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1. Isolated cardiac-muscle cells from the hearts of adult rats were shown to retain a high amount of viability during 4 h of incubation when viability was assessed by Trypan Bue stain exclusion and intracellular enzyme leakage. 2. The cells also retained their ability to take up O2 and utilize added substrates over the period of incubation at both 25 and 30 degrees C. 3. When cells from the hearts of fed rats were incubated in a buffered-salts solution at pH 7.4 in the presence of amino acids and heparin, lipoprotein lipase activity in the medium increased progressively. 4. During these incubations the intracellular activity of the enzyme remained constant and the total activity of lipoprotein lipase in the system (cells plus medium) increased by 80% over the 4 h of incubation at 25 degrees C. 5. In the absence of heparin only low amounts of enzyme activity were detectable in the medium and the total lipoprotein lipase activity in the system remained constant. 6. The measurement of lipoprotein lipase activity in either fresh homogenates of the cells or in homogenates of acetone/diethyl ether-dried powders of the cells had no effect on the overall pattern of activity change during the incubations, although as reported previously the total activity detected with acetone/diethyl either-dried preparations was approx. 3-fold higher than with fresh cell homogenates. 7. The observations were compared with published data on lipoprotein lipase activity changes in neonatal heart cell cultures maintained in vitro.  相似文献   

The total lipoprotein lipase activity recovered in suspension of cells prepared from adult rat hearts was unaffected by the nutritional state of the animals used. The enzyme activity present in the cell suspensions was almost exclusively associated with the cardiac muscle cells present as the major cell type.  相似文献   

S K Fried  M DiGirolamo 《Life sciences》1986,39(22):2111-2119
Lipoprotein lipase(LPL) release from isolated small fat cells from young rats and large fat cells from older, fatter rats was compared during in vitro incubation at 30 degrees C. Although large fat cells had nearly three times higher cellular LPL activity, they secreted similar amounts of LPL activity into the incubation medium under both basal conditions (Krebs Ringer bicarbonate buffer containing 4% albumin and 6mM glucose) and after stimulation of LPL release by 5% human serum, or serum plus 1 U/ml heparin. These data suggest that previous observations of an altered tissue distribution of LPL in adipose tissue containing large fat cells can be at least in part explained by an alteration at the level of LPL secretion.  相似文献   

Summary Heparin (5 U/ml) induced the release of LPL into the incubation medium of cardiac myocytes isolated from adult rat hearts. The secretion of LPL occurred in two phases: a rapid release (5–10 min of incubation with heparin) that was independent of protein synthesis followed by a slower rate of release that was inhibited by cycloheximide. The rapid release of LPL induced by heparin likely occurs from sites that are at or near the cell surface. LPL secretion could also be stimulated by heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate, but not by hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate or keratan sulfate. Heparin-releasable LPL activity measured in short-term incubations represented a large fraction (40–50%) of the initial LPL activity associated with myocytes, but the fall in cellular LPL activity following heparin was less than the amount of LPL activity secreted into the incubation medium. This discrepancy was not due to latency of LPL in the pre-heparin cell homogenates, but in part could be due to a three-fold greater affinity of the heparin-released enzyme for substrate as compared to LPL in post-heparin myocyte homogenates.Abbreviations LPL lipoprotein lipase  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to test the hypothesis that the diabetes-induced reduction in lipoprotein lipase activity in cardiac myocytes may be due to hypertriglyceridemia. Administration of 4-aminopyrazolopyrimidine (50 mg/kg) to control rats for 24 h reduced plasma triacylglycerol levels and increased the heparin-induced release of lipoprotein lipase into the incubation medium of cardiac myocytes. The acute (3-5 days) induction of diabetes by streptozotocin (100 mg/kg) produced hypertriglyceridemia and reduced heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase activity in cardiac myocytes. Treatment of diabetic rats with 4-aminopyrazolopyrimidine resulted in a fall in plasma triacylglycerol content and increased heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase activity. Administration of Triton WR-1339 also resulted in hypertriglyceridemia, but the heparin-induced release of lipoprotein lipase from control cardiac myocytes was not reduced in the absence of lipolysis of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins. Treatment with Triton WR-1339 did, however, increase the heparin-induced release of lipoprotein lipase from diabetic cardiac myocytes. Preparation of cardiac myocytes with 0.9 mM oleic acid resulted in a decrease in both total cellular and heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase activities. These results suggest that the diabetes-induced reduction in heart lipoprotein lipase activity may, at least in part, be due to an inhibitory effect of free fatty acids, derived either from lipoprotein degradation or from adipose tissue lipolysis, on lipoprotein lipase activity in (and (or) release from) cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

