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The Danish Twin Registry is the oldest national twin register in the world, initiated in 1954 by ascertainment of twins born from 1870 to 1910. During a number of studies birth cohorts have been added to the register, and by the recent addition of birth cohorts from 1931 to 1952 the Registry now comprizes 127 birth cohorts of twins from 1870 to 1996, with a total of more than 65,000 twin pairs included. In all cohorts the ascertainment has been population-based and independent of the traits studied, although different procedures of ascertainment have been employed. In the oldest cohorts only twin pairs with both twins surviving to age 6 have been included while from 1931 all ascertained twins are included. The completeness of the ascertainment after adjustment for infant mortality is high, with approximately 90% ascertained up to 1968, and complete ascertainment of all liveborn twin pairs since 1968. The Danish Twin Registry is used as a source for large studies on genetic influence on aging and age-related health problems, normal variation in clinical parameters associated with the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases, and clinical studies of specific diseases. The combination of survey data with data obtained by linkage to national health related registers enables follow-up studies both of the general twin population and of twins from clinical studies.  相似文献   

The National Twin Registry of Sri Lanka was established in 1997 as a volunteer register. To extend it to a population-based register, we examined the effectiveness of tracing older twins by inspecting birth records and recruiting them by postal invitation and in-person contact. Birth records at a divisional secretariat reported from 2 maternity hospitals between the years of 1954-1970 were scrutinised to identify a random sample of twins. These hospitals had the highest twin delivery rates for the whole country. We identified 620 twins and a questionnaire was mailed to them. Research assistants visited a cohort of non-respondents (71) in the postal survey. These 620 twins were identified after perusing 20700 birth records. The twinning rate was estimated at 29.95 ([620/20700] x 1000) twins per 1000 registered births (CI 27.63-32.27). In the postal survey, 37 (12%) responded and 62 letters were returned (20%). Both twins were still alive in 20 pairs, one was still alive in 15 pairs, and both twins were dead in 2 pairs. During field visits, 42 (59.2%) addresses were located. Information was available on 16 twin pairs. Both twins were alive in 8 pairs, one each in 4 pairs, and both were dead in 4 pairs and at least one twin was traced in 10 pairs (14%). Both the postal and the field survey gave a low yield. This finding is different from tracing younger twins born between 1985-1997 by using the same methods. Migration, urbanization and development in the country might have affected tracing older twins from the birth record addresses, which were decades old.  相似文献   

A relationship has been proposed to exist between individual outcomes (live or stillbirth) of twins in the same set. Here, we analyze this association between live births and stillbirths among individuals in different twin pairs. When national birth registers are analyzed, individuals in opposite-sex twin sets can be identified and the correlation between individual outcomes estimated. However, full information about the individuals in same-sex twin sets is not, as a rule, available, and consequently, correlation coefficients cannot be estimated, but upper and lower limits of the correlation coefficients can be obtained. The methods introduced here were applied to data from Sweden (1869-1967), the Aland Islands (Finland) (1750-1949), the Kingdom of Saxony (1881-1900), and England and Wales (1940-2003). Comparisons between the correlation coefficients among opposite-sex twins and the lower bound (minimum) of correlation coefficients among same-sex twins indicate that in all populations studied a stronger association exists between twins in same-sex rather than opposite-sex twin sets or pairs. For opposite-sex twin sets no general association between the correlation coefficient and the stillbirth rate was identified.  相似文献   

