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Polysaccharide analyses of mutants link several of the glycosyltransferases encoded by the 10 CesA genes of Arabidopsis to cellulose synthesis. Features of those mutant phenotypes point to particular genes depositing cellulose predominantly in either primary or secondary walls. We used transformation with antisense constructs to investigate the functions of CesA2 (AthA) and CesA3 (AthB), genes for which reduced synthesis mutants are not yet available. Plants expressing antisense CesA1 (RSW1) provided a comparison with a gene whose mutant phenotype (Rsw1(-)) points mainly to a primary wall role. The antisense phenotypes of CesA1 and CesA3 were closely similar and correlated with reduced expression of the target gene. Reductions in cell length rather than cell number underlay the shorter bolts and stamen filaments. Surprisingly, seedling roots were unaffected in both CesA1 and CesA3 antisense plants. In keeping with the mild phenotype compared with Rsw1(-), reductions in total cellulose levels in antisense CesA1 and CesA3 plants were at the borderline of significance. We conclude that CesA3, like CesA1, is required for deposition of primary wall cellulose. To test whether there were important functional differences between the two, we overexpressed CesA3 in rsw1 but were unable to complement that mutant's defect in CesA1. The function of CesA2 was less obvious, but, consistent with a role in primary wall deposition, the rate of stem elongation was reduced in antisense plants growing rapidly at 31 degrees C.  相似文献   

The increasing focus on plantation forestry as a renewable source of cellulosic biomass has emphasized the need for tools to study the unique biology of woody genera such as Eucalyptus, Populus and Pinus. The domestication of these woody crops is hampered by long generation times, and breeders are now looking to molecular approaches such as marker-assisted breeding and genetic modification to accelerate tree improvement. Much of what is known about genes involved in the growth and development of plants has come from studies of herbaceous models such as Arabidopsis and rice. However, transferring this information to woody plants often proves difficult, especially for genes expressed in woody stems. Here we report the use of induced somatic sector analysis (ISSA) for characterization of promoter expression patterns directly in the stems of Populus and Eucalyptus trees. As a case study, we used previously characterized primary and secondary cell wall-related cellulose synthase (CesA) promoters cloned from Eucalyptus grandis. We show that ISSA can be used to elucidate the phloem and xylem expression patterns of the CesA genes in Eucalyptus and Populus stems and also show that the staining patterns differ in Eucalyptus and Populus stems. These findings show that ISSA is an efficient approach to investigate promoter function in the developmental context of woody plant tissues and raise questions about the suitability of heterologous promoters for genetic manipulation in plant species.  相似文献   

Proper disease control is very important to minimize yield losses caused by oomycetes in many crops. Today, oomycete control is partially achieved by breeding for resistance, but mainly by application of single-site mode of action fungicides including the carboxylic acid amides (CAAs). Despite having mostly specific targets, fungicidal activity can differ even in species belonging to the same phylum but the underlying mechanisms are often poorly understood. In an attempt to elucidate the phylogenetic basis and underlying molecular mechanism of sensitivity and tolerance to CAAs, the cellulose synthase 3 (CesA3) gene was isolated and characterized, encoding the target site of this fungicide class. The CesA3 gene was present in all 25 species included in this study representing the orders Albuginales, Leptomitales, Peronosporales, Pythiales, Rhipidiales and Saprolegniales, and based on phylogenetic analyses, enabled good resolution of all the different taxonomic orders. Sensitivity assays using the CAA fungicide mandipropamid (MPD) demonstrated that only species belonging to the Peronosporales were inhibited by the fungicide. Molecular data provided evidence, that the observed difference in sensitivity to CAAs between Peronosporales and CAA tolerant species is most likely caused by an inherent amino acid configuration at position 1109 in CesA3 possibly affecting fungicide binding. The present study not only succeeded in linking CAA sensitivity of various oomycetes to the inherent CesA3 target site configuration, but could also relate it to the broader phylogenetic context.  相似文献   

