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Abstract Biological assessment of water quality in Australia is entering a stage of rapid development largely because of the inclusion of biological indicators in water quality guidelines and growing concern for ecological values. Approaches to water quality assessment include toxicity testing, use of biomarkers and several methods using community structure. For assessment diverse organisms such as fish, algae and (the most commonly used) macro-invertebrates are used. Interaction of data analysis with methods of data collection requires co-ordinated research on both fronts. Recent developments in the use of multivariate statistics to produce models for predicting water quality are likely to be useful in Australia. Much innovative work is still needed in Australia on the use of algae and fish, defining tolerance categories and establishing monitoring programmes performed in time-frames equivalent to those in use for physical and chemical methods.  相似文献   

Fish-related consumption advisories have emerged based on the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3 FA) intake and risks of Hg exposure from marine fish. However, only a few were based from freshwater fish. We integrated omega-3 FA and Hg data available from commonly eaten freshwater fish in China to provide a new perspective on consumption of these fish and also created a guide on the cost of basic omega-3 FA intake of 1750 mg/week. Results show that freshwater fish exhibited low omega-3 FA and Hg levels. The Hg bioaccumulation of functional feeding groups was significantly different (p <.05). Carnivorous species indicated relatively high Hg levels, whereas planktivorous fish species showed high omega-3 FA levels and extremely low costs for basic omega-3 FA intake. Results indicate that an advisory regarding reasonable fish consumption is necessary to maximize omega-3 FA and to minimize Hg exposure risks to fish consumers. This study provides temporary advisories and guide research for the creation of a proper dietary pattern. The advisory could reduce confusion and enforce benefit and risk communication for freshwater fish consumers. However, additional biomonitoring data in fish are needed to create more appropriate and specific freshwater fish consumption guidelines for the public.  相似文献   

The water quality needs of groundwater ecosystems are rarely considered. It is currently assumed that water quality guidelines for surface waters will also protect groundwater ecosystems and their fauna, but this assumption has not been tested. The aim of this study is to determine whether water quality guidelines specifically for groundwater ecosystems are needed and to provide a preliminary risk assessment for groundwater ecosystems in Australia. In the absence of sufficient toxicity data for true groundwater fauna, 48–96 h LC50 data for groundwater-dwelling invertebrate orders (e.g., Crustacea, Rotifera) are used as a surrogate and were compared, using Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD) curves, to a full suite of surface taxa (including fish, insects, and algae). SSD curves were derived for a range of pesticides previously detected in Australian groundwaters and were fitted using the Burr Type III distribution. Significant differences in the sensitivities of surface and groundwater taxa to Atrazine and Chlorpyrifos were detected, indicating surface water quality guidelines are not always suitable to protect or best manage groundwater ecosystems. Water quality guideline values derived from the SSDs highlighted a significant threat of contamination to groundwater ecosystems from agricultural chemicals. Clearly water quality guidelines specifically for groundwater ecosystems are needed.  相似文献   

Epizootic outbreaks of fish diseases are increasingly common as a result of intensive aquaculture, fish farming and sea ranching. Very few drugs are available for treatment or prophylaxis against fish diseases, and development of such compounds is inhibited by different national regulations governing the use of chemicals in fish for human or animal consumption. Alternative approaches are urgently needed. But although the taxonomy and biology of fish parasites have been extensively studied, relatively little is known about protective immunity in fish and the effects of parasites on the piscine immune system. In this article, Patrick Woo discusses the immune responses of fish to parasitic protozoa, showing that vaccination is a viable control strategy, and stressing the need for a coordinated global research programme on fish diseases.  相似文献   

Training is a fundamental part of all scientific and technical disciplines. This is particularly true for all types of surgeons. For surgical procedures, a number of skills are necessary to reduce mistakes. Trainees must learn an extensive yet standardized set of problem-solving and technical skills to handle challenges as they arise. There are currently no guidelines or consistent training methods for those intending to implant electronic tags in fish; this is surprising, considering documented cases of negative consequences of fish surgeries and information from studies having empirically tested fish surgical techniques. Learning how to do fish surgery once is insufficient for ensuring the maintenance or improvement of surgical skill. Assessment of surgical skills is rarely incorporated into training, and is needed. Evaluation provides useful feedback that guides future learning, fosters habits of self-reflection and self-remediation, and promotes access to advanced training. Veterinary professionals should be involved in aspects of training to monitor basic surgical principles. We identified attributes related to knowledge, understanding, and skill that surgeons must demonstrate prior to performing fish surgery including a “hands-on” assessment using live fish. Included is a summary of common problems encountered by fish surgeons. We conclude by presenting core competencies that should be required as well as outlining a 3-day curriculum for training surgeons to conduct intracoelomic implantation of electronic tags. This curriculum could be offered through professional fisheries societies as professional development courses.  相似文献   