Stroke is one of the leading causes of severe disability and death in the world. In the present article we outline possibilities and limitations for future stroke research within the GenomEUtwin. The combined sample of twins born before 1958 from Denmark, Finland, and Sweden, and available for follow-up into the second millennium for non-fatal and fatal stroke events through national inpatient and death registers exceeds 70,000 twin pairs. This sample size will enable the study of genetic influences on stroke and major stroke subtypes. Large samples of twins in GenomEUtwin have been followed up repeatedly through interviews and questionnaires concerning a variety of exposures and potential risk factors for stroke. We briefly outline how this information can be combined with the health register information for epidemiologic and genetic epidemiologic studies of stroke. We also present the number of twin pairs concordant and discordant for stroke in Denmark, Finland and Sweden, and time lags between events for twins concordant for stroke. This information illustrates that the number of affected sib pairs for linkage studies is relatively limited, but the sample sizes are promising for association studies.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the hypothesis that monozygotic (MZ) twins in historical databases are less discordant for birth weight due to negative selection of severely discordant MZ twins. Furthermore, we test the hypothesis that MZ twins are less discordant for birth weight when comparing a volunteer based twin registry with a population based twin registry, due to selective registration. Data were available on 3927 twin pairs from the volunteer Australian Twin Registry born before 1964, 3059 volunteer twin pairs from the Netherlands Twin Register born 1987-1989 and 454 Belgian twin pairs from The East Flanders Prospective Twin Survey born 1987-1989. Intrapair relative birth weight differences (RBWD) were computed for MZ and dizygotic (DZ) twins from each twin registry. Comparing birth weight differences between MZ and DZ twins provides support for the hypothesis that MZ twins are subject to a negative selection in historical databases. Furthermore, Australian MZ twins have a lower RBWD compared to Dutch MZ twins when corrected for the RBWD of Australian and Dutch DZ twins, indicating circumstances which only affect MZ twins. Our hypothesis that MZ twins are less discordant for birth weight in a volunteer based twin registry compared to a population based twin registry had to be rejected. We suggest that investigators using historical databases to test the fetal origins hypothesis should be aware of this increased likelihood of selective exclusion of individuals with extreme morphometric parameters at time of birth.  相似文献   

A sample of pairs of twins who were born in the United States in 1919 and survived to adulthood is identified through an innovative and large-scale application of the methodology of probabilistic linkage. The social security program began in the United States in November 1936, and the file of applicants for a social security number - which was used in this study - is the closest thing in the United States to a population register. The study results are very satisfactory, and demonstrate the superiority of probabilistic linkage to exact linkage. We estimate that about 33,000 twin pairs were born in the United States in 1919 and about 19,000 survived to age 17. Since the social security number was not then, at the inception of the program, the universal identifier that it is today, the number of enumerated twin pairs is somewhat less. Nonetheless, over 16,000 twin pairs can be identified by the method of probabilistic linkage. By comparison, only about half as many can be identified by straightforward exact linkage.  相似文献   

Nearly all twin registers are based in developed countries and there is no twin register in the developing world. Our objectives were to initiate the process of establishing a nationwide twin register in Sri Lanka by starting a volunteer register first and working towards a population-based register. Regular newspaper advertisements, feature articles, radio talks, and television programmes were used to publicise a competition for twins, their parents/relatives and friends requesting them to participate by sending in details of twins. The competition ran from 28 March 1997 for a period of 3 months. It offered prizes for three winners selected by drawing lots. Advertisements highlighted the objective of the competition as establishing a twin register for future research and emphasised that informed consent would be obtained for individual research projects. Those who registered comprise 4602 twin pairs (same sex: male--1564, female--1885; different sex--1153), 80 sets of triplets (same sex: male--17, female--31; different sex--42) and two sets of quadruplets (different sex). The oldest twins, triplets, quadruplets are 85, 46, and 5 years old, respectively; 88.0% of twins are less than 30 years old. Although others have previously used media publicity to enrol twins in twin registers, we believe this to be the first time that twins have been enrolled through competition. We have more young twins, and our gender and zygosity proportions after applying Weinburg's rule do not match the proportions expected from a volunteer twin sample. Establishing a twin register for research purposes has proved possible in a developing country.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An increased risk for intrauterine growth restriction in the affected member of like-sex twin pairs discordant for hypospadias has been reported. The purpose of this study was to document patterns of birth weight disparities in like-sex twins discordant for a variety of structural defects in order to determine if this is a general phenomenon seen in twins who are discordant for any malformation, is seen only in pairs discordant for certain specific malformations, or is unique to hypospadias. METHODS: Data were extracted from the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations (ECLAMC). Between 1967 and 1999, all like-sex twin pairs discordant for hypospadias or any other isolated defect that met the criteria of at least 5 discordant pairs for which birth weight was available on both twins were selected. All nonmalformed like-sex twin pairs in the ECLAMC data base collected over the same study years were selected as controls. RESULTS: A total of 216 discordant malformed like-sex twin pairs in 13 defect categories and 328 nonmalformed like-sex twin pairs met the criteria for inclusion. The proportion of affected infants who were > or =20% smaller than their co-twin was statistically significantly different from controls for hypospadias, heart defects, anencephaly, and esophageal atresia. CONCLUSIONS: Intrauterine growth restriction seen in the affected member of like-sex twin pairs discordant for hypospadias is not unique, but occurs as well in at least 3 additional structural malformations.  相似文献   

