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Island Lives: Historical Archaeologies of the Caribbean. Paul Farnsworth. ed. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2001. 378 pp.  相似文献   

Species of the heteropteran subfamily Lygaeinae possess special subcuticular compartments to store cardiac glycosides, plant‐derived defensive compounds, which they release upon predator attack. In adults of the large milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, these storage compartments have previously been described as a modified integument, forming a fluid‐filled dorsolateral space. Here we use three‐dimensional imaging of serial histological sections and synchrotron radiation‐based micro‐computed tomography data to reveal the morphology of these storage compartments and the mechanisms used for the release of a cardiac glycoside‐rich fluid upon attack. Our comparative analysis revealed that the morphology and release mechanism vary among the species investigated. By reconstructing these traits on a recent molecular phylogeny of the Lygaeinae, we demonstrate that the adaptations for the storage and release of cardiac glycosides have evolved in a stepwise manner.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine life history flexibility arising from phenotypic plasticity in response to temperature and from maternal effects in response to reproductive diapause in a temperate zone population of the milkweek bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus). We employed a split-family, first-cousin, full-sib design with siblings reared at different temperatures in order to quantify phenotypic plasticity, maternal effects, and variation for each. The following traits were analyzed: development time, age at first reproduction, longevity, early-life fecundity, and wing length. We found both life history plasticity and maternal effects on life history traits which tend to enhance the colonizing ability of offspring born to mothers that have undergone reproductive diapause. We were unable to demonstrate additive genetic variation for plasticity for any of the traits, while for development time and wing length we found variation due to non-additive genetic or common-environmental sources. We were also unable to demonstrate additive genetic variation for maternal effects, although variation may exist at low levels that are difficult to detect using cousin-families. The apparent lack of variation in this population would constrain evolution of life history flexibility even though considerable flexibility exists in the phenotype.  相似文献   

Eight species of Heteroptera, including one adventive species (Elasmostethus sp.) and one aquatic species (Callicorixa producta), were found on Dolgii Island (the southern tundra subzone). Among the seven indigenous species, six are Holarctic; the distribution of five species is confined to tundra landscapes, and five species are predators. The phytophagous Chlamydatus acanthioides and Nysius groenlandicus are associated with the most humid and the best drained parts of the inland landscape, respectively. The predatory species of the family Saldidae, Chiloxanthus arcticus, Ch. stellatus, Salda littoralis, and Calacanthia trybomi, show specific patterns of distribution among the biotopes with different levels of humidity and salinity. The biotopic preferences of Chiloxanthus species vary significantly within their ranges. The northward expansion of Heteroptera appears to be limited by the mean July isotherm of +3°C.  相似文献   

The precise characterisation of present-day mangrove ecosystems from modern pollen rain facilitates the accurate use of fossil pollen data for late Quaternary sea level and environmental reconstructions. Here, we investigate whether the analysis of pollen rain data corroborates existing floristic and structural characterisation of different mangrove types at the Caribbean island of San Andrés, Colombia. At 82 plots along 20 transects of four distinct mangrove types, samples were obtained of (i) surface sediments for pollen analysis, and (ii) a range of environmental parameters (including inundation levels, salinity and pH). This information was compared to previously sampled mangrove composition and tree basal area. In surface sediment samples 82 pollen taxa were found, from which 19 were present in the vegetation plots. However, because pollen may be transported by wind and/or watercourses, the overall floristic composition of the different forest types may not necessarily be reflected by the pollen spectra. Local vegetation (i.e. mangroves and beach) represented > 90% of the pollen spectra, while the regional one (i.e. hinterland forests) represented < 5% of it. Unlike the four mangrove types that were previously described in the vegetation, the analysis of pollen samples suggested only three distinct types of forest.The groups were characterised based on (i) the dominance of at least one of the true mangrove species from pollen data ordination and the presence of associated species, and (ii) their relationship with environmental parameters. Rhizophora was present in all plot samples, but did not contribute to forest type separation. In fact, just three true mangrove species proved reliable indicators of (i) high salinity and fringe mangroves (i.e. Avicennia), (ii) high pH levels and landward mangroves (i.e. Conocarpus), and (iii) natural or anthropogenic caused disturbance of forest stands (Laguncularia and associated Acrostichum fern). Hence our study confirms that mangrove pollen spectra can be accurately used to describe different mangrove environments for fossil based palaeoecological reconstructions.  相似文献   

