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Amphotericin B is the most effective drug for treating many life-threatening fungal infections. Amphotericin B administration is limited by infusion-related toxicity, including fever and chills, an effect postulated to result from proinflammatory cytokine production by innate immune cells. Because amphotericin B is a microbial product, we hypothesized that it stimulates immune cells via Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and CD14. We show here that amphotericin B induces signal transduction and inflammatory cytokine release from cells expressing TLR2 and CD14. Primary murine macrophages and human cell lines expressing TLR2, CD14, and the adapter protein MyD88 responded to amphotericin B with NF-kappaB-dependent reporter activity and cytokine release, whereas cells deficient in any of these failed to respond. Cells mutated in TLR4 were less responsive to amphotericin B stimulation than cells expressing normal TLR4. These data demonstrate that TLR2 and CD14 are required for amphotericin B-dependent inflammatory stimulation of innate immune cells and that TLR4 may also provide stimulation of these cells. Our results provide a putative molecular basis for inflammatory responses elicited by amphotericin B and suggest strategies to eliminate the acute toxicity of this drug.  相似文献   

Despite the lack of a proinflammatory response to LPS, CD14-deficient mice clear Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli 0111) at least 10 times more efficiently than normal mice. In this study, we show that this is due to an early and intense recruitment of neutrophils following the injection of Gram-negative bacteria or LPS in CD14-deficient mice; in contrast, neutrophil infiltration is delayed by 24 h in normal mice. Similar results of early LPS-induced PMN infiltration and enhanced clearance of E. coli were seen in Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4-deficient mice. Furthermore, the lipid A moiety of LPS induced early neutrophil infiltration not only in CD14-deficient and TLR-4-deficient mice, but also in normal mice. In conclusion, the lipid A component of LPS stimulates a unique and critical pathway of innate immune responses that is independent of CD14 and TLR4 and results in early neutrophil infiltration and enhanced bacterial clearance.  相似文献   

CD14 controls the LPS-induced endocytosis of Toll-like receptor 4   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transport of Toll-like Receptors (TLRs) to various organelles has emerged as an essential means by which innate immunity is regulated. While most of our knowledge is restricted to regulators that promote the transport of newly synthesized receptors, the regulators that control TLR transport after microbial detection remain unknown. Here, we report that the plasma membrane localized Pattern Recognition Receptor (PRR) CD14 is required for the microbe-induced endocytosis of TLR4. In dendritic cells, this CD14-dependent endocytosis pathway is upregulated upon exposure to inflammatory mediators. We identify the tyrosine kinase Syk and its downstream effector PLCγ2 as important regulators of TLR4 endocytosis and signaling. These data establish that upon microbial detection, an upstream PRR (CD14) controls the trafficking and signaling functions of a downstream PRR (TLR4). This innate immune trafficking cascade illustrates how pathogen detection systems operate to induce both membrane transport and signal transduction.  相似文献   

UVB radiation is a potent immunosuppressive agent that inhibits cell-mediated immune responses. The mechanisms by which UVB radiation influences cell-mediated immune responses have been the subject of extensive investigation. However, the role of innate immunity on photoimmunological processes has received little attention. The purpose of this study was to determine whether Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) contributed to UV-induced suppression of contact hypersensitivity (CHS) responses. TLR4−/− and wild type C57BL/6 (TLR4+/+) mice were subjected to a local UVB immunosuppression regimen consisting of 100 mJ/cm2 UVB radiation followed by sensitization with the hapten DNFB. Wild type TLR4+/+ mice exhibited significant suppression of contact hypersensitivity response, whereas TLR4−/− developed significantly less suppression. The suppression in wild type TLR4+/+ mice could be adoptively transferred to naïve syngeneic recipients. Moreover, there were significantly fewer Foxp3 expressing CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-cells in the draining lymph nodes of UV-irradiated TLR4−/− mice than TLR4+/+ mice. When cytokine levels were compared in these two strains after UVB exposure, T-cells from TLR4+/+ mice produced higher levels of IL-10 and TGF-β and lower levels of IFN-γ and IL-17. Strategies to inhibit TLR4 may allow us to develop immunopreventive and immunotherapeutic approaches for management of UVB induced cutaneous immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Humans exhibit substantial inter-individual differences in TNF-alpha production upon endotoxin stimulation. To determine to what extent the lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-alpha production capacity in vivo and ex vivo is determined by polymorphisms in toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4), the TNF-alpha promoter region and Nod2, we screened for two TLR4 polymorphisms, a Nod2 polymorphism and the TNF-alpha promoter polymorphisms. We measured the perioperative endotoxemia and TNF-alpha production and the TNF-alpha production capacity of each patient in a whole-blood stimulation assay using blood drawn before anesthesia, using various LPS concentrations, in patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. This operation represents a major surgical trauma associated with ischemia-reperfusion injury and triggers an endotoxemia and profound inflammatory response. In vivo TNF-alpha production was positively correlated with the level of endotoxemia after aortic declamping; thus TNF-alpha levels were higher in patients having endotoxemia compared to patients without endotoxemia. This correlation was observed in patients with any of the genotypes studied, and did not differ between the various genotypes. In vivo TNF-alpha levels correlated best with those ex vivo after stimulation with 1000 ng/mL LPS, and the estimated maximal TNF-alpha release capacity. Subjects with the wild-type TLR4 gene had similar levels of TNF-alpha upon LPS stimulation ex vivo as compared with patients carrying Asp299Gly and/or the Thr399Ile TLR4 polymorphism. Our results indicate that polymorphisms in the TLR4 receptor, Nod2 and TNF-alpha promoter region are not strongly associated with in vivo and ex vivo TNF-alpha production capacity upon endotoxin stimulation. This suggests that in this model of natural LPS release, the variation between individuals in TNF-alpha release can only modestly be determined by genetic background (TNF-alpha promoter, Nod2 and TLR4) of the individual.  相似文献   