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health in Oslo has an ongoing program of twin research using population-based cohorts of twins. The current database includes information on twins identified through the Medical Birth Registry of Norway and born from 1967-1979, altogether 15,370 twins. This is a longitudinal study with a cohort sequential design whereby new cohorts are recruited into the study at 5-6 year intervals. Sub-samples of these twins have participated in questionnaire studies and clinical assessment sub-projects. These projects include national and international collaborations. Our primary areas of interest include mental health and psychological well-being, obesity, asthma and allergies, health behaviors and health perceptions, comorbidity, and perinatal influences on health outcomes. This paper provides a brief overview of the data, sample, and the various research projects associated with this twin program of research.  相似文献   

Identifying twins for a population-based register can be achieved through birth records or community surveys. We studied the feasibility and effectiveness of different methods of identifying and recruiting twins to establish a population based register. To trace twins a population survey was carried out using an interviewer administered questionnaire. We also inspected the birth registration certificates at a divisional secretariat reported from a specified hospital between the years of 1985-1997 and compared it to the birth register of this same hospital. To recruit twins a random sample of 75 twin pairs (150 twins) identified at the Divisional Secretariat were contacted through the post and 25 twin pairs (50 twins) were personally visited. The prevalence of twins was 6.5 twins per 1000 people in the area surveyed. The twinning rate at the hospital was 18.92 twins per 1000 births. A discrepancy of 38 multiples births between the hospital labour room records and those registered at the DS was noted. The response from the postal invitation for recruitment was 59% and the response from the personal invitation was 68%. (Difference 9.4% 95% CI; 7.06-11.73). Community survey and systematic inspection of birth records either at the hospital or the birth registration office was an effective method to trace twins. Once traced, personal contact was more effective than the postal invitation for recruitment of younger twins. A cost-effective approach would be to use a postal coverage followed by personal contact for non-responders. The alternative method, community coverage, would have financial implications.  相似文献   

The Mid-Atlantic Twin Registry (MATR) is a population-based registry of twin pairs ascertained from birth records and school system records of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The MATR was formed in 1997 with the merging of the Virginia and North Carolina Twin Registries, and it expanded to include South Carolina when access to twin birth records in that state was granted in 1998. Registered twins ("participants") number more than 51,000, with approximately 46,000 of these individuals representing complete pairs. Roughly two-thirds of MATR participants are over age 18, with a mean age of approximately 35 years. These participants have primarily been drawn from the more than 170,000 identical and fraternal twin pairs born in the three states between 1913 and 2000. Twins and their family members have participated in numerous research projects, ranging from general health surveys to studies on specific health topics such as cardiovascular disease; depression and anxiety; seizures; behavioral development; pregnancy complications; conduct disorder; drug use, abuse, and dependence; cleft lip/palate; obesity; and chronic fatigue syndrome. The MATR has established a privacy policy and strict standard operating procedures to protect the confidentiality of participant data. The MATR considers a limited number of qualified requests per year from investigators interested in recruiting MATR participants into their research studies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sex differences in structural birth defects are often confounded by environmental risk factors. Opposite-sex twins provide a unique model for detecting sex differences in birth defects while maximally controlling environmental risk factors in a natural setting. METHODS: Population data from the Florida Birth Defects Registry were analyzed. A total of 4,768 pairs of twins who were discordant for sex and born between 1996 and 2001 were analyzed. The McNemar test was used to compare the differences between a male twin and his twin sister for the risk of developing specific defects and organ-system defects. RESULTS: Of 4,768 twin pairs, 225 males (4.72%) and 175 females (3.67%) had birth defects. Among opposite-sex twin pairs, males had a 29% higher risk for birth defects than their twin sisters. Compared to their twin sisters, males had a 5.4 times higher risk for pyloric stenosis and a 2.4 times higher risk for obstructive genitourinary defect, but only one-tenth the risk for congenital hip dislocation. CONCLUSIONS: Sex differences in birth defects exist between opposite-sex twins.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that dizygotic twin pairs share two HLA haplotypes more often than ordinary siblings and thus might be genetically more alike. We tested this hypothesis in dizygotic twin pairs from the Danish Twin Registry. A total of 114 (60 female and 54 male) same-sexed healthy twin pairs aged 18-45 years participated. Dizygosity was established by means of DNA sequencing of nine polymorphic markers. HLA-A, B and Cw specificities were typed with serology, and if data were inconclusive, with DNA typing. If twin partners had the same HLA-types, they were assumed to share two haplotypes. If they had 1 HLA A, B and C antigen group in common they were assumed to share one haplotype and if they had no HLA types in common they were assumed to share zero haplotypes. Since HLA-types from parents were unavailable we could not test for identity-by-descent and thus had a risk of overestimating the number of twins sharing two haplotypes. A Chi-square test was used to compare observed numbers in each haplotype sharing group with the expected numbers. Twenty-nine (expected 28.5) twin pairs had two HLA-types in common, 52 (expected 57) had one HLA-type in common and 33 (expected 28.5) had zero HLA-types in common, p = 0.56. Our data show that DZ twins are not more similar than sibs from different pregnancies in general.  相似文献   

