05)。  相似文献   

内蒙古三个民族舌运动类型的遗传学研究   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
调查了内蒙古汉、蒙古、回族舌运动类型(卷舌、翻舌、叠舌、三叶舌与尖舌),共716例。研究结果显示:各种舌运动类型出现率性别间均无显著性差异;卷舌基因分别与叠、翻、尖、三叶舌基因间存在着互相作用关系,卷舌基因对叠舌基因是隐性上位基因,对翻舌、尖舌、三叶舌基因是修饰基因;内蒙古3个民族间卷、叠、尖舌出现率接近。本文首次调查并研究了尖舌性状。尖舌在过去国内外文献中未见报道。 Abstract:The tongue moving types(including tongue rolling,tongue twisting,tongue folding,clover-leaf tongue and pointed tongue)of 716 cases of Han,Mongol and Hui nationalities in Inner Mongolia were investigated.The results showed that no difference in the frequencies of various tongue moving types between male and female and that the frequencies of rolling,folding and pointed tongue were close to each other among the three nationalities of Inner Mongolia.However,some interactions between genes were revealed,that the rolling gene is a recessive epistatic gene to folding gene and a modifier gene to twisting,pointed and clover-leaf gene respectively.The research on pointed tongue in this paper has never been reported in China and abroad.  相似文献   

In Amazonia, the assemblages of several taxa differ significantly between upland terra firme and white‐water flooded várzea forests, but little is known about the diversity and distribution of bats in these two forest types. We compare the spatio‐temporal patterns of bat assemblage composition and structure in adjacent terra firme and várzea forests in the lower Purus River region of central Brazilian Amazonia. Bats were sampled using mist nets at five sites in each forest type during 40 nights (2400 net‐hours). We captured 1069 bats representing 42 species and Phyllostomidae bats comprised 99.3 percent of all captures. The bat assemblages in várzea and terra firme forests were significantly different, mainly due to a marked dissimilarity in species composition and in the number of captures during high‐water season. In addition, bat assemblages within forest types differed significantly between seasons for both terra firme and várzea. Frugivores dominated the bat assemblages in both forest types. Overall guild structure did not change between várzea and terra firme or between seasons, but frugivore and animalivore abundance increased significantly in várzea forest during the inundation. The difference in assemblage structure observed in the high‐water season is probably caused by the annual várzea flooding, which provides an effective barrier to the persistence of many understory bats. We also hypothesize that some bat species may undertake seasonal movements between forest types in response to fruit abundance, and our results further underline the importance of floodplain habitats for the conservation of species in the Amazon.  相似文献   

Although tropical wet forests are generally more diverse than dry forests for many faunal groups, few studies have compared bat diversity among dry forests. I compared ground level phyllostomid bat community structure between two tropical dry forests with different precipitation regimes. Parque National Palo Verde in northwestern Costa Rica represents one of the wettest tropical dry forests (rainfall 1.5 m/yr), whereas the Chamela‐Cuixmala Biosphere Reserve on the Pacific coast of central Mexico represents one of the driest (750 mm/yr). Mist net sampling was conducted at the two study sites to compare changes in ground level phyllostomid bat community structure between regions and seasons. Palo Verde was more diverse than Chamela and phyllostomid species showed low similarity between sites (Classic Jaccard = 0.263). The distinct phyllostomid communities observed at these two dry forest sites demonstrates that variants of tropical dry forest can be sufficiently different in structure and composition to affect phyllostomid communities. At both dry forest sites, abundance of the two most common foraging guilds (frugivores and nectarivores) differed between seasons, with greatest numbers of individuals captured coinciding with highest chiropterophilic resource abundance.  相似文献   

