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Individual neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the master biological clock in mammals, autonomously produce highly complex patterns of spikes. We have shown that most (~90%) SCN neurons exhibit truly stochastic interspike interval (ISI) patterns. The aim of this study was to understand the stochastic nature of the firing patterns in SCN neurons by analyzing the ISI sequences of 150 SCN neurons in hypothalamic slices. Fractal analysis, using the periodogram, Fano factor, and Allan factor, revealed the presence of a 1/f-type power-law (fractal) behavior in the ISI sequences. This fractal nature was persistent after the application of the GABAA receptor antagonist bicuculline, suggesting that the fractal stochastic activity is an intrinsic property of individual SCN neurons. Based on these physiological findings, we developed a computational model for the stochastic SCN neurons to find that their stochastic spiking activity was best described by a gamma point process whose mean firing rate was modulated by a fractal binomial noise. Taken together, we suggest that SCN neurons generate temporal spiking patterns using the fractal stochastic point process.Action Editor: Carson C. Chow  相似文献   

利用凝胶迁移率变化的实验方法,对饲养在光照-黑暗循环的条件和持续黑暗的条件下Wistar雄性大鼠下丘脑交叉上核中CREB含量的昼夜间变化进行了分析,发现CREB在交叉上核中具有内源性的昼夜节律.  相似文献   

Simultaneous electrophysiological and fluorescent imaging recording methods were used to study the role of changes of membrane potential or current in regulating the intracellular calcium concentration. Changing environmental conditions, such as the light-dark cycle, can modify neuronal and neural network activity and the expression of a family of circadian clock genes within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the location of the master circadian clock in the mammalian brain. Excitatory synaptic transmission leads to an increase in the postsynaptic Ca2+ concentration that is believed to activate the signaling pathways that shifts the rhythmic expression of circadian clock genes. Hypothalamic slices containing the SCN were patch clamped using microelectrodes filled with an internal solution containing the calcium indicator bis-fura-2. After a seal was formed between the microelectrode and the SCN neuronal membrane, the membrane was ruptured using gentle suction and the calcium probe diffused into the neuron filling both the soma and dendrites. Quantitative ratiometric measurements of the intracellular calcium concentration were recorded simultaneously with membrane potential or current. Using these methods it is possible to study the role of changes of the intracellular calcium concentration produced by synaptic activity and action potential firing of individual neurons. In this presentation we demonstrate the methods to simultaneously record electrophysiological activity along with intracellular calcium from individual SCN neurons maintained in brain slices.  相似文献   

Suprachiasmatic nucleus in the rats during early postnatal development is transitorily innervated by tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers that are neither catecholamine- nor serotoninergic. The goal of this immunocytochemical investigation was to find out if tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons of anterior hypothalamus could be the source of this innervation. According to the obtained immunocytochemical data, multiple multipolar tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons are localized around the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the rats at days 2 and 10 of postnatal development. Most of them were observed ventrally and laterally to the nucleus. The axons of the neurons are oriented towards the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Further investigation demonstrated considerably decreased number of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons surrounding the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the adult animals as compared to early postnatal period, which correlates to the number of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers in this nucleus. Hence, tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons in the ventral region of anterior hypothalamus can be considered as a potential source of transitory innervation of suprachiasmatic nucleus by tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers during early postnatal development.  相似文献   

Many neurological disorders are associated with abnormal oscillatory dynamics. The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is responsible for the timing and synchronization of physiological processes. We performed experiments on PERIOD2::LUCIFERASE transgenic “knock-in” mice. In these mice, a gene that is expressed in a circadian pattern is fused to an inserted gene that codes for luciferase, which is a bioluminescent enzyme. A one-time 3 min magnetic stimulation (MS) was applied to excised slices of the SCN. The MS consisted of a 50-mT field that was turned on and off 4,500 times. The rise time and fall time of the field were 75 μs. A photon count that extended over the full 5 days that the slice remained viable, subsequently revealed how the MS affected the circadian cycle. The MS was applied at points in the circadian cycle that correspond to either maximal or minimal bioluminescence. It was found that both the amplitude and period of the endogenous circadian oscillation are affected by MS and that the effects strongly depend on where in the circadian cycle the stimulation was applied. Our MS dose is in the same range as clinically applied doses, and our findings imply that transcranial MS may be instrumental in remedying disorders that originate in circadian rhythm abnormalities. Bioelectromagnetics. 2020;41:63–72 © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