Isolated muscle cells from adult rat heart were used to study myocardial degradation of insulin and the reactions after the initial binding event. After 60 min of association at 37 degrees C, 90% of specifically bound insulin could be dissociated from the cells; this fraction remained unaltered under steady-state conditions (up to 180 min). To assess the nature of cell-associated radioactivity, cardiocytes were solubilized and filtered on Sephadex G-50. After 5 min of association only intact insulin was observed, whereas under steady-state conditions 4% of 125I-labelled insulin bound to the cells was degraded to iodotyrosine-containing fragments. The Km for insulin degradation by isolated heart cells was estimated to be 1.75 x 10(-7)M. Receptor-mediated insulin degradation was studied by examination of the nature of radioactivity released by the cells after different times of association. After 5 min 83% of dissociating material consisted of intact insulin, whereas this fraction decreased to 50% under steady-state conditions. Treatment of cells with the lysosomotropic agent chloroquine (0.1 mM) significantly decreased the fraction that was eluted at the internal column volume. This study demonstrates that insulin degradation by the heart cell occurs by a receptor-independent and a receptor-dependent mechanism. The latter may involve internalization and a lysosomal pathway.  相似文献   

Starvation of 300 g rats for 3 days decreased ventricular-muscle total protein content and total RNA content by 15 and 22% respectively. Loss of body weight was about 15%. In glucose-perfused working rat hearts in vitro, 3 days of starvation inhibited rates of protein synthesis in ventricles by about 40-50% compared with fed controls. Although the RNA/protein ratio was decreased by about 10%, the major effect of starvation was to decrease the efficiency of protein synthesis (rate of protein synthesis relative to RNA). Insulin stimulated protein synthesis in ventricles of perfused hearts from fed rats by increasing the efficiency of protein synthesis. In vivo, protein-synthesis rates and efficiencies in ventricles from 3-day-starved rats were decreased by about 40% compared with fed controls. Protein-synthesis rates and efficiencies in ventricles from fed rats in vivo were similar to values in vitro when insulin was present in perfusates. In vivo, starvation increased the rate of protein degradation, but decreased it in the glucose-perfused heart in vitro. This contradiction can be rationalized when the effects of insulin are considered. Rates of protein degradation are similar in hearts of fed animals in vivo and in glucose/insulin-perfused hearts. Degradation rates are similar in hearts of starved animals in vivo and in hearts perfused with glucose alone. We conclude that the rates of protein turnover in the anterogradely perfused rat heart in vitro closely approximate to the rates in vivo in absolute terms, and that the effects of starvation in vivo are mirrored in vitro.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lipase activity was studied in rat heart cell cultures grown in the presence of 20% fetal calf and horse serum and a medium concentration of triacylglycerol of 0.03 mg/ml. After 6--8 days, when the enzyme activity had reached high levels, the cells were incubated for 24 h in a medium containing 20% serum derived from fasted or fed rats. No change in enzyme activity occurred in the presence of fasted rat serum, but a 50% fall was observed with fed rat serium. When the complete culture medium was supplemented with rat plasma VLDL (0.075--0.75 mg triacylglycerol) a pronounced decrease in lipoprotein lipase activity occurred after 3--5 h of incubation. Similar extent of enzyme fall was observed also in the presence of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins isolated from rat plasma after feeding of safflower oil or lard, even though the fatty acid composition of the triacylgylcerol varied markedly. As the addition of VLDL to the culture medium resulted in a lesser fall of heparin releasable than residual activity it seems that there was no direct inhibition of surface bound enzyme activity and that the transport of the enzyme to the cell surface was not affected. These data indicate that addition of VLDL to the culture medium resulted in a fall in enzyme synthesis, while total protein synthesis as determined by incorporation of [3H]leucine, remained unchanged. This inhibition could be reproduced by increasing free fatty acid concentration of the medium, however addition of excess albumin to VLDL-containing medium did not prevent the fall in enzyme activity. The present results obtained with cultured rat hearts cells suggest that in vivo plasma levels of triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins could modulate the lipoproteins could modulate the lipoprotein lipase activity of the heart.  相似文献   

