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The biosynthetic mta gene cluster responsible for myxothiazol formation from the fruiting body forming myxobacterium Stigmatella aurantiaca DW4/3-1 was sequenced and analyzed. Myxothiazol, an inhibitor of the electron transport via the bc(1)-complex of the respiratory chain, is biosynthesized by a unique combination of several polyketide synthases (PKS) and nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPS), which are activated by the 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase MtaA. Genomic replacement of a fragment of mtaB and insertion of a kanamycin resistance gene into mtaA both impaired myxothiazol synthesis. Genes mtaC and mtaD encode the enzymes for bis-thiazol(ine) formation and chain extension on one pure NRPS (MtaC) and on a unique combination of PKS and NRPS (MtaD). The genes mtaE and mtaF encode PKSs including peptide fragments with homology to methyltransferases. These methyltransferase modules are assumed to be necessary for the formation of the proposed methoxy- and beta-methoxy-acrylate intermediates of myxothiazol biosynthesis. The last gene of the cluster, mtaG, again resembles a NRPS and provides insight into the mechanism of the formation of the terminal amide of myxothiazol. The carbon backbone of an amino acid added to the myxothiazol-acid is assumed to be removed via an unprecedented module with homology to monooxygenases within MtaG.  相似文献   

Stigmatella aurantiaca is a prokaryotic organism that undergoes a multicellular cycle of development resulting in the formation of a fruiting body. For analyzing this process, mutants defective in fruiting body formation have been induced by transposon mutagenesis using a Tn5-derived transposon. About 800 bp upstream of the transposon insertion of mutant AP182 which inactivates a gene (fbfB) involved in fruiting, a further gene (fbfA) needed for fruiting body formation was detected. Inactivation of fbfA leads to mutants which form only non-structured clumps instead of the wild-type fruiting body. The mutant phenotype of fbfA mutants can be partially suppressed by mixing the mutant cells with cells of some independent mutants defective in fruiting body formation. The fbfA gene is transcribed after 8 h of development as determined by measuring the induction of beta-galactosidase activity of a fbfA-delta(trp)-lacZ fusion gene and by Northern (RNA) analysis using an insertion encoding a stable mRNA. The predicted polypeptide FbfA shows a homology of about 30% to NodC of rhizobia, an N-acetylglucosamine-transferase which is involved in the synthesis of the sugar backbone of lipo-oligosaccharides. These induce the formation of the root nodules in the Papilionaceae. Besides the predicted molecular mass of 45.5 kDa, the hydropathy profile reveals a structural relationship to the NodC polypeptide.  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在确认链霉菌Streptomyces rubellomurinus ATCC 31215来源芳香聚酮化合物(gombapyrones, GOMs)的生物合成基因簇(biosynthetic gene cluster, BGC),并对其生物合成途径进行推导。【方法】对链霉菌S. rubellomurinus ATCC 31215进行大规模发酵及提取分离,得到GOM-B和GOM-D;以三烷基取代芳香聚酮生物合成途径保守存在的P450单氧化酶的蛋白序列作为探针,在GOMs产生菌S. rubellomurinus基因组中进行BLAST搜索获得潜在的GOMs生物合成基因簇(gom BGC);通过对gom BGC中的聚酮合成酶(polyketide synthase, PKS)结构基因进行同框缺失突变,对突变株发酵产物进行高效液相色谱-质谱(highperformanceliquidchromatography-massspectrometry,HPLC-MS)分析以确认gomBGC与GOMs的产生相关;基于生物信息学分析,推导GOM-B的生物合成途径。【结果】从S. rubell...  相似文献   

The pur6 gene of the puromycin biosynthetic gene (pur) cluster from Streptomyces alboniger is shown to be essential for puromycin biosynthesis. Cell lysates from this mycelial bacterium were active in linking L-tyrosine to both 3'-amino-3'-deoxyadenosine and N6,N6-dimethyl-3'-amino-3'-deoxyadenosine with a peptide-like bond. Identical reactions were performed by cell lysates from Streptomyces lividans or Escherichia coli transformants that expressed pur6 from a variety of plasmid constructs. Physicochemical and biochemical analyses suggested that their products were tridemethyl puromycin and O-demethylpuromycin, respectively. Therefore, it appears that Pur6 is the tyrosinyl-aminonucleoside synthetase of the puromycin biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Mutations in the tcmII-tcmIV region of the Streptomyces glaucescens chromosome block the C-3 and C-8 O-methylations of the polyketide antibiotic tetracenomycin C (Tcm C). The nucleotide sequence of this region reveals the presence of two genes, tcmN and tcmO, whose deduced protein products display similarity to the hydroxyindole O-methyl transferase of the bovine pineal gland, an enzyme that catalyzes a phenolic O-methylation analogous to those required for the biosynthesis of Tcm C. The deduced product of the tcmN gene also has an N-terminal domain that shows similarity to the putative ActVII and WhiE ORFVI proteins of Streptomyces coelicolor. The tcmN N-terminal domain can be separated from the remainder of the tcmN gene product, and when coupled on a plasmid with the Tcm C polyketide synthase genes (tcmKLM), this domain enables high-level production of an early, partially cyclized intermediate of Tcm C in a Tcm C- null mutant or in a heterologous host (Streptomyces lividans). By analogy to fatty acid biosynthesis, the tcmKLM polyketide synthase gene products are probably sufficient to produce the linear decaketide precursor of Tcm C; thus, the tcmN N-terminal domain is most likely responsible for one or more of the early cyclizations and, perhaps, the attendant dehydrations that lead to the partially cyclized intermediate. The tcmN gene therefore appears to encode a multifunctional cyclase-dehydratase-3-O-methyl transferase. The tcmO gene encodes the 8-O-methyl transferase.  相似文献   