The response of large river systems to human development isoften hard to predict. The spatial scale of these systems makes themdifficult to study and their ecology (particularly in the case of largenorthern rivers) is often poorly understood. To provide an ecologicalassessment of three large river basins in northern Canada, the NorthernRiver Basins Study (NRBS) undertook a multi-disciplinary approach toassess environmental and socio-economic impacts of development. Resultspresented here focus on key findings relating to studies of fish healthwithin the basins. It was known at the outset of the NRBS that dioxins,furans and other organic contaminants would be present in the system.However, NRBS research indicated low levels of environmentalcontamination, particularly compared to other systems in Canada andelsewhere in the world. In addition, contaminant loads in fish generallyconform to Canadian guidelines for both aquatic and human health;although, levels of dioxins, furans, PCBs and mercury in biota didexceed guidelines at certain times and in certain locations. The weightof evidence indicates that many of the fish in these basins exhibitsigns of physiological stress. Of particular concern was the findingthat sex hormone levels in burbot and longnose sucker collected fromnear-field pulp-mill locations were significantly depressed, and thatnumbers of immature fish in these same locations were unexpectedly highand more likely to show external abnormalities. In addition, there is aperception that fish in the lower reaches of the Peace-Athabasca basinsand in the deltas are of lower quality. Studies of fish health have beenintegrated with other technical studies in a cumulative effectassessment and will provide a basis for future research and managementdecisions within these basins.  相似文献   

在遗传学及其他生命科学研究领域, 实验用鱼已成为一类应用越来越广的实验动物, 但是尚缺少标准化的质量控制标准和监管。在我国, 实验动物实行严格的许可证制度和质量监督制度。实验用鱼遗传质量控制标准是实验用鱼质量控制的基础。为了规范实验用鱼的遗传质量, 避免实验用鱼种质退化、遗传漂移, 导致实验结果误差, 开展了本标准的研究。依据《实验动物管理条例》, 参考国内外实验用鱼遗传学相关的研究成果, 结合我国实验用鱼生产和使用的实际情况, 在全面收集、分析实验数据和广泛征询专家意见的基础上, 以实验用斑马鱼和剑尾鱼遗传质量控制为规范对象, 研究制定了实验用鱼遗传质量控制标准, 供科研工作者参考、讨论。本标准对实验用斑马鱼和剑尾鱼的遗传分类及命名原则、实验用鱼的繁殖方法、近交系和封闭群的遗传质量监测进行了规范。新标准将为实验用鱼的使用和管理提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

The severity classification of procedures using animals is an important tool to help focus the implementation of refinement and to assist in reporting the application of the 3Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement). The recently revised Directive that regulates animal research and testing within the European Union requires Member States to ensure that all procedures are classified as 'non-recovery', 'mild', 'moderate' or 'severe', using assignment criteria set out by the European Commission (EC). However, these are focused upon terrestrial species, so are of limited relevance to fish users. A Working Group set up by the Norwegian Consensus-Platform for the 3Rs (Norecopa) has produced guidance on the classification of severity in scientific procedures involving fish, including examples of 'subthreshold', 'mild', 'moderate', 'severe' and 'upper threshold' procedures. The aims are to complement the EC guidelines and help to ensure that suffering in fish is effectively predicted and minimized. Norecopa has established a website (www.norecopa.no/categories) where more information on severity classification for procedures using fish, including field research, will be made available.  相似文献   

The principles of modern aquaculture encourage the development of fish feeds containing low fish meal content and several types of plant ingredients plus nutrients to avoid depleting global fish stocks and to reduce costs. However, food constituents can affect animal nutrition and feeding behavior, so the effect of different diets on fish behavior and growth needs to be understood to optimize the use of nutrients and to improve fish welfare. The development of multiple-choice self-feeding systems led to a new perspective for investigating these issues in aquaculture species. Our purpose with this review is to summarize the information that has been published to date on this topic and to identify gaps in knowledge where research is needed. Key subjects are assessed under the following major headings: How do we study dietary selection in fish? What food signals do fish use to choose the right diet? and How do fish respond to food challenges? The present review will provide a picture of the main results obtained to date in these studies in aquaculture fish species, as well as perspectives for future research in the field.  相似文献   