Cellulose, a microfibrillar polysaccharide consisting of bundles of beta-1,4-glucan chains, is a major component of plant and most algal cell walls and is also synthesized by some prokaryotes. Seed plants and bacteria differ in the structures of their membrane terminal complexes that make cellulose and, in turn, control the dimensions of the microfibrils produced. They also differ in the domain structures of their CesA gene products (the catalytic subunit of cellulose synthase), which have been localized to terminal complexes and appear to help maintain terminal complex structure. Terminal complex structures in algae range from rosettes (plant-like) to linear forms (bacterium-like). Thus, algal CesA genes may reveal domains that control terminal complex assembly and microfibril structure. The CesA genes from the alga Mesotaenium caldariorum, a member of the order Zygnematales, which have rosette terminal complexes, are remarkably similar to seed plant CesAs, with deduced amino acid sequence identities of up to 59%. In addition to the putative transmembrane helices and the D-D-D-QXXRW motif shared by all known CesA gene products, M. caldariorum and seed plant CesAs share a region conserved among plants, an N-terminal zinc-binding domain, and a variable or class-specific region. This indicates that the domains that characterize seed plant CesAs arose prior to the evolution of land plants and may play a role in maintaining the structures of rosette terminal complexes. The CesA genes identified in M. caldariorum are the first reported for any eukaryotic alga and will provide a basis for analyzing the CesA genes of algae with different types of terminal complexes.  相似文献   

Cellulose is the primary determinant of mechanical strength in plant tissues. Late-season lodging is inversely related to the amount of cellulose in a unit length of the stem. Wheat is the most widely grown of all the crops globally, yet information on its CesA gene family is limited. We have identified 22 CesA genes from bread wheat, which include homoeologs from each of the three genomes, and named them as TaCesAXA, TaCesAXB or TaCesAXD, where X denotes the gene number and the last suffix stands for the respective genome. Sequence analyses of the CESA proteins from wheat and their orthologs from barley, maize, rice, and several dicot species (Arabidopsis, beet, cotton, poplar, potato, rose gum and soybean) revealed motifs unique to monocots (Poales) or dicots. Novel structural motifs CQIC and SVICEXWFA were identified, which distinguished the CESAs involved in the formation of primary and secondary cell wall (PCW and SCW) in all the species. We also identified several new motifs specific to monocots or dicots. The conserved motifs identified in this study possibly play functional roles specific to PCW or SCW formation. The new insights from this study advance our knowledge about the structure, function and evolution of the CesA family in plants in general and wheat in particular. This information will be useful in improving culm strength to reduce lodging or alter wall composition to improve biofuel production.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to manipulate the intracellular pools of sucrose by differentially expressing exogenous sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) and investigating its role in regulating plant growth and fibre development. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi) plants were transformed with an arabidopsis SPS gene under the regulation of the ubiquitously expressed tandem repeat of the 35S cauliflower mosaic virus promoter, and subject to growth trials and fibre characterization. It was apparent that over-expression of SPS resulted in substantially elevated concentrations of sink sucrose pools compared to wild-type plants, while source tissue sucrose pools remained the same. All transformed plants had significantly increased stem height, which was ascribed to internode elongation, and greater stem diameters, longer fibers and increased total dry biomass relative to the control plants. Difference in the chemical composition of either the storage or structural carbohydrates of the wild-type and SPS transgenic lines were only minor. The correlation between increased stem sucrose content and plant phenotypes with elevated SPS gene expression confirm a role for sucrose availability in controlling plant growth and fibre elongation.  相似文献   

Representatives of the CesA multigene family that control the synthesis of the catalytic subunits of the cellulose synthase complex were described for a number of higher plants. It has been established that the HVR2 region of these genes is class-specific and determines the involvement of the gene product in the synthesis of either the primary or secondary cell wall. The purpose of the current research was to develop degenerate and specific primers for parts of the CesA genes to allow the construction of molecular markers for the class-specific HVR2 region. Two pairs of specific primers for the CesA-1 and CesA-6 genes as well as a pair of degenerate primers for the HVR2 region of all flax CesA genes were developed, based on analysis of the CesA ESTs as well as the full-length cDNA sequences of the CesA genes in Arabidopsis, poplar, maize, and cotton that are available in the GenBank. Fragments of the expected size were amplified using flax cDNA as a template (201 bp for CesA-1, 300 bp for CesA-6, and 600 bp for HVR2). The markers developed in this research can be used for CesA gene cloning and sequencing, analysis of gene copy numbers as well as characterization of tissue- and development specific gene expression.  相似文献   

