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Summary This review examines the mechanism of translocation of cytoplasmically synthesized proteins into mitochondria. Approximately 10% of the mitochondrial proteins are synthesized within the organelles while most mitochondrial proteins are coded for by nuclear genes and synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes. Those mitochondrial proteins synthesized on cytoplasmic ribosomes have to be transferred at some point into one of the mitochondrial compartments, a process which would require their insertion through one or both mitochondrial membranes. Data accumulated during the past five years indicate that the cytoplasmically synthesized mitochondrial proteins are synthesized on free polysomes then released into the cytoplasm. Most of the proteins examined so far are synthesized in the cytoplasm as larger precursors whose conformations may differ from the conformations of their respective mature forms. These precursor proteins become translocated into mitochondrial post-translationally and processed to their mature forms either during or immediately following translocation into the organelles. The translocation step appears to require mitochondrial ATP. Some processing activities have been localized in the matrix fractions of mitochondria from liver and yeast and they appear to be associated with soluble endopeptidases which act selectively on precursors of mitochondrial proteins. Although it is not clear how the precursor proteins interact with or recognize mitochondrial membranes, studies in yeast indicate that the interactions occur at specific regions on the outer mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   

Formation of a multicellular organism is a complex process involving differentiation and morphogenesis. During early vertebrate development, the radial symmetric organization of the egg is transferred into a bilateral symmetric organism with three distinct body axes: anteroposterior (AP), dorsoventral, and left–right. Due to cellular movements and proliferation, the body elongates along the AP axis. How are these processes coupled? Two recent publications now indicate that cell migration as well as orientated cell divisions contribute to axis elongation. The processes are coupled through the planar cell polarity pathway. 1 At the same time, the AP axis is patterned independently of convergent extension. This process, however, is required for cell migration and represents a cue for polarized cell motility during gastrulation. Thus, it is AP polarity that instructs individual cells how to orientate with respect to the embryonic axis and provides positional information for the process of convergent extension. 2 BioEssays 26:1272–1275, 2004. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Odde D 《Cell》2011,144(3):325-326
Cells of all shapes and sizes are able to calculate the location of their middles in order to divide into two during mitosis. Minc et?al. (2011) and Gibson et?al. (2011) now show that simple mechanical models accurately predict cleavage-plane positioning, and that geometrical interactions between neighboring cells are sufficient to generate ordered patterns of mitosis in growing epithelia.  相似文献   

The insertion of newly synthesized proteins into the outer membrane of Escherichia coli has been examined. The results show that there is no precurser pool of outer membrane proteins in the cytoplasmic membrane because first, the incorporation of a [35S]methionine pulse into outer membrane proteins completely parallels its incorporation into cytoplasmic membrane proteins, and second, under optimal isolation conditions, no outer membrane proteins are found in the cytoplasmic membrane, even when the membranes are analysed after being labeled for only 15 s. The [35S]methionine present in the outer membrane after a pulse of 15 s was found in protein fragments of varying sizes rather than in specific outer membrane proteins. This label could however be chased into specific proteins within 30--120 s, depending on the size of the protein, indicating that although unfinished protein fragments were present in the outer membrane, they were completed by subsequent chain elongation. Thus, outer membrane proteins are inserted into the outer membrane while still attached to ribosomes. Since ribosomes which are linked to the cell envelope by nascent polypeptide chains are stationary, the mRNA which is being translated by these ribosomes moves along the inner cell surface.  相似文献   

The insertion of newly synthesized proteins into the outer membrane of Escherichia coli has been examined. The results show that there is no precursor pool of outer membrane proteins in the cytoplasmic membrane because first, the incorporation of a [35S]methionine pulse into outer membrane proteins completely parallels its incorporation into cytoplasmic membrane proteins, and second, under optimal isolation conditions, no outer membrane proteins are found in the cytoplasmic membrane, even when the membranes are analysed after being labeled for only 15 s.The [35S]methionine present in the outer membrane after a pulse of 15 s was found in protein fragments of varying sizes rather than in specific outer membrane proteins. This label could however be chased into specific proteins within 30–120 s, depending on the size of the protein, indicating that although unfinished protein fragments were present in the outer membrane, they were completed by subsequent chain elongation.Thus, outer membrane proteins are inserted into the outer membrane while still attached to ribosomes. Since ribosomes which are linked to the cell envelope by nascent polypeptide chains are stationary, the mRNA which is being translated by these ribosomes moves along the inner cell surface.  相似文献   