Catch-and-release recreational angling has become very popular as a conservation strategy and as a fisheries management tool for a diverse array of fishes. Implicit in catch-and-release angling strategies is the assumption that fish experience low mortality and minimal sub-lethal effects. Despite the importance of this premise, research on this topic has focused on several popular North American sportfish, with negligible efforts directed towards understanding catch-and-release angling effects on alternative fish species. Here, we summarise the existing literature to develop five general trends that could be adopted for species for which no data are currently available: (1) minimise angling duration, (2) minimise air exposure, (3) avoid angling during extremes in water temperature, (4) use barbless hooks and artificial lures/flies, and (5) refrain from angling fish during the reproductive period. These generalities provide some level of protection to all species, but do have limitations. Therefore, we argue that a goal of conservation science and fisheries management should be the creation of species-specific guidelines for catch-and-release. These guidelines would take into account the inter-specific diversity of fishes and variation in fishing techniques. As recreational angling continues to grow in popularity, expanding to many developing countries, and targeting alternative species, it is important that reasonable data appropriate for specific fish and fisheries are available. The sustainable use and conservation of recreational fishery resources will depend upon the development and dissemination of effective catch-and-release angling strategies based upon sound science to stakeholders around the world.  相似文献   

A survey of ethics committees in district health authorities was carried out to find out the size and make up of committees and what information and guidance they offered to scientists who apply to do research. A sample (n = 28) of committees in England (n = 190), half from teaching districts and half from non-teaching districts, was contacted by post requesting this information. A high degree of diversity was found, not only in the methods that committees used but also in the ethical criteria each considered to be pertinent for research. It was also shown that published guidelines have made little impact. It is suggested that issuing more guidelines will be of limited use. Rather, the following are needed: information about why guidelines have been widely ignored, better communication between committees, some form of education for committee members, and a formal register of committees compiled.  相似文献   

Fish represent the most diverse group of animals in the vertebrate phylum. The more than 25,000 species are characterized by an array of anatomical, biochemical, physiological, and behavioral repertoires. For this reason, it is difficult to develop a comprehensive guideline on the care and use of fishes. Institutional animal care and use committees (IACUCs) meet the challenge of ensuring adequate fish welfare using guidelines (Animal Welfare Act [AWA] and Public Health Service [PHS] Policy and their guides) derived mainly from the care and use of mammalian species, which may not be optimal for regulating fish research, teaching, or extension activities. Discussion focuses on various issues that often confront IACUCs in meeting regulatory requirements while assuring proper fish welfare. Issues include questions concerning animal tracking and inventory, utilization of fisheries bycatch, facility inspections in remote locations, and euthanasia. Common sense solutions appropriate for field and laboratory fish activities are suggested, which should help investigators, IACUCs, and regulatory agencies meet PHS and AWA objectives.  相似文献   

Summary The impact of water diversion on fish populations is a global issue. Many countries have invested substantial funding into research and implementation strategies to ensure fish are protected at diversions that take water out of rivers for agriculture and other human uses. The most common management action is the installation of fish screens, and a wide range of designs are presently available that suit a large range of diversions. The Murray–Darling Basin is the largest catchment in Australia and has been substantially developed over the past 100 years to store and divert water for that protect fish from escaping into the irrigation systems. Recent studies have determined that water diversions have substantial impacts on native fish populations, but there are presently no coordinated efforts for mitigation strategies. The purpose of this review is to highlight aspects of successful screening programmes worldwide and identify those that could be directly applied to the Murray–Darling Basin. The development of similar programmes in the United States, New Zealand and the United Kingdom has identified that sufficient information and technology exists to inform the development of fish screening programmes. There is no need to commence implementation from first principles, and substantial progress can be achieved by applying successful aspects of other programmes. By identifying existing designs, defining ecological targets, developing generalised guidelines appropriate for local conditions and engaging the community, a co‐ordinated and successful fish screening programme could be directly applied to the Murray–Darling Basin. This would have substantial benefits for the long‐term sustainability of native fish without compromising water supply requirements.  相似文献   

The leucocytes of fish: A review   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The data available in the literature concerning fish thrombocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages and granulocytes is discussed and the dearth of reliable information concerning the functional identity of most fish leucocytes is underlined. The methods of applying nomenclatures to fish leucocytes encountered in the literature is discussed in some detail and found to be unsatisfactory. An attempt is made to simplify the confused and conflicting reports by applying the concepts which have recently arisen in the field of mammalian immunology. Nomenclatures are assigned to cells on a functional and morphological basis where sufficient data exists.
Thrombocytes are responsible for clot formation and are considered to be distinct, separate and unrelated to lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are recognised as immuno-competent cells though as yet little information exists on their role in immune mechanisms. Recent work is furnishing interesting results in this direction, especially in the origin of lymphocyte populations and their co-operative responses in immunity. Previous references to monocytes and macrophages in fish are confused and the literature is discussed in the light of the new classification of the Mononuclear Phagocyte System.
Very few experimental data exist concerning granulocytic leucocytes in fish, indeed the presence of such cells with granulocytic functions still requires proof. Cells with morphological similarity to mammalian granulocytes do exist in fish but information essential for an understanding of their role in defence mechanisms is lacking. The state of the literature concerning the eosinophil, basophil and mast cell in fish is so confused that an entirely new approach to a study of these cells is warranted. It is hoped that this review will supply guidelines for future research.  相似文献   

