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SUMMARY Molecular and morphological comparisons indicate that the Echinodermata and Hemichordata represent closely related sister‐phyla within the Deuterostomia. Much less is known about the development of the hemichordates compared to other deuterostomes. For the first time, cell lineage analyses have been carried out for an indirect‐developing representative of the enteropneust hemichordates, Pty‐ chodera flava. Single blastomeres were iontophoretically labeled with DiI at the 2‐ through 16‐cell stages, and their fates followed through development to the tornaria larval stage. The early cleavage pattern of P. flava is similar to that of the direct‐developing hemichordate, Saccoglossus kowalevskii, as well as that displayed by indirect‐developing echinoids. The 16‐celled embryo contains eight animal “mesomeres,” four slightly larger “macromeres,” and four somewhat smaller vegetal “micromeres.” The first cleavage plane was not found to bear one specific relationship relative to the larval dorsoventral axis. Although individual blastomeres generate discrete clones of cells, the appearance and exact locations of these clones are variable with respect to the embryonic dorsoventral and bilateral axes. The eight animal mesomeres generate anterior (animal) ectoderm of the larva, which includes the apical organ; however, contributions to the apical organ were found to be variable as only a subset of the animal blastomeres end up contributing to its formation and this varies from embryo to embryo. The macromeres generate posterior larval ectoderm, and the vegetal micromeres form all the internal, endomesodermal tissues. These blastomere contributions are similar to those found during development of the only other hemichordate studied, the direct‐developing enteropneust, S. kowalevskii. Finally, isolated blastomeres prepared at either the two‐ or the four‐cell stage are capable of forming normal‐appearing, miniature tornaria larvae. These findings indicate that the fates of these cells and embryonic dorsoventral axial properties are not committed at these early stages of development. Comparisons with the developmental programs of other deuterostome phyla allow one to speculate on the conservation of some key developmental events/mechanisms and propose basal character states shared by the ancestor of echinoderms and hemichordates.  相似文献   

The spawning and early embryogenesis of the hemichordate, Ptychodera flava, in Hawaii are described in detail and illustrated with photographs of living material. Natural spawning in the evenings of early December was induced by a shift of seawater temperature from about 22 degrees C to about 26 degrees C. The fertilized egg divides equally and slowly at first, reaching 8 cells at about 5 hr after insemination at room temperature (20-24 degrees C). Divisions then appear to become slightly unequal and by 9 hr the embryo has divided into about 100 cells. The blastocoel forms during cleavage as an irregular space that, when viewed from the side, tends to appear oblate and ultimately appear crescent-shaped as the vegetal plate thickens into the blastocoel. The archenteron forms at about 18 hr as a cleft beginning at the vegetal pole and extending into the vegetal plate. As development proceeds, the embryo expands and by 24 hr forms a typical deuterostome gastrula with an outer sphere of ectoderm and a inner tube of endoderm connected at the blastopore. An out-pocketing of the gut appears at the tip of the archenteron over the next 4 hr to form the protocoel which will become the proboscis coelom. Approaching 40 hr the gut becomes asymmetric and over the next few hr contacts the ectoderm to form a mouth. Hatching occurs during this time at about 45 hr of development. Morphogenesis continues to produce an early tornaria larva by about 60 hr.  相似文献   

Because of their importance for proper development of the bilaterian embryo, Hox genes have taken center stage for investigations into the evolution of bilaterian metazoans. Taxonomic surveys of major protostome taxa have shown that Hox genes are also excellent phylogenetic markers, as specific Hox genes are restricted to one of the two great protostome clades, the Lophotrochozoa or the Ecdysozoa, and thus support the phylogenetic relationships as originally deduced by 18S rDNA studies. Deuterostomes are the third major group of bilaterians and consist of three major phyla, the echinoderms, the hemichordates, and the chordates. Most morphological studies have supported Hemichordata+Chordata, whereas molecular studies support Echinodermata+Hemichordata, a clade known as Ambulacraria. To test these competing hypotheses, complete or near complete cDNAs of eight Hox genes and four Parahox genes were isolated from the enteropneust hemichordate Ptychodera flava. Only one copy of each Hox gene was isolated suggesting that the Hox genes of P. flava are arranged in a single cluster. Of particular importance is the isolation of three posterior or Abd-B Hox genes; these genes are only shared with echinoderms, and thus support the monophyly of Ambulacraria.  相似文献   

Lacalli, T. C. and Gilmour, T. H. J. 2001. Locomotory and feeding effectors of the tornaria larva of Balanoglossus biminiensis . — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 82 : 117–126
The tornaria ciliary bands and oesophagus were examined ultrastructurally to identify the neural components that control larval behaviour. The circumoral ciliary band is known to be innervated in part by fibres from the apical plate and adoral nerve centres. Within the band itself, however, the only neurones we could find were multipolar cells, an unusual cell type with apical processes that traverse the surface of the band. Similar cells occur in the circumoral bands of echinoderm larvae. The tornaria telotroch has a much larger nerve, but no neurones were found either in the band or nearby, so the source of the fibres in the telotroch nerve remains unknown. In addition to having different innervation, the two bands also respond differently to cholinergic agonists, which elicit telotroch arrests but have no visible effect on the circumoral band. The oesophagus has a well-developed musculature and an extensive nerve plexus. During feeding, the oesophagus repeatedly contracts, forcing excess water out along two lateral channels prior to swallowing. These channels are also sites of gill slit formation, so there is evidently a continuity between the water bypass mechanism of the larva and that of the postmetamorphic juvenile.  相似文献   

