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Summary The external electric field strength required for electrical hemolysis of human red blood cells depends sensitively on the composition of the external medium. In isotonic NaCl und KCl solutions the onset of electrical hemolysis is observed at 4 kV per cm and 50% hemolysis at 6 kV per cm, whereas increasing concentrations of phosphate, sulphate, sucrose, inulin and EDTA shift the onset and the 50% hemolysis-value to higher field strengths. The most pronounced effect is observed for inulin and EDTA. In the presence of these substances the threshold value of the electric field strength is shifted to 14 kV per cm. This is in contrast to the dielectric breakdown voltage of human red blood cells which is unaltered by these substances and was measured to be 1 V corresponding in the electrolytical discharge chamber to an external electric field strength of 2 to 3 kV per cm. On the other hand, dielectric breakdown of bovine red blood cell membranes occurs in NaCl solution at 4 to 5 kV per cm and is coupled directly with hemoglobin release. The electrical hemolysis of cells of this species is unaffected by the above substances with exception of inulin. Inulin suppressed the electrical hemolysis up to 15 kV per cm. The data can be explained by the assumption that the reflection coefficients of the membranes of these two species to bivalent anions and uncharged molecules are field-dependent to a different extent. This explanation implies that electrical hemolysis is a secondary process of osmotic nature induced by the reversible permeability change of the membrane (dielectric breakdown) in response to an electric field. This view is supported by the observation that the mean volumes of ghost cells obtained by electrical hemolysis can be changed by changing the external phosphate concentration during hemolysis and resealing, or by subjecting the cells to a transient osmotic stress immediately after the electrical hemolysis step. An interesting finding is that the breakdown voltage, although constant throughout each normally distributed ghost size distribution, increases with increasing mean volume of the ghost populations.  相似文献   

Red blood cells from the trout Salmo irideus contain several hemoglobin components that are prone to oxidation with production of oxygen radicals. The rate of hemolysis has been correlated to the extent of methemoglobin formation. A difference in the rate of hemolysis between red blood cells saturated with either CO or O2 was evident only when diminished glutathione peroxidase activity was observed. These results confirm the important role of this enzyme in providing protection against or repair of oxidative damage to the red cell membrane.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity among dog red blood cells   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A phthalate density-separation technique has been used to study the heterogeneity of dog red blood cells that becomes manifest when they are suspended in KCl media. It is demonstrated that the proportions of cells that separate into light and dense fractions can be varied by altering the tonicity of the KCl medium. This results from the fact that the Na and K permeabilities of each cell are continuous functions of cell volume. It was found that quinidine inhibits selectively the volume dependence of Na permeability. In the presence of this drug, the heterogeneity demonstrated by KCl incubation disappears. The notion that dog red blood cells are heterogeneous in their permeabilities to Na and K is thus upheld, but the heterogeneity is not an abruptly discontinuous one, as has been claimed. A sample of dog blood does not contain two discrete populations of red cells.  相似文献   

The external electric field strength required for electrical hemolysis of human red blood cells depends sensitively on the composition of the external medium. In isotonic NaCl und KCl solutions the onset of electrical hemolysis is observed at 4 kV per cm and 50 per cent hemolysis at 6 kV per cm, whereas increasing concentrations of phosphate, sulphate, sucrose, inulin and EDTA shift the onset and the 50 per cent hemolysis-value to higher field strengths. The most pronounced effect is observed for inulin and EDTA. In the presence of these substances the threshold value of the electric field strength is shifted to 14 kV per cm. This is in contrast to the dielectric breakdown voltage of human red blood cells which is unaltered by these substances and was measured to be approximately 1 V corresponding in the electrolytical discharge chamber to an external electric field strength of 2 to 3 kV per cm. On the other hand, dielectric breakdown of bovine red blood cell membranes occurs in NaCl solution at 4 to 5 kV per cm and is coupled directly with hemoglobin release. The electrical hemolysis of cells of this species is unaffected by the above substances with exception of inulin. Inulin suppressed the electrical hemolysis up to 15 kV per cm. The data can be explained by the assumption that the reflection coefficients of the membranes of these two species to bivalent anions and uncharged molecules are field-dependent to a different extent. This explanation implies that electrical hemolysis is a secondary process of osmotic nature induced by the reversible permeability change of the membrane (dielectric breakdown) in response to an electric field. This view is supported by the observation that the mean volumes of ghost cells obtained by electrical hemolysis can be changed by changing the external phosphate concentration during hemolysis and resealing, or by subjecting the cells to a transient osmotic stress immediately after the electrical hemolysis step. An interesting finding is that the breakdown voltage, although constant throughout each normally distributed ghost size distribution, increases with increasing mean volume of the ghost populations.  相似文献   