D A Leon 《Twin research》2001,4(5):321-326
Twin studies have a contribution to make to the debate concerning the foetal origins of adult disease. Twins are growth retarded compared to singletons and experience post-natal catch-up growth. However, there is no evidence that twins are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Studying whether discordance in size at birth within monozygotic twin pairs is predictive of discordance in later life disease should help resolve whether the association between size at birth and later disease is due to common genetic factors. Results from studies of blood pressure in childhood and adult life looking at these within twin effects are far from conclusive. There are, however, methodological problems in the interpretation of these results, not least of which is the relatively small numbers of twin pairs studied. Studies exploring the effect of zygosity and chorion type on later disease provide may provide a useful extension of the research agenda. In summary, twin studies to date have raised more questions about the foetal origins hypothesis than they have resolved.  相似文献   

Twin studies typically indicate shared environmental influence for cognitive abilities, especially in early childhood. However, across studies, DZ twin correlations tend to be greater than non-twin sibling correlations, suggesting that twin estimates of shared environment are to some extent specific to twins. We tested this hypothesis in a sample of more than 1800 MZ and 1800 same-sex DZ pairs from the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS), a study of twins born in England and Wales in 1994 and 1995. For this analysis, we obtained comparable data from more than 130 same-sex younger siblings of the twins. Twins and their younger siblings were assessed for language, cognitive abilities and behavior problems by their parents at 2 and 3 years of age. For language and cognitive measures at both 2 and 3 years, but not for behavior problems, estimates of shared environment were more than twice as large for twins as compared to non-twin siblings. We conclude that about half of twin study estimates of shared environment for cognitive abilities in early childhood are specific to twins. Although many possibilities exist for explaining the special shared environment effect for twins, we suggest that cognitive-relevant experiences that are not shared by siblings are shared by twins because they are exactly the same age.  相似文献   

Female twin pairs were identified from birth records, and their families invited to participate in a prospective study of the determinants of alcohol problems in women. We investigated sampling biases arising because of failure to locate families, or non-cooperation of families. Out of 2644 families with a live-born pair (born between July 1975 and December 1986) who survived beyond infancy, contact was established and a brief screening interview completed with 90% (N = 2380). Fewer than 6% of located families declined to participate in the initial screening interview. Predictors of failure to locate a family or to obtain a screening interview were identified from information recorded in birth records, and from neighborhood characteristics identified from 1990 US Census block group data for the family residence when the twins were born. African-American families were under-represented in the final sample, but this effect was barely significant when other variables were controlled for. Under-represented were families where the mother was 19 or younger at the birth of the twins, where the mother herself was born out-of-state, or where information about biological father was not reported in the birth record. Non-participating families on average came from neighborhoods with a higher proportion of residents living in poverty, and with a higher proportion of African-American residents. Sampling biases were however small. The unusual cooperativeness in research of families with twins persists.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine whether twins born second are at increased risk of perinatal death because of complications during labour and delivery.DesignRetrospective cohort study.SettingScotland, 1992 and 1997.ParticipantsAll twin births at or after 24 weeks'' gestation, excluding twin pairs in which either twin died before labour or delivery or died during or after labour and delivery because of congenital abnormality, non-immune hydrops, or twin to twin transfusion syndrome.ResultsOverall, delivery related perinatal deaths were recorded for 23 first twins only and 23 second twins only of 1438 twin pairs born before 36 weeks (preterm) by means other than planned caesarean section (P>0.99). No deaths of first twins and nine deaths of second twins (P=0.004) were recorded among the 2436 twin pairs born at or after 36 weeks (term). Discordance between first and second twins differed significantly in preterm and term births (P=0.007). Seven of nine deaths of second twins at term were due to anoxia during the birth (2.9 (95% confidence interval 1.2 to 5.9) per 1000); five of these deaths were associated with mechanical problems with the second delivery following vaginal delivery of the first twin. No deaths were recorded among 454 second twins delivered at term by planned caesarean section.ConclusionsSecond twins born at term are at higher risk than first twins of death due to complications of delivery. Previous studies may not have shown an increased risk because of inadequate categorisation of deaths, lack of statistical power, inappropriate analyses, and pooling of data about preterm births and term births.