Chaperone-assisted folding of newly synthesized proteins in the cytosol   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The way in which a newly synthesized polypeptide chain folds into its unique three-dimensional structure remains one of the fundamental questions in molecular biology. Protein folding in the cell is a problematic process and, in many cases, requires the assistance of a network of molecular chaperones to support productive protein foldingin vivo. During protein biosynthesis, ribosome-associated chaperones guide the folding of the nascent polypeptide emerging from the ribosomal tunnel. In this review we summarize the basic principles of the protein-folding process and the involved chaperones, and focus on the role of ribosome-associated chaperones. Our discussion emphasizes the bacterial Trigger Factor, which is the best studied chaperone of this type. Recent advances have determined the atomic structure of the Trigger Factor, providing new, exciting insights into the role of ribosome-associated chaperones in co-translational protein folding.  相似文献   

During neural development, neurons from downstream, presynaptic regions of the nervous system (such as the retina) send spatially patterned axonal projections to upstream, target regions (the tectum or superior colliculus). A servomechanism model has been proposed to explain the pattern and time-course of axonal growth between these two regions [Honda, H., 1998. Topographic mapping in the retinotectal projection by means of complementary ligand and receptor gradients: a computer simulation study. J. Theor. Biol., 192, 235-246]. Here, we show that a modification of this model incorporating a different criterion for axonal decision-making, called the local optimum rule, is guaranteed to converge to a topographic map under a wide range of conditions encountered during neural development. A theoretical investigation of these conditions leads to new hypotheses regarding map formation.  相似文献   

The change in shape of the C. elegans embryo from an ovoid ball of cells into a worm-shaped larva is driven by three events within the cells of the hypodermis (epidermis): (1) intercalation of two rows of dorsal cells, (2) enclosure of the ventral surface by hypodermis, and (3) elongation of the embryo. While the behavior of the hypodermal cells involved in each of these processes differs dramatically, it is clear that F-actin and microtubules have essential functions in each of these processes, whereas contraction of actomyosin structures appears to be involved specifically in elongation. Molecular analysis of these processes is revealing components specific to C. elegans as well as components found in other systems. Since C. elegans hypodermal cells demonstrate dramatically different behaviors during intercalation, enclosure and elongation, the study of cytoskeletal dynamics in these processes may reveal both unique and conserved activities during distinct epithelial morphogenetic movements. BioEssays 23:12-23, 2001.  相似文献   

We have characterized a pre-Golgi, proteolytic pathway for rapid degradation of newly synthesized T cell receptor (TCR) subunits which is insensitive to drugs that block lysosomal proteolysis. The site of degradation in this pathway is either part of or closely related to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This "ER" degradative pathway very likely plays an important role in many cells in the removal of unassembled or incompletely assembled membrane protein complexes from the secretory pathway. It is the sole pathway followed by TCR alpha chains and alpha-beta complexes in transfected fibroblasts. In T cells treated with ionophores, which disrupt transport of the TCR from the ER to the Golgi, all newly synthesized alpha, beta, and delta chains are destroyed by this pathway. A variety of biochemical and morphological techniques have been used to distinguish the "ER" degradative pathway from an alternative, lysosomal pathway.  相似文献   

Summary The mobilization of newly synthesized 18S and 28S rRNAs, 4S RNA and poly(A)+ RNA into polysomes was studied in isolated cells ofXenopus laevis embryos between cleavage and neurula stages. Throughout these stages, 4S RNA and poly(A)+ RNA were mobilized immediately following their appearance in the cytoplasm. 18S rRNA however, stayed in the ribosomal subunit fraction for about 30 min until the 28S rRNA appeared, when the two rRNAs were mobilized together at an equimolar ratio. This mobilization, at a 1:1 molar ratio, appeared to be realized at initiation monome formation. Thus, the efficiency of the mobilization of two newly synthesized rRNAs, shortly after their arrival at the cytoplasm, differed considerably but difference disappeared once steady state was reached.The contribution of newly synthesized 18S and 28S rRNAs to polysomes remains small throughout early development. around 3% of newly synthesized 4S RNA is polysomal which is the same distribution observed for unlabeled 4S RNA. Less than 10% of the newly synthesized cytoplasmic poly(A)+ RNA was mobilized into polysomes during cleavage, but in later stages the proportion increased to around 20%–25%. These results show that newly synthesized RNAs are utilized for protein synthesis at characteristic rates soon after they are synthesized during early embryonic development. On the basis of the data presented here and elsewhere we discuss quantitative aspects of the utilization of newly synthesized and maternal RNAs during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