Cells isolated from the rat gastric mucosa were resolved into two fractions on a percoll density gradient, and into five fractions using counterflow centrifugation (elutriation). Ca(2+)-dependent nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity was found in the high density percoll fraction but not in the parietal cell enriched low density fraction. This activity was inhibited by NG-monomethyl-L-arginine with an IC50 of 3.7 microM. Cells in the elutriator fraction rich in mucous-epithelial cells exhibited the highest NOS activity, while the smaller cell fractions had no detectable NOS yet had the highest basal release of prostaglandin E2. The parietal cell enriched elutriator fraction again had low NOS activity. The activity of a constitutive NOS in the mucous-cell fraction may indicate a role of NO in the regulation of epithelial cell integrity or secretion.  相似文献   

Glucose and water absorption rates are much lower (50%) in isolated perfused rat small intestine when the animals are killed by stunning or ether before removal of the intestine than when the animal is maintained alive under light ether anaesthesia throughout the setting-up procedure.  相似文献   

The separation of rat epididymal adipocytes into plasma-membrane, mitochondrial, microsomal and cytosol fractions is described. The fractions, which were characterized by marker-enzyme analysis and electron-micrographic observation, from the cells of fed and 24 h-starved animals were used to prepare acetone/diethyl ether-dried powders for the measurement of lipoprotein lipase activities. The highest specific activities and proportion of recovered lipoprotein lipase activity were found in the plasma-membrane and microsomal fractions. The two fractions from the cells of fed rats showed similar activities and enrichments of the enzyme, these activities being higher than the plasma-membrane and lower than the microsomal activities recovered from the cells of starved animals. Chicken and guinea-pig anti-(rat lipoprotein lipase) sera were prepared, and an indirect labelled-second-antibody cellular immunoassay, using 125I-labelled rabbit anti-(chicken IgG) or 125I-labelled sheep anti-(guinea-pig IgG) antibodies respectively, for the detection of cell-surface enzyme was devised and optimized. The amount of immunodetectable cell-surface lipoprotein lipase was higher for cells isolated from fed animals than for cells from 24 h-starved animals, when either anti-(lipoprotein lipase) serum was used in the assay. The amount of immunodetectable cell-surface lipoprotein lipase fell further when starvation was extended to 48 h. The lipoprotein lipase of plasma-membrane vesicles was shown to be a patent activity and to be immunodetectable in a modification of the cellular immunoassay. Although the functional significance of the adipocyte surface lipoprotein lipase is not known, the possibility of it forming a pool of enzyme en route to the capillary endothelium is advanced.  相似文献   