Luminous acorn worm, Ptychodera flava emits green light by stimulating with diluted hydrogen peroxide. We have recently reported isolation and structure determination of 2,3,5,6-tetrabromohydroquinone as a luminous substance and riboflavin as a possible light emitter. There are three other luminous substances in the extracts from P. flava, so here we report the isolation and structure determination of other luminous substances as 2,3,5-tribromohydroquinone, tetrabromo-1,4-benzoquinone, and 2,3,5-tribromo-6-(2,3,5-tribromo-4-hydroxy-phenoxy)-benzene-1,4-diol. Besides, this is the first report of isolation of tetrabromo-1,4-benzoquinone from acorn worm. Structure-activity relationship of chemiluminescence activity of halogenated quinone derivatives reveals that a highly halogen substitution and 1,4-quinone skeleton are important for high chemiluminescence activity.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the digestive tract of tornaria larva of enteropneusts was investigated. It showed that the digestive tract consists of three parts: esophagus, stomach, and intestine. The esophagus epithelium consists of two types of multiciliated epithelial cells and solitary muscle cells. Axonal tracts and neurons were found in the ventral wall of the esophagus. The cardiac sphincter contains an anterior band of strongly ciliated cells and a posterior band of cells with long vacuolized processes which partition the sphincter lumen. The stomach consists of three cell types: (1) cells with electron-opaque cytoplasm, bearing a fringed border on their apical sides; (2, 3) sparse cells with electron-light cytoplasm and different patterns of apical microvilli. Cells of the pyloric sphincter bear numerous cilia and almost no microvilli. The intestine consists of three parts. The anterior part is formed of multiciliated cells which bear the fringed border. The middle part consists of flattened cells bearing rare cilia and vast numbers of mace-like microvilli. The posterior part of the intestine is formed of cells bearing numerous cilia and few microvilli. Muscle cells were not found in either stomach or intestine epithelium. One noticed that the structure of the digestive tract of enteropneust tornaria larva differs from that of echinoid pluteus larva.  相似文献   

2,3,5,6-Tetrabromohydroquinone was isolated as a luminous substance from Ptychodera flava. This compound emitted light after addition of hydrogen peroxide under basic conditions. Since hydroquinone had no fluorescence, further investigation by spectral analysis revealed that riboflavin was the only possible light emitter having green fluorescence. In the presence of both tetrabromohydroquinone and riboflavin under a basic condition containing 70% 1,4-dioxane, green light emission was observed following the addition of hydrogen peroxide. We succeeded in recording the same emission spectrum as that in the bioluminescence caused by the addition of aqueous diluted hydrogen peroxide solution in P. flava.  相似文献   

Precise patterns of motor neuron connectivity depend on the proper establishment and positioning of the dendritic arbor. However, how different motor neurons orient their dendrites to selectively establish synaptic connectivity is not well understood. The Drosophila neuromuscular system provides a simple model to investigate the underlying organizational principles by which distinct subclasses of motor neurons orient their dendrites within the central neuropil. Here we used genetic mosaic techniques to characterize the diverse dendritic morphologies of individual motor neurons from five main nerve branches (ISN, ISNb, ISNd, SNa, and SNc) in the Drosophila larva. We found that motor neurons from different nerve branches project their dendrites to largely stereotyped mediolateral domains in the dorsal region of the neuropil providing full coverage of the receptive territory. Furthermore, dendrites from different motor neurons overlap extensively, regardless of subclass, suggesting that repulsive dendrite-dendrite interactions between motor neurons do not influence the mediolateral positioning of dendritic fields. The anatomical data in this study provide important information regarding how different subclasses of motor neurons organize their dendrites and establishes a foundation for the investigation of the mechanisms that control synaptic connectivity in the Drosophila motor circuit.  相似文献   

In electron microscopic study of structural organization of the thoracic ganglion of the locust larva of the 1st age (1–2 days after hatching), the data on the structure of motoneurons of the 1st nerve, basal and motor neuropil of the larva were obtained. The effector elements of the larval locust CNS are formed rather early and have the structural plan similar to that in adult insects. However, in the larval motoneurons innervating the flight muscles (longitudinal dorsal muscles, wing depressors) the clearly seen features of immaturity of these nervous elements are revealed. Study of the larval ganglion neuropil has shown that the basal neuropil is morphologically formed sufficiently completely as early as in larvae of the first days after hatching. There are shown longitudinal contacts between axons of the ventral neuropil zone, the presence of axons forming theen-passant contacts as well as the synapses with a heterogeneous set of vesicles in the presynaptic area. The presence of the great number of granular vesicles in the basal neuropil of the locust larva may indicate an important role of catecholamines in the early development of the nervous system in the locust larva.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Twenty organohalogen compounds, primarily phenols, were detected in the volatile extracts of the acorn worm Ptychodera bahamensis.
  • 2.2. Five chlorinated compounds, previously undescribed from acorn worms, were identified.
  • 3.3. Enteropneusts can be significant contributors of halogenated organics to the marine environment.

Developmental expression of the hemichordate otx ortholog   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The phylogenetic location of hemichordates is unique because they seem to fill an evolutionary gap between echinoderms and chordates. We report here characterization of Pf-otx, a hemichordate ortholog of otx, with its embryonic and larval expression pattern. Pf-otx is initially expressed in the vegetal plate of the blastula. Expression remains evident in the archenteron through gastrulation and then disappears. A new expression domain appears near the mouth along the preoral and postoral ciliated bands in the early tornaria larva.  相似文献   

Conceptual models of neural organization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

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