Recent in vitro studies have suggested that CD14, a major receptor for LPS, may also be a receptor for cell wall components of Gram-positive bacteria and thus play a role in Gram-positive shock. To analyze the in vivo role of CD14 in responses to Gram-positive bacteria, CD14-deficient and control mice were injected with Staphylococcus aureus, and the effects on lethality, bacterial clearance, and production of cytokines were analyzed. Survival of CD14-deficient and control mice did not differ significantly after administration of various doses of either unencapsulated or encapsulated S. aureus; furthermore, mice in both groups displayed similar symptoms of shock. In addition, inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IL-6 were readily detectable in the serum of CD14-deficient mice injected with live or antibiotic-killed S. aureus. Surprisingly, the serum concentration of TNF-alpha in CD14-deficient mice was at least threefold higher than in control mice after injection of either unencapsulated or encapsulated S. aureus, suggesting that CD14 down-regulates TNF-alpha. A similar increase in serum TNF-alpha occurred when CD14-deficient animals were injected with gentamicin-killed bacteria even though no symptoms of shock were observed. These studies indicate that CD14, in contrast to its key function in responses to the Gram-negative bacterium, Escherichia coli 0111, does not play a prominent role in septic shock induced by S. aureus, and that the symptoms of S. aureus shock are not due solely to TNF-alpha.  相似文献   

Down-regulation of cell surface expression of Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 following LPS stimulation has been suggested to underlie endotoxin tolerance. In this study, we examined whether overexpression of TLR2 or TLR4 would affect the ability of cells to become tolerant to LPS or the mycobacterial components, arabinose-capped lipoarabinomannan (LAM) and soluble tuberculosis factor (STF). To this end, Chinese hamster ovary/CD14 cells stably transfected with a NF-kappaB-dependent reporter construct, endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule CD25 (the 3E10 clone), were engineered to overexpress either human TLR2 or TLR4. Transfected TLRs exhibited proper signaling functions, as evidenced by increased LPS responsiveness of 3E10/TLR4 cells and acquisition of sensitivity to TLR2-specific ligands upon transfection of TLR2 into TLR2-negative 3E10 cells. Pretreatment of cells with LPS, LAM, or STF did not modulate TLR2 or TLR4 cell surface expression. Following LPS exposure, 3E10, 3E10/TLR2, and 3E10/TLR4 cells exhibited comparable decreases in LPS-mediated NF-kappaB activation and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphorylation. Likewise, LPS pretreatment profoundly inhibited LPS-induced NF-kappaB translocation in Chinese hamster ovary cells that concomitantly overexpressed human TLR4 and myeloid differentiation protein-2 (MD-2), but failed to modulate TLR4 or MD-2 cell surface expression. Pretreatment of 3E10/TLR2 cells with LAM or STF decreased their NF-kappaB responses induced by subsequent stimulation with these substances or LPS. Conversely, prior exposure of 3E10/TLR2 cells to LPS led to hyporesponsiveness to LPS, LAM, and STF, indicating that LPS and mycobacterial products induce cross-tolerance. Thus, tolerance to LPS and mycobacterial components cannot be attributed solely to a decrease in TLR/MD-2 expression levels, suggesting inhibition of expression or function of other signaling intermediates.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors recognize specific patterns of microbial components and regulate the activation of both innate and adaptive immunity. TLR4 recognizes lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in monocytes/macrophages with the help of other molecules like CD14 and MD-2, which indicates that the functional LPS receptor forms a large complex. The functional relationship between the components has been the subject of debate, as have the modifications induced by the ligand in the expression of some of these components. Moreover, as for other members of this family of receptors, the possible direct interaction of receptors and their ligands is a matter of discussion. In this paper we address the question of whether the expression of some of the components influences the expression of the rest. Human monocytes in which CD14 has been downregulated through interference in the turnover of the molecule at the Golgi level, show normal membrane TLR4 expression, when compared with control cells. On the other hand, LPS alters membrane TLR4 expression by monocytes devoid of membrane CD14 only in the presence of human serum. The effect of serum is blocked by anti-CD14 monoclonal antibodies, which strongly suggests a functional role for soluble CD14/LPS complexes in the interaction with TLR4. Our data add information on the relationship between the components of the LPS receptor and the characteristics of the interaction of LPS and TLR4 in cells devoid of membrane CD14.  相似文献   

