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Shuttling transport receptors carry cargo through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) via transient interactions with Phe-Gly (FG)-rich nucleoporins. Here, we identify Arx1, a factor associated with a late 60S preribosomal particle in the nucleus, as an unconventional export receptor. Arx1 binds directly to FG nucleoporins and exhibits facilitated translocation through NPCs. Moreover, Arx1 functionally overlaps with the other 60S export receptors, Xpo1 and Mex67-Mtr2, and is genetically linked to nucleoporins. Unexpectedly, Arx1 is structurally unrelated to known shuttling transport receptors but homologous to methionine aminopeptidases (MetAPs), however, without enzymatic activity. Typically, the MetAP fold creates a central cavity that binds the methionine. In contrast, the predicted central cavity of Arx1 is involved in the interaction with FG repeat nucleoporins and 60S subunit export. Thus, an ancient enzyme fold has been adopted by Arx1 to function as a nuclear export receptor.  相似文献   

Loc1p is an exclusively nuclear dsRNA-binding protein that affects the asymmetric sorting of ASH1 mRNA to daughter cells in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In addition to the role in cytoplasmic RNA localization, Loc1p is a constituent of pre-60S ribosomes. Cells devoid of Loc1p display a defect in the synthesis of 60S ribosomal subunits, resulting in “half-mer” polyribosomes. Previously, we reported that Loc1p is located throughout the entire nucleus; however, upon closer inspection we discovered that Loc1p is enriched in the nucleolus consistent with a role in 60S ribosome biogenesis. Given that Loc1p is an RNA-binding protein and presumably functions in the assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits, we investigated if Loc1p has a role in rRNA processing and nuclear export of 60S subunits. Analysis of pre-rRNA processing revealed that loc1Δ cells exhibit gross defects in 25S rRNA synthesis, specifically a delay in processing at sites A0, A1 and A2 in 35S pre-rRNA. Furthermore, loc1Δ cells exhibit nuclear export defects for 60S ribosomal subunits, again, consistent with a role for Loc1p in the assembly of 60S ribosomal subunits. It is attractive to hypothesize that the two phenotypes associated with loc1Δ cells, namely altered ASH1 mRNA localization and ribosome biogenesis, are not mutually exclusive, but that ribosome biogenesis directly impacts mRNA localization.  相似文献   

Factors affecting nuclear export of the 60S ribosomal subunit in vivo   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the 60S ribosomal subunit assembles in the nucleolus and then is exported to the cytoplasm, where it joins the 40S subunit for translation. Export of the 60S subunit from the nucleus is known to be an energy-dependent and factor-mediated process, but very little is known about the specifics of its transport. To begin to address this problem, an assay was developed to follow the localization of the 60S ribosomal subunit in S. cerevisiae. Ribosomal protein L11b (Rpl11b), one of the approximately 45 ribosomal proteins of the 60S subunit, was tagged at its carboxyl terminus with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) to enable visualization of the 60S subunit in living cells. A panel of mutant yeast strains was screened for their accumulation of Rpl11b-GFP in the nucleus as an indicator of their involvement in ribosome synthesis and/or transport. This panel included conditional alleles of several rRNA-processing factors, nucleoporins, general transport factors, and karyopherins. As predicted, conditional alleles of rRNA-processing factors that affect 60S ribosomal subunit assembly accumulated Rpl11b-GFP in the nucleus. In addition, several of the nucleoporin mutants as well as a few of the karyopherin and transport factor mutants also mislocalized Rpl11b-GFP. In particular, deletion of the previously uncharacterized karyopherin KAP120 caused accumulation of Rpl11b-GFP in the nucleus, whereas ribosomal protein import was not impaired. Together, these data further define the requirements for ribosomal subunit export and suggest a biological function for KAP120.  相似文献   