During an investigation into the role of the neural cell adhesion molecules such as L1 and NCAM in the generation mechanism of circadian rhythms, we observed that L1-like immunoreactive substance is expressed in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Therefore, we examined the effect of continuous infusion of anti-L1 antibody into the third cerebral ventricle above the SCN using an Alzet osmotic minipump, on the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in rats under constant red dim light (less than 1 lx) condition, in order to elucidate the role of L1 in the mechanism of circadian rhythm. Continuous infusion of intact rabbit IgG into the third cerebral ventricle above the SCN, which was done as a control experiment, shifted the phase of the free-running circadian rhythm and reduced daily locomotor activity for an initial few days, however, it did not eliminate the circadian rhythm. In contrast, continuous infusion of anti-L1 antibody temporarily disrupted the circadian rhythm during the infusion period. Furthermore, the infusion of the anti-L1 antibody but not that of control IgG caused a change in the SCN conformation, from which it appeared that SCN neurons displaced in dorsal direction, 4 days after the start of the infusion. These findings suggest that the cell adhesion molecule, L1, might be involved in the generation and/or transduction of the time signal of the circadian rhythm in the SCN.  相似文献   

The background impulse activity (BIA) generated by neurons of the right lateral vestibular nucleus (LVN) of rats in the norm and under conditions of long-lasting general vibrational stimulation was subjected to computer analysis. Statistically significant changes in intragroup values of the mean BIA frequency were observed after 5 and 10 days with 2-h-long sessions of vibrational stimulation. Significant shifts in the distributions of LVN neurons by the level of regularity and dynamic types of BIA were observed 10 and 15 days with vibrational influences. Trends toward return of the intragroup mean value of the BIA frequency to the initial level were noticeable at the end of the stimulation period (15 days). Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, Nos. 5/6, pp. 424–431, September–December, 2005.  相似文献   

The pattern of neuronal spiking of cortical neurons was investigated in an awake nonimmobilized rabbit. Thecharacteristics of the interspike intervals (total numberof intervals, mean interval, mean-square deviation) and of the burst (group) activity (burst number, mean spikefrequency in a burst, mean spike number for a burst, meanburst duration) were considered. Nonlinear relationshipbetween the values of mean interspike intervals and thenumber of spike bursts was found. A number of functionswere applied to describe the observed phenomena. On thebasis of regression analysis two populations of corticalneurons with distinct neuronal spiking patterns wereidentified. Bursts occur at a higher rate in one populationthan the other, although both populations exhibit burstsand are otherwise indistinguishable.  相似文献   

The mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the major endogenous pacemaker that coordinates various daily rhythms including locomotor activity and autonomous and endocrine responses, through a neuronal and humoral influence. In the present study we examined the behavior of dispersed individual SCN neurons obtained from 1- to 3-day-old rats cultured on multi-microelectrode arrays (MEAs). SCN neurons were identified by immunolabeling for the neuropeptides arginine-vasopressin (AVP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Single SCN neurons cultured at low density onto an MEA can express firing rate patterns with different circadian phases. In these cultures we observed rarely synchronized firing patterns on adjacent electrodes. This suggests that, in cultures of low cell densities, SCN neurons function as independent pacemakers. To investigate whether individual pacemakers can be influenced independently by phase-shifting stimuli, we applied melatonin (10 pM to 100 nM) for 30 min at different circadian phases and continuously monitored the firing rate rhythms. Melatonin could elicit phase-shifting responses in individual clock cells which had no measurable input from other neurons. In several neurons, phase-shifts occurred with a long delay in the second or third cycle after melatonin treatment, but not in the first cycle. Phase-shifts of isolated SCN neurons were also observed at times when the SCN showed no sensitivity to these phase-shifting stimuli in recordings from brain slices. This finding suggests that the neuronal network plays an essential role in the control of phase-shifts.  相似文献   