The roles of Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR4 in the host inflammatory response to infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis have not been elucidated. We examined production of TNF-alpha and IL-6 in wild-type TLR2 knockout (KO), and TLR4 KO murine peritoneal macrophages infected with the mouse pneumonitis strain of C. trachomatis. Furthermore, we compared the outcomes of genital tract infection in control, TLR2 KO, and TLR4 KO mice. Macrophages lacking TLR2 produced significantly less TNF-alpha and IL6 in response to active infection. In contrast, macrophages from TLR4 KO mice consistently produced higher TNF-alpha and IL-6 responses than those from normal mice on in vitro infection. Infected TLR2-deficient fibroblasts had less mRNA for IL-1, IL-6, and macrophage-inflammatory protein-2, but TLR4-deficient cells had increased mRNA levels for these cytokines compared with controls, suggesting that ligation of TLR4 by whole chlamydiae may down-modulate signaling by other TLRs. In TLR2 KO mice, although the course of genital tract infection was not different from that of controls, significantly lower levels of TNF-alpha and macrophage-inflammatory protein-2 were detected in genital tract secretions during the first week of infection, and there was a significant reduction in oviduct and mesosalpinx pathology at late time points. TLR4 KO mice responded to in vivo infection similarly to wild-type controls and developed similar pathology. TLR2 is an important mediator in the innate immune response to C. trachomatis infection and appears to play a role in both early production of inflammatory mediators and development of chronic inflammatory pathology.  相似文献   

Toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) is a pattern-recognition receptor not only for exogenous ligands such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of Gram-negative bacteria, but also for endogenous ligands such as fibronectin, heat shock proteins and hyaluronan oligosaccharides. The Asp299Gly allele of the TLR4 gene has been associated with increased risk for severe infections, but reduced progression of atherosclerosis. We have investigated the consequences of the presence of Asp299Gly polymorphism after stimulation of mononuclear cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), the non-LPS TLR4 microbial stimuli Aspergillus fumigatus and Cryptococcus neoformans, and the endogenous TLR4 ligand heat shock protein 60. No differences in either production of the proinflammatory cytokine TNF or the antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 were observed between volunteers with the wild-type allele, volunteers heterozygous for the Asp299Gly allele and one volunteer homozygous for the TLR4 variant. In conclusion, the presence of the Asp299Gly TLR4 polymorphism does not result in defective pro and antiinflammatory cytokine production after stimulation with either exogenous (LPS and non-LPS) or endogenous TLR4 ligands, and alternative explanations are likely to be responsible for the epidemiological data showing associations with inflammatory conditions. In addition, this is the first study to demonstrate that even homozygosity for the Asp299Gly mutation does not confer hyporesponsiveness to stimulation with TLR4 stimuli.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of resistive exercise training and hormone status on mRNA expression of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), CD14, IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha. Resistive exercise-trained women on "traditional" hormone replacements [hormone replacement therapy (HRT), n = 9], not taking hormones (NHR, n = 6), or taking medications known to influence bone (MIB, n = 7) were compared with untrained subjects not taking supplemental hormones (Con, n = 6). Blood was taken from trained subjects before, immediately after, and 2 h after resistive exercise (same time points for resting Con). TLR4 mRNA expression (RT-PCR) was not different among groups or across time but was significantly (P = 0.044) lower (1.9-fold) when trained groups were collapsed and compared with Con. There was also a significant group effect (P < 0.0001) for TLR4 mRNA when expressed per monocyte. CD14 expression was significantly (P = 0.006) lower (2.3-fold) for training groups collapsed and compared with Con. CD14 mRNA, expressed per monocyte, was significantly lower immediately after resistive exercise for NHR, HRT, and MIB compared with Con. There were few significant effects detected for IL-6, IL-1beta, and TNF-alpha mRNA, but there was a significant group effect (P < 0.0001) for TNF-alpha mRNA expressed per monocyte (Con > HRT, NHR, MIB). These findings suggest that there may be a resistive exercise training-induced reduction in TLR4/CD14 expression in older women. Further research is needed to determine whether lower TLR4/CD14 could explain the lower LPS-stimulated inflammatory cytokines observed in these women.  相似文献   