Myxobacterial strains producing polyketides (PKs) assumed to be biosynthesized by a type I polyketide synthase (PKS) were analysed. Myxobacteria also produce a variety of polypeptides (PP) and PKs with incorporated amino acids ('mixed PK-PP'). In order to be able to identify the biosynthetic gene clusters for these metabolites a PCR based approach has been developed to clone ketosynthase (KS) domains of PKS genes from these organisms. Conserved regions of peptide synthetases of the non-ribosomal type (NRPS) were also amplified via PCR. KS fragments from Stigmatella aurantiaca Sg a15 were used for chromosomal gene inactivation experiments resulting in a series of mutants including such that were unable to produce stigmatellins and myxalamids. A NRPS fragment and PKS fragments from Sorangium cellulosum So ce90 were used to identify cosmids hybridizing with both types of probes from a genomic library. Both a NRPS and a PKS fragment were cloned and sequenced from a relatively short restriction fragment of one of these cosmids. The method described here should be very useful to clone and identify PKS, NRPS and mixed PKS-NRPS from myxobacteria in general and thereby open opportunities to use the biochemical diversity of these bacteria for genetic engineering and combinatorial biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The pur3 gene of the puromycin (pur) cluster from Streptomyces alboniger is essential for the biosynthesis of this antibiotic. Cell extracts from Streptomyces lividans containing pur3 had monophosphatase activity versus a variety of mononucleotides including 3'-amino-3'-dAMP (3'-N-3'-dAMP), (N6,N6)-dimethyl-3'-amino-3'-dAMP (PAN-5'-P) and AMP. This is in accordance with the high similarity of this protein to inositol monophosphatases from different sources. Pur3 was expressed in Escherichia coli as a recombinant protein and purified to apparent homogeneity. Similar to the intact protein in S. lividans, this recombinant enzyme dephosphorylated a wide variety of substrates for which the lowest Km values were obtained for the putative intermediates of the puromycin biosynthetic pathway 3'-N-3'-dAMP (Km = 1.37 mM) and PAN-5'-P (Km = 1.40 mM). The identification of this activity has allowed the revision of a previous proposal for the puromycin biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

KEULE is required for cytokinesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. We have positionally cloned the KEULE gene and shown that it encodes a Sec1 protein. KEULE is expressed throughout the plant, yet appears enriched in dividing tissues. Cytokinesis-defective mutant sectors were observed in all somatic tissues upon transformation of wild-type plants with a KEULE-green fluorescent protein gene fusion, suggesting that KEULE is required not only during embryogenesis, but at all stages of the plant's life cycle. KEULE is characteristic of a Sec1 protein in that it appears to exist in two forms: soluble or peripherally associated with membranes. More importantly, KEULE binds the cytokinesis-specific syntaxin KNOLLE. Sec1 proteins are key regulators of vesicle trafficking, capable of integrating a large number of intra- and/or intercellular signals. As a cytokinesis-related Sec1 protein, KEULE appears to represent a novel link between cell cycle progression and the membrane fusion apparatus.  相似文献   

In the early Xenopus embryo, the Xiro homeodomain proteins of the Iroquois (Iro) family control the expression of proneural genes and the size of the neural plate. We report that Xiro1 functions as a repressor that is strictly required for neural differentiation, even when the BMP4 pathway is impaired. We also show that Xiro1 and Bmp4 repress each other. Consistently, Xiro1 and Bmp4 have complementary patterns of expression during gastrulation. The expression of Xiro1 requires Wnt signaling. Thus, Xiro1 is probably a mediator of the known downregulation of Bmp4 by Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

Rowland O  Lee R  Franke R  Schreiber L  Kunst L 《FEBS letters》2007,581(18):3538-3544
The cuticle coats the aerial organs of land plants and is composed of a cutin matrix embedded and overlayed with waxes. The Arabidopsis CER3 gene is important for cuticular wax biosynthesis and was reported to correspond to At5g02310 encoding an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Here, we demonstrate that CER3 is not At5g02310 and instead corresponds to WAX2/YRE/FLP1 (At5g57800), a gene of unknown function required for wax biosynthesis. CER3 protein has also been implicated in cutin production because strong cer3 alleles display organ fusions. Leaf cutin analysis of two cer3 alleles did not reveal significant differences in cutin load or composition, indicating that CER3 has no major role in leaf cutin formation.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA that encodes a 142-kDa protein by immunoscreening of a Schizosaccharomyces pombe expression library with a new antibody, mAb8, that reveals spindle poles and equatorial ring-like structures in several organisms. This cDNA encodes a putative protein which we termed Alm (for abnormal long morphology). The protein is predicted to be a coiled-coil protein, containing a central α-helical domain flanked by non-helical terminal domains. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that Alm1 is localized in the medial region of the cell from anaphase to the end of cytokinesis. Cells carrying an alm1::ura4 + disruption are viable and exhibit an elongated morphology. Homozygous alm1::ura4 + diploids sporulated normally but the spores did not germinate. Spores that have inherited the disruption allele from a heterozygous alm1 + / alm1::ura4 + diploid germinated but generated smaller colonies. We propose that Alm1 participates in the structural organization of the medial region in S. pombe. Received: 9 April 1999 / Accepted: 22 October 1999  相似文献   

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