Characterization and comparative analysis of the EGLN gene family   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Taylor MS 《Gene》2001,275(1):125-132
Rat Sm-20 is a homologue of the Caenorhabditis elegans gene egl-9 and has been implicated in the regulation of growth, differentiation and apoptosis in muscle and nerve cells. Null mutants in egl-9 result in a complete tolerance to an otherwise lethal toxin produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This study describes the conserved Egl-Nine (EGLN) gene family of which rat SM-20 and C. elegans Egl-9 are members and characterizes the mouse and human homologues. Each of the human genes (EGLN1, EGLN2 and EGLN3) are of a conserved genomic structure consisting of five coding exons. Phylogenetic analysis and domain organization show that EGLN1 represents the ancestral form of the gene family and that EGLN3 is the human orthologue of rat Sm-20. The previously observed mitochondrial targeting of rat SM-20 is unlikely to be a general feature of the protein family and may be a feature specific to rats. An EGLN gene is unexpectedly found in the genome of P. aeruginosa, a bacterium known to produce a toxin that acts through the Egl-9 protein. The pathogenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae is also shown to have an EGLN gene suggesting that it is an important pathogenicity factor. These results provide new insights into host-pathogen interactions and a basis for further functional characterization of the gene family and resolve discrepancies in annotation between gene family members.  相似文献   

Terpenoid metabolism plays vital roles in stress defense and the environmental adaptation of monocot crops. Here, we describe the identification of the terpene synthase (TPS) gene family of the panicoid food and bioenergy model crop foxtail millet (Setaria italica). The diploid S. italica genome contains 32 TPS genes, 17 of which were biochemically characterized in this study. Unlike other thus far investigated grasses, S. italica contains TPSs producing all three ent‐, (+)‐ and syn‐copalyl pyrophosphate stereoisomers that naturally occur as central building blocks in the biosynthesis of distinct monocot diterpenoids. Conversion of these intermediates by the promiscuous TPS SiTPS8 yielded different diterpenoid scaffolds. Additionally, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (CYP99A17), which genomically clustered with SiTPS8, catalyzes the C19 hydroxylation of SiTPS8 products to generate the corresponding diterpene alcohols. The presence of syntenic orthologs to about 19% of the S. italica TPSs in related grasses supports a common ancestry of selected pathway branches. Among the identified enzyme products, abietadien‐19‐ol, syn‐pimara‐7,15‐dien‐19‐ol and germacrene‐d ‐4‐ol were detectable in planta, and gene expression analysis of the biosynthetic TPSs showed distinct and, albeit moderately, inducible expression patterns in response to biotic and abiotic stress. In vitro growth‐inhibiting activity of abietadien‐19‐ol and syn‐pimara‐7,15‐dien‐19‐ol against Fusarium verticillioides and Fusarium subglutinans may indicate pathogen defensive functions, whereas the low antifungal efficacy of tested sesquiterpenoids supports other bioactivities. Together, these findings expand the known chemical space of monocot terpenoid metabolism to enable further investigations of terpenoid‐mediated stress resilience in these agriculturally important species.  相似文献   

A second cellulose synthase gene (acsAII) coding for a 175-kDa polypeptide that is similar in size and sequence to the acsAB gene product has been identified in Acetobacter xylinum AY201. Evidence for the presence of this gene was obtained during analysis of A. xylinum mutants in which the acsAB gene was disrupted (I.M. Saxena, K. Kudlicka, K. Okuda, and R.M. Brown, Jr., J. Bacteriol. 176:5735-5752, 1994). Although these mutants produced no detectable cellulose, they exhibited significant cellulose synthase activity in vitro. The acsAII gene was isolated by using an acsAB gene fragment as a probe. The acsAII gene coded for cellulose synthase activity as determined from sequence analysis and study of mutants in which this gene was disrupted. A mutant in which only the acsAII gene was disrupted showed no significant differences in either the in vivo cellulose production or the in vitro cellulose synthase activity compared with wild-type cells. Mutants in which both the acsAII and acsAB genes were disrupted produced no cellulose in vivo and exhibited negligible cellulose synthase activity in vitro, thus confirming that the cellulose synthase activity observed in the acsAB mutants was coded by the acsAII gene. These results establish the presence of an additional gene for cellulose synthase expressed in cells of A. xylinum, yet this gene is not required for cellulose production when cells are grown under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