A question central to sensory processing is how signal information is encoded and processed by single neurons. Stimulus features can be represented through rate coding (via firing rate), temporal coding (via firing synchronization to temporal periodicities), or temporal encoding (via intricate patterns of spike trains). Of the three, examples of temporal encoding are the least documented. One region in which temporal encoding is currently being explored is the auditory midbrain. Midbrain neurons in the plainfin midshipman generate different interspike interval (ISI) distributions depending on the frequencies of the concurrent vocal signals. However, these distributions differ only along certain lengths of ISIs, so that any neurons trying to distinguish the distributions would have to respond selectively to specific ISI ranges. We used this empirical observation as a realistic challenge with which to explore the plausibility of ISI-tuned neurons that could validate this form of temporal encoding. The resulting modeled cells—point neurons optimized through multidimensional searching—were successfully tuned to discriminate patterns in specific ranges of ISIs. Achieving this task, particularly with simplified neurons, strengthens the credibility of ISI coding in the brain and lends credence to its role in auditory processing.  相似文献   

An analytical approach is presented for determining the response of a neuron or of the activity in a network of connected neurons, represented by systems of nonlinear ordinary stochastic differential equations—the Fitzhugh-Nagumo system with Gaussian white noise current. For a single neuron, five equations hold for the first- and second-order central moments of the voltage and recovery variables. From this system we obtain, under certain assumptions, five differential equations for the means, variances, and covariance of the two components. One may use these quantities to estimate the probability that a neuron is emitting an action potential at any given time. The differential equations are solved by numerical methods. We also perform simulations on the stochastic Fitzugh-Nagumo system and compare the results with those obtained from the differential equations for both sustained and intermittent deterministic current inputs withsuperimposed noise. For intermittent currents, which mimic synaptic input, the agreement between the analytical and simulation results for the moments is excellent. For sustained input, the analytical approximations perform well for small noise as there is excellent agreement for the moments. In addition, the probability that a neuron is spiking as obtained from the empirical distribution of the potential in the simulations gives a result almost identical to that obtained using the analytical approach. However, when there is sustained large-amplitude noise, the analytical method is only accurate for short time intervals. Using the simulation method, we study the distribution of the interspike interval directly from simulated sample paths. We confirm that noise extends the range of input currents over which (nonperiodic) spike trains may exist and investigate the dependence of such firing on the magnitude of the mean input current and the noise amplitude. For networks we find the differential equations for the means, variances, and covariances of the voltage and recovery variables and show how solving them leads to an expression for the probability that a given neuron, or given set of neurons, is firing at time t. Using such expressions one may implement dynamical rules for changing synaptic strengths directly without sampling. The present analytical method applies equally well to temporally nonhomogeneous input currents and is expected to be useful for computational studies of information processing in various nervous system centers.  相似文献   

The mammalian suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the major endogenous pacemaker that coordinates various daily rhythms including locomotor activity and autonomous and endocrine responses, through a neuronal and humoral influence. In the present study we examined the behavior of dispersed individual SCN neurons obtained from 1‐ to 3‐day‐old rats cultured on multi‐microelectrode arrays (MEAs). SCN neurons were identified by immunolabeling for the neuropeptides arginine‐vasopressin (AVP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP). Single SCN neurons cultured at low density onto an MEA can express firing rate patterns with different circadian phases. In these cultures we observed rarely synchronized firing patterns on adjacent electrodes. This suggests that, in cultures of low cell densities, SCN neurons function as independent pacemakers. To investigate whether individual pacemakers can be influenced independently by phase‐shifting stimuli, we applied melatonin (10 pM to 100 nM) for 30 min at different circadian phases and continuously monitored the firing rate rhythms. Melatonin could elicit phase‐shifting responses in individual clock cells which had no measurable input from other neurons. In several neurons, phase‐shifts occurred with a long delay in the second or third cycle after melatonin treatment, but not in the first cycle. Phase‐shifts of isolated SCN neurons were also observed at times when the SCN showed no sensitivity to these phase‐shifting stimuli in recordings from brain slices. This finding suggests that the neuronal network plays an essential role in the control of phase‐shifts.  相似文献   