Effector function of T cells in autoimmune diabetes has been widely studied with mixed populations of lymphoid T cells stimulated ex vivo, but this approach does not permit evaluation of the contribution by a single T cell clone in the inflammatory site during pathogenesis. We have investigated cytokine production both in vitro and in vivo in a panel of diabetogenic CD4 Th1 T cell clones derived from the NOD mouse. SuperArray analysis showed a common pattern of mRNA expression for inflammatory cytokines and receptors in vitro after TCR stimulation. Ex vivo intracellular cytokine staining demonstrated that two important inflammatory cytokines, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, were being made by these T cells recovered from the pancreas 6 days following adoptive transfer. TNF-alpha produced in the pancreas by pathogenic T cell clones and recruited macrophages was not the membrane-bound form. Secreted TNF-alpha can lead to production of multiple inflammatory chemokines, as were observed in the pathogenic clones by intracellular cytokine staining. Our results not only define the nature of an inflammatory cytokine response critical to development of diabetes, but also suggest its role in the regulation of other events during pathogenesis induced by CD4 T cells. Similar analyses in other models demonstrated that disease induced by CD4 T cell clones closely resembles spontaneous autoimmune diabetes in which both CD4 and CD8 T cells are required. Thus, cloned T cells in effect amplify effector function of T cells which otherwise may be difficult to detect without ex vivo stimulation.  相似文献   

Microglia rapidly mount an inflammatory response to pathogens in the central nervous system (CNS). Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) have been attributed various roles in inflammation. To elucidate the relevance of microglial HSPGs in a pro-inflammatory response we isolated microglia from mice overexpressing heparanase (Hpa-tg), the HS-degrading endoglucuronidase, and challenged them with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a bacterial endotoxin. Prior to LPS-stimulation, the LPS-receptor cluster-of-differentiation 14 (CD14) and Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4; essential for the LPS response) were similarly expressed in Ctrl and Hpa-tg microglia. However, compared with Ctrl microglia, Hpa-tg cells released significantly less tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), essentially failed to up-regulate interleukin-1β (IL1β) and did not initiate synthesis of proCD14. Isolated primary astroyctes expressed TLR4, but notably lacked CD14 and in contrast to microglia, LPS challenge induced a similar TNFα response in Ctrl and Hpa-tg astrocytes, while neither released IL1β. The astrocyte TNFα-induction was thus attributed to CD14-independent TLR4 activation and was unaffected by the cells HS status. Equally, the suppressed LPS-response in Hpa-tg microglia indicated a loss of CD14-dependent TLR4 activation, suggesting that microglial HSPGs facilitate this process. Indeed, confocal microscopy confirmed interactions between microglial HS and CD14 in LPS-stimulated microglia and a potential HS-binding motif in CD14 was identified. We conclude that microglial HSPGs facilitate CD14-dependent TLR4 activation and that heparanase can modulate this mechanism.  相似文献   

LBP/CD14系统及其与内毒素作用的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近年来,人们发现一组机体识别和调控内毒素(ET)作用的蛋白质分子:即LBP/CD14系统:包括血清脂多糖结合蛋白(LBP)、细胞表面膜结合CD14和可溶性CD14。LBP是ET的重要载体蛋白,mCD14是单核/巨噬细胞等CD14^+细胞表面的内毒素受体,sCD14则是调节内皮细胞等CD14细胞的重要介质。LBP/CD14系统能明显提高各种细胞对ET的敏感性,与脓毒症的发病机制有着密切的内在联系。  相似文献   