Lesser bare–backed bats (Dobsonia minor [Pteropodidae]) are solitary and roost in foliage of understory and subcanopy trees in lowland rain forest. These 70–90 gram frugivorous bats forage in primary and secondary forest and in abandoned gardens. At the Kau Wildlife Area in Papua New Guinea, movements (N = 1041) of four males and four females fitted with radio transmitters were monitored for 1 to 18 months. Mean home range within 30–day sampling periods was 5.1 ha (N = 12). There were no significant differences in home ranges by sex or by dry–wet season. Females, however, had significandy larger mean core–use areas than males (1.43 ± 0.61 and 0.65 ±0.16 ha, respectively). There was moderate overlap in home range and core–use areas among some simultaneously tracked animals. The long axes of home ranges varied from 150 to 1150 m and the mean was significantly larger in females. Individuals commuted from day roosts to multiple feeding areas, sometimes resulting in disjunct core–use areas and home ranges. Fruits of native Fiats species and the exotic shrub Piper attuncum were staple food items. Piper aduncum grew as dense clusters within early successional habitats, and individual plants ripened 5–20 fruits per night throughout the year. Ficus spp. grew in primary and secondary forest and fruited asynchronously, but individual trees produced tens to thousands of ripe fruits over 7 to 10 days. Three adult female D. minor were tracked over multiple periods spanning 2.5–18 months. Although each female continued to visit a core–use area containing P. aduncum throughout the study, turnover of other core–use areas reflected the ephemeral locations of fruiting fig trees.  相似文献   

按照最优化觅食理论,动物在取食时需在能量获取与捕食风险之间权衡。本文通过室内行为实验,研究两种旧大陆果蝠棕果蝠和犬蝠对食物大小的选择规律与取食策略。按体积由小到大将苹果分为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型、Ⅲ型、Ⅳ型4 种类型的食物块,通过红外相机观察果蝠对不同大小食块的取食情况,并就其对各类型食块的取食率、取食次数和停留时间进行统计分析。结果表明:这两种果蝠对Ⅱ型和Ⅲ型食块的取食率显著高于Ⅰ型和Ⅳ型;对Ⅰ型食块的取食次数显著高于Ⅱ型和Ⅳ型;对Ⅳ型食块的停留时间显著高于Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型。它们在摄取体积较小的食块时,以取走后进食为主要取食方式,但摄取大体积食块时则主要在原地进食。取食过程中,果蝠优先选择大小适于搬运的食块,是捕食风险与能量收益权衡的结果。  相似文献   

Biomechanical models of feeding mechanisms elucidate how animals capture food in the wild, which, in turn, expands our understanding of their fundamental trophic niche. However, little attention has been given to modeling the protrusible upper jaw apparatus that characterizes many teleost species. We expanded existing biomechanical models to include upper jaw forces using a generalist butterflyfish, Chaetodon trichrous (Chaetodontidae) that produces substantial upper jaw protrusion when feeding on midwater and benthic prey. Laboratory feeding trials for C. trichrous were recorded using high-speed digital imaging; from these sequences we quantified feeding performance parameters to use as inputs for the biomechanical model. According to the model outputs, the upper jaw makes a substantial contribution to the overall forces produced during mouth closing in C. trichrous. Thus, biomechanical models that only consider lower jaw closing forces will underestimate total bite force for this and likely other teleost species. We also quantified and subsequently modeled feeding events for C. trichrous consuming prey from the water column versus picking attached prey from the substrate to investigate whether there is a functional trade-off between prey capture modes. We found that individuals of C. trichrous alter their feeding behavior when consuming different prey types by changing the timing and magnitude of upper and lower jaw movements and that this behavioral modification will affect the forces produced by the jaws during prey capture by dynamically altering the lever mechanics of the jaws. In fact, the slower, lower magnitude movements produced during picking-based prey capture should produce a more forceful bite, which will facilitate feeding on benthic attached prey items, such as corals. Similarities between butterflyfishes and other teleost lineages that also employ picking-based prey capture suggest that a suite of key behavioral and morphological innovations enhances feeding success for benthic attached prey items.  相似文献   

The prey species composition and feeding rate of the pit-making ant lion larva,Myrmeleon bore Tjeder, which inhabits open sandy areas, were examined. Not less than 30 prey species, most of which were ants, were collected during a research period of 1.5 years. First instar larvae most often (81.1%) captured ants. Although 3rd instar larvae captured larger-sized prey than individuals of any other instar, they also captured small prey. The feeding rate of 3rd instar larvae was estimated by using the frequency of observed predation (FOP; (no. of ant lions handling a prey)/(total no. of pits observed)), the prey-handling time and the rhythm of daily foraging activity. FOP ofM. bore larvae was constant on the whole from spring to autumn. It was estimated that each captured 1.25 prey per day on average during this period. This estimate, however, was the feeding rate for days on which there was no rain. Assuming that the larvae cannot capture prey due to pit destruction when there is more than 10 mm of rainfall per day, the figure was reduced to 1.03 prey/day. The estimated feeding rate was evaluated with reference to larval foraging behavior.  相似文献   

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