What is already known on this topic

It is difficult to assess the wellbeing of second twins during labourDeliveries of second twins are at increased risk of mechanical problems, such as cord prolapse and malpresentation, after vaginal delivery of first twinsIncreased risks of perinatal death in second twins have not been shown, but the methods of these studies were flawed

What this study adds

Second twins delivered at term are at increased risk of delivery related perinatal deathsIntrapartum anoxia caused 75% of these deaths in second twins, and most of these resulted from mechanical problems after vaginal delivery of first twinsPlanned caesarean section of twins at term may prevent perinatal deaths  相似文献   

This paper describes the creation of a unique maternal identifier for use in the investigation of perinatal, postneonatal and child outcomes in relation to maternal characteristics. All Midwives' records of Western Australian (WA) births were routinely linked to registrations of births and deaths for infants born from 1980 to 1992 inclusive, then linked to WA hospital discharge data and to registries of birth defects and cerebral palsy to create a longitudinal health record for each infant. However, since each birth to a woman was recorded as a separate event, there was no way to identify siblings. Probabilistic record linkage, based on information about the mother, was used for this task. Logical inconsistencies within the data were used to test the validity of the linkages between birth records attributed to each mother. Information about the mother from other epidemiological studies and data abstracted from hospital case notes was also used to validate sibships. Linkage of the records of 310,255 births in WA during that period resulted in the formation of 181,133 sibships of one or more children. Pooling the results of all of the validation methods gave an error of 0.9%. Linkage identified 3678 sibships containing multiple births, and 305 sets of maternal twins. Ascertainment of twins and their siblings for an ongoing twin register, the WA Twin Child Health (WATCH) study, was a natural consequence of this process.  相似文献   

For a large sample of twin pairs from the Netherlands Twins Register who were recruited at birth and followed through childhood, we obtained parental ratings of Anxious/Depression (A/D). Maternal ratings were obtained at ages 3 years (for 9025 twin pairs), 5 years (9222 pairs), 7 years (7331 pairs), 10 years (4430 pairs) and 12 years (2363 pairs). For 60-90% of the pairs, father ratings were also available. Multivariate genetic models were used to test for rater-independent and rater-specific assessments of A/D and to determine the genetic and environmental influences on individual differences in A/D at different ages. At all ages, monozygotic twins resembled each other more closely for A/D than dizygotic twins, implying genetic influences on variation in A/D. Opposite sex twin pairs resembled each other to same extent as same-sex dizygotic twins, suggesting that the same genes are expressed in boys and girls. Heritability estimates for rater-independent A/D were high in 3-year olds (76%) and decreased in size as children grew up [60% at age 5, 67% at age 7, 53% at age 10 (60% in boys) and 48% at age 12 years]. The decrease in genetic influences was accompanied by an increase in the influence of the shared family environment [absent at ages 3 and 7, 16% at age 5, 20% at age 10 (5% in boys) and 18% at age 12 years]. The agreement between parental A/D ratings was between 0.5 and 0.7, with somewhat higher correlations for the youngest group. Disagreement in ratings between the parents was not merely the result of unreliability or rater bias. Both the parents provided unique information from their own perspective on the behavior of their children. Significant influences of genetic and shared environmental factors were found for the unique parental views. At all ages, the contribution of shared environmental factors to variation in rater-specific views was higher for father ratings. Also, at all ages except age 12, the heritability estimates for the rater-specific phenotype were higher for mother ratings (59% at age 3 and decreasing to 27% at age 12 years) than for father ratings (between 14 and 29%). Differences between children, even as young as 3 years, in A/D are to a large extent due to genetic differences. As children grow up, the variation in A/D is due in equal parts to genetic and environmental influences. Anxious/Depression, unlike many other common childhood psychopathologies, is influenced by the shared family environment. These findings may provide support for why certain family therapeutic approaches are effective in the A/D spectrum of illnesses.  相似文献   

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