The Caribbean Islands are one of the ten insular biodiversity hotspots that are defined based on endemicity, massive habitat loss and vulnerability to extinction. Asteraceae genera endemic to islands have provided well known examples of plant radiation worldwide and illustrate the importance of these insular systems for evolutionary and conservation studies. A review of known patterns of taxonomic diversity and molecular cladistics is provided for Asteraceae genera and species endemic in the Caribbean Island biodiversity hotspot. We found that when compared with other island systems worldwide the Caribbean Islands have the highest number of endemic genera (41), have endemic genera in the highest number of tribes, and harbor the only Asteraceae tribe endemic to an island system, the Feddeeae which is restricted to Cuba. These unique patterns identify the Caribbean Islands as the most important insular area of endemism for this major plant family. Molecular cladistic studies are limited to only seven species in seven endemic genera and six endemic species in five non-endemic genera. These few studies are however relevant as: (1) they confirm the tribal status of the Feddeeae, (2) suggest colonization events from the highlands of Cuba toward low elevation and geologically recent areas of the Bahamas and South Florida, (3) provide evidence for biogeographical links to remote regions of the Pacific Basin, and (4) identify sister relationships with continental taxa, mostly from North America.
Resumen  Las Islas del Caribe son uno de los diez “punto calientes” insulares de biodiversidad, los cuales vienen definidos por sus niveles de endemicidad, masiva pérdida de habitat y vulnerabilidad y extinción. Asteráceas endémicas de islas han proporcionado ejemplos muy bien conocidos de radiación vegetal a nivel mundial, éstos ilustran la importancia de los sistemas insulares en estudios evolutivos y de conservación. Se presenta una revisión de las pautas de diversidad taxonómica y de cladismo molecular en Asteráceas de las Islas del Caribe. Hemos encontrado que comparadas con otros sistemas insulares, las Islas del Caribe tienen el mayor número de géneros endémicos (41), tienen géneros endémicos en el mayor número de tribus y poseen la única tribu de la familia endémica en islas, Feddeeae es endémica de Cuba. Estas pautas de diversidad exclusivas de las Islas del Caribe hacen que éstas sean el área de endemismos insulares más importante para las Asteráceas. Estudios de cladismo molecular se limitan solamente a siete especies en siete géneros endémicos y a seis especies en cinco géneros no endémicos. Este reducido número de estudios son de todas formas relevantes debido a que: (1) confirman el estatus a nivel de tribu de Feddeeae, (2) sugieren una ruta de colonización desde zonas altas de Cuba hacia áreas de baja elevación de las Bahamas y el sur de la Florida, (3) proporcionan evidencia de conexiones biogeográficas con regions remotas del Océano Pacífico, y (4) identifican relaciones de hermandad con táxones continentales, principalmente de América del Norte.

Extreme events affect coastal vegetation in several ways. They cause massive tree defoliations and mortality that carry changes in vegetation structure and floristic composition. In order to assess these changes in dry tropical forests, coastal vegetation and mangroves in El Rosario archipelago, and their relationship with extreme events between 2002 and 2014, Quickbird and Worldview Satellite images with uneven periodicity were analyzed and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated for these vegetation covers. Time series analysis was performed to oceanographic and climate variables such as maximum wind velocity, daily precipitation, significant wave height, peak wave period and maximum and minimum air temperatures. The first two axes of a redundancy analysis explained 65% of data variance (p value ≤ 0.05) and showed that the decrease of the NDVI and extension of beach vegetation were related to increases in wind frequency and intensity. However, mangrove vegetation was benefited by the increase in the frequency of short drought events, although their NDVI decreased when these drought events became longer. Drought events were related to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) anomalies that had the strongest effects on coastal vegetation and dry forest, as shown by the minimum values of NDVI recorded in 2010. Mangrove vegetation was more resilient to such droughts and strong winds than coastal and dry forest vegetation due to their location along bays or surrounding internal lagoons.  相似文献   

