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Many bacterial avirulence (Avr) proteins, including the Pseudomonas syringae proteins, AvrRpt2 and AvrB, appear to be recognized inside the host plant cell by resistance mechanisms mediated by the cognate resistance (R) genes. It is thought that Avr proteins are either delivered directly into the host cell via the bacterial type III secretion system (TTSS) or taken up by the plant cell following secretion into the apoplast through the TTSS. Recently, it was shown that the Xanthomonas campestris AvrBs2 protein can be delivered directly into the host plant cell by the TTSS. However, it is not known whether other type III effectors of phytopathogens behave similarly. Here, using a novel protein transfection method, we demonstrate that AvrRpt2 and AvrB must enter the plant cell to be recognized by R gene-mediated mechanisms. First, we established a hypersensitive cell death assay for protoplasts using the membrane-impermeable, nuclear-staining dye, YO-PRO-1, and transgenic Arabidopsis plants that carry an inducible avrRpt2 gene. Second, we transfected E. coli-produced AvrRpt2 or AvrB proteins into Arabidopsis protoplasts using a protein transfection kit based on the carrier peptide Pep-1, and demonstrated that hypersensitive cell death occurs in a gene-for-gene-specific manner. In contrast, these Avr proteins failed to elicit hypersensitive cell death when they were applied to protoplasts without the carrier peptide. We conclude that our preparations of E. coli-produced AvrRpt2 and AvrB are active, that AvrRpt2 and AvrB must be delivered into the plant cell to be recognized, and that a method based on a carrier peptide can be used to introduce proteins into plant cells.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-Cg is able to propagate and multiply systemically to high levels in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Col-0. In this study, we obtained a Cg mutant, Cgk1, which expresses a coat protein with a truncated carboxyl terminus. Interestingly, Cgk1 induced necrosis that resembled the hypersensitive response and caused more pronounced disease symptoms than wild type Cg in Arabidopsis Col-0 plants. A reactive oxidative burst occurred prior to this necrosis. We found that expression of the pathogenesis-related gene PR-1 was induced by Cgk1 infection, and also by infection with wild type Cg, but only in npr1-2 mutant plants, not in NahG transgenic plants. These results suggested that PR-1 expression is dependent on the salicylic acid signaling pathway, but is independent of NPR1.  相似文献   

Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), a derivative from the plant hormone salicylic acid (SA), is a commonly used drug that has a dual role in animal organisms as an anti-inflammatory and anticancer agent. It acts as an inhibitor of cyclooxygenases (COXs), which catalyze prostaglandins production. It is known that ASA serves as an apoptotic agent on cancer cells through the inhibition of the COX-2 enzyme. Here, we provide evidences that ASA also behaves as an agent inducing programmed cell death (PCD) in cell cultures of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, in a similar way than the well-established PCD-inducing agent H(2)O(2), although the induction of PCD by ASA requires much lower inducer concentrations. Moreover, ASA is herein shown to be a more efficient PCD-inducing agent than salicylic acid. ASA treatment of Arabidopsis cells induces typical PCD-linked morphological and biochemical changes, namely cell shrinkage, nuclear DNA degradation, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, cytochrome c release from mitochondria and induction of caspase-like activity. However, the ASA effect can be partially reverted by jasmonic acid. Taking together, these results reveal the existence of common features in ASA-induced animal apoptosis and plant PCD, and also suggest that there are similarities between the pathways of synthesis and function of prostanoid-like lipid mediators in animal and plant organisms.  相似文献   

The plant hypersensitive response (HR) is tightly associated with gene-for-gene resistance and has been proposed to function in containing pathogens at the invasion site. This tight association has made it difficult to unequivocally evaluate the importance of HR for plant disease resistance. Here, hopPsyA from Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 61 is identified as a new avirulence gene for Arabidopsis that triggers resistance in the absence of macroscopic HR. Resistance to P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 expressing hopPsyA was EDS1-dependent and NDR1-independent. Intriguingly, several Arabidopsis accessions were resistant to DC3000(hopPsyA) in the absence of HR. This is comparable to the Arabidopsis response to avrRps4, but it is shown that hopPsyA does not signal through RPS4. In a cross between two hopPsyA-resistant accessions that differ in their HR response, the HR segregated as a recessive phenotype regulated by a single locus. This locus, HED1 (HR regulator in EDS1 pathway), is proposed to encode a protein whose activity can cause suppression of the EDS1-dependent HR signaling pathway. HED1-regulated symptomless gene-for-gene resistance responses may explain some cases of Arabidopsis resistance to bacteria that are classified as nonhost resistance.  相似文献   