CesA1 and CesA3 are thought to occupy noninterchangeable sites in the cellulose synthase making primary wall cellulose in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana L. Heynh). With domain swaps and deletions, we show that sites C terminal to transmembrane domain 2 give CesAs access to their individual sites and, from dominance and recessive behavior, deduce that certain CesA alleles exclude others from accessing each site. Constructs that swapped or deleted N-terminal domains were stably transformed into the wild type and into the temperature-sensitive mutants rsw1 (Ala-549Val in CesA1) and rsw5 (Pro-1056Ser in CesA3). Dominant-positive behavior was assayed as root elongation at the restrictive temperature and dominant-negative effects were observed at the permissive temperature. A protein with the catalytic and C-terminal domains of CesA1 and the N-terminal domain of CesA3 promoted growth only in rsw1 consistent with it accessing the CesA1 site even though it contained the CesA3 N-terminal domain. A protein having the CesA3 catalytic and C-terminal domains linked to the CesA1 N-terminal domain dramatically affected growth, but only in the CesA3 mutant. This is consistent with the operation of the same access rule taking this chimeric protein to the CesA3 site. In this case, however, the transgene behaved as a genotype-specific dominant negative, causing a 60% death rate in rsw5, but giving no visible phenotype in wild type or rsw1. We therefore hypothesize that possession of CesA3(WT) protects Columbia and rsw1 from the lethal effects of this chimeric protein, whereas the mutant protein (CesA3(rsw5)) does not.  相似文献   

There is currently a shortage of DNA regions known to be useful for phylogenetic research in palms (Arecaceae). We report the development and use of primers for amplifying and sequencing regions of the nuclear gene malate synthase. In palms the gene appears to be single-copy, with exon regions that are phylogenetically informative within the family. We constructed a phylogeny of 45 palms and five outgroup taxa using 428 bp of malate synthase exon regions. We found that some major clades within the family were recovered, but there was a lack of resolution among the genera in subfamilies Arecoideae, Ceroxyloideae, Coryphoideae, and Phytelephantoideae. In a second analysis, malate synthase exon regions totaling 1002 bp were sequenced for 16 palms and two outgroup taxa. There was increased bootstrap support for some groups and for the placement of the monotypic genus Nypa as sister to the rest of the family. A comparison with data sets from noncoding regions of the chloroplast genome indicates that malate synthase sequences are more variable and potentially contain more phylogenetic information. We found no evidence of multiple copies of the malate synthase gene in palm genomes.  相似文献   

The uroporphyrinogen III synthase (UROS) enzyme (also known as hydroxymethylbilane hydrolyase) catalyzes the cyclization of hydroxymethylbilane to uroporphyrinogen III during heme biosynthesis. A deficiency of this enzyme is associated with the very rare Gunther''s disease or congenital erythropoietic porphyria, an autosomal recessive inborn error of metabolism. The current study investigated the possible role of UROS (Homo sapiens [EC:; 265 aa; 1371 bp mRNA; Entrez Pubmed ref NP_000366.1, NM_000375.2]) in evolution by studying the phylogenetic relationship and divergence of this gene using computational methods. The UROS protein sequences from various taxa were retrieved from GenBank database and were compared using Clustal-W (multiple sequence alignment) with defaults and a first-pass phylogenetic tree was built using neighbor-joining method as in DELTA BLAST 2.2.27+ version. A total of 163 BLAST hits were found for the uroporphyrinogen III synthase query sequence and these hits showed putative conserved domain, HemD superfamily (as on 14th Nov 2012). We then narrowed down the search by manually deleting the proteins which were not UROS sequences and sequences belonging to phyla other than Chordata were deleted. A repeat phylogenetic analysis of 39 taxa was performed using PhyML and TreeDyn software to confirm that UROS is a highly conserved protein with approximately 85% conserved sequences in almost all chordate taxons emphasizing its importance in heme synthesis.  相似文献   

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