We describe the monoxenous trypanosomatids parasitizing true bugs and flies on the island of Curaçao. Out of 248 examined true bugs belonging to 17 species, 93 individuals were found to be infected (overall 38% prevalence) by at least one trypanosomatid species (referred to as typing units; TUs). Out of 80 flies, six were infected. All detected trypanosomatids were compared based on their 18S rRNA sequences with TUs parasitizing bugs and flies described from mainland South America, allowing us to assess their diversity and distribution. Besides Leptomonas pyrrhocoris and Leptomonas seymouri, two known species of the subfamily Leishmaniinae, our analysis revealed six new TUs falling into the groups ‘jaculum’, Blastocrithidia and Herpetomonas. Moreover, two new members of the genus Phytomonas and three new TUs belonging to the monophyletic group designated as ‘new clade II’ sensu Mol. Phylogenet. Evol, 69, 255 (2013) were isolated. The detected trypanosomatids were characterized by moderate diversity (13 TUs) species richness. Out of nine and four TUs from the heteropteran and dipteran hosts, respectively, 11 TUs have not been encountered before. Although a sampling bias may partially affect the comparison between trypanosomatid communities on Curaçao and the mainland, the high proportion of unique TUs from the former location suggests that the prominent role of islands in increasing the global diversity of macroscopic organisms may also extend to their protistan parasites.  相似文献   

Few data are available about the regional or local extinction of tropical butterfly species. When confirmed, local extinction was often due to the loss of host-plant species. We used published lists and recent monitoring programs to evaluate changes in butterfly composition on Barro Colorado Island (BCI, Panama) between an old (1923–1943) and a recent (1993–2013) period. Although 601 butterfly species have been recorded from BCI during the 1923–2013 period, we estimate that 390 species are currently breeding on the island, including 34 cryptic species, currently only known by their DNA Barcode Index Number. Twenty-three butterfly species that were considered abundant during the old period could not be collected during the recent period, despite a much higher sampling effort in recent times. We consider these species locally extinct from BCI and they conservatively represent 6% of the estimated local pool of resident species. Extinct species represent distant phylogenetic branches and several families. The butterfly traits most likely to influence the probability of extinction were host growth form, wing size and host specificity, independently of the phylogenetic relationships among butterfly species. On BCI, most likely candidates for extinction were small hesperiids feeding on herbs (35% of extinct species). However, contrary to our working hypothesis, extinction of these species on BCI cannot be attributed to loss of host plants. In most cases these host plants remain extant, but they probably subsist at lower or more fragmented densities. Coupled with low dispersal power, this reduced availability of host plants has probably caused the local extinction of some butterfly species. Many more bird than butterfly species have been lost from BCI recently, confirming that small preserves may be far more effective at conserving invertebrates than vertebrates and, therefore, should not necessarily be neglected from a conservation viewpoint.  相似文献   

Recent concern over the possibility of a global decline in amphibians prompted this assessment of the West Indian species. At the species level, the West Indian amphibian fauna (156 species, all frogs and toads) has not undergone a general decline, and no species is known to be extinct. However, one Puerto Rican species (Eleutherodactylus karlschmidti) has not been seen in over ten years despite considerable search effort. Seven other species, including the Puerto Rican livebearing frog (E. jasperi), have not been seen recently, although their present status cannot be determined until additional effort is made to locate them. Two stream-associated species on Hispaniola (E. semipalmatus and Hyla vasta) appear to have declined in recont years, probably due to the alteration of riparian habitats by deforestation. Other vertebrate groups in the West Indies, such as mammals, have been more affected by human-caused environmental degradation than have amphibians. Large-scale extinctions of frogs and other forest-dwelling species are not expected to occur until forest cover reaches very low levels. Haiti is on the brink of such extinctions with less than 1% of its forest cover remaining. Two recommendations are made to help curtail the expected loss of biodiversity: (i) import charcoal to replace that produced by burning native trees (used as cooking fuel), as an immediate measure, and (ii) control human population growth, as a long-term solution.  相似文献   