Inducible transgenic mouse models that impose a constraint on both temporal and spatial expression of a given transgene are invaluable. These animals facilitate experiments that can address the role of a specific cell or group of cells within an animal or in a particular window of time. A common approach to achieve inducibility involves the site-specific recombinase 'Cre', which is linked to a modified version of one of various steroid hormone-binding domains. Thus, the expression of Cre is regulated such that a functional nuclear transgene product can only be generated with the addition of an exogenous ligand. However, critical requirements of this system are that the nuclear localization of the transgene product be tightly regulated, that the dosage of the inducing agent remains consistent among experimental animals and that the transgene cassette cannot express in the absence of the inducing agent. We used the Cre ER(T2) cassette, which is regulated by the addition of the estrogen antagonist tamoxifen to determine whether cross-contamination of tamoxifen between animals housed together can be a significant source of spurious results. We found that cross-contamination of exogenous tamoxifen does occur. It occurred in all animals tested. We suggest that the mechanism of contamination is through exposure to tamoxifen in the general environment and/or to coprophagous behavior. These results have important implications for the interpretation and design of experiments that use 'inducible' transgenic animals.  相似文献   

Hypersensitive response-assisting protein (HRAP) has been previously reported as an amphipathic plant protein isolated from sweet pepper that intensifies the harpin(Pss)-mediated hypersensitive response (HR). The hrap gene has no appreciable similarity to any other known sequences, and its activity can be rapidly induced by incompatible pathogen infection. To assess the function of the hrap gene in plant disease resistance, the CaMV 35S promoter was used to express sweet pepper hrap in transgenic tobacco. Compared with wild-type tobacco, transgenic tobacco plants exhibit more sensitivity to harpin(Pss) and show resistance to virulent pathogens (Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci and Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora). This disease resistance of transgenic tobacco does not originate from a constitutive HR, because endogenous level of salicylic acid and hsr203J mRNA showed similarities in transgenic and wildtype tobacco under noninfected conditions. However, following a virulent pathogen infection in hrap transgenic tobacco, hsr203J was rapidly induced and a micro-HR necrosis was visualized by trypan blue staining in the infiltration area. Consequently, we suggest that the disease resistance of transgenic plants may result from the induction of a HR by a virulent pathogen infection.  相似文献   

In plants, cysteine protease inhibitors are involved in the regulation of protein turnover and play an important role in resistance against insects and pathogens. AtCYS1 from Arabidopsis thaliana encodes a protein of 102 amino acids that contains the conserved motif of cysteine protease inhibitors belonging to the cystatin superfamily (Gln-Val-Val-Ala-Gly). Recombinant A. thaliana cystatin-1 (AtCYS1) was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. AtCYS1 inhibits the catalytic activity of papain (Kd = 4.0 x 10-2 micro m, at pH 7.0 and 25 degrees C), generally taken as a molecular model of cysteine proteases. The molecular bases for papain inhibition by AtCYS1 have been analysed taking into account the three-dimensional structure of the papain-stefin B complex. AtCYS1 is constitutively expressed in roots and in developing siliques of A. thaliana. In leaves, AtCYS1 is strongly induced by wounding, by challenge with avirulent pathogens and by nitric oxide (NO). The overexpression of AtCYS1 blocks cell death activated by either avirulent pathogens or by oxidative and nitrosative stress in both A. thaliana suspension cultured cells and in transgenic tobacco plants. The suppression of the NO-mediated cell death in plants overexpressing AtCYS1 provides the evidence that NO is not cytotoxic for the plant, indicating that NO functions as cell death trigger through the stimulation of an active process, in which cysteine proteases and theirs proteinaceous inhibitors appear to play a crucial role.  相似文献   

Devadas SK  Raina R 《Plant physiology》2002,128(4):1234-1244
The hypersensitive response (HR) displayed by resistant plants against invading pathogens is a prominent feature of plant-pathogen interactions. The Arabidopsis hypersensitive response like lesions1 (hrl1) mutant is characterized by heightened defense responses that make it more resistant to virulent pathogens. However, hrl1 suppresses avirulent pathogen-induced HR cell death. Furthermore, the high PR-1 expression observed in hrl1 remains unaltered after avirulent and virulent pathogen infections. The suppressed HR phenotype in hrl1 is observed even when an elicitor is expressed endogenously from an inducible promoter, suggesting that an impaired transfer of avirulent factors is not the reason. Interestingly, the lack of HR phenotype in hrl1 is reversed if the constitutive defense responses are compromised either by a mutation in NON EXPRESSOR OF PR-1 (NPR1) or by depleting salicylic acid due to the expression of the nahG gene. The rescue of HR cell death in hrl1 npr1 and in hrl1 nahG depends on the extent to which the constitutive systemic acquired response (SAR) is compromised. Pretreating Arabidopsis wild-type plants with SAR-inducers, before pathogen infection resulted in a significant decrease in HR cell death. Together, these results demonstrate that the preexisting SAR may serve as one form of negative feedback loop to regulate HR-associated cell death in hrl1 mutant and in the wild-type plants.  相似文献   