Liu Q  Han D  Wang S  Zou ZY 《生理学报》2005,57(5):573-586
本文旨在探讨电刺激右侧尾壳核(caudate putamen nucleus,CPu)对双侧丘脑外侧背核(1aterodorsal thalamic nucleus,LD)单个神经元放电和海马(hippocampus,HPC)电图瞬时时间编码形式的调制性影响。用21只雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠(150-250g),重复急性强直电刺激(60Hz,2S,0.4-0.6mA)右侧尾壳核(acute tanizafion of the right caudate putamen nucleus,ATRC)诱发大鼠癫痫模型,4通道同步记录双侧LD神经元单位放电和双侧HPC深部电图。结果如下:重复施加ATRC可以诱导大鼠出现(1)双侧LD-HPC癫痫电网络间的功能性环状联系。起始点为对侧LD神经元原发性单位后放电,随后出现同侧LD神经元原发性单位后放电,然后呈现同侧HPC电图原发性后放电,最终引起对侧HPC电图脱同步化效应;(2)双侧LD神经元放电脉冲间隔(interspike intervals,ISIs)散点分布形式与刺激前呈现镜像对称特征。对侧LD神经元原发性后放电的ISI点分布基于底层而且持续时间较长,具有更加明显的突触可塑性特征;(3)随着ATRC串次的增加,对侧LD神经元原发性单位后放电间的爆发式放电时程逐渐延长,可以募集增强海弓电图同步化电活动;显现对侧LD神经元单个放电脉冲与HPC电图γ电振荡(20-25Hz)间的锁相(phase-lock)和锁时(time-lock)关系。结果提示:ATRC可以募集形成具有联系的双侧LD神经元放电和HPC电图特征性的神经信息编码形式,以对侧更加明显。这些跨越大脑半球、涉及多结构的功能性神经信息网络的建立很可能是癫痫发生、发展和扩布的重要信息编码机制。  相似文献   

Abstract : Expression of immediate early genes, including fos -like and jun -like genes, in the suprachiasmatic nucleus is believed to be part of the mechanism for photic entrainment of circadian rhythms to the environmental light/dark cycle. However, the effects of a light stimulus on activating protein-1 (AP-1) complexes in the suprachiasmatic nucleus remain unclear. The photic regulation of AP-1 DNA-binding activity and composition in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus was evaluated by using an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. A light pulse given during subjective night induced an increase in AP-1 binding activity when either nuclear or whole-cell extracts from suprachiasmatic nuclei were used. Under constant dark conditions, proteins that are predominant components of AP-1 complexes are Fra-2 and Jun-D. Under light stimulation, c-Fos and Jun-B consistently increased, as expected, but this was also the case for Fra-2, Jun-D, and c-Jun, although to a lesser extent. An immunocytochemical study of the Fra-2 expression pattern demonstrated the presence of the protein in the ventrolateral as well as in the dorsomedial subdivisions of the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Light regulation of Fra-2 immunoreactivity, however, appeared to be restricted to the ventrolateral subdivision. It is concluded that light may be acting both by increasing constitutive AP-1 complexes and by inducing the expression of specific complexes.  相似文献   