Islands offer unique opportunities for studies of evolution and historical demography. We hypothesized that wintering North American migrant bird species would show genetic evidence of population expansion over recent millennia due to the expansion of their breeding distributions following the retreat of the Laurentide ice sheet. In contrast, we presumed that non-migratory species would exhibit more stable historical demographies. We used mtDNA sequences from 649 individuals of 16 avian species on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola to test this prediction. Mismatch distributions did not differ significantly between migrants and non-migrants. However, neutrality indices indicated population expansion in the migrant species, as well as two non-migratory resident species with extensive distributions. Evidence of population expansion was less consistent in other non-migratory residents. We infer that climate prior to the Last Glacial Maximum significantly reduced effective population sizes of most migratory North American bird populations and some resident Hispaniolan bird populations. Our data further revealed that mismatch statistics were poorly correlated with and less informative than the neutrality test statistics, a consideration for future demographic studies.  相似文献   

Despite sequestration of toxins being a common coevolutionary response to plant defence in phytophagous insects, the macroevolution of the traits involved is largely unaddressed. Using a phylogenetic approach comprising species from four continents, we analysed the ability to sequester toxic cardenolides in the hemipteran subfamily Lygaeinae, which is widely associated with cardenolide-producing Apocynaceae. In addition, we analysed cardenolide resistance of their Na+/K+-ATPases, the molecular target of cardenolides. Our data indicate that cardenolide sequestration and cardenolide-resistant Na+/K+-ATPase are basal adaptations in the Lygaeinae. In two species that shifted to non-apocynaceous hosts, the ability to sequester was secondarily reduced, yet Na+/K+-ATPase resistance was maintained. We suggest that both traits evolved together and represent major coevolutionary adaptations responsible for the evolutionary success of lygaeine bugs. Moreover, specialization on cardenolides was not an evolutionary dead end, but enabled this insect lineage to host shift to cardenolide-producing plants from distantly related families.  相似文献   

In the present study, we established the role of liposomes in removal of bilirubin from systemic circulation of the hyperbilirubinemic rats. Bilirubin has been demonstrated to possess inherent tendency to interact with liposomes through ionic as well as hydrophobic interactions. The size as well as lamellarity of the liposomes does not seem to affect their binding with bilirubin. However, the charge on the surface of liposomes plays an important role in bilirubin-liposome interaction, e.g., bilirubin binds more extensively with positively charged liposomes as compared to the neutral or negatively charged liposomes. The present study further demonstrates that liposomes were effective in reducing the increased plasma bilirubin level in hyperbilirubinemic model animals as well. The results of the study suggest that positively charged liposome-mediated selective homing of excess plasma bilirubin to the hepatocytes seems to offer an important strategy in management of hyperbilirubinemic conditions.  相似文献   

The Caribbean Island Biodiversity Hotspot is composed primarily of the Bahamas and Greater and Lesser Antilles. A total of 180 genera (727 spp., ca. 9% of the species endemic to the Antilles) are restricted to this hotspot. Most of these genera are unispecific (51%), a pattern that is also found on other islands of the world. The majority of the endemic genera belong to the “Core Eudicot” clade, and they were published in two time periods (1854–1878 and 1904–1928). There are molecular phylogenies available for 63 of the endemic genera. However, phylogenetic reconstructions of only 21 genera are based on more than one independent DNA region and have well-supported clades and good taxonomic sampling. Six of the endemic genera form part of early-branching groups. We could not infer biogeographical conclusions from the molecular phylogenies of most of the endemic genera (43: 68%). There is an urgent need for (1) additional field studies to learn the conservation status of these genera, (2) effective protection of the habitats where the most endangered genera occur, and (3) additional biological and systematic studies of the least understood genera.  相似文献   