Nuclear export of the large ribosomal subunit requires the adapter protein Nmd3p to provide a leucine-rich nuclear export signal that is recognized by the export receptor Crm1. Nmd3p binds to the pre-60 S subunit in the nucleus. After export to the cytoplasm, the release of Nmd3p depends on the ribosomal protein Rpl10p and the GTPase Lsg1p. Here, we have carried out a mutational analysis of Nmd3 to better define the domains responsible for nucleocytoplasmic shuttling and ribosome binding. We show that mutations in two regions of Nmd3p affect 60 S binding, suggesting that its binding to the subunit is multivalent.  相似文献   

We report that Ypl146cp/Nop53p is associated with pre-60S ribosomal complexes and localized to the nucleolus and nucleoplasm. In cells depleted of Nop53p synthesis of the rRNA components of the 60S ribosomal subunit is severely inhibited, with strikingly strong accumulation of the 7S pre-rRNA and a 5' extended form of the 25S rRNA. In cells depleted of Nop53p pre-60S subunits accumulate in the nucleus. However, a heterokaryon assay demonstrated that Nop53p is not transferred between nuclei, indicating that it is not released into the cytoplasm. We conclude that Nop53p is a late-acting factor in the nuclear maturation of 60S ribosomal subunits, which is required for normal acquisition of export competence. The strong accumulation of preribosomes in the Nop53p-depleted strain further suggests that it may participate in targeting aberrant preribosomes to surveillance and degradation pathways.  相似文献   

Rrs1p is a ribosomal protein L11-binding protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have obtained temperature-sensitive rrs1 mutants by random PCR mutagenesis. [(3)H]Methionine pulse-chase analysis reveals that the rrs1 mutations cause a defect in maturation of 25S rRNA. Ribosomal protein L25-enhanced green fluorescent protein, a reporter of the 60S ribosomal subunit, concentrates in the nucleus with enrichment in the nucleolus when the rrs1 mutants are shifted to the restrictive temperature. These results suggest that Rrs1p stays on the pre-60S particle from the early stage to very late stage of the large-subunit maturation and is required for export of 60S subunits from the nucleolus to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein Nmd3 is an adaptor for export of the 60S ribosomal subunit from the nucleus. Nmd3 binds to nascent 60S subunits in the nucleus and recruits the export receptor Crm1 to facilitate passage through the nuclear pore complex. In this study, we present a cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) reconstruction of the 60S subunit in complex with Nmd3 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The density corresponding to Nmd3 is directly visible in the cryo-EM map and is attached to the regions around helices 38, 69, and 95 of the 25S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), the helix 95 region being adjacent to the protein Rpl10. We identify the intersubunit side of the large subunit as the binding site for Nmd3. rRNA protection experiments corroborate the structural data. Furthermore, Nmd3 binding to 60S subunits is blocked in 80S ribosomes, which is consistent with the assigned binding site on the subunit joining face. This cryo-EM map is a first step toward a molecular understanding of the functional role and release mechanism of Nmd3.  相似文献   