Constitutive over‐expression of the TaDREB3 gene in barley improved frost tolerance of transgenic plants at the vegetative stage of plant development, but leads to stunted phenotypes and 3‐ to 6‐week delays in flowering compared to control plants. In this work, two cold‐inducible promoters with contrasting properties, the WRKY71 gene promoter from rice and the Cor39 gene promoter from durum wheat, were applied to optimize expression of TaDREB3. The aim of the work was to increase plant frost tolerance and to decrease or prevent negative developmental phenotypes observed during constitutive expression of TaDREB3. The OsWRKY71 and TdCor39 promoters had low‐to‐moderate basal activity and were activated by cold treatment in leaves, stems and developing spikes of transgenic barley and rice. Expression of the TaDREB3 gene, driven by either of the tested promoters, led to a significant improvement in frost tolerance. The presence of the functional TaDREB3 protein in transgenic plants was confirmed by the detection of strong up‐regulation of cold‐responsive target genes. The OsWRKY71 promoter–driven TaDREB3 provides stronger activation of the same target genes than the TdCor39 promoter. Analysis of the development of transgenic plants in the absence of stress revealed small or no differences in plant characteristics and grain yield compared with wild‐type plants. The WRKY71–TaDREB3 promoter–transgene combination appears to be a promising tool for the enhancement of cold and frost tolerance in crop plants but field evaluation will be needed to confirm that negative development phenotypes have been controlled.  相似文献   

The physiological and molecular events of ethylene‐induced abscission in mature fruit calyx, laminar and floral abscission zones of cv. Valencia orange were examined. Continuous exposure of fruit explants to 5 µl 1−1 ethylene for 2 to 40 h resulted in marked increases in endo‐1,4‐β‐glucanase (cellulase) and polygalacturonase (PG) activities in calyx abscission zones. Two abscission‐related cellulases and one PG were found. The major peak of cellulase activity corresponded to a pI of 8.0 and molecular weight of 51 kDa, whereas the minor cellulase peak had a pI of 5.5. The abscission polygalacturonase had a pI of 5.5. Calyx abscission zone RNA was amplified with degenerate primers based on sequence of the purified Valencia orange calyx abscission cellulase, and cloned. The two partial cellulase cDNA clones were 59% identical at the nucleotide level. Genomic Southern analysis suggested that Valencia orange contained two groups of cellulase genes. A full‐length cDNA clone from each group was isolated from a cDNA library prepared from ethylene‐induced calyx abscission zone mRNA. Both genes were expressed in ethylene‐induced calyx, laminar and floral abscission zones, but were not expressed in non‐induced abscission zones or mature leaves treated with or without ethylene, young bark or young fruit of Valencia.  相似文献   

Pinoresinol reductase and pinoresinol/lariciresinol reductase play important roles in an early step of lignan biosynthesis in plants. The activities of both enzymes have also been detected in bacteria. In this study, pinZ, which was first isolated as a gene for bacterial pinoresinol reductase, was constitutively expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. Higher reductive activity toward pinoresinol was detected in the resultant transgenic plants but not in wild-type plant. Principal component analysis of data from untargeted metabolome analyses of stem, root, and leaf extracts of the wild-type and two independent transgenic lines indicate that pinZ expression caused dynamic metabolic changes in stems, but not in roots and leaves. The metabolome data also suggest that expression of pinZ influenced the metabolisms of lignan and glucosinolates but not so much of neolignans such as guaiacylglycerol-8-O-4′-feruloyl ethers. In-depth quantitative analysis by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) indicated that amounts of pinoresinol and its glucoside form were markedly reduced in the transgenic plant, whereas the amounts of glucoside form of secoisolariciresinol in transgenic roots, leaves, and stems increased. The detected levels of lariciresinol in the transgenic plant following β-glucosidase treatment also tended to be higher than those in the wild-type plant. Our findings indicate that overexpression of pinZ induces change in lignan compositions and has a major effect not only on lignan biosynthesis but also on biosynthesis of other primary and secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

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