Sequestration, that is, the accumulation of plant toxins into body tissues for defense, was predicted to incur physiological costs and may require resistance traits different from those of non‐sequestering insects. Alternatively, sequestering species could experience a cost in the absence of toxins due to selection on physiological homeostasis under permanent exposure of sequestered toxins in body tissues. Milkweed bugs (Heteroptera: Lygaeinae) sequester high amounts of plant‐derived cardenolides. Although being potent inhibitors of the ubiquitous animal enzyme Na+/K+‐ATPase, milkweed bugs can tolerate cardenolides by means of resistant Na+/K+‐ATPases. Both adaptations, resistance and sequestration, are ancestral traits of the Lygaeinae. Using four milkweed bug species (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae: Lygaeinae) and the related European firebug (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae: Pyrrhocoris apterus) showing different combinations of the traits “cardenolide resistance” and “cardenolide sequestration,” we tested how the two traits affect larval growth upon exposure to dietary cardenolides in an artificial diet system. While cardenolides impaired the growth of P. apterus nymphs neither possessing a resistant Na+/K+‐ATPase nor sequestering cardenolides, growth was not affected in the non‐sequestering milkweed bug Arocatus longiceps, which possesses a resistant Na+/K+‐ATPase. Remarkably, cardenolides increased growth in the sequestering dietary specialists Caenocoris nerii and Oncopeltus fasciatus but not in the sequestering dietary generalist Spilostethus pandurus, which all possess a resistant Na+/K+‐ATPase. We furthermore assessed the effect of dietary cardenolides on additional life history parameters, including developmental speed, longevity of adults, and reproductive success in O. fasciatus. Unexpectedly, nymphs under cardenolide exposure developed substantially faster and lived longer as adults. However, fecundity of adults was reduced when maintained on cardenolide‐containing diet for their entire lifetime but not when adults were transferred to non‐toxic sunflower seeds. We speculate that the resistant Na+/K+‐ATPase of milkweed bugs is selected for working optimally in a “toxic environment,” that is, when sequestered cardenolides are stored in the body.  相似文献   

Analyses of ciguatoxicity in the great barracuda Sphyraena barracuda and quantity of toxic benthic dinoflagellates on coastal reefs (correlated with the number of cases of human ciguatera intoxications in Puerto Rico) were used to construct a model formulated on data obtained during the period of 1985-1988. The validity of the proposed model has been questioned by recent data obtained during the period of 1990-2000. Barracuda ciguatoxicity no longer showed a prominent seasonality while the fraction of randomly caught barracuda that were ciguatoxic significantly increased during this period. These two changes, accompanied by the discovery that ciguatoxic fish contained a variety of multiple toxins, appear to be correlated with the steadily increasing periods of elevated sea surface temperatures in this region.  相似文献   

The screen of 10 soft coral extracts collected from the Colombian Caribbean Sea in the TPA-induced ear edema model allowed us to identify Eunicea fusca extract among others as an interesting source of active compounds. The new diterpene, fuscoside E (1), along with the known fuscoside B (2), fuscol (3), (+)-germacrene D (4) and a mixture of six sterols (5-10), were isolated from this soft coral. Their structures were elucidated by 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy techniques. Fuscoside E (1) absolute stereochemistry was determined by chiroptical methods. Fuscoside E (1) and B (2) showed strong anti-inflammatory in the above mentioned bioassay. Additionally, fuscoside E (1) and the sterol mixture (5-10) presented antifouling activity against bacterial strains involved in surface colonization.  相似文献   

A cDNA for a structurally variant acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) desaturase was isolated from milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) seed, a tissue enriched in palmitoleic (16:19)* and cis-vaccenic (18:111) acids. Extracts of Escherichia coli that express the milkweed cDNA catalyzed 9 desaturation of acyl-ACP substrates, and the recombinant enzyme exhibited seven- to ten-fold greater specificity for palmitoyl (16:0)-ACP and 30-fold greater specificity for myristoyl (14:0)-ACP than did known 9-stearoyl (18:0)-ACP desaturases. Like other variant acyl-ACP desaturases reported to date, the milkweed enzyme contains fewer amino acids near its N-terminus compared to previously characterized 9-18:0-ACP desaturases. Based on the activity of an N-terminal deletion mutant of a9 -18:0-ACP desaturase, this structural feature likely does not account for differences in substrate specificities.  相似文献   

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