Nuclear export of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit depends on the adapter protein Nmd3 to provide a nuclear export signal (NES). The leucine-rich NES is recognized by the export receptor Crm1 to mediate export via interaction with the nuclear pore complex (NPC). Here, we show that certain mutant Nmd3 proteins that are impaired for binding to the 60S subunit accumulate at the nuclear envelope. These mutant proteins also show enhanced binding to Crm1, both in vivo and in vitro. Although their interaction with the NPC is dependent on recognition of the NES by Crm1, their interaction with Crm1 is not strictly dependent on RanGTP. Using a collection of GFP-tagged nucleoporin mutants, we identified several nucleoporins, including components of the Nup82 complex that copurified with the mutant Nmd3. The Nup82 complex is on the cytoplasmic face of the NPC and has previously been shown to be important as a terminal binding site for Crm1-mediated export. Mutations in the Nup82 complex led to accumulation of wild-type Nmd3 in the nucleoplasm, suggesting that the interaction of mutant Nmd3 with the Nup82 complex reflects a defect in the bona fide export pathway for the 60S subunit. These results suggest that in the absence of the ribosome, Nmd3 is not efficiently released from Crm1 at the NPC.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits are assembled in the nucleus and exported to the cytoplasm independently of one another. Nuclear export of the 60S requires the adapter protein Nmd3, but no analogous adapter has been identified for the 40S. Ltv1 is a nonessential, nonribosomal protein that is required for 40S subunit biogenesis in yeast. Cells lacking LTV1 grow slowly, are hypersensitive to inhibitors of protein synthesis, and produce about half as many 40S subunits as do wild-type cells. Ltv1 interacts with Crm1, co-sediments in sucrose gradients with 43S/40S subunits, and copurifies with late 43S particles. Here we show that Ltv1 shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm in a Crm1-dependent manner and that it contains a functional NES that is sufficient to direct the export of an NLS-containing reporter. Small subunit export is reduced in Deltaltv1 mutants, as judged by the altered distribution of the 5'-ITS1 rRNA and the 40S ribosomal protein RpS3. Finally, we show a genetic interaction between LTV1 and YRB2, a gene that encodes a Ran-GTP-, Crm1-binding protein that facilitates the small subunit export. We propose that Ltv1 functions as one of several possible adapter proteins that link the nuclear export machinery to the small subunit.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, nuclear export of nascent ribosomal subunits through the nuclear pore complex depends on the small GTPase Ran. However, neither the nuclear export signals (NESs) for the ribosomal subunits nor the receptor proteins, which recognize the NESs and mediate export of the subunits, have been identified. We showed previously that Nmd3p is an essential protein from yeast that is required for a late step in biogenesis of the large (60S) ribosomal subunit. Here, we show that Nmd3p shuttles and that deletion of the NES from Nmd3p leads to nuclear accumulation of the mutant protein, inhibition of the 60S subunit biogenesis, and inhibition of the nuclear export of 60S subunits. Moreover, the 60S subunits that accumulate in the nucleus can be coimmunoprecipitated with the NES-deficient Nmd3p. 60S subunit biogenesis and export of truncated Nmd3p were restored by the addition of an exogenous NES. To identify the export receptor for Nmd3p we show that Nmd3p shuttling and 60S export is blocked by the Crm1p-specific inhibitor leptomycin B. These results identify Crm1p as the receptor for Nmd3p export. Thus, export of the 60S subunit is mediated by the adapter protein Nmd3p in a Crm1p-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Cic1p/Nsa3p was previously reported to be associated with the 26S proteasome and required for the degradation of specific substrates, but was also shown to be associated with early pre-60S particles and to be localized to the nucleolus. Here we report that Cic1p/Nsa3p is required for the synthesis of 60S ribosome subunits. A temperature-sensitive lethal cic1-2 point mutation inhibits synthesis of the mature 5.8S and 25S rRNAs. Release of the pre-60S particles from the nucleolus to the nucleoplasm was also inhibited as judged by the nuclear accumulation of an Rpl11b-GFP reporter construct. We suggest that Cic1p/Nsa3p associates early with nascent preribosomal particles and is required for correct processing and nuclear release of large ribosomal subunit precursors.  相似文献   

Summary The ribosomal protein patterns of recessive suppressor strain and parent strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. About 30 protein spots were found for ribosomal proteins of small subunit for both mutant and parent strain. These patterns do not differ from each other neither in intensity of staining, nor in mobility of spots. 41 protein spots were found in electrophoregrams of 60S ribosomal proteins both from parent strain and recessive suppressor strain. The electrophoretic picture of the 60S proteins from the parent and mutant strains is similar except the intensity of staining of the L30 spot. This protein is present in 60S subunit of suppressor strain and completely absent or only weakly stained on electrophoregrams of ribosomal proteins of parent strain. The possible relationships between the content of L30 protein and the mechanism of recessive suppression in yeast are discussed.  相似文献   