As a part of our studies on the folding of glycoproteins in the ER, we analyzed the fate of viral glycoproteins that have misfolded either spontaneously or through inhibition of N-linked glycosylation. Newly synthesized Semliki Forest virus spike glycoproteins E1 and p62 and influenza hemagglutinin were studied in infected and transfected tissue culture cells. Misfolded proteins aggregated in less than 1 min after release from polysomes and aberrant interchain disulfide bonds were formed immediately. When more than one protein was misfolded, mixed aggregates were generated. This indicated that the formation of complexes was nonspecific, random, and not restricted to products from single polysomes. The size of the aggregates varied from small oligomers to complexes of several million daltons. BiP was associated noncovalently with the aggregates and with some of the nonaggregated products. We conclude that aggregation reflects the poor solubility of incompletely folded polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

Many integral membrane proteins exist on the plasma membrane as part of multicomponent complexes. In addition to correctly transporting newly synthesized proteins from their site of synthesis in the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane, the cell must possess mechanisms to ensure that the complexes expressed on the cell surface are accurately assembled. The cell appears to accomplish this feat by superimposing a set of constraints on the newly synthesized membrane proteins whereby the structure and state of assembly of the protein determine its intracellular fate. These processes impose a dramatic level of post-translational regulation on the expression of surface membrane protein complexes. By and large, the cell uses these mechanisms to dispose of, or "edit out," newly synthesized proteins that are not correctly assembled or folded. This review will describe current views of the processes of architectural editing, with an emphasis on the regulation of cell surface expression of the multicomponent T-cell antigen receptor complex.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of the independent β-galactoside and β-glueoside transport systems of Escherichia coli K12 has been studied using an unsaturated fatty acid auxotroph. The response of transport rate to temperature was determined for cells grown with different fatty acid supplements. A change in the slope of an Arrhenius plot for transport rate was obtained at transition temperatures unique for each of the five fatty acid supplements tested. Both of the transport systems studied here had identical transition temperatures when the cells were grown with the same fatty acid supplement, indicating that the transport temperature characteristics are determined primarily by the properties of the lipid phase of the membrane.  相似文献   

Zona-free hamster eggs have been fertilized in vitro with boar spermatozoa in a medium enriched by arginine-3H and the sites of localization of newly synthesized arginine-3H–labeled proteins have been investigated using fine-structure autoradiography. It was confirmed that such proteins are synthesized during fertilization and that they accumulate to a notable degree in decondensing sperm chromatin as well as in the chromatin of the female pronucleus and also of the second polar body. A similar process did evidently take place also in defective pronuclei, characterized by a core of a still condensed chromatin and by remaining nuclear membrane. In such male pronuclei the highest concentration of the label was seen just on the border of the condensed chromatin, on the expected site of nuclear protein exchange. It is supposed that, at least in this experimental system, any morphologically detectable sperm decondensation is accompanied immediately by a shift from sperm basic nuclear proteins to other nuclear proteins.  相似文献   

Tight regulation of protein translation drives the proteome to undergo changes under influence of extracellular or intracellular signals. Despite mass spectrometry–based proteomics being an excellent method to study differences in protein abundance in complex proteomes, analyzing minute or rapid changes in protein synthesis and abundance remains challenging. Therefore, several dedicated techniques to directly detect and quantify newly synthesized proteins have been developed, notably puromycin-based, bio-orthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging–based, and stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture–based methods, combined with mass spectrometry. These techniques have enabled the investigation of perturbations, stress, or stimuli on protein synthesis. Improvements of these methods are still necessary to overcome various remaining limitations. Recent improvements include enhanced enrichment approaches and combinations with various stable isotope labeling techniques, which allow for more accurate analysis and comparison between conditions on shorter timeframes and in more challenging systems. Here, we aim to review the current state in this field.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) proteins are essential proteins of DNA metabolism. We characterized the binding of the bacteriophage T4 SSB, Escherichia coli SSB, human replication protein A (hRPA), and human hSSB1 proteins onto model miniforks and double-stranded-single-stranded (ds-ss) junctions exposing 3' or 5' ssDNA overhangs. T4 SSB proteins, E. coli SSB proteins, and hRPA have a different binding preference for the ss tail exposed on model miniforks and ds-ss junctions. The T4 SSB protein preferentially binds substrates with 5' ss tails, whereas the E. coli SSB protein and hRPA show a preference for substrates with 3' ss overhangs. When interacting with ds-ss junctions or miniforks, the T4 SSB protein, E. coli SSB protein, and hRPA can destabilize not only the ds part of a ds-ss junction but also the daughter ds arm of a minifork. The T4 SSB protein displays these unwinding activities in a polar manner. Taken together, our results position the SSB protein as a potential key player in the reversal of a stalled replication fork and in gap repair-mediated repetitive sequence expansion.  相似文献   

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