Role of calcium in volume regulation by dog red blood cells   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Dog red blood cells (RBC) are shown to regulate their volume in anisosmotic media. Extrusion of water from osmotically swollen cells requires external calcium and is associated with net outward sodium movement. Accumulation of water by osmotically shrunken cells is not calcium dependent and is associated with net sodium uptake. Net movements of calcium are influenced by several variables including cell volume, pH, medium sodium concentration, and cellular sodium concentration. Osmotic swelling of cells increases calcium permeability, and this effect is diminished at acid pH. Net calcium flux in either direction between cells and medium is facilitated when the sodium concentrations is low in the compartment from which calcium moves and/or high in the compartment to which calcium moves. The hypothesis is advanced that energy for active sodium extrusion in dog RBC comes from passive, inward flow of calcium through a countertransport mechanism.  相似文献   

Desferrioxamine protects human red blood cells from hemin-induced hemolysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hemin binding to red cell membranes, its effect on red cell hemolysis, and it interaction with desferrioxamine (DFO) in these processes were investigated. DFO interacted with hemin via the iron moiety. Blockage of the binding groups in DFO prevented interaction of DFO with hemin, implying the importance of the hydroxamic acid groups in DFO-hemin interactions. Since hemolysis is a result of hemin association with the membrane components, its binding in the presence and absence of DFO was studied. DFO strongly inhibited hemin-induced lysis in a concentration-dependent manner. With 50 microM hemin, 1 mM DFO completely inhibited lysis. Preincubation of ghost membranes with DFO (1 mM) inhibited binding of hemin (50 microM) to membranes by 42%. After ghost membranes were preincubated with hemin (50 microM), the addition of DFO (1 mM) removed 20% of the membrane-bound hemin. It is suggested that DFO may have an important role in alleviating the hemin-induced deleterious effects on the red cell membrane, especially in hemolytic anemias associated with unstable, autoxidized hemoglobins.  相似文献   

1. When dog red blood cells are shrunken or swollen, transport pathways are activated that do not function discernibly when the cell is at normal volume. Swelling the cells turns on two pathways, a Ca-Na exchanger and a Cl-dependent K pathway. 2. Shrinking the cells activates a Na-H antiporter. 3. The passive net flow of ions through these transporters is in such a direction as to correct the perturbation of cell volume: when the cell water content has returned to normal, the transporters turn off. 4. Recently we have investigated agents that can lock or fix the volume-responsive transporters in the activated state. Na-H exchange, for example, can be fixed in the on position with either glutaraldehyde or N-phenylmaleimide. 5. Ca-Na exchange can be locked on by the sulfhydryl-oxidizing agent, diamide. We have used these effects to investigate the relationships between cell volume and the transport mechanisms. 6. It is possible, for instance, to distinguish whether certain inhibitors act on the transporters per se or on the apparatus that perceives cell volume and communicates with the transporters. 7. Furthermore, in the case of the Ca-Na exchanger some indication of the membrane polypeptides involved in volume regulation has been possible, using radioactive compounds that bind covalently to sulfhydryl groups.  相似文献   