NOG1 is a nucleolar GTP-binding protein present in eukaryotes ranging from trypanosomes to humans. In this report we demonstrate that NOG1 is functionally linked to ribosome biogenesis. In sucrose density gradients Trypanosoma brucei NOG1 co-sediments with 60 S ribosomal subunits but not with monosomes. 60 S precursor RNAs are co-precipitated with NOG1. Together with the nucleolar localization of NOG1, these data indicate that NOG1 is associated with a precursor particle to the 60 S subunit. Disruption of NOG1 function through RNA interference led to a dramatic decrease in the levels of free 60 S particles and the appearance of an atypical rRNA intermediate in which ITS2 was not cleaved. Overexpression of mutant nog1 with a defect in its GTP binding motif on a wild type background caused a modest defect in 60 S biogenesis and a relative decrease in processing of the large subunit rRNAs. In contrast to the mutant protein, neither the N-terminal half of NOG1, which contains the GTP binding motifs, nor the C-terminal half of NOG1 associated with pre-ribosomal particles, although both localized to the nucleolus.  相似文献   

QSR1 is a recently discovered, essential Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene, which encodes a 60S ribosomal subunit protein. Thirty-one unique temperature-sensitive alleles of QSR1 were generated by regional codon randomization within a conserved 20-amino-acid sequence of the QSR1-encoded protein. The temperature-sensitive mutants arrest as viable, large, unbudded cells 24 to 48 h after a shift to 37 degrees C. Polysome and ribosomal subunit analysis by velocity gradient centrifugation of lysates from temperature-sensitive qsr1 mutants and from cells in which Qsr1p was depleted by down regulation of an inducible promoter revealed the presence of half-mer polysomes and a large pool of free 60S subunits that lack Qsr1p. In vitro subunit-joining assays and analysis of a mutant conditional for the synthesis of Qsr1p demonstrate that 60S subunits devoid of Qsr1p are unable to join with 40S subunits whereas 60S subunits that contain either wild-type or mutant forms of the protein are capable of subunit joining. The defective 60S subunits result from a reduced association of mutant Qsr1p with 60S subunits. These results indicate that Qsr1p is required for ribosomal subunit joining.  相似文献   

We have conducted a genetic screen in order to identify ribosomal proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae involved in nuclear export of the small subunit precursors. This has led us to distinguish Rps15p as a protein dispensable for maturation of the pre-40S particles, but whose assembly into the pre-ribosomes is a prerequisite to their nuclear exit. Upon depletion of Rps15p, 20S pre-rRNA is released from the nucleolus and retained in the nucleus, without alteration of the pre-rRNA early cleavages. In contrast, Rps18p, which contacts Rps15p in the small subunit, is required upstream for pre-rRNA processing at site A2. Most pre-40S specific factors are correctly associated with the intermediate particles accumulating in the nucleus upon Rps15p depletion, except the late-binding proteins Tsr1p and Rio2p. Here we show that these two proteins are dispensable for nuclear exit; instead, they participate in 20S pre-rRNA processing in the cytoplasm. We conclude that, during the final maturation steps in the nucleus, incorporation of the ribosomal protein Rps15p is specifically required to render the pre-40S particles competent for translocation to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the 60-S ribosomal subunit in yeast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

60S and 40S ribosomal subunits are assembled in the nucleolus and exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm independently of each other. We show that in vertebrate cells, transport of both subunits requires the export receptor CRM1 and Ran.GTP. Export of 60S subunits is coupled with that of the nucleo- cytoplasmic shuttling protein NMD3. Human NMD3 (hNMD3) contains a CRM-1-dependent leucine-rich nuclear export signal (NES) and a complex, dispersed nuclear localization signal (NLS), the basic region of which is also required for nucleolar accumulation. When present in Xenopus oocytes, both wild-type and export-defective mutant hNMD3 proteins bind to newly made nuclear 60S pre-export particles at a late step of subunit maturation. The export-defective hNMD3, but not the wild-type protein, inhibits export of 60S subunits from oocyte nuclei. These results indicate that the NES mutant protein competes with endogenous wild-type frog NMD3 for binding to nascent 60S subunits, thereby preventing their export. We propose that NMD3 acts as an adaptor for CRM1-Ran.GTP-mediated 60S subunit export, by a mechanism that is conserved from vertebrates to yeast.  相似文献   