Isolated liver cells prepared from starved sheep converted palmitate into ketone bodies at twice the rate seen with cells from fed animals. Carnitine stimulated palmitate oxidation only in liver cells from fed sheep, and completely abolished the difference between fed and starved animals in palmitate oxidation. The rates of palmitate oxidation to CO2 and of octanoate oxidation to ketone bodies and CO2 were not affected by starvation or carnitine. Neither starvation nor carnitine altered the ratio of 3-hydroxybutyrate to acetoacetate or the rate of esterification of [1-14C]palmitate. Propionate, lactate, pyruvate and fructose inhibited ketogenesis from palmitate in cells from fed sheep. Starvation or the addition of carnitine decreased the antiketogenic effectiveness of gluconeogenic precursors. Propionate was the most potent inhibitor of ketogenesis, 0.8 mM producing 50% inhibition. Propionate, lactate, fructose and glycerol increased palmitate esterification under all conditions examined. Lactate, pyruvate and fructose stimulated oxidation of palmitate and octanoate to CO2. Starvation and the addition of gluconeogenic precursors stimulated apparent palmitate utilization by cells. Propionate, lactate and pyruvate decreased cellular long-chain acylcarnitine concentrations. Propionate decreased cell contents of CoA and acyl-CoA. It is suggested that propionate may control hepatic ketogenesis by acting at some point in the beta-oxidation sequence. The results are discussed in relation to the differences in the regulation of hepatic fatty acid metabolism between sheep and rats.  相似文献   

1. To investigate the role of ribosome function in regulating protein synthesis, the activity, distribution and functional states of ribosomal particles were investigated in livers of mice fed ad libitum or starved overnight. 2. The distribution of protein-synthesizing activity between polyribosomes of different sizes was analysed after incorporation of radioactive leucine, and the quantitative distribution of ribosomes as native subunits, monomers and polyribosomes was analysed after incorporation of orotic acid. Precursors labelled with 3H or 14C were given separately to fed and starved mice, so that livers from the two groups of animals were processed together. 3. The former experiments showed that starvation has little effect on the distribution of protein-synthesizing activity across polyribosome sedimentation patterns, though the latter experiments showed that the proportion of ribosomes existing as monomers increased from 9.5% to 15.2%, whereas the proportion existing as polyribosomes decreased from 81.4% to 75.6%. Starvation had a negligible effect on the proportion of native subunits, which accounted for 9.1% and 9.2% of the ribosomes in fed and starved mice respectively. 4. The monomeric ribosome fraction was isolated and subjected to ionic conditions which selectively dissociate single ribosomes. Starvation increased the proportion of monomers that dissociated from 59% to 72%, so the monomers that accumulate in livers of starved animals are single ribosomes and not monoribosomes resulting from degradation of polyribosomes. 5. The fate of newly formed ribosomal particles was studied by measuring the specific radioactivity of native subunits, monomers and polyribosomes at different times after injection of radioactively labelled orotic acid. Starvation did not appear to affect equilibration between newly formed particles and polyribosomes, and the radioactivity of polyribosomes in both groups of mice reached about 90% of that in native subunits after 4h. The radioactive labelling of monomers proceeded at a slower rate, especially after starvation. At 4h, the radioactivity of monomers was 64% and 55% that of native subunits in fed and starved mice respectively.  相似文献   

1. When epididymal fat bodies from starved rats are incubated for 3.5hr. at 37 degrees in a defined medium in vitro the total clearing-factor lipase activity rises to approximately twice its initial value. 2. During the incubation period part of the tissue clearing-factor lipase activity appears in the medium. 3. Heparin, glucose, insulin, and HCO(3) (-) and K(+) ions are shown to be important medium constituents.  相似文献   

A lipoprotein lipase species (mol wt 69 250) has been isolated from rat postheparin plasma, which differs from the low-molecular-weight species previously characterized in its amino acid composition and hexosamine content, and in its lower affinity for triglyceride-rich lipoprotein substrates. However, both enzymes are activated by the same coprotein (C-terminal glutamic acid, apo-C-2) from human very low density lipoprotein and have a similar specificity for lipid esters. Neither purified enzyme is activated by heparin. Both are inhibited by molar sodium chloride. Both enzyme species can be recovered from the same plasma samples. The possible relationship of these proteins to the different functional lipoprotein lipase activities of muscle and adipose tissues is discussed.  相似文献   

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