Sodium and calcium movements in dog red blood cells   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Determinants of 45Ca influx, 45Ca efflux, and 22Na efflux were examined in dog red blood cells. 45Ca influx is strongly influenced by the Na concentration on either side of the membrane, being stimulated by intracellular Na and inhibited by extracellular Na. A saturation curve is obtained when Ca influx is plotted as a function of medium Ca concentration. The maximum Ca influx is a function of pH (increasing with greater alkalinity) and cell volume (increasing with cell swelling). Quinidine strongly inhibits Ca influx. Efflux of 45Ca is stimulated by increasing concentrations of extracellular Na. 22Na efflux is stimulated by either Ca or Na in the medium, and the effects of the two ions are mutually exclusive rather than additive. Quinidine inhibits Ca-activated 22Na efflux. The results are considered in terms of a model for Ca-Na exchange, and it is concluded that the system shows many features of such a coupled ion transport system. However, the stoichiometric ratio between Ca influx and Ca-dependent Na efflux is highly variable under different experimental conditions. Because the Ca fluxes may reflect a combination of ATP-dependent, outward transport and Na-linked passive movements, the true stoichiometry of an exchanger may not be ascertainable in the absence of a specific Ca pump inhibitor. The meaning of these observations for Ca-dependent volume regulation by dog red blood cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Primaquine, an 8-aminoquinoline, and chloroquine, a 4-aminoquinoline, both stimulate ATP hydrolysis in human red blood cells incubated in the absence of glucose. In the presence of glucose, ATP levels are partially maintained by increased flux of glucose through glycolysis. Glucose dependence of chloroquine uptake and the activity of primaquine as a redox reagent explain quantitative differences in ATP hydrolysis and accumulation of specific glycolytic products.  相似文献   

Shrinkage of dog red blood cells (RBC) activates a Na transport pathway that is Cl dependent, amiloride sensitive, and capable of conducting Na- proton counterflow. It is possible to establish transmembrane gradients for either Na or protons and to demonstrate that each cation species can drive reciprocal movements of the other. The nature of the coupling between Na and proton movements was investigated using the fluorescent probe diS-C3(5) and also by an indirect method in which K movements through valinomycin channels were used to draw inferences about the membrane potential. No evidence was found to suggest that the Na-proton pathway activated by shrinkage of dog RBC is a conductive one. By exclusion, it is presumed that the coupling between the counterflow of Na and protons is electroneutral. The volume-activated Na-proton fluxes in dog RBC have certain properties that distinguish them from similar transport pathways in other cell types.  相似文献   

Summary Previous use of hemolysis time measurement to determine permeability coefficients for the red blood cell membrane rested on the assumption that cells swelling in a hypotonic medium hemolyzed immediately on reaching critical volume. By preswelling red cells to various volumes prior to immersion in hemolytic solutions we extrapolate to the hemolysis time of red cells immersed at critical volume and thereby find a significant period of time during which the cells apparently remain in a spherical form prior to release of hemoglobin. Revised estimates of permeability coefficients follow from including this spherical (nonswelling) phase. In addition, the appreciation of a characteristic time period during which the membrane is under tension provides new opportunity to study physical and chemical properties of the membrane.Presented in part at the 1974 joint meeting of the Biophysical Society and the American Society of Biological Chemists.  相似文献   

Summary Anti-L serum prepared by immunization of a high-potassium-type (HK) (blood type MM) sheep with blood from a low-potassium-type (LK) (blood type ML) sheep contained an antibody which stimulated four- to sixfold K+-pump influx in LK (LL) sheep red cells. In long-termin vitro incubation experiments, LK sheep red cells sensitized with anti-L showed a net increase in K+ after two days of incubation at 37°C, whereas HK-nonimmune (NI)-serum-treated control cells lost K+. The antibody could be absorbed by LK (LL) sheep red cells but not by HK sheep red cells. Kinetic experiments showed that the concentration of external K+ ([K+]0) required to produce halfmaximum stimulation of the pump ([Na+]0=0, replaced by Mg++) was the same (0.25 mM) in L-antiserum-treated or untreated LK cells. LK cells with different [K+]i (Na+ replacement) were prepared by the p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonate (PCMBS) method. At [K+]0=5 mM, pump influx decreased as [K+]i increased from 1 to 70 mM in L-antiserum-treated LK cells, whereas LK cells treated with HK-NI-serum ceased to pump at [K+]i=35 mM. Exposure to anti-L serum produced an almost twofold increase in the number of pump sites of LK cells as measured by the binding of tritiated ouabain by LK sheep red cells. These findings indicate that the formation of a complex between the L-antigen and its antibody stimulates active transport in LK sheep red cells both by changing the kinetics of the pump and by increasing the number of pump sites.  相似文献   

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