We previously identified two Trypanosoma brucei RNA binding proteins, P34 and P37, and determined that they are essential for proper ribosomal assembly in this organism. Loss of these proteins via RNA interference is lethal and causes a decrease in both 5S rRNA levels and formation of 80S ribosomes, concomitant with a decrease in total cellular protein synthesis. These data suggest that these proteins are involved at some point in the ribosomal biogenesis pathway. In the current study, we have performed subcellular fractionation in conjunction with immune capture experiments specific for 60S ribosomal proteins and accessory factors in order to determine when and where P34 and P37 are involved in the ribosomal biogenesis pathway. These studies demonstrate that P34 and P37 associate with the 60S ribosomal subunit at the stage of the nucleolar 90S particle and remain associated subsequent to nuclear export. In addition, P34 and P37 associate with conserved 60S ribosomal subunit nuclear export factors exportin 1 and Nmd3, suggesting that they are components of the 60S ribosomal subunit nuclear export complex in T. brucei. Most significantly, the pre-60S complex does not associate with exportin 1 or Nmd3 in the absence of P34 and P37. These results demonstrate that, although T. brucei 60S ribosomal subunits utilize a nuclear export complex similar to that described for other organisms, trypanosome-specific factors are essential to the process.  相似文献   

Diazaborine treatment of yeast cells was shown previously to cause accumulation of aberrant, 3'-elongated mRNAs. Here we demonstrate that the drug inhibits maturation of rRNAs for the large ribosomal subunit. Pulse-chase analyses showed that the processing of the 27S pre-rRNA to consecutive species was blocked in the drug-treated wild-type strain. The steady-state level of the 7S pre-rRNA was clearly reduced after short-term treatment with the inhibitor. At the same time an increase of the 35S pre-rRNA was observed. Longer incubation with the inhibitor resulted in a decrease of the 27S precursor. Primer extension assays showed that an early step in 27S pre-rRNA processing is inhibited, which results in an accumulation of the 27SA2 pre-rRNA and a strong decrease of the 27SA3, 27SB1L, and 27SB1S precursors. The rRNA processing pattern observed after diazaborine treatment resembles that reported after depletion of the RNA binding protein Nop4p/Nop77p. This protein is essential for correct pre-27S rRNA processing. Using a green fluorescent protein-Nop4 fusion, we found that diazaborine treatment causes, within minutes, a rapid redistribution of the protein from the nucleolus to the periphery of the nucleus, which provides a possible explanation for the effect of diazaborine on rRNA processing.  相似文献   

D Kressler  M Rojo  P Linder    J Cruz 《Nucleic acids research》1999,27(23):4598-4608
Several mutants ( spb1 - spb7 ) have been previously identified as cold-sensitive extragenic suppressors of loss-of-function mutations in the poly(A)(+)-binding protein 1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cloning, sequence and disruption analyses revealed that SPB1 (YCL054W) encodes an essential putative S -adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltransferase. Polysome analyses showed an under-accumulation of 60S ribosomal subunits in the spb1-1 mutant and in a strain genetically depleted of Spb1p. Northern and primer extension analyses indicated that this was due to inhibition of processing of the 27SB precursors, which results in depletion of the mature 25S and 5.8S rRNAs. At later time points of Spb1p depletion, the stability of 40S ribosomal subunits is also affected. These results suggest that Spb1p is involved in 60S ribosomal subunit biogenesis and associates early with the pre-ribosomes. Consistent with this, hemagglutinin epitope-tagged Spb1p localizes to the nucleus with nucleolar enrichment. Despite the expected methyltransferase activity of Spb1p, global methylation of pre-rRNA is not affected upon Spb1p depletion. We propose that Spb1p is required for proper assembly of pre-ribosomal particles during the biogenesis of 60S ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

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