A major challenge for agriculture is management of insect resistance to toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) produced by transgenic crops. Here we describe how a large-scale program is being developed in Arizona for management of resistance to Bt cotton in the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), and other insect pests of cotton. Financial support from growers makes this program possible. Collaboration between the Arizona Cotton Research and Protection Council, the University of Arizona, and government agencies has led to development of resistance management guidelines, a remedial action plan, and tools for monitoring compliance with the proposed guidelines. Direct participation in development of resistance management policies is a strong incentive for growers to invest in resistance management research. However, more research, regularly updated regulations, and increased collaboration between stakeholders are urgently needed to maintain efficacy of Bt toxins in transgenic crops.  相似文献   

Currently most of the activities of state, federal, first nation, and private conservation agencies, including management of and field research on free-ranging wildlife, are not regulated under the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) and thus not subject to National Institutes of Health guidelines or routine institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) review. However, every day thousands of fish and wildlife management activities occur across North America that provide an opportunity to take observations, measurements, biological specimens, or samples that may have research value. Most of these opportunities are secondary to ongoing and often mandated wildlife management or conservation actions. Strange as it may seem to the academic and research community, the full research potentials of these opportunities are rarely utilized. IACUCs and research institutions should strive to facilitate such research, which by its very nature is often more opportunistic than designed. They can do this by ensuring that their policies do not unnecessarily impede the rapid research responses needed, or over burden researchers with inappropriate reporting requirements designed for laboratory research. The most prominent reasons for failures to utilize wildlife research opportunities include lack of the following: personnel and expertise to collect and use the information; preparation for inevitable (or predictable) events (e.g., oil spills); resources to preserve and curate specimens; a mandate to conduct research; and recognition of the value in data or sample collection. IACUC support of open protocols and generic sampling plans can go a long way toward improving the development of useful knowledge from animals that will otherwise be lost. Opportunities to sample wildlife are categorized generally as dead sampling (road kill surveys, harvest sampling, lethal collection, and "die-offs"); live sampling (handling for marking, relocation or restocking; and captures for field or biological studies); and crisis response (e.g., population salvage operations or oil spills). Examples of the many unique situations in each category serve to illustrate how valuable research and sampling can be accomplished opportunistically. Several unique limitations of sample collection situation are described. It is recommended that IACUCs have mechanisms in place to facilitate good research in all of these circumstances.  相似文献   

There is international recognition of the need for sustainable research ethics committees to provide ethical review of human subjects research in developing countries, but many developing countries do not have such committees (often called 'IRBs'). Theoretical and practical uncertainties encountered by an IRB on the Caribbean island of Grenada offer insight into ethical review of research in developing countries. Theoretical uncertainties include questions about whether means of ensuring confidentiality and obtaining informed consent will be effective in local settings, and whether deviations from Western norms are justifiable. International guidelines are helpful in addressing these concerns, but are subject to interpretation. Guidelines are less helpful in practical areas like selecting members or chairs. They do not address what sort of procedures and paperwork will work in a developing country, or IRBs' relationships to governments that have no mandate for them. Experiences presented here show that IRBs in developing countries can sustainably adhere to international standards. Sustainability requires knowledge, personal commitment, and an official mandate to uphold international standards. Capacity building must therefore focus on educational programs to make developing country leaders knowledgeable about the value of international guidelines to their nations. Such knowledge is needed before people will become motivated to promote, implement, and uphold the guidelines. People in developing countries must help design bridges to help their nations put international standards into practice. The structure of such bridges may, of necessity, vary in different settings.  相似文献   

With the development of genomic research technologies, comparative genome studies among vertebrate species are becoming commonplace for human biomedical research. Fish offer unlimited versatility for biomedical research. Extensive studies are done using these fish models, yielding tens of thousands of specific strains and lines, and the number is increasing every day. Thus, high-throughput sperm cryopreservation is urgently needed to preserve these genetic resources. Although high-throughput processing has been widely applied for sperm cryopreservation in livestock for decades, application in biomedical model fishes is still in the concept-development stage because of the limited sample volumes and the biological characteristics of fish sperm. High-throughput processing in livestock was developed based on advances made in the laboratory and was scaled up for increased processing speed, capability for mass production, and uniformity and quality assurance. Cryopreserved germplasm combined with high-throughput processing constitutes an independent industry encompassing animal breeding, preservation of genetic diversity, and medical research. Currently, there is no specifically engineered system available for high-throughput of cryopreserved germplasm for aquatic species. This review is to discuss the concepts and needs for high-throughput technology for model fishes, propose approaches for technical development, and overview future directions of this approach.  相似文献   

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