Destruction of the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) disrupts circadian behavior. Transplanting SCN tissue from fetal donors into SCN-lesioned recipients can restore circadian behavior to the arhythmic hosts. In the transplantation model employing fetal hamster donors and SCN-lesioned hamsters as hosts, the period of the restored circadian behavior is hamster-typical. However, when fetal rat anterior hypothalamic tissue containing the SCN is implanted into SCN-lesioned rats, the period of the restored circadian rhythm is only rarely typical of that of the intact rat. The use of an anterior hypothalamic heterograft model provides new approaches to donor specificity of restored circadian behavior and with the aid of species-specific markers, provides a means for assessing connectivity between the graft and the host. Using an antibody that stains rat and mouse neuronal tissue but not hamster neurons, it has been demonstrated that rat and mouse anterior hypothalamic heterografts containing the SCN send numerous processes into the host (hamster) neuropil surrounding the graft, consistent with graft efferents reported in other hypothalamic transplantation models in which graft and host tissue can be differentiated (i.e., Brattleboro rat and hypogonadal mouse). Moreover, SCN neurons within anterior hypothalamic grafts send an appropriately restricted set of efferent projections to the host brain which may participate in the functional recovery of circadian locomotor activity.  相似文献   

We analyzed the impulse background activity (BA) of neurons of the inferior vestibular nucleus (IVN) of rats during exposure to long-lasting vibration (daily 2-h-long sessions). It was demonstrated that 5 days after the beginning of vibration stimulation, practically all main characteristics of the BA of IVN neurons changed significantly. In the studied neuronal group, 10 days after the vibration onset we observed an increase in the mean frequency of the BA and shifts in many statistical parameters of the BA, while after 15 days of vibration only significant modifications of dynamic characteristics of the BA of IVN neurons were manifested.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 32–38, January–February, 2005.  相似文献   

The effect of frontoparietal sensorimotor (FPSM) cortex stimulation on both the spontaneous and the noxious evoked activity of neurons in the lateral reticular nucleus (LRN) was tested in barbiturate-anesthetized rats. Ninety-three LRN neurons that responded to a noxious heat stimulus (HS) were recorded (72% antidromically fired from the cerebellum). Of these, 66 neurons altered their spontaneous firing rates in response to cortical stimulation. Two patterns of responses were found: either an excitation followed by a suppression of spontaneous activity (52 neurons), or a pure suppression of spontaneous activity lasting 50-400 msec (14 neurons). In 46 of these neurons, it was found that cortical stimulation reduced HS-evoked activity to near the baseline level. Furthermore, it was found that when applied after a prolonged cortical stimulation, the HS was ineffective. It is concluded that FPSM cortex can influence nociceptive information in LRN neurons that respond to its stimulation, possibly interfering with the mechanisms underlying stimulation-produced analgesia (SPA). In this context, it is proposed that the cortex can modulate the activity of LRN neurons that activate, through local loops, a descending antinociceptive system and also a separate projection system to the cerebellum.  相似文献   

于永霞  蔡朔  王淑华 《动物学杂志》2001,36(5):20-22,F004
血管加压素是下丘脑加压素能神经元分泌的九肽激素,我们应用光镜,免疫细胞化学和图像分析技术,对大鼠生后视大核加压素能神经元分泌加压素的发育变化进行了跟踪研究,结果表明,新生仔鼠已开始分泌加压素,数据经统计学处理,表明新生组与1周,3周与4周组存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

We determined the location of 54 horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled motor cortical neuron synaptic terminals on 17 parvocellular neurons in the monkey red nucleus. Synaptic terminals and their postsynaptic elements were identified and reconstructed, using light- and electron-microscopic techniques, from serial thick and thin sections. Terminals were found on proximal and distal dendrites of small and medium-sized parvocellular neurons, where they formed excitatory synapses. Some were 180 μm from cell somata. Approximately half of the labeled terminals, aside from those located at dendritic origins, were situated strategically at or near dendritic branch points. Since monkey parvocellular neurons show little activity during movement, the obvious next question is this: How and in what way does motor cortex influence these cells?  相似文献   

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