Human tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a pleiotropic cytokine capable of killing mammalian tumour cells in vitro and in vivo, and of enhancing the proinflammatory activity of leucocytes and endothelium, the latter effects limiting its usage as an antitumour agent in humans. Using TNF-alpha mutants with a selective capacity to bind to the TNF p55 receptor (TNFR55) or to the p75 receptor (TNFR75) we show here that these two major activities of TNF-alpha can be dissociated. The TNFR55-selective mutants (R32W, E146K and R32W-S86T) which bind poorly to TNFR75 displayed similar potency to wild-type TNF in causing cytotoxicity of a human laryngeal carcinoma-derived cell line (HEp-2) and cytostasis in a human leukaemic cell line (U937). However, these TNFR55-selective mutants exhibited lower proinflammatory activity than wild-type TNF. Specifically, TNF-alpha's priming of human neutrophils for superoxide production and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, platelet-activating factor synthesis and adhesion to endothelium were reduced by up to 170-fold. Activation of human endothelial cell functions represented by human umbilical venular endothelial cell (HUVEC) adhesiveness for neutrophils, E-selectin expression, neutrophil transmigration and IL-8 secretion were also reduced by up to 280-fold. On the other hand, D143F, a TNFR75-selective mutant tested either alone or in combination with TNFR55-selective mutants, did not stimulate these activities despite being able to cause cytokine production in TNFR75-transfected PC60 cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The membrane glycoprotein CD200 is expressed on several cell types, including neurons, whereas expression of its receptor, CD200R, is restricted principally to cells of the myeloid lineage, including microglia. The interaction between CD200 and CD200R maintains microglia and macrophages in a quiescent state; therefore, CD200-deficient mice express an inflammatory phenotype exhibiting increased macrophage or microglial activation in models of arthritis, encephalitis, and uveoretinitis. Here, we report that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Pam(3)CysSerLys(4) exerted more profound effects on release of the proinflammatory cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), in glia prepared from CD200(-/-) mice compared with wild type mice. This effect is explained by the loss of CD200 on astrocytes, which modulates microglial activation. Expression of Toll-like receptors 4 and 2 (TLR4 and -2) was increased in glia prepared from CD200(-/-) mice, and the evidence indicates that microglial activation, assessed by the increased numbers of CD11b(+) cells that stained positively for both MHCII and CD40, was enhanced in CD200(-/-) mice compared with wild type mice. These neuroinflammatory changes were associated with impaired long term potentiation (LTP) in CA1 of hippocampal slices prepared from CD200(-/-) mice. One possible explanation for this is the increase in TNFα in hippocampal tissue prepared from CD200(-/-) mice because TNFα application inhibited LTP in CA1. Significantly, LPS and Pam(3)CysSerLys(4), at concentrations that did not affect LTP in wild type mice, inhibited LTP in slices prepared from CD200(-/-) mice, probably due to the accompanying increase in TLR2 and TLR4. Thus, the neuroinflammatory changes that result from CD200 deficiency have a negative impact on synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Left ventricular (LV) remodeling is known to contribute to morbidity and mortality after myocardial infarction (MI). Because LV remodeling is strongly associated with an inflammatory response, we investigated whether or not TLR-4 influences LV remodeling and survival in a mice model of MI. Six days after MI induction, TLR4 knockout (KO)-MI mice showed improved LV function 32 and reduced LV remodeling as indexed by reduced levels of atrial natriuretic factor and total collagen as well as by a reduced heart weight to body weight ratio when compared with WT-MI mice. This was associated with a reduction of protein levels of the intracellular TLR4 adapter protein MyD88 and enhanced protein expression of the anti-hypertrophic JNK in KO-MI mice when compared with wild-type (WT)-MI mice. In contrast, protein activation of the pro-hypertrophic kinases protein kinase Cdelta and p42/44 were not regulated in KO-MI mice when compared with WT-MI mice. Improved LV function, reduced cardiac remodeling, and suppressed intracellular TLR4 signaling in KO-MI mice were associated with significantly improved survival compared with WT-MI mice (62 vs 23%; p < 0.0001). TLR4 deficiency led to improved survival after MI mediated by attenuated left ventricular